Questions tagged [weave]

Weave is an open-source overlay network solution for software containers like Docker and kubernetes.

12 questions
1 answer

Configuring Kubernetes Service as a UPnP Device

Problem I have set up a two-node bare-metal kubernetes cluster configured with weavenet and metallb. I would like services hosted on this cluster to discover and interact with UPnP devices on my home network. I believe that for this to work, the…
1 answer

coredns pods stuck in Pending state

I'm trying to learn k8s and since I happen to have access to OpenStack cloud I figured I'll try to install k8s on it, following this wiki. So far I was able to initialize cluster, install weave CNI, connected an external worker and install…
Bartek Gmerek
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Kubernetes: Route egress traffic through different pod

I currently have a docker-compose setup with one container running an OpenVPN client and some containers behind it using --net=container to attach to the network stack of the OpenVPN client container to use it's network connection for outgoing…
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How to check weave router ip for k8s nodes?

Every k8s node have individual ip, which is router for all dockers running on it. Is there any way to check by api (k8s, weave, etc...) - ip's of others nodes? I can run of course docker on every node and then check what's router ip there, or just…
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Pod coredns stuck in ContainerCreating state with Weave on k8s

First of all, let me thank you for this amazing guide. I'm very new to kubernetes and having a guide like this to follow helps a lot when trying to setup my first cluster! That said, I'm having some issues with creating deploytments, as there are…
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New Kubernetes with Weave cluster... All ports except 80 blocked

I have recently set up Kubernetes 1.12.1 with Weave (1 master and 2 hosts on bare metal Ubuntu VMs). I'm trying to make outbound connections from pods to send email (SMTP), but it appears that all ports except 80 are blocked (confirmed using nc from…
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Adjust timeout of Weave overlay network when getting disconnected

I just ran an experiment to find out how long it takes Weave to recover from a broken connection. In my test setup node A is connected to node B through two paths. Path 1 has one hop and path 2 has two hops. So, initially, Weave routes the traffic…
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Retrieving Weave routing information

I am using Weave Net to connect my Docker containers across different hosts. Weave is making use of "Fast Datapath" which handles the routing in Kernel Space (inside the OVS (Open vSwitch) Module as shown in the diagram below.) In oder to get a…
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kubeadm based kubernetes Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host

I have deployed a kubeadm based kubernetes cluster v1.24.3 which consists of one control-plane node and 3 worker nodes (all Centos 7 VMs). These are all "on premises" on a single physical node. On this setup, I am trying to deploy a CNI network…
Allan K
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15 minute timeout in HA k8s cluster when node stops

I set up a k8s cluster more or less following this guide. So I have three master and control-plane nodes. I use haproxy as load balancer with following…
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Unable to deploy Weave CNI - PODs in CrashLoopBackOff state

(This questions has been moved from Stackoverflow) First I apologize for the lengthy entry but I think its better to give as much detail as possible. Host OS: Win10 Guest OS: Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy) Docker CE: 5:19.03.15~3-0~ubuntu-bionic Kubernetes:…
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1 answer

Packet fragmentation from within Kubernetes containers

I have a single node Kubernetes cluster running on RHEL 7. I also have a Windows Server 2019 server. Both the Windows and RHEL servers are virtual machines on the same host. When I sit at a command prompt on RHEL and run curl to fetch a 500kb…