2020 in United States politics and government

Events in 2020 pertaining to politics and government in the United States.

List of years in the United States
In United States politics and government




  • February 1
  • February 2 – Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg responds to President Donald Trump's Twitter attacks during the Superbowl LIV. Trump called Bloomberg "Mini Mike" and attacked his candidacy for president after seeing a series of Trump attack ads put out by the Bloomberg campaign; the former mayor responded with, "I stand twice as tall as he does on the stage, the stage that matters."[76]
  • February 3
    • 2020 Iowa Democratic caucuses: The Democratic caucus results are delayed thirteen hours due to a snafu with a vote-counting app.[77]
      • With 99.94% of precincts reporting, the results are: Buttigieg, 26.1% (14 delegates); Sanders 26.1% (12 delegates); Warren 18.0% (8 delegates); Biden 15.8% (6 delegates); and Klobuchar 12.3% (1 delegate).[78]
    • 2020 Iowa Republican caucuses: Donald Trump 97%, Joe Walsh 1.4%, Bill Weld 1.2% with 8% of the votes counted.[79]
  • February 4 President Donald Trump delivers his third State of the Union address. The speech has partisan overturns, as Trump refuses to shake Speaker Nancy Pelosi's hand and she tears up the text in disgust at the end.[81][82]
  • February 5 — the US Senate voted on whether or not to convict the president on the charges and evidence as they were presented and debated upon.[83] The senators voted 52 to 48 to find President Trump not guilty on the charge of abuse of power (all 45 Democrats, independent senators Bernie Sanders and Angus King, and Republican senator Romney voted guilty). They voted 53 to 47, in a party-line vote, to find him not guilty on the charge of obstruction of Congress.[84]
  • February 7
  • February 10
    • New York Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) demands that Attorney General Bill Barr explain the Justice Department's special new policy for investigating allegations of corruption based on evidence provided by attorney Rudy Giuliani related to Ukraine. The existence of the non-standard channel of investigation was first revealed by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on February 9.[87]
    • Construction begins of the border wall in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, destroying Native American burial sites belong to the Tohono Oʼodham Nation and threatening severe environmental damage.[88]
  • February 11
    • 2020 New Hampshire Democratic primary
      • 100% of precincts reporting: Sanders 25.7% (9 delegates), Buttigieg 24.4% (9 delegates), Klobuchar 19.8% (6 delegates), Warren 9.2%, Biden 8.4%[89]
    • Andrew Yang[90] and Michael Bennet suspend their presidential campaigns.[91] Deval Patrick suspend his campaign on February 12.[92]
    • Four federal prosecutors resign in response to the politicization of the United States Department of Justice in the Roger Stone case.[93]
  • February 13 – Attorney General William Barr says that Trump tweets make it impossible for him to do his job.[94]
  • February 14 – Justice Department decides not to prosecute former FBI director Andrew McCabe.[95]
  • February 16 – Ivanka Trump praises Saudi Arabia and other Mideast countries for the advances they have made on women's rights.[96]
  • February 17 – 1,100 former DOJ employees call on Attorney General Bill Barr to step down and for current employees to speak up against politicization of the department.[97]
  • February 18
  • February 19 – President Trump replaces acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire with the inexperienced ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell after Maguire's office tells the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that Russia intends to interfere in the 2020 elections.[102]
  • February 22 – 2020 Nevada Democratic caucuses
  • February 26 – Donald Trump files a lawsuit against The New York Times for libel for saying Russia supported his 2016 campaign.[103]
  • February 28 – At a political rally in North Charleston, South Carolina, Donald Trump accuses the Democrats of politicizing the coronavirus and says the media are perpetuating a "hoax" as new outbreaks are reported in the United States, Iran, South Korea, and Italy.[104]
  • February 29
    • The United States and the Taliban sign an agreement that may lead to the end of the war in Afghanistan.[105]
    • Joe Biden is declared the winner of the 2020 South Carolina Democratic primary.[106]


  • March 1
  • March 2
  • March 3
    • Super Tuesday presidential primary elections
      • Joe Biden wins Alabama, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Preliminary results place him second in California.[113] He leads with 453 pledged delegates.[114]
      • Bernie Sanders wins Colorado, Utah, and Vermont and leads in California.[113] He is in second place with 382 pledged delegates.[114]
      • Elizabeth Warren fails to win any states, but she is in third place with 50 pledged delegates.[114]
      • Michael Bloomberg has 44 delegates,[114] including four from American Samoa.[115] On March 4 he drops out and endorses Biden.[116]
      • Tulsi Gabbard has two delegates[117] from American Samoa.[115]
    • The Texas Democratic primary for the Railroad Commission of Texas is expected to be a major test on climate change.[118] No candidate wins the primary, so there will be a runoff on May 26.[119]
    • During a meeting of the House Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) accuses Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin of lying and breaking the law by hiding President Trump's tax returns.[120]
  • March 4 – 2020 Alabama Republican primary: In the presidential primary, Donald Trump gets 96% of the vote and all 50 delegates; Bill Weld gets 1.5% of the votes. Former attorney general and senator Jeff Sessions will face football coach Tommy Tuberville in a runoff election for the Republican Senate nomination on March 31.[121]
  • March 5
  • March 6
  • March 7 – The Trump administration ignores politically inconvenient CDC recommendation that elderly people should be advised to avoid commercial air flights in response to the coronavirus.[129] Fox News helps Donald Trump spread false information about the virus.[130]
  • March 9
  • March 10 – Six Democratic primaries and caucuses
    • Kansas City mayor Quinton Lucas (D) says he was not allowed to vote in the Missouri Democratic primary at his regular polling place.[134]
    • Joe Biden defeats Bernie Sanders in the Michigan Democratic primary.[135]
  • March 12 – Two Americans and a British soldier are killed during a rocket attack in Iraq.[136]
  • March 13
    • The Pentagon announces it will keep two aircraft carrier groups in the Persian Gulf after carrying out airstrikes against five depots for Iranian rockets in Iraq.[137]
    • Donald Trump declares an emergency and the House approves a $50 billion package to address the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.[138]
  • March 15
    • Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders debate; Biden promises to choose a female running mate.[139]
    • Donald Trump says he is considering a full pardon for Michael Flynn.[140]
  • March 16
    • Springfield, Missouri gunman kills five, including a police officer.[141]
    • Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R) postpones the primary elections until June 2. This comes one day after a judge said he could not do so. Kentucky then postponed its primary for five weeks.[142]
    • A Lebanese military court releases Amer Fakhoury, a Lebanese-American who was accused of aiding an Israeli-backed militia group.[143] The judge appeals the verdict.[144]
    • Los Angeles releases 600 inmates to prevent the spread of coronavirus.[145]
    • Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) holds up the bipartisan coronavirus relief bill that provides for free testing; paid sick, family, and medical leave; strengthen unemployment insurance and food security; it increases funds for Medicaid. Gohmert's objections are purely technical.[146]
  • March 17
    • Democratic primaries in Arizona, Florida, and Illinois. Biden wins all three states.[147] Biden has 1,180 delegates and Sanders has 885.[148]
      • Progressive Marie Newman defeats incumbent conservative Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-IL) in the 2020 Illinois Democratic primary.[149]
    • Mark Andrew Green, the head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), resigns. Green enjoyed bipartisan support.[150]
    • The Justice Department quietly drops charges against Russian business charged in the Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.[151]
  • March 18 – Tulsi Gabbard drops out of the presidential race and endorses Joe Biden.
  • March 19 – Muhammad Masood, 28, a Pakistani doctor working in the U.S., is arrested on terrorism charges in Minnesota.[152]
  • March 20
    • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized the Communist Party of China for delaying information about the coronavirus. A Chinese spokesperson shot back, noting that China had notified the U.S. government about the outbreak on January 3, 2020, but that the U.S. Embassy in Wuhan did not notify its residents until January 15.[153]
    • Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) faces calls for his resignation after allegations that he used insider information about the coronavirus pandemic to make millions off the stock market. Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), and James Inhofe (R-OK) also made questionable deals.[154] Burr asks for an ethics review.[155]
    • The Pentagon successfully tests a Mach 5 hypersonic missile.[156]
    • The Michael Bloomberg 2020 presidential campaign transfers $18 million to the Democratic National Committee.[157]
  • March 23 – Senate colleagues Martha McSally (R-AZ) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) call Rand Paul "absolutely irresponsible" for going out in public and using the Senate pool and gym after testing positive for Covid-19.[158]
  • March 24
    • Donald Trump easily fields softball questions in a virtual town hall meeting on Fox News. He compares the coronavirus pandemic to a bad seasonal flu epidemic, promises to help Boeing, and calls for the country to go back to work by Easter.[159]
    • A congressionally-mandated commission recommends women should be eligible for the draft.[160]
    • The $2 trillion rescue package worked out by Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is held up by Republican Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Tim Scott (R-SC), Ben Sasse (R-Ne), and Rick Scot (R-FL) who fear it is too generous for American workers.[161] Independent Bernie Sanders (I-VT) says he will vote against the bill unless the Republicans drop their demands.[162] The bill passed 96-0.[163]
    • Joe Biden calls for an end to Democratic debates.[164]
    • The FBI kills a suspected white supremacist just before he detonated a car bomb outside a medical center in Kansas City, Missouri. 36-year-old Timothy Wilson “espoused white supremacist ideology” and “made a threat that if any agent attempted to [search his property] they should ‘bring a lot of body bags,” said the FBI alert that circulated on March 25.[165]
  • March 25 – A 17-yer-old boy in Lancaster, California died of COVID-19 after being denied health care because he did not have health insurance.[166]
  • March 26 – The Green Party of the United States says the COVID-19 pandemic will keep third parties off the ballot in 2020 unless petitioning requirements are relaxed.[167]
  • March 27 – The House approves the $2 trillion stimulus bill previously approved by the Senate. Pelosi says more money will be needed.[168]


  • April 1 – In an interview on The View, Whoopi Goldberg asks Bernie Sanders why he is continuing his campaign for president. Sanders replies, "We are assessing our campaign, as a matter of fact, where we want to go forward. But people in a democracy do have a right to vote."[169]
  • April 3
  • April 4 – Wyoming Democratic caucuses and Alaska Democratic primary changed from in-person to a mail-in process[174]
  • April 6 – The Supreme Court turns down an appeal from a Catholic church in Washington, DC, that would have allowed them to place religious ads on public buses.[175]
  • April 7 – The Wisconsin primaries goes ahead as scheduled but absentee voting is extended until April 13.[176] Nineteen people were infected with COVID-19.[177]
  • April 8 – Bernie Sanders drops out of the presidential race.[178]
  • April 12 – Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signs new measures into law aimed at expanding access to voting in the commonwealth. Election Day is made a national holiday, early voting is extended to 45 days, and the requirement that a photo ID is shown before voting is eliminated.[179]
  • April 13
    • Donald Trump claims that he has exclusive authority to end restrictions as the COVID-19 outbreak eases.[180] Joe Biden attacked Trump's comments, tweeting "I am not running for office to be King of America. I respect the Constitution. I’ve read the Constitution. I’ve sworn an oath to it many times."[181] Federal legislators of both parties pushed back against Trump's comments.[182]
    • Bernie Sanders endorses Joe Biden for president.[183]
  • April 14
  • April 15
    • A Texas judge rules that all citizens of Texas are eligible to request mail-in ballots based on disability if they fear contracting COVID-19 by voting in person. Republican lawmakers oppose the ruling and plan to appeal.[186]
    • The Georgia election board has approved drop-boxes for the primary election in June. Absentee voters will have the option of using the drop-boxes rather than paying for postage. Individual counties will have the option to use the drop-boxes or not, and they will have to pay for them.[187]
    • The Republican-controlled Kentucky General Assembly overrides Governor Andy Beshear′s veto of a bill requiring government-issued voter-ID in order to participate in the November 3 elections. State offices that issue such IDs are closed.[188]
  • April 16 – A report published by Vice Media asserts that former Michigan governor Rick Snyder covered up and lied about the Flint water crisis. VICE notes that the Michigan statute of limitations runs out on April 25, 2020, for new felony misconduct-in-office charges related to the water crisis to be filed, although the Michigan AG’s office disputes this deadline.[189]
  • April 19 – Republicans are pushing an anti-Chinese narrative about the origins of the coronavirus outbreak, despite warnings from the FBI and Asian-American leaders about xenophobia and racism.[190] Dr. Anthony Fauci, of the White House Coronavirus Task Force has denied the theory of a laboratory origin of the virus,[191] and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, said that the “weight of evidence” points toward natural origins.[192]
  • April 20
    • The Supreme Court rules 6-3 that criminal convictions require unanimous votes, rather than the 10-2 vote allowed in Louisiana and Oregon.[193]
    • Big restaurant chains are getting millions in subsidies earmarked for small businesses so long as they do not have 500 employees in a single location.[194]
    • Trump tweets that he intends to sign an executive order suspending all immigration to the U.S.[195]
    • The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upholds the Texas ban on most abortions.[196]
  • April 21 – Authorities in Milwaukee link seven COVID-19 infections to the April 7 election.[197]
  • April 22 – Dr. Rick Bright, the head of the federal agency charged with overseeing the production of a vaccine to fight the novel coronavirus pandemic, says he was transferred "in response to my insistence that the government invest the billions of dollars allocated by Congress to address the COVID-19 pandemic into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit."[198]
  • April 23
    • The State Department announces a $12.1 million economic aid package for Greenland aimed at strengthening mutual ties and boosting a renewed U.S. push for a greater military presence in the Arctic.[199]
    • SCOTUS rules 6-3 that dumping polluted water into the ground does not make it miraculously clean and is still a violation of the Clean Water Act.[200]
  • April 27 – In a 5-4 decision, SCOTUS dismisses a case brought by gun-rights advocates in New York City that would prohibit transporting guns outside the city.[201]
  • April 29 – The United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit rules that Kansas cannot require voters to show proof of citizenship when they register.[202]




  • July 3 – Donald Trump holds a campaign rally at taxpayer expense at Mount Rushmore, South Dakata, as social distancing is ignored and few mask are worn by the 7,500 participants.[276] A group on Native American protesters blocked the access road briefly before the event, and 15 were arrested.[277]
  • July 4 – President Trump makes a politically divisive speech from the South Lawn of the White House to commemorate Independence Day.[278][279]
  • July 5
    • A group of mostly Black, heavily armed protesters march through Stone Mountain Park in Georgia, demanding removal of the Confederate sculpture the park is best known for.[280]
    • Singer Kanye West declares his independent candidacy for the presidency although he has already missed several state deadlines and does nothing else to promote such a campaign.[281]
  • July 6 – Supreme Court of the United States: In a unanimous decision, SCOTUS rules that individuals elected to the United States Electoral College are not free agents and must vote according to the laws of their state, eliminating "rogue" electors.[282] In a 6-3 decision, the Court upholds the ban on most robocalls, including those with political messages, to cell phones.[283]
  • July 7 – One million foreign students risk losing their visas under new immigration rules that forbid them from remaining in the country if their universities offer only on-line classes.[284]
  • July 8
    • SCOTUS: The Supreme Court rules 7-2 to let more employers opt-out of the Affordable Care Act mandate guaranteeing no-cost contraceptive services for women.[285]
    • Democratic primary in New Jersey: Amy Kennedy will face incumbent Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) in New Jersey's 2nd congressional district.[286] Incumbent Cory Booker (D-NJ) survives against progressive challenger Lawrence Hamm in the Democratic Senate primary.[287]
    • Houston officials cancel the in-person Texas Republican Convention, scheduled for July 13-18.[288]
  • July 9
    • SCOTUS
      • The Court rules 7-2 that Trump must turn over his tax records to the Manhattan prosecutor, but they will not be made available to House investigators or the general public.[289][290]
      • In a 5-4 decision, the Court rules that a large part of Oklahoma belongs to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and upholds treaty obligations.[291]
  • July 10 – Trump commutes the sentence of dirty-trickster Roger Stone.[292]
  • July 11 – Rescheduled Louisiana primaries. Originally planned for April 4 and then changed to June 20; early voting expanded and mail-in votes are encouraged.[293]
  • July 14
    • The Asheville, North Carolina city council approves 7-0 a plan to provide reparations to the community's black residents.[294]
    • Congressman Steve Watkins (R-KS) is charged with three felonies and a misdemeanor in relation to voter fraud in the 2019 Topeka municipal elections.[295]
    • Elections
      • Runoff primaries in Alabama: Trump-supported football coach Tommy Tuberville defeats former senator and attorney general Jeff Sessions for the Republican Senate nomination.[296]
      • Runoff primaries in Texas
      • Maine primaries[297]
  • July 15 – COVID-19 pandemic: The Trump administration politicizes health information by ordering hospitals to send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington rather than to the CDC.[298]
  • July 20 – Georgia State Senator Nikema Williams (D), is chosen to replace Representative John Lewis (D-GA) on the ballot in November.[299]
  • July 21
  • July 23 – The Senate approves the $740.5 billion National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (NDAA) 86-14, including a provision to rename military bases, over President Trump's veto threat.[302]
  • July 24 – Officials in New York State, the District of Columbia, and 19 other states, as well as a dozen cities and counties, sue Donald Trump for his memo excluding undocumented immigrants from the 2020 census.[303]
  • July 27 – The Richmond, Virginia, Police Department determines that weekend riots were instigated by white supremicists under the guise of the Black Lives Matter movement.[304]
  • July 28
  • July 29
  • July 30 – Donald Trump threatens to postpone the election if it appears mail-in-votes might go against him.[310] Leaders of both parties reject the suggestion.[311]
  • July 31 – Congressman David Schweikert (R-AZ) is sanctioned by the House of Representatives for violating campaign finance rules and improperly using official resources for his reelection efforts.[312]



History by government agency

Note: This section is provided for updates by government body or agency in a narrative format if desired.

Congressional Budget Office

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts the federal budget deficit will reach $1 billion for the first time since 2012. Deficits will rise from 4.6% to 5.4% of GDP by 2030, the highest since World War II.[345]

Defense Department

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper warns in early January that Kata'ib Hezbollah, the group responsible for the attack on the embassy in Baghdad, may be planning new attacks in Iraq, and that the U.S. is prepared to preemptive attacks.[346] A short while later, a U.S. airstrike at the Baghdad International Airport killed top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, escalating tensions between the United States and Iran.[347]

In January, the Army prohibited its members from using TikTok, saying the Chinese-owned social media poses a security risk.[348]

Heavy traffic apparently fueled by fears of a return of the draft for the first time since 1973 caused the Selective Service System website to crash on January 3.[349]

The U.S. military deployed a new submarine-launched low-yield nuclear weapon, seen as critical to countering the threat posed by Russia's arsenal of smaller tactical nukes. The new warheads, the first new U.S. nuclear weapon in decades, were first produced in February 2019.[350]

On March 2, President Trump sent the nomination of Kenneth Braithwaite for United States Secretary of the Navy to the Senate. Braithwaite's predecessor, Richard Spencer, resigned in November 2019 after criticizing the pardoning of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher, who had been accused of war crimes.[351]

In mid-March, Secretary Esper announced thirteen cases of COVID-19 among the military and their dependents, suspended tours of The Pentagon, and imposed a 60-day travel ban on service members, DOD employees, and their dependents. Participation of U.S. forces in military exercises in Europe, South Korea, Africa, and Antarctica have also been restricted or reduced.[352]


In December 2019, the EPA announced that it will seek to address concerns emphasized by American farmers over new rules for blending biofuels.[353]

New rules proposed on January 3 would exempt long-term accumulative effects such as climate change from being considered in the implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act. Court cases extending back to the Obama administration have ruled that such effects must be taken into consideration.[354]

Education Department

In December 2019, consumer advocates sued the U.S. Department of Education and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, alleging that these government agencies had failed to protect student loan borrowers. The lawsuit provides an overview of the alleged problems. The U.S. Department of Education is the biggest player in the student loan world, handling hundreds of billions of dollars in federal student loan debt. Rather than managing this sprawling portfolio itself, however, the Department outsources operations to several large servicing companies.[355]

Large student loan servicing firms such as Navient, FedLoan Servicing have been faced with allegations of violations of consumer protection statutes. But the Department of Education has largely not addressed these issues, and has omitted to oversee its servicers (who receive billions from taxpayers).[355]

The Education Department announced in February that it was changing the rules for more than 800 rural schools, cutting off federal funds designed to help poor, rural schools.[356]


President Trump has made Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) aid available for Puerto Rico since the December 29, 2019, earthquake.[357] However, as of January 9, only $1.5 billion of the $9.7 billion approved by Congress has been released.[358]

FEMA says it may bill 2015–2018 California fire victims if Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) goes bankrupt.[359]

Intelligence community

President Trump nominates former Congressman John Ratcliffe (R-TX) as Director of National Intelligence for the second time.[360] Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refuses to support Ratcliffe.[361] Since Dan Coats resigned in August 2019 because of differences with the president,[362] Trump appointed two acting directors, emphasizing loyalty over competence or experience.[363][364]


NASA may return to manned-flights in 2020, in cooperation with private companies such as Boeing.[365]

Post Office

Following 13 straight years of financial losses (mostly due to a requirement that it fund health care for the next 80 years), the United States Postal Service may be privatized in 2020.[366]

State Department

The situation in Iraq causes Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to postpone a planned visit to Ukraine and other eastern European countries in early January.[8]

Treasury Department

A bipartisan bill proposes transferring control of the Secret Service back to the Treasury Department, but it is hung up on a dispute over whether to disclose the costs of protection for President Trump's travel.[367]

History by issue

Note: This section is provided for issue-based overviews in narrative format, if desired.

Banking and finance

In the first half of 2019, global debt levels reached a record high of $250 trillion, led by the US and China.[368] The IMF warned about corporate debt.[368] The European Central Bank raised concerns as well.[369] The EU was concerned about high rates of debt in France, Italy and Spain.[370]


In 2020, expect major fights over EPA regulatory rollbacks, as well as conflicts over the environmental impact of the Mexico–United States border wall, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, PFAS (a cancer-linked chemical leaching into drinking water), the Waters of the U.S. Rule, and the Arctic Refuge drilling controversy.[371] Underfunding of the EPA has led to an increased backlog at major hazardous waste sites.[372]

Climate change

In December 2019, the World Meteorological Organization released its annual climate report revealing that climate impacts are worsening.[373] They found the global sea temperatures are rising as well as land temperatures worldwide. 2019 is the last year in a decade that is the warmest on record.[374]

Global carbon emissions hit a record high in 2019, even though the rate of increase slowed somewhat, according to a report from Global Carbon Project.[375]

The Trump Administration plans to rewrite EPA regulations to make it easier to build major infrastructure projects such as pipelines.[376]

Foreign policy

President Donald Trump faced his first foreign policy crisis of 2020 with the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq on December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2020.[2][377] A January 2 U.S.-ordered strike that killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a terrorist with close ties to Iran, threatened to escalate the conflict.[378]

President Trump may find his greatest challenges in Europe, where his popularity is very low.[379] Tariffs, trade, and China's growing military power are concerns, as is unrest in Hong Kong.[379] There is concern about Russian involvement in Syria as well as its increasingly aggressive foreign policy.[379]

There is increased pressure to reduce troop levels in Afghanistan to 8,600 and reach a peace agreement with the Taliban.[380][381]

Conflict with Iran

Tensions with Iran rise as 2020 begins.[380][381] Sticky points are not only the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Bagdhad, but also a nuclear agreement, shipping in the Strait of Hormuz, economic sanctions, and the war in Yemen.[382] Tension increased after the United States killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike in Bagdhad on January 3. President Trump claimed the targeted killing prevented an attack on American interests and saved many lives, insisting he does not want a war while warning Iran against retaliation.[383] Many are concerned that Iranian retaliation could lead to a wider conflict.[384][385]

Domestic political reaction was mostly along party lines, with Republicans, particularly Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC),[386] supporting the move and Democrats opposing it.[387] Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)[388] and Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson[389] were exceptions. On the Democratic side, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) had the strongest reaction, calling the killing an "assassination;" he was echoed by Andrew Yang and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. Other Democratic presidential candidates were more muted, calling Soleimani a bad man but questioning Trump's lack of strategic planning.[390] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi complained that the Congressional Gang of Eight was not notified before the attack, which was therefore unauthorized.[391]

Thousands marched in anti-war protests in seventy cities across the nation and around the world on January 4.[392]

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she would introduce a resolution to limit Trump's ability to take actions against Iran.[393] Former Vice President Joe Biden called for sanctions relief in April in light of the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran.[394] As six U.S. Navy ships conducted drills in the Presian Gulf on April 17, 2020, eleven Iranian Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ships harassed them, some coming within ten yards (9 meters) of the American ships. On April 21, President Trump ordered the Americans to "shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats" that harass American warships in international waters.[395]


On March 26, 2020, the United States accused Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro of narcoterrorism and offered a $15 million reward for information leading to his arrest.[396] On March 31, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that sanctions did not apply to humanitarian aid during the health emergency and that the United States would lift all sanctions if Maduro agreed to organize elections that did not include him in a period of six to twelve months. Pompeo reiterated U.S. support for Juan Guaidó.[397] On April 1, Trump announced that he was sendin anti-drug Navy ships and AWACS planes to the Caribbean near Venezuela in the largest military build-up in the region since the 1989 invasion of Panama.[398][399] Elliott Abrams, the United States special representative for Venezuela, claimed on April 23 that "many people" both inside and outside the Maduro government support the proposed U.S. transition to a government that would involve neither Maduro nor Guaidó.[400]


North Korea threatens to resume nuclear testing as the year begins.[380][381][401] Disarmament is also a concern in relations with Russia[379] and Iran.[382] Iran's January 5 pullout from its nuclear agreement following the killing of Qassem Soleimani was no surprise but it makes it more difficult to reach another agreement at a later date.[402][403]

Incidents of saber rattling by American rivals increase as the coronavirus pandemic winds down in April 2020. Iranian patrol boats harass U.S. naval ships in the Persian Gulf, Russian planes fly dangerously close to American fighters in the eastern Mediterranean, and North Korea fires missile tests into the Sea of Japan. Intelligence sources suspect China is preparing for low-intensity nuclear tests.[404] The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps launched its first satellite on April 22.[405]


Gun laws and 2nd Amendment rights promise to be major issues in 2020, in Congress, on the campaign trail, and at the state level, particularly in Virginia. 177 gun deaths (murders, accidents, and 132 suicides; three mass shootings) were recorded across the country on January 1.[406] New Mexico joins New York, California, Florida, and other states in passing a red flag law on February 25.[407]

Health issues

Coronavirus outbreak

Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that the COVID-19 pandemic may become a pandemic.[408] Moody's Analytics says there is a 40% chance of a U.S. recession in the first half of 2020 and the virus may set off a worldwide economic recession. It has already sidetracked a U.S.-China trade agreement, slowed tourism, and caused a 2,000-point (6.5%) drop in the Dow.[409] The Trump administration is criticized for its handling of a response.[410][411][412] On March 6, President Trump signed the $8.3 billion Coronavirus Preparedness and Response bill.[413] 44,183 Covid-19 cases and 544 deaths are reported in the United States on March 23, 2020.[414]

Financing health care

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says that in 2020, Democrats will prioritize getting bills such as the "Lower Drug Costs Now Act" signed into law. Increasing health care is a priority for 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, although there are large differences in how to go about it.[415]

Opioid epidemic

Mother Jones reports that Johns Hopkins University researchers have concluded that lax oversight by the Food and Drug Administration is hampering efforts to ensure that opioids such as OxyContin are not overprescribed. This despite Trump Administration claims that addressing opioid misuse is a top priority.[416] A March 25, 2020 report by ProPublica revealed that Walmart used its political influence with the Trump administration to avoid criminal prosecution for ever-dispensing opioids in Texas.[417]


Following the December 2019 House impeachment vote, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she would restrain from delivering the acts of impeachment to the Senate until Majority Leader Mitch McConnell explained the trial procedures. Pelosi indicated she would release the articles the week of January 13, after former National Security Advisor John Bolton indicated he would testify if subpoenaed, and unredacted emails from the Department of Defense (DOD) relevant to the Ukraine investigation were released.[418] On January 15, the U.S. House of Representatives sent the impeachment resolutions to the Senate for trial.[42] At least 11 million people tuned in to watch at least part of the first day of the trial on January 21, 2020.[419] On February 5, 2020, the Senate acquitted Trump on both counts. The votes were 52–48 to acquit on the first count and 53–47 to acquit on the second count. The votes were sharply divided along party lines.[420]

Marijuana policy

On the federal level, there is increased pressure to liberalize marijuana laws, such as bills to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug.[421] Illinois legalized recreational use of marijuana starting January 1, and other states are expected to legalize marijuana and/or liberalize existing laws in 2020.[422] In December 2019, Politico reported that 21 of 27 presidential candidates support legalization, five want the states to decide the issue, and one (Joe Biden) has called for decriminalization of marijuana.[423]

Online privacy rules issue

In December 2019, members of the Senate Committee on Commerce announced sweeping new proposals for federal laws to protect online privacy.[424][425][426][427][428]

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Apple Inc. and Google are collaborating on technology to create smartphone apps that would help identify people who have crossed paths with a contagious person and alert them. Privacy advocates are skeptical.[429]

Presidential Election

As 2020 opens, there are 14 candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination; four are women (Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard, and Marianne Williamson) and four are people of color (Andrew Yang, Cory Booker, Gabbard, and Deval Patrick.[430][431] Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Warren lead in national polling.[432] Biden, Sanders, Warren, Pete Buttigieg, and Klobuchar have qualified for the 7th debate on January 14 at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa.[433]

Bernie Sanders was the early leader in the race for the Democratic nomination, but Joe Biden won big in the South Carolina Democratic primary, which led to Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropping out and endorsing him the night before the Super Tuesday primaries (March 3). Biden swept the South and surged ahead in delegates; Sanders won the West; the other candidates all dropped out, except for Tulsi Gabbard (who had won two delegates from American Samoa). Biden extended his lead after the March 10 primaries.[434]

The coronavirus pandemic changed electioneering. Sanders and Biden canceled live rallies starting March 10, while forums and fund-raising events moved on-line. Louisiana and Georgia postponed their primaries, and Wyoming changed to a mail-in system. Other states are considering similar moves, and the March 15 Biden-Sanders televised debate is the only campaign event scheduled.[435] A poll taken by The Hill-HarrisX on May 27-28 indicated that 53% of registered voters said they would feel "somewhat" or "very" comfortable voting in person, compared to 47% who said they'd be uncomfortable.[436]

Racism and police brutality

Racial tensions came to a peak on May 25, 2020, when 46-year-old George Floyd was killed by police following his arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[437] Protests soon broke out across the United States and around the world.[438] Activists are calling for police reforms and some have called for defunding[439] or abolishing the police.[440] Some jurisdictions have approved changes. The debate about Confederate flag displays, statues, and places named for racist leaders has reopened.[441][442]

State and local issues

During 2019, ten states moved toward ensuring abortion rights, while eleven passed laws to restrict legal abortions.[443]

Illinois legalized recreational use of marijuana on January 1, and other states are expected to reform marijuana laws in 2020.[4]

California's fight for workers' rights is being challenged by ride-sharing and food-delivery companies Uber, Postmates, Lyft, and DoorDash.[444] 21 states and 26 local jurisdictions raised their minimum wage laws on January 1, many to $15/hour.[4]

New York State implemented justice reforms by eliminating cash bail for many offenses.[4]

Red flag laws go into effect on January 1 in Colorado, Nevada, and Hawaii. Following the 2019 Virginia elections, major gun control legislation is expected in that state in 2020.[4] According to Gun Owners of America, 200 counties, cities, and towns in 19 states have passed 2nd Amendment sanctuary ordinances.[445] The Senate of Virginia passed several gun-control laws on January 16, days before a planned pro-gun rally was planned in Richmond.[446]


The introduction of new 5G wireless technology caused major public discussion about possible security risks and safety risks. Many experts said 5G would require new methods to ensure the security of data.[447] The US Congress passed legislation regarding security concerns about 5G networks.[448] The federal government prohibited the use of Huawei equipment for 5G networks due to security concerns and encouraged its allies to also do so as well. The US government imposed strict controls on US companies as to their ability to do business with Huawei, thus disrupting sales of Huawei phones overseas. Chinese vendors and the Chinese government have denied these claims.[449] Huawei submitted a petition in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit against the FCC's decision to prohibit rural U.S. network providers from using equipment from the China-based vendor due to national security concerns, asking that the recent FCC order be overturned.[450]

The development of technology has elicited various responses and concerns that 5G radiation could have adverse health effects.[451] An editorial in the scientific magazine Scientific American emphasized that complete scientific research regarding its effects have not been conducted and that there could be health risks.[452] Wired characterized fears that the technology could cause cancer, infertility, autism, Alzheimer's, and mysterious bird deaths as "conspiracy theory".[453] The US FCC and nearly all other regulators claim 5G radiation will have no significant health effects.

The United States is no longer the world's leader in science and engineering, according to a report by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Federal government spending on research has fallen steadily since 2000, and the U.S. total contribution to research and development has fallen to 25%, compared to 33% for China. Women hold 29% and minorities 13.3% of jobs in science and engineering. The U.S. still leads in the granting of doctorates in science and engineering.[454]

World trade

US-China Trade Dispute

A trade dispute between the US and China caused economic concerns worldwide. In December 2019, various US officials said a trade deal was likely before a proposed round of new tariffs took effect on December 15, 2019.[455] US tariffs had a negative effect on China's economy, which slowed to growth of 6%.[455] In December 2019, new deal was announced regarding US-China trade dispute.[456] Farmers are skeptical of the proposed new deal, as it would require China to double the farm purchases made before the trade war started.[457] President Trump signed an initial trade deal worth $200 billion with China on January 15.[43]

United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement

The United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement[458] is a signed but not ratified free trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The Agreement is the result of a 2017–2018 renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) by its member states.[459] Negotiations "focused largely on auto exports, steel and aluminum tariffs, and the dairy, egg, and poultry markets." One provision "prevents any party from passing laws that restrict the cross-border flow of data".[460] Compared to NAFTA, USMCA increases environmental and labour regulations, and incentivizes more domestic production of cars and trucks.[461] The agreement also provides updated intellectual property protections, gives the United States more access to Canada's dairy market, imposes a quota for Canadian and Mexican automotive production, and increases the duty-free limit for Canadians who buy U.S. goods online from $20 to $150.[462] Mexico and the U.S. House ratified the treaty in December 2019; the U.S. Senate ratified it in January 2020. Environmentalists argue the treaty does not go far enough.[48] The Parliament of Canada ratified the agreement on March 13 before going on recess because of the coronavirus pandemic.[463]

gollark: Contraubiquitous lasers enabled.
gollark: No, I'm subject to the constraints of physical reality in this area.
gollark: No, they should be in `/boot`.
gollark: Imagine writing C.
gollark: Hmm. Clearly they have thought of my evil ideas.

See also

Country overviews

Specific situations and issues


  1. Falih Hassan; Alissa J. Rubin (January 1, 2020). "Iraqi Protesters Ending Standoff at U.S. Embassy, on Orders From Militia Leaders". The New York Times.
  2. US embassy attack: Protesters withdraw after standoff in Iraq BBC World News, January 1, 2020
  3. Brenden O'Brien (December 24, 2019). "Recreational marijuana becomes legal in Illinois on New Year's Day". Reuters.
  4. These Major New Laws Take Effect Today By Sarah Ruiz-Grossman, HuffPost, January 1, 2020
  5. Overtime rules, lower Chinese tariffs and more: 6 new regulations taking effect Jan. 1 Ben Werschkul, Yahoo Finance, December 30, 2019.
  6. As Race For Presidency Heats Up, Pete Buttigieg Steps Down As Mayor By Dominique Mosbergen, HuffPost, January 2, 2020
  7. Julian Castro drops out of 2020 presidential race By Paul Steinhauser, Fox News Channel, January 2, 2019
  8. Pompeo postpones his trip to Ukraine amid tensions in Middle East BY ZACK BUDRYK, The Hill, January 2, 2020
  9. Virginia governor seeking to remove Robert E. Lee statue from US Capitol BY MARINA PITOFSKY, The Hill, January 2, 2020
  10. Mervosh, Sarah (January 3, 2019). "Will There Be a Draft? Young People Worry After Military Strike". The New York Times. Retrieved January 4, 2020.
  11. Hafezi, Parisa (January 4, 2020). "Sorrow mixed with fear as Iran mourns Soleimani's death". World News. Reuters. Retrieved January 4, 2020.
  12. Activists across the US and the world protest a possible war with Iran By Ryan Prior and Alisha Ebrahimji, CNN, January 4, 2020 Outraged Americans condemn US actions in Iraq and Iran: 'Enough with this nonsense' Grace Hauck & Chris Woodyard, USA Today, January 4, 2020
  13. White House sends Congress formal notification of Soleimani strike|author=BY RACHEL FRAZIN, The Hill, Jan 4, 2020
  14. Iraq's Parliament calls for expulsion of US troops from the country following drone attack By Stephen Sorace, Fox News, January 5, 2020 Iraq's parliament votes to expel US military BY REGINA ZILBERMINTS AND JUSTINE COLEMAN, The Hill, January 5, 2020 Qasem Soleim ani: Iraqi MPs back call to expel US troops BBC News, January 5, 2020
  15. Al-Shabab attacks military base used by U.S. forces in Kenya Politico, January 5, 2020
  16. Three Americans killed in Kenya terror attack By Ryan Browne and Michael Callahan, CNN, January 5, 2020
  17. Religious, political leaders join thousands in solidarity march against anti-Semitism after string of attacks By Ronn Blitzer, Fox News Channel, January 5, 2020
  18. 60 people with Iranian backgrounds detained at Peace Arch Border into U.S. BY NIKITHA MARTINS AND KATHRYN TINDALE, City News 1130 (Vancouver), January 5, 2020
  19. Pelosi says House will introduce 'War Power Resolution' aimed to limit Trump's Iran military action, By Paul LeBlanc, CNN, Mon January 6, 2020.
  20. First House Retirement of the New Year Brings GOP Congressional Departures to 26 By Jeff Singer, BuzzFlash/Daily Kos, January 6, 2020
  21. Castro endorses Warren in 2020 race after dropping his own bid By Paul Steinhauser, Tara Prindiville, Fox News Channel, January 6, 2020
  22. Lincoln Chafee Files To Run For President As Libertarian HuffPost, January 6, 2020
  23. Republican Kelly Loeffler sworn in as Georgia's newest senator By Clare Foran, CNN, January 6, 2020
  24. Rep. Duncan Hunter resigns from Congress Politico, January 7, 2020
  25. IRGC: Missile attack on US bases in Iraq is revenge for Soleimani killing The Jerusalem Post, January 8, 2020 Missiles iraníes golpean base aérea que alberga a tropas de EU en Irak Proceso, January 7, 2020
  26. Arizona official resigns after allegations he paid women to give up their babies BY JUSTINE COLEMAN, The Hill, January 8, 2020
  27. Facebook won't fact-check political ads, but it will let users adjust which they see By Ashleigh Atwell, Mic.com, January 9, 2020
  28. The New York City Bar Association asked Congress to investigate AG William Barr for political bias and weaponizing the DOJ By Sonam Sheth, Business Insider, January 9, 2020
  29. These Republicans voted yes on the War Powers resolution By Clare Foran, Haley Byrd, Holmes Lybrand, & Caroline Kelly, CNN, January 10, 2020
  30. House Passes Resolution to Limit Trump's War Powers in Bipartisan Vote By David Badash, New Civil Rights Movement, January 9, 2020
  31. Surging Steyer qualifies for Democratic debate By ZACH MONTELLARO, Politico, January 9, 2020
  32. ‘No War With Iran’ Protesters Demonstrate Across U.S. By Josephine Harvey, HuffPost, January 9, 2020
  33. Yang campaign recognizes union for its workers By Tal Axelrod, The Hill, January 9, 2020
  34. Marianne Williamson Drops Out Of Presidential Race By Antonia Blumberg & Lydia O’Connor, HuffPost, January 10, 2020
  35. 2 US service members killed by IED explosion in Afghanistan By Luis Martinez & Steff Thomas, ABC News, January 11, 2020
  36. Amash accuses Trump of selling military support to Saudi Arabia BY TAL AXELROD, The Hill, January 11, 2020
  37. ‘Involuntary Celibates’ Are an ‘Emerging Domestic Terrorism Threat’: Texas Warns of ‘Incel Rebellion’ By Bob Brigham – Raw Story, January 12, 2020
  38. Booker drops out of presidential race By NOLAN D. MCCASKILL, Politico, January 13, 2020
  39. Every Catholic bishop in Texas is slamming Gov. Abbott's decision to bar refugees By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor, January 13, 2020
  40. Incomprehensible: Texas papers slam Republican governor for making state first to block refugees by Gabe Ortiz, Daily Kos, January 13, 2020
  41. 6 takeaways from the Democratic debate in Iowa By Eric Bradner, Dan Merica, and Gregory Krieg, CNN, January 15, 2020
  42. House votes to send Trump impeachment articles to Senate, triggering trial By HEATHER CAYGLE and SARAH FERRIS, Politico, January 15, 2020
  43. Trump signs first stage of trade deal with China By Donna Borak, CNN, January 15, 2020
  44. Christian school expels teen after rainbow sweater and cake were deemed 'lifestyle violations' By Brooke Sopelsa, NBC News, January 15, 2020
  45. Virginia passes Equal Rights Amendment BY TAL AXELROD, The Hill, January 15, 2020
  46. Chief Justice John Roberts swears in senators for Trump's impeachment trial By Rebecca Shabad, Frank Thorp V and Jane C. Timm, NBC News, January 16, 2020
  47. Senators take oath for impeachment trial BY JORDAIN CARNEY, The Hill, January 16, 2020
  48. The Senate has approved the USMCA, bringing Trump's trade deal one step closer to reality By Jen Kirby, Vox, January 16, 2020
  49. Rep. Ayanna Pressley has alopecia, and she's ready to talk about it. By Anagha Srikanth, The Hill, January 16, 2020
  50. National Archives says it altered Trump signs, other messages in Women's March photo BY TAL AXELROD, The Hill, January 17, 2020
  51. Bloomberg Allowed To Keep His Finances Secret Until After Super Tuesday by BRIAN SLODYSKO, HuffPost, January 17, 2020
  52. 2020 Democratic contenders link arms in MLK Jr. Day march By MEG KINNARD, AP, 20 January 2020
  53. Pro-gun rally in Richmond, Va., ends peacefully despite early fears of violence Market Watch, 20 January 2020
  54. Ivanka and Jared included in presidential delegation to Davos By MATTHEW CHOI, Politico, January 1, 2020
  55. Trump says 'America is thriving' at Davos, Switzerland, economic forum before impeachment trial By David Jackson, USA Today, 21 January 2020
  56. Trump cautions Davos against heeding ‘prophets of doom’ on climate change By QUINT FORGEY. Politico, 21 January 2020
  57. Clinton says 'nobody likes' Sanders and won't commit to backing him if he's the Democratic nominee By Veronica Stracqualursi and Gregory Krieg, CNN. 21 January 2020
  58. Tulsi Gabbard files $50 million defamation suit against Hillary Clinton over "Russian asset" comment BY MELISSA QUINN, CBS News, 22 January 2020
  59. 'Our future is not assured': Schiff issues stark warning at impeachment trial By Lauren Gambino & Tom McCarthy, The Guardian (London), 23 January 2020
  60. David Badash (January 23, 2020). "Watch: Prince Charles Snubs, Walks Past Vice President at World Holocaust Forum – Pence's Office Insists 'Not True'". New Civil Rights Movement.
  61. US imposes visa rules for pregnant women on ‘birth tourism’ By MATTHEW LEE and COLLEEN LONG, AP, January 23, 2020
  62. 'Give America a fair trial': key takeaways from Democrats' final arguments By Tom McCarthy, The Guardian, 25 January 2020
  63. ERIC KLEEFELD (January 26, 2020). "Because of Fox News, Pompeo's insult of reporter leads to Trump threatening NPR". Media Matters. Fernanda Echavarri (January 26, 2020). "Trump Threatens to Cut NPR's Funding After Pompeo Meltdown". Mother Jones.
  64. U.S. Army develops AI-enabled system that could radically transform future by Dylan Malyasov January 27, 2020, defence-blog.com.
  65. Medicare for All 'Is What Patients Need': New Harvard Study Shows Even Those With Private Insurance Can't Afford Care byJake Johnson, Common Dreams, 27 January 2020
  66. Kyle Cheney; Jesse Naranjo (January 28, 2020). "Trump's impeachment defense wraps up". Politico.
  67. Senate rejects calling witnesses in Trump impeachment trial, pushing one step closer to acquittal vote AP, 31 January 2020
  68. "Suspension of Entry: Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus". Retrieved April 5, 2020.
  69. Trump curbs immigrants from 6 nations in election-year push By COLLEEN LONG and NOMAAN MERCHANT, Associated Press, 31 January 2020
  70. Bringing Back 'Archaic and Gruesome Weapons,' Trump Reverses US Restrictions on Landmines byAndrea Germanos, Common Dreams, 31 January 2020
  71. Gunmen, Some In Masks, Swarm KY Capitol For 2nd Amendment Rally By Matt Shuham, Talking Points Memo, 31 January 2020
  72. Delaney drops out of White House race days before Iowa Politico, 31 January 2020
  73. SAMY MAGDY (February 1, 2020). "Abbas threatens to cut security ties with Israel, US". Associated Press.
  74. Pompeo says U.S. can supply Belarus with 100% of oil, gas by Matthew Lee, AP, 1 February 2020
  75. Montana state lawmaker: Constitution calls for socialists to be shot or jailed USA Today, 2 February 2020
  76. 'I stand twice as tall as he does': Bloomberg responds to Trump's gibes about his height by William Cummings, USA Today, 2 February 2020
  77. Democrats’ Iowa caucus result delayed after count chaos by Demetri Sevastopulo & Adam Samson, Financial Times, 5 February 2020
  78. Updated caucus night results from Iowa Democratic Party KCRG ABC9, 9 February 2020
  79. Trump wins Iowa GOP caucuses Quint Forgey, Politico, 3 February 2020
  80. John Bowden (February 10, 2010). "Bill Weld secures one Iowa delegate in longshot primary challenge to Trump". The Hill. Retrieved February 10, 2020.
  81. "Trump's 2020 State of the Union address". Politico. February 4, 2020. Retrieved February 4, 2020. Five takeaways from Trump's tense State of the Union address By BRETT SAMUELS AND MORGAN CHALFANT, The Hill, 4 February 2020
  82. Kevin Liptak (February 5, 2020). "Trump's theatrical State of the Union prompts partisan outrage". CNN Edition. Retrieved February 5, 2020. Pelosi rips up Trump speech at conclusion of State of the Union By BRETT SAMUELS, The Hill, 4 February 2020 He snubbed her handshake, she tore up his speech; Trump-Pelosi drama on full display at State of the Union by Ledyard King & Christal Hayes, USA Today, 5 February 2020
  83. Mascaro, Lisa; Tucker, Eric; Miller, Zeke (January 31, 2020). "Trump acquittal now likely Wednesday; Senate nixes witnesses". Raleigh, North Carolina: WRAL-TV. Associated Press. Archived from the original on February 1, 2020. Retrieved January 31, 2020.
  84. "Trump acquitted on impeachment charges, ending gravest threat to his presidency". POLITICO. Retrieved February 5, 2020.
  85. Ben Gittleson (February 7, 2020). "Emboldened Trump fires 2 officials who testified in impeachment inquiry". ABC News. Retrieved February 7, 2020.
  86. Trump also fired the twin of impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman in apparent retaliation for his brother's testimony by Lauren Frias, Business Insider, 7 February 2020
  87. "Nadler demands answers from Barr on 'new channel' for receiving Ukraine info from Giuliani". The Hill. February 10, 2020. Retrieved February 10, 2020.
  88. "Native burial sites blown up for US border wall". BBC News. February 10, 2020. Retrieved February 10, 2020.
  89. Bernie Sanders edged out Pete Buttigieg for a win. Politico, 12 February 2020
  90. Andrew Yang suspends his 2020 presidential campaign Vox, 11 February 2020
  91. Michael Bennet ends campaign for president USA Today, 11 February 2020
  92. Deval Patrick drops out of presidential race Fox News, 12 February 2020
  93. Carol E. Lee; Ken Dilanian; Peter Alexander (February 11, 2020). "Barr takes control of legal matters of interest to Trump, including Stone sentencing". NBC News. Retrieved February 11, 2020.
  94. Barr blasts Trump's tweets on Stone case: 'Impossible for me to do my job': ABC News Exclusive ABC News, 13 February 2020
  95. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe won't be charged, Justice Department says ABC News, 14 February 2020
  96. Ivanka Trump lauds Saudi, UAE on women's rights reforms ABC News, 16 February 2020
  97. "More than 1100 ex-prosecutors and officials call on Trump-appointed attorney general to resign". 9 News/CNN. February 17, 2020.
  98. Trump commutes sentence of ex-Gov. Blagojevich, pardons Kerik Fox News, 18 February 2020
  99. Company to provide free clothing to any female candidate The Hill, 18 February 2020
  100. Lawyer for WikiLeaks' Assange says he was offered a US pardon for denying Russian hacking CNN, 19 February 2020
  101. Dana Rohrabacher Confirms He Offered Trump Pardon To Julian Assange Huff Post Politics, 20 February 2020
  102. Trump Sidelined Acting Spy Chief After Russian Meddling Briefing: Reports by Nick Visser, Huff Post Politics, 21 February 2020
  103. Trump campaign files libel suit against New York Times over Russia story by Steve Holland, Reuters, 26 February 2020
  104. Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax’ By NANCY COOK and MATTHEW CHOI, 28 Feb 2020Politico,
  105. U.S.-Taliban sign landmark agreement in bid to end America's longest war NBC News, 29 February 2020
  106. Biden revives White House hopes with South Carolina victory by Leila Macor & Chris Lefko, AFP, February 29, 2020 Joe Biden's First-Ever Primary Win Is a Big One by Adam Harris, The Atlantic, 29 February 2020
  107. Watch Pete Buttigieg's full speech after quitting 2020 race NBC, 1 March 2020
  108. Biden says he'll contest the Democratic nomination if no one gets a majority of delegates By Anya van Wagtendonk, Vox Media, 1 March 2020
  109. Federal judge rules Cuccinelli appointment unlawful Politico, 1 March 2020
  110. Amy Klobuchar drops out of the 2020 presidential race By Li Zhou, Vox, 2 March 2020
  111. Bloomberg tells AIPAC he'll 'never impose conditions' on military aid to Israel ABC News, 2 March 2020
  112. "Texas closes hundreds of polling sites, making it harder for minorities to vote". The Guardian U.S. News. March 2, 2020.
  113. Joe Biden's Super Tuesday By Igor Bobic, Huff Post, 4 March 2020
  114. Democratic primary 2020: latest delegate count By Niko Kommenda, The Guardian, 4 March 2020
  115. American Samoa results NBC News, retrieved 4 March 2020
  116. Bloomberg ends his bid for the Democratic nomination, endorses Joe Biden By Rebecca Moran, USA Today, 4 March 2020
  117. New standards eliminate Tulsi Gabbard from next Democratic debate The Hill, 6 March 2020
  118. This Little-Known 2020 Race In Texas Could Shift Fossil Fuel Politics Huff Post Politics, 22 February 2020
  119. Candidates and election results Ballotpedia, retrieved 4 March 2020
  121. Alabama GOP Senate primary goes to runoff with Sessions and former Auburn football coach By Alex Rogers, CNN, 4 March 2020
  122. Elizabeth Warren drops out By ALEX THOMPSON, Politico, 5 March 2020
  123. New York attorney general sends letter to televangelist Jim Bakker amid coronavirus concerns The Hill, 5 March 2020
  124. Now that Aaron Schock is 'out,' he can be a powerful LGBTQ ally The Hill, 5 March 2020
  125. Trump campaign sues CNN over ‘false and defamatory’ statements, seeks millions in damages By Brian Flood, Brooke Singman, Fox News, 6 March 2020
  126. Trump calls Inslee a 'snake' amid coronavirus outbreak in Washington state BY BRETT SAMUELS, The Hill, 6 March 2020
  127. Gabbard Demands Biden, Sanders Help Her Get On Debate Stage After DNC Rule Change By Nicole Lafond, TPM, 7 March 2020
  128. Sweep of arrests hits US neo-Nazi group connected to five murders The Guardian, 6 March 2020
  129. Official: White House didn't want to tell seniors not to fly MIKE STOBBE, Associated Press, 7 March 2020
  130. Fox News Is Spreading Trump's Coronavirus Lies Faster Than the Disease Itself TurthOut, 6 March 2020 Putting lives at risk, Fox News helps Trump push misinformation about the coronavirus Media Matters, 5 March 2020 Trump still sees coronavirus outbreak public-relations problem By Steve Benen, MSNBC, 5 March 2020
  131. Wells Fargo directors resign under pressure from House Democrats BY SYLVAN LANE, The Hill, 9 March 2020
  132. Trump to propose payroll tax cut over coronavirus BY BRETT SAMUELS, MORGAN CHALFANT, AND SYLVAN LANE, The Hill, 9 March 2020
  133. Democrats balk at Trump's payroll tax cut proposal BY SCOTT WONG, The Hill, 9 March 2020
  134. Kansas City mayor: I wasn't on the voter rolls at my regular polling station The Hill, 10 March 2020
  135. Biden beats Sanders in Michigan primary The Hill, 10 March 2020
  136. Two Americans and a British woman die in a rocket attack on a base in Iraq (in Spanish) El País, 12 March 2020
  137. US keeping two carriers in Gulf to deter Iran proxy attacks by Sylvie LANTEAUME, AFP, 13 March 2020
  138. Trump declares virus emergency; House passes aid package By LISA MASCARO, ZEKE MILLER, ANDREW TAYLOR and JILL COLVIN, AP, 13 March 2020
  139. 5 takeaways from the Biden vs. Sanders debate By Eric Bradner and Dan Merica, CNN, 16 March 2020
  140. Donald Trump says he is considering 'full pardon' for Michael Flynn by David Jackson, USA TODAY. 15 March 2020
  141. 5 dead, including officer and gunman, in Missouri shooting AP, 16 March 2020
  142. Ohio governor orders polling locations close on eve of primary by Sarah Ewall-Wice, CBS News, 16 March 2020
  143. Lebanon military court orders that Lebanese-American be released Yahoo News! 16 March 2020
  144. Judge in Lebanon appeals order to release Lebanese-American By BASSEM MROUE, Associated Press, 17 March 2020
  145. Los Angeles releasing inmates, urging fewer arrests in coronavirus fight Phil Helsel, NBC News, 16 March 2020
  146. Lone GOP congressman delays House coronavirus relief bill from moving to Senate by Rebecca Shabad and Alex Moe, NBC News, 16 March 2020
  147. Biden sweeps three states, doubles delegate lead over Sanders, NBC News projects NBC News, 17 March 2020
  148. Thom Hartmann: Forget About Donald Trump And Mike Pence. Andrew Cuomo Is Now the President of the United States. (The Delegate Count) BuzzFlash, 19 March 2020
  149. Dan Lipinski defeated in Illinois House primary by Tal Axelrod, The Hill, 17 March 2020
  150. USAID head, rare Trump aide with bipartisan support, resigns by Matthew Lee, AP, 17 March 2020
  151. The Inevitable Shoe Drops: DOJ Dismisses Mueller's Charges against Russian Businesses by Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 19 March 2020
  152. Pakistani doctor arrested in Minnesota on terrorism charge by AMY FORLITI, AP, 19 Mar 2020
  153. China says Pompeo 'lying' in new coronavirus clash AFP, 20 March 2020
  154. Dareh Gregorian; Allan Smith; Leigh Ann Caldwell (March 20, 2020). "Burr, other senators under fire for stock sell-offs amid coronavirus outbreak". NBC News.
  155. MARY CLARE JALONICK; BRIAN SLODYSKO (March 19, 2020). "Senator asks for ethics review of his stock sales". AP.
  156. AFP, 20 March 2020
  157. Bloomberg campaign transfers $18 million to DNC By Dan Merica, Jeff Zeleny, and Cristina Alesci, CNN, 20 March 2020
  158. 'Absolutely irresponsible': Rand Paul's colleagues are calling him out after he reportedly went to the gym after testing for coronavirus by Bryan Pietsch, Business Insider, 23 March 2020
  159. Trump Obsesses Over Flu Deaths, Attacks Cuomo in Softball Fox News Chat by Justin Baragona & Hunter Woodall, The Daily Beast, 24 March 2020 Trump says would love to see businesses re-open by Easter Reuters, 24 March 2020
  160. Women should be eligible for the draft, commission recommends By LARA SELIGMAN, Politico, 24 March 2020
  161. GOP Senate Trio Threatens to Delay Stimulus Bill Because Unemployment Benefits Amid Pandemic Are Too Generous byJake Johnson, Common Dreams, 25 March 2020
  162. Sen. Lindsey Graham threatens to derail coronavirus economic aid bill over boosted unemployment benefits, calling it 'Bernie Sanders on steroids' by Joseph Zeballos-Roig, Business Insider, 25 March 2020
  163. Senate unanimously passes $2T coronavirus stimulus package BY JORDAIN CARNEY, The Hill, 25 March 2020
  164. Biden: 'I think we've had enough debates' BY JONATHAN EASLEY, The Hill, 25 March 2020
  165. FBI learned of coronavirus-inspired bomb plotter through radicalized US Army soldier By Mike Levine, 26 March 2020
  166. Coronavirus: Teenage boy whose death was linked to COVID-19 turned away from urgent care for not having insurance by Chris Riotta, The Independent, retrieved 27 March 2020
  167. Coronavirus may keep 3rd-party presidential candidates off the ballot by Suzanne Smalley, Yahoo News, 26 March 2020
  168. House passes $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill, sends it to Trump by Jacob Pramuk, CNBC, 27 March 2020
  169. Whoopi Goldberg presses Sanders: 'Why are you still in the race?' BY MARINA PITOFSKY, The Hill, 1 April 2020
  170. Democrats say more unemployment benefits needed in wake of record unemployment claims BY ALEXANDER BOLTON, The Hill, 3 April 2020
  171. Pelosi scales back coronavirus infrastructure proposal BY SCOTT WONG, The Hill, 3 April 2020
  172. Trump nominates former Kavanaugh clerk for influential appeals court BY HARPER NEIDIG, The Hill, 3 April 2020
  173. Steve Holland (April 3, 2020). "Trump fires intelligence official involved in his impeachment probe". Reuters.
  174. Coronavirus is disrupting the 2020 election. Here's a list of all the primaries that have been postponed by Yelena Dzhanova, CNBC, 2 April 2020
  175. Supreme Court rejects church challenge to ban on bus ads AP, 6 April 2020
  176. Todd Richmond (April 3, 2020). "Wisconsin barrels ahead with election despite virus fears". AP.
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  178. Bernie Sanders ends presidential campaign by Hunter Walker, Yahoo! News, 8 April 2020
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  180. The Hill's Coronavirus Report: Miami mayor worries about suicide and domestic violence rise; Trump-governor debate intensifies The Hill, 13 April 2020
  181. Biden blasts Trump comments: 'I am not running for office to be King of America' The Hill, 14 April 2020
  182. Trump sparks GOP backlash with claim of 'total' power to reopen the country The Hill, 14 April 2020
  183. Bernie Sanders endorses Joe Biden, they announce 'working groups' on policy issues ABC News, 13 April 2020
  184. Obama endorses Biden The Hill, 14 April 2020
  185. Liberal Jill Karofsky wins Wisconsin Supreme Court election, defeating conservative justice Daniel Kelly Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 13 April 2020
  186. Mail-in voting expanded due to COVID-19 concerns KWTX 10, April 16, 2020 Judge Will Issue Order That Could Greatly Expand Mail-In Voting By Alexa Ura, The Texas Tribune, 16 April 2020
  187. Georgia election board approves ballot drop boxes for primary WRDW 12, 16 April 2020
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