Questions tagged [grafana]

Grafana is most commonly used for visualizing time series data for Internet infrastructure and application analytics but many use it in other domains including industrial sensors, home automation, weather, and process control.

Grafana features pluggable panels and data sources allowing easy extensibility and a variety of panels, including fully featured graph panels with rich visualization options. There is built in support for many of the most popular time series data sources.

Supports Graphite, Elasticsearch, Prometheus, InfluxDB, OpenTSDB and KairosDB out of the box. Or use the plug-in functionality to add your own.

104 questions
5 answers

How to proxy /grafana with nginx?

I've setup and started default grafana and it works as expected on http://localhost:3000. I'm trying to proxy it with nginx where I have ssl installed. I'm trying to have it respond to https://localhost/grafana but it just serves the…
AXE Labs
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2 answers

Smoothing Grafana graph

I'm setting up montinoring on my company infrastructure. I installed Grafana with the Prometheus Datasource. I built my dashboards and have rather "Spiky" graphs. I was wondering if there was any way to smooth it up a bit so it would be more…
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How to monitor network interface utilization correctly with Telegraf, InfluxDB, & Grafana?

I have Telegraf installed on a server and it contains the following network configuration: [[]] interfaces = ["eth0"] This feeds the following metrics into InfluxDB: bytes_recv, bytes_sent, drop_in, drop_out, err_in, err_out,…
Nathan Osman
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elasticsearch server is unreachable every 2 hours

This question is related to this one. We now know that the errors come from elasticsearch. The problems are still not resolved despite the modifications and optimizations made on the es instance. Every 2 hours the es server becomes unreachable: we…
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Influxdb is restarting constantly since my last reboot

Since my last reboot, I am seeing the following every 1-2 minutes: Aug 02 13:53:00 monitor systemd[1]: influxdb.service: start operation timed out. Terminating. Aug 02 13:53:00 monitor systemd[1]: influxdb.service: Failed with result 'timeout'. Aug…
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1 answer

Prometheus node_exporter metrics - huge spikes in Grafana

Our setup includes: a few Debian 9.12 nodes with Prometheus node_exporter v. 0.18.1 installed as service Prometheus server v. 2.14.0 (on Windows Server 2016) scraping the metrics from nodes Grafana visualizing metrics Basically, our load could be…
Arseny V.
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2 answers

Grafana behind AWS ALB

I have grafana running on an EC2 instance on port 3000 I created a target group called grafana-tg that redirects traffic to the target instances on port 3000 Configured an ALB with the rule: if path matches /grafana then forward to the target group…
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3 answers

Set Grafana dashboard variable from Prometheus scalar

I need to use the number of CPU cores in multiple calculations on a Grafana dashboard and was hoping to perform the query once and store in a variable. I can't find a way to return the data in a format that Grafana will accept. Grafana…
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1 answer

collectd plugin for obtaining a drive's make?

Is there a collectd plugin that will display the drive's make? The reason I ask is, that I am trying to create a Grafana dashboard, and I need to set Western Digital drives with certain upper thresholds, and Segate drives with other thresholds…
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1 answer

Update InfluxDB measurement names

Is there a way to update existing measurement names in an InfluxDB? When my system was originally set up we used measurement names like "CheckCPU" or "CheckLOAD" and have changed to all lower case such as "checkcpu" and "checkload" which is…
Jason P
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1 answer

How to monitor REST API latency with Prometheus and Grafana

I would like to monitor request processing latency on my Tomcat server. It would be nice to perform some alerting based on this later. I configured Tomcat valve with %D pattern so it will log time taken to process each request in access log file.…
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2 answers

Netdata, prometheus and grafana - why recommended in this constellation?

Currently I do setup monitoring-service for our Server. I've found some articles, which recommend to use: Netdata, prometheus and grafana So I wonder what are the benefits to use all three of them. Can anybody explain it to me, why prometheus and…
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1 answer

Grafana: Template variables are not supported in alert queries

I am new to grafana and have just setup my first dashboard with node_eporter_full template downloaded from the official grafana site. Now I have set up messenger and want to set the first alarm. Unfortunatelly this does not work on any chart. The…
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0 answers

Grafana by default displays the average of the metric value. Can this behavior be changed?

By default, the way Grafana displays unaltered values (those that don't have any functions applied to them) is to display the arithmetic average of the values it retrieves from the data source. For example, when zoomed out to a five-minute…
Michael Martinez
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1 answer

Using the http_response plugin in telegraf to monitor several URL's

I am using the inputs.http_response module to watch the status of some URL's. Actually, only one URL, because when I add more, it stops monitoring (and, indeed, bails out at telegraf startup noting a config error). Here are two examples I've…
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