Regions of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is divided into 14 regions (Kazakh: облыстар/oblystar; singular: облыс/oblys; Russian: области/oblasti; singular: область/oblast' ). The regions are further subdivided into districts (Kazakh: аудандар/aýdandar; singular: аудан/aýdan; Russian: районы/rayoni; singular: район/rayon). Four cities, Baikonur, Shymkent, the largest city Almaty, and the capital Nur-Sultan are not part of the regions they are surrounded by.

Coat of armsFull English nameTypeFull Kazakh nameFull Russian nameStandard time
Akmola RegionregionАқмола облысы
Aqmola oblysy
Акмолинская область
Akmolinskaya Oblast′
Aktobe RegionregionАқтөбе облысы
Aqtóbe oblysy
Актюбинская область
Aktyubinskaya Oblast′
Almatycity[nb 1]Алматы қаласы
Almaty qalasy
город Алматы
gorod Almaty
Almaty RegionregionАлматы облысы
Almaty oblysy
Алматинская область
Almatinskaya Oblast′
Atyrau Regionregion[nb 2]Атырау облысы
Atyraý oblysy
Атырауская область
Atyrauskaya Oblast′
Baikonurcity[nb 3]Байқоңыр қаласы
Baıqońyr qalasy
город Байконур
gorod Baykonur
East Kazakhstan RegionregionШығыс Қазақстан облысы
Shyǵys Qazaqstan oblysy
Восточно-Казахстанская область
Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast′
Jambyl RegionregionЖамбыл облысы
Jambyl oblysy
Жамбылская область
Zhambylskaya Oblast′
Karaganda RegionregionҚарағанды облысы
Qaraǵandy oblysy
Карагандинская область
Karagandinskaya Oblast′
Kostanay RegionregionҚостанай облысы
Qostanaı oblysy
Костанайская область
Kostanayskaya Oblast′
Kyzylorda RegionregionҚызылорда облысы
Qyzylorda oblysy
Кызылординская область
Kyzylordinskaya Oblast′
Mangystau RegionregionМаңғыстау облысы
Mańǵystaý oblysy
Мангыстауская область
Mangystauskaya Oblast′
North Kazakhstan RegionregionСолтүстік Қазақстан облысы
Soltústik Qazaqstan oblysy
Северо-Казахстанская область
Severo-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast′
Nur-Sultancity[nb 1]Нұр-Сұлтан қаласы
Nur-Sultan qalasy
город Нұр-Сұлтан
gorod Nur-Sultan
Pavlodar RegionregionПавлодар облысы
Pavlodar oblysy
Павлодарская область
Pavlodarskaya Oblast′
Shymkentcity[nb 1]Шымкент қаласы
Shymkent qalasy
город Шымкент
gorod Shymkent
Turkistan Region (formerly South Kazakhstan)regionТүркістан облысы
Túrkistan oblysy
Туркестанская область
Turkestanskaya Oblast′
West Kazakhstan Regionregion[nb 2]Батыс Қазақстан облысы
Batys Qazaqstan oblysy
Западно-Казахстанская область
Zapadno-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast′
The share of the European population by districts and cities of regional and republican subordination Kazakhstan in 2016
  > 70٪
  60.0 – 69.9 %
  50.0 - 59.9 %
  40.0 - 49.9 %
  30.0 - 39.9 %
  20.0 - 29.9 %
  10.0 - 19.9 %
  0.0 - 9.9 %
Regions of Kazakhstan
Қазақстан облыстары (Kazakh)
Области Казахстана (Russian)
Also known as:
West Kazakhstan RegionAtyrau RegionMangystau RegionAktobe RegionKyzylorda RegionTurkistan RegionJambyl RegionAlmaty RegionEast Kazakhstan RegionPavlodar RegionAkmola RegionNorth Kazakhstan RegionKostanay RegionNur-SultanAlmatyBaykoOralAtyrauAktauAktobeKostanayKyzylordaPetropavlKokshetauShymkentKaragandaTarazPavlodarTaldykorganOskemen
A clickable map of Kazakhstan showing its 14 regions.vde
CategoryUnitary state
LocationRepublic of Kazakhstan
Number14 regions and 4 cities (Almaty, Nur-Sultan, Baikonur, Shymkent)
Populations36,175 (Baikonur) – 2,685,009 (Turkistan)
Areas680 km2 (263 sq mi) (Almaty) - 427,980 km2 (165,245 sq mi) (Karaganda)
GovernmentRegion government, National government


^1 Almaty, Nur-Sultan and Shymkent cities have the status of State significance and do not relate to any region.
^2 The West Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions are both partly located in Eastern Europe as the Ural River run through Atyrau and Oral, their respective capital cities.
^3 Baikonur city has a special status because it is currently being leased to Russia with Baikonur Cosmodrome until the year 2050.

Demographic statistics

EntityCapital Area (km²)Population
(2009 census)[1]
Population Density ISO 3166-2 Code
Akmola RegionKokshetau 146,2190,737,495 5.044 KZ-AKM
Aktobe RegionAktobe 300,6290,757,768 2.521 KZ-AKT
AlmatyAlmaty 000,3191,365,632 4281 KZ-ALA
Almaty RegionTaldykorgan 223,9241,807,894 6.099 KZ-ALM
Nur-SultanNur-Sultan 000,7100,613,006 863.4 KZ-AST
Atyrau RegionAtyrau 118,6310,510,377 4.302 KZ-ATY
BaikonurBaikonur 000,0570,036,175 644.6 KZ-BAY*
East Kazakhstan RegionOskemen 283,2261,396,593 4.931 KZ-VOS
Jambyl RegionTaraz 144,2641,022,129 7.085 KZ-ZHA
Karaganda RegionKaraganda 427,9821,341,700 3.135 KZ-KAR
Kostanay RegionKostanay 196,0010,885,570 4.518 KZ-KUS
Kyzylorda RegionKyzylorda 226,0190,678,794 3.003 KZ-KZY
Mangystau RegionAktau 165,6420,485,392 2.930 KZ-MAN
North Kazakhstan RegionPetropavl 097,9930,596,535 6.088 KZ-SEV
Pavlodar RegionPavlodar 124,8000,742,475 5.948 KZ-PAV
ShymkentShymkent 0,1,1700,603,499 KZ-
Turkistan RegionTurkistan 117,2492,469,357 21.06 KZ-TUR
West Kazakhstan RegionOral 151,3390,598,880 3.957 KZ-ZAP

Former administrative boundaries

Change of oblast names and boundaries from 1954 to today

Over the last 60 years, both the distribution and names of regions of Kazakhstan have changed considerably. Major changes were several fusions and splits between Guryev and Mangystau, Karaganda and Dzhezkazgan, Almaty and Taldy-Kurgan, East Kazakhstan and Semipalatinsk and Kostanay, Turgay and Tselinograd, respectively. Changes in region names were often in line with the renaming of cities, such as in the case of Alma-Ata/Almaty. After the administrative reform in 1997, the last change happened since then took place in 1999, when parts of North Kazakhstan that originally belonged to Kokshetau region became part of Akmola. The 1990s merges were in order to dilute Russian population in the resulting region and to avoid having regions where Russians form a majority.[2]

gollark: ++choose 1000 "lyricly bad gollark bad" "lyricly good gollark good"
gollark: ONE SAMPLE is not statistically significant, bee.
gollark: Or, well, it was, but then I moved the wordlist into the config file to work faster.
gollark: It's only biased in clear, well-documented ways.
gollark: > not using ++choose



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