Prime Minister of Serbia

The Prime Minister of Serbia (Serbian: Премијер Србије / Premijer Srbije), officially the President of the Government of the Republic of Serbia (Председник Владе Републике Србије / Predsednik Vlade Republike Srbije), is the Head of government of Serbia. The prime minister directs the work of the Government, and to submit to the National Assembly the Government's Program, including a list of proposed ministers. The resignation of the Prime Minister results in the dismissal of the Government.

President of the Government of Serbia
Председник Владе Србије
Predsednik Vlade Srbije
Ana Brnabić

since 29 June 2017
NominatorPresident of the Republic
AppointerNational Assembly
Term lengthNo term limit
Inaugural holderMateja Nenadović
Formation27 August 1805
Salary13,736 USD annually[1]
This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of
 Serbia portal

The current Prime Minister, Ana Brnabić was nominated by the former Prime Minister and newly elected President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vučić and elected and appointed by the National Assembly on 29 June 2017.

History of the office

The first modern Serbian government was established on 27 August 1805 in Voljavča near Stragari, during the First Serbian Uprising, as the Governing Council (Правитељствујушчи Совјет / Praviteljstvujušči Sovjet), while the title of the head of government was President of the Governing Council. Initially the Council had no ministers, just members, but in 1811 modern ministries were created. Government ceased to exist with the collapse of the First Serbian Uprising on 3 October 1813, however later continued in exile in Hotin (Russian Empire) from 1813 until 1814.

Government was restored on 21 November 1815 following the Second Serbian Uprising. Head of government was styled Prince's Representative (Књажевски представник / Knjaževski predstavnik). The style remained official until 1861, even after the establishing of constitutional government in 1835. Prior to that date, the office was of no major importance or influence and depended solely on the will of the Prince Miloš Obrenović.

From 1861 until 1903, the head of government was styled President of the Ministry (Председник министарства / Predsednik ministarstva).

From 1903 until the creation of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes on 1 December 1918, head of government was styled President of the Council of Ministers (Председник Министарског савета / Predsednik Ministarskog saveta).

Under the communist regime after 1945, Serbia got a sort of separate Tito-appointed government opposed to the German-installed one in September 1941. First, the 'head of government' was styled President of the Executive Council of the Supreme National Liberational Council until 7 March 1945. On that day, a ministry for Serbia was created within the government of Yugoslavia (as for all the other five republics), with Minister for Serbia being in charge of creating first one-party government of post-War Serbia, which took place on 9 April 1945. Governments were headed by President of the Government until 3 February 1953, President of the Executive Council until 15 January 1991 and again President of the Government since then, but the term Prime Minister is colloquially used (especially in the media) since the government of Dragutin Zelenović in 1991. In some later articles about the recent history of Serbia, term is retroactively applied to Stanko Radmilović, Desimir Jevtić and even back to Ivan Stambolić's government.

List of prime ministers of Serbia

Revolutionary Serbia (1804–1813)


Order Head of Government Lifespan Took office Left office Party Note
Presidents of the Administering Council
1   Mateja Nenadović
Матеја Ненадовић

1777–1854 27 August 1805 January 1807 None First President of the Administering Council; he was a priest (prota)
2   Mladen Milovanović
Младен Миловановић
1760–1823 January 1807 1810 None First term; after modern ministries were created in 1811 became the first Serbian Minister of Defence
3   Jakov Nenadović
Јаков Ненадовић
1765–1836 1810 22 January 1811 None Uncle of Mateja Nenadović; after modern ministries were created in 1811 became the first Serbian Minister of Interior
4   Karađorđe Petrović
Карађорђе Петровић
1762–1817 22 January 1811 3 October 1813 None Head of State (Grand Vožd) from 1804; founder of the House of Karađorđević; after constitutional reforms in 1811, also took office of the President of the Administering Council
(2)   Mladen Milovanović
Младен Миловановић
1760–1823 1813 1814 None Second term; in exile in
Khotyn, Russian Empire

Principality of Serbia (1815–1882)

  Conservative Party   Liberal Party   Serbian Progressive Party   Non-party

Order Head of Government Lifespan Took office Left office Party Note
Representatives of the Prince
5   Petar Nikolajević Moler
Петар Николајевић Молер
1775–1816 21 November 1815 16 May 1816 None
6   Jevrem Obrenović
Јеврем Обреновић

1790–1856 1821 1826 None The youngest brother of Prince Miloš Obrenović.
7   Miloje Todorović
Милоје Тодоровић
1762–1832 1826 1826 None
8   Dimitrije Davidović
Димитрије Давидовић
1789–1839 1826 1829 None
9   Koca Marković
Коча Марковић
1795–1836 15 February 1835 28 March 1836 None
N/A   Tenka Stefanović
Стефан Стефановић Тенка
1797–1865 28 March 1836 26 February 1839 None Acting.
(28 March 1836 – 26 February 1839)
10   Avram Petronijević
Аврам Петронијевић
1791–1852 26 February 1839 7 April 1840 None First term.
N/A   Paun Janković
Паун Јанковић
1808–1865 7 April 1840 15 May 1840 None Acting.
(7 April – 15 May 1840)
11   Đorđe Protić
Ђорђе Протић
1793–1857 15 May 1840 7 September 1842 None
(10)   Avram Petronijević
Аврам Петронијевић
1791–1852 7 September 1842 6 October 1843 None Second term.
12   Aleksa Simić
Алекса Симић
1800–1872 6 October 1843 11 October 1844 None First term.
(10)   Avram Petronijević
Аврам Петронијевић
1791–1852 11 October 1844 22 April 1852 None Third term. Died in Constantinople while on official visit to the Ottoman Empire.
13   Ilija Garašanin
Илија Гарашанин
1812–1874 22 April 1852 26 March 1853 None First term.
(12)   Aleksa Simić
Алекса Симић
1800–1872 26 March 1853 28 December 1855 None Second term.
14   Aleksa Janković
Алекса Јанковић
1806–1869 28 December 1855 10 June 1856 None
N/A   Stevan Marković
Стеван Марковић
1804–1864 10 June 1856 28 September 1856 None Acting.
(10 June – 28 September 1856).
(12)   Aleksa Simić
Алекса Симић
1800–1872 28 September 1856 1 July 1857 None Third term.
15   Stevan Marković
Стеван Марковић
1804–1864 1 July 1857 12 June 1858 None
16   Stevan Magazinović
Стеван Магазиновић

1804–1874 12 June 1858 18 April 1859 None
17   Cvetko Rajović
Цветко Рајовић

1793–1873 18 April 1859 8 November 1860 None
18   Filip Hristić
Филип Христић

1819–1905 8 November 1860 21 October 1861 None
Presidents of the Ministry
(13)   Ilija Garašanin
Илија Гарашанин
1812–1874 21 October 1861 15 November 1867 Conservative Party Second term.
19   Jovan Ristić
Јован Ристић
1831–1899 15 November 1867 3 December 1867 Liberal Party First term.
20   Nikola Hristić
Никола Христић

1818–1911 3 December 1867 3 July 1868 Conservative Party First term.
21   Đorđe Cenić
Ђорђе Ценић
1825–1903 3 July 1868 8 August 1869 Conservative Party
22   Radivoje Milojković
Радивоје Милојковић
1832–1888 8 August 1869 22 August 1872 Liberal Party Removed from office when Prince Milan IV, aged eighteen, came of age and appointed a new government.
23   Milivoje Petrović Blaznavac
Миливоје Петровић Блазнавац
1824–1873 22 August 1872 5 April 1873 Independent Military officer (general).
Died in office of natural causes.
(19)   Jovan Ristić
Јован Ристић
1831–1899 5 April 1873 3 November 1873 Liberal Party Second term; acting up to 14 April 1873
24   Jovan Marinović
Јован Мариновић
1821–1893 3 November 1873 7 December 1874 Serbian Progressive Party
25   Aćim Čumić
Аћим Чумић
1836–1901 7 December 1874 3 February 1875 Serbian Progressive Party
26   Danilo Stefanović
Данило Стефановић
1815–1886 3 February 1875 31 August 1875 Conservative Party
27   Stevča Mihailović
Стевча Михаиловић

1804–1888 31 August 1875 8 October 1875 Liberal Party First term.
28   Ljubomir Kaljević
Љубомир Каљевић
1841–1907 8 October 1875 6 May 1876 Serbian Progressive Party
(27)   Stevča Mihailović
Стевча Михаиловић

1804–1888 6 May 1876 13 October 1878 Liberal Party Second term.
(19)   Jovan Ristić
Јован Ристић
1831–1899 13 October 1878 2 November 1880 Liberal Party Third term.
29   Milan Piroćanac
Милан Пироћанац

1837–1897 2 November 1880 6 March 1882 Serbian Progressive Party

Kingdom of Serbia (1882–1918)

  Serbian Progressive Party   Conservative Party   Liberal Party   People's Radical Party   Independent Radical Party   Non-party

Order Head of Government Lifespan Took office Left office Party Note
Presidents of the Ministry
(29)   Milan Piroćanac
Милан Пироћанац

1837–1897 6 March 1882 3 October 1883 Serbian Progressive Party
(20)   Nikola Hristić
Никола Христић

1818–1911 3 October 1883 19 February 1884 Conservative Party Second term.
30   Milutin Garašanin
Милутин Гарашанин
1843–1908 19 February 1884 13 June 1887 Serbian Progressive Party
(19)   Jovan Ristić
Јован Ристић
1831–1899 13 June 1887 1 January 1888 Liberal Party Fourth term.
31   Sava Grujić
Сава Грујић
1840–1913 1 January 1888 27 April 1888 People's Radical Party First term.
(20)   Nikola Hristić
Никола Христић

1818–1911 27 April 1888 19 January 1889 Conservative Party Third term.
32   Kosta Protić
Коста Протић
1831–1892 19 January 1889 7 March 1889 Independent Military officer (general).
(31)   Sava Grujić
Сава Грујић
1840–1913 7 March 1889 23 February 1891 People's Radical Party Second term.
33   Nikola Pašić
Никола Пашић

1845–1926 23 February 1891 22 August 1892 People's Radical Party First term.
34   Jovan Avakumović
Јован Авакумовић

1841–1928 22 August 1892 13 April 1893 Liberal Party First term.. Removed from office when King Aleksandar I, aged seventeen, staged a coup d'état, proclaimed himself of age and dismissed the regents and their government.
35   Lazar Dokić
Лазар Докић
1845–1893 13 April 1893 5 December 1893 People's Radical Party Died in office of natural causes.
(31)   Sava Grujić
Сава Грујић
1840–1913 5 December 1893 24 January 1894 People's Radical Party Third term.
36   Đorđe Simić
Ђорђе Симић
1843–1921 24 January 1894 3 April 1894 People's Radical Party First term.
37   Svetomir Nikolajević
Светомир Николајевић
1844–1922 3 April 1894 27 October 1894 People's Radical Party
(20)   Nikola Hristić
Никола Христић

1818–1911 27 October 1894 7 July 1895 Conservative Party Fourth term.
38   Stojan Novaković
Стојан Новаковић

1842–1915 7 July 1895 27 December 1896 Serbian Progressive Party First term.
(36)   Đorđe Simić
Ђорђе Симић
1843–1921 27 December 1896 19 October 1897 People's Radical Party Second term.
39   Vladan Đorđević
Владан Ђорђевић

1844–1930 19 October 1897 25 July 1900 Serbian Progressive Party
40   Aleksa Jovanović
Алекса Јовановић
1846–1920 25 July 1900 3 April 1901 Independent
41   Mihailo Vujić
Михаило Вујић
1853–1913 3 April 1901 20 October 1902 People's Radical Party
42   Petar Velimirović
Петар Велимировић
1848–1921 20 October 1902 20 November 1902 People's Radical Party First term.
43   Dimitrije Cincar-Marković
Димитрије Цинцар-Марковић
1849–1903 20 November 1902 11 June 1903 Independent Military officer (general).
Assassinated during the May Coup.
Presidents of the Ministerial Council
(34)   Jovan Avakumović
Јован Авакумовић

1841–1928 11 June 1903 4 October 1903 Liberal Party Second term.
(31)   Sava Grujić
Сава Грујић
1840–1913 4 October 1903 10 December 1904 People's Radical Party Fourth term.
(33)   Nikola Pašić
Никола Пашић

1845–1926 10 December 1904 28 May 1905 People's Radical Party Second term.
44   Ljubomir Stojanović
Љубомир Стојановић
1860–1930 28 May 1905 7 March 1906 Independent Radical Party
(31)   Sava Grujić
Сава Грујић
1840–1913 7 March 1906 29 April 1906 People's Radical Party Fifth term.
(33)   Nikola Pašić
Никола Пашић

1845–1926 29 April 1906 20 July 1908 People's Radical Party Third term.
(42)   Petar Velimirović
Петар Велимировић
1848–1921 20 July 1908 22 February 1909 People's Radical Party Second term.
(38)   Stojan Novaković
Стојан Новаковић

1842–1915 22 February 1909 24 October 1909 Serbian Progressive Party Second term.
(33)   Nikola Pašić
Никола Пашић

1845–1926 24 October 1909 4 July 1911 People's Radical Party Fourth term.
45   Milovan Milovanović
Милован Миловановић
1863–1912 4 July 1911 18 June 1912 People's Radical Party Died in office of natural causes.
46   Marko Trifković
Марко Трифковић
1864–1928 18 June 1912 12 September 1912 People's Radical Party
(33)   Nikola Pašić
Никола Пашић

1845–1926 12 September 1912 1 December 1918 People's Radical Party Fifth term.
Became acting Prime Minister of Yugoslavia on 1 December 1918.

Socialist Republic of Serbia within SFR Yugoslavia (1945–1992)

  League of Communists of Yugoslavia   Socialist Party of Serbia

Order Head of Government Lifespan Took office Left office Party Note
President of the Executive Council of the Supreme National Liberation Council
N/A   Petar Stambolić
Петар Стамболић

1912–2007 September
7 March
Communist Party of Yugoslavia
Minister for Serbia
N/A   Jaša Prodanović
Јаша Продановић
1867–1948 7 March
9 April
Communist Party of Yugoslavia
Prime Ministers
  Blagoje Nešković
Благоје Нешковић
1907–1984 9 April
5 September
Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  Petar Stambolić
Петар Стамболић

1912–2007 5 September
5 February
Communist Party of Yugoslavia
(renamed in 1952)
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
(renamed in 1952)
Presidents of the Executive Council
  Petar Stambolić
Петар Стамболић

1912–2007 5 February
16 December
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Jovan Veselinov
Јован Веселинов
1906–1982 16 December
6 April
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Miloš Minić
Милош Минић

1914–2003 6 April
9 June
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Slobodan Penezić Krcun
Слободан Пенезић Крцун
1918–1964 9 June
6 November
League of Communists of Yugoslavia Killed in a suspicious traffic accident.
N/A   Stevan Doronjski
Стеван Дороњски
1919–1981 6 November
17 November
League of Communists of Yugoslavia Acting
(after Penezić's death)
  Dragi Stamenković
Драги Стаменковић
1920–2004 17 November
6 June
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Đurica Jojkić
Ђурица Јојкић
1914–1981 6 June
7 May
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Milenko Bojanić
Миленко Бојанић
1924–1987 7 May
6 May
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Dušan Čkrebić
Душан Чкребић

born 1927 6 May
6 May
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Ivan Stambolić
Иван Стамболић
1936–2000 6 May
5 May
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Branislav Ikonić
Бранислав Иконић
1928–2002 5 May
6 May
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Desimir Jevtić
Десимир Јевтић

1938–2017 6 May
5 December
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
  Stanko Radmilović
Станко Радмиловић
1936–2018 5 December
15 January
League of Communists of Yugoslavia
(until January 1990)
The pan-Yugoslav League of Communists of Yugoslavia was dissolved in January 1990 into six political parties (one for each republic), in Serbia that was the Socialist Party of Serbia.
  Socialist Party of Serbia
(from January 1990)

Republic of Serbia within FR Yugoslavia / Serbia and Montenegro (1992–2006)

  Socialist Party of Serbia   Democratic Party   Democratic Alternative   Social Democratic Union   Democratic Party of Serbia   Non-party

Order Head of Government
Term of office Party Cabinet Composition Election
Prime Ministers
1991 onwards
  Dragutin Zelenović
Драгутин Зеленовић

11 February 1991

23 December 1991
Socialist Party of Serbia Zelenović SPS 1990
  Radoman Božović
Радоман Божовић
23 December 1991

10 February 1993
Socialist Party of Serbia Božović SPS
  Nikola Šainović
Никола Шаиновић
10 February 1993

18 March 1994
Socialist Party of Serbia Šainović SPS
(minority government
supported by SRS)
  Mirko Marjanović
Мирко Марјановић
18 March 1994

24 October 2000
Socialist Party of Serbia Marjanović I SPSND 1993
Marjanović II SPSJULSRS 1997
  Milomir Minić
Миломир Минић
25 October 2000

25 January 2001
Socialist Party of Serbia Minić SPSDOSSPO
(transitional government formed
after the Bulldozer Revolution)
  Zoran Đinđić
Зоран Ђинђић

25 January 2001

12 March 2003
(assassinated in office)
Democratic Party
(Democratic Opposition of Serbia)
Đinđić DOS 2000
N/A   Nebojša Čović
Небојша Човић

12 March 2003

17 March 2003
Democratic Alternative
(Democratic Opposition of Serbia)
N/A   Žarko Korać
Жарко Кораћ
17 March 2003

18 March 2003
Social Democratic Union
(Democratic Opposition of Serbia)
  Zoran Živković
Зоран Живковић

18 March 2003

4 March 2004
Democratic Party
(Democratic Opposition of Serbia)
Živković DOS
  Vojislav Koštunica
Војислав Коштуница

4 March 2004

5 June 2006
Democratic Party of Serbia Koštunica I DSS–G17+–SPONS
(minority government
supported by SPS)

Republic of Serbia (2006–present)

  Democratic Party of Serbia   Socialist Party of Serbia   Serbian Progressive Party   Non-party

Order Head of Government
Term of office Party Cabinets Composition Elections
Prime Ministers
2006 onwards
  Vojislav Koštunica
Војислав Коштуница

5 June 2006

7 July 2008
Democratic Party of Serbia Koštunica I DSS–G17+–SPONS
(minority government
supported by SPS)
Koštunica II DSDSS–G17+
  Mirko Cvetković
Мирко Цветковић

7 July 2008

27 July 2012
Independent Cvetković DSSPSG17+SDPS
  Ivica Dačić
Ивица Дачић

27 July 2012

27 April 2014
Socialist Party of Serbia Dačić SNSSPSSDPS
(until 2013)
  Aleksandar Vučić
Александар Вучић

27 April 2014

31 May 2017
Serbian Progressive Party Vučić I SNSSPS
N/A   Ivica Dačić
Ивица Дачић

31 May 2017

29 June 2017
Socialist Party of Serbia Acting
  Ana Brnabić
Ана Брнабић

29 June 2017

(until October 2019)
  Serbian Progressive Party
(from October 2019)

Living former Prime Ministers

NameTermDate of birth
Dušan Čkrebić 1974–1978 7 August 1927
Radoman Božović 1991–1993 13 January 1953
Nikola Šainović 1993–1994 7 December 1948
Milomir Minić 2000–2001 5 October 1950
Zoran Živković 2003–2004 22 December 1960
Vojislav Koštunica 2004–2008 24 March 1944
Mirko Cvetković 2008–2012 16 August 1950
Ivica Dačić 2012–2014 1 January 1966
Aleksandar Vučić 2014–2017 5 March 1970
gollark: I've attempted to breed the 29G messy aeon (29G messy aeon. 29G messy aeon) with one of the "2Gs" but got no egg.
gollark: It would be a disservice to not use it correctly.
gollark: 29G. Messy. Aeon.
gollark: I'd possibly influence it to breed with my 29G messy aeon.
gollark: Imagine if someone won the raffle then caught an AP CB prize.


See also

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