< Fate < EXTRA


  • Any time you block an enemy's Noble Phantasm with Rho Aias, particularly hearing the enemy's response.
    • For this troper, the best moments were blocking Gae Bolg as a Continuity Nod and Gawain's Galatine, because his incredulous response is hilarious.
      • Blocking Gae Bolg was particularly satisfying for this troper, because Luck was my Dump Stat, and the damage it does is based on luck, so it was either 'block it with Rho Aias' or 'get insta-killed'.
      • Isn't Luck the dump stat for all or most Archer players? After all, his E-Rank Luck is canon.
  • Archer giving a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Twice:

Twice: "Servant. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Do you think I'm evil and should be eradicated?"
Archer: "-My opinion? Discussing such things as a Servant may be a bit callow, even for myself."
Archer flashes a cynical smile tinged with obvious malice, as if he's come face to face with a sworn enemy.
As a Legendary Soul known to cut down all who stand in his way regardless of who they are or what they believe, Archer points his blade at Twice, a humane expression on his face.
Archer: "As a Servant I have no answer for you. But if you insist on a reply, I will do so as the human I once was."
Archer:"I've met many fools like you, hell-bent on destroying the present in an attempt to resurrect the past."
Archer: "Like those others, you try to justify your selfish desire for control by cloaking it in the guise of altruism."
Archer: "You're not satisfied with any result that ends in loss? Your immaturity and weakness makes me laugh."
Archer: "So, you asked me if I thought you were evil, right? You deluded, spiteful ghost."
Archer: "That's exactly right. Your misguided ideals are nothing more than the corrupted logic of one long dead."
Archer: "You are the epitome of evil; a lifeless shade who'd sacrifice the innocent for your own selfish goals.
Archer: "And regardless of what my Master thinks, I will be the one to eliminate you once and for all."

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