Questions tagged [calico]

63 questions
3 answers

Does Amazon EKS support IPv6 networking?

I have been searching for hours, but can't find any direct information on this topic. Here is what I know: Calico can be deployed into EKS Configuring IPv6 networking is possible with Calico. Configuring IPv6 networking with Calico requires the…
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Kubernetes setup with different networks for intra and inter-cluster communication

I have this use case: Setup multiple k8s clusters that can communicate with each other. I also have one network per cluster for intra-cluster communication and another network for inter-cluster communication and for external access in general. Like…
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New Kubernetes cluster setup Calico: "Failed to stat() nodename file: stat /var/lib/calico/nodename: no such file or directory"

i have trouble to add a CNI to a kubernetes master node, the CNI plugin does not have access to certain files or folders. The logs from Calico and Flannel say that certain files or folders are not accessable (In the post I only refer to Calico). I…
Kokos Bot
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Connects to OpenVPN but no access to local network or internet in Kubernetes GKE with Calico

I've been using VPN (openvpn in helm) to access internal services in my cluster for development. I enabled network policy in nodes in GKE to manage access of services, that enabled Calico network in my network, after this my openvpn connection…
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How can I get Egress Static IP per namespace within a EKS cluster

My current setup involves an EKS Cluster with multiple namespaces (multi-tenant) across many different EKS nodes in private subnets. I would like the egress traffic from the pods to have a dedicated EIP per namespace. AFAIK there are no off the…
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What's necessary for a bare metal dual stack kubernetes setup?

We are about to start setting up a new kubernetes cluster on bare metal at our own datacenter. The documentation for the k8s moduls and services is great, however I was not able to find any comprehensive top view documentation on the components…
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Calico node remains not ready when a new node with a 192.168.178.x IP joins a K8s cluster

kube-system pod/calico-node-9czgm 0/1 Running 3 42d kube-system pod/calico-node-msfjk 0/1 Running 0 5m37s what I get when a let "moon" to…
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Calico network policy in Kubernetes based on Domain name Regex Matching

I have a application running with kubernetes orchestrator. I want to implement calico network policy based on domain name Regex matching. I am seeing in calico doc that they are using ip range(CIDR) to control incoming and outgoing calls. Can same…
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Kubernetes and iptables not mixing: connection content dropped?

I'm playing around with a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster (using the calico CNI plugin) and having troubles redirecting external traffic into the node. I've set up the nginx kubernetes ingress controller in order to expose an HTTPS service via a…
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1 answer

How to change the k8s internal ip addresses?

I provisioned a kubernetes cluster on my own couple of virtual machines via kubespray. The VM's network is bridged adapter and kubespray uses calico as default network-plugin. Before sometime, I've switched to another network and as a result of the…
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Why is access to Kubernetes lost if I turn on the IPVS mode?

The problem is that after enabling the IPVS mode in the kube-proxy, everything works fine for me. But as soon as I install Traefik, I immediately lose connection with Kubernetes. OS: CentOS 7.9 $ uname -rs Linux…
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iptables REDIRECT to Kubernetes NodePort causes request to hang

I am attempting to direct client traffic to a kubernetes cluster NodePort listening on (https port). Client's needs to make a request to so I added the following REDIRECT rule in iptables: iptables -t nat -I…
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How to do live migration from flannel to calico on single node kubernetes cluster?

I am trying to migrate from flannel to calico in k8s cluster. I am able to do it successfully in 3 node cluster. Live migration from flannel to calico is working as described in the documentation. But migration from flannel to calico on single node…
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Pods on two different nodes communicate very slow, any idea why?

I am learning k8s and I have 3 nodes k8s cluster. I have just recently deployed k8s with kubeadmin and so far it is working great. everything working perfectly but the only problem that I am facing is network throughput. my three nodes and replica…
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Why does bgp OPEN message get Connect Socket: Connection reset by peer when node is on a different subnet/gateway

My network setup: Kubernetes network setup With this setup, only nodes on same subnet can establish bgp connection. Other nodes (that do a full 3 way tcp handshake), responds to hte OPEN message with [FIN, ACK] then a [RST] hence the Connection…
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