Administrative divisions of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is administratively divided into the following subdivisions:

The rayons are further divided into municipalities (Bələdiyyə).

Additionally, Azerbaijan is subdivided into 9 (economic) regions (İqtisadi Rayonlar; sing.– İqtisadi Rayon).[1] This is not an administrative division. Each region contains a number of districts. The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic forms a separate, 10th economic region.

Regions and Autonomous Republic

The ten regions of Azerbaijan.
1. Absheron
2. Ganja-Qazakh
3. Shaki-Zaqatala
4. Lankaran
5. Quba-Khachmaz
6. Aran
7. Upper Karabakh
8. Kalbajar-Lachin
9. Daglig-Shirvan
10. Nakhchivan
Map ref. Region/Autonomous Republic Area (km2) Population
1 Absheron 5,420 2,613,300
2 Ganja-Qazakh 12,480 1,191,700
3 Shaki-Zaqatala 8,969 543,400
4 Lankaran 6,140 926,500
5 Guba-Khachmaz 6,960 498,400
6 Aran 23,375 1,893,036
7 Upper Karabakh 7,253.5 628,200
8 Kalbajar-Lachin 6,400 231,300
9 Mountainous Shirvan 6,060 287,800
10 Nakhchivan 5,550 414,900

Administrative divisions

Contiguous Azerbaijan

The administrative divisions of Azerbaijan. The divisions of the Nakhchivan exclave are listed in the next section.
1. Absheron District
2. Aghjabadi District
3. Agdam District
4. Agdash District
5. Agstafa District
6. Agsu District
7. Shirvan (city)
8. Astara District
9. Baku (city)
10. Balakan District
11. Barda District
12. Beylagan District
13. Bilasuvar District
14. Jabrayil District
15. Jalilabad District
16. Dashkasan District
17. Shabran District
18. Fuzuli District
19. Gadabay District
20. Ganja (city)
21. Goranboy District
22. Goychay District
23. Hajigabul District
24. Imishli District
25. Ismailli District
26. Kalbajar District
27. Kurdamir District
28. Lachin District
29. Lankaran District
30. Lankaran (city)
31. Lerik District
32. Masally District
33. Mingachevir (city)
34. Naftalan (city)
35. Neftchala District
36. Oghuz District
37. Qabala District
38. Qakh District
39. Qazakh District
40. Gobustan District
41. Quba District
42. Qubadli District
43. Qusar District
44. Saatly District
45. Sabirabad District
46. Shaki District
47. Shaki (city)
48. Salyan District
49. Shamakhi District
50. Shamkir District
51. Samukh District
52. Siazan District
53. Sumqayit (city)
54. Shusha District
55. Shusha (city)
56. Tartar District
57. Tovuz District
58. Ujar District
59. Khachmaz District
60. Khankendi (city)
61. Goygol District
62. Khizi District
63. Khojaly District
64. Khojavend District
65. Yardymli District
66. Yevlakh District
67. Yevlakh (city)
68. Zangilan District
69. Zaqatala District
70. Zardab District

The territory of Nagorno-Karabakh presently forms part of Azerbaijani rayons Khojavend, Shusha, Khojaly, the east portion of Kalbajar and the west portion of Tartar. In Soviet times the region was known as Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast; however on November 26, 1991, the Parliament of the Azerbaijan SSR abolished the autonomous status of the NKAO. Since then the territory of the autonomous oblast has been administratively split between the aforementioned rayons.

As a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh War, most of its territory is now under the control of ethnic Armenian forces from Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia.[2] The self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) also controls a large part of southwestern Azerbaijan outside Nagorno-Karabakh. The Azerbaijani rayons completely or partially in the NKR are noted in the list. The NKR does not recognise these rayons and has its own system of administrative division.

The list below is for the main part of Azerbaijan, excluding the rayons of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

Map ref. Administrative division Azerbaijani name Capital Area[3]
(2011 est.)
Region Notes
1 Absheron District Abşeron Xirdalan 1,360 192,900 Absheron Includes an exclave in Baku
2 Aghjabadi District Ağcabədi Aghjabadi 1,760 124,000 Aran
3 Agdam District Ağdam Alibeyli 1,150 180,600 Yukhari-Karabakh West part de facto in NKR
4 Agdash District Ağdaş Agdash 1,050 100,600 Aran
5 Agstafa District Ağstafa Agstafa 1,500 81,400 Ganja-Qazakh
6 Agsu District Ağsu Agsu 1,020 72,100 Daglig-Shirvan
7 Shirvan (city) Şirvan 30 78,700 Aran Named Ali Bayramli (Əli Bayramlı) until April 24, 2008
8 Astara District Astara Astara 620 98,300 Lankaran
9 Baku (city) Bakı 2,130 2,092,400 Absheron Comprising 12 rayonlar it is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan
10 Balakan District Balakən Balakan 920 91,100 Shaki-Zaqatala
11 Barda District Bərdə Barda 960 143,900 Aran
12 Beylagan District Beyləqan Beylagan 1,130 87,900 Aran
13 Bilasuvar District Biləsuvar Bilasuvar 1,400 90,300 Aran
14 Jabrayil District Cəbrayıl Jabrayil 1,050 72,700 Yukhari-Karabakh De facto in NKR
15 Jalilabad District Cəlilabad Jalilabad 1,440 196,500 Lankaran
16 Dashkasan District Daşkəsən Daşkəsən 1,050 33,200 Ganja-Qazakh
17 Shabran District Şabran Shabran 1,090 53,000 Quba-Khachmaz Named Davachi (Dəvəçi) until 2010
18 Fuzuli District Füzuli Füzuli 1,390 118,900 Yukhari-Karabakh West part de facto in NKR
19 Gadabay District Gədəbəy Gadabay 1,290 95,000 Ganja-Qazakh Borders an exclave of Armenia
20 Ganja (city) Gəncə 110 316,300 Ganja-Qazakh Azerbaijan's second-largest city
21 Goranboy District Goranboy Goranboy 1,760 96,200 Ganja-Qazakh
22 Goychay District Göyçay Goychay 740 111,100 Aran
23 Hajigabul District Hacıqabul Hajiqabul 1,640 67,300 Aran
24 Imishli District İmişli Imishli 1,820 116,600 Aran
25 Ismailli District İsmayıllı Ismailli 2,060 80,900 Daglig-Shirvan
26 Kalbajar District Kəlbəcər Kalbajar 3,050 83,200 Kalbajar-Lachin De facto in NKR
27 Kurdamir District Kürdəmir Kurdamir 1,630 105,700 Aran
28 Lachin District Laçın Lachin 1,840 70,900 Kalbajar-Lachin De facto in NKR
29 Lankaran District Lənkəran Lankaran 1,540 209,900 Lankaran
30 Lankaran (city) Lənkəran 70 83,300 Lankaran
31 Lerik District Lerik Lerik 1,080 76,400 Lankaran
32 Masally District Masallı Masally 720 202,500 Lankaran
33 Mingachevir (city) Mingəçevir 130 97,800 Aran
34 Naftalan (city) Naftalan 30 9,100 Ganja-Qazakh
35 Neftchala District Neftçala Neftchala 1,450 81,300 Aran
36 Oghuz District Oğuz Oghuz 1,220 40,900 Shaki-Zaqatala
37 Qabala District Qəbələ Qabala 1,550 95,600 Shaki-Zaqatala
38 Qakh District Qax Qakh 1,490 53,900 Shaki-Zaqatala
39 Qazakh District Qazax Qazakh 700 90,800 Ganja-Qazakh Includes two exclaves in Armenia
40 Gobustan District Qobustan Gobustan 1,370 41,100 Daglig-Shirvan
41 Quba District Quba Quba 2,580 155,600 Quba-Khachmaz
42 Qubadli District Qubadlı Qubadli 800 36,700 Kalbajar-Lachin De facto in NKR
43 Qusar District Qusar Qusar 1,540 89,300 Quba-Khachmaz
44 Saatly District Saatlı Saatly 1,180 95,100 Aran
45 Sabirabad District Sabirabad Sabirabad 1,470 155,400 Aran
46 Shaki District Şəki Shaki 2,430 173,500 Shaki-Zaqatala
47 Shaki (city) Şəki 9 63,700 Shaki-Zaqatala
48 Salyan District Salyan Salyan 1,790 124,900 Aran
49 Shamakhi District Şamaxı Shamakhi 1,610 93,700 Daglig-Shirvan
50 Shamkir District Şəmkir Shamkir 1,660 196,100 Ganja-Qazakh
51 Samukh District Samux Nebiagali 1,450 54,600 Ganja-Qazakh
52 Siazan District Siyəzən Siazan 700 38,400 Quba-Khachmaz
53 Sumqayit (city) Sumqayıt 80 314,800 Absheron
54 Shusha District Şuşa Shusha 290 29,700 Yukhari-Karabakh De facto in NKR
55 Shusha (city) Şuşa 5.5 4,100 Yukhari-Karabakh De facto in NKR
56 Tartar District Tərtər Tartar 960 98,400 Yukhari-Karabakh West part de facto in NKR
57 Tovuz District Tovuz Tovuz 1,900 160,700 Ganja-Qazakh Borders an exclave of Armenia
58 Ujar District Ucar Ujar 850 79,800 Aran
59 Khachmaz District Xaçmaz Khachmaz 1,050 162,100 Quba-Khachmaz
60 Khankendi (city) Xankəndi 8 55,200 Yukhari-Karabakh De facto capital of NKR named Stepanakert
61 Goygol District Göygöl Goygol 1,030 58,300 Ganja-Qazakh Formerly Khanlar
62 Khizi District Xızı Khizi 1,850 14,700 Absheron
63 Khojaly District Xocalı Khojali 940 26,500 Yukhari-Karabakh De facto in NKR
64 Khojavend District Xocavənd Khojavend 1,460 42,100 Yukhari-Karabakh De facto in NKR
65 Yardymli District Yardımlı Yardymli 670 59,600 Lankaran
66 Yevlakh District Yevlax Yevlakh 1,540 119,600 Aran
67 Yevlakh (city) Yevlax 95 59,036 Aran
68 Zangilan District Zəngilan Zangilan 710 40,500 Kalbajar-Lachin De facto in NKR
69 Zaqatala District Zaqatala Zaqatala 1,350 120,300 Shaki-Zaqatala
70 Zardab District Zərdab Zardab 860 54,000 Aran
Total 81,100 8,700,600

Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

The seven districts and one municipality of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic are listed below.

Map ref. Administrative division Azerbaijani name Capital Area[3]
(2011 est.)
1 Babek District Babək Babek 900 65,100 Formerly known as Nakhchivan; renamed after Babak Khorramdin in 1991
2 Julfa District Culfa Julfa 1,000 42,600 Also spelled Jugha or Dzhulfa.
3 Kangarli District Kəngərli Givraq 680 28,600 Split from Babek in March 2004
4 Nakhchivan (city) Naxçıvan 130 84,700 Split from Nakhchivan (Babek Rayon) in 1991
5 Ordubad District Ordubad Ordubad 970 46,100 Split from Julfa during Sovietization[4]
6 Sadarak District Sədərək Sədərək 150 14,400 Split from Sharur in 1990; includes the Karki exclave in Armenia
7 Shahbuz District Şahbuz Shahbuz 920 23,200 Split from Nakhchivan (Babek) during Sovietization[4]
8 Sharur District Şərur Sharur 810 105,400 Formerly known as Bash-Norashen during its incorporation into the Soviet Union and Ilyich (after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin) from the post-Sovietization period to 1990[4]
Total 5,560 410,100
gollark: "Debate" mostly isn't actual meaningful debate but just showing how virtuous you are for showing how terrible the Other Side is.
gollark: It's much more about tribal signalling than actual policy and doing useful things.
gollark: You can't actually do anything significant to them in most cases, and they monopolize vast amounts of people's attention and communication bandwidth.
gollark: Large-scale politics is *basically* (EDIT: mostly) a horrible infohazard pushed by organizations trying to maximize your engagement (which is often done by generating outrage at the Other Side) and the politicians trying to get you to use your small and indirected power to benefit them.
gollark: NOT ignoring them doesn't work well either.

See also


  1. "Azerbaijan Regions" Archived 2016-02-24 at the Wayback Machine, Regional Development Center in Azerbaijan.
  2. "The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency".
  3. "Territories, number, density of population and territorial units by economic and administrative regions of Azerbaijan Republic" Archived January 7, 2012, at the Wayback Machine, The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  4. Hewsen, Robert H. (2001). Armenia: A Historical Atlas. University of Chicago Press.
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