< Fate < EXTRA


  • Red Saber; in musing about the irony of her trying to get rid of religion during her reign as Nero. And then comforting the hero/ine when s/he worries about his/her existence as a computer program. She, after all, is the magical construct of someone long dead as well; and she's sure that they will all be together one day "in the place beyond the Sun."
  • One of Saber's musings in the final Arena qualifies as well: she talks about the fact that while death may be beautiful, it is a beauty she cannot love, and wishes for your own death to be as peaceful as falling into slumber.
  • Say what you will about Leo and Gawain as enemies, but the scene after they're defeated wherein Leo re-enacts the knighting ceremony to have Gawain serve under his sword is touching.
  • Archer, as always, is a Stoic Deadpan Snarker for most of the game. However, after he admits that he places your well-being above his duty to the Moon Cell, and you reply that you're willing to suffer the consequences along with him...

An actual, genuine smile lights up Archer's face as he repeats the word again and again.
The bond that we share... Even if it's against the rules, I will not allow it to be destroyed.

Saber: Praetor. You may call me a tyrant or even the Whore of Babylon, and I will not mind.
Saber: It hurts, but if you dislike me, I will simply work hard enough to become worthy of your love!
Saber: O-Oh yes, I can endure this pain for you!

  • Vs. Dan and Archer, Saber provokes a clearly defensive stance from the usually-flippant Archer on Dan's behalf, causing Saber to state that she feels better about the match since Archer's regard for his Master is not so different than what she feels for hers.
  • Pretty much the entire Rani path, despite her initial coldness; even her mood after the lunch scene is a sign of her leaving Emotionless Girl status behind, and her belief that you'll return to have lunch with her again is so simple and steadfast that it's touching.
  • Rin's post-game dialogue as she vows to find and wake the MC even if it takes one of her infamous acts of violence. Then her voice goes soft as she adds

Rin: And, if I can manage all that, I'd like our reunion to be on a rooftop somewhere... with a beautiful view.

  • Dan Blackmore's Archer didn't get much of a break in his past life As Robin Hood, and usually resorted to sneak attacks and poison. Due to Dan's chivalry, he issues a Command Seal to make sure he waited until the Elimination Round to battle. They lose, but manage to comfort one another in content; Archer for, the first time, fighting a fair battle, and Dan for realizing he wasn't as faithful to Leo's cause as initially believed, and would see his dead wife again, whom he wanted to bring back through the Grail if he had won.
    • Except for the part where Dan had actually been sent by his Queen, who was implied to be covertly working against the Harways despite formally being allied with them, hence why "a tired old man" showed up to give his nation plausible deniability if/when Leo won.
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