Slavery in Australia

Slavery in Australia has existed in various forms from colonisation in 1788 to the present day. European settlement relied heavily on convicts, sent to Australia as punishment for crimes and forced into labour and often sold to free settlers. Indigenous Australians were also forced into various forms of slavery from colonisation until the 1970s. Labourers were also imported from the Pacific Islands, India and China; and employed in various degrees of slavery.

Chattel slavery, where people are treated as personal property of their owners, existed in practice[1] despite any relevant laws. The most extreme instances include the blackbirding of Pacific Islanders, who were stolen from their home islands and forced to work in Queensland. Legal protections varied and were sometimes not enforced, particularly with indigenous workers who were effectively forced to work for their employers and would often go unpaid.

Australia was held to the Slave Trade Act 1807 as well as the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, which abolished slavery in the British Empire. However, Slavery was not formally prohibited by Australian law until the Slavery and Sexual Servitude Act of 1999.

Types of slavery


Many of the convicts transported to the Australian penal colonies were treated as slave labour. William Hill, an officer aboard the Second Fleet, wrote that "the slave traffic is merciful compared with what I have seen in this fleet [...] the more they can withhold from the unhappy wretches, the more provisions they have to dispose of at a foreign market, and the earlier in the voyage they die, the longer they can draw the deceased's allowance to themselves". Once the convicts arrived in Australia they were subjected to the system of "assigned service", whereby they were leased out to private citizens and placed entirely under their control, often forced to work in chain gangs. The unwillingness of wealthy landowners to give up this cheap source of labour was a key factor in why penal transportation persisted for so long, especially in Van Diemen's Land where "assigned service" continued to be widespread until the 1850s.[2]


With the ceasing of convict transportation to New South Wales becoming imminent by the late 1830s, colonists required a substitute cheap form of labour. In 1837 a Committee on Immigration identified the possibility of importing coolie labourers from India and China as a solution. John Mackay, an owner of indigo plantations in Bengal and a distillery in Sydney, organised the import of 42 coolies from India who arrived on 24 December 1837 on board Peter Proctor. This was the first sizeable transport of coolie labour into Australia and Mackay leased most of them out as shepherds to work at John Lord's Underbank land-holding just north of Dungog.[3] The contracts included a 5 or 6 year term of indenture with food, clothing, pay and shelter to be provided, but many absconded, due to reasons of these conditions not being met. The coolies were also subject to assault, slavery, and kidnap.[4]

Government enquiries delayed further coolie importation, but in 1842 a number of colonists, including William Wentworth and Gordon Sandeman, formed an Association to Import Coolies to pressure the colonial government into allowing further intakes.[5] The following year, Major G.F. Davidson imported 30 Indian coolies into Melbourne, and in 1844 Sandeman and Phillip Freil organised a shipment of 30 Indian coolies, most of whom were sent to work on their properties in the Lockyer Valley. Wentworth and Robert Towns arranged a shipment of 56 Indian coolies who arrived in a state of starvation in 1846.[6] These coolies went either to labour on Wentworth's pastoral properties such as Burburgate on the Namoi River or worked as servants at his Vaucluse House mansion. Some were leased out to Helenus Scott's Glendon property in the Hunter Valley. Many of these coolies were subject to beatings, were left unpaid, unfed or unclothed, and some died of exposure or by attacks. Those who protested their condition as breach of contract were often imprisoned.[7][8]

Indian coolie transportation was largely discontinued after this but the first shipment of 150 Chinese coolies arrived in Melbourne in 1847 aboard the brig Adelaide and another 31 arrived in Perth a year later. Toward the end of 1848, Nimrod and Phillip Laing brought a further 420 mostly Chinese coolies into the Port Phillip District. Many of these coolies were abandoned, perished in the bush, were jailed, or were found wandering the streets of Melbourne with no food or shelter.[9] Around another 1500 Chinese coolies were shipped into Australia up to the year 1854 with Robert Towns and Gordon Sandeman again being the principal organisers of the trade. A number of scandals occurred that caused a government select committee to be formed to investigate the importation of Asiatic labour. The inquiry found that 70 coolies had died aboard General Palmer during the voyage from Amoy to Sydney and that others had died from sickness once in Australia. There were no berths, bedding, medical, or toilet facilities available on the vessel and a great deal of kidnapping was involved in the recruitment process.[10] The poor conditions on board the vessel Spartan, chartered by Robert Towns, sparked a rebellion of coolies against the crew of the ship. The second-mate and ten of the Chinese were killed before the captain was able to regain control. Out of nearly 250 coolies who had embarked on Spartan, only 180 arrived in Australia.[11] These events together with concurrent disasters in the Chinese coolie trade to Cuba and Peru, ended Asian coolie transportation to Australia by 1855. From 1858, Chinese migration to Australia again spiked due to the gold rushes, but this was mostly voluntary travel.[12]

Indigenous labour

From the early stages of British colonisation of Australia right up until the 1960s, Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders were used as unpaid labour in many sectors such as the pastoralist industry, beche-de-mer harvesting, pearling, the boiling down industry, marsupial eradication, and prostitution, they were also used as household servants. In return for this labour, the Indigenous people were given portions of inexpensive commodities such as tobacco, rum, slop-clothing, flour and offal.[13] Trade in Aboriginal children and adolescents was often sought after. Children were often taken from Aboriginal camp-sites after punitive expeditions and they were used as either personal servants or as labour by the colonists who took them.[14] Sometimes these children were taken very far away from their lands and traded to other colonists. For instance, Mary Durack described how one of her relatives in the Kimberley region bought an Aboriginal boy from Queensland for a tin of jam.[15][16]

In the pastoralist sector, unpaid labour also allowed Aboriginal people to stay on their land instead of being forced off or massacred. Even in cases after Federation in 1901, where Aboriginal labour was legislated as requiring payment in money, these wages were often kept in bank accounts that could not be accessed by them, with the money being redirected elsewhere by government bureaucracies.[17] In the 1960s, famous protests against these working conditions such as the Wave Hill walk-off, brought international awareness to the issue. Although changes were made, modernisation and automisation of the pastoralist industry around the same time allowed the leaseholders to remove Aboriginal people from the land, often dumping them in townships with minimal facilities.[18]


The first shipload of 65 Melanesian labourers arrived in Boyd Town on 16 April 1847 on board the Velocity, a vessel under the command of Captain Kirsopp and chartered by Benjamin Boyd.[19] Boyd was a Scottish colonist who wanted cheap labourers to work at his expansive pastoral leaseholds in the colony of New South Wales. He financed two more procurements of South Sea Islanders, 70 of which arrived in Sydney in September 1847, and another 57 in October of that same year.[20][21] Many of these Islanders soon absconded from their workplaces and were observed starving and destitute on the streets of Sydney.[22] Reports of violence, kidnap and murder used during the recruitment of these labourers surfaced in 1848 with a closed-door enquiry choosing not to take any action against Boyd or Kirsopp.[23] The experiment of exploiting Melanesian labour was discontinued in Australia until Robert Towns recommenced the practice in the early 1860s.

In 1863, Robert Towns wanted to profit from the world-wide cotton shortage due to the American Civil War. He bought a property he named Townsvale on the Logan River and planted 400 acres of cotton. Towns also wanted cheap labour to harvest and prepare the cotton and decided to import Melanesian labour from the Loyalty Islands and the New Hebrides. Captain Grueber together with labour recruiter Ross Lewin aboard the Don Juan, brought 73 South Sea Islanders to the port of Brisbane in August 1863.[24] Towns specifically wanted adolescent males recruited and kidnapping was reportedly employed in obtaining these boys.[25][26] Over the following two years, Towns imported around 400 more Melanesians to Townsvale on one to three year terms of labour. They came on the vessels Uncle Tom (Captain Archer Smith) and Black Dog (Captain Linklater). In 1865, Towns obtained large land leases in Far North Queensland and funded the establishment of the port of Townsville. He organised the first importation of South Sea Islander labour to that port in 1866. They came aboard Blue Bell under Captain Edwards.[27] Apart from a small amount of Melanesian labour imported for the beche-de-mer trade around Bowen,[28] Robert Towns was the primary exploiter of blackbirded labour up til 1867.[29]

From 1867, the high demand for very cheap labour in the sugar and pastoral industries of Queensland, resulted in a massive increase in blackbirding in the region. Over a nearly forty year period, traders "recruited" Melanesian or Kanaka labourers for the sugar cane fields of Queensland, from the New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and the Loyalty Islands of New Caledonia as well as Niue. From 1868, the Queensland government tried to regulate the trade: it required every ship engaged in recruiting labourers from the Pacific islands to carry a person approved by the government to ensure that labourers were willingly recruited and not kidnapped. But, such government observers were often corrupted by bonuses paid for labourers 'recruited,' or blinded by alcohol, and did little or nothing to prevent sea-captains from tricking islanders on-board or otherwise engaging in kidnapping with violence. Joe Melvin, an investigative journalist who, undercover, in 1892 joined the crew of Queensland blackbirding ship Helena, found no instances of intimidation or misrepresentation and concluded that the Islanders recruited did so "willingly and cannily".[30]

The generally coercive recruitment was similar to the press-gangs once employed by the Royal Navy in England. Some 55,000 to 62,500 South Sea Islanders were taken to Australia.[31]

These people were referred to as Kanakas (the French equivalent Canaques is still used to refer to the ethnic Melanesians in New Caledonia) and came from the Western Pacific islands: from Melanesia, mainly the Solomon Islands and the New Hebrides, with a small number from the Polynesian and Micronesian islands such as Tonga (mainly 'Ata), Samoa, Kiribati, Tuvalu, and Loyalty Islands. Many of the workers were effectively slaves, but they were officially called "indentured labourers" or the like. Some Australian Aboriginal people, especially from Cape York Peninsula, were also kidnapped and transported south to work on the farms.

The methods of blackbirding were varied. Some labourers were willing to be taken to Australia to work, while others were tricked or forced. In some cases blackbirding ships (which made huge profits) would entice entire villages by luring them on board for trade or a religious service, and then setting sail. Many died in the fields due to the hard manual labour.[32]

The question of how many Islanders were kidnapped or "blackbirded" is unknown and remains controversial. Official documents and accounts from the period often conflict with the oral tradition passed down by the descendants of workers. Stories of blatantly violent kidnapping tended to relate to the first 10–15 years of the trade. The majority of the 10,000 Pacific Islanders remaining in Australia in 1901 were repatriated from 1906–08 under the provisions of the Pacific Island Labourers Act 1901.[33] A 1992 census of South Sea Islanders reported around 10,000 descendants of the blackbirded labourers living in Queensland. Fewer than 3,500 were reported in the 2001 Australian census.[31]


Indigenous Australians,[34] Malaysians, Timorese, and Micronesians were kidnapped and sold as slave-labour for the pearling industry of north western Australia.[35]

Modern Slavery

According to the Global Slavery Index, there were approximately 15,000 people living in illegal "conditions of modern slavery" in Australia in 2016. During the 2015–16 financial year, 169 alleged human trafficking and slavery offences were referred to the Australian Federal Police (AFP), including alleged instances of forced marriage, sexual exploitation, and forced labour. As of 2017, the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions had prosecuted 19 individuals for slavery-related offences since 2004, with several other prosecutions ongoing.[36]

Legislation and anti-slavery campaigning

Anti-slavery campaigners described the conditions of Aboriginal labour in northern Australia as slavery as far back as the 1860s. In 1891 the British journal Anti-Slavery Reporter published a “Slave Map of Modern Australia”.[37] (Primary citation needed)

There was legislation which allowed slavery of Aboriginal people to continue in the Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland. The Aborigines Act 1911 gave South Australian police powers to “inspect workers and their conditions” but not to enforce change; the Aboriginals Ordinance 1918 (Cth) allowed the non-payment of wages and forced recruitment of labour in the Northern Territory; and in Queensland, the Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act 1897 and successive legislation allowed the Protector of Aborigines to keep wages in funds which were never paid out.[37]

Northern Territory Protector Cecil Cook noted that Australia was in breach of its obligations under the League of Nations Slavery Convention in the 1930s. Through the 20th century, the British Commonwealth League, the North Australian Workers’ Union, anthropologists Ronald and Catherine Berndt, artist Albert Namatjira and others raised concerns about the slave-like conditions under which many Aboriginal people worked.[37]

In 2019, a class action on behalf of 10,000 Aboriginal Queenslanders was settled against the Queensland Government, with a payout of A$190,000,000. The lawsuit claimed that the legislation in force from 1939 to 1972 allowed the wages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers to be stolen.[38]

The "History Wars"

The assertion that slavery took place in Australia in colonial times is often disputed, as part of the ongoing "history wars" about Australia's past. In June 2020 the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, stated on 2GB radio in Sydney that “Australia when it was founded as a settlement, as New South Wales, was on the basis that there be no slavery...and while slave ships continued to travel around the world, when Australia was established, yes sure, it was a pretty brutal settlement… but there was no slavery in Australia”.[39] After attracting reproach by aboriginal activists and other sectors of the community,[38] Morrison apologised for any offence caused the following day, and said that he was talking specifically about the colony of New South Wales.[40]

Colonisation funded by slavery elsewhere

In the nineteenth century there were also many beneficiaries of slavery practised overseas who came to the Australian colonies or who financed settlement of the colonies. Historians have shown that the wealth made from slavery helped finance the colonisation of Australia.[41]

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gollark: Cryoapioform yourself at cryoapion level 3.
gollark: This is a bit densely packed but generally fine.


  2. Convict slavery in Australia
  3. Ohlsson, Tony. "The origins of a white Australia". The free library. Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society. Retrieved 3 May 2019.
  4. "The Indian "Hill Coolies."". The Sydney Monitor. XIII (1158). New South Wales, Australia. 28 February 1838. p. 2 (EVENING). Retrieved 3 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  5. "Original Correspondence". Port Phillip Patriot And Melbourne Advertiser. V (416). Victoria, Australia. 10 November 1842. p. 4. Retrieved 3 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  6. "THE COOLIE IMMIGRANTS PER "ORWELL."". The Spectator. I (12). New South Wales, Australia. 11 April 1846. p. 134. Retrieved 3 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  7. "Original Correspondence". The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser. V (274). New South Wales, Australia. 17 February 1847. p. 4. Retrieved 3 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  8. "Maitland". Sydney Chronicle. 4 (325). New South Wales, Australia. 14 November 1846. p. 2. Retrieved 3 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  9. "Colonial News". The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser. VII (522). New South Wales, Australia. 4 July 1849. p. 3. Retrieved 8 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  10. "ASIATIC LABOUR [?]". The Sydney Morning Herald. XXXV (5450). New South Wales, Australia. 2 December 1854. p. 4. Retrieved 8 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  11. "PIRACY ON BOARD THE "SPARTAN."". Adelaide Morning Chronicle. II (140). South Australia. 15 March 1853. p. 4. Retrieved 8 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  12. "CHINESE IMMIGRATION". Empire (2, 344). New South Wales, Australia. 10 July 1858. p. 4. Retrieved 8 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  13. Reynolds, Henry (2006), The other side of the frontier : Aboriginal resistance to the European invasion of Australia, University of New South Wales Press, ISBN 978-0-86840-892-7
  14. Bottoms, Timothy (2013), The conspiracy of silence : Queensland's frontier killing-times, Allen & Unwin, ISBN 978-1-74331-382-4
  15. Durack, Mary (1959), Kings in grass castles, Constable and Co, retrieved 4 May 2019
  16. Durack, Mary (1983), Sons in the saddle, Constable ; Australia : Hutchinson, ISBN 978-0-09-148420-0
  17. Kidd, Rosalind; Kidd Rosalind (1997), The way we civilise : Aboriginal affairs - the untold story, University of Queensland Press, ISBN 978-0-7022-2961-9
  18. Rowley, C. D. (Charles Dunford); Rowley, C. D (1972), The remote Aborigines, Penguin Books Australia, ISBN 978-0-14-021454-3
  19. "EXPORTS". Sydney Chronicle. 4 (370). New South Wales, Australia. 21 April 1847. p. 2. Retrieved 1 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  20. "SYDNEY NEWS". The Port Phillip Patriot And Morning Advertiser. X (1, 446). Victoria, Australia. 1 October 1847. p. 2. Retrieved 1 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  21. "Shipping intelligence". The Australian. 22 October 1847. p. 2. Retrieved 1 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  22. "The South Australian Register. ADELAIDE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11,1847". South Australian Register. XI (790). South Australia. 11 December 1847. p. 2. Retrieved 1 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  23. "THE ALLEGED MURDER AT ROTUMAH". Bell's Life In Sydney And Sporting Reviewer. IV (153). New South Wales, Australia. 1 July 1848. p. 2. Retrieved 1 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  24. "BRISBANE". The Sydney Morning Herald. XLVIII (7867). New South Wales, Australia. 22 August 1863. p. 6. Retrieved 12 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  25. Towns, Robert. (1863), South Sea Island immigration for cotton culture : a letter to the Hon. the Colonial Secretary of Queensland, retrieved 25 May 2019
  26. "THE SLAVE TRADE IN QUEENSLAND". The Courier (Brisbane). XVIII (1724). Queensland, Australia. 22 August 1863. p. 4. Retrieved 12 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  27. "CLEVELAND BAY". The Brisbane Courier. XXI (2, 653). Queensland, Australia. 28 July 1866. p. 7. Retrieved 12 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  28. "BOWEN". The Brisbane Courier. XXI (2, 719). Queensland, Australia. 13 October 1866. p. 6. Retrieved 12 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  29. "POLYNESIAN LABOURERS". South Australian Register. XXXII (6775). South Australia. 24 July 1868. p. 2. Retrieved 28 May 2019 via National Library of Australia.
  30. Peter Corris, 'Melvin, Joseph Dalgarno (1852–1909)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published first in hardcopy 1986, accessed online 9 January 2015.
  31. Tracey Flanagan, Meredith Wilkie, and Susanna Iuliano. "Australian South Sea Islanders: A Century of Race Discrimination under Australian Law", Australian Human Rights Commission.
  32. Queensland Government, Australian South Sea Islander Training Package at the Wayback Machine (archive index)
  33. "Documenting Democracy". Archived from the original on 26 October 2009. Retrieved 9 April 2011.
  34. Collins, Ben (9 September 2018). "Reconciling the dark history of slavery and murder in Australian pearling, points to a brighter future". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 6 March 2020.
  35. "Australia needs to own up to its slave history". Daily Life. Retrieved 30 October 2015.
  36. "2018 / Findings / Country Studies: Australia". Global Slavery Index. Retrieved 29 March 2019.
  37. Gray, Stephen; Anthony, Thalia (11 June 2020). "Was there slavery in Australia? Yes. It shouldn't even be up for debate". The Conversation. Retrieved 12 June 2020.
  38. Wellington, Shahni (11 June 2020). "'Ignorant and ill-informed': Prime Minister's slavery comments condemned". NITV. Retrieved 12 June 2020.
  39. "PM defends Captain Cook amid calls to remove statue from Sydney". 11 June 2020. Retrieved 11 June 2020.
  40. Hayne, Jordan; Hitch, Georgia (12 June 2020). "Scott Morrison says slavery comments were about New South Wales colony, apologises for causing offence". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 12 June 2020.
  41. Catherine Hall, “Writing History, Making ‘Race’" (2016), (paywall); Humphrey McQueen, “Born Free: Wage-slaves and chattel-slaves” (2018),; CJ Coventry, "Links in the Chain: British slavery, Victoria and South Australia," Before Now (2019)

Further reading

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