< Homestuck



It's quite exquisite.

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


Act 4

  • Grampa gets one when he saves John and reveals he's not so dead after all. BLAM.
  • Rose v. Lime Ogre. STRIFE!
  • And now Dave is getting back in on the action. Appeared out of NOWHERE with a major level in badass and has already hit his fifth gate. For the record, John has only progressed past his first with Sequence Breaking. Of course, it becomes slightly less awesome when you realize this is like four months in his future. And it's a Bad Future.
    • Which is, in turn, slightly alleviated by the fact he can now Flash Step so quickly he can appear in three places at once. And he kills a Ruby Giclops in what we can only presume is ONE SWING.
    • Don't forget where he goes back in time to help himself andcreate the Davesprite, which is EPICNESS ON A STICK.
      • Basically, the right way to understand all of the above is that it isn't a CMOA for Dave that is somehow diminished by the mentioned extenuating circumstances. It's a completely legitimate CMOA and a badass origin story for Davesprite.
  • The big 4/13/10 update has definitely lived up to reader expectations: Jack Noir, having had enough of the stupid costumes that were forced on him, uses Jade's gift to John to tear the Black Queen to pieces, then takes her ring for himself. Meanwhile, Dad, Mom and Bro attack three of the largest and most powerful enemies yet encountered, and flatten them effortlessly.
    • And that's not even the update originally planned for 4/13.
  • Go Jade!
  • [S WV?: Rise up.]
    • Seriously, if you need a non-spoilery scene to prove to a potential reader how good Hussie can make his big scenes, this is it. By the time it makes sense they'll have forgotten it, but they won't be able to deny it looks cool as hell.
  • Andrew himself gets one for the 5/19 update wherein many babies are created. To clarify, he moved the day of the update and still got it up. And it was so amazing that within 20 minutes the host server began CRASHING. In 20 MINUTES. FOR A NON-FLASH UPDATE. This is also despite the fact he has upgraded his server numerous times.
    • He one upped it with the Act 5 opener. The servers crashed within FIVE. FUCKING. MINUTES. OF HIM POSTING IT.
  • [S John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter.]
  • [S Descend.] This was the original anniversary flash and it SHOWS.
    • Some moments which stand out include Bro cutting a meteor in half and Jack slaughtering both armies on Skaia singlehandedly (literally), followed by Bro dueling him to a standstill.
    • Dream Jade diving after Dream John, slapping him awake while falling to Skaia, and eventually throwing him out of danger and dying.
      • She take a fucking meteor for him!
        • It's actually the Moon of Prospit. That makes it even more awesome.
    • Dave ascending to his first gate.
    • Rose screws the rules and blows up her gate. Then flies off on her own.
    • Note that Bro cuts the red meteor in half...right before Dave's red EGG cracks.
  • Everything about this page for Rose, especially in conjunction with the events of [S] Descend that it put in proper context. Even aside from the Badass Boast of "No one can tell me our fate can't be repaired", there is also the sheer badassery of the way she ripped her walkthrough out of the Internet with magic and sealed it in a server in the Furthest Ring. And the casual comment immediately after that. And a sparkling magic signature that I'm pretty sure most normal people can't insert in their Gamefaqs walkthroughs.
    • And it ends up in the past, for Kanaya / grimAuxiliatrix to read. See Troll Rose above.
  • In this update, PM? demonstrates to us using the freakin' Hegemonic Brute why you should not fuck with the mail.
  • Check.
  • Another public servant makes a sacrifice. A citizen's safety, secured. Keep in mind the Aimless Renegade has never seen John or anyone like him before, does not know who, or how important, he is. And he gives up his own SWEET RIDE to save this stranger.

Act 5 Act 1

You try to be the white text guy, but fail to be the white text guy. No one can be the white text guy except for the white text guy.

  • All the Kids and presumably the trolls spend a while getting integrated with the game. Equius takes five minutes, AND THEN FUCKING JUMPS INTO HIS GATE. WHICH IS STILL HUNDREDS OF FEET IN THE AIR! AND PUNCHES A GIANT ENEMY'S HEAD OFF!!
    • He then reaches and enters his second gate on the very next page (hell, just figuring out where it is that fast should be an accomplishment, rather less reaching it). And whereas Davesprite pointed out that John's early crossing of his second gate before Rose had time to build up would've left him a pancake if he didn't have a jetpack, Equius wasn't even fazed by the drop.
    • One more testament to his strength: His lusus is supposedly one of the physically strongest types on the planet. Said lusus bruises when Equius pats him on the head and the boy laments that he seems to be made of glass. (Cue Orcus jokes)
  • Terezi's faux court case. At the end she offers the 'criminal' the old Two-Face coin toss to determine his innocence. It comes up heads. But Terezi had no intention of following through - she can't see the coin because she's blind.
  • Kanaya presents a floating reminder that Tavros will need plenty of inclined surfaces for his ascent.

<span style=" color:

  1. 004183;">AG: In the meantime, how a8out I serve my client player the way I think is 8est, and you can do the same for yours????????

<span style=" color:

  1. 008141;">GA: Hmm

<span style=" color:

  1. 008141;">GA: I Thought I Was
    • Vriska then makes it even more awesome. Instead of building ramps, she gets some rocket shoes. Tavros alchemizes a ROCKET CHAIR. His Leitmotif makes a lot more sense now.
  • Jack slicing himself...for good reasons, of course.
  • Aradia kissing Equius after ripping out the chip that made her love him.
  • Eridan's introduction is suitably awesome.
    • Well, it specifically says "Eridan: Do something awesome". Is Hussie trying to tell us that he reads this site?
      • Hes aware of TV Tropes existence and links TV Tropes casually on the forum.
    • And then it's revealed that it was someone's lusus.
  • Sollux sacrificing himself to get Feferi into the Medium. Crosses over with Tear Jerker, Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, and, well, everything else.
  • Sollux dies. But he then goes to his dreamself. But what's this? He is a special case, having two dreamselves. He then proceeds to blow up Clubs Deuce's exile ship, CENTURIES INTO THE FUTURE. BY GETTING ANGRY. He then shoots from Derse, to his Land, and that's it. Well, for now.
  • Nepeta lands a beheading x2 combo on a bicyclops prototyped ogre.
  • [S Make her pay.] For basically everyone involved.
    • Aradia and Vriska most especially. Everyone gets a nice little moment of badass, but it's mostly about Vriska either a) Mindcontrolling Terezi BY DOUBLE PROXY to stare into the sun or b) Getting the everloving shit kicked out of her BEATEN TO DEATH
      • And as a side note: the art is absolutely GORGEOUS.
    • And right after that:

DD: Atta girl.

Act 5 Act 2

<span style=" color:

  1. b536de;">TT: To do as much damage to the game as possible.

<span style=" color:

  1. b536de;">TT: To rip its stitches and pry answers from the seams.

<span style=" color:

  1. b536de;">TT: We will snatch purpose from the jaws of futility.

<span style=" color:

  1. b536de;">TT: Are you ready to wreak some havoc, John?

TG: bow down before your new king bitch

EOA 5 [S] Cascade

Yes, bitches, Cascade has a folder all to itself. That's how awesome it is.

  • Highlights include all four kids going Godtier, Jade shrinking planets into baubles for her to carry, and Bec Noir killing every exile but PM, who prototypes so she can face off with Jack.
  • John only appears for quite a short time, but his achievements are still remarkable. The Scratch is just about the most difficult thing to do in a session, kind of akin to an ultra hard, optional, marathon boss battle. And then you have to take into account that thanks to Bec's prototyping, some or most of the enemies are now brokenly strong. He took on every single thing the game could throw at him and WON.
  • Wait, wait, I think we do have to single out GOD TIER JADE JUGGLING PLANETS. JUGGLING. PLANETS.
  • How about when Bec Noir rages so hard he alters the borders of the flash?! This is arguably the moment when the audience knows that this is going to be amazing.
  • And right after, he obliterates two Universes, as Bec and Spades Slick.
  • We also have to single out Sollux steering the entire asteroid the trolls are on to the Green Sun. While blind. And also apparentely sacrificing himself in the process.
  • Dave and Rose's ascensions have to be clarified. More specifically, what they ascended out of: The Green Sun. That's right. They ascended through about a universe of plasma. They were both smoking and distorting like a First Guardian due to all of it, but God Tier immortality doesn't give two shits about little injuries like that.
  • Jade broke the fourth wall. You can't get better than that! (...This is a lot more impressive in-comic.)
  • Special mention goes to Doc Scratch, for making everyone think he was trying to help destroy the Green Sun...when in fact he was manipulating them into creating it. S u c k e r s. What's amazing is that if you look at his conversations with Rose he's still not lying (except by omission). He even fooled Hussie!
    • More specifically, Scratch cannot be killed by normal means, just like his boss. So how does a godlike entity kill himself to fulfill his role? In Scratch's case, by incensing the author and hijacking the story and forcing him to reverse-break the fourth wall to jump into the comic itself. If that isn't the most awesome, twisted, mind-screwy way to off yourself ever, I don't know what is.
  • PM. Sweet (if survivalist) mail lady/newly crowned Monarch just watched her friends get slaughtered by Bec Noir. Instead of being terrified though, she puts on the White Queen's ring ascending to godhood to go after him. That's not the most badass part. That belongs to the fact she gave Noir his first genuine "Oh Crap" moment. That's right, PM terrified The Sovereign Slayer just by showing up.
    • And while her friends were being slaughtered? She didn't try to run: She faced him, powerless but weapon ready.
      • And now suddenly a Crowning Moment of Funny in light of the most recent update when it was revealed that Bec Noir wasn't scared of PM... he fell in love with her. And, of course, PM hates his guts. Kismesis/Matesprit Double Reacharound, anybody?
  • AR continuing to blow up the stations even as Bec fucking Noir heads toward him. Dying Moment of Awesome, indeed.
  • Lord English/Doc Scratch's insanely convoluted but reality-breakingly awesome plan for his summoning. As one poster on /co/ put it: "Lord English recruited the empress to send Dave the miracles video, that video caused gamzee to go insane, and create cal, which was necessary for his summoning and the harlequin which made John make Bec Noir go insane and eventually destroy one of the universes, completing the cycle to create the green sun." HUUUUUUSSSIIIIEEEE!
  • The last image of the flash: the torn-up End-of-Act curtains in front of the broken 4th wall, in front of a giant clock contraption, in front of a raging inferno. It's easily the most metal thing to ever appear in the comic.
  • In short, let's just say that everything in this sequence was awesome.
  • An incidental CMOA for Hussie as he was completed with [S]CASCADE several days before 10/25. Why wait to release it? 10/25 is the combination of both the kids and the troll's arc numbers so he kept it back until then! Totally worth it.
    • Not only that, but 10/25/11 is 2 years, 6 months, and 12 days after the start of Homestuck (started on 4/13/09) and 1 year, 4 months, and 13 days after Hivebent, the troll arc (started on 6/12/10). Talk about using arc numbers!
      • Given how the arc number 1025 is just the sum of the other two arc numbers, that is to be expected.

Intermission 2

  • Arguably, Lord English's debut could be considered one of these.

Act 6 Act 1

Act 6 Intermission 1

  • You see robothussie in this panel, and it is YMMV on what emotions really describe it, but it is still pretty cool!!!!!!!!
  • The first page of Act 6 Act 1 Intermision. John speaks. Made possibly more awesome by the fact this implies they had gone through all these adventures without a single sound.
    • Hussie said on his Tumblr that the kids have of course been talking to one another; it would be ridiculous for, say, Jade and Dave to be frog hunting in total silence. What the badge actually does is let them talk to each other while the audience watches.
  • When PM confronts Bec Noir, Serenity gives him a message in morse code: "You Suck".
  • Dave, Rose, Aradia and Sollux meet up with the rest at the Green Sun.
  • Kanaya is going Clown Hunting (see the previous page for context).
  • [S END OF ACT 6 INTERMISSION 1] makes Foreshadowing through a Skaian eclipse and the resulting cloud prophecies awesome. The music certainly helps.

Act 6 Act 2

Act 6 Intermission 2

  • Starting from here... Dave is awesome.


Act 6 Act 3

<span style=" color:

  1. 004183;">VRISKA: We can't let (some inexplica8le forces out there) toy with us, then just sweep us under the carpet like that. I'm not going to let our relevance 8e marginalized anymore, Tavros.

<span style=" color:


<span style=" color:

  1. 004183;">VRISKA: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up.
  • Dirk's brother (Alternate Dave) killing the two Insane Clown Posse presidents on the rooftop of the White House, then flying off in the night. It's a shame they were just mere puppets in the regime.
  • Also doubling as a Call Back to Rose's method of slaying her first Ogre, Roxy's Mother impales Guy Fieri's eyes with a pair of sewing needles and rides him down the falls.
  • Although this is a bad thing, we have the Draconian Dignitary coolly convincing the Condesce to lend extra firepower, even getting her to somehow smoke because he's that good. The Condesce's help arrived in the form of A FUCKING MECHA.
  • Jake beating up Meenah can be this or a CMOF.
  • YMMV, but uu beating UU at chess by disguising his king and queen as each other is pretty cool. He even limits himself to playing both pieces as kings until the reveal.


  • Andrew Hussie's big speech on how he makes his comic, as recorded on the main page.
  • Hussie scores another CMOA when he opened up a donation drive to help victims of the earthquake in Japan by selling Squiddle plushies. He managed to sell all 20 pairs within an hour for over $2000!
  • Andrew Hussie responding to perfectionists demanding he maintains a perfect schedule in updating, despite his output surpassing Kevin and Kell. Bonus points for using Insane Troll Logic to threaten possibly going on break for 13 years for achieving such an accomplishment.
    • Unless there's a larger context, that looks less like "perfectionists" demanding a "perfect schedule" than it does someone who's asking about what they perceive as an output drop.

Are these latest comics slower to get done because of the text-heavy nature of them, or is it just real life needing tending to? Not complaining about the pacing, just curious.

      • There is a larger context: that's not the only person asking. And the others are asking a lot less nicely.
  • While working on the End of Act 5, he temporarily looped this page to that page, finally concluding the incomplete Jailbreak after four years with this. Paraphrasing, while it's not as GREAT as concluding with an EOA5 flash, it's still SPECIAL as a solid conclusion to Hussie's first story.
  • On October 25th, 2011, while hosting [S Cascade.], Newgrounds was unable to handle the traffic it generated and was forced into maintenance mode in less than the video's length, in Hussie's twitter he responds simply with "well that didn't work"

Let's just say that:

  • Any time you see "[S]" next to an entry, you know you're in for something great.
  • Any time you see a de-chibified picture of one of the kids, you know you're in for something great. It's called "Hero Mode" for a reason.
  • Any time you see "Ascend", "Descend", or any other variant thereof ("Accelerate" comes to mind) in the title, you know you're in for something great. Not necessarily happy, but great.
  • Any combination of the above, you know you're in for something inconceivably awesome.
  • Pick an EOA, any EOA.
  • It also stands to reason that whenever Andrew takes a break from updating 7 pages a day without posting why, you can bet that something amazing is going to happen in about a week.
    • Although he very rarely does take days off, usually after an animation where he's been pulling allnighters to get it done.
  • A subjective opinion, but a lot of Homestuck is made up of Crowning Moments of Awesome, so you could basically say that it's just one CMOA after the other, making it a giant one.
    • So, double CMOA reacharound?

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