List of LGBT writers

This list of LGBT writers includes writers who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender or otherwise non-heterosexual who have written about LGBT themes, elements or about LGBT issues (such as Jonny Frank). Works of these authors are part of LGBT literature.

As this list includes writers from antiquity until the present, it is clearly understood that the term "LGBT" may not ideally describe the identity of all authors, particularly for those who wrote before the nineteenth century. In some cases, it is more useful to consider such authors as persons who expressed attractions for persons of the same sex (for example, Sappho or Plato), and avoid the anachronistic use of contemporary labels. Inclusion in this list follows general scholarly and academic norms, specified in references, that attempt to establish a genealogy or history of LGBT literature written by LGBT people. There are many additional non-LGBT authors who have written works on LGBT topics. All new additions to this list should include a reference.


Perry Brass 1947 American non-fiction, novels, poetry, plays ″How to Survive Your Own Gay Life″ ″King of Angels, A Novel About the Genesis of Identity and Belief″ [1]
Caio Fernando Abreu1948-1996Brazilianshort stories, playsMorangos Mofados, dragões não conhecem o paraíso[2]
Barry D. Adamb. 1952 CanadianscholarThe Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement, The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics[3]
Evan Adamsb. 1966CanadianplaywrightDreams of Sheep, Snapshots, Dirty Dog River and Janice's Christmas [4]
Etel Adnanb. 1925Lebanese-AmericanpoetSea and Fog[5]
Will Aitkenb. ? American-Canadiannovelist, film criticTerre Haute, Realia[6]
Magaly Alabaub. 1945Cuban AmericanpoetryElectra y Clitemnestra. Poema [7]
Francisco X. Alarcónb. 1954ChicanopoetryFrom the Belly Button of the Moon: And Other Summer Poems, Poems to Dream Together = Poemas para soñar juntos[8]
Edward Albee1928–2016AmericanplaywrightWho's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?[9]
Sandra Allandb. 1973Canadianpoetry, fictionThe Mathematics of Love [10]
Kimball Allenb. 1982Americanplaywright, performer, gay activistSecrets of a Gay Mormon Felon
Be Happy Be Mormon
Paula Gunn Allen1939–2008Native Americanpoet, literary criticAs Long as the Rivers Flow: The Stories of Nine Native Americans[9]
Dorothy Allisonb. 1949AmericannovelistBastard Out of Carolina[9]
Anne-Marie Alonzo1951-2005Canadianpoetry, fiction, dramaBleus de mine [6]
Lisa Altherb. 1944AmericannovelistStormy Weather & Other Stories; Blood Feud: The Hatfields and the McCoys: The Epic Story of Murder and Vengeance; Washed in the Blood; Kinflicks: A Novel[9]
Rebecca Alpertb. 1950 Americanprofessor of Jewish American religious history Lesbian Rabbis: The First Generation [12]
Noel Alumitb. 1968 Filipino-Americanplaywright, novelistMr. and Mrs. La Questa Go Dancing, Letters to Montgomery Clift[13]
Gordon Stewart Anderson1958-1991CanadiannovelistThe Toronto You Are Leaving[14]
Debra Andersonb. ? Canadiannovelist, playwrightCode White[15]
Nahshon Dion Andersonb. 1978Americanmemoir & nonfictionShooting Range[16]
Patrick Anderson1915-1979English/CanadianpoetReturn to Canada [6][17]
Albalucía Angelb. 1939Colombianfolksinger and novelist Girasoles en Invierno [8]
Núria Añób. 1973SpanishnovelistLowering Clouds[18]
Trey Anthonyb. 1983 CanadianplaywrightDa Kink in My Hair[19]
Salvatore Antoniob. 1976CanadianplaywrightIn Gabriel's Kitchen[20]
Gloria Anzaldúa1942–2004Chicanascholar of Chicana cultural theory Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza[8][21]
Bert Archerb. 1968Canadianjournalist, criticThe End of Gay (and the death of heterosexuality)[22]
Reinaldo Arenas1943–1990Cubanpoet, novelist and playwright Before Night Falls[8][9]
Rafael Arévalo Martínez1884–1975Guatemalannovelist, short-story writer, poet Las rosas de Engaddi [8]
Lawrence Aronovitchb. 1974 CanadianplaywrightThe Lavender Railroad, Galatea[23]
Rane Arroyob. 1954Puerto RicanpoetryPale Ramón[8][24]
John Ashbery1927-2017AmericanpoetrySelf-Portrait in a Convex Mirror [9]
Damien Atkinsb. 1975CanadianplaywrightReal Live Girl, Lucy, The Gay Heritage Project[25]
W. H. Auden1907–1973Englishpoetry"Funeral Blues" (poem) [9]
Ellis Avery1972–2019AmericannovelistThe Teahouse Fire, The Last Nude[26]
Manuel Azaña1880–1940Spanishintellectual and politician La velada en Benicarló [9]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Cheryl B1972-2011Americanpoet, autobiographerMy Awesome Place: The Autobiography of Cheryl B[27]
Mette Bachb. ?Canadianauthor, teacher, screenwriter, and directorOff the Highway[28]
Sir Francis Bacon1561–1626Englishessayist, novelistThe Advancement and Proficience of Learning Divine and Human (1605)[9]
Bruce Bagemihlb. ?CanadianscientistBiological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity[29]
James Robert Baker1946–1997AmericannovelistBoy Wonder, Tim and Pete[30]
John Roman Bakerb. 1944Englishpoet, playwright, novelistCrying Celibate Tears[31][32]
James Baldwin1924–1987Americanpoet, playwright, novelistGiovanni's Room[9]
Honoré de Balzac1799–1850FrenchnovelistLa Comédie humaine[9]
Victor J. Banisb. 1937AmericannovelistThe Man from C.A.M.P.[33]
Keith Bannerb. ?Americannovelist, short storiesThe Life I Lead, Next to Nothing[34]
Kaushalya Bannerjib. ?CanadianpoetA New Remembrance: Poems[35]
Ann Bannonb. 1932AmericannovelistBeebo Brinker[9]
Porfirio Barba Jacob1883–1942Columbianpoet"Canción de la vida profunda" (poem)[8]
Djuna Barnes1892–1982AmericannovelistLadies Almanack, Nightwood[9]
Allen Barnett1955-1991Americanshort story writerThe Body and Its Dangers[36]
Natalie Clifford Barney1876–1972Americanpoet, memoiristQuelques Portraits-Sonnets de Femmes[9]
Richard Barnfield1574–1627EnglishpoetThe Passionate Pilgrim[9]
Damian Barrb. 1976Britishwriter, columnist, playwrightMaggie & Me[37]
Joelle BarronCanadianpoetRitual Lights[38]
Roland Barthes1915–1980FrenchsemioticianWhat Is Literature?[9]
John Bartonb. 1957CanadianpoetWest of Darkness: Emily Carr, self-portrait (2nd ed.)[39]
Jean Basile1932-1992Canadiannovelist, essayistLa Jument des mongols, Le Grand Khan, Les Voyages d'Irkoutsk[40]
Jaime Baylyb. 1965Peruvianjournalist, novelistNo se lo Digas a Nadie[41]
Neil Bartlettb. 1958EnglishplaywrightMore Bigger Snacks Now, A Vision of Love Revealed in Sleep, Sarrasine, A Judgement in Stone and Now That It's Morning[9]
Sylvia Beach1887–1962Americaneditor, memoiristFounder of Shakespeare and Company (bookshop)[9]
William Beckford1760–1844Englishnovelist, travel writerVathek[9]
Aphra Behnc. 1640–1689Englishdramatist, poet and novelistOroonoko[9]
Billy-Ray Belcourtb. ?CanadianpoetThis Wound Is a World[42]
Gwen Benawayb. 1987CanadianpoetCeremonies for the Dead, Passage[42]
Bruce Bendersonb. 1946Americannovelist, essayistAutobiographie érotique[43]
E. F. Benson1867–1940EnglishnovelistDodo[9]
Jeremy Bentham1748–1832EnglishphilosopherAn Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation[9]
S. Bear Bergmanb. 1974American-Canadianauthor, poet, playwright, and theater artistButch Is A Noun [44]
Leonard Bernstein1918-1990Americancomposer, conductor, author, music lecturer, and pianistWest Side Story[45]
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamoreb. ?AmericannovelistThe End of San Francisco[46]
José Bianco1909–1986Argentineessayist, novelist and editorVarious works published in the magazine Sur[8][47]
Anthony Bidulkab. 1962CanadiannovelistFlight of Aquavit[48]
Aristide von Bienefeldt1959-2016DutchnovelistBekentenissen van een Stamhouder ("Confessions of a Son and Heir")[49]
Imogen Binnieb. ? AmericannovelistNevada[50]
Elizabeth Bishop1911–1979Americanpoet, short story writerNorth and South, Questions of Travel[9]
bill bissettb. 1939CanadianpoetAwake in the Red Dessert (spoken word album)[51]
Persimmon Blackbridgeb. 1951Canadiannovelist, non-fiction writerSunnybrook, Prozac Highway[52]
Marie-Claire Blaisb. 1939Canadiannovelist, playwrightA Season in the Life of Emmanuel, Mad Shadows, Augustino and the Choir of Destruction[6][9]
Robin Blaser1925-2009CanadianpoetThe Collected Books of Jack Spicer (editor)[53]
Ali Blytheb. ?CanadianpoetTwoism[54]
Charlie Bondhusb. 1981AmericanpoetAll the Heat We Could Carry[55]
Gregory Bonsignoreb. 1983Americanplaywright, librettist, lyricist, TV writerAtomic, Squad 85[56]
Walter Bordenb. 1942CanadianplaywrightTightrope Time: Ain't Nuthin' More Than Some Itty Bitty Madness Between Twilight and Dawn[57]
Barrie Jean Borichb. ?AmericanmemoiristMy Lesbian Husband, Body Geographic[58]
Michel Marc Bouchardb. 1958CanadianplaywrightLilies, The Orphan Muses[17]
Elizabeth Bowen1899–1973IrishnovelistEva Trout[9]
Jane Bowles1917–1973Americannovelist, playwrightTwo Serious Ladies[9]
Paul Bowles1910–1999Americannovelist, poet, translatorThe Sheltering Sky[9]
John Boyneb. 1971IrishnovelistThe Boy in the Striped Pyjamas[59]
Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite1963-2008CanadiannovelistWigger[60]
Christopher Bramb. 1952AmericannovelistFather of Frankenstein[36]
Dionne Brandb. 1953Canadiannovelist, poetLand to Light On, What We All Long For, Sans Souci[61]
Ken Brandb. ?CanadianplaywrightBenchmarks, The Bathhouse Suite, Burying Michael[62]
Beth Brant1941-2015CanadianpoetA Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Women[63]
André Brassardb. 1946Canadianstage director, filmmaker and actorOnce Upon a Time in the East, Le soleil se lève en retard (both films) [64]
Bertolt Brecht1898–1956GermanplaywrightThe Threepenny Opera[9]
Poppy Z. Briteb. 1967AmericannovelistLiquor, Prime, and Soul Kitchen[9]
Lynn Breedloveb. 1965AmericannovelistGodspeed[65]
Michael Bronskib. 1949AmericanhistorianA Queer History of the United States[66]
Carellin Brooksb. ?Canadiannovelist, non-fictionOne Hundred Days of Rain, Wreck Beach[67]
Brigid Brophyb. 1929EnglishnovelistHackenfeller's Ape[9]
Nicole Brossardb. 1943French Canadianpoet, novelistL'Echo bouge beau[6][9][17]
Olga Broumasb. 1949Greek-AmericanpoetBeginning with O[9]
Rebecca Brownb. 1956AmericannovelistThe Gifts of the Body[68]
Rita Mae Brownb. 1944AmericannovelistRubyfruit Jungle[9]
Nathan Burgoineb. ?Canadiannovelist, short storiesLight[69]
Ronnie Burkettb. ?CanadianplaywrightTinka's New Dress[70]
John Horne Burns1916–1953AmericannovelistThe Gallery[9]
William S. Burroughs1914–1997AmericannovelistNaked Lunch, Queer[71]
Aldo Busib. 1948ItaliannovelistSeminar on Youth[72]
Alec Butlerb. 1959CanadianplaywrightBlack Friday[73]
Lady Eleanor Butler1739–1829Anglo-IrishdiaristLadies of Llangollen : letters and journals of Lady Eleanor Butler (1739-1829) and Sarah Ponsonby (1755-1831)[9]
Samuel Butler1835–1902EnglishnovelistErewhon, The Way of All Flesh[9]
Lord Byron1788–1824EnglishpoetDon Juan (poem)[9]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Patrick Califiab. 1954Americannon-fiction Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex [74]
Anne Cameronb. 1938 Canadiannovelist, poet, screenwriter Dreamspeaker (screenplay) [75]
Elspeth Cameronb. 1943 Canadianbiographies and memoirs, poetry No Previous Experience, [76]
Rafael Campob. 1964 Americanpoet"Silence= Death" [77]
Truman Capote1924–1984Americannovelist, non-fictionBreakfast at Tiffany's, In Cold Blood[9]
Pat Capponi1949-2020Canadianmystery novelist, non-fictionBound by Duty: Walking the Beat with Canada's Cops[78]
Tom Cardamoneb. ? Americanspeculative fictionGreen Thumb[79]
Nancy Cárdenas1934-1994Mexicanactor, activist, filmmaker México de mis amores (documentary) [8]
Dale Carpenterb. 1966 Americannon-fictionFlagrant Conduct: The Story of Lawrence v. Texas[80]
Edward Carpenter1844–1929Englishpoet, academic Civilisation, Its Cause and Cure [9]
Michael Carrollb. ? Americanshort storiesLittle Reef[81]
Julián del Casal1863–1893CubanpoetMi museo ideal (poetry collection)[8]
Sue-Ellen Caseb. 1942Americanplaywright, criticButch/Femme: Inside Lesbian Genders [82]
Joseph Cassarab. 1989AmericannovelistThe House of Impossible Beauties[83]
Stacie Cassarinob. 1975AmericanpoetZero at the Bone[84]
Clint Catalystb. 1971Americanwriter, actor Cottonmouth Kisses [85]
Willa Cather1873–1947Americannovelist, writer of stort stories and essays My Ántonia[9]
Catullusca 85-ca 55 B.C.RomanpoetCatullus et in eum commentarius [9]
Constantine P. Cavafy1863–1933Greekpoet"Ithaca" (poem) [9]
Kate Cayleyb. ? Canadianpoet, dramatist, short storiesHow You Were Born, The Hangman in the Mirror, After Akhmatova[86]
Luis Cernuda1902–1963SpanishpoetLa realidad y el deseo [9]
Robert Chafeb. 1971 Canadianplaywright Afterimage, Butler's Marsh, Tempting Providence (plays) [87]
Paul Chamberlandb. 1939Canadianpoet, essayistL'Afficheur hurle, En nouvelle barbarie[88]
Jane Chambers1937–1983Americanplaywright Tales of the Revolution and Other American Fables [9]
Jessie Chandlerb. 1968Americanwriter of mysteries and humorous caper fiction Shay O'Hanlon Caper Series[89]
Graham Chapman1941-1989BritishScreenwriter A liar's Autobiography
George Chaunceyb. 1953AmericanhistorianGay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940 [90]
Normand Chauretteb. 1954CanadianplaywrightFragments d'une lettre d'adieu lus par les géologues, Je vous écris du Caire[91]
John Cheever1912–1982Americannovelist, short storiesThe Enormous Radio, The Five-Forty-Eight, The Wapshot Chronicle, The Swimmer [9]
Wayson Choy1939-2019Canadiannovelist, memoiristThe Jade Peony, Paper Shadows, All That Matters[92]
Hélène Cixousb. 1937Frenchphilosopher, writer"The Laugh of the Medusa" (essay)[9]
John Cleland1710–1789EnglishnovelistFanny Hill[9]
Kate Clintonb. 1947AmericancomedianDon't Get Me Started, What the L, and I Told You So[93]
Jean Cocteau1889–1963Frenchpoet, novelist, dramatist La Voix humaine [9]
Christopher Coe1953-1994AmericannovelistI Look Divine, Such Times[94]
Henri Coleb. 1956 AmericanpoetTouch (poetry collection) [95]
Colette1873–1954Frenchnovelist Claudine series[9]
Joey Comeaub. 1980 Canadianwriter A Softer World, Overqualified, Lockpick Pornography [96]
Ivy Compton-Burnett1884–1969Englishwriter Manservant and Maidservant [9]
Carmen Conde Abellán1907-1996Spanishacademic, poet, writer Poesía ante el tiempo y la inmortalidad[97][98]
Timothy Conigrave1959–1994Australianactor, writer Holding the Man[99]
Garrard Conleyb. 1984/1985Americanmemoirist Boy Erased: A Memoir[100]
Bernard Cooperb. 1951 Americanwriter The Bill From My Father: A Memoir [36]
Dennis Cooperb. 1953 Americanwriter George Miles Cycle [36][101]
Copi (pseudonym of Raúl Damonte)1941–1987Argentine/Frenchwriter, actor, director, cartoonist La Femme assise [8]
Rick Coppb. 1964Americanmystery writerThe Actor's Guide to Murder, The Actor's Guide to Adultery, The Actor's Guide to Greed, Where the Bears Are[102]
Steven Corbin1953-1995AmericannovelistFragments That Remain[103]
Jeanne Cordova1948-2016 Americanactivist, journalist When We Were Outlaws: a Memoir of Love and Revolution [104]
Marie Corelli1855–1924Scottishwriter A Romance of Two Worlds [9]
Carl Corley 1919-2016 American writer A Chosen World [105]
Brenda Cossmanb. 1960 Canadianacademic Sexual Citizens: The Legal and Cultural Regulation of Sex and Belonging [106]
Douglas Couplandb. 1961 Canadiannovelist, short story writer, playwright Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, Microserfs, JPod [107]
Dani Coutureb. 1978 Canadianwriter Sweet (poetry collection) [108]
Noël Coward1899–1973EnglishplaywrightPrivate Lives [9]
Daniel Allen Coxb. 1976 Canadianwriter Shuck, Krakow Melt [109]
Ivan Coyoteb. 1969 Canadianspoken word performer, writer Tomboy Survival Guide [110]
Caleb Crainb. 1967Americannovelist, criticNecessary Errors, American Sympathy[111]
Hart Crane1899–1933AmericanpoetThe Bridge[9]
Mark CrawfordCanadianplaywrightThe Birds and the Bees, Bed and Breakfast[112]
Quentin Crisp1908-1999Britishbooks, stage, screen, TV"The Naked Civil Servant"[113]
Eva Crockerb. ? Canadianshort storiesBarrelling Forward[54]
Mart Crowleyb. 1935AmericanplaywrightThe Boys in the Band[114]
Countee Cullen1903–1946Americanwriter Color (poetry collection) [9]
Nancy Jo Cullenb. ? Canadianpoet, short storiesScience Fiction Saint, Pearl, Untitled Child, and Canary (a short story collection) [115]
Tom Culliganb. 1945 Canadianbusinessman Teacups & Sticky Buns [116]
Michael Cunninghamb. 1952AmericannovelistThe Hours[36]
Peter Cureton1965-1994CanadianplaywrightPassages[117]
Jameson Currierb. 1955Americannovelist, short storiesDancing on the Moon, Where the Rainbow Ends, The Wolf at the Door[118]
Jen Currinb. ? American/CanadianpoetThe Inquisition Yours[119]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Jean-Paul Daoustb. 1946Canadianpoet, novelist, short storiesLes Cendres bleues, Black Diva[120]
Christopher Davisb. 1953Americannovelist, short storiesValley of the Shadow, Philadelphia[121]
Tanya Davisb. ?CanadianpoetMake a List[122]
Amber Dawnb. ?CanadiannovelistSub Rosa[123]
Samuel R. Delanyb. 1942Americannovelist, literary criticHogg, Dhalgren, The Motion of Light in Water, Dark Reflections[124]
A. M. Dellamonicab. 1968CanadiannovelistIndigo Springs[125]
David Demchukb. ?Canadiannovelist, playwrightThe Bone Mother, Touch, If Betty Should Rise[126]
Joel Derfnerb. 1973Americanmemoirist, author, essayist, humoristGay Haiku, Swish, Lawfully Wedded Husband[127]
Augusto D'Halmar1882–1950ChileannovelistPalabras para canciones[8]
Emily Dickinson1830–1886AmericanpoetThe Poems of Emily Dickinson[9]
Joe DiPietrob. 1961AmericanplaywrightMemphis, Fucking Men[128]
Thomas Disch1940-2008Americannovelist, poetOn Wings of Song[129]
Farzana Doctorb. ?CanadiannovelistSix Metres of Pavement [130]
John Donne1572–1631EnglishpoetNotable for his erotic poetry and elegies[9]
Nisa DonnellyAmericannovelistThe Bar Stories: A Novel After All, The Love Songs of Phoenix Bay[131]
Emma Donoghueb. 1969Irish/Canadiannovelist, short story writerRoom[132]
José Donoso1925–1996ChileannovelistHell Has No Limits[8]
John Donovan1928-1992Americanyoung adult novelist, dramatistI'll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip[133]
H.D., born Hilda Doolittle1886–1961AmericanpoetHelen in Egypt[9]
Fernand Dorais1928-2003Canadianacademic literature, eroticaEntre Montréal Sudbury, Témoins d'errances en Ontario français, Hermaphrodismes[134]
Mark Dotyb. 1953Americanpoet and memoiristHeaven's Coast, Fire to Fire[135]
Lord Alfred Douglas1870–1945EnglishpoetOscar Wilde and Myself[9]
Norman Douglas1868–1952Scottish-AustriannovelistOld Calabria[9]
Brian Draderb. 1960CanadianplaywrightProk, The Fruit Machine, The Norbals[136]
Neal Drinnanb. ?AustraliannovelistIzzy and Eve[137]
Daphne du Maurier1907-1989Englishauthor, playwrightRebecca[138]
Peter Dubéb. ?Canadiannovelist, short story writerEditor of several anthologies of gay male literature[139]
René-Daniel Duboisb. 1955CanadianplaywrightBeing at Home with Claude[91]
Carol Ann Duffyb. 1955Scottishpoet, playwrightStanding Female Nude[140]
Maureen Duffyb. 1933Englishnovelist, poet, playwrightThat's How It Was[9]
Stella Duffyb. 1963?English/New ZealandnovelistState of Happiness[141]
Robert Duncan1919–1988AmericanpoetThe Opening of the Field, Roots and Branches, and Bending the Bow[9]
Warren Dunfordb. 1963CanadianmysterySoon to Be a Major Motion Picture, Making a Killing, The Scene Stealer[142]
Paul DunnCanadianplaywrightThe Gay Heritage Project, Outside[112]
Kristyn Dunnionb. 1969Canadiannovelist, short story writerThe Dirt Chronicles[143]
Larry Duplechanb. 1956AmericannovelistBlackbird, Got 'til It's Gone[144]
Elana Dykewomonb. 1949Americannovelist, poetBeyond the Pale[9]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Jim Egan1921-2000Canadianactivist, journalistChallenging the Conspiracy of Silence[145]
Bret Easton Ellisb. 1964AmericannovelistAmerican Psycho, Glamorama[146]
Guy Édoinb. ? CanadianscreenwriterWetlands (Marécages)[147]
Chike Frankie Edozienb. ? Nigerian-Americanjournalist, memoiristLives of Great Men: Living and Loving as an African Gay Man[148]
Jorge Eduardo Eielson1924–2006PeruvianpoetryHabitación en Roma, El cuerpo de Giulia-No and Primera muerte de María (novels) [8]
Lars Eighnerb. 1948Americannon-fiction, eroticaTravels with Lizbeth [149]
Deborah Ellisb. ? Canadiannon-fiction, young adult literatureThe Breadwinner, The Heaven Shop[150]
Sarah Ellisb. 1952Canadianchildren'sOdd Man Out, Pick Up Sticks[150]
T. S. Eliot1888–1965EnglishpoetThe Waste Land [9]
Gloria Escomelb. 1941Uruguayan-Canadiannovelist, dramatist, journalistPièges, Fruit de la passion[6]
Michael Estok1939-1989CanadianpoetA Plague Year Journal[151]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Evan Fallenbergb. 1961American-IsraelinovelistLight Fell, When We Danced on Water[152]
Sara Farizanb. ?Americanyoung adult literatureIf You Could Be Mine[153]
David B. Feinberg1956–1994AmericanjournalistQueer and Loathing[154]
Leslie Feinberg1949–2014Americannovelist, non-fictionStone Butch Blues[155]
Joshua M. Fergusonb. ?CanadianmemoiristMe, Myself, They[156]
Anderson Ferrellb. ?AmericannovelistWhere She Was, Home for the Day, Have You Heard[157]
Robert Ferro1941–1988AmericannovelistThe Family of Max Desir[9]
Hubert Fichte1935–1986GermanwriterDie Geschichte der Empfindlichkeit[9]
Edward Fieldb. 1924AmericanpoetryCounting Myself Lucky, Selected Poems 1963-1992[9]
Harvey Fiersteinb. 1954AmericanplaywrightTorch Song Trilogy[158]
Connie Fifeb. 1961CanadianpoetryBeneath the Naked Sun, Poems for a New World[6]
Timothy Findley1930–2002Canadiannovelist, playwrightThe Wars, Headhunter, Elizabeth Rex[6][159]
Lois Fineb. ?CanadiandramatistFreda and Jem's Best of the Week[160]
Larry Finebergb. 1945CanadianplaywrightEve, Human Remains, Failure of Nerve[161]
Ronald Firbank1886–1926EnglishnovelistValmouth, Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli[9]
Diane Flacksb. 1955CanadianplaywrightMyth Me, By a Thread[91]
Janet Flanner1892–1978AmericanjournalistForeign correspondent in Paris, France[9]
Lisa Foadb. ?Canadianshort storiesThe Night Is a Mouth[162]
Waawaate Fobisterb. ?CanadianplaywrightAgokwe[163]
Michael Thomas Fordb. 1968Americannovelist, non-fictionAlec Baldwin Doesn't Love Me, That's Mr. Faggot to You[164]
E. M. Forster1879–1970EnglishnovelistMaurice, A Passage to India, A Room With A View, Howards End[165]
Guy Mark Fosterb. ?Americanshort storiesThe Rest of Us[166]
Marion Foster1924-1997CanadianmysteriesThe Monarchs Are Flying, Legal Tender[142]
Michel Foucault1926–1984FrenchphilosopherL'Histoire de la sexualité[9]
Brian Francisb. 1971CanadiannovelistFruit[167]
Judith Frankb. ?Americannovelist, short storiesCrybaby Butch, All I Love and Know[168]
Brad Fraserb. 1959CanadianplaywrightUnidentified Human Remains and the True Nature of Love, Poor Super Man[6]
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman1852-1930Americannovelist, short story writer, poetA New England Nun[9]
Alice French1850–1934AmericanwriterExpiation[9]
Ladislav Fuks1923-1994CzechnovelistThe Cremator[169]
Janine Fullerb. 1958Canadiannon-fictionRestricted Entry: Censorship on Trial, Forbidden Passages: Writings Banned in Canada[170]
Wes Funk1969-2015CanadiannovelistDead Rock Stars, Cherry Blossoms[171]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Patrick Galeb. 1962BritishnovelistRough Music [172]
Federico García Lorca1898–1936Spanishpoet and playwrightPoeta en Nueva York [9]
Magali García Ramisb. 1946Puerto Ricannovelist, essayistHappy Days, Uncle Sergio[8]
Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazabalb.1945Colombiannovelist, columnistDabeiba
Nancy Gardenb. 1938AmericannovelistAnnie on My Mind[173]
Ken Garnhumb. ? CanadianplaywrightPants on Fire[174]
C. E. Gatchalianb. 1974CanadianplaywrightMotifs & Repetitions [175]
Daniel Gawthropb. 1963Canadianjournalist, biographerAffirmation: The AIDS Odyssey of Dr. Peter, The Rice Queen Diaries, The Trial of Pope Benedict[176]
Jean Genet1910–1986Frenchnovelist, playwright, poetOur Lady of the Flowers[9]
Stefan George1868–1933GermanpoetMain person of the literary and academic group known as the George-Kreis [9]
Hyeong-do Gi1960–1989KoreanpoetBlack Leaf in My Mouth[177]
André Gide1869–1951FrenchnovelistThe Immoralist[9]
Sky Gilbertb. 1952 CanadianplaywrightCo-founder and artistic director of Buddies in Bad Times [6]
John Gilgunb. 1935Americannovelist, poet, short storiesMusic I Never Dreamed Of[178]
Allen Ginsberg1926–1997AmericanpoetHowl[9]
M-E Girardb. ? Canadianyoung adult literatureGirl Mans Up[179]
John Glassco1909-1981CanadianpoetMemoirs of Montparnasse [6][17]
Connie Glynnb. 1994Britishyoung adult literatureThe Rosewood Chronicles[180][181]
Nikolai Gogol1809–1852Ukrainiannovelist, playwrightEvenings on a Farm Near Dikanka [9]
Michael Goldingb. ?Americannovelist, screenwriterA Poet of the Invisible World, Silk[182]
Andrea Goldsmithb. 1950AustraliannovelistThe Prosperous Thief [183]
Agustín Gómez-Arcos1933-1998Spanishnovelist, playwrightL'Agneau carnivore, Ana non[184]
Ibis Gómez-Vegab. 1952Cubannovelist, playwrightSend My Roots Rain[185]
Rigoberto Gonzálezb. 1970American, Chicanopoet, memoirist, criticButterfly Boy: Memories of a Chicano Mariposa, Antonio's Card, Unpeopled Eden, What Drowns the Flowers in Your Mouth[186]
Brad Goochb. 1952Americanpoet, essayist, biographerJailbait and Other Stories [36]
Paul Goodman1911–1972AmericanpoetGrowing Up Absurd, The Community of Scholars, [9]
Daphne Gottliebb. 1968Americanpoet, fiction, nonfiction, graphic novelFinal Girl [187]
Juan Goytisolob. 1931Spanishpoet, essayist, novelistCount Julian [9]
Judy Grahnb. 1940AmericanpoetLove Belongs to Those Who Do the Feeling (poetry collection) [9]
Camarin Graeb. 1941Americanscience fictionThe Secret in the Bird, Slick, Stranded[188]
R. W. Grayb. ? Canadianshort stories, novelist, poetCrisp, Entropic[189]
Thomas Gray1716–1771EnglishpoetElegy Written in a Country Churchyard, [9]
Nick Greenb. ? CanadianplaywrightBody Politic[190]
Harlan Greeneb. ? Americannovelist, historianWhat the Dead Remember, The German Officer's Boy [191]
Garth Greenwellb. 1978AmericannovelistWhat Belongs to You[192]
Robert Joseph Greeneb. 1973Canadianshort story writerThe Gay Icon Classics of the World, This High School Has Closets [193]
Matthew GriffinAmericannovelistHide[194]
Doris Grumbachb. 1918Americannovelist, biographer, essayistChamber Music [9]
Hervé Guibert1955–1991FrenchnovelistL'homme blessé (screenplay that he co-wrote) [195]
Thom Gunn1929–2004EnglishpoetThe Man with Night Sweats [9]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Samra HabibCanadianmemoiristWe Have Always Been Here[196]
Saleem Haddadb. 1983Kuwaiti-BritishnovelistGuapa[197]
Radclyffe Hall1880–1943EnglishnovelistThe Well of Loneliness[9]
Richard Hall1926–1992Americannovelist, short stories, drama, criticismCouplings[9]
Aaron Hamburgerb. 1973Americannovelist, short story writerThe View from Stalin's Head (short story collection), Faith for Beginners ( [101]
Jane Eaton Hamiltonb. 1954Canadianpoet, short story writer, memoirist, novelistLove Will Burst into a Thousand Shapes, Hunger, Body Rain, No More Hurt,Weekend[198]
Dena Hankinsb. 1975Americannovelist, short story writerBlue Water Dreams[199]
Bretten Hannamb. ?CanadianscreenwriterNorth Mountain[200]
Joseph Hansen1923–2004Americannovelist, poetSeries of novels featuring private eye Dave Brandstetter[9]
Robin Hardy1952-1995Canadiannovelist, journalist, founding member of Publishing TriangleFreelance contributor to The Advocate, Village Voice and Penthouse [201]
Bertha Harrisb. 1937AmericannovelistLover[9]
Michael Harrisb. 1980Canadiannon-fiction, young adult literatureThe End of Absence: Reclaiming What We've Lost in a World of Constant Connection[202]
Adam Haslettb. 1970Americannovelist, short story writerYou Are Not A Stranger Here, Imagine Me Gone[203]
Trebor Healeyb. 1962Americannovelist, poetThrough It Came Bright Colors [204]
Scott Heimb. 1969AmericannovelistMysterious Skin [36]
Essex Hemphill1957–1995Americanpoet, activistCo-founder of Nethula Journal of Contemporary Literature [71]
Philip Hensherb. 1965Englishnovelist, critic, journalistThe Mulberry Empire [205]
John Herbert1926-2001CanadianplaywrightFortune and Men's Eyes[206]
Catherine Hernandezb. ? Canadianplaywright, novelistScarboorough[207]
Greg Herrenb. ? AmericannovelistMurder in the Rue Chartres [208]
Patricia Highsmith1921–1995AmericannovelistThe Talented Mr. Ripley [9]
Scott Hightowerb. 1952AmericanpoetPart of the Bargain [9]
Tomson Highwayb. 1951 Canadiannovelist, playwrightThe Rez Sisters and Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing (plays) [6]
Thorn Kief Hillsberyb. ? AmericannovelistWhat We Do Is Secret [101]
Daryl Hine1936-2012CanadianpoetThe Carnal and the Crane [6][9][17]
Guy Hocquenghem1946–1988FrenchtheoristHomosexual Desire, L'Amour en relief (novel) [9]
Susan Holbrookb. ? CanadianpoetMisled, Joy Is So Exhausting, Throaty Wipes[209]
Andrew Holleran (pseudonym of Eric Garber)b. 1944Americannovelist, essayistDancer from the Dance[9][36]
Alan Hollinghurstb. 1954EnglishnovelistThe Swimming Pool Library, The Folding Star, The Spell, The Line of Beauty[36][71]
Ike Holterb. 1985AmericanplaywrightHit the Wall, Exit Strategy, The Wolf at the End of the Block[210]
Gerard Manley Hopkins1844–1889EnglishpoetThe Habit of Perfection [9]
Horace65-8 B.C.RomanpoetOdes [9]
Leah Horlickb. ? CanadianpoetRiot Lung, For Your Own Good[211]
Silas Houseb. 1971Americannovelist, journalist
Stephen Houghb. 1961Britishpianist, composer, writerThe Final Retreat
A. E. Housman1859–1936EnglishpoetA Shropshire Lad [9]
Richard Howardb. 1929AmericanpoetAlone With America [9]
James Howeb. 1946Americanchildren's writerThe Misfits series [212]
Tanya Huffb. 1957CanadiannovelistBlood Books series [213]
Langston Hughes1902–1967AmericanpoetThe Big Sea [9]
Jay Hulmeb.1997BritishpoetI Bet I Can Make You Laugh [214]
Bo Huston1959-1993Americannovelist, short storiesDream Life, The Listener[215]
Joris-Karl Huysmans1848–1907FrenchnovelistAgainst the Grain (À rebours, 1884)[9]
Maureen Hynesb. ? CanadianpoetRough Skin




Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
John Ibbitsonb. 1955Canadianjournalist, playwright, children's writer1812: Jeremy's War, The Landing, The Big Shift: The Seismic Change in Canadian Politics, Business, and Culture and What It Means for Our Future[217]
Nnanna Ikpob. ? NigeriannovelistFimí Sílẹ̀ Forever[218]
George K. Ilsleyb. 1958Canadianshort stories, novelistRandom Acts of Hatred, ManBug[162][219]
William Inge1913–1973AmericanplaywrightCome Back, Little Sheba, Picnic[9]
Malcolm Ingramb. 1968CanadianscreenwriterTail Lights Fade, Small Town Gay Bar, Continental[220]
Juana Inés de la Cruz1648?-1695Mexicanpoet, playwrightThe Dream [8]
Christopher Isherwood1904–1986Englishnovelist, autobiographerI Am a Camera, Down There on a Visit, A Single Man, Christopher and His Kind[71]
Arturo Islas1938–1991Americanwriter The Rain God[221]
Harish Iyerb. 1979IndianjournalistSocial media writer (blogs, Facebook and Twitter) [222][223][224]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Tove Jansson1914–2001Finnishnovelist, painter, illustrator, comic strip author Moomins series[225]
Derek Jarman1942–1994Englishauthor and filmmakerAt Your Own Risk [9]
Alfred Jarry1873–1907Frenchwriter Ubu Roi[9]
Sarah Orne Jewett1849–1909Americannovelist, short story writer and poet The Country of the Pointed Firs[9]
Geraldine Jewsbury1812–1880Britishnovelist, London literary social figure Zoe: the History of Two Lives[226][227][228]
Craig Johnsonb. ? Americanscreenwriter, film directorTrue Adolescents, The Skeleton Twins[229]
June Jordan1936–2002AmericanpoetDirected by Desire: Collected Poems [9]
Konrad Juenglingb. 1987AmericanHumor; LGBT activism Jeb's ABCs[230]
Amanda Junquera Butler1898-1986Spanishchronicler, translator, storytellerPersonajes de la Inquisición [Characters of the Inquisition, by William Thomas Walsh], Un hueco en la luz[231][232]
Claude Jutra1930-1986CanadianscreenwriterMon oncle Antoine, Kamouraska[233]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Karin Kallmakerb. 1960Americanromance, erotica, science fictionMaybe Next Time [234]
Christopher Kellyb. ? Americannovelist, journalistA Push and a Shove[235]
Jonathan Kempb. 1967EnglishnovelistLondon Triptych[236]
Randall Kenanb. 1963Americanwriter Let the Dead Bury Their Dead[36]
Maurice Kennyb. 1929Native AmericanpoetThe Mama Poems [9]
Jack Kerouac1922–1969AmericannovelistOn the Road, The Subterraneans[71]
Gary Kinsmanb. 1955CanadiansociologistThe Regulation of Desire: Homo and Hetero Sexualities[237]
Heinrich von Kleist1777–1811Prussianpoet, dramatist, short story writer, and novelist The Broken Jug, The Marquise of O, Michael Kohlhaas, Penthesilea, The Prince of Homburg [9]
Todd Klinckb. 1974Canadiannovelist, journalist, screenwriterTacones, Sugar[238]
Tamai Kobayashib. 1965Canadiannovelist, short story writerPrairie Ostrich[6]
Wayne Koestenbaumb. 1958Americanpoet and cultural criticThe Queen's Throat[239]
Bernard-Marie Koltès1948–1989FrenchplaywrightLa Nuit juste avant les forêts, Dans la solitude des champs de coton[240]
Bill Konigsbergb. 1970 Americansportswriter, young adult literatureOut of the Pocket, Openly Straight[241]
Greg Kramer1961–2013British/Canadiannovelist, playwrightThe Pursemonger of fugu, Hogtown Bonbons[242]
Larry Kramerb. 1935Americannovelist, journalist, playwrightFaggots, The Normal Heart[71]
Ellen Kushnerb. 1955 Americanwriter Thomas the Rhymer [243]
Tony Kushnerb. 1956AmericanplaywrightAngels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes[71]
Mikhail Kuzmin187?–1936Russianwriter The Trout Breaks the Ice [9]
Lydia Kwab. 1959Singaporean-CanadiannovelistThis Place Called Absence, The Walking Boy[6]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokesb. 1968Puerto Ricanpoet, playwright, scholarUñas pintadas de azul/Blue Fingernails[24]
Richard Labontéb. 1949Canadianliterary critic, anthologistEditor for works like Best Gay Erotica 2005 [244]
Edward A. Lacey1938–1995CanadianpoetThe Delight of Hearts, or What You Will Not Find in Any Book [6]
Ben Ladouceurb. 1978CanadianpoetOtter[245]
Jean-Luc Lagarce1957–1995FrenchplaywrightJuste la fin du monde[246]
Selma Lagerlöf1859–1940Swedishnovelist, playwrightGösta Berling's Saga [9]
Lori L. Lakeb. 1960AmericannovelistThe Gun Series police quadrology [247]
Michael Lannanb. ? AmericanscreenwriterLooking[248]
Benjamin Lawb. 1982 AustralianjournalistThe Family Law, Gaysia [183]
D. H. Lawrence1885–1930Englishnovelist, playwrightThe Rainbow, Lady Chatterley's Lover[9]
David Leavittb. 1961AmericannovelistThe Lost Language of Cranes[9][36]
Violette Leduc1907–1972FrenchnovelistLa Batarde, Therese and Isabelle[9]
John Alan Lee1933–2013CanadiansociologistThe Colours of Love, Getting Sex[249]
Vernon Lee1856–1935Frenchessayist[9]
Konstantin Leontiev1831–1891Russianliterary critic, philosopherThe East, Russia, and Slavdom (essay collections) [250]
Robert Lepageb. 1957Canadianplaywright, screenwriterThe Confessional, Polygraph, Far Side of the Moon[91]
Douglas LePan1914–1998CanadianpoetThe Wounded Prince, Bright Glass of Memory, Macalister[17]
Alex LeslieCanadianpoet, short story writerPeople Who Disappear, The Things I Heard About You[251]
David Levithan1972–AmericannovelistBoy Meets Boy[252]
Matthew G. Lewis1775–1818EnglishnovelistThe Monk[9]
José Lezama Lima1910–1976CubannovelistParadiso[8][9]
Ali Liebegottb. 1971AmericanpoetWriter/producer on the acclaimed Amazon original series, Transparent [253]
Earl Lind1874–?AmericanautobiographerAutobiography of an Androgyne [254]
Eddie Lindenb. 1935 Britishpoet and editor Hampstead by Night [255]
Lynette Loeppkyb. ? CanadianmemoiristCease[256]
Audre Lorde1934–1992Americanpoet, essayistZami: A New Spelling of My Name, Sister Outsider[9]
Michael Lowenthalb. 1969 AmericannovelistAvoidance[36][101]
Ed Luceb. ? Americangraphic novelistWuvable Oaf[257]
Michael Lynch1944-1991Canadianpoet, journalist, academicThese Waves of Dying Friends[71]
Elizabeth A. Lynnb. 1946 AmericannovelistChronicles of Tornor[258]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Ann-Marie MacDonaldb. 1957Canadianplaywright, novelistGoodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), Fall on Your Knees, The Way the Crow Flies[91]
Bryden MacDonaldb. 1960CanadianplaywrightWhale Riding Weather|[259]
Lee MacDougallb. ?CanadianplaywrightHigh Life, The Gingko Tree[260]
Daniel MacIvorb. 1962Canadianplaywright, screenwriterHouse, Marion Bridge, Weirdos[174]
John Henry Mackay1864–1933Scottish-Germannovelist, philosopherDie Anarchisten (The Anarchists) [9]
Bennett Madisonb. 1981AmericannovelistLulu Dark (young adult series) [261]
Gregory Maguireb. 1954AmericannovelistWicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West[262]
Anand Mahadevanb. 1979Indian-CanadiannovelistThe Strike[263]
Louise Maheux-Forcierb. 1929CanadiannovelistAmadou, Une Forêt pour Zoé[6]
Klaus Mann1906–1949Germannovelist, short story writerLulu Dark YA series [9]
Thomas Mann1875–1955Germannovelist, short story writer, essayistDeath in Venice[9]
David Charles Mannersb. 1965Englishnovelist, poetIn the Shadow of Crows [264]
Jaime Manriqueb. 1949Colombian-Americanpoet, journalistLatin Moon in Manhattan, Eminent Maricones[8][221]
Blaine Marchandb. 1949CanadianpoetRegular columnist for Ottawa's LGBT newspaper Capital Xtra! [265]
Jovette Marchessault1938-2012Canadiannovelist, playwrightLa Terre est trop courte, Violette Leduc, Le Voyage magnifique d'Emily Carr [6]
Daphne Marlattb. 1942Canadianpoet, novelistAna Historic, The Given, This Tremor Love Is[61]
Douglas A. Martinb. 1973Americannovelist, poetOutline of My Lover [266]
Paula Martinacb. 1954Americannovelist, non-fictionOut of Time, Home Movies[267]
Richard Masonb. 1977South African/BritishnovelistThe Drowning People [268]
Blair Mastbaumb. 1979AmericannovelistClay's Way, Us Ones in Between [101]
Nemir Matos-Cintrónb. 1949Puerto RicanpoetLas mujeres no hablan asi, A través del aire y del fuego pero no del cristal' "El arte de morir y La pequeña muerte,"Aliens in NYC." [8][24]
F. O. Matthiessen1902–1950Americanliterary criticAmerican Renaissance [9]
W. Somerset Maugham1874–1965Englishplaywright, novelistOf Human Bondage[9]
Armistead Maupinb. 1944AmericannovelistTales of the City[9]
Tawiah M'carthyb. ? CanadianplaywrightObaaberima[269]
Richard McCannb. 1949Americanshort story writer, poetGhost Letters (poetry collection) [101]
Barry McCreab. 1974Irishnovelist, academicThe First Verse [101]
Carson McCullers1917–1967AmericannovelistReflections in a Golden Eye[9]
Val McDermidb. 1955Scottishjournalist, crime writerLindsay Gordon series and other notable crime series [270]
Keith McDermottb. 1953Americannovelist, playwrightAcqua Calda [101]
Peter McGehee1955-1991American/CanadiannovelistBoys Like Us, Sweetheart [271]
Fiona McGregor1965-Australiannovelist, essayist, criticIndelible Ink, Strange Museums[272]
Vestal McIntyreb. ? Americanshort story writerLake Overturn [101]
Terrence McNallyb. 1939AmericanplaywrightThe Ritz, Love! Valour! Compassion![273]
Lída Merlínová1906-1988CzechnovelistVyhnanci lásky (Exiles of Love)[274]
Mark Merlis1950-2017AmericannovelistAn Arrow's Flight, American Studies[275]
James Merrill1926–1995AmericanpoetThe Changing Light at Sandover, A Different Person[9]
Charlotte Mew1869–1928EnglishpoetThe Farmer's Bride (poetry collection) [9]
Grant Michaelsb. 1947AmericanmysteriesA Body to Dye For, Dead as a Doornail[142]
Michelangelo1475–1564Italianartist, poetPoetry and artistic work such as "David" [9]
Stevie Mikayneb. ? Canadianmystery, children'sUnCatholic Conduct, Illicit Artifacts[276]
Edna St. Vincent Millay1892–1950Americanpoet"Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare", "Renascence", and "The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver" (poems) [9]
Isabel Miller (pseudonym of Alma Routsong)1924–1996AmericannovelistA Place for Us[9]
Roswell George Mills1896-1966Canadianjournalist, poetLes Mouches Fantastiques [277]
John Milton1608–1674EnglishpoetParadise Lost, Paradise Regained[9]
Yukio Mishima1925–1970Japanesepoet, playwright, novelistConfessions of a Mask[9]
Sylvia Molloyb. 1938Argentineessayist and academic [8]
Paul Monette1945–1995Americanpoet, essayistBorrowed Time[9]
Carlos Monsiváisb. 1938Mexicanjournalist, biographerDías de guardar [8]
Shani Mootoob. 1957CanadiannovelistCereus Blooms at Night, Moving Forward Sideways Like a Crab[278]
Cherríe Moragab. 1952Chicanapoet, essayist, playwrightLoving in the War Years[8][21]
Ethan Morddenb. 1949Americannovelist, essayist"Buddies" cycle of novels [279]
César Moro1903–1956PeruvianpoetLa tortuga ecuestre [8]
Erwin Mortierb. 1965Belgiannovelist, poet, essayist, translatorWhile the Gods Were Sleeping[280]
Erin Mouréb. 1955CanadianpoetFurious, O Cidadan, Little Theatres[209]
Cherry Muhanjib. 1939Americannovelist, poetHer [281]
Manuel Mujica Láinez1910–1984Argentinenovelist, essayistGlosas castellanas [8]
Mirjam Münteferingb. 1969GermannovelistWelche Farbe auch immer oder das Blaue Gefühl [282]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Hasan Namirb. 1987CanadiannovelistGod in Pink[283]
Nathanaël (Nathalie Stephens)b. 1971CanadianpoetThe Middle Notebooks, Touch to Affliction[209]
Michael Navab. 1954Americanmystery novelsHow Town, The Hidden Law, The Death of Friends, The Burning Plain, and Rag and Bone [8]
Abdi Nazemianb. 1977Iranian/Americannovelist, screenwriterThe Walk-In Closet, The Quiet[284]
Frances Negrón-Muntanerb. 1966Puerto Ricanfilmmaker Brincando el charco: Portrait of a Puerto Rican [8][24]
Luis Negrónb. 1970Puerto Ricanshort storiesMundo Cruel[285]
Patrick Nessb. 1971AmericannovelistChaos Walking [286]
Anaïs Nin1903–1977FrenchdiaristDelta of Venus, Little Birds [9]
Salvador Novo1904–1974Mexicanpoet Romance de Angelillo y Adela [8]
Katia Noyesb. ? Americanwriter Crashing America [287]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Achy Obejasb. 1956Cuban/Americanwriter and translator Memory Mambo[8]
Frank O'Hara1926–1966AmericanpoetryLunch Poems [9]
Joe Okonkwob. ? AmericannovelistJazz Moon[288]
Jamie O'Neillb. 1962IrishnovelistAt Swim, Two Boys[289]
Joe Orton1933–1967EnglishplaywrightLoot[9]
Lawrence O'Tooleb. ? Canadianfilm critic, memoiristHeart's Longing: Newfoundland, New York and the Distance Home[290]
Wilfred Owen1893–1918Englishpoet"Anthem for Doomed Youth" (poem) [9]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
John Palmer1943-2020Canadianplaywright, screenwriterA Touch of God in the Golden Age, Sugar[91]
Morris Panychb. 1952CanadianplaywrightGirl in the Goldfish Bowl, The Ends of the Earth[291]
Arleen Paréb. 1946 Canadianpoet, novelistPaper Trails, Leaving Now, Lake of Two Mountains[292]
Sophia Parnok1885–1933RussianpoetАлмаст (Almast, (libretto) [9]
Pier Paolo Pasolini1922–1975Italiannovelist, playwrightRagazzi di vita, Una vita violenta [9]
Benito Pastoriza Iyodob. 1954Puerto Ricanpoet, narrator, essayistCartas a la sombra de tu piel[293]
Walter Pater1839–1894Britishnovelist, essayist, literary criticThe Renaissance (1873), Marius the Epicurean (1885) [9]
Fiona Pattonb. 1962CanadiannovelistThe Branion Realm (book series) [213]
Robert Patrickb. 1937AmericanplaywrightKennedy's Children, Camera Obscura [9]
Karleen Pendleton Jiménezb. 1971American/CanadianmemoiristHow to Get a Girl Pregnant[294]
Sandro Penna1906–1977ItalianpoetThis Strange Joy [9]
Cristina Peri Rossi1830-1894EnglishpoetLa nave de los locos [295]
Néstor Perlongher1949–1992ArgentinepoetProsa plebeya [8]
Fernando Pessoa1888–1935Portuguesepoet, literary criticMensagem, The Book of Disquiet [9]
Petroniusca 27-66RomannovelistThe Satyricon[9]
Edward O. Phillips1931-2020CanadiannovelistSunday's Child, Buried on Sunday[296]
Katherine Philips1632–1664EnglishpoetTranslator of Pierre Corneille's Pompée and Horace, [9]
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinhab. 1975 CanadianpoetLove Cake (poetry collection) [245]
János Pilinszky1921–1981HungarianpoetNagyvárosi ikonok [297]
Sarah Pinderb. ? CanadianpoetCutting Room, Common Place[298]
Virgilio Piñera1912–1979Cubanpoet, novelist, playwrightRene's Flesh[8]
Jean-Paul Pinsonneault1923-1978Canadiannovelist, dramatistLes terres sèches[88]
Alejandra Pizarnik1936–1972ArgentinepoetLos trabajos y las noches, Extracción de la piedra de la locura and El infierno musical [8]
David Planteb. 1940AmericannovelistFrancoeur Trilogy--The Family, The Country and The Woods [36]
August von Platen1796–1835BavarianpoetGedichte [9]
Plato427-327 B.C.GreekphilosopherSymposium [9]
Casey Plettb. ? Canadianshort storiesA Safe Girl to Love[251]
William Plomer1903–1973South Africannovelist, poetLiterary editor for Faber and Faber [9]
Plutarchca 46-ca 120Greekhistorian, biographer, essayistParallel Lives [9]
Craig Poileb. ? CanadianpoetTrue Concessions [299]
Sydney Pokorny1965–2008AmericanjournalistSo You Want to be a Lesbian?[300]
Sarah Ponsonby1755–1831Anglo-IrishwriterKnown as one of the "Ladies of Llangollen" [9]
Ljuba Prenner1906–1977Sloveniannovelist, dramatistNeznani storilec (The Unknown Perpetrator, first crime novel of Slovenia); Bruc: roman neznanega slovenskega študenta (Freshman: The Novel of an Unknown Slovene Student, an autobiographical novel which explores the fluidity of sexual identity in the interwar period) [301][302][303]
John Preston1945–1994Americannovelist, editorI Once Had a Master [36]
Edward Irenaeus Prime-Stevenson1858-1942Americannovelist, journalistImre: a Memorandum, The Intersexes, Left to Themselves: Being the Ordeal of Philip and Gerald, White Cockades[9]
Marcel Proust1871–1922Frenchnovelist, essayistA la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time)[9]
Manuel Puig1932–1990ArgentinenovelistKiss of the Spider Woman[8][9]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Yair Qedarb. 1969Israelijournalist, screenwriterGay Days[304]
Andy Quanb. 1969Canadianpoetry, short fiction, non-fictionCalendar Boy, Six Positions[305]
Carol Queenb. 1958Americannon-fiction, eroticaReal Live Nude Girl: Chronicles of Sex-Positive Culture[306]
Sina Queyrasb. 1963CanadianpoetryAutobiography of Childhood, Lemon Hound, Expressway[307]
D. Michael Quinnb. 1944AmericanhistorianSame-Sex Dynamics Among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example[308]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Cheryl Rainfieldb. 1972Canadiannovels, short storiesScars[309]
David Rakoff1964-2012CanadianhumoristFraud, Don't Get Too Comfortable[310]
Ahmad Danny Ramadanb. 1984Syrian-Canadiannovelist, short storiesDeath and Other Fools, Aria, The Clothesline Swing[311]
Manuel Ramos Otero1948–1990Puerto Ricanpoet, writer The Story of the Woman of the Sea [8][24]
James Randib. 1928Canadianscientific skepticAn Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural[312]
Lev Raphaelb. 1954Americannovelist, short stories, memoir, mysteriesDancing on Tisha B'Av, Winter Eyes[313]
Ian Iqbal Rashidb. 1971Tanzanian/Canadianscreenwriter, poetTouch of Pink[314]
David Raysideb. 1947Canadianpolitical scientistOn the Fringe: Gays and Lesbians in Politics[315]
John Rechyb. 1934AmericanfictionCity of Night[8][221]
Riley Redgateb. ? Americanyoung adult fictionSeven Ways We Lie, Note Worthy, Final Draft[316]
Paul Reed1956-2002Americanfiction, memoir, eroticaFacing It, Longing[313]
Raziel Reidb. 1990 Canadianyoung adult fictionWhen Everything Feels Like the Movies[317]
Steven Reignsb. 1975AmericanpoetInheritance, The Gay Rub, In The Room, and 3-Pack Jack (poetical works) [318]
Mary Renault1905–1983EnglishfictionThe Charioteer, The Last of the Wine[9]
Glen Retiefb. ? South African/AmericanmemoiristThe Jack Bank[319]
Josine Reuling1899-1961Dutchwriter Terug naar het eiland [320]
Gerard Reve1923-2006Dutchwriter Op weg naar het einde, Nader tot U [9]
Nina Revoyrb. 1969 AmericannovelistSouthland[321]
Shane Rhodesb. ? CanadianpoetryHolding Pattern, The Bindery[299]
Christopher Riceb. 1978Americanauthor The Heavens Rise, The Vines [322]
Adrienne Rich1929-2012AmericanpoetryThe Dream of a Common Language, Diving into the Wreck [9]
Christopher Richardsb. 1961CanadianplaywrightMolly Wood[323]
Bill Richardsonb. 1955CanadianhumoristBachelor Brothers' Bed and Breakfast[150]
Nancy Richlerb. 1957CanadiannovelistYour Mouth Is Lovely, The Impostor Bride[324]
Arthur Rimbaud1854–1891FrenchpoetryA Season in Hell[9]
Keith Ridgwayb. 1965Irishnovelist The Long Falling [325]
Mireya Roblesb. 1934Cubanwriter Tiempo artesano. Barcelona: Campos [8]
Sophie Robinsonb. 1985Englishpoeta [326]
Robert Rodib. 1956Americanwriter Codename: Knockout, Kept Boy [327][328]
Nelson Rodrigues1912–1980Brazilianwriter, playwright Vestido de Noiva [8]
Paul Rogers1936-1984AmericannovelistSaul's Book[329]
Ned Roremb. 1923Americancomposer The Paris Diary of Ned Rorem [9]
Mark Brennan Rosenbergb. ? AmericancomedyBlackouts and Breakdowns [330]
Sinclair Ross1908-1996CanadiannovelistAs For Me and My House[331]
Jeffrey Roundb. ? CanadianmysteryA Cage of Bones[332]
Andrea Routleyb. ? Canadianshort storiesJane and the Whales[333]
Michael Roweb. 1962 CanadianjournalistWriting Below the Belt: Conversations with Erotic Authors, Other Men's Sons[334]
André Royb. 1944CanadianpoetAction writing, Monsieur désir[6]
Shawn Stewart Ruffb. 1959Americannovelist, editorFinlater, GJS II, Go the Way Your Blood Beats[335]
Muriel Rukeyser1913–1980AmericanpoetryThe Book of the Dead [9]
Jane Rule1931–2007American/Canadiannovels, non-fictionDesert of the Heart[9]
Joanna Russb. 1937Americanscience fictionThe Female Man[9][336]
Paul Russellb. 1956AmericannovelsThe Coming Storm, The Unreal Life of Sergey Nabokov[337]
Elizabeth Ruthb. 1968CanadiannovelistTen Good Seconds of Silence[338]
Patrick Ryanb. 1965 Americanshort story writer, novelist The Dream Life of Astronauts, Send Me (short story collections) [101]
Geoff Rymanb. 1951Canadian/Britishscience fiction/fantasyLust, The Unconquered Country[339]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Rami Saarib. 1963IsraelipoetBehold, I've Found My Home, Men at the Crossroad, Introduction to Sexual Linguistics[340]
Umberto Saba1883–1957Italianpoet, novelistSongbook [9]
Vita Sackville-West1892–1962BritishnovelistThe Land [9]
Marquis de Sade1740–1814Frenchnovelist, philosopher, playwrightThe 120 Days of Sodom, Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, Juliette[9]
Benjamin Alire Sáenzb. 1954AmericannovelistEverything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club[341]
Assotto Saint1957-1994Americanpoet, essayist, playwrightWishing for Wings, Spells of a Voodoo Doll[342]
Trish Salahb. ? CanadianpoetWanting in Arabic[209]
George Santayana1863–1952Spanish-Americannovelist, poet, philosopherThe Realms of Being [9]
Mayra Santos-Febresb. 1966Puerto Ricannovelist, poet, literary criticSirena Selena[343]
Sapphoca 630? B.C.Greekpoet"Ode to Aphrodite" (poem) [9]
Severo Sarduy1937–1993Cubanpoet, playwrightCobra [8]
Frank Sargeson1903–1982New Zealandershort story writerA Man and his Wife (short story collection) [9]
May Sarton1912–1995Belgian-Americanpoet, novelist, memoiristPlant Dreaming Deep, Journal of a Solitude, The House by the Sea, Recovering and At Seventy [9]
Dan Savageb. 1964Americanjournalist, editorAdvice column Savage Love, Skipping Towards Gomorrah: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Pursuit of Happiness in America[344][345][346][347][348]
Gail Scottb. 1945Canadiannovelist, essayistMy Paris, The Obituary, Biting the Error[6][61]
Sarah Schulmanb. 1958Americannovelist, historian, playwrightStagestruck: Theater, AIDS, and the Marketing of Gay America [9]
Gregory Scofieldb. 1966CanadianpoetThe Gathering: Stones for the Medicine Wheel, Native Canadiana: Songs from the Urban Rez, Thunder Through My Veins [349]
Manda Scottb. 1962ScottishnovelistHen's Teeth [350]
Sarah Scott1723–1795EnglishnovelistA Description of Millenium Hall and the Country Adjacent [9]
David Sedarisb. 1956Americanessayist, short story writerNaked (essay collection) [351]
Shyam Selvaduraib. 1965Sri Lankan-CanadiannovelistFunny Boy[6]
Maurice Sendak1928–2012Americanchildren's writerWhere the Wild Things Are[352]
Anna Seward1742–1809EnglishpoetLouisa [9]
Ken Shakinb. 1959Americanshort story writer"Love Sucks" [9]
Merry Shannonb. 1979AmericannovelistSword of the Guardian, Branded Ann[353]
Bradford Shellhammer b. 1976 American blogger and editor Founding editor of Queerty [354][355]
Lorimer Shenherb. ? Canadiannon-fictionThat Lonely Section of Hell, This One Looks Like a Boy[156]
Reginald Shepherd1963-2008AmericanpoetSome Are Drowning [356]
Randy Shilts1951–1994AmericanjournalistThe Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, And the Band Played on: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic[9]
Vivek Shrayab. 1981Canadianshort story writerGod Loves Hair, She of the Mountains[357]
Andy Sinclairb. ? Canadiannovelist, short storiesBreathing Lessons[358]
Edith Sitwell1887–1964Englishpoet"Still Falls the Rain" (poem) [9]
Michael Sledgeb. ? Americannovelist, memoiristThe More I Owe You[359]
Ali Smith1962-ScottishnovelistFree Love and Other Stories [360]
Michael V. Smithb. ? Canadiannovelist, poetCumberland [361]
K. M. Soehnleinb. ? AmericannovelistThe World of Normal Boys, You Can Say You Knew Me When [101]
Kamal Al-Solayleeb. 1964Yemeni-Canadianjournalist, memoiristIntolerable: A Memoir of Extremes[362]
Pablo Soler Frostb. 1965Mexicannovelist, essayistMalebolge[363]
Susan Sontag1933–2004Americannovelist, essayistAIDS and Its Metaphors[9]
Tom Spanbauerb. 1946?AmericannovelistThe Man Who Fell in Love with the Moon[364]
Sir Stephen Spender1909–1995Englishnovelist, poet, essayistPoems [9]
Jack Spicer1925–1965AmericanpoetMy Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer [9]
Rae Spoonb. ? Canadianshort story writerFirst Grass Spring Fire, superioryouareinferior, My Prairie Home [365]
Gertrude Stein1874–1946AmericannovelistThe Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas[9]
Andreas Steinhöfelb. 1962Germannovelist, author for children and teenagersThe Center of the World[366]
Ian Stephens1955–1996CanadianpoetDiary of a Trademark[367]
Susan Stinsonb. ?AmericannovelistVenus of Chalk[368]
John Elizabeth Stintzib. ?Canadiannovelist, poetVanishing Monuments, Junebat[369]
Charles Warren Stoddard1843–1909Americanpoet, journalistTravel books about Polynesian life[9]
Aryeh Lev Stollmanb. 1954Canadian-Americannovelist, short story writerThe Far Euphrates[370]
Lytton Strachey1880–1932EnglishbiographerQueen Victoria (biography) [9]
Allan Strattonb. 1951CanadianplaywrightRexy[150]
Kent Stetsonb. 1948CanadianplaywrightWarm Wind in China, As I Am[91]
Susan Strykerb. 1961 AmericanhistorianTransgender History (2008)[371]
Howard Sturgis1855–1920Anglo-AmericannovelistTim: A Story of School Life, All That Was Possible [9]
Algernon Swinburne1837–1909EnglishpoetPoems and Ballads [9]
John Addington Symonds1840–1893Britishpoet, literary criticRenaissance in Italy [9]
Scott Symons1933-2009CanadiannovelistPlace d'Armes, Civic Square, Helmet of Flesh[6]
Shawn Symsb. 1970Canadianjournalist, short storiesNothing Looks Familiar[372]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Proma Tagoreb. ? Indian/Canadianpoetrylanguage is not the only thing that breaks[373]
Mutsuo Takahashib. 1937JapanesepoetryRose Tree, Fake Lovers [9]
Mariko Tamakib. 1975 Canadiangraphic novelistSkim[374]
Jordan Tannahillb. 1988 CanadianplaywrightGet Yourself Home Skyler James, Peter Fechter: 59 Minutes, rihannaboi95[375]
Joelle Taylorb. 1967 Britishpoet and playwrightThe Woman Who Was Not There, Songs My Enemy Taught Me[376]
Valerie Taylor1913–1997Americannovelist and poetThe Lusty Land, Whisper Their Love, The Girls in 3-B, Stranger on Lesbos, A World Without Men, Return to Lesbos[377]
Michelle Teab. 1971Americanauthor, poet, and literary arts organizer The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America [378]
Sara Teasdale1884–1933Americanwriter, poet Flame and Shadow, Love Song [9]
Richard Telekyb. 1946American-Canadiannovelist, poet, short stories, essaysThe Paris Years of Rosie Kamin, Pack Up the Moon[17]
Kai Cheng Thomb. ? Canadianpoet, novelista place called No Homeland, Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars[54]
Colin Thomasb. ? CanadianplaywrightOne Thousand Cranes, Two Weeks Twice a Year, Flesh and Blood, Sex Is My Religion[174]
Sara Tilleyb. ? Canadiannovelist, playwrightSkin Room, Duke[379]
James Tiptree Jr. (pseudonym of Alice Sheldon)1917–1987Americanscience fiction writer Houston, Houston, Do You Read?, Her Smoke Rose Up Forever[380][381][382]
Colm Tóibínb. 1955Irishnovelist and short story writerThe Heather Blazing [383]
Peterson Toscanob. 1965AmericanplaywrightTime in the Homo No Mo Halfway House [319]
Paul Toupin1918-1993Canadianplaywright, memoirist, essayistBrutus, Souvenirs pour demain[88]
Matthew J. Traffordb. ? Canadianshort storiesThe Divinity Gene[384]
Michel Tremblayb. 1942Canadianplaywright, novelistHosanna, Les Belles-sœurs, The Heart Laid Bare, Albertine in Five Times[6][9][17]
Roland Michel Tremblayb. 1972CanadiannovelistWaiting for Paris[385]
Mary L. Trumpb. 1965AmericanauthorToo Much and Never Enough[386]
Christos Tsiolkasb. 1965AustraliannovelistThe Slap[137]
Marina Tsvetaeva1892–1941RussianpoetRemeslo, Posle Rossii [9]
Karen X. Tulchinskyb. ? Canadiannovelist, screenwriterThe Five Books of Moses Lapinsky[387]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs1825-1895Germannon-fictionResearch on the Riddle of Man-Manly Love[388]
Luz María Umpierreb. 1947Puerto RicanpoetryThe Margarita Poems[8][21][24]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Fernando Vallejob. 1942ColombiannovelistOur Lady of the Assassins[8]
Ruth Vanitab. 1955Indianacademic Sappho and the Virgin Mary...Imagination, Queering India...and the West[389][390]
Marlene van Niekerkb. 1954South Africanauthor Triomf [391]
R. M. Vaughanb. 1965Canadianpoet, novelist, playwrightA Quilted Heart[392]
Sándor Vay1859–1918Hungarianjournalist, chronicler Gróf Vay Sándor munkái [393]
Carl Van Vechten1880–1964Americannovelist, photographer Nigger Heaven [9]
Paul Verlaine1844–1896FrenchpoetLibretti for Vaucochard et Fils 1er and Fisch-Ton-Kan [9]
Théophile de Viau1590–1626FrenchpoetFragment d'une histoire comique [9]
Gore Vidal1925–2012AmericannovelistThe City and the Pillar, Myra Breckinridge[9]
Xavier Villaurrutia1903–1950Mexicanplaywright, poet Autos profanos [8]
David Viñasb. 1929Argentinenovelist, dramatist Un Dios Cotidiano [8]
Virgil70-19 B.C.RomanpoetAeneid [9]
Renée Vivien1877–1909Anglo-Frenchpoet Cendres et Poussières [9]
Bruno Vogel1898–1983Germannovelist, short stories Alf [9]
Paula Vogelb. 1951AmericanplaywrightHow I Learned to Drive[394]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Rinaldo Walcottb. 1965 Canadianacademic, cultural studiesBlack Like Who?: Writing Black Canada[395]
Alice Walkerb. 1944AmericanfictionThe Color Purple[9]
Betsy Warlandb. 1946American-Canadianpoetry, non-fictionBreathing the Page: Reading the Act of Writing [9]
Sylvia Townsend Warner1893–1978Englishnovelist, poet, activistA Moral Ending and Other Stories[9]
Patricia Nell Warrenb. 1936AmericanfictionThe Front Runner[9]
Bryan Washingtonb. 1993AmericanfictionLot, Memorial[396]
Sarah Watersb. 1966BritishfictionTipping the Velvet, Affinity, The Night Watch[397]
David Watmoughb. 1926British-Canadianfiction, playsCollected Shorter Fiction of David Watmough: 1972–82 [398]
Evelyn Waugh1903–1966EnglishfictionBrideshead Revisited[399]
Thomas Waughb. 1948Canadianacademic, art and film criticOut/Lines: Underground Gay Graphics From Before Stonewall, Lust Unearthed: Vintage Gay Graphics from the DuBek Collection[400]
Jessica L. Webbb. ?CanadianmysteriesPathogen, Repercussions[401]
Barry Websterb. 1961CanadianfictionThe Lava in My Bones[402]
John Weirb. 1959Americannovelist, journalistThe Irreversible Decline of Eddie Socket, What I Did Wrong[403]
Denton Welch1915–1948Englishwriter, painter Maiden Voyage [9]
Robert Westfieldb. 1972Americannovelist Suspension[404]
Edmund Whiteb. 1940AmericanfictionA Boy's Own Story, The Beautiful Room Is Empty[36]
Patrick White1912–1990AustralianfictionFlaws in the Glass[9]
Joshua Whiteheadb. ? Canadianpoet, novelistFull-Metal Indigiqueer, Johnny Appleseed[405]
William Whitehead1931-2018Canadiantelevision/radio documentaries, memoiristWords to Live By[406]
Walt Whitman1819–1892AmericanpoetLeaves of Grass[9]
Zoe Whittallb. 1976CanadianfictionBottle Rocket Hearts, Holding Still for As Long As Possible[209]
Oscar Wilde1854–1900English-Irishfiction, playsThe Picture of Dorian Gray, The Importance of Being Earnest[9]
Thornton Wilder1897–1975Americanfiction, playsOur Town[407]
Michael Willhoiteb. 1948Americanchildren's literatureDaddy's Roommate[408]
Jonathan Williams1929–2008AmericanpoetJubilant Thicket: New and Selected Poems [9]
Tennessee Williams1911–1983AmericanplaywrightA Streetcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof[9]
Angus Wilson1913–1991Englishauthor Hemlock and After[9]
Douglas Wilson1950-1992Canadianjournalist, novelistLabour of Love[409]
Jacqueline Wilsonb. 1945EnglishnovelistThe Story of Tracy Beaker, Double Act, Hetty Feather[410]
Jonathan Wilsonb. ? Canadianactor and playwrightMy Own Private Oshawa[411]
Martin Wilsonb. 1973AmericanfictionWhat They Always Tell Us[412]
Jia Qing Wilson-Yangb. ? CanadiannovelistSmall Beauty[413]
Johann Joachim Winckelmann1717–1768Germanhistorian, archaeologist Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums (The History of Art in Antiquity [9]
Donald Windham1920-2010Americannovelist and memoirist The Dog Star [9]
Christa Winsloe1888–1944GermanfictionYesterday and Today[9]
Jeanette Wintersonb. 1959EnglishfictionOranges Are Not the Only Fruit[9]
Monique Wittig1935–2003FrenchphilosopherLe Corps Lesbien[9]
Rita Wongb. 1968Canadianpoetmonkeypuzzle [209]
Alan Woob. ? Canadianpoet, short stories, children's literatureMaggie's Chopsticks[414]
Jaime Woob. ? Canadiannon-fictionMeet Grindr[415]
Marnie Woodrowb. 1969CanadiannovelistSpelling Mississippi[416]
Virginia Woolf1882–1941EnglishnovelistOrlando: A Biography[9]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Bart Yatesb. 1962AmericannovelistLeave Myself Behind, Brothers Bishop, The Distance Between Us[101]
d'bi youngb. ? Canadianpoet, playwrightrivers and other blackness between us, word! sound! powah, blood.claat: one womban story[417]
Ian Youngb. 1945Canadianpoet, non-fictionThe Gay Muse, The Male Homosexual in Literature[17][418]
Perry Deane Youngb. 1941Americanjournalist, playwrightTwo of the Missing, The David Kopay Story[419]
Marguerite Yourcenar1903–1987FrenchnovelistMemoirs of Hadrian[9]
Josée Yvon1950-1994Canadianplaywright, poetDanseuse-mamelouk, Maîtresses-Cherokees[420]


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Luis Zapatab. 1951MexicannovelistDe pétalos perennes (Perennial Petals) [8][9]
Eve Zarembab. 1930Polish/Canadianmystery novelistA Reason to Kill, The Butterfly Effect[6]
Jerzy Zawieyski1902-69Polishpoetry, novelsGdzie jesteś, przyjacielu [421]
Fiona Zeddeb. 1976Jamaican-AmericannovelistBliss[422]
Cyd Zeigler, Jr.b. 1973AmericansportswriterThe Outsports Revolution: Truth and Myth in the World of Gay Sports[423]
Alexander Ziegler1944-87Swissjournalist, novelistDie Konsequenz[424]
Richard Zimlerb. 1956American/PortuguesenovelistThe Last Kabbalist of Lisbon, Hunting Midnight, The Search for Sana, The Seventh Gate, The Warsaw Anagrams[425]
Robert D. Zimmermanb. 1952AmericanmysteryCloset, Outburst[426]
Narcyza Żmichowska1819-76Polishpoetry, novelsThe Heathen [427]
Rachel Zolfb. 1968CanadianpoetMasque, Human Resources[428]
Daniel Zomparellib. ? Canadianpoet, short storiesEverything Is Awful and You're a Terrible Person[429]
Mark Richard Zubrob. ? AmericanmysteryTom and Scott mystery series[430]
Peter Zuckermanb. 1973AmericanjournalistBuried in the Sky[431]
Harriet Sohmers Zwerlingb. 1928Americanshort stories, translation, essaysNotes of a Nude Model[432]
gollark: Just use uBlock origin.
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  1. Columbia Book of Gay Literature, Columbia University Press
  2. "6 motivos por que Caio Fernando Abreu foi um escritor MUITO corajoso". HuffPost Brasil (in Portuguese). 2016-02-25. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  3. "Interview with Barry Adam". Archived from the original on 2019-02-20. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  4. Just Watch Me: Trudeau and the '70s Generation. National Film Board of Canada, 1999.
  5. Lisa Suhair Majaj and Amal Amireh, Etel Adnan: Critical Essays on the Arab-American Writer and Artist. McFarland & Company, 2001. ISBN 0786410728.
  6. W. H. New, Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada (chapter "Gay and Lesbian Writing", pp. 418-422). University of Toronto Press, 2002. ISBN 0802007619.
  7. Martinez, Elena M. (2013). Encyclopedia of Lesbian Histories and Cultures. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. p. 439. ISBN 978-1-136-78750-8.
  8. listed in David William Foster, ed. Latin American Writers on Gay and Lesbian Themes: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994). ISBN 0-313-28479-2
  9. listed in Claude J. Summers, ed., The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage: A Reader's Companion to the Writers and Their Works, from Antiquity to the Present (New York: Henry Holt, 1995). ISBN 0-415-92926-1.
  10. LaRiviere, Serafin (October 1, 2011). "Zorras embarks on Canadian tour". Xtra. Retrieved 10 July 2012.
  11. "My Mormon Family Loved Me, Until I Came Out". Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  12. "Rebecca T. Alpert | Oral Histories | LGBTQ Religious Archives Network". Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  13. "Montgomery and me: buzz surrounds Noel Alumit and Letters to Montgomery Clift, his novel about a Filipino kid growing up gay in Los Angeles". The Advocate, July 9, 2002.
  14. Bartley, Jim (2006-08-28). "Out and About in '70s Toronto". The Globe and Mail.
  15. "Debra Anderson wins Dayne Ogilvie Grant". Quill & Quire, June 12, 2009.
  16. "2016 Writers Retreat Fellows". Lambda Literary. Retrieved 2016-04-22.
  17. "Celebrating our gaylit". Toronto Star, June 7, 2008.
  18. At the international congress: "Las novelistas sentimentales: nuevas aproximaciones, nuevas perspectivas" about the lesbian book Carol, by Patricia Highsmith Archived 2015-12-09 at the Wayback Machine |date= 2012-12-11
  19. "After 10 years, it's likely no longer a 'phase' | The Star". 29 June 2012. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  20. Richard Burnett, "The Voice: Actor Salvatore Antonio is no whirling dervish". Hour, February 24, 2011.
  21. Keating, AnnLouise. "Latina Literature." In Claude J. Summers, ed., The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage: A Reader's Companion to the Writers and Their Works, from Antiquity to the Present, 432-35. New York: Henry Holt, 1995. ISBN 0-415-92926-1.
  22. "Books: Bert Archer". FFWD, November 18, 1999.
  23. "Toto Too commissions its first new play" Archived 2009-02-02 at the Wayback Machine. Xtra Ottawa, January 21, 2009.
  24. included in David Caleb Acevedo, Moisés Agosto Rosario, and Luis Negrón, eds., Los otros cuerpos: Antología de temática gay, lésbica y queer desde Puerto Rico y su diáspora (San Juan: Editorial Tiempo Nuevo, 2007). ISBN 0-9773612-8-4.
  25. "Damien Atkins stands out". NOW, November 14, 2013.
  26. "A Conversation with Ellis Avery". Public Books. 2011-12-21. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  27. "Remembering Cheryl B". Lambda Literary Foundation, June 19, 2011.
  28. "Vancouver Pride: Gay bashing still unreported in Vancouver". Georgia Straight Vancouver's News & Entertainment Weekly. 2009-07-29. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  29. "Gay Lib for the Animals: A New Look At Homosexuality in Nature". Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  30. Rivenburg, Roy. "He's Angry, Raunchy and Unapologetic". Los Angeles Times, April 8, 1993; Page E-1.
  31. Stephen Greer, Contemporary British Queer Performance. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. ISBN 978-0230304420.
  32. Alan Sinfield, Out on Stage: Lesbian and Gay Theatre in the Twentieth Century. Yale University Press, 1999. ISBN 978-0300081022.
  33. "An Interview With Victor Banis". wildeoats. 2013-09-29. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  34. "Deconstructing the Construction Clown". Cincinnati Magazine, May 2006.
  35. Cahiers de la Femme. Centennial College. 1995.
  36. Philip Gambone, Something Inside: Conversations With Gay Fiction Writers. University of Wisconsin Press, 1999. ISBN 978-0299161347.
  37. O’Kelly, Lisa (28 March 2020). "Damian Barr: 'Give voice to those with unwritten stories'". The Guardian. Retrieved 3 July 2020.
  38. "Joelle Barron, Lindsay Nixon, Casey Plett named finalists for $5K LGBTQ emerging writers prize". CBC Books, May 7, 2019.
  39. W. H. New, Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada (p. 94). University of Toronto Press, 2002. ISBN 0802007619.
  40. Jonathan Lerner, "That Whole Thing the Dead Come Out Of". Lambda Literary Foundation, July 29, 2010.
  41. Ruz, Robert E. "Homosexuality and Gay Identity in Bayly's No se lo digas a nadie, Fue ayer y no me acuerdo and La noche es virgen." Contemporary Peruvian Narrative and Popular Culture: Jaime Bayly, Iván Thays & Jorge Eduardo Benavides. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Tamesis, 2005. ISBN 1-85566-110-1
  42. "Six Indigenous writers to watch". CBC Books, July 9, 2017.
  43. "The Sexual Life of Bruce B: Interview with Bruce Benderson". 3AM Magazine. 2001. Retrieved 2014-05-03.
  44. Wong, Curtis M. (2015-03-18). "Queer Activist S. Bear Bergman's HuffPost Blog Comes Under Fire From Right-Wing Groups". Huffington Post. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  45. "Bernstein in letters - gifted, gay and loved by his wife". Reuters. 2014-04-11. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  46. Martin, Michel (June 10, 2010). "A 'Queer' Argument Against Marriage". Retrieved 2014-05-03.
  47. "José Bianco | Argentine writer and editor". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  48. Anthony Bidulka Archived 2013-09-18 at the Wayback Machine., 2008.
  49. "Fenomenologie van de egoneuker". Archived from the original on February 13, 2010. Retrieved September 25, 2010.
  50. "Trans literature for the masses". The New Yorker, July 16, 2014.
  51. "Vancouver Poets Pay Homage to bill bissett » News » Talonbooks". Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  52. Inductee: Persimmon Blackbridge. Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives.
  53. "The incomparable Robin Blaser". Xtra. 2009-05-13. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  54. "Kai Cheng Thom, Eva Crocker and Ali Blythe nominated for LGBTQ Emerging Writers Prize". CBC Books, May 17, 2017.
  55. "Do ask, do tell: Poetry collection about U.S. soldier wins gay literary award". Washington Post, April 25, 2014.
  56. "The Atlantic Wire" October 8, 2010.
  57. "Walter Borden". Nova Scotia Museum. 2017-06-27. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  58. "Following her inner compass". Chicago Tribune, January 31, 2014.
  59. "Boyne battles in his books". Irish Independent, August 3, 2008.
  60. Quill & Quire. Canadian Magazine Publishers Association. 2008.
  61. "Gay writing for women still a small, exotic flowering in Canada". The Globe and Mail, April 16, 1994.
  62. Glenn Sumi, "Gay theatre scores big with its target audience: Canada's homosexual community is large, rich and self-aware -- and playwrights are cashing in on it. Who cares if the critics don't always approve?" The Globe and Mail, March 14, 1998.
  63. Enszer, Julie R. (2016-08-04). "What Remains: Remembering Michelle Cliff, Beth Brant, and..." Lambda Literary. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  64. "Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia - Brassard, André". Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  65. Said, Carolyn (March 25, 2014). "Homobiles: When catching a ride can be such a drag". SFGate. Retrieved 2014-05-03.
  66. Bronski, Michael (June 2004). "The bridge to manhood". BeliefNet. Retrieved 2014-05-03.
  67. "Lesbian's victory would rattle Rhodes (Carellin Brooks wins Rhodes scholarship)". Winnipeg Free Press, January 7, 1993.
  68. Xhonneux, Lies. Rebecca Brown: Literary Subversions of Homonormalization. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2014.
  69. "Write On Ottawa: One gay superhero + pride week in the nation's capital = one fab debut novel". Apt613, February 11, 2014.
  70. "Ronnie Burkett: the maverick puppeteer". The Independent. 2001-06-13. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  71. Robert Aldrich and Garry Wotherspoon, eds. Who's Who in Contemporary Gay & Lesbian History: From World War II to the Present Day. London: Routledge, 2001. ISBN 0-415-29161-5
  72. Busi, Aldo Archived 2014-05-04 at the Wayback Machine. GLBTQ, Inc., 2006.
  73. "At 12 I grew a beard and had a period". 2016-04-22. Retrieved 2019-02-19.
  74. "An exclusive interview with Patrick Califia". Xtra. 2009-11-11. Retrieved 2019-02-20.
  75. Farwell, Marilyn (1996). Heterosexual Plots and Lesbian Narratives. NYU Press. ISBN 9780814726181.
  76. "Elspeth Cameron". Retrieved 2019-02-20.
  77. Foundation, Poetry (2019-02-19). "Rafael Campo". Poetry Foundation. Retrieved 2019-02-20.
  78. Church, Kathryn (2014-01-02). Forbidden Narratives: Critical Autobiography as Social Science. Routledge. ISBN 9781134317899.
  79. "Tom Cardamone: The New Weird". Lambda Literary Foundation, August 28, 2012.
  80. Oshinsky, David (2012-03-16). "The Story of Lawrence v. Texas, by Dale Carpenter". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2019-02-20.
  81. "Michael Carroll: On His New Short Story Collection, the Benefits of a Spare Writing Style, and His Literary Inspirations". Lambda Literary Foundation, July 2, 2014.
  82. "Theater professor Sue-Ellen Case leaves mark on feminist, LGBT theory". 20 June 2016. Retrieved 2019-02-20.
  83. "Joseph Cassara Wants His Characters to Break Your Heart". The Millions, February 1, 2018.
  84. Mead, Amanda V. (2010-09-23). "'Zero At The Bone' by Stacie Cassarino". Lambda Literary. Retrieved 2019-02-20.
  85. "Biography". Archived from the original on 2009-03-21. Retrieved 2013-11-01.
  86. Kate Cayley at Annick Press.
  87. Tobin, Stephanie. "Not on Tinder, but your photo is? St. John's playwright gets a kick out of phoney profile | CBC News". CBC. Retrieved 2019-02-20.
  88. Tom Warner, Never Going Back: A History of Queer Activism in Canada. University of Toronto Press, 2002. ISBN 9780802084606. p. 54.
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  91. David A. Gerstner, Routledge International Encyclopedia of Queer Culture. Chapter "Canada, Performance and Theatre", pp. 131-134. Routledge, 2006. ISBN 9780415306515.
  92. Zacharias, Yvonne (June 10, 2015). "Vancouver native Wayson Choy on Chinatown, coming out as a gay man, and his favourite books". Vancouver Sun. Retrieved February 20, 2019.
  93. Donnelly, Liza. "Funny Women: An Interview With Kate Clinton". Forbes. Retrieved 2019-02-20.
  94. William Lane Clark, Contemporary Gay American Novelists. Greenwood Press, 1993. ISBN 978-0313280191.
  95. Weiss, Sasha (2014). "Henri Cole, The Art of Poetry No. 98". The Paris Review. Interviews. Summer 2014 (209). ISSN 0031-2037. Retrieved 2019-02-20.
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  97. Prieto de Paula, Ángel L. (10 August 2007). "Carmen Conde, la primera mujer" [Carmen Conde, The First Woman]. El País (in Spanish). Madrid, Spain. Archived from the original on 31 May 2020. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
  98. Sibbald, K. M. (Autumn 2010). "Outing and Autobiography (Carmen Conde and María Elena Walsh)". Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta for the Canadian Association of Hispanists. 35 (1): 205–228. ISSN 0384-8167. Retrieved 6 June 2020.
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