Fate/stay night/Characters/Other
This is a page about the characters who are neither Masters or Servants appearing in the Visual Novel turned Anime Fate/stay night. Contains a LOT of spoilers.
- For the Masters, see this page.
- For the Servants, see this page.
- For their appearances in Fate/hollow ataraxia, go here.
Taiga Fujimura
Voiced by: Miki Ito (JP), Julie Ann Taylor (EN)
"... wow, that was so stupid that I don't have anything to say."
Shirou's English teacher and older sister figure. Her grandfather is a Yakuza boss who Kiritsugu was acquainted with, and thus, she and Shirou have known each other since he was a child. Although she's ostensibly his caretaker, she has no domestic skills, relying on Shirou to cook for her. Taiga was the star of the kendo club when she was in school, and might have become famous across Japan were she not disqualified from official tournaments.
Although having a small role in the actual storyline, Taiga is the star of "Tiger Dojo", a Have a Nice Death hint corner which appears whenever the player receives a "Bad End". In this segment, Taiga, along with Ilya, often admonish Shirou for making the poor choices which lead to his demise while dropping hints to help the player complete the game properly.
- Adult Child: Even more-so in the anime adaptation, if at all possible.
- Animal Motifs: Although she hates being called one, Taiga's mannerisms, style of dress, and penchant for (comedic) violence are all highly evocative of Tigers.
- Berserk Button: Do not call her "Tiger".
- Big Eater
- Cool Big Sis
- Defeat Means Friendship: She usually hits it off with Saber after they go beat on each other.
- Establishing Character Moment: You can basically tell exactly who Taiga is from an early scene. During breakfast, a complete stoic Taiga is silent until Shirou asks her to pass the soy sauce and puts it in his soup, only to find that it's actually oyster sauce: She wanted petty revenge for him teasing her the day before. Laughing loudly at his expense, she then goes off to do her actual job and grade exams.
- Fun Personified
- Girl Next Door: Was something of a Tomboy in her younger years, but now is slightly more ladylike. Slightly.
- Genki Girl: Adult version.
- Guilty Pleasure: She admits in a special video you get after achieving all Routes and Bad Ends in the VN that altough she hates being called "Tiger" she actually loves tigers and to quote her, "have a love-hate relationship with them because of that".
- Image Song: Shared with Ilya "We Are Tora Buru". Fun Personified indeed!
- Lethal Chef
- Master Swordsman: She's a five dan who should've progressed much higher if she wasn't banned from so many tournaments because of her tiger strap. Not that this has any impact on the story. Word of God states that her mastery of Kenjutsu (Japanese Swordsmanship) is equal to that of Ryougi Shiki, the most fearsome warrior of Kara no Kyoukai, no the Nasuverse.
- Nice Girl: How she can be so upbeat and good natured with a crime boss grandfather is anybody's guess.
- Precocious Crush: Had a crush on Kiritsugu when she was younger. The time frame indicates this probably started around middle school at the latest.
- Replacement Goldfish: Of sorts, to Kiritsugu; she reminded him of his deceased childhood friend, Shirley.
- Sensei-chan
- Shipper on Deck: Taiga seems to be actively trying to hook Shirou up with Sakura, which may explain her immediate disapproval of allowing other females into the Kiritsugu household even when she has no problem with Sakura staying the night.
- Shoo Out the Clowns: You can tell that a route is about to become extremely serious whenever it's mentioned that Taiga won't be able to come over to Shirou's house for a while.
- Team Mom: Subverted. The eldest member of Shirou's household and his teacher, Taiga is The Ditz, admittedly domestically unfit, and, outside Tiger Dojo, completely in the dark about magic and the Grail War.
- Weapon of Choice: A shinai with a cutesy tiger trinket strapped to it. She calls it "Tora-Shinai".
- Yakuza Princess: Her grandfather runs the local yakuza. She doesn't have much to do with it, though, and her grandfather never even enters the story.
Issei Ryuudou
Voiced by: Mitsuaki Madono (JP), Lex Lang (EN)
"What’s so good...? What’s with you doing all this for nothing?!"
The Student Council President, and one of Shirou's classmates. Issei is often asking Shirou to help out the student council by fixing broken equipment, and they have lunch together in the student council room. Due to the fact that they went to middle school together and frequently clashed, Issei hates Rin and is convinced that she's pure evil. In fact, he isn't very fond of most women due to his celibate nature, which stems from his upbringing as a Buddhist monk-in-training. However, he does admit to Shirou during Unlimited Blade Works that he has something of a crush on the fiancée of one of the teachers at their school...
He gets the dubious honor of being the most minor character to kill Shirou. And the honor of being the only male character with blushing sprites. Oh, does he blush.
- Ambiguously Gay: He's noted as not liking girls much, tends to blush around Shirou, is rather possessive of him, somewhat jealous of Tohsaka and may be thought of as part of Shirou's harem by the school. However, with Issei's character it's entirely possibly that this means nothing.
- Gay Option: Toyed with. He is one of the only men Shirou talks to, and the only one that isn't an enemy at some point. And he blushes a lot, especially while he's worrying over Shirou. And he grabs Shirou's arm and drags him away from Rin several times.
- Gut Feeling: Justified. To paraphrase: "Even an amateur monk can tell when a Buddha is standing next to him".
- He-Man Woman Hater: Caster and Saber being exceptions.
- Manchurian Agent: Along with everyone else in the Ryuujouji Temple, according to Dead End 18.
- Megane
- Mind Control Eyes: When Caster's possessing him.
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Shy Blue-Haired Guy: He's supposed to be really shy. Of course, all his scenes are with his best friend.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Issei is fairly standard, but Ryuudou can and has also be transliterated as Ryuudou, Ryudou, Ryūdō, or Ryûdô depending on source.
- Student Council President
- The Stoic
- That One Guy
- Unknown Rival: To Rin.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Luviagelita Edelfelt
Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (JP) in Realta Nua, Shizuka Ito (JP) in Unlimited Codes
Luvia is the head of the Finnish Edelfelt family and in good standing in the Clock Tower Academy. She's currently in the running for Student Council President. Although we almost always see her acting like a Rich Bitch since she's usually around Rin, she's actually a very proper, generous person. Rin just sets off her Berserk Button as a rival partly since her family was defeated in the Third War in Tohsaka territory, and she's looking to avenge the loss. Besides knowing almost exactly the same kind of magic Rin does, she's also a celebrated pro-wrestler.
- Ascended Extra: She goes from a very brief mention at the end of one route of Fate/stay night, to a minor character in hollow ataraxia, to a featured character in Unlimited Codes (after an April Fool's hoax about a Fate wrestling game) and a main character in Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya. She certainly seems to get more popular with time.
- As Long as It Sounds Foreign: Luviagelita? Really?
- Defeat Means Friendship: Kinda sorta in her Fate/Unlimited Codes ending. It has her and Rin beat the crap out of each other. Afterwards the two bicker briefly, then share a good laugh together while they're still both flat on their backs catching their breaths.
- Last-Episode New Character: She shows up literally in the epilogue of Fate/stay night.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Mostly in Unlimited Codes.
- The Ojou
- Princess Curls: And as you might expect, they fit quite well.
- Professional Wrestling: I bet you didn't see that coming with her character type, but then, neither did Rin. Technically the "Lancashire-style of martial combat", but just play Unlimited Codes and you'll see the truth.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Some people call her Luvia Zeritta instead of Luviagelita.
- The Rival: To Rin, oh so very much.
- Student Council President: Running for this position at the Clock Tower, anyway.
Sella and Leysritt
Ilya's maids, both of whom combined have about five minutes of total screen time. They both wear nurse uniforms which Shirou refers to as Florence Nightingale outfits, and make them look almost identical. When they're not wearing the hats, however, they're pretty distinctive.
Despite both looking like they are in their twenties, they are in fact homunculi that Ilya made about two years ago. She considers them to be failures. Despite this however, they're still homunculi, and are considered strong enough to threaten Magic Association enforcers in one-on-one combat.
- Emotionless Girl: They really aren't, despite both sharing the one facial expression. Observe Leysritt making fun of Sella in their five minutes of screen time.
- Ninja Maid: Not actual ninjas, but Leysritt at least has...
- Super Strength: That apparently exceeds that of most Servants.
- Younger Than They Look: Very mature looking, for two year olds.
Ayako Mitsuzuri
Voiced by: Fumie Mizusawa (JP), Minx Lee (EN)
Ayako is the captain of the archery club during Fate/stay night. She's a friend of both Shirou and Tohsaka, though there's also a feeling of rivalry in both relationships.
- Club President: Head of the archery club. She has difficulty controlling Shinji since she can't be everywhere at once.
- Rape as Drama: Maybe. She is apparently sexually assaulted in Fate, though not to outright rape levels. However, it's left very vague as to what exactly happened to her in Unlimited Blade Works. Taiga suggests that he ask Ayako about it, which could mean it was nothing too bad. Then again, it's Shinji we're talking about here, who is a known rapist.
- Unknown Rival: To Shirou in regards to archery.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Tohsaka. When she and Shirou are discussing her at one point, Shirou briefly wonders if Ayako might be one of the girls that hates her.