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Homestuck/Characters/Unknown Trolls

A pair of aliens from another universe who are in contact with the Post-Scratch Kids. They are planning to create a two player session.

Tropes applying to both

  • After the End: It's hinted by uu that the world they come from is dead, a "DESOLATE ROCK" with a "HuNDRED BILLION CORPSES FERTILIZING THE SOIL." On the other hand, this could refer instead to the immediate future of their world after Sburb starts.
  • Alternate Universe: Thanks to WEIRD TIME SHIT, this lets uranianUmbra treat the events of the A1, A2, B1, B2 chain of universes as ancient history / legend and as events taking place at the same time. undyingUmbrage is presumed to be from the same universe.
  • Ascended Fanon: A thirteenth "Ophiuchus" troll with the tag UU has been speculated since Act 3 when the Trolls were revealed. Could potentially be an I Knew It!, as Act 6 has been planned out in advance since Act 4 at least.
    • Take That, Audience!: There are two trolls with the tag UU and Ophiuchus-related symbolism, which was done to deliberately avoid validating any fan theory.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: They seem to be trolls, so it comes with the territory.

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">oUr ancestors precede Us by millenia.
  • Expy: uranianUmbra functions really as a mixture of Jade and Karkat, in that she's an alien, but still a kindly Oracular Urchin. This is seemingly intentional; her computer's symbol contains both green and grey. undyingUmbrage seems to more directly emulate Karkat, some of Terezi's early chatlogs, and Gamzee.
    • Word of God has stated that UU is the obnoxious fandom avatar character while uu is the 'I don't get Homestuck' character.
    • Lighter and Softer / Darker and Edgier: UU is a lighter version of Karkat, uu is a darker version, literally even! Their chat colors are are lighter and darker than Karkat's respectively.
  • Good Counterpart: Although they weren't exactly evil, UU is basically a kind counterpart to the trolls. Even her communication program indicates this -- she's not trolling, she's cheering!
    • Evil Counterpart: undyingUmbrage though is just mean, and his communication program indicates this -- he's not trolling, he's jeering, and he's looking forward to the chance to kill UU when the game starts.
  • Meta Guy: uranianUmbra is basically a reference to MSPA's fandom, while undyingUmbrage is basically a reference to its anti-fandom. They lampshade a lot of things, including UU's own exposition and the colors of the pesterlogs.
  • Off the Rails: What little that has been seen of their session is incredibly bizarre and doesn't correspond to any other session: Dersites wear white while Prospitians wear black, and Skaia has clouded over and become stormy.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: UU and uu. One is kind and "cheers;" the other threatens and "jeers." One is a huge fangirl of the game and the human players; the other professes to hate it all. Their typing quirks are also a mirror of each other -- all lower case bUt U's or ALL uPPER CASE BuT u's, and to both confuse and reinforce the trope, UU considers uu a brother, but uu thinks that human concept is insulting and refuses to consider UU his sister. This even extends to their blood colors and the Fantastic Racism attached to it: she's lime green, a blood type so powerful they were hunted to extinction; he's cherry red, a rare mutation.
  • Stealth Pun: There are two UUs, or two double u's, ie, WW.
    • UU is the fandom avatar, uu is the anti-fandom avatar. In other words, they're u!
  • Theme Naming: All of the other handles have initials that correspond to the base patterns of DNA (except John when he changed his handle). Their shared initials come from uracil, a base pattern in RNA (which replaces thymine). Both of them have the word "Umbra" in their names, which is used to refer to the deepest and closest shadows cast by celestial bodies, which may also tie into the fact that they consider the human sessions to be mythological, as historically, celestial bodies were considered gods.
  • What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: In universe, they've been associated with the symbols associated with Karkat, as well showcasing exaggerated aspects his personality.
    • Together, UU and uu's text colors (#929292 and #323232) average together to be Karkat's (#626262). Their symbols contain candy red for uu and lime green for UU, which are Karkat's blood color and where his blood color would be in the order the trolls are listed in, if he had a normal blood color (ie, between Sollux's mustard and Nepeta's forest green), in addition to lighter and darker shades of grey. These colors are their blood colors as well.
  • Wild Mass Guessing: They inspired a lot of it. A lot of it, so much so that the bulk of the Jossed section for the B2 Session WMG page are disproven theories on uranianUmbra's identity.


A seemingly kindhearted and affectionate alien girl from another universe.

She cheers Jane and her friends on in their quest. She claims to be beginning a session of her own, and somehow knows what is going to happen to Jane and her friends. This includes knowing about the existence of the two human universes and the two troll universes. She seemingly has this knowledge via her own cloud visions on Prospit and research on Sburb. She also helped create the cyborg bunny, giving Jake the captcha codes for its weapons. It's also revealed she sent the chat program to Dirk and Roxy that allowed them to contact Jane and Jake in the past.

She has a program similar to Trollian and/or a terminal similar to the Exiles' that allows her to view the B2 Kids, up until a certain point in the future when Roxy blacks out the entire session. She has implicitly said she is a troll and is shown with grey skin and yellow horns. Her blood color is lime green; however her comments about parents do not seem to directly line up with known Troll reproduction. She is unfamiliar with humans, and has no idea how they reproduce as well as extrapolating troll traits like blood color onto them.

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">commUnicates Using lower case except for the letter U

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">Uses stUpid-looking emoticons ^u^ <and emotes!>

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">and Uses faUx british phrases sometimes too love
  • Ambiguously Evil: The possible snake foreshadowing, and the clear withholding of truth makes it kind of hard to trust her. On the other hand, her stated reasons are benign, and she promises it all will end well.
    • Calmasis, a character considered by most to be a Shout-Out to the fan speculation about UU, is associated with snakes and is an antagonist. UU is eventually revealed to be wearing a jacket with the same colors as Calmasis.
      • Not to mention the Caduceus is associated with deceit and lies amongst other things.
      • And healing, for that matter, while Calmasis is also noted as an antihero. So really, emphasis on the "ambiguous" part.
    • With the introduction of her brother, the Obviously Evil undyingUmbrage, it would seem that she is probably not evil after all, although Hussie could still surprise us.
  • Ambiguous Gender: The use of the word Uranian [1] in her chumhandle led people to speculate this, but UU has since consistently referred to herself as female and her class in Sburb apparently is a female exclusive class, so canonically UU seems to be pretty concretely a girl. Andrew however referenced the speculation with Calmasis, who is antagonistic, associated with snakes, and incredibly androgynous.
  • Animal Motifs: Snakes. Considering the influence The Bible has on the mythology of the B2 Session, this may prove to not be a good thing.
  • Ascended Fangirl / One of Us: Just as how all the trolls represent common internet archetypes, UU represents the MSPA fanbase. She's read about all the kids, made fanart of Dirk (and Cal) as the Prince(s) of Heart, and written fanfiction that she's embarrassed to share.
    • She also enjoys speculating about them, though admits the fanfiction is something she enjoys more, reflecting that theorizing is less popular than the absolute deluge of fanworks.
    • She also represents the fans that try to get other people to read Homestuck, even if they have no interest in it.
  • British English: Most noticeable in her terms of affection and use of words like coloUr.
    • This is probably just to give her more of an excuse to use the letter U more.
    • Antiquated Linguistics: A few of her Stock British Phrases are anachronistic sounding.
    • Aliens of London: Lampshaded by Dirk and UU herself. Her "quirk" is learned behavior, which is why she wasn't quite sure about how she used the phrase "Bob's your uncle," not actually knowing what an uncle is.
  • Call Back:
    • Her debut conversation starts out very much like Karkat's debut conversation, except she's actually nice to Jane.
    • At one point Jade tells Karkat that if he was nicer to her she would have believed what he was saying. Jane specifically says that UU's niceness is what makes her somewhat more believable.
    • Her refusal to ruin things before the Kids reach them smacks heavily of Jade's own philosophy up through Act 5.
    • Her fanart is titled "dirkisthisyoU" - a reference to Terezi's drawings.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Jake mentions here that someone had to twist his arm to get him working on the bunny. When UU talks to Jake, she mentions giving him "more arm twisting", revealing that Jake was referring to her.
  • Dissonant Serenity: It's clear she has more of an idea of what's going on than other characters in Act 6. Thing is, though, she tends to talk about such things rather casually.
    • Although it's starting to fall off as the story goes along, due to uu's increasing death threats, and Skaia showing nothing but storm clouds.
  • The Faceless: So far we've only seen her hands, horns, and possibly her hair.
  • False Reassurance: Sburb is most certainly not something to look forward to, especially the B2 Session, which is already shaping up to be bloody.
    • Alternately, she's The Pollyanna, ignoring most of the hardship in favor of looking on the bright side.
  • Fandom Nod: Fanart commonly depicts UU as looking like Calmasis with troll horns. Hussie acknowledged this through cosplay.
  • I Knew It!: Everyone correctly guessed that UU is a lime blooded troll, confirmed here.
  • Last of Her Kind: According to her, limebloods used to be very common, but they were hunted to extinction due to their powers.
  • Manipulative (Possible) Bastard: UU is definitely not telling Jane the whole truth, but whether or not that is born of ill intentions is unknown as of yet.
    • Man Behind the Man: Regardless of her intentions, UU is the true person who initiated the creation of the Cyborg Bunny, and with all the session breaking responsibility that entails.
    • It seems that one of the reasons she doesn't tell everything is because she doesn't know much beyond the beginning and the end of the session due to Roxy blacking it all out with her Void powers.
  • Meaningful Name: The "uranian" may refer to Uranian astrology. It has a number of other possible definitions as well. Umbra usually refers to the deepest part of a shadow cast by a celestial body; taken literally her name means "The shadow cast by Uranus"
    • The hex code for her chat color is #929292. 92 is the atomic number of Uranium.
      • When matched with Karkat's #626262, there's a reference to the Sufferer's sym69l. It's eventually revealed she has half of the Sufferer's sym69l as a cufflink on her left sleeve.
  • Ms. Exposition: Explains about Sburb titles, and seemingly has spent time researching them.
  • No Name Given:

<span style=" color:

  1. 1f9400;">GT: When do i get to learn your name by the way?

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">UU: hm trUthfUlly?

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">UU: it may be for the best that yoU never know it.

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">UU: it coUld stir Up some things best left in their present eqUilibriUm.
    • It's later revealed she can't because it is against the rules of the game between her and uu.
  • Oracular Urchin: Another Prospit dreamer who awakened before the game. UU also has the ability to communicate across the timeline like the trolls can but is doing so before entering the Medium. UU knows that the B2!Kids will meet the B1!Kids and promises that together they will escape the influence of the Green Sun and build a safe future for their descendants.
    • She also knows a surprising amount about Sburb game mechanics before entering her own session, hinting that she's made a serious study of other sessions, and explains much about Sburb classes & aspects to Roxy and Dirk.
  • Rage Breaking Point: uu's bending of the rules of Chess sends her beyond there, hitting the table and making her declare her (platonic) hatred for him.
  • Rage Quit: See above.
  • Ship Tease: She's acts British, so a lot of her lines come off as rather flirty.
  • The Smart Guy: Fits pretty well, and gets easily flummoxed by Roxy. She's apparently spent some time researching the B2 Session and the legendary figures (i.e. the players) of it, and knows quite a bit about Sburb titles.
  • Stealth Pun: Her symbol's (and blood) color is lime. "Limey" is old slang for Brits, particularly sailors.
    • UU is apparently a troll and a fan of the Sburb players. In other words, a fan troll (all of which were jokingly canonized by Word of God).
  • What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: Her computer's symbol is a combination of the Rod of Asclepius, a medical symbol associated with Ophiuchus, the 13th astrological sign in some versions of the Western Zodiac and the Caduceus, a symbol of commerce and negotiations associated with Mercury.
    • In universe it's complicated as well. It contains both Grey and Green, matching her Expy nature to Jade and Karkat. The lime portion of her symbol matches the color used for First Guardian powers and Uranium both. Limebloods are also the Troll caste in between Sollux and Nepeta, aka where Karkat would be if he had normal troll blood. What exactly this all means has yet to be shown.
      • The use of the Caduceus is also symbolic in universe, as Greco-Roman mythology influences the Denizens, amongst other things.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Maybe. She seems to wears a green suit with a red cufflink that is either a 6, 9, or half of the Cancer/Signless' symbol, which was suggested to be the case earlier when Andrew introduced Calmasis.


A second character with the initials UU (though pesterchum shows it as "uu"). uranianUmbra refers to him as her brother, though she admits he's not one in the human sense, and he denies it completely. Unlike uranianUmbra he is a rude, obnoxious jerk who constantly issues death threats. He is part of uranianUmbra's session as a Derse Dreamer. His blood color is cherry red, like Karkat.

<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uSES RuDE EMOTICONS LIKE tumut
  • Ambition Is Evil: Invoked. He thinks ambition is the only good human virtue, which serves to make him look more like a jerk.
  • Ascended Fanboy / One of Us: Inverted.
    • He represents anti-fans of Homestuck, particularly people who complain about being constantly told by fans to read the comic but don't find it enjoyable. For example, his vehement dislike of the colored pesterlogs refers to a common criticism about the comic. Due to the rest of his personality, he may serve as a Take That, Critics!.
    • He also represents much of the negativity of the Homestuck fandom, serving as a Take That, Audience!. His complaints about the kids wasting time refers to the fans who want the plot to move faster instead of having romance drama or humorous interludes.

<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: OH MY GOD. WHO CARES?

<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: AND EVERY TIME. I'M ALWAYS JuST...

<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: *GET THE FuCK ON WITH IT ALREADY.*
  • Ax Crazy: He's playing the game to kill, he plans on killing UU, and he's also threatening people with death.
    • It turns out that he has already killed his sister.
  • Bi the Way: Averted despite that being stereotypical for Trolls; uu is a heterosexual male, and is interested in female/female and male/female pairings but doesn't finds the idea of male/male pairings scandalous enough to get off on.
  • Blood Knight: He specifically wants the B2 Session to be about competition between the players, mainly because he enjoys the idea of bloodshed. When told by Dirk that the game may have assigned him a role that would pressure him into restraining his bloodlust, he blows off the idea.
  • British English: Maybe; he uses words like "banter" and "twit".
    • Evil Brit: If this is true, he probably qualifies for this trope too.
  • Call Back: uu's first conversation with Dirk, in which Dirk responds that he though uu was angling for him to draw more weird porn after uu acted like Jigsaw, is a reference to Hussie's insane "Cheerfulbear" Saw / Muppet Babies parody, previously referenced by Bro messing with Dave. It's also a call back to when Vriska interrupted John to tell him to get going because he'll be wasting time; turns out he was wasting time because he was talking to Vriska.
    • Later on he calls back a line from Karkat and a letter from Bro, both of which were previously called back by other characters. The strangest thing is that Dirk finds them both familiar.
  • Cassandra Truth / Jerkass Has a Point: He's completely correct about Lil' Cal being a bad omen. On the other hand, even if Bro took his advice and destroyed Cal it's unlikely that it would actually prevent anything.
  • Captain Ersatz: Has an apparent fondness for "puzzlemurders" ala Jigsaw or the Riddler.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: For one, his idea of porn is normal nonsexual romantic stuff.

<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: HAVE THE MALE EAT THE CHILD.

TT: What if your real quest is to put aside your differences and work together, if you want to both survive, and grow as a person?
<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: NO.

<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: NO. NO. NO.

<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: FuCK THAT SHIT.

<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: HuMAN FuCK IT SO MuCH. SO HARD, AND SO ANGRILY.
    • This ties into a common interpretation that uu is a Take That at fan-fictioners who want to write Karkat but lack the creativity to replicate the cornucopia of unique and customized ad-hoc insults and portmanteaus that characterize Karkat's dialog, and make up for it by just having him say "fuck" a lot.
  • Evil Laugh: After he reveals he killed his sister.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: His raw, knee-jerk hatred whips around from being mean to simply being funny.
  • Hot-Blooded: With red-hot blood too.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Expresses his hatred of long, meandering chatlogs in the form of a long, meandering chatlog where he's doing most of the talking. Lampshaded by Dirk:

TT: For someone who has such strong opinions about long winded people,
TT: You've kinda been talking my ear off. I do actually have shit to do.
<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: uGH.

<span style=" color:

  1. 323232;">uu: YEAH.

<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">UU: his passion for games transcends any hUman Understanding of love.

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">UU: for yoU to Understand it woUld be to fUlly comprehend the meaning of...

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">UU: how to pUt it.

<span style=" color:

  1. 00d5f2;">GG: Um.

<span style=" color:

  1. 00d5f2;">GG: Beauty?

<span style=" color:

  1. 929292;">UU: horror.
  • Meaningful Name: undyingUmbrage. Umbrage also means annoyance, or offense. Taken literally, his name could be interpreted as "Eternally annoyed" which describes him pretty well. Umbrage also has an archaic meaning of "shadow", connecting him to uranianUmbra.
  • Mood Whiplash: A funny scene where he wants Dirk to drawn "porn", but without any human sexuality, and just the relationship stuff, whiplashes when he decides that the scene of Roxy and Jake married with a baby isn't cutting it, and he wants a picture of Jake eating the baby. A few pages later, just as we're getting used to uu being unstable but harmless he reveals that he killed UU's dreamself.
  • Odd Name Out: The first person to have a non-uppercase chat handle.
  • Rules Lawyer: The king and queen are wearing each other's hats, but they're still the same pieces. No rules against decorating chess pieces, and even if there were, UU did it first. This, understandably, upsets her.
  • Take That, Audience!: His complaints about slow pacing were mocked by Dirk for uu actually causing the story to slow down, much like how the fandom complains about both the slow pace and detailed characterization of some characters being neglected for pacing issues.
  • Token Evil Teammate: He just wants to get into the game so he can "FuCK. SHIT. uP." That includes playing the game competitively instead of cooperatively and killing UU at the first chance.
  • Troll: The kind that says you suck and issues death threats.
  • The Voice: For now, we've only seen his texts, not what he looks like.
  • What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: undyingUmbrage's is a red tilde overlaying a capital U, which is a somewhat obscure symbol for Ophiuchus. U is used in ~ATH code as shorthand for Universe, and the shade of red matches Karkat's blood and the color used for the kids' universe. Taken together, the red tilde over a U can be said to resemble a universe bathed in blood, which reflects his Blood Knight attitude.

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  1. Of which one definition is an archaic term to refer to someone off the standard gender binary
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