Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
3 answers

How to choose the external IP address of a Kubernetes load balancer in Google Kubernetes Engine

I'm deploying a web app using Google Kubernetes Engine and I want to make it accessible via a load balancer on an existing static IP address that I control as part of the same project in Google Cloud Platform, because the domain name I want to use…
5 answers

How to find the service principal assigned to a newly created AKS cluster?

I have just created an AKS cluster using a standard az aks create ... --ssh-key-value .... According to, an AKS cluster is created, and because an existing service principal…
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Enable VPC-native (alias IP) on an existing GKE cluster

Is there a way to enable Alias IP on existing GKE cluster (with disabled Alias IP)? (Besides using to create NATs on each node)
2 answers

Kubernetes - can I avoid using the GCE Load Balancer to reduce cost?

I'm deploying a Kubernetes cluster on GCE using Gitlab-CI. I'd like to keep the cost to a minimum - here's my current setup: Nodes run on 3 f1-micro instances A system pod running Traefik configured with ServiceType LoadBalancer Wildcard dns…
5 answers

How to list all containers in Kubernetes?

How do i list all containers in Kubernetes cluster using kubectl? Current documentation doesn't mention anything like 'container' resource. kubectl get pod -o json lists all pods which contains container descriptions. But is it possible to list…
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1 answer

Graceful shutdown of Kubernetes cluster

We have a 4 node Kubernetes cluster, installed using Juju 2.0 and the official canonical Kubernetes charm. The sole purpose of this very local and private installation is development and testing. One of the biggest and documented issues of this…
3 answers

HorizontalPodAutoscaling on Amazon EKS

When trying to setup a HorizontalPodAutoscaler on Amazon EKS, the TARGETS column always displays /50% and when describing the HPA, I see Warning FailedGetResourceMetric 17s (x50 over 1h) horizontal-pod-autoscaler unable to get…
James Mills
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How do i view logs for my Kubernetes Ingress Controller?

I have recently started to learn about Kubernetes and i'm trying understand why my ingress controller is giving a 502 error. i'm working with google cloud platform. i can see my service of type: LoadBalancer is working if i connect using its static…
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2 answers

Is there a regex function for kubernetes helm templates available?

I'm trying to implement an ingress helm template encoding the current application version into the url. This shall allow users to do soft migration by providing them different versions of the…
Oliver Probst
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4 answers

Error creating GCE load balancer: requested address ip is neither static nor assigned to LB

I have a situation where Kubernetes apparently can no longer assign an external IP address to a service upon kubectl create -f Deployment.yaml. kubectl describe service reports the following error: CreatingLoadBalancerFailed Error…
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1 answer

minikube/k8s/kubectl "failed to watch file [ ... ]: no space left on device"

I'm fairly new to k8s and minikube, and could use help understanding the frequent-but-not-ubiquitous error I get when running kubectl logs -f I get this, sometimes, and unpredictably, on pods in my own namespace, and in kube-system, e.g.…
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2 answers

Can host aliases be assigned to deployments in Kubernetes? If so, how?

This article describes how to assign host aliases to pods in kubernetes, is there anyway to do it for a deployment and not for a pod as such? Any other suggestions to add host entries in kubernetes to provide a first line of host name resolution…
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1 answer

NGINX vs. GCE Kubernetes ingress classes

When setting up a Kubernetes ingress on Google Container Engine, you can choose the ingress class (gce or nginx). I realize that the GCE class provisions a load balancer on Google's Cloud Platform, which costs about $20/mo each. After some research,…
1 answer

Tailing logs with GCE and stackdriver

I have a running Kubernetes cluster that aggregates it's logfiles in stackdriver and would like to tail the aggregated logs on the command line. But so far I am only able to view the json stream float by in the web interface or fetch historic…
1 answer

Detecting Kubernetes OOMKilled Events in GKE Logs

I'd like to set up instrumentation for OOMKilled events, which look like this when examining a pod: Name: pnovotnak-manhole-123456789-82l2h Namespace: test Node: test-cluster-cja8smaK-oQSR/10.x.x.x Start Time: Fri, 03 Feb 2017 14:34:57…