It Makes Sense in Context
May I electrocute his nipples now?
Whenever you try to explain a storyline to a friend, especially in Arc heavy shows, you often have to pepper your dialogue with a "Not Making This Up" Disclaimer.
When you watch a story from the beginning, when a major plot point happens you are often primed for it because of the events of the story that build to it. Then you try to explain it to your friends... which results in blank stares, because they weren't primed the whole story for it, no matter how well you describe it to them.
This is a phrase to use when describing a complicated story point, because really a person does not need to hear the history of Star Trek from the beginning to understand the use of a trope.
There is no need for examples (especially with spoiler tags) to become Fermat's Last Spoiler.
The reasons why this is needed can vary, quite often due to Continuity Lock Out, Mind Screw and/or a Kudzu Plot.
Look below for some helpful suggestions.
Effective example with Spoiler Tag use.
- Angel: While usually annoying the hell out of each other, Angel and Spike put aside their problems because Fred was dying from a demon infection. In order to save her they needed to access a sanctuary by fighting demons. While waiting, Spike and Angel held hands... It Makes Sense in Context, but still, fun with Ho Yay!
Sometimes you don't even need spoilers-
- Angel: A Hole in the World had Angel and Spike hold hands before facing an onslaught of demons. It Makes Sense in Context, but in any case, it was fuel for Ho Yay.
And you don't want your examples to look like this-
- Angel: A Hole In The World- Spike and Angel were having a heated argument detailing who would win "Astronauts vs. Caveman" that got so bad Angel began making preparations to send Spike off as a sort of "Wandering Agent" for Wolfram and Hart. Meanwhile, in the research lab a sarcophagus infected Fred with an ancient demon named Illyria. Once she was diagnosed, Angel and Spike quickly resolved their differences and headed to a repository of ancient demons that could possible save Fred. In order to gain entrance, they had to face an onslaught of demons. To show that they were friends now, Angel and Spike held hands while waiting, and was later revealed that Angel had a hidden a razor wire that they used against the demons. Ho Yay indeed!
See also Less Disturbing in Context, a closely related concept, and Makes Just as Much Sense in Context, the direct opposite of this.