Questions tagged [kops]

Questions about Kubernetes Operations (kops) used to bootstrap Kubernetes on common cloud providers.

Kops helps you create, destroy, upgrade and maintain production-grade, highly available, Kubernetes clusters from the command line primarily on AWS with varying degrees of support for other platform providers.

6 questions
1 answer

Kops cluster creates more nodes than expected on aws

I new to kubernetes and kobs and are starting to create a cluster using kops create cluster --zones eu-central-1a,eu-central-1b ${NAME} After I have created I can see that the following > kops get instancegroups --name=${NAME} NAME …
1 answer

Kops: Adjust existing kubernetes storageclass

Summary How do I adjust an existing storageclass or create a new storage class in Kops? Background We have a Kops provisioned cluster with the gp2 storageclass set up. We require the volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer set so that pods requiring…
0 answers

kops "this cluster is not configured for dual-stack services"

Running kops version: 1.24.1, kubectl version 1.24.2 on AWS in a dual-stack enabled VPC I use the following command to create the cluster kops create cluster --cloud aws \ --vpc $VPC_ID \ --node-count 2 \ …
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0 answers

Restoring Kops master node without previous image

Have a kubernetes cluster running on AWS that was setup many years ago using Kops. Master node instance had an issue needing replacing, which resulted in a failure to bring up the replacement node due to a missing AMI. Original AMI was Kops 1.8 with…
Mark Walker
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0 answers

Kubernetes (Kops): Get remote error: tls: bad certificate

I am seeing below error running "kubectl get componentstatus". NAME STATUS MESSAGE ERROR scheduler Healthy ok etcd-1 Unhealthy Get…
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0 answers

Kubernetes version update fails

I'm updating a Kubernetes cluster from version 1.17 to 1.18 by using kOps (v1.18) with the command kops update cluster --yes Just before the end of update operation update fails with a message: I0924 08:00:09.277510 22260 executor.go:111] Tasks: 0…
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