Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Fix the KubeletHasDiskPressure in Kubernetes on a very limited server

I have a question regarding our local Kubernetes installation (Kubelet version == 1.24.4). We're having a Kubernetes installation installed using Kubespray. I'm aware of a few related questions/answers in Stackoverflow regarding fixing the…
1 answer

All kube-system pods keep crashing, etcd receives sigterm

I'm trying to set up an on-premises Kubernetes cluster. For starters I used kubeadm to initialize my control plane on one node. But all kube-system pods constantly crash. I took a deep look into the pod logs via crictl and it turns out that most…
Be Ku
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Why does uwsgi listen queue fill up when I increase the replicas to 2?

So, I have a very basic Python Flask app with uWSGI where upon application load, a background job reads data into memory and requests just serve this data (no updates). This data is probably ...1200kB in total When I deploy this to our shared…
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How to delete Kubernetes Deployment that are not used so often

We have limited amount of resources in our cluster, so we want to implement a service/feature to manage cleaning up Deployments that are not used recently. We use nginx ingress, and want to know if there is a way to get the request counter for each…
1 answer

Grafana pod is not running, how to fix that?

I have deployed grafana in eks using the steps provided in this link After deployment of grafana, the pod is not in running state. kubectl get po -n grafana NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE grafana-6db7758575-pfqdg 0/1 …
0 answers

Calico CNI calio-apiserver issues, on-premises kubeadm based kubernetes v1.24.2 cluster

I am unable to get calico CNI fully functional on a on-premises kubeadm based kubernetes v1.24.2 cluster. The calio-apiserver pods (in the calio-apiserver namespace) have the status "CrashLoopBackOff". I installed calico CNI using the commands below…
Allan K
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0 answers

Is possible to use cert-manager with a private microsoft PKI?

I have a microsoft server with PKI Installed. I want to know if it possible to allow to cert-manager to talk to the microsoft server pki (microsoft CA) to get certificats ?. Any example of this case ?
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kops "this cluster is not configured for dual-stack services"

Running kops version: 1.24.1, kubectl version 1.24.2 on AWS in a dual-stack enabled VPC I use the following command to create the cluster kops create cluster --cloud aws \ --vpc $VPC_ID \ --node-count 2 \ …
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0 answers

Ingress to Ingress?

I'm following these instructions to add basic auth to an NGINX Ingress. This is in EKS. I already have an ALB Ingress which does route to our Service. I had hoped I could insert an…
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1 answer

How often managed kubernetes cluster should be upgraded?

We use managed Kubernetes cluster (GKE) and wonder how often the Kubernetes cluster should be upgraded. We use release channels: regular (dev/test), stable (staging), stable (production). Different major versions are often available at the same time…
0 answers

How to create kubernetes DNS service without reinitializing k8s cluster

How to create Kubernetes DNS service without reinitializing the k8s cluster? I have accidentally deleted the K8S DNS service and now name resolution is not working between pods and services. Pods are not able to reach other pods through service. So…
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kubeadm based kubernetes (v1.24.2) worker nodes are still in "NotReady" status even after installing calico CNI ("Error querying BIRD")

kubeadm based kubernetes (v1.24.2) worker nodes are still in "NotReady" status even after installing calico CNI ("dial unix /var/run/bird/bird.ctl: connect: no such file or directory") I have deployed calico CNI on kubeadm based kubernetes cluster…
Allan K
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1 answer

kubeadm based kubelet 1.24.2 calico CNI issues

I have installed a kubeadm based kubernetes cluster (v1.24.2) on Centos7. I have attempted to install calico CNI as per the instructions at "". The "/etc/cni/net.d/" and…
Allan K
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1 answer

Can each GPU be used on Kubernetes as dedicated to a specific Pod?

I have the following environment: Pods: Pod0, Pod1 (launched as a k8s Job) GPUs: GPU0, GPU1 GPU0 is dedicated to Pod0, and GPU1 is dedicated to Pod1. There can be multiple Pod0s and Pod1s at the same time. If there are two Pod0s, only a single Pod0…
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0 answers

kubeadm based kubernetes Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host

I have deployed a kubeadm based kubernetes cluster v1.24.3 which consists of one control-plane node and 3 worker nodes (all Centos 7 VMs). These are all "on premises" on a single physical node. On this setup, I am trying to deploy a CNI network…
Allan K
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