< Fate
Fate/Endless is a Play By Post Game set in an alternate continuation to the Nasuverse. It has a vast array of characters, ranging from Idiot Hero types to Anti-Villain and right into Complete Monster with a wave of the hand. It combines both the Tsukihime and the Fate series, creating a crossover of sorts.
Tropes used in Fate/Endless include:
- Affably Evil: Full Frontal
- Ambiguously Bi: Sheryl and Ranka.
- Badass Bookworm: Dai
- Badass Creed: This is the Nasuverse, after all. Archer, Kurou, and Shirou have their own each.
- Badass Driver: Tsubine
- Badass Preacher: Tsubine
- The Berserker: Anyone of the Berserker class.
- Beyond the Impossible: Invoked. Daigoro is able to perform ANY Magecraft that he can think of with the use of his Impossibility Marble, due to his body having EVERY MAGIC CIRCUIT.
- Big Fancy House: While nearly all introduced Magi have their own Cool House, Tsubine surpasses that by having his house also host his assortment of CoolCars, CoolBoats and even a CoolHelicopter.
- Big Fucking Gun: Tsubine's Donatella and Ciel's Seventh Holy Scripture.
- Blessed with Suck: Demonbane, Liber Legis, and Morgana's Crest Spells have insane power. The first two require an insane amount of prana to be used effectively, and the second eats the sanity of the user like candy. And in general, all Magecraft is this.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Roa and Kengo definitely fit this. And even though they are Not Blood Siblings, Sakura and Shinji are... a lot closer than before.
- Crowning Music Of Heartwarming: Borrowed from another anime, but Johnathans 'Past Story' theme can bring a tear to anyone's eye.
- Church Militant: Any member of the Burial Agency
- Death of a Thousand Cuts: Galatea's second Noble Phantasm.
- Dual-Wielding: Tsubine normally sorties with dual sabres and he has the Black Keys. As does Ciel. Tsukiyomi can change his lance into dual swords. Archer has Kanshou and Bakuya.
- Deus Sex Machina: As with all Magi, Prana is replenished by consensual sex.
- Did You Just Romance Amaterasu: It's safe to say Kagetora does NOT see his Servant as well... A Servant anymore. (If he ever didin the first place.)
- Enemy Mine: All Masters and Servants have SOME reason to hate Saeko and Susano'o, even if they usually try to kill each other.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Roa, Muramasa, Yuno
- Flawed Prototype: Mordred is maybe the first Homunculus, and a flawed 'copy' of King Arthur.
- The Gunslinger: Full Frontal is both a Type A and Type B.
- Hair of Gold: Tsukuyomi no Mikoto
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: The First Holy Scripture used by a reformed Matou Shinji. It shoots blades.
- Instant Expert: Berserker's ( AKA Lancelot) has Knight of Honor. This Noble Phantasm makes anything he touches that he considers a weapon into his own Noble Phantasm.
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Tsubine towards Ciel and his Servants.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Sheryl's Noble Phantasm.
- Mind Screw: This is still the Nasuverse after all.
- Moe: Amaterasu, Ranka.
- Iron Woobie: Archer. Oh god, Archer.
- Ms. Fanservice: Sheryl.
- Physical God: Susano'o, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi are Servants here.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Oh so many.
- Tsubine: "Deficit Omne Quod Nasciture"
- Tsubine: "God has mercy. I don't."
- Archer: "I am the bone of my sword..."
- Ciel: "Come, Seven!"
- Tohno Shiki: "I'll show you...what it truly means to kill something."
- Mayumi: "If only you could match the killing intent in my bow."
- Dai: "Heh... They say that one's fortunes always change... I'll show you how I can change MINE!"
- Sheryl: "Watashi no Uta wo Kike!" (Listen to my song!)
- Sheryl and Ranka: "Tachi no Uta wo Kike!" (Listen to our songs!)
- Ranka: "Susumei, Frontier!" (Go forth, Frontier!)
- Ryougi Shiki: "Omai ga...ochiru."
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: Tsubine: "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti."
- Rated "M" for Manly: Any thread with Kagetora or Archer
- Real Men Wear Pink: Kagetora
- Extends further into Cultured Badass and Genius Bruiser. Should we also mention he's a Gentle Giant?
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Played with. While Amaterasu plays this straight, Ranka usually has red and harmless eyes... Right until you piss her off enough to make her eyes light up in bright pink right before she opens a rift into dark space and call out a giant monster to eat you alive. While chuckling gleefully like a small child.
- Sealed Good in a Can: Solas has the spirit of Scathach in her body, and is able to summon up her weapon to use as her own.
- Sexy Man, Instant Harem: Tsubine, obviously.
- Sexy Priest: Tsubine.
- The Stoic: Mayumi, who shows no emotion whatsoever due to having all physical emotional expressiveness blocked by her own power.
- For Mayumi, also see The Archer. She's a pretty good shot.
- Theme Music Power-Up: Sheryl and Ranka's Noble Phantasms.
- Time Travel: Sheryl and Ranka are spirits from 2059. Archer (EMIYA) is Shirou from the future.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Where Sheryl keeps any item she finds necessary.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Mordred the Traitor is a very twisted and tragic version of this.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The Berserker Class is the embodiment of this.
- Subverted slightly with Hiru, since hers is more of a Berserk Button.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Alto, Mayumi, and Lancer Cú Chulainn both have blue hair. Ranka has green.
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