Questions tagged [google-cloud-platform]

Google Cloud Platform provides cloud computing services that let you build applications and websites, store data, and analyze data on Google's infrastructure.

Google Cloud Platform encompasses the following products:

Further information:

2860 questions
10 answers

The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6A030B21BA07F4FB

My environment: # uname -a Linux app11 4.9.0-5-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.65-3+deb9u2 (2018-01-04) x86_64 GNU/Linux # # cat /etc/*release PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)" NAME="Debian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="9" VERSION="9…
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7 answers

Unable to ssh to GCE: "Permission denied (publickey)"

I created a VM via Bitnami in Google Compute Engine. Previously, I was able to ssh via the Bitnami web interface. I tried to ssh via terminal on my Mac but kept getting the Permission denied (publickey) error. I then deleted all keys on the server…
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2 answers

Stable public IP or IP range for outbound connections in GKE

I use Google Kubernetes Engine to run on demand pods. Each pod is publicly exposed to the internet using a nodeport service. I am looking for a way in GKE to get a single IP or an IP range for outbound connections, to give them to third party API's…
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5 answers

Expose port 80 and 443 on Google Container Engine without load balancer

Currently I'm working on a small hobby project which I'll make open source once it's ready. This service is running on Google Container Engine. I chose GCE to avoid configuration hassle, the costs are affordable and to learn new stuff. My pods are…
2 answers

Using JSON keys with google cloud gsutil

I have a ssh private key in a key.json file, and I want to use this credential to access a storage bucket using gsutil. I can't seem to find anything about how to include json keys as a authentication method, only "private" and "secret" fields. The…
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Google Cloud IN_USE_ADDRESSES quota exceeded.

I am spending the past 3 hours of finding ways to release Google Compute Engine API In-use IP addresses as I have 8/8 in use. I googled, read the manuals but there is no way of releasing it anywhere in the console. I am trying to setup a Rails app.…
4 answers

How to use GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS with gcloud on a server?

What is the simplest way to use the gcloud command line non-interactively with a Service Account outside of GCE? Preferably without littering the file system with credentials files, which is what gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=...…
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12 answers

How can I determine if it is cost-effective to move my site to cloud solution?

I have a large, busy site; it currently runs completely on a dedicated server that I rent each month for ~$700. It has three parts that I think I could carve off to a cloud solution: Media (image/video) file hosting. Currently I have something like…
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4 answers

Error "from itsdangerous import json as _json ImportError: cannot import name 'json' from 'itsdangerous'"

On deploying a Flask application to Google Cloud Platform, I get this error: [ERROR] Exception in worker process from itsdangerous import json as _json ImportError: cannot import name 'json' from 'itsdangerous' 2022-02-18 08:00:30…
3 answers

How to choose the external IP address of a Kubernetes load balancer in Google Kubernetes Engine

I'm deploying a web app using Google Kubernetes Engine and I want to make it accessible via a load balancer on an existing static IP address that I control as part of the same project in Google Cloud Platform, because the domain name I want to use…
3 answers

NO_PUBKEY error in google cloud debian packages update

I have a couple of Google Clouds compute instances (US, Germany, Australia) While doing apt-get update today I get: > Get:10 > google-cloud-packages-archive-keyring-stretch InRelease [3,876 B] > Err:6…
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2 answers

Create a single, outbound IP for a given network

I'm trying to determine the best way in GCP to assign a single, external IP address for OUTBOUND traffic. My use case: I need to provide a static IP to a 3rd party so they can whitelist it, so that my instances are able to access their API. Because…
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2 answers

GCP - Shared VPC vs VPC Peering among projects - main differences?

I'm testing various GCP features and I've faced with the question in the title. After a little bit of experimentation I think the following should hold: 2 peered VPC can not share the same subnet ranges, while VPC sharing is sharing the same…
matteo nunziati
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1 answer

Enable VPC-native (alias IP) on an existing GKE cluster

Is there a way to enable Alias IP on existing GKE cluster (with disabled Alias IP)? (Besides using to create NATs on each node)
2 answers

Using Google's App Engine as CDN for static files

I am planning on moving my static files to Google's App Engine. I was wondering if this is a good idea to do. I have read that is it possible that Google will cache your files on multiple locations, which is a good thing in my opinion. The setup…
Saif Bechan
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