Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
0 answers

Fix Systemd cgroups error when using kubelet

My error seems to have something to do with how cgroups is configured, however I have no idea beyond that. Sep 20 19:20:11 kubernetes-master kubelet[657]: W0920 19:20:11.380956 657 watcher.go:93] Error while processing event…
0 answers

GKE metrics about CPU usage of `kube-apiserver`

I'm trying to benchmark the load on the Kubernetes API that two different deployments cause. I have tried the two following ways of accomplishing this: Evaluate the Prometheus metric apiserver_request_total. Unfortunately, this does not take into…
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Dedicated Network connection for CEPH or aggregated general purpose network connection?

We are building a Kubernetes Cluster on bare metal. As the cluster is getting physically installed, I was asked to weigh in on the following question: Each node has two network connections of 25Gbps. We will be using Ceph as a Filesystem for the…
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What is the csi driver for google cloud?

For aws eks service there is helm chart for csi driver to handle volumes. aws-ebs-csi-driver What is the alternative for gke, google kubernetes engine? Please suggest.
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I want to use same terraform code for both kubernetes clusters Oracle (OKE) and AWS (EKS)

I want to use same terraform code for both kubernetes clusters oracle (OKE) and AWS (EKS) and install the argocd helm chart on it, I given my code below for your reference, now the problem I am facing now, if I set k8s_cluster_type to "eks", so…
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How vps instance like aws, google cloud,... scale with containers?

As I understand. K8s will use the blueprint to create multiple containers on the same machine. But how this gonna help the scalability. For example, my laptop got 2 pods of backend servers and they got load balanced. I want to create another server…
0 answers

the gcp auth plugin is deprecated, how to skip this error?

I have install gke on a test account and configured the cli. kuebctl get pods is giving below warning. W0916 17:23:58.063534 67381 gcp.go:119] WARNING: the gcp auth plugin is deprecated in v1.22+, unavailable in v1.26+; use gcloud instead. To…
0 answers

OpenVPN on Google Kubernetes Engine: expose private IPs to clients

Our scenario: We've got an OpenVPN server installed on a GKE pod with VPN clients that want to connect to our VPN. We need to expose to clients a service on another pod in our GKE cluster (an MQTT adapter specifically). Address is a…
0 answers

Apache Spark Web UI on kubernetes not working as expected

hi im having a problem i'am deploying Apache spark helm chart on kubernetes bitnami chart : helm repo add bitnami normally the apache spark webui is on port 8080 when i access the webUI here is what i get : what…
0 answers

kuberntes oauth2-proxy with github provider return 500 Internal Server Error

I'am trying to add an authentication from Kubernetes ingerss with oauth2-proxy github provider i have set everything according to the official documentaion the url works and it redirects me to use my github account but after login in it redircts me…
1 answer

What are Groups in Kubernetes certificate signing requests?

In a Certificate signing request API object for a user, you have to specify a group. apiVersion: kind: CertificateSigningRequest metadata: name: myname spec: groups: - system:authenticated request:…
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kubernets csi smb driver: smb server not found

I want to try out the csi smb driver in a local kind cluster, but I receive an error, where the local smb server cannot be found. I followed the tutorial at the GitHub repository for installing the smb driver, a local smb server and using it with a…
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servicemonitor doesnot add to prometheus-operator targets

I have deployed a Prometheus-operator on the k8s cluster. Everything works well, but I want to monitor MySQL pods in another namespace. I create mysqld-exporter pod and svc for it in MariaDB namespace and a servicemonitor for it in the monitoring…
0 answers

Restore batch job from checkpoints on NFS mount

I'm running long batch jobs on Kubernetes cluster, that operate on NFS directory to save artifacts and checkpoints. Every job has its own directory that it cd into and run a script to restore its state and continue the computation. No two jobs ever…
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0 answers

How to convert terrraform to kubernetes helm chart?

Our current project is created using terraform templates. Both the infrastructure and the application deployment is on terraform yaml files. Is there anyway to convert the application part to helm charts? Please provide your suggestions.