
Noogenesis is the emergence and evolution of intelligence.[1][2][3][4]

Term origin

Noo-, nous (UK: /ˈns/, US: /ˈns/), from the ancient Greek νόος, is a term that currently encompasses the meanings: "mind, intelligence, intellect, reason; wisdom; insight, intuition, thought."[5][6][7]

Noogenesis was first mentioned in the posthumously published in 1955 book The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, an anthropologist and philosopher, in a few places:

"With and within the crisis of reflection, the next term in the series manifests itself. Psychogenesis has led to man. Now it effaces itself, relieved or absorbed by another and a higher function—the engendering and subsequent development of the mind, in one word noogenesis. When for the first time in a living creature instinct perceived itself in its own mirror, the whole world took a pace forward."[8] "There is only one way in which our minds can integrate into a coherent picture of noogenesis these two essential properties of the autonomous centre of all centres, and that is to resume and complement our Principle of Emergence."[9] "The idea is that of noogenesis ascending irreversibly towards Omega through the strictly limited cycle of a geogenesis."[10] "To make room for thought in the world, I have needed to ' interiorise ' matter : to imagine an energetics of the mind; to conceive a noogenesis rising upstream against the flow of entropy; to provide evolution with a direction, a line of advance and critical points..."[11] —"Omega point".

The lack of any kind of definition of the term has led to a variety of interpretations reflected in the book,[12][13][14] including "the contemporary period of evolution on Earth, signified by transformation of biosphere onto the sphere of intelligence—noosphere",[15] "evolution run by human mind"[16] etc. The most widespread interpretation is thought to be "the emergence of mind, which follows geogenesis, biogenesis and anthropogenesis, forming a new sphere on Earthnoosphere".

Recent developments

Noogenesis: the evolution of the reaction rate[17] In unicellular organism – the rate of movement of ions through the membrane 10 in -10 degrees m/s, water through the membrane 10 in −6 degree m/s, intracellular liquid (cytoplasm) 2∙10 in −5 degree m/s; Inside multicellular organism – the speed of blood through the vessels ~0.05 m/s, the momentum along the nerve fibers ~100 m/s; In population (humanity) – communications: sound (voice and audio) ~300 km/h, quantum-electron ~3∙10 in 8 degree m/s (the speed of radio-electromagnetic waves, electric current, light, optical, tele-communications).

Modern understanding

In 2005 Alexei Eryomin in the monograph Noogenesis and Theory of Intellect[18] proposed a new concept of noogenesis in understanding the evolution of intellectual systems,[19] concepts of intellectual systems, information logistics, information speed, intellectual energy, intellectual potential, consolidated into a theory of the intellect[20] which combines the biophysical parameters of intellectual energy—the amount of information, its acceleration (frequency, speed) and the distance it's being sent—into a formula.[21] According to the new concept—proposed hypothesis continue prognostic progressive evolution of the species Homo sapiens,[22] the analogy between the human brain with the enormous number of neural cells firing at the same time and a similarly functioning human society.[23]

Iteration of the number of components in Intellectual systems.[18] A - number of neurons in the brain during individual development (ontogenesis), B - number of people (evolution of populations of humanity), C - number of neurons in the nervous systems of organisms during evolution (phylogenesis).
Emergence and evolution of info-interactions within populations of Humanity[18] A – world human population → 7 billion; B – number of literate persons; C – number of reading books (with beginning of printing); D – number of receivers (radio, TV); E – number of phones, computers, Internet users

A new understanding of the term "noogenesis" as an evolution of the intellect was proposed by A. Eryomin. A hypothesis based on recapitulation theory links the evolution of the human brain to the development of human civilization. The parallel between the number of people living on Earth and the number of neurons becomes more and more obvious leading us to viewing global intelligence as an analogy for human brain. All of the people living on this planet have undoubtedly inherited the amazing cultural treasures of the past, be it production, social and intellectual ones. We are genetically hardwired to be a sort of "live RAM" of the global intellectual system. Alexei Eryomin suggests that humanity is moving towards a unified self-contained informational and intellectual system. His research has shown the probability of Super Intellect realizing itself as Global Intelligence on Earth. We could get closer to understanding the most profound patterns and laws of the Universe if these kinds of research were given enough attention. Also, the resemblance between the individual human development and such of the whole human race has to be explored further if we are to face some of the threats of the future.[24]

Therefore, generalizing and summarizing:

"Noogenesis—the expansion process in space and development in time (evolution) of intelligent systems (intelligent matter). Noogenesis represents a set of natural, interconnected, characterized by a certain temporal sequence of structural and functional transformations of the entire hierarchy and set of interacting among themselves on the basic structures and processes ranging from the formation and separation of the rational system to the present (the phylogenesis of the nervous systems of organisms; the evolution of humanity as autonomous intelligent systems) or death (in the course of ontogenesis of the human brain)".[25]

Interdisciplinary nature

The term "noogenesis" can be used in a variety of fields i.e. medicine,[26][27] biophysics,[28] semiotics,[29] mathematics,[30] geology,[31] information technology,[32] psychology, theory of global evolution[33] etc. thus making it a truly cross-disciplinary one. In astrobiology noogenesis concerns the origin of intelligent life and more specifically technological civilizations capable of communicating with humans and or traveling to Earth.[34] The lack of evidence for the existence of such extraterrestrial life creates the Fermi paradox.[35]

Aspects of emergence and evolution of mind

To the parameters of the phenomenon "noo", "intellectus"

The emergence of the human mind is considered to be one of the five fundamental phenomenons of emergent evolution.[36] To understand the mind, it is necessary to determine how human thinking differs from other thinking beings. Such differences include the ability to generate calculations, to combine dissimilar concepts, to use mental symbols, and to think abstractly.[37] The knowledge of the phenomenon of intelligent systems—the emergence of reason (noogenesis) boils down to:

Several published works which do not employ the term "noogenesis", however, address some patterns in the emergence and functioning of the human intelligence: working memory capacity ≥ 7,[38] ability to predict, prognosis,[39] hierarchical (6 layers neurons) system of information analysis,[40] consciousness,[41] memory,[42] generated and consumed information properties[43] etc. They also set the limits of several physiological aspects of human intelligence.[44] Сonception of emergence of insight.[45]

Aspects of evolution "sapiens"

Historical evolutionary development[46] and emergence of H. sapiens as species,[47] include emergence of such concepts as anthropogenesis, phylogenesis, morphogenesis, cephalization,[48] systemogenesis,[49] cognition systems autonomy.[50]

On the other hand, development of an individual's intellect deals with concepts of embryogenesis, ontogenesis,[51] morphogenesis, neurogenesis,[52] higher nervous function of I.P.Pavlov and his philosophy of mind.[53] Despite the fact that the morphofunctional maturity is usually reached by the age of 13, the definitive functioning of the brain structures is not complete until about 16–17 years of age.[54]

New manifestations of humanity intelligence

The joint global highly intelligent activity of people, mankind as an autonomous system, in the second half of the 20th century led to acts reflecting the unity of humanity, which in some cases reacts as an autonomous system. Examples of such unity are the founding of the UN and its specialized agencies, the victory over smallpox by vaccination, the atomic energy peaceful use, access into space, nuclear and bacteriological testing bans, and the satellite television arrangement.[18] Already in the 21st century - responding to global warming, hydrocarbon production contractual balancing, overcoming economic crises, mega-projects for joint space observations, the nanoworld study and nuclear research, the ambitions for the study of the brain[55] and the creation of universal artificial intelligence indicated in national and international[56] strategies. With a new challenge to humanity - the COVID-19 pandemic, in a hyperinformational society, the problem was designated as a choice "infopandemic or noogenesis?",[57] "the rise of a global collective intelligence".[58]

The future of intelligence

The fields of Bioinformatics, genetic engineering, noopharmacology, cognitive load, brain stimulations, the efficient use of altered states of consciousness, use of non-human cognition, information technology (IT), artificial intelligence (AI) are all believed to be effective methods of intelligence advancement and may be the future of intelligence on earth and the galaxy.[24][59]

Issues and further research prospects

The development of the human brain, perception, cognition, memory and neuroplasticity are unsolved problems in neuroscience. Several megaprojects are being carried out in: Blue Brain Project, Allen Brain Atlas, Human Connectome Project, Google Brain, - in attempt to better our understanding of the brain's functionality along with the intention to develop human cognitive performance in the future with artificial intelligence, informational, communication and cognitive technology.[60] An International Brain Initiative currently integrated national-level brain research initiatives (American BRAIN Initiative, European Human Brain Project, China Brain Project, Japan Brain/MINDS, Canadian Brain Research Strategy, Australian Brain Alliance, Korea Brain Initiative) with goals support an interface between countries to enable synergistic interactions with interdisciplinary approaches arising from the latest research in neuroscience and brain-inspired artificial intelligence etc.[61] According to the Russian National Strategy - fundamental scientific research should be aimed at creating universal artificial intelligence.[62]

gollark: As the owner's name isn't listed, we shall never know...
gollark: I wonder why it was abandoned.
gollark: Talking of AP finds, I got this xenowyrm:
gollark: Go on.
gollark: Oh, potential request, right.

See also


  1. Noogenesis // Word Info about English Vocabulary.
  2. Noogenesis // Useful English Dictionary.
  3. Noogenesis // English Dictionary.
  4. Noogenesis // Phrontistery Dictionary.
  5. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles (3 ed.), Oxford University Press, 1973, p. 1417
  6. See entry for νόος in Liddell & Scott, on the Perseus Project.
  7. See entry for intellectus in Lewis & Short, on the Perseus Project.
  8. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man. Harper Torchbooks, The Cloister Library, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1961, p. 181.
  9. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man. Harper Torchbooks, The Cloister Library, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1961, p. 270.
  10. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man. Harper Torchbooks, The Cloister Library, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1961, p. 273.
  11. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man. Harper Torchbooks, The Cloister Library, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1961, p. 290.
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  13. Steinhart E. Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism // Journal of Evolution and Technology — Vol. 20 Issue 1 -December 2008 — pgs 1-22 ISSN 1541-0099
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