< Fate < EXTRA


  • Alas, Poor Villain: Shinji's Villainous Breakdown does a 180ยบ turn when it's revealed that he's just a eight-years old boy.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: A whole year after its Japanese release, with nearly no hope whatsoever of it being localized, Aksys Games announced it out of left field at Anime Expo 2011.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: By none other than Shinji Hosoe.
  • Genius Bonus / Bilingual Bonus: Red Saber calls her master "Sousha," in game this is translated as Praetor, however a literal translation would be Player, as in one who plays music in theatre. Musical theatre being something of an obsession of hers.
  • Ho Yay: Some minor examples between a male MC and Archer, such as Dan's Archer making pointed comments about 'domestic strife' and the Week 7 Day 2 scene still playing out like a Love Confession, though it's downright mild compared to the below; possibly Foe Yay between a male MC and Julius, if you've got your Shipping Goggles on. Ronnie's Lancer, on the other hand, is as forthright with the Ho Yay - upon being confronted with the playable Archer - as you'd expect from his other lines.

Lancer: "Is it not fateful, stiff-backed archer?"
Lancer: "That noble stare of yours outshines the moon. You are the Apollo that I have been searching for!"
Lancer: "I long to pierce that supple body of yours with my spear. You compel me, you, you-- You supremely gorgeous creature."

  • Les Yay: The female protagonist reacts very similarly to how the male protagonist acts when it comes to interacting with other girls, including being awed by their beauty. The scene in which the girl you saved gets jealous over the other girl feeding you lunch plays out exactly the same with a female protagonist as it does with a male protag.
  • Memetic Mutation: >Touch the fluffy tail
  • The Scrappy: Gawain, for being a real dick to all three playable Servants, historical accuracy be damned.
    • Lil' Ronnie is painfully annoying to listen to.
      • For This Troper, it was less her voice as it was her text. jUSt tryInG tO reAD it GaVe ME a hEaDAchE.
  • Tear Jerker: The game is riddled with these. Good god.
    • The Decoy Protagonist dying, wishing only for someone to remember his name.
    • Dan. If Dan's end didn't tug at your heartstrings, you literally lack a soul.
    • Alice Even the fact that she was already dead doesn't help.
    • Pretty much all of the opponents will make you cry once you see them start dying.
      • Except maybe the Fourth Round teams.
    • Any of the playable Servants' pasts qualify.
    • One of Archer's last lines, particularly if you've gone through the Unlimited Blade Works route of Fate/stay night:

Archer: "Leaving the future to your real self once you wake up, huh? I see... I guess we're more alike than I thought."

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