Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf: no such file or directory

I try to upgrade a node in a demo-cluster: root@cluster3-worker2:~# sudo kubeadm upgrade node couldn't create a Kubernetes client from file "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf": failed to load admin kubeconfig: open /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf: no such…
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How to make squid proxy to accept self-signed certificate?

I have an use-case were I have to accept self-signed certificate in Squid. The endpoints are Kubernetes clusters using self-signed certificates. The clusters will be recreated on demand with different self-signed certificate and therefore the need…
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API-Server on master stops after adding second control-plane

In my current test setup I've several VMs running Debian-11. All nodes have a private IP and a second wireguard interface. In the future the nodes will be in different locations with different network and Wireguard is used to "overlay" all the…
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Learn and Master Docker and Kubernetes

What is the best possible way to learn and master docker and kubernetes? Searching for self-learning material that can teach and train on docker and kubernetes.
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K8s Multus - CNI network, how to disable the default network?

The K8S network environment uses Calico and Multus-CNI.Multus-cni network plugin to create a MACVLAN network, pod use macVLAN network how to disable the default network (K8S-pod-network).In practice, pod does not need to have two networks when using…
cw w
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Istio ingress gateway cannot connect to more than one replica for a service

I'm setting up Istio in a new AWS EKS cluster and created a basic nginx deployment to test. When the deployment only has one replica, it works perfectly, responding in less than 100ms. When I add one replica, the new pod's response time goes up like…
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ETCD snapshots causing etcdserver: leader changed

For a while now we've experienced regular errors from operations on kube API in AKS resulting in etcdserver: leader changed message. From what we've learned there is an ETCD snapshot performed every 2h on AKS resulting in this leader change. This 2h…
1 answer

Wrapping Kubernetes with Wireguard

I've a scenario with many different nodes. Some have public IPv4, some have IPv6, some are dual stack. So I've created a wireguard network (, so that any peer can reach any other inside a private network regarding of IP-stack and…
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2 answers

How to invoke a .env file into a Django project that runs in a Docker container on a K8s server?

I most likely only need a hint into the right direction. I have a docker container running a Django app using gunicorn and nginx. This Django app is currently getting its environment variables from a .env file. FROM python:alpine EXPOSE 8000 RUN…
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1 answer

Migrate Kubernetes storage from vSphere to NFS with StatefulSets

I'm trying to move all my persistent volumes from vSphere to NFS, I managed to do it for many applications that use Deployment kind. All I have to do is: Mount the NFS volume to a different path (/tmp for example) Copy the data from vSphere volume…
0 answers

Kubernetes: no errors when editing node config, but changes not reflected

I am following this tutorial on kubernetes site to reconfigure my nodes so that I can change gracefullshutdown from 0s to 30s. after generating the configz file from kubectl proxy, I made the changes and pushed it to the control plane kube-system…
jake wong
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Maximum throughput between Kubernetes pods with LACP bonding

We currently have a kubernetes cluster (using calico) where all worker nodes are connected together with lacp bonds (2x10GB links with LACP Mode 4 - 802.3ad). However, the maximum throughput we manage to get between 2 pods is 10 GB/s. According to…
E. Jaep
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Curl request to cluster node port hangs

I am attempting to make a local request to the kubernetes cluster that is hosted on my server, the cluster's NodePort is listening at the following address External client in production are required to make requests to…
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DNS resolution for a docker container running on k8s-installed-host follows k8s dns resolution

I have k8s installed on a ubuntu20.04 with coredns as custom dns service. Then i deployed an empty ubuntu docker container using docker run -it --name test-ubuntu ubuntu:20.04 /bin/bash Then for some reason, /etc/resolve.conf in the test-ubuntu…
0 answers

What happens to open TCP sessions when a DNAT endpoint is removed in iptables

In Kubernetes, when kube-proxy is configured in iptables mode, it will create DNAT rules to forward packets to the service endpoints (the pod IPs). If the service changes its endpoints, and one endpoint is removed, would that affect existing open…
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