Questions tagged [nginx-ingress]

The NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes is an alternative Kubernetes ingress controller that can be used instead of the default ingress controller.

From NGINX website:

The NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes provides enterprise‑grade delivery services for Kubernetes applications, with benefits for users of both NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus. With the NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes, you get basic load balancing, SSL/TLS termination, support for URI rewrites, and upstream SSL/TLS encryption. NGINX Plus users additionally get session persistence for stateful applications and JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication for APIs.

77 questions
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How to rewrite url to backend while preserving browser url in nginx ingress?

I'm trying to rewrite the path to the service while preserving the browser url with nginx ingress on kubernetes. What I need is this: => http://service =>…
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400 Error with nginx-ingress to Kubernetes Dashboard

I have an ingress that connects to Kubernetes Dashboard, but I'm getting a 400 error when trying to access it. --- apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: kubernetes-dashboard namespace: kubernetes-dashboard …
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k8s nginx ingress returns randomly 502 error on load

we are using an nginx ( as ingress controller on our k8s cluster (v.1.17), managed by rancher (2.5.7). This worked pretty fine so far, but now we set up a custom API pod that can be externally accessed via ingress. Now, doing some load…
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Forward real requestor IP in K3S NGINX ingress

I've set up a K3S Kubernetes Environment in my private Home-Lab on Raspberry PIs in order to teach myself some Kubernetes (Noob-Alert), using NGINX as Ingress Controller and I'm kind of stuck at passing the real IP of requests to the target Pods, in…
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Malicious requests from private network (Kubernetes)

Recently I'm having many malicious requests to my nginx-ingress pod but I don't understand how's possible they're from a private network. Some examples: - - [11/Oct/2021:09:07:09 +0000] "GET…
Darko Romanov
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How to solve error 503 in Kubernetes NGINX Ingress

I'm trying to access Kubernetes Dashboard using NGINX INGRESS but for some reason I'm getting a 503 error. I'm running Kubernetes locally in my macbook with docker desktop. First thing I did was apply/install NGINX INGRESS CONTROLLER kubectl apply…
Carlos Sosa
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Nginx Ingress Rewrite Rule

I have a spring microservice running on k8s having 2 API URL's. First is /api/actuator for health check - running on port 9010 Second is /api for all other api calls - running on port 9000 I have created ClusterIP service to expose them on…
1 answer

GCP - Loadbalancer pricing when using nginx ingress controller

How to calculate the pricing for GCP loadbalancers when using nginx ingress controller? Right now I have 1 Ingress host and a single rule for prod website. But I want to launch another for internal services both gitlab, jenkins. Is the cost…
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Expose Kubernetes cluster behind a pfSense

I installed a Kubernetes cluster on a Bare-metal sever. This server contains a Proxmox hypervisor, I have the following virtual machines a pfSense ( two masters for the Kubernetes cluster (, two nodes for the…
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How can I use a plugin in ingress-nginx to wrap a request?

I'm trying to use the lua-circuit-breaker plugin with ingress-nginx in a Kubernetes cluster. I want to set up two upstream servers such that the first is "wrapped" with this circuit breaker, and it falls back to a different upstream endpoint in case…
Andrew D.
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Kubernetes ingress 502 bad gateway on DigitalOcean

I am trying to deploy a NestJS app with Kubernetes on DigitalOcean and I have followed this tutorial, but I am always getting a 502 Bad Gateway from the nginx-ingress-controller. That's my deployment.yaml --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: …
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Ensuring at least one ingress-nginx per kubernetes node

I'm trying to write an autoscaling configuration for ingress-nginx, deployed via helm chart. my goals are: 3 minimum replicas (because I have 3 nodes minimum) ensure only one nginx per node, but: be elastic, if autoscale says we need 4 nginx allow…
John Smith
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3 answers

HTTPS 308 permanent redirection k8s ingress nginx

I have created an EKS cluster following the examples from AWS EKS, I have deployed the nginx ingress controller on top from kubernetes/nginx, Created an ingress resource which points to back end k8s services, However, when I am trying to query via…
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Django + Gunicorn + Kubernetes: Website down few minutes on new deployment

I am having this issue with Django + Gunicorn + Kubernetes. When I deploy a new release to Kubernetes, 2 containers start up with my current image. Once Kubernetes registers them as ready, which they are since the logs show that gunicorn is…
0 answers

ingress returns 502 / TLS backend communication issue

i am operating a k8s cluster with cert-managerto obtain letsencrypt certs. I just set up nifi ( within this cluster, where the workload exposes a TLS secured port which is abstracted by a respective service. i set…
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