< Fate < Characters



Servants are noted by their summoned classes first and other applicable classes afterward.

Astolfo (Rider)

The twelfth paladin of Charlemagne and a Servant of the Rider class. He is described as being beautiful beyond all compare but also an incredible blabbermouth.

Atalanta (Archer)

The huntress from Greek mythology summoned as a Servant of the Archer class. Her objective for seeking the Grail is to create a world where every child can be raised with love.

David (Archer)

The mythical King of Israel summoned as an Archer class Servant. As in the original Old Testament scriptures he has a weakness for beautiful women.

  • Artifact of Death: The Arc of the Covenant. Touching it isn't a good idea.
  • Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Kill It with Fire and Shock and Awe: David’s ‘Flames upon the Altar’ noble phantasm envelops the target in thunderclouds and fire from the heavens.
  • Magic Music: His magical harp can be used in exorcisms and to purge mental interference.
  • Power Nullifier: His Five Stones noble phantasm can seal an opponent’s noble phantasm should the last stone hit.
  • Red Baron: The King of Israel.
  • Semi-Divine: As an ancestor of Christ, David has a low rank in Divinity and therefore gains protection against certain sacraments.
  • Suffer the Slings: Naturally, being King David and all. It is the reason he is an Archer.

Frankenstein (Berserker)

A gender-bent version of the fictional monster in Mary Shelly’s story summoned as Berserker.

Saint George (Rider)

The Patron Saint of England summoned as a Rider-class Servant. His slaying of a dragon gives him an advantage against Servants with draconic attributes.

  • Armor-Piercing Attack: By reversing its protective blessing Ascalon can become a sword that can penetrate any armor.
  • Character Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Cool Horse: Bayard the Phantom Warhorse.
  • Knight in Shining Armor
  • Made of Iron: His Endurance stat is high even among Servants.
  • The Paragon
  • Red Baron: The Dragon-Killing Saint.
  • Semi-Divine: His status as a Christian Saint gives him a low level of Divinity.
  • Stone Wall: To the extreme. He has A Rank magic resistance, A+ Endurance and a skill that allows him to block mental attacks. He has the Battle Continuation skill that allows him to keep fighting even if he takes a fatal injury and another skill that grants unlimited defensive power as long as he is defending someone else. His sword Ascalon grants a large defensive bonus and his horse Bayard can save him from a fatal attack once. On the other hand his Strength is abysmal at D Rank.

Jack the Ripper (Assassin/Berserker)

The legendary serial killer who stalked the streets of London at the end of the Nineteenth Century. Jack is summoned as the Assassin class, though she also qualifies for the Berserker class as well.

Joan of Arc (Ruler/Saber)

The legendary Catholic Saint who oversees this incarnation of the Holy Grail War. As such, Joan possesses the custom Ruler class as well as the Saber class designation.

Karna (Lancer/Archer/Rider)

The invincible hero of the Mahabharata mythological cycle. Karna is summoned as a Lancer-class Servant, although he is also eligible for the Rider and Archer classes.

  • Achilles' Heel: Karna's Brahmastra cannot be used on someone stronger than him, reflecting a curse on his life.
  • The Archer
  • Awesome but Impractical: Karna's Noble Phantasms are ludicrously powerful but can be easily gimped due to all the curses he accumulated in life.
  • Blade on a Stick
  • Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil, although this is stated to be incorrect and that his true alignment is Lawful Good.
  • Demigod: Son of the Sun God. As such he has a very high rank in Divinity.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Weaponised. In life many of Karna’s deeds went unrecognized for various reasons. As such, his attributes will appear to be one rank lower than they really are to his opponents.
  • Fantastic Nuke: Brahmastra Kundala.
  • Honor Before Reason: In the Mahabharata Karna pledged himself to a noble who turned out to be evil and refused to go back on his oath. This is the cause of the discrepancy in his Character Alignment.
  • Nigh Invulnerable: Karna’s Golden Armor forged from the rays of the sun. It is said to be difficult for even a god to destroy.
  • Power At a Price: Karna’s most powerful noble phantasm can only be activated by sacrificing his Golden Armor and is only good for one shot.
  • The Power of the Sun
  • Pretty Boy
  • Red Baron: Son of the Sun God.

Musashibo Benkei (Lancer)

The legendary warrior monk who served Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Actually not Benkei at all but Hitachibou Kaison, another warrior who served Minamoto. After fleeing from a battle and leaving Benkei to die, Kaison was overwhelmed by guilt and assumed the former’s identity. He is summoned as Lancer.

Sakata Kintoki (Berserker)

One of Minamoto no Yorimitsu’s Four Heavenly Kings. He is summoned as a Berserker-class Servant.

Siegfried (Saber/Rider)

The main hero of the Nibelungenlied epic, Siegfried’s class as a Servant is Saber. Siegfried gained an invincible body after slaying the dragon Fafnir and bathing in its blood.

Semiramis (Assassin/Caster)

A legendary queen who ruled over the ancient Assyrian Empire. She is summoned as an Assassin-class Servant and uses poison as her main weapon.

Shakespeare (Caster)

The world famous playwright summoned into the Caster Class. A master of story writing, Shakespeare’s main desire is to witness a grand tale of unparalleled beauty.

  • Character Alignment: True Neutral.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: Due to his grasp of narrative structure Shakespeare is obsessed with finding the ‘Protagonist’ of the story.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Shakespeare has abysmal stats and zero combat abilities, but clever use of his skills and noble phantasms means he can effectively save scum his way to victory.
  • Master of Disguise: Shakespeare’s first noble phantasm allows him to assume the appearance of another individual and interact with people who know said individual without arousing suspicion.
  • Reality Warper: His second noble phantasm, First Folio, allows Shakespeare to alter of falsify the outcome of any event occurring within his sight. However, it can only be used a limited number of times.
  • Red Baron: The Playwright.
  • Super Empowering: His Enchantment skill, which is used to boost the combat abilities of his Master.
  • Tactical Withdrawal: Is capable of making a flawless retreat at any time as long as his Master is safe.

Spartacus (Berserker)

The Roman Gladiator who led a slave rebellion over a thousand years ago. Spartacus is summoned as a Berserker.

Vlad III (Lancer)

The infamous Lord of Wallachia known for impaling his enemies on spikes. Although he shares the Lancer designation of his Fate EXTRA counterpart they are completely different characters.

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