Questions tagged [etcd]

A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery

etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines. It’s open-source and available on GitHub. etcd gracefully handles master elections during network partitions and will tolerate machine failure, including the master.

Your applications can read and write data into etcd. A simple use-case is to store database connection details or feature flags in etcd as key value pairs. These values can be watched, allowing your app to reconfigure itself when they change.

Advanced uses take advantage of the consistency guarantees to implement database master elections or do distributed locking across a cluster of workers.

74 questions
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Graceful shutdown of Kubernetes cluster

We have a 4 node Kubernetes cluster, installed using Juju 2.0 and the official canonical Kubernetes charm. The sole purpose of this very local and private installation is development and testing. One of the biggest and documented issues of this…
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Why would using MongoDB in lieu of etcd as a key value store be a good or bad idea?

I'd like to get general thoughts from the community as to why MongoDB for key/value would OR would not be a suitable replacement for etcd or other purpose-built key/value store system (consol, zookeeper, etc).
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missing '=' etcd when defining service file

I'm struggling while following Kelsey Hightower's "Kubernetes the Hard Way" tutorial. I've gone off script, because I'm trying to bootstrap k8s on a local server. I've got the point where I'm bootstrapping etcd, however, when I'm creating the…
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etcd cluster setup with chef - determining initial-cluster-state

I am writing chef scripts to setup an etcd cluster. The list of nodes (including their IPs) will be hardcoded in the chef script (as an attribute) and it will pass them to etcd using static bootstrapping with --initial-cluster and…
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etcd2 fails to start on my CoreOS node

I am trying to start etcd2 in my CoreOS node. I have this in my cloud-config: coreos: etcd2: discovery: advertise-client-urls:, …
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PostgreSQL failover with Kubernetes

I've got master slave replication working with Kubernetes, but would now like to implement failover. I have pods running with the service=postgresql and role=master or role=slave roles. When the master fails, I want to select another master and…
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CoreOS 1353.4.0 - How should I configure Ignition for an etcd cluster member with dynamic discovery?

Using CoreOS 1353.4.0, on DigitalOcean, how should I write an Ignition config for a machine that is to join an etcd cluster with dynamic discovery? I've written the following Ignition config (basically in keeping with this guide), but there seems to…
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Weighting an etcd instance to have two quorum votes

For obvious reasons, best practice in building clusters that require distributed consensus is to use 3, 5, or another node count that has a tiebreaker in place. Sometimes, however, one has two physical devices and wants to cluster them. One way to…
Charles Duffy
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problems configuring etcd2 for TLS

I have at home two CoreOS stable v1122.2.0 machines. both of them are registered at properly. (i see both of them registered at https://ip:2380 when i browse to the discovery url). the first server is, and the 2nd is…
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Why doesn't CoreOS start etcd2 automatically, even though my cloud-config says so?

I am running CoreOS beta 991.1.0 on a Google Compute Engine instance, where cloud-config is configured via the user_data metadata variable. My cloud-config looks like this: #cloud-config write_files: - path: "/etc/kubernetes/kube.conf" …
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Docker container can't communicate with etcd

I created 3 coreos machines at digitalocean using this cloud-config.yml: where token was replaced with the one I retrieved from: $ curl -w "\n" "" Up to this…
Ricky Nelson
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etcd2 fails on my CoreOS with my very simple setup

I want to setup a 3 nodes cluster running my own discovery service and I am following this simple guide for static discovery. I know my 3 machines IP addresses and here is when I try to start etcd2 on the first machine: etcd2 -name infra0…
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Resizing Digital Ocean Droplets that use CoreOS break the CoreOs Cluster

I'm new to CoreOs and I have been experimenting with it on DigitalOcean. Let me start out by saying, I'm not sure if this is a DigitalOcean issue or CoreOS issue. How to replicate: Spin up 2 CoreOS and link them together to form a cluster…
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Kubernetes on Flatcar Linux will not start up kube API server after a reboot of the master node

Thank you for reading and taking your time to review this problem. I have a problem using my Kubernetes cluster. It is running Flatcar Linux, made by Kinvolk, recently acquired by Microsoft. I have setup the cluster using their Lokomotive (lokoctl)…
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Kubernetes V1.19.13 - kubeapi servers not able connecting to different etcd database

I have upgraded Kubernets cluster ( 3 master, 3 etcd servers database) from 1.18 to v1.19.13 and ETCD to 3.4.13. since than API servers are not stable, keep switching different etcd server, because of this cluster is not working properly. these…
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