Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

Ring Buffer For Kubernetes Pods

Is there a setting that we can use as an equivalent to max-buffer-size ( to configure ring buffer for Kubernetes Pods Containers?
0 answers

Calico HA cluster - not-ready:NoSchedule

Installed Calico on a K8s HA cluster Note: same installation worked on single node installation, removing taint. But in a HA Cluster it does only have taint: kubectl create -f…
Chris G.
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Ec2 Metadata updgrade from imdSV1 to imdSV2 causes 403 and 401 error- kube2iam

I recently updated my ec2 instances to use imdSV2 but had to rollback because of the following issue: It looks like after i did the upgrade my init containers started failing and i saw the following in the logs: time="2022-01-11T14:25:01Z"…
0 answers

Checking missing nodes in microk8s cluster with ansible

I'm trying to automate servers configuration to deploy a microk8s cluster with Ansible My main playbook : - name: Getting connected nodes "microk8s.kubectl get nodes -o wide | awk '{ print $6, $2 }'" register:…
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Change kubernetes pod namespace dynamically in HA proxy

How can I change kubernetes pod namespace dynamically in a backend of HA proxy? Basically, what I need is the reference to the 2nd matched pattern group of reqrep to be used as the namespace in server or extract the namespace from the Referer, say…
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Can I use LoadBalancer type for kubernetes service on GCE not GKE?

I have VMs on GCP, which are normal Linux machines not GKE. I made kubernetes environment with kubeadm on this VMs and I am using NodePort type for my services. But what I want to do is using type LoadBalancer for my services. Can I use LoadBalancer…
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Is it possible to run an init container in a Kubernetes static pod?

I am running a static pod in my 1.21.5 Kubernetes cluster following this guide. I am now trying to add an init container to my static pod manifest using the usual syntax initContainers: - name: debug image: command: -…
Sergey Shcherbakov
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1 answer

How does Azure Loadbalancer work with Azure AKS

I recently tried to figure out how an Azure Loadbalancer in front of an Azure AKS cluster actually routes traffic to the cluster nodes. Our (quite basic) setup: AKS cluster version 1.23.x with the default Azure Loadbalancer in front of it Traefik…
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1 answer

Accessing internal GKE resources from external IP

In GKE you can use External Ingress Controller to expose a service to the world and if you want you can use Google Cloud Armor to manage traffic and if required deny it with codes 403, 404, 502. Lets say I have two services under External Ingress…
0 answers

Debugging kubernetes connection reset by peer to external Oracle DB

question related to this issue. Basically we have a Java app which when started and user logs in, it creates long living connection to Oracle DB which stays active for a lifetime of an app (or a kubernetes POD in this case). Issue is that after some…
0 answers

Can open Active FTP data connection via kubernetes LoadBalancer service but not via NodePort service

I am using active FTP to transfer file(via the PORT command). I can initiate active FTP sessions using LoadBalancer IP and Loadbalancer Service Target Port. I tried a similar way to initiate active FTP session using Node External IP and Node Port…
0 answers

Kubeadm won't pull images (unable to determine version and cri-dockerd not found)

I did fresh install for several Ubuntu 22.04 servers with the latest (1.24.3) kubeadm, kubelet, and kubectl installed. I am also using containerd as the CRI. The error happens when I was trying to initiate the K8s cluster by running the preflight: #…
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Virtctl stuck at "The escape sequence is ^]" when trying to access VM created using KubeVirt

I have a Kubernetes cluster setup using KubeAdm (Setup in EC2 instances in AWS Cloud. Master node is a t2.large instance and worker node is an m5.metal instance). The CNI used is Flannel and the cluster is running quite well. I have setup KubeVirt…
1 answer

How to send a file from Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes Pod to external FTP?

I have an issue when trying to upload a file using PHP FTP from my website that is deployed on the GCP Kubernetes Engine. And when I try to upload it manually from the Pod terminal using the ftp command, it allows me to open the connection and login…
1 answer

How to create a container-disk image for VMs provisioned using KubeVirt

I am trying to create a VM setup in my Kubernetes cluster using KubeVirt. I have two EC2 instances(Master node: t2.xlarge and worker node: m5.metal) in AWS cloud and I have setup the cluster using KubeAdm. The CNI used is Flannel. I had setup…
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