< Fate < EXTRA


The characters of Fate/EXTRA, the Spin-Off RPG to the Visual Novel Fate/stay night.


The Protagonists

A student at Tsukumihara Academy, which exists in an artificial environment known as the Moon Cell. When the protagonist begins to observe strange events, the protagonist becomes one of 128 participants in Moon Cell's replication of the Holy Grail Wars through its Serial Phantasm (SE.RA.PH) system. As a Master in the Holy Grail War, the protagonist is able to choose Saber, Archer or Caster as a Servant. Players can select either a male or a female protagonist.

  • Asexuality: Zero concept of sexual interest. Which makes sense, given that they used to be a NPC.
  • Big Damn Heroes: To either Rani or Rin.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Take a good look at the students in the back of the classroom during the prologue cutscenes.
  • Cloning Blues: Quickly lifted out of this by their Servant, who tells them that as Magical Constructs themselves, they view them as people.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Determinator: First seen when they refuse to accept their death during the prelims.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Averted. While you do get no respect in the beginning from most of the other Masters, as you take down more and more of some of the best Masters in the War, they certainly start respecting your skills. The Big Bad even calls you the most extraordinary Master of all.
  • First-Person Smartass: At times. (But only internally, s/he never says it out loud.)

Rin goes from comatose to bitch in three seconds flat.

  • Foreshadowing: During the first day of the war, a fellow Master refers to you as "the infamous ghost in the machine." It isn't quite clear why they do so.
  • Hello, Insert Name Here
  • Heroic Sacrifice:In the end, the protagonist sacrifices himself/herself to seal away the Moon Cell and end the Holy Grail War.
  • Human Popsicle: Their originals have been placed in cryogenic suspension.
  • Interactive Narrator: Sometimes, it's hard to tell when the protagonist is thinking or actually talking. The only time we know they're talking is when someone replies.
  • Purely Aesthetic Gender: Other than a few dialogue changes (not as many as you might expect, either), there is no real difference between the two.
  • The Reveal: The protagonists are actually NPCs based off one of the victims who "died" in a terrorist bio-weapon attack in 1999, but somehow wound up developing his/her own will and became one of the Masters in the Holy Grail War.
  • Ridiculously Average Guy: So much so that Rin mistakes them for a NPC instead of a participating Master. She is not totally wrong.
  • Schrödinger's Player Character: Both male and female protagonists can be seen in the background of the prologue. You only play as one of them per playthrough.
  • Shounen Hair: The male protagonist's hairstyle.

Rin Tousaka

Voiced by: Kana Ueda

The Master of Lancer and a descendant of the Tōsaka lineage of magi. Not the same character from the original series. She actively fights against the Harway family and her primary motive for participating in the Holy Grail War is to stop Leonard Harway.


Voiced by: Asami Sanada

The Master of Berserker and an alchemist from the Atlas Institute. Because she is a homunculus created specifically to participate in the Holy Grail War, she does not appear to follow her own will and considers herself a tool of her teacher.

Shinji Matou

Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya

The Master of Rider and a friend of the protagonist. Though his avatar suggests he is the same age as the protagonist, Shinji is actually an eight-year-old gaming prodigy. Not the same character from the original series.

  • And You Thought It Was a Game: He doesn't realize it until his defeat and death at the hands of the protagonist.
  • Child Prodigy
  • Expy: Looks pretty much identical to Fate/stay night's Shinji Matou, but with a lighter hair color and, according to the playable Archer, is actually good at heart.
  • Foreshadowing: He repeatedly references "prize money" like in any other online gaming tourney, even offering to split it if the Protagonist throws the match. With everyone else aiming for the Holy Grail, Shinji clearly has no idea what the War is actually about... which becomes clear when he loses.
  • Genre Savvy: In trying to keep the identity of his Servant secret, he destroyed all books and evidence that points to Francis Drake, except for one book that had too strong a seal to break. He settled for hiding it in the 2nd Floor Arena.
  • Infant Immortality: Averted.
  • I Don't Want to Die: He has an emotional breakdown, contrasting with his Servant. Justified, since he's only eight years old and thought it really was just a game.
  • It's All About Me
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: According to the playable Archer, he's this. Considering that he thinks it's all a game and he's only eight years old, its very possible that he's sincere about his offer before the Elimination Battle, rather than just being a condescending jerk.
  • Loose Lips: He tends to brag (and drop info in the process) about his Servant a lot. Justified, since he's an eight year old kid, which tend to brag a lot. His overconfidence doesn't help either.
  • Never My Fault: All the time. But let's face it, most people at eight years old do the same thing.
  • Mythology Gag: He's arrogant, has quite a few female classmates fawning over him and is somehow friends with the main character, just like his Fate/stay night counterpart.
  • Younger Than They Look

Leonard Bistario Harway

Voiced by: Romi Park

The Master of Saber, the heir to the Harway family that owns 60% of the real world. Out of his desire to make the world a better place, he participates in the Holy Grail War to secure the Holy Grail, which he believes is dangerous to humanity. Because he is confident in his abilities, he does not even conceal the identity of his Servant. However, his upbringing has prevented him from experiencing human emotions such as despair until he is defeated for the first time.

  • Affably Evil: He's pretty nice throughout the game to the protagonists, even after they kill his brother.
  • Dark Messiah
  • Face Death with Dignity
  • Foe Yay: With the protagonists, especially after they beat his brother and when they're both in the finals. He's rather excited at the thought of fighting them.

Leo: *Giggle* "I'm as enamored with this feeling of competition as a little girl is with a fairy tale."

  • Gentleman and a Scholar: He is very charming and brilliant, and honestly believes he will win the Holy Grail Tournament. What keeps him from being an Insufferable Genius is his mannerisms and innocent outlook of the world's state of affairs.
  • Heel Realization: After his defeat at the hands of the protagonist.
  • Knight Templar
  • Light Is Not Good: Closely associated with the Sun.
  • Not So Stoic: Gets really excited at the prospect of fighting the protagonist. Also, when he's defeated. He even cries.
  • The Stoic: Responds to everything very calmly, even the prospect of his brother dying.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Is it Leonard or Leonardo? The official translation uses both at times.
  • They Would Cut You Up: He had extensive surgery when he was only three years old.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He believes that what humanity desires most is comfort and stability, and if takes wiping out all of Asia to create that stability, so be it. He also considers restricting the use of technology, and hence of Magitek, to the elite - that is, his family and their allies - to be in the best interest of everyone. The masses could never use such power wisely, so Leo and the Harways will do it for them.
  • Visionary Villain

Soichiro Kuzuki (Julius Berkisk Harway)

Voiced by: Wataru Hatano

The Master of Assassin, who initially appears as a teacher. He is actually Leonard's stepbrother, who hacked into the profile of the original Kuzuki and secretly protects his brother by killing his opponents both in the real and the virtual world. After his defeat at the hands of the protagonist, he returns as a digital ghost in the Arena.

  • Back from the Dead: He becomes a cyber ghost after his defeat, and appears in the Arena on the first day of the 7th week.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He's been an assassin from a young age, was rejected by his father to the point where he wasn't even permitted to call him 'father' and was forced to kill the only person who ever showed him any love. It's a surprise that he's as restrained as he is.
  • Death Seeker: After he grants his mother's last wish, to protect Leo, he planned to join her in death.
  • Dissonant Serenity: When you face him the second time, at first, anyway.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
  • Face Death with Dignity: Averted the first time you beat him, played straight the second time.
  • Freudian Excuse
  • Monster Sob Story: To the point where the protagonist actually cries for him.
  • Mythology Gag: He's a stoic teacher/assassin who is very dark and brooding.
  • Red Baron: His reputation as an assassin earned him the nickname "Black Scorpion".
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome: A female student mentions this trope word for word, but also put emphasis on the Dark part.
  • They Would Cut You Up: When he was a kid, he had his liver removed without anesthesia just to see how he reacted to pain.
  • The Unfavorite: He wasn't born with "that which was needed to lead the Harways", which meant he was treated very poorly.
  • Virtual Ghost: After his first defeat.

Dan Blackmore

Voiced by: Mugihito

The Master of Archer, an elderly soldier who serves the Queen of England. His absolute adherence to chivalry puts him at extreme odds with Archer, whose own method of fighting is incompatible with Blackmore's ideals.


Voiced by Ai Nonaka

The Master of Caster, a mysterious young girl that supposedly haunts the third floor of the school. When she meets the protagonists, she's happy to finally have someone to play with. Alice is actually dead in the real world and exists in the Moon Cell as a digital spirit whose loneliness resulted in the manifestation of her Servant as a mirror image of herself.

Lanrukun/Lil' Ronnie

Voiced by: Yu Kobayashi

The Master of Lancer, a mentally unstable woman who constantly wears the clown mascot costume of a popular hamburger shop. She will only eat that which she loves, resulting in a bizarre eating disorder that resulted in her consuming her own parents and child. She wishes to obtain the Holy Grail to make all of humanity like her.

  • Idiot Hair
  • I'm a Humanitarian: As a part of her eating disorder, where she only eats things she loves. This includes her parents and her child.
  • Monster Clown
  • Peek-a-Bangs
  • Shout-Out: An obvious reference to the Japanese version of Ronald McDonald and his "RAN-RAN-RUUUU" catchphrase.

Protagonist: Curly red hair. Clown make-up and costume. Awkward, gangly figure. Why does this ring a bell?

Monji Gatou

Voiced by: Kentaro Ito

The Master of Berserker, a fanatic who ascribes to a number of different religions and worships his Servant as his god. He believes that he can save humanity through his self-made religion and strives to make his Servant into a true deity.

  • Belief Makes You Stupid: It's not clear if he would have been this nuts without religious belief, but it is noted that because of his incompetence, his Servant isn't capable of fighting at full power.
  • Corrupt Church: Again, it isn't clear if the church he's a part of is really corrupt, but he seems to have taken their scriptures a bit too literally, and is disgusted by the compromises and hypocrisies that organized religion makes to survive in the world.
  • No Indoor Voice: You can even point it out.

Twice H. Pieceman

Voiced by: Hiroki Tochi

The Master of Saver and the primary antagonist. A prominent scientist in the late 20th century who pioneered the science of digital hacking, he was killed in the same terrorist attack as the protagonists and his data was recorded into the the Moon Cell and later became self-aware. Though he despises war, he believes that it is necessary in order for humanity to progress.

  • Affably Evil
  • Big Bad: He's the one who came up with the Holy Grail War and its There Can Only Be One system.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: His name is mentioned in the prologue during Taiga's lecture, and his cyber ghost pops up on the third week. He's also the narrator for the monologues given before each round.
  • Dissonant Serenity: When he mentions his dream is, in his own words:

Twice: "To see mankind engage in a grand war of mutual extinction."
Protagonist: There's no hint of insanity visible in his eyes. Naturally, and with obvious sincerity he can somehow utter such a statement of absolute madness.

Protagonist: This man, while despising war and violence, could not ignore the immediate results that war brings.


(Playable) Saber (Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus)

Voiced by: Sakura Tange

One of three Servants available to the protagonist. Near identical in appearance to Arturia Pendragon, Saber was notorious as a tyrannical emperor and for her arrogance as an artist with supremacy comparable to the gods, but in reality, she is a kindhearted individual who wanted what was best for her subjects. Her Noble Phantasm is Aestus Domus Aurea: Golden Theater of the Deranged.

  • Accent Adaptation: Averted; Saber speaks with an accent common to Japanese nobles during Imperial Japan, however, her dialogue is translated into normal English.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love
  • Attention Whore: Absolutely adores it. She just wants to be loved by everyone like she loves everyone else. There is a reason her nickname is "The Whore of Babylon".
  • Bi the Way: Doesn't hide it at all.
    • Due to her choice of words, she's more pansexual than bisexual.

"I love both men and women. I love all humans, without regard to their gender."

  • BFS: Her sword is easily bigger than both protagonists.
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Call Back: She said she wouldn't mind if she was called "The Whore of Babylon" because of her historical reputation, as long as the main character likes her... guess what she gets called during the the 7th week? Granted, it's someone else calling her that.
  • Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest: Saber is not ashamed of her sexuality, but simply feels the protagonist is too innocent to do anything to. This doesn't stop her from loving them.
  • Chained by Fashion: Her CCC "Virgin Bride" costume has chains around her neck and wrist.
  • Chivalrous Pervert
  • Cleavage Window
  • Cool Sword: Aestus Estus: The Embryonic Flame.
  • Driven to Suicide: In her first lifetime. She stopped herself many times, as she felt that she had done nothing wrong and that she was punishing the public by having "such a magnificent artist disappear from this world", before finally stabbing her own throat with a knife.
  • Dump Stat: Magic, especially since one of her skills limits her ability to use magic even further.
  • The Emperor
  • Evil Matriarch: Her mother was this in her backstory.
  • Expy: Looks pretty much identical to Fate/stay night's Saber, but with a red dress with a different design, a different sword and is even shorter in height. She has bigger breasts than the original Saber, too. Personality-wise, she resembles a mix between Saber and Gilgamesh, with the former's compassion, and the latter's ego.
  • Gender Flip
  • Green Eyes
  • Hair of Gold
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: In the Fate/Extra universe, at any rate.
  • Idiot Hair
  • In-Series Nickname: "The Whore of Babylon" is a figure in The Book of Revelations. Many scholars attribute it to Rome under the reign of Emperor Nero; since Christianity was persecuted. This was downgraded to "discouraged religion" in the Nasuverse, but since Nero's a woman here, it now refers to her.
  • Instant Expert: One of her skills allows her to temporarily become this for one other skill. Her Noble Phantasm is even more powerful, as it allows her to become one for multiple skills for as long as it's active.
  • It's All About Me: Though she does care about your well-being and can be pretty compassionate. Otherwise, she almost rivals Gilgamesh.
  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
  • Lady in Red
  • Large Ham: Its implied that this was how her people viewed her acting in her past life. She breaks out the ham occasionally during the War as well.
  • Leitmotif: "Saber, Everything is in Her Hand."
  • The Napoleon: She dislikes being reminded of her height, especially if called little or petite.
  • Overly Long Name: Her real name.
  • Panty Shot: Since the front of her skirt is transparent, she's giving one all the time.

(Playable) Archer (No Name probably EMIYA)

Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe

One of three Servants available to the protagonist. Like his counterpart in Fate/stay night, Archer is not a hero from legend, but an ordinary human who strived to be an "Ally of Justice" and excelled in the magecraft of Projection. It's implied from his comments about Shinji, Rin, a previous Holy Grail War and a woman's invisible blade and his backstory of surviving a major disaster (with the same scene that Shirou has in FSN), giving up his own sense of self to try to help others and a mention of him being a Master in a previous Holy Grail War that this is the same Archer from Fate/stay night. His Noble Phantasm is Unlimited Blade Works: Universe of Endless Blades.

Protagonist: My Servant may be pessimistic, cynical, and bitterly sarcastic, but at his core, he is a good person.

(Playable) Caster (Tamamo-no-Mae)

Voiced by: Chiwa Saito

One of three Servants available to the protagonist. Supposedly a nine-tailed fox who won the favour of Emperor Toba as a beautiful and knowledgeable courtesan, Caster is believed to be a facet of the sun goddess Amaterasu. By becoming a Heroic Spirit to fulfill her wish of "becoming a good wife," her true power has been limited. Her Noble Phantasm is Suiten Nikko Amaterasu Yano Shizuishi.

Lancer (Cu Chulainn, similar to his FSN counterpart)

Voiced by: Nobutoshi Canna

The Servant of Rin Tousaka. An Irish demigod hero who possesses a powerful Noble Phantasm, Gae Bolg, that inverts causality by hitting the target before the weapon is thrown. From dialog with Archer it is implied that he is also the same Lancer from Fate/stay night.

"Now, I just need to work on finding ways to defend people without getting myself killed..."

Berserker (Lu Bu Feng Xian)

Voiced by: Kunihiko Yasui

The Servant of Rani VIII, an infamously treacherous military commander. His military acumen qualifies him to be summoned as a Lancer, Rider, Assassin, Berserker or Archer. His Noble Phantasm is God Force: The Five Warriors of Guan Yu.

Rider (Francis Drake)

Voiced by: Urara Takano

The Servant of Shinji Matou, a hedonistic woman who lives entirely for the moment and finds value only in ephemeral aspects of life, making her incompatible with Heroic Spirits like Gilgamesh. In addition to her accomplishments in circumnavigation, her role in defeating the Spanish Armada gave rise to the Age of Exploration for England. As a Pirate, she favours using pistols in combat. Her Noble Phantasm is Hunt of the Golden Hind: Golden Stag and the Eventide Tempest.

"Remember my name by the death from my passing! Temeroso el Draque! I am the woman who set the sun! You rascals, it's time! The king of storms, a swarm of ghosts, this is the beginning of the Wild Hunt!"

Saber (Sir Gawain)

Voiced by: Takahiro Mizushima

The Servant of Leonard Harway, the accomplished "Knight of the Sun" who was dedicated to serving King Arthur. Regretting how he had been unable to see his king's agony in life and his hostility towards Lancelot after Lancelot killed Gawain's two brothers, Saber hopes to restore his honour and become a truly perfect knight as a Servant in the Holy Grail War. His Noble Phantasm is Excalibur Galatine: The Resurrected Sword of Victory.

Assassin/Berserker (Li Shu Wen)

Voiced by: Kunihiko Yasui

The Servant of Soichiro Kuzuki (Julius B. Harway), a martial artist whose skill in Bājíquán is reflected in his Noble Phantasm, No Second Strike, which will allow him to kill his opponents in a single strike. Though he is famed as a Lancer, his Master elected to summon a younger version for compatibility and for the martial artist's ferocity and unquestioning impulse to fight during his youth. He is brought back as a Berserker, along with his Master's digital ghost.

Archer (Robin Hood)

Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi

The Servant of Dan Blackmore, Archer's origins as the anonymous outcast son of a druid was gradually conflated into many legends of a chivalrous outlaw thief from Sherwood Forest. Archer excels in guerrilla tactics, such as utilizing traps and poisons, but is insecure about his own abilities otherwise. Though he bitterly complains that he is unable to win in a fair fight in response to his Master's severe opposition to his methods, it is implied that Archer's reason for participating in the Holy Grail War is to act and be recognized as a true hero. His Noble Phantasm is Yew Bow: Holy Bow of Supplication.

Caster (The Embodiment of Nursery Rhyme)

Voiced by: Ai Nonaka

The Servant of Alice, an irregular Servant who is actually a projected Reality Marble, shaped from dreams of her Master as a mirror image of Alice. Because the genre of nursery rhymes was so beloved, Caster gained her own existence as a "hero of children" from the foundation of the nursery rhyme, Alice in Wonderland, that the author Lewis Carroll improvised to sing to his nieces. Her Noble Phantasm is Maxwell's Demon - Maiden's Empire: Queens Glass Game.

Lancer (Vlad III)

Voiced by: Hisao Egawa

The Servant of Lanrukun, a deranged individual who shares his Master's twisted notions of love. Though he had been a noble hero in life, his sense of reason became twisted by brutality. Dying in despair due to betrayal, he began to question why his talents remained unrewarded and lost his sanity. He's not a vampire. His Noble Phantasm is Kazikli Bey: Fortress of Impalement.

Lancer: "My spear rises in giddy joy when I ponder my luck in meeting you!"

Lancer: "Humans are the monstrous ones. A human who has never betrayed another of their wretched kind isn't human."

  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: He loves it so much, his Ceremonial Purge skill involves doing it to himself. Strangely, it only damages your Servant. His Noble Phantasm even has the title of Fortress of Impalement.
  • Knight Templar: He impaled many of his own country's nobility because he felt that they had destabilized Wallachia. He also impaled thousands of Turkish soldiers as psychological warfare, all in the name of protecting the Christian kingdoms from the Ottomans.
    • One of his abilities is the Divine Aegis, which is supposedly a form of divine protection given to those who have sacrificed themselves for something they believe to be the greater good, but is really a manifestation of faith and self-righteousness. Oh, and higher ranks of the skill have detrimental effects on a person's sanity and personality. Lancer has it at A+++.
  • Large Ham
  • Mythology Gag: It was established in Melty Blood that Vlad Tepes wasn't a vampire.
  • Not So Different: He has something in common with all the playable Servants. Like Saber, he was the victim of Historical Villain Upgrade. Like Archer, he was betrayed by those he protected. Like Caster, he was so strongly believed to be a monster by people that he actually became one.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Religious Bruiser: He's very devout, both in life and during the Holy Grail War.
  • Tragic Monster: The protagonist believes so, anyway.

If he really did end up a monster because no one understood him, that's really sad...

Berserker (Arcueid Brunestud)

Voiced by: Ryoka Yuzuki

The Servant of Monji Gatou, Arcueid is a True Ancestor - a demon inherently connected to the Earth, though her existence as a blood-sucking demon has been forced onto her by a mistaken interpretation by her Master. Because her existence is similar to the playable Caster, they get along well. Her Noble Phantasm is Blut die Schwester.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: To an extent. After her defeat and Gato fades away, she gains her ability of speech back and wonders how she could've been interpreted as a God before saying goodbye and then disappearing back to her world.
  • Femme Fatalons
  • God Guise: Her Master proclaims her as a true god. She is more of a natural phenomena.
  • Insistent Terminology: The characters, the Matrix, the game itself and even this page go out of their way to let you know that the only reason you can beat her is because Gatou is an idiot.
  • Mismatched Eyes
  • Nerf: If she were at full power, she'd be a Hopeless Boss Fight.
  • Won't Work On Me: Of course the Moon doesn't delete her if she loses. She's a perfect copy of Type Moon, after all.
  • Power Limiter: Not only does being a Berserker reduce her capabilities, her Master's poor abilities mean she's even weaker than she should be.

Saver/Saviour (Vairocana)

The Servant of Twice H. Pieceman, a Vajra user who collects the records of the Holy Grail War and is described by his Master as an entity that will free humanity from suffering. Saver exists as the final boss of the game and is distinct from the other seven classes of Servants. His Noble Phantasm is believed to be the Mandala on his back which charges the Unto One attack, but the game proper says his Noble Phantasm is unknown.

  • Anticlimax Boss: Even with his time limit and one very annoying spell that counters you using skills (in fact his most dangerous attribute, as you might one-shot yourself as Caster with this), Saber is generally considered to be much harder than him, and he generally is beaten within 3-4 turns.
  • Eyes of Gold: When he is serious.
  • The Dragon: Even though he doesn't support Twice's ideals, he's just being compassionate towards the soul of the original Twice.
  • Final Boss
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When he glares at his opponents, and looks rather menacing this way.
  • Martial Pacifist: Vairocana is always meditating, even in battle, and his attacks are all projectiles he waves gently with his hands.
  • Mythology Gag: In Fate/stay night, the original version of Saber was called Saver.
  • Name's the Same: Vairocana is one of the Buddhas in the sects of Buddhism. This incarnation, however, doesn't reveal who he is, nor does the game drop even the slightest hint that Saver is a Buddha (except for the Vajra holder thing); it does states that he is divine, though.
  • One-Hit Kill: Unto One/Transmigration into One.
  • Physical God: Buddha or not, it still is stated that he is one of the Vajra holders in heaven.
  • Shout-Out: Vairocana only opens his eyes when he is about go serious and deliver some pain, same as Virgo Shaka from Saint Seiya, an elite warrior believed to be the reincarnation of Buddha.
  • Time Limit Boss: During the fight, he will charge his Unto One attack. Every two turns, one light will shine on his Mandala, if he lights all seven mirrors, he delivers a One-Hit Kill, instant Game Over.
  • Willfully Weak: Almost all of his stats are unknown, his "defeat" was not due to his opponent's strength, and his most powerful attack is not said to be his Noble Phantasm; there's no way to gauge how strong he is.


Father Kotomine

The overseer of the progress of the Holy Grail War in the Moon Cell, originally sent from the Church as an observer. His appearance and presence are actually data transcriptions of a man who once participated in the Holy Grail War; thus, he is knowledgeable about the Holy Grail, the Moon Cell and SE.RA.PH in general.

Taiga Fujimura

The protagonist's homeroom teacher, similar to her counterpart in Fate/stay night.

Sakura Matou

Voiced by: Noriko Shitaya (only in the DVD special and Fate/Extra CCC)

Shinji's sister, though in real life they are unrelated strangers. She works at the nurse's office, supplying the participants in the Holy Grail War with healing items and food. Though Sakura is the biological sister of Rin in Fate/stay night, they appear to be strangers in Fate/Extra.

Ryuudo Issei

The Class President of the protagonist's school, as well as the protagonist's friend. He plays a similar role to his counterpart in Fate/stay night.

Chishiki Mame/Sharon Tips

The character who manages the Library.

  • Punny Name: And she's not particularly fond of it.

Ikuya Arina/Arina Savoy

The character who manages the Arena.


Aoko Aozaki

A woman who speaks frivolously, she was sent by the Church to examine the abnormalities in the flow of time in the SE.RA.PH, though she has not been given the authority to interfere. She is responsible for increasing the strength of the protagonist's Servant through the "Alteration of the Soul" process. The only escape from SE.RA.PH, as she learns, is for a Master to obtain the Holy Grail.

Touko Aozaki

The older sister of Aoko Aozaki, who tends to speak carelessly. Despite the Church's warnings, she continues to tamper with SE.RA.PH to find ways of escaping, though she also concludes the surest method is for a Master to obtain the Holy Grail. She's apparently looking for a friend of a friend inside the Moon Cell. Her physical appearance is a throwback to Type-Moon's original design for Tōko in Kara no Kyoukai.

Monster (Ryougi Shiki)

Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto

If certain conditions are met, Shiki Ryougi appears as a non-Servant participant who has killed 99 participants in the Holy Grail War and seeks to kill one more to return to her world. Her Noble Phantasm is Amalavijnana: Boundary of Emptiness.

  • Alternate Universe: She's from one.
  • Badass: She managed to kill 99 Servants and is a far more dangerous opponent than the Final Boss.
  • Blood Knight: If you manage to beat her, she says she'll be happy to fight someone as strong as you again.
  • Bonus Boss
  • Evil Eye: The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, of course.
  • Instant Win Condition: If she Seals all your actions, she'll One-Hit Kill you.
  • Knife Nut
  • Mythology Gag: Boundary of Emptiness is a viable English translation of Kara no Kyoukai.
  • Nothing Personal: She says this word for word if you decide to fight her. She only wants to return home and has to kill 100 Servants to do it. She leaves the Masters alone, though they're unlikely to last long.
  • Took a Level in Badass: From just being able to fight Servants defensively at her strongest to being able to kill almost a hundred of them.
  • Standard Status Effects: Unlike every other opponent in the game, her Seals are permanent and cannot be healed, though Archer's 7 Rings of Heaven can nullify the attacks. She's probably killing your ability to use them.

The Player Character in the Prologue

A nameless student you control in the Prologue. A friend of Shinji and is known as the Ace of the Newspaper Club. However, he begins to lose his memories and even his identity.  He stumbles upon the Arena on the Last Day of the prelims, but he failed to qualify and died.

Other Participating Masters

Various other Masters who qualified for the Holy Grail War and are going through their own trials at the same time.

  • And You Thought It Was a Game: Many of them are hit hard by this after the first round ends and they all get to witness (or experience) the effects of losing firsthand.
  • Battle Couple: One girl entered along with her boyfriend in hopes of becoming this. Even after learning that the rules prevented this, they found ways to support each other - well, the guy did anyway - until they're pitted against each other.
  • Break the Cutie
  • Contemplate Our Navels: One girl spends a great deal of time by the fountain, reflecting upon recent events. She acknowledges this and adds that the peaceful surroundings of the garden lead to her introspection.
  • Despair Event Horizon: As the game continues, some wind up crossing this.

"...I can kill anyone now."

  • Flower Motifs: The Master in the garden keeps pointing out various flowers and their meaning in hanakotoba, the language of flowers. These invariably have some connection to current events.
  • Friendly Enemy: Some of them acknowledge they could potentially end up fighting you at some point, yet remain friendly. One particular classmate keeps wishing you luck and encouraging you to do your best.
  • I'm Not Here to Make Friends: Others, however, are not so open. One fellow standing near the Library bluntly shuts down your attempts to talk to him, as you and everyone else are potential enemies.
  • Jerkass: Quite a few tend to be rather rude to the protagonist, like the aforementioned fellow near the Library.
  • My God, What Have I Done?
  • News Travels Fast: Everybody seems to have already heard what's recently happened to you by the time you talk to them. Justified in that intel on other Masters is very important in the Holy Grail War, and typically the only chance you get to talk to everyone is in the Evening, giving a fair amount of time for yesterday's news to spread.
  • Loose Lips: Despite the conflict being partly a war of information, a few participants can't help bragging about their Servants. Some of them last surprisingly long, though, which probably means their Servants are that strong.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: While the male member of the would-be Battle Couple quickly realizes exactly what they've gotten themselves into, his girlfriend remains cheery, eager to battle, and optimistic about their chances.
  • Take Care Of My Girlfriend: The Savvy Guy above asks the protagonist to look after his girlfriend if anything happens to him. He makes this Last Request knowing that they've been pitted against one another.
  • Tempting Fate: Several make comments along these lines.
  • Underestimating Badassery: The guy who gets matched against Rin in the first round completely blows her off as a non-threat, despite all evidence to the contrary. He doesn't make it out, of course.
    • One female Master is repeatedly shocked to see that the protagonist survived each round.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: As news and rumors of their exploits spread around campus, the protagonist can get called out on seemingly wasting time or playing with Alice when they should be preparing for battle instead.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: The standoffish Master outside the Library accuses the protagonist of Playing the Victim Card after being attacked outside the Arena by Archer.
  • You All Look Familiar: Justified; most of them weren't able to customize their Digital Avatars.
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