
‘‘A whole world away from Fuyuki, in a city of mages, a new War threatens to break out. Seven new Masters are chosen and enter a life-changing battle, unknowingly becoming part of a War in which there are more players than the eyes can see...’’

Fate/Re:Trace is a Fate/stay night fanfic written by Aladar. It tells a story of the Sixth Grail War in Hartcroft, New York. So it seems that the Grail has returned all of a sudden after being destroyed, or maybe someone must have dug up another artifact and sets up another Grail War in Hartcroft for some unknown reasons. However, this is no ordinary city; Hartcroft is a City of Mages we’re talking about. As the Sixth Heaven’s Feel starting, seven new Masters and Servants appeared.

You can read it on Fanfiction.net or on Beast’s Lair. Plus, you can read Wise up! Fate/Re:Trace- Limited Special Collector's Ultimate Edition, an updated guide that contains character profiles (Masters, Servants, etc) and the settings of the fictional city Hartcroft.

Also has a Character Sheet right here.

Tropes used in Fate/Re:Trace include:
  • Alternate History: this being the Nasuverse, there is a sixth barrow in NY, which is the center of magus society in the Western world.
  • Ancient Conspiracy: the creation of Hartcroft
  • Bad Future: what actually happened in the alpha timeline and what one of the characters is currently trying to prevent
  • Big Applesauce
  • City of Adventure: Hartcroft, New York. The City of Mages.
  • Church Militant: the Buriers
  • Dysfunction Junction
  • For the Lulz: a major part of both Nia and Albus’s motivation. Big difference is, Albus’s Lulz is usually Evulz. He considers boredom one of his greatest enemies, after all.
  • Knight Templar: the Buriers, save for Mr. Kane, who considers his job a job like any other and Luciano Alterigia, who knows full well that what he is doing is Necessarily Evil and he’s probably going to Hell for it.
  • The Mafia: The Scintillares
  • Lovecraft Country: where the estates of houses Grimaldi and Aylesburry are located.
  • There Can Be Only One: the premise of the Grail War, of course
  • One-Man Army: the AESIR of Hartcorft. Each one of them is an army unto themselves. Also, the Servants.
  • Rotating Protagonist: there is no real main character among the seven Masters. All of them are equally important to the story and each has a quest of their own, all of them having an equal shot at the Grail. Which leads to:
  • Shout-Out: effing tons of it, all over Hartcorft, mentioned both in-fic and in the Wise Up. A minor example would be the schools where the teenaged protagonists study- Brian Ulfric High School is named after Albus Dumbledore and Dodgson Private Academy- after the author of Alice in Wonderland. Also, the Grimaldis and the Aylesburrys are shout-out to the two leading Sabbat clans from Vampire: The Masquerade
  • Troll: Nia full stop. She is, in a way, the Cheshire Cat of the story.
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Weirdness Magnet: Hartcroft itself. Oddities attract other oddities and that’s precisely why Albus introduced the plan to built it- he needed a place where he could siphon enough prana for using a Grail to its full potential
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