Questions tagged [eks]

18 questions
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Deploying an AWS Load Balancer Controller for EKS Fargate API service

Context I'm trying to deploy a containerised API service to an EKS Fargate cluster and have it service requests from external internet addresses as an over-engineered POC/learning experience. I'm running into issues when it comes to understanding…
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EKS Pods with ephemeral-storage constantly evicted

I'm working on EKS v1.20.11-eks-f17b81 and I'm facing an issue with a Java container Alpine based. Basically my deployment have the limits of ephemeral-storage for the request's and also the limit's like this. - containerPort: 8080 protocol:…
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How do I configure EKS (Amazon Kubernetes) to use a different docker image repository?

You’d expect a wuestion this simple would have an amazon tutorial or documentation, but I can’t find any. How do I configure an EKS cluster to connect to a different self hosted docker registry? I want to start running the open source version…
Some Linux Nerd
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Grafana pod is not running, how to fix that?

I have deployed grafana in eks using the steps provided in this link After deployment of grafana, the pod is not in running state. kubectl get po -n grafana NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE grafana-6db7758575-pfqdg 0/1 …
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Using Fargate and Managed Nodes with EKS for the same deployment

I have an AWS EKS cluster on which I have created a managed node group and a Fargate profile. I want to make a deployment with several replicas managed by an horizontal pod autoscaler that will be deployed on the managed nodes as long as there are…
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Pods stuck at terminating stage and the PVC, how to fix that?

My kubernetes cluster got stuck at terminating state. below is the current state. pods: kubectl get po NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE dashboard-0 1/1 Terminating 0 3h12m data-cruncher-0 1/2 …
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Configure EKS to use Nexus Private Docker Registry (HTTP/HTTPS)

I've created an EKS cluster on AWS along with Nexus Repository on DigitalOcean using Terraform & Ansible. Also I've not created any SSL for the Nexus Repository, so it is "http." Normally, it is sufficient to add [insecure-registries:...] entry into…
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Does AWS EKS provides a DNS wildcard CNAME that will point to all Kubernetes active worker nodes?

Usually, when i use a managed Kubernetes from various clouds, once i create a managed Kubernetes cluster, i am given a DNS wildcard CNAME such as * that will automatically contain all the active Kubernetes worker…
Alex F
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Temporarily take kubernetes cluster offline

I have a kuberbetes cluster running in EKS. We use it for testing periodically but mainly it just sits there with all its nodes and costing us. I am looking for the most elegant way to turn it off so it does not incur costs and turn it back on when…
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Unable to start the container from docker image/ Its failing if we add CMD to start filebeat or fluentd agent

am unable to start the container from the docker image that builds from below Dockerfile It's failing if we add CMD to start filebeat or fluentd agent. Dockerfile ################################################# FROM node:12 #install pm2 RUN npm…
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GRPC call returns 'PROTOCOL_ERROR (0X1)' for a .NET application on EKS

My .NET application is deployed to an EKS cluster, which has an ingress defined with the following relevant annotations alb…
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Single Application Load Balancer for multiple EKS clusters

I have two clusters - one named staging and the other production and I want to introduce a new service that will be deployed to both. I want to be able to access the service in each environment/cluster using different URLs - something like the two…
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Traffic is not being spread evenly between replicas of OpenFaas functions

As per this documentation, I have configured direct_functions to false, which allows the provider to balance traffic between replicas of OpenFaas functions. But it sends the traffic to only one replica. Without using any service mesh solution how do…
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AWS ELB(classic load balancer) response is too slow and sometimes response is not coming it is showing timed out

I have EKS cluster setup in private subnet in which i'm having my microservices and for each microservice i have classic load balancer to access API. But response is having high latency and sometimes it just timed out. I have service A which talks…
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AWS EKS add-on coredns status as degraded and node group creation failed( is unable to join Cluster)

I'm trying to create node group on EKS Cluster(region = ap-south-1) but it is failing to join cluster. Health issues : NodeCreationFailure Instances failed to join the kubernetes cluster I found that it may be because AWS EKS add-on(coredns) for…
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