< Wakfu

Wakfu/Tropes A-L

Tropes A-L | Tropes M-Z

Tropes used in Wakfu include:
  • Abhorrent Admirer: All four ugly princesses, to Sadlygrove, in episode 4.
  • Abnormal Ammo
  • Acrofatic
  • Action Bomb: The Noxines. Nox tries to take out Grougaloragran with a swarm of them exploding with wakfu when close enough to the dragon.
  • Adipose Rex: King Sheran Sharm
  • Adorable Evil Minions: Both Nox and Rushu have some pretty cute Mooks.
  • Afro Asskicker: Ruel's grandmother, who has a head of white hair bigger than she is.
  • Age Without Youth: Nox
  • Agony of the Feet
    • In episode 22, Sadlygrove (suffering from a heat stroke) is wary of the mirages he's been seeing, so he gives one a good kick (barefoot) -- only that one wasn't a mirage.
    • Shortly happens to Yugo in season 2 episode 1, from a gerbil's bite.
    • In season 2 episode 5, Sadlygrove gets bitten by the Evangelyne pig.
    • Ruel gets his foot stomped by his grandmother in season 2 episode 7.
  • Airborne Mook: The Noxines
  • Air Guitar: The Brak'n'Boyz, the rock group cheering for the Brak'n'Black during the Brâkmarian Gobbowl match.
  • Air Vent Passageway: Done by Yugo in episode 23 of season 2 in the Sufokian submarine.
  • Alien Invasion: Revealed to be the reason why the Eliatropes had to leave their world in season 2 episode 6.
  • All Just a Dream: A big chunk of episode 20. Thank. Crâ.
  • All There in the Manual: The series is based off of a Tactical MMORPG by the same name, which is in turn based off an older Tactical MMORPG called Dofus.
  • All Webbed Up: Happens to the heroes in episode 13, thanks to Grufon possessing an arachne.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: Spoofed and Exaggerated Trope in season 2 episode 21. A monster pursuing the girls is replaced by a bigger one not once, but four times in short succession.
  • Ambadassador: Master Joris
  • Amplifier Artifact
    • The Eliacube. Nox planned to use it to boost his time-manipulation powers and travel back 200 years. And when Yugo gets his hands on the Cube in episode 26, it boosts his usual portal power, teleporting the whole Giant Clock mecha to Mt. Zinit. The prequel episode "Noximilien" reveals that Nox had no particular talent for magic before he found the Eliacube. And as of season 2: Qilby merges with it to replace his missing arm and boost his powers...
    • Also, Igôle's collar.
  • Amulet of Dependency: The Eliacube to Nox.
  • Amusement Park: The Trool Faire.
  • Amusing Injuries: Regularly.
    • Amalia gets a lump and a black eye before the first Gobbowl match. And ends up in a full-body cast after the second.
    • Yugo, Sadlygrove, Evangelyne and Amalia after they stepped into Ruel's shovel trap in episode 9.
  • Ancient Astronauts: The Eliatropes, as we learn in season 2 episode 6. It turns out that Mount Zinit is actually a space ship.
  • Angrish
    • Amalia in episode 8.
    • Kriss Krass is reduced to this toward Jay at the end of the Bontarian Gobbowl match.
  • Angry Dance
    • The Bullies in episode 5 shortly performs a Haka-like dance before the big fight.
    • So do the Sadida warriors in episode 19.
  • Angry Guard Dog: Ruel's house has one. Doesn't look like much... until it grows.
  • Animal-Eared Headband
    • The Eliatropes' hats resemble this.
    • All the cheerleaders (including Eva and Amalia) in the Bontarian Gobbowl arc wear bunny-eared headbands.
  • The Anime of the Game: A Western Animation example, though the Wakfu universe is technically cross-media. Subverted somewhat in that the game was originally supposed to be released in early 2009, before the series started, but it wasn't released until 2012). The game is also explicitly set a decade or so before the series. (Yugo's adoptive father Alibert is one of the few NPCs in the game, and Yugo is upstairs in his house as an infant.)
  • Animesque: With some Fan Service thrown in for good measure.
  • Annoying Arrows: Averted; the arrows made of pure light that Evangelyne and other Crâ shoot are quite deadly. It's a shame about their aim.
  • Another Dimension: The World of Rushu.
  • Anti-Magic: A special device with mobile eyes can nullify magic powers. One is seen in the prison of the Justice Knight, and another in the wrestling arena of the Trool Faire.
  • Arcadia: Amakna, Emelka and the outer boundaries of Bonta.
  • The Archer: The Crâ class, including Evangelyne.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil
    • The Brâkmarian nobles. They were planning to use The Mmmmmmmmmporpg as a weapon against Bonta.
    • Remington's nemesis, Ush Galesh, who is, in addition to being one of wealthiest individuals in Bonta, is an insatiably sadistic murderer and just happens to be the son of Ecaflip, and therefore a demigod.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Qilby, who lost his left arm.
  • Armor-Piercing Slap: Evangelyne's favorite hand-to-hand attack.
  • Artifact of Attraction / Artifact of Doom: The Eliacube. In "Noximilien", it induces unhealthy obsession in Igôle, then with Nox, leading to paranoia and delusions of grandeur. The loss of his family is more the last straw pushing him over the edge after a long descent than a real trigger for his madness. Whether the artifact can really talk to Nox or the Xelor is just hearing voices is left unclear, but the latter is more likely.
    No wonder Yugo is extremely wary of using the Cube at the beginning of season 2, even in order to discover the fate of his people, fearing that he could become like Nox.
  • Artificial Limbs: Qilby fusing with the Eliacube as a replacement arm.
  • Art Shift
    • Can be seen in episode 14, when the tribe's old chief, Botan Ficus, tells his story. The flashback is in a primitive/tribal art form.
    • Also, a minor one in episode 12 ("Gobbowl Hell 3"), with an artist making a very stylized painting of the heroes.
    • During the brawl in episode 19, there's a few shots who clearly mimics the style of Street Fighter IV art.
    • The specials, like The Legend of Ogrest, are in a different art style than the main series.
  • Asteroids Monster: Mocked during the season 1 Title Sequence, with Yugo jumping onto some sort of gelatinous cube monster who splits into many smaller, cutesy-looking cubes.
  • At Arm's Length: Sadlygrove does this to Eva while she's trying to retrieve her diary, in season 2 episode 6.
  • Atlantis: Sufokia is the setting's equivalent, complete with immersion by an ancient catastrophe.
  • Attack Reflector: Yugo's portals can be used to this end.
  • Aura Vision: Dragons do this; it's how Grougaloragran chose Alibert to be Yugo's adoptive father. Eliatropes can do it, too.
  • Author Avatar: Xav the Baker is inspired by the character designer of the series, Xavier Houssin. Xav's wife and children are also inspired by his own family.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking
    • Sadida king Sheran Sharm;
    • Prince Armand;
    • Master Joris, "ambassador" of the Bontarian king.
  • Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Kabrok and his Ecaflip wife, Miranda.
  • Babies Ever After
    • Kabrok and Miranda, as seen during season 1's end credits.
    • Also Evangelyne, as implied by the season 2 finale.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Evangelyne and Remington in "Rubilaxia".
  • Badass Boast: Rushu and Goultard allow themselves duelling Badass Boasts:

Rushu: The gods are too weak for me to worry about them, you little worm! And it's the same for you: you're just a shadow of your former self!
Goultard: Which is still more than enough to sent you back from where you're coming. With your slip as handkerchief to wipe out your own tears.

  • Badass Cape
    • Vampyro. His cape flaps dramatically all by itself.
    • Sadlygrove's scarf also seems to function as one when he is trying to act dramatic. This being Sadlygrove, that is quite often.
    • Remington Smisse
  • Badass Creed:

Smisse Monde: If it moves, kill it! If it shines, plunder it!

  • Badass Grandpa
  • Badass Nickname
    • Spoofed with "The Black Raven" (see below).
    • The Masked Gobbowler, a.k.a. Maude.
  • Bad Boss
    • Nox wastes his minions for the slightest objections or speaking at the wrong time.
    • Rushu terrifies even the major Shushus. He's seen using minor ones as projectiles, and incinerates a bunch of his minions just because they're in the way and he's in a hurry.
  • Bad Guy Bar: To some extent every bar in Brâkmar. Though you have to make a reservation before starting a Bar Brawl.
  • Bad Moon Rising: In season 2 episode 5, the moon shortly appears to have a pig's face on it, as a warning of the Dragon-Pig's ire.
  • Bag of Holding
    • Ruel's Havresac, which is big enough on the inside to contain a portable house.
    • Remington has a Shushu Havresac.
  • Baguette Beatdown: The "Breadnought" in episode 8.
  • Baleful Polymorph
    • In episode 4, the four Ugly Princesses are victims of this, thanks to a curse from the god Osamodas. Also applies to the princes turned into frogs.
    • Grany Smisse was permanently changed into a bow-meow (think housecat) sometime in the backstory of season 2. He still retains the power of speech, though.
    • In season 2 episode 5, Amalia, Evangelyne and Yugo are all changed into cute piglets by a magic trap, leaving Sadlygrove to save the day.
    • In season 2 episode 21, Yugo, Ruel and Sadlygrove are turned into simians by the Bellaphones.
  • Balloon Belly
    • Yugo at the end of episode 6.
    • Az in season 2 episode 1, after feasting on Alibert's food, almost triples his size.
  • Bandage Babe
    • Princess Erpel from the fourth episode is (intentionally) the Fan Disservice type.
    • Xelors who aren't cursed with ugly also apply to this trope.
  • Bandage Mummy: Amalia ends up in a full-body cast in season 2 episode 12.
  • Bar Brawl: In episode 10 of season 2.
  • Barehanded Blade Block: Grougaloragran can do this, but of course, he is a dragon.
  • Bare Your Midriff
    • Amalia
    • All the cheerleaders (including Eva) during the Bontarian Gobbowl arc.
    • Male Evangelyne during the Brâkmarian Gobbowl arc.
    • Elaine
  • Base on Wheels: Not perfect examples, but having shades of this:
    • Nox's clock base
    • Rubilaxia
  • Bash Brothers
    • Yugo and Adamaï.
    • Remington and Grany Smisse, until the latter got... "bow-meow-fied".
  • Battle Aura
    • The final scene in episode 12 gave one to all of the Gobbowl players.
    • Also Yugo and Nox in episode 25 after using the Eliacube.
    • It is Turned Up to Eleven at the end of season 2 when Yugo fights Quilby.
    • Goultard's, during the fight against Rushu, is nothing to sneeze at either.
  • Battle Couple: After much dancing around the issue, Sadlygrove and Evangelyne finally upgrade to this in episode 25 of season 1.
  • Battle Discretion Shot: Sometimes.
    • In season 1 episode 6, the battle against the ghouls inside the inn. Note that the heroes are also busy getting dressed while brawling, so this gives them a little privacy.
    • In season 2 episode 5, Sadlygrove's fight against the Golem Mid Boss is only shown through its image on the map fissuring.
    • In season 2 episode 7, the start of the fight inside the gondola. Rule of Funny more than anything else here, to point out that the air pirates are no match against the heroes.
    • Most of the Bar Brawl in season 2 episode 10.
  • Battle in the Rain: The final battle in episode 26, with Adamaï and Yugo versus Nox, happens in the rain at Mt. Zinit. It is used to great visual effect when Nox stops time, and the raindrops first stop falling, hang in the air... and then rise upward when he reverses time.
  • Beam of Enlightenment: Used by Phaeris on Yugo.
  • Beam-O-War: Between Yugo and the Voice Thief in season 2 episode 14.
  • Beam Spam: The Sufokian Stasis cannons in episode 23 of season 2.
  • Beard of Evil
    • Remington Smisse
    • Qilby
  • The Beast Master: The Osamodas class.
  • Beat Them At Their Own Game: Anathar with his red/black Shukrute portals instead of Yugo's blue/white Wakfu portals. He is even able to surpass the two-simultaneous-portal limitation.
  • Beauty Mark: Prince Adale
  • Belly Mouth: Anathar
  • Be Quiet Nudge: After Sadlygrove starts to blurt out that he'd already seen Evangelyne naked, Eva, while denying, casually chokes him with an arm around his neck to stop him from adding a word.
  • Berserk Button
    • Don't mention Armand's bad breath to his face.
    • Rubilax threatening to turn Evangelyne into a ghoul is what provokes Sadlygrove's Unstoppable Rage in episode 22. In fact, almost every time Grovy's Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass comes out, it's in response to Eva being in danger (or being hit on).
    • Don't call The Mmmmmmmmmporpg by his birth name. No, seriously, don't. Unless, well, you want the whole town razed.
    • Qilby doesn't take being called a traitor very well.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Nox's whole plan of traveling back in time, something which even the god of time, Xelor himself, can't do. he succeeds in going back in time, but only twenty minutes.
  • BFS
    • Rubilax in full combat mode;
    • The Black Raven's huge sword-lance hybrid;
    • Remington's sword Shushu;
    • Bourlof the Butcher
  • Big Bad
    • The first season introduced Nox the Xelor, a magic-powered Clockwork "Time Magic" user.
    • Season 2 gives us Rushu, the ruler of the Shushu, but it seems like Qilby, after showing his true colors has taken the spot.
  • Big Damn Heroes
    • In episode 24, when Sadlygrove frees Evangelyne from Deserboss' Tentacle Rope.
    • Ruel and his Drill Tank in episode 25. Though he manages to save Evangelyne, he's too late to save Sadlygrove.
    • Goultard the Barbarian, in season 2 episode 24, shows up just as Sadlygrove and Rubilax are about to be crushed by Rushu.
  • Big No
    • Adamaï at the end of episode 16.
    • Sadlygrove waking up in episode 22.
    • Nox in the season 1 finale.
  • Big Shadow, Little Creature: Moon's entrance in episode 14.
  • Big "Shut Up!"
    • Mandale the Bullies chieftain, twice in episode 5.
    • King Sheran Sharm in episode 24, when both Amalia & Armand and Canar & Renate are bickering loudly at the same time.
    • Remington Smisse, whenever his half-dozen Shushus get too chatty.

Remington: SILENCE, SHUSHUS! Can't hear myself killing, here!

    • Rushu is fond of doing this to assert his authority.
    • Qilby, usually in response to being called traitor, but especially when Yugo gives him the Kirk Summation.
  • Birdcaged: Elaine in episode 19 of season 2.
  • Bizarrchitecture
    • Nox's Giant Clock Mecha is a mindbending clockwork nightmare, as much from the outside than from the inside.
    • The cursed castle of the ugly princesses is quite weird too.
    • Many of the decrepit buildings in Rubilaxia qualify, as well.
    • Rushu's Castle in the Shushu World have all of them beaten, however.
  • Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics: Evangelyne's arrows, sometimes. Notably the homing frost arrow in episode 24.
  • Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism: Male Sadidas have their faces entirely covered in green hair (even the young ones); females are more human-looking.
  • Blank White Eyes: This is pretty much the visual cue to possession, since it happens to anyone who loses control of themselves:
    • The mind-controlled Sadidas in episode 24.
    • Amalia, who was "friendly"-possessed by the Tree of Life, in episode 25.
    • Amalia and Ruel, when their shadows are stolen by Shadofang, in season 2 episodes 3 & 4.
  • Blessed with Suck
    • Sadlygrove's sword is the prison for a demon. While it makes it a potent weapon, it can in turn possess him if he lets his guard down.
    • Qilby is practically the embodiment of this: As one of the original six Eliatropes and their dragon siblings, Qilby is immortal. Unlike the other five, Qilby remembers all his past lives. This might seem pretty useful, and probably was for a while, but after thousands of years, being unable to forget has driven him well and truly insane.
  • Blindfolded Vision: Yugo in episode 21, but only temporarily.
  • Blinding Bangs
    • Princess Lela's cursed form;
    • Chamberlain Thickdruft and a few other Sadidas.
  • Bling of War: The Justice Knight's armor and weapons are made out of gold.
  • Blob Monster
    • The Dripples ("Flaqueux") in episode 5 are Blob People.
    • An authentic Blob Monster appears in episode 7 from a broken potion flask.
    • In the final of season 2, many Shushus fuse into a huge black Blob Monster covered in eyes, which is subsequently absorbed by Rushu to increase his power.
  • Blood Sport: Gobbowl
  • A Bloody Mess: In episode 13, to fit with the overall horror-spoof theme, Sadlygrove spreads red berry juice everywhere.
  • Bob Haircut: General Frida Mofette and the female crew of the Sufokian Navy.
  • Body Count Competition: Sadlygrove and Rubilax have an impromptu one in season 2 episode 9. Problem is, Sadlygrove can't count.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Rushu. Wanting to play games with the heroes gives them a chance to escape, although Remington and Grany don't quite make it.
  • Boobs of Steel: Gen. Frida by a long shot. Her gender is obvious from a top view, and she's a Blood Knight bordering on Ax Crazy when you put her in a mech.
  • Boomerang Comeback: Attempted by Yugo with his wakfu shield in season 2 episode 25, but Qilby manages to parry it on the return.
  • Born-Again Immortality: The Eliatrope council, without the memory retention. Except for Qilby...
  • Bounty Hunter: Alibert and Ruel's previous occupation. It's when Alibert decided to quit because he was too soft-hearted that Grougaloragran left baby Yugo in his care.
  • Bowel-Breaking Bricks: In season 2 episode 21, Encre Noire the kralamoure captain squirts a puddle of ink underneath him at the sight of a tidal wave about to engulf his ship.
  • A Boy and His Tofu: Yugo & Az
  • Break the Cutie
    • Oh Crâ, episode 19. Sadlygrove, possessed by Rubilax, proceeds to crush both forearm and bow of Love Interest Evangelyne in one grasp. The tears of physical and emotional pain she show afterwards are enough to cause a My God, What Have I Done? moment in Sadlygrove, who is arguably also made a broken cutie.
    • And again in episode 25. Eva just can't catch a break.
    • She was this close to being even more broken when Amalia became a tree. It was averted that time, thank Crâ, but poor Eva seems like a Cosmic Plaything...
  • Breath Weapon
    • Grougaloragran has an extremely versatile and powerful fire breath that he uses liberally in either dragon or humanoid form.
    • Adamaï can also do it, though with far less power.
    • And Phaeris, of course, as Anathar can attest from direct experience.
  • Brick Joke: The ending credits sequence of season 2's episode 8 features the same tied-up bandits from the previous episode.
  • Bridal Carry: Sadlygrove with Evangelyne, shortly on their first encounter, then inside Eva's dream in episode 20, and in episode 24 after he saves her from Deserboss.
  • Bridge Bunnies: On board of the Sufokian capital ship.
  • Bring It: Sadlygrove to the Sadida warriors in episode 19.
  • Broken Pedestal: Yugo is initially in awe of the Justice Knights, but once he finds out how callous and hypocritical they are, and that even career criminals like Remington Smisse are capable of noble acts, he isn't quite as taken with them as he once was.
  • Bubble Pipe: Shanon Stone owns one with a cigarette-holder look.
  • Bullet Time
    • Ruel dodging McDeek's energy blast in episode 9.
    • About any important action in the Brâkmarian Gobbowl match, thanks to Slo-Mo the Xelor referee.
  • Burning Rubber: The Mmmmmmmmmporpg leaves a trail of fire behind him whenever he uses his Super Speed.
  • Busman's Vocabulary: Quite frequent.
    • Amalia uses metaphors and expressions based on plants all the time. Later episodes show us that most Sadidas do this.
    • Likewise, Ruel's speech often alludes to money or wealth (and shovels).
    • Minor characters are also on it; Xav the Baker and his father Ratafouine are constantly referencing bread and baking.
    • Even Nox isn't above making regular clocks or time-related quips.
  • The Butcher: Bourlof ("le dépeceur" in the original French).
  • By the Lights of Their Eyes: Rubilax and Grany's eyes are still visible from inside Anathar's belly.
  • Cable Car Action Sequence: The air pirates attacking the gondola transporting the heroes in season 2 episode 7.
  • Call a Rabbit a Smeerp: Piwis (birds), Tofu (other birds), Gobballs (sheep), Bow-meows (cats), Wabbits (rabbits)...
  • Call Back
    • Several Call Backs in Season 2 Episode 2-3 to Season 1 Episode 6, with the return of Vampyro's castle and his ghouls.
    • Season 1 Episode 9: "I don't like clicks..." Season 2 Episode 5: "I really don't like clicks..."
    • Season 2 episode 18: "Another of that thing? We're gonna end up in our undies again."
  • Calvin Ball: Gobbowl. It seems pretty straightforward at first... but rules get thrown out the window about halfway through. In Bonta, a totem pole rises out of the ground and inflicts some effect chosen by the audience on the field, just for fun. And in Gobbowl, cheating is part of the sport.
  • The Cameo: Tons and tons. We can split them up in to types:
    • Internal cameos, which show characters from previous (or future) episodes out of context. For example, you can see two of the princesses from episode 4 in the crowd in episode 10.
      • Goultard's mother is in the background in episode 3, heaving a heavy basket exactly like her initial appearance in a previous Ankama short film.
      • Ogrest, the monster that started the troubled age of Wakfu all by himself, makes a brief appearance in episode 26. You'd have to know the universe's backstory to understand what he's doing there, or even who he is, since it's not explained in the episode.
    • External cameos, which display some of the author's tastes in anime and series. Frequently in the background or in a crowd.
  • Camera Abuse: Ankama seems to like this way of Painting the Fourth Wall.
    • Jactance fogging the "camera lens" in season 1 episode 12.
    • Season 2 episode 2 also has raindrops or mud visibly splashing the "lens".
    • And in season 2 episode 7, the "camera" is broken by a cannon projectile!
    • During the credit roll for season 2 episode 14, Amalia tries to sing the show's theme song and shatters the camera lens on the last note.
  • Camp Gay: Canar and Renate don't even try to be subtle about it. Renate himself is named after the fabulous Renato from the film/musical La Cage aux Folles.
  • Can't Live Without You: The Tree of Life holds the lifeforce of the whole Sadida people. Which means that when it is drained of all wakfu in episode 26, everyone of them turn into inert stumps, including Amalia.
  • The Cape (trope): Justice Knight
  • Capital City: Bonta
  • Captain Morgan Pose: Sadlygrove after becoming Wabbit king in episode 15 of season 2.
  • Captain Obvious: Sadlygrove. Lampshaded in season 2 episode 10.
  • Captured by Kaniboules: Season 1 episode 14.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Rushu, and most of the Shushus.
  • Carpet of Virility: Male Evangelyne and Amalia from the Brâkmarian Gobbowl arc.
  • Catapult Nightmare
    • Poor Sadlygrove has one at the beginning of episode 22.
    • Adamaï also has one in episode 24, after receiving a dream warning from the Tree of Life.
  • Catch Phrase

Yugo: Cool!

  • Catgirl: Kabrok's wife who is an Ecaflip, and by extension all Ecaflips.
  • Caught in a Snare: The net version in episode 5 -- self-inflicted on Amalia and Evangelyne.
  • Caught the Heart on His Sleeve: Eva does a variation of this in episode 25 with Sadlygrove's Scarf of Asskicking.
  • Censor Steam: The Shower Scene in episode 22.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: The show starts off as very fun and colourful, and even the tragic Break the Cutie moment in episode 19 is created by somewhat silly circumstances (namely Sadlygrove insulting Armand's halitosis, and Armand spanking him repeatedly with a vine whip). But once you hit episode 24, Ankama takes all of your silly expectations of an innocent Saturday-morning kid's cartoon and utterly shatters them by delivering the darkest, most tense, and most heart-breaking season finale French animation has ever seen.
  • Chained by Fashion: Anathar, after escaping from the Justice Knight's prison, keeps the enormous manacles and chains around his huge wrists.
  • Changing Clothes Is a Free Action: Just before the Bontarian Gobbowl match, at the doors of the stadium, Ruel's team players get outfitted -- which is okay since the gear is mostly put above their regular clothes. But Amalia and Eva also get to change into cheerleader outfits at the same time, while in the previous scene they were dressed as usual. When (and where) did they do that?
  • Cheeky Mouth
  • Chest Insignia: "J" for the Justice Knight.
  • Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive: Done by the Justice Knight.
  • Click. "Hello."
    • Remington does this to Evangelyne in season 2 episode 2.
    • Also happens to Amalia in episode 24 of season 2.
  • Cliff Hanger: An infamous one at the end of episode 15, which acted as a mid-season break while Ankama and France 3 worked on finishing future episodes and scheduling. Not knowing what would happen to the heroes who were caught in dragon's breath, and knowing that the answer was only going to come six or seven months later was quite annoying.
  • Clock Punk: Not applicable to the whole setting, but frequent examples show up.
    • Nox's creations are all based on intricate clockwork design, from his Giant Mecha Watch, to his Clockwork Creatures like Razortime.
    • The cable-car manned by Ruel's grandmother.
    • The home base of the Justice Knight and his Justice Train.
  • Clockwork Creature: The Noxines; Razortime
  • Close-Call Haircut: Done with the hair on Yugo's hat during his fight with Nox.
  • Clothing Damage
    • Grougaloragran's humanoid form during the fight against Nox's puppets.
    • Nox's armor takes quite a beating in the same episode, revealing his Xelor wrappings.
    • Yugo during the season 2 finale.
    • Qilby's is also pretty torn up by the end of season two.
  • Collapsing Lair
    • Nox's clock in the final episode of season 1.
    • Rubilaxia in season 2 episode 4.
  • Color Character: The Black Raven
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: Wakfu glows in different ranges of turquoise while Stasis glows in ranges of purple.
  • Colossus Climb: Sadlygrove has to do this to fight Rushu's giant form.
  • Combat Commentator: The brothers Jactance (the Bontarian) and Tendinite (the Brâkmarian).
  • Combat Sadomasochist: The Sacrier class, including Kriss Krass.
  • Combat Tentacles
    • Grougaloragran as a Giant Squid makes heavy use of them.
    • Anathar can conjure pitch-black tentacles directly from Rushu's dimension through portals. They're agressive enough that they even seize their summoner if he gets too close.
    • Rushu's true form also sports some.
  • Comically Missing the Point
    • In episode 1, while Rubilax destroys Alibert's inn.

Yugo: Dad, customers are leaving without having paid.

    • In episode 4 with the volcano inside the castle.

Yugo: What is a volcano doing here?
Amalia: Well, they have to warm this huge place somehow.

    • In episode 13, Eva is kidnapped in front of Yugo and Amalia, and Amalia becomes completely upset because Eva's hair is messy.
  • Companion Cube: The Eliacube, which is regarded as sentient by Nox. Whether it really is or not has been left unclear.
  • Conspicuous CG: The Golems in episodes 8 and 23.
  • Consulting Mister Puppet: Sybannak talking to a small rock.
  • Contemplative Boss: Nox at the end of episode 24. He also does this for a big part of the battle in episode 17, not even caring about Grougaloragran, who he lets his puppets take care of.
  • Continuity Cameo: Despite being placed a thousand years later, the series continuously makes references to the original Dofus game and universe.
    • The most obvious example would be the animated trees in episode 2: the episode references a story from one of the Dofus comics, Le Chêne Mou.
    • Goultard, a major character of the Dofus comic, makes an appearance in episode 22.
    • Ogrest, an important background character of the Wakfu game, makes a brief appearance in episode 26.
    • Wakfu is also big on cross-media. Most places from the series can be found in the Spin-Off MMORPG, The Guardians.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: Brâkmar is built on volcanic ground, with lava rivers flowing below several parts of the town, which should make the whole city too hot to be liveable. The Gobbowl Stadium itself is above a lava lake.
  • Cool Train: Property of the Justice Knight.
  • Cosmopolitan Council: The Council of the Twelve, which consists out of the leaders and nobles of the twelve races. And the Prince of Brâkmar.
  • Couch Gag: Yugo flies towards the episode's antagonist at the end of each Title Sequence of season 1. For episodes not centered on Yugo, it's Sadlygrove who jumps towards the antagonist.
  • Coup De Grace: Narrowly averted in episode 26; Yugo wanted to finish off Nox but was distracted by Ogrest's roar.
  • Covered in Gunge: The Dragoturkey dung bath in episode 4.
  • Crazy Prepared: Pandiego de la Vega in episode 13 of season 2.
  • Creative Closing Credits: The credits of each episode have a small scene acted out by a character or characters from that episode alongside them. The first four episodes are simply the main characters introducing themselves, but the following episodes all have little skits attached.
  • Creepy Souvenir: Qilby's collection of various animals from all the planets the Eliatropes harvested.
  • Crossing the Desert
    • Yugo in episode 21.
    • Sadlygrove in episode 22.
  • Cry Cute: Evangelyne (who else?) has two moments in the season 1 Finale.
  • Cult: The Cult of Ogrest.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Evangelyne in high heels, in episode 4. Which gives you a hint that it's not really her when she's dancing in heels at the beginning of episode 22.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Amalia; Evangelyne; Sadlygrove; Yugo...
  • Cute Monster Girl: The Sram class fits the trope to a T.
  • Cyber Cyclops: The Noxines; Razortime
  • Cyclops: Rushu's real form.
  • Cypher Language
    • Draconic runes are a cypher for French; the code is in the series' art book.
    • The Brâkmarien alphabet.
  • Darkest Hour: The season 1 finale.
  • Dark-Skinned Redhead: Sadlygrove after his makeover.
  • A Day in the Limelight
    • Episode 20 is mostly spent exploring Evangelyne's psyche.
    • Sadlygrove gets one two episodes later.
  • Deadly Dodging: Another use of Yugo's portals, by going through them or having the enemy going through them. A good fighting tactic against Igôle in episode 21, which finally results in the beast going down a chasm. This only slowed it for a while, though.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Evangelyne; Ruel
  • Death Course
    • The treasure room security in episode 9.
    • The Dragon-Pig's lair in season 2 episode 5.
  • Death Glare: Ruel's grandmother will give you one if you ever say the word "borrow". Or "discount". Or "refund". Or... well, any suggestion you could pay less than her tariff.
  • Delayed Causality
    • Sadlygrove's sword slashes often go according to this, but they split stuff immediately just as often according to Rule of Drama. For example in episode 20, when he slices up the arthropod monster in Evangelyne's dream.
    • Also, the snow sculptures sliced in halves by Ruel in episode 17.
    • Remington's boomerang has this effect on buildings.
  • Demonic Possession: Shushu guardians technically exist to prevent this from happening, but Sadlygrove is not very good at it, and has been possessed by Rubilax on more than one occasion.
    • In episode 6 Vampyro is revealed to be Shushu guardian Wagnar, corrupted by Shadofang.
    • Rubilax has also possessed Amalia's vegetal doll in episode 7.
    • In episode 25, Rubilax possesses Sadlygrove once more, but left him in control, since the possession was consensual this time.
    • Grany Smisse has this happen to him on purpose in season 2.
    • In season 2 episode 2, we learn that Rubilax had taken complete control of Sadlygrove's human body, leaving Sadlygrove trapped inside of Rubilax's sword. This is remedied a few episodes later.
    • Anathar was the Shushu possessing the Justice Knight's father. Anathar later does the same thing to Adamai.
  • Demon Lords and Archdevils
    • Rushu the Lord of Shushus;
    • Osamodas, who, while being technically regarded as a god, is just a very powerful demon.
  • Department of Redundancy Department:

The Justice Knight: Justice calls for... Justice!

Jactance: This is literally literal!!

  • Depth Deception
    • Played with in episode 14 with Moon's entrance, with shadows and a close-up obfuscating temporarily the fact that the monkey isn't quite the expected size.
    • Also when Rubilax is freed from the sword in episode 22; it isn't immediately obvious that he's half Sadlygrove's height. He doesn't stay that size for long, though.
  • Despair Event Horizon
    • In episode 25, when Sadlygrove dies. Everything from Eva's reaction, to the fact that even Rubilax is visibly saddened by it combines to create an utterly crushing moment. And as if to defy the very idea of a Despair Event Horizon, it proceeds to get worse.
    • Arguably Nox manages to cross it twice. The first time when he finds out his wife and children are dead, which causes the entire events of the first season, and the second when he finds out that despite all the effort he went through to go back in time to prevent said deaths, that ultimately his plan was impossible and that all the people he killed will not only stay dead but that all his effort was for nothing. This drives him to kill himself.
  • Destructive Saviour: It seems that every time our Five-Man Band tries to save a village from invaders, they level at least half of it in the fight anyway.
  • Detect Evil: Grougaloragran can see auras and detect evil. Unfortunately, the heroes accidentally spurs the ancient dragon to attack by travelling with a Shushu.
  • Determinator
    • Sadlygrove. He seems to have gotten this from his mentor, Goultard.
    • Also, Nox, in an obsessive, highly demented sort of way.
  • Deus Ex Machina: Twice in episode 25. First when Ruel saves Eva and Amalia from Razortime by crushing his arm with his Drill Tank out of nowhere, and second when Master Joris saves now the three of them from Nox's creation by destroying it with a single hit. Both were conveniently too late to prevent the death of everyone's favorite Idiot Hero.
  • Devour the Dragon: Rushu devours his entire army for a power boost when he realizes Goultard is stronger than him.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Grany Smisse is used as a diversion to distract Rushu.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Goultard kicks Rushu's ass almost effortlessly until the latter devours his entire Shushu army for a power boost. Even then, Goultard holds his own and musters enough strength to trap them both in the Shushu realm.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Episode 25 has Sadlygrove dying in Evangelyne's arms.
  • Disney Villain Death: Remington and Grany in episode 3 of season 2.
  • Distracting Disambiguation: While fighting a villain named "The Black Raven", Yugo makes the point that all ravens are black. The team then immediately drops what they're doing in order to work on a better name for him.
  • Damsel in Distress
    • Parodied in episode 4, with Sadlygrove lured into the cursed castle by a promise of Damsels in Distress... to end up in the role, captured by the Ugly Princesses.
    • This happens more often to Evangelyne than Amalia. Even lampshaded in episode 18:

Amalia: Why is she always the one getting kidnapped? I'm the princess!

  • Dude in Distress
    • Sadlygrove in season 1 episode 4, "Miss Ugly".
    • Yugo in season 2 episode 4, "Sadlygrove's Return".
    • Ruel in season 2 episode 5, "The Dragon-Pig".
  • Divine Intervention: Spoofed in episode 16 when Ruel asks Enutrof himself for a miracle to avoid being eaten by Grougaloragran, promising to "double his offerings" if his prayer is answered. This results in Enutrof manifesting with a ray of light to tell Ruel that "Two times zero still equals zero".
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: In the episode "Cléophée", Sadlygrove tries to use Rubilax in the ring (by making him grow bigger). After a couple of failed attempts, he adds "I'm sorry, this is the first time this has happened to me."
  • Does Not Like Shoes
    • Amalia is most usually barefoot (except during both Gobbowl arcs, in the polar region in episodes 17-18, or when dressed in full princess regalia).
    • Sadlygrove seems to have lost his shoes sometime after episode 22.
  • The Doll Episode: Nox shows his talent for mechanical Puppet Shows in the bonus episode, but that was just the precursor to his puppet shows recreating his family life before he found the Eliacube in episode 24. Logically it should be touching that he's made a puppet show to remind him of that, but it's just really, really creepy.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: In season 2 episode 9, Sadlygrove quickly learns that lacking respect for Rushu is suicidal.
  • Doomed Hometown: Emelka. Within the first episode, it's wrecked by a monstrous possessed berserker and attacked by vengeful forest spirits that turn many inhabitants into plants. Sure, they got better, but then they're paid a visit by a crazy time mage right afterwards...
  • Door Step Baby: Yugo
  • Dragged Off to Hell: Sadlygrove by Rubilax instead of entering Heaven, as seen in season 2 episode 4.
  • The Dragon: Anathar, to Rushu.
  • Dramatic Gun Cock: A very shotgun-esque one by the bamboo squirt guns in episode 13 of season 2.
  • Dramatic Thunder
  • Dramatic Unmask
    • The Black Raven tries one, but the drama fails a bit from the helmet being shortly stuck.
    • The Masked Gobbowler has a straighter example.
  • Dramatic Wind: Lampshaded in episode 6.

Yugo: Look at his cape! It's moving by itself!

  • Drill Tank: Ruel has one that he uses in episode 25.
  • Driven to Suicide: Nox in the credits of episode 26. After realizing that the Eliacube won't let him travel 200 years back in time and he has no way of seeing his family again, he simply lies down and dies next to their gravestones. Of course, he was long dead anyway, only kept alive by the power of the Eliacube. His body turns to dust and blows away, leaving only his armour and bandages behind.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Ruel. Though not really
  • Drunken Boxing: Pandawas
  • Dub Name Change: The German dub renames the entire Five-Man Band.
    • Yugo -- Yago (This one's justified in that "Yugo" is considered offensive slang in Germany.)
    • Tristepin Percedal -- Tristamax Percidral
    • Evangelyne -- Angelya
    • Amalia -- Amaya
    • Ruel Stroud -- Ruel Struut
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Qilby
  • Dumb Muscle: The Iop class, including Sadlygrove.
  • Dungeon Crawling: A few of the heroes' adventures. The Dragon-Pig's lair in season 2 episode 5 hangs a lampshade on the whole thing, with a map alluding of the traps to come, and a few meta references to online RPGs.
  • Dynamic Entry
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Debatable. On the one hand the overall tone of the season 1 ending fits with this trope, on the other hand the heroes don't actually earn the ending themselves. The villain does succeed in defeating them, but his actual plan fails simply because it never would have worked in the first place, regardless of what the heroes did.
  • The Easy Way or the Hard Way: Remington Smisse, on his first confrontation with Evangelyne. With rhymes to boot.
  • Eenie Meenie Miny Moai: A fox version thereof in episode 15 of season 2.
  • Egg MacGuffin
    • Grougaloragran's dofus in the second half of season 1.
    • It hatches in season 2 episode 6, passing the baton to Shinonome's dofus for the rest of the second season.
  • Egopolis: Rubilaxia.
  • Elemental Powers: Yugo and Nox use space and time, respectively, and the Sadidas control plants (the Chinese element wood). On the minor characters' side, Vampyro (or rather Shadofang) can control darkness/shadows, and (if you really want to stretch the definition of "element") Chouquette can control pastries.
  • Embarrassing First Name: The Mmmmmmmmmporpg's true name is Marylin. It's also his Berserk Button.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Sir Sadlygrove Percedal has a real name much cooler than his nickname, which is either "Grovy" or "Dally" depending on if you subscribe to fansubs or the official English translation. It's even worse in the original French: Sadlygrove's name is originally Tristepin (an almost literal translation), and his nickname is "Pinpin". His master, Goultard, calls him "Pipoun". Guess you can't go lower than that for a fearsome warrior.
  • Empathic Environment
  • Empathy Doll Shot: In the village devastated by Rubilaxia.
  • Enemy Mine: Evangelyne and Remington Smisse against Rubilax's ghouls in "Rubilaxia".
  • Energy Ball
    • Razortime fire balls of "Pure Stasis". It's the most deadly weapon the heroes have faced so far.
    • Adamaï can also shoot small wakfu balls (though they're the same color as Stasis), notably in his fight against Igôle.
  • Episode Title Card: With the start of season 2.
  • "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Season 1, episode 5 "Vampyro".
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The "Female Captain".
  • Everyone Meets Everyone: The first two episodes.
  • Everything's Better with Chocolate: McDeek is defeated by chocolate.
  • Everything's Better with Princesses
  • Everything Sounds Sexier in French: Devons-nous en dire plus ?
  • Evil Laugh
    • Nox has an especially demented one.
    • Evangelyne does an honorable attempt in episode 13.
    • Lampshaded in season 2 episode 3 when Remington berates Grany for copying his laugh.
  • Evil Makeover: Qilby
  • Evil Plan: While its evilness is arguable, Nox's plan is to drain the wakfu of more or less everything in order to turn back the wheels of time to before his family died.
  • Evil Weapon
    • Rubilax; see Sealed Evil in a Can.
    • Season 2 episodes 2-3 are loaded with weapon Shushus of every kind.
  • Evolving Credits: In Season 1, the last shot of the opening is Yugo (or Sadlygrove for the episodes focused on his character arc) flying towards a villain whose size is exaggerated for dramatic effect. The villain in question is always that particular episode's Villain of the Week (until the last episode, which uses Nox). In Season 2, the shot of Ruel throwing his shovel is replaced with Sadlygrove throwing Rubilax after episode 5.
  • Exactly What I Aimed At: Evangelyne against Remington in season 2 episode 2 -- her light arrows didn't miss, she was aiming at crashing a house on him. Same thing with her recall arrow, as she wasn't aiming it at Rubilax like he'd thought.
  • Expansion Pack Past: Ruel, who was among other things a Gobbowl star and a rockstar.
  • Expecting Someone Taller: The Sadida children in season 2 episode 6, about the Ginger Warrior, savior of their people.
  • Expressive Hair: Sadlygrove's Shonen Hair, sometimes, like when it flops at the sight of Ruel's giant guard dog.
  • Expressive Mask
    • Smisse Monde and his pirates;
    • Remington Smisse;
    • The air pirates in season 2;
    • Justice Knight
  • Eyedscreen
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Anathar-possessed Adamaï. Hell, just Anathar in general.
  • Eyes of Gold
    • Qilby
    • Elaine
  • Extra Eyes: Almost everyone possessed by a Shushu.
  • Faceless Goons
    • Nox's Grouilleux.
    • The Sufokian Navy with their diving helmet gear.
  • Face Palm
    • Sadlygrove often inspires this to his friends, usually accompanied by them calling him a "Iop brain". Eva goes for the two-handed facepalm in episode 19 when Grovy gets himself into a duel with Prince Armand.
    • Jay the Iop also spurs Kriss Krass to facepalm during the Bontarian Gobbowl match.
    • Rushu facepalms when he thinks Anathar has just crushed his precious Eliatrope prisoner.
  • Faceless Eye: Rubilax, as well as many other Shushus imprisoned in items.
  • Facial Composite Failure: The poster of Nox's minions done by Renate in episode 24 results in Yugo and Adamaï being fired upon by Crâ border guards.
  • Fake-Out Make-Out: Kriss Krass to his friend Maude; it was used to hide the fact that she plays Gobbowl.
  • Faking the Dead: Ruel in episode 22 of season 2.
  • Failed Attempt At Drama: Sadlygrove is a repeat offender.
    • One of the most drawn-out example is certainly during the Bontarian Gobbowl arc, after the start of the second quarter-time. Grovy seizes the ball to everyone's surprise and runs, along with a very uplifiting music, dramatic echo of Ruel's earlier psych-up speech and Split-Screen Reaction of everybody else... and he scores! Except it is revealed after a few seconds of shocked silence that he scored against his team. Cue the public rolling in laughter, and his teammates barely preventing Ruel from strangling Sadlygrove.
  • Fainting
    • This can happen to Ruel when he has no choice but to spend his money.
    • Slo-Mo the Brâkmarian referee faints twice at the sight of women actually playing Gobbowl.
    • Elaine faints after Evangelyne and Cléophée "delicately" propel their boat down a cliff.
  • Fan Disservice
    • Ruel's "ugly princess" disguise in season 1 episode 4. As well as the real Ugly Princesses in general.
    • Sadlygrove's Imagine Spot of a gender-bent Eva in very feminine and sexy clothes in season 2 episode 11.
  • Fan Service: Some notable instances:
  • Fanservice Extra: Many, many background characters.
    • Chochanna, the baking contestant from episode 8.
    • The Red Gobballs' Eniripsas (healers), as well as the Cheerleaders, Pit Girls and some female spectators during the Bontarian Gobbowl arc.
    • In season 2 episode 11, an extra who had been gender-bent by a magic potion suddenly returns to her female form... topless.
  • Fantastic Nuke: Grand-scale wakfu explosions.
  • Fantastic Science
    • The "magical science" of the Eliatropes.
    • Also how Nox studies time magic.
  • Fantasy Character Classes
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Pandalusia is a mix somewhere between China and Japan.
  • Fantasy Pantheon: The twelve gods of the World of Twelve.
  • Farm Boy: Yugo being raised by Alibert, the owner of the local inn and mayor of the peaceful, rural Emelka.
  • Fastball Special
    • Ruel propels Yugo toward the Monster of the Week at the end of every season 1 Title Sequence (save a few with Sadlygrove).
    • Rushu and Anathar plain and simply use minor Shushus as projectiles -- while keeping count of their scores.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Rubilax
  • Fictional Sport: Gobbowl -- but apparently no longer as Ankama has held a real-life tournament.
  • Fighting From the Inside: Adamaï, possessed by Anathar in the season 2 finale arc, begins to resist when Yugo is put in danger by Qilby in episode 25, and finally throw off the control altogether.
  • Finale Credits: Episode 26's credits show most of the secondary characters and what they've become. Awwwww. Except for Nox, who turns into dust on top of his family's grave.
  • Find the Cure: Episode 7.
  • Fingerless Gloves: Part of Evangelyne's season 2 outfit.
  • Fireballs: Bound to show up when Grougaloragran fights in humanoid form.
  • Five-Man Band
  • Flaming Sword: Bourlof the Butcher
  • Flash Back
    • How the Ugly Princesses received their curse in episode 4.
    • Botan Ficus telling the backstory of the Kaniboules in episode 14.
    • Sadlygrove talking about his past adventures over Goultard's tomb in episode 22.
    • Qilby narrating the backstory of the Eliatropes and dragons in season 2 episode 6.
    • Ruel remembering his childhood in season 2 episode 7.
  • Flashback Effects: Various.
    • Mostly by using Art Shift, as with Botan Ficus or Quilby's flashbacks.
    • The scenes illustrating the Ugly Princesses' story are surrounded by Flower Motifs.
    • The ones from Sadlygrove in episode 22 use the same naïve and Super-Deformed style than Mini-Wakfu.
    • Ruel's flashback in season 2 episode 7 is desaturated, and with the sound and quality of a Super 8 film.
  • Floating Continent: The landscape of Rushu's World is mainly constitued of floating landmasses.
  • Floating in A Bubble: Yugo and Az in episode 15.
  • Flower in Her Hair: Amalia. It stays alive due to her Sadida powers, as seen when it begins to wilt in episode 7 after she has been poisoned. As if not enough, she sometimes adds another flower on the opposite side.
  • Fluffy Cloud Heaven: Parts of Incarnam.
  • Fluffy Tamer: Lotie the Osamodas (the little girl from season 1 episode 23).
  • Flynning: Intentionally used during the pirate assault in episode 18, as a parody of swashbuckling movies.
  • Fog Feet
    • McDeek the Genie, in his true form, has a long trail of purple smoke instead of legs.
    • Rushu, lords of the Shushus, is a special case: he can turn his lower body into searing flames.
  • The Fog of Ages
    • Grougaloragran
    • Inverted with Qilby.
  • Follow the Bouncing Ball: The opening of episode 14 of season 2 has this -- with a Tofu, fittingly.
  • Food Porn: The show sometimes delves into this, with for example Yugo's blanquette or the feast at the end of the Bontarian Gobbowl arc. And then there's the whole of episode 8 and its bakery contest; even its Monster of the Week can make you salivate.
  • Foot Focus
    • Amalia is constantly barefoot, and close-ups are common.
    • Evangelyne has some moments, too (doing cartwheels in episode 4, fighting in nightgown in episode 6...).
  • Foreshadowing
    • After episode 25, you will not be able to rewatch the "Gobbowl Hell" arc with anything approaching the same frame of mind. The phrase "I'm entering into the legend!" takes on a whole different meaning.
    • Sadlygrove also mentions his high opinion of a heroic death in Eva's dream in episode 20. He does it again during his rallying speech in episode 25.
    • There is possible foreshadowing for the end of season 1 as early as episode 2. He tells Yugo "I shall repay my debt, even at the price of my life."
    • Yugo's talk with Amalia in episode 13:

Yugo: I love the stars. Sometimes it feels like my real home is somewhere up there.

    • Adamaï has been featured in the opening credits since the very beginning.
  • For the Evulz
    • This is the standard motivation for Shushus.
    • Remington Smisse sure likes to be a backstabbing dick for the sake of being a backstabbing dick. Even though every act of pointless villainy he commits ends poorly for him.
  • Four-Fingered Hands
    • Vampyro's ghouls have four fingers... but when they go back to humans, they get a normal five-fingered hands.
    • Ditto with Sadlygrove, when he lets Rubilax possess him.
    • And Adamaï while in humanoid form.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus
  • Friend to All Living Things: Amalia
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Nox. From a debt-ridden watchkmaker to a destroyer of whole civilizations.
  • Frothy Mugs of Water: Aktator the Pandawa is said to have fallen in a barrel of bamboo "milk" when little. In Dofus, Pandawas actually gain their strength by drinking bamboo alcohol.
  • Full-Moon Silhouette: Both Evangelyne and Remington is season 2 episode 3.
  • Funbag Airbag: Amalia and Evangelyne seem to have some little animals doing this to them...
  • Funny Background Event: Ankama put a lot of detail into every scene; you have to watch the episodes several times to notice a lot of things going on in the background.
  • Furo Scene: Happens in "The Voice Thief" (season 2 episode 14) with Amalia and Eva.
  • Fusion Dance: Ruel's grandmother and her Dhreller can merge before a fight.
  • Gaia's Vengeance: The Polters attacking Emelka in reaction to the ravages caused by the Noxines.
  • Gainaxing
    • Subtle, but it's definitely there with Prince Adale's Bridge Bunnies. It helps that they are pretty busty compared to the series' standards.
    • Amalia has some as well when she jumps up fast enough.
  • Gender Bender: Evangelyne and Amalia as well as a few extras during the Brâkmarian Gobbowl arc, thanks to a magic potion. Unusually, all of them are strictly female-to-male gender benders. Justified Trope since women aren't allowed to even watch Gobbowl matches, let alone participate, in Brâkmar. The vendors make a killing selling the potions to female sports fans.
  • Gender Blender Name: Marylin, a.k.a. The Mmmmmmmmmporpg.
  • Gene Hunting: The most part of the first season revolves around Yugo searching for his origin.
  • Genre Savvy: Sadlygrove in the Dragon-Pig's lair. Because he usually is the Butt Monkey, no-one listens to him. Which is a mistake.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Has its own page.
  • Ghibli Hills: The Forbidden Forest next to Emelka. Honestly, the Polters are even reminiscent of the Nature Spirits from Princess Mononoke.
  • The Ghost: The king of Bonta.
  • Giant Squid: Grougaloragran's chosen form to restrict the access to Oma Island.
  • Giggling Villain: Qilby
  • Girl in the Tower: Spoofed in season 1 episode 4.
  • Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: The Brâkmarian prosecutor.
  • The Glasses Come Off: Qilby
  • A Glass in the Hand
    • Xav the Baker crushes a loaf of bread in anger in episode 8.
    • Rushu crushes his cup at the beginning of the "Rush".
  • Glass-Shattering Sound: During the credit roll for season 2 episode 14, Amalia tries to sing the show's theme song and shatters the camera lens on the last note.
  • Global Currency: Kamas.
  • Glory Days: Kabrok's main source of depression.
  • A God Am I
    • Willow, in episode 14.
    • Also Nox, depending on how much wakfu he drains from the Eliacube.
  • Go-Go Enslavement: Evangelyne in "Vampyro".
  • Gold Tooth: All of McDeek's teeth after he starts absorbing Ruel's treasure.
  • Golem: Several; some are Improvised Golems (see below). For the more permanent ones:
    • A Bread Golem in episode 8.
    • A Stone Golem in episode 23. Who keeps picking a new head, with a new power, each time one is destroyed.
    • Another golem is described as the Mid Boss of the Dragon-Pig's lair in season 2 episode 5.
  • Good Colors, Evil Colors: While normal Xelors sport a white/grey/blue color theme, Nox himself (and his minions) has a dark grey/black/brown one.
  • Goofy Print Underwear: Yugo's boxers sport a pair of Tofus.
  • Gosh Hornet: Elaine steps onto a hive and the typical running and jumping into a nearby pond ensues in episode 21 of season 2.
  • Grand Theft Me
    • What Shadofang plans with Evangelyne's body in "Vampyro".
    • What Rubilax manages to do with Sadlygrove pre-season 2.
  • Gratuitous English
    • Every other word that comes out of Yugo's mouth is "cool", though it's more of a French colloquialism than intentionally gratuitous English.
    • "Le Rush" in the Shushu world.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Season 2 episode 22 as a whole fight with a Japanese song as background music, worthy of any Shonen Anime.
  • Gray Eyes: Sufokian general Frida Mofette.
  • The Great Flood: Ogrest's Chaos.
  • Green Around the Gills: Sadlygrove whenever he's aboard a boat.
  • Green Thumb: The Sadida people.
  • Groin Attack
    • Very narrowly avoided in episode 16, when a big stalactite falls right between Sadlygrove's legs -- which Rubilax finds uproariously funny.
    • Rubilax himself, in Sadlygrove's body, gets kicked by Evangelyne below the belt line in season 2 episode 3.
    • Also happens to Ruel in episode 16 of season 2 by a bratty Iop child.
  • Ground-Shattering Landing
  • Group Hug: One happens in season 2 episode 3 when Yugo, Amalia, and Ruel find out that Sadlygrove is still alive... except it's quickly subverted, since the body is still inhabited by Rubilax.
  • Growling Gut
    • Yugo in episode 6.
    • Yugo, Ruel and Sadlygrove in season 2 episode 5, lengthily, to the point Amalia complains.
  • Guns Akimbo: Remington Smisse's dual Shushu pistols.
  • Guys Smash, Girls Shoot: Evangelyne and Amalia primarily attack from a range, while Ruel, Yugo and Sadlygrove favor more close combat. Cléophée subverts this somewhat.
  • Hammerspace Hideaway: Ruel's Havresac.
  • Hand Behind Head: Yugo does this in episode 6.
  • Hand or Object Underwear: In season 2 episode 11, the gender-bent Fanservice Extra trying to sneak in the stadium covers her chest with an arm when the potion stops having effect. Later, the same thing happens to a topless Amalia, who grabs a gobbowl shield to hide herself.
  • Happily Adopted
    • Yugo, by Alibert.
    • Elaine, by Encre Noire.
  • Harmony Versus Discipline: The concepts of Wakfu (life, creation, nature) and Stasis (death, destruction, machines).
  • Hartman Hips: Oh, dem hips...
  • Hat Damage: Yugo's hat takes quite the beatdown in episode 26.
  • Have You Seen My God?: Besides the 12 main gods there is also the goddess Eliatrope who apparently vanished along with the Eliatropes.
  • Head Pet
    • Az, from times to times.
    • Some Sadidas have whole bird nests in their hair.
    • Encre Noire sometimes rides his adopted daughter Elaine's head.
  • Heart Symbol: Seen occasionally floating around Sadlygrove when he looks at Evangelyne.
  • Henpecked Husband: Kabrok
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Sadlygrove in episode 25.
  • Hold Up Your Score: Sadlygrove in episode 4, when he's judging the beauty... ahem, ugly pageant.
  • Hold Your Hippogriffs: For any Earth-based expression using an animal, it is replaced with a species from the world of Wakfu -- though the name used is always close enough to keep the meaning readily understandable. And it's not just animals: the first spoken line in the entire series is roughly, "What the bwork?"
  • Hollywood Mirage: Happens to Sadlygrove in episode 22.
  • Homage
  • Home Base: The Justice Knight's hideout.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Armand toward Evangelyne, who has absolutely no interest in the prince and considers him an egotistical dick with pig breath.
  • Hope Spot
    • A minor one in episode 24. For a little while it looks like the Sadidas might be able to defeat Nox's minions before they can construct a portal to bring in his giant clockwork-spider doom-fortress. Unfortunately it's all a distraction. The horde of minions aren't even building a portal, they're just there to keep the Sadidas occupied while one of Nox's other minions mind-controls a group of Sadidas into building a portal for him (working them to death in the process). The good guys don't realize this until it activates.
    • Far, far worse in the finale, when Yugo, Adamaï, and Nox travel 20 minutes back in time. For a brief moment Yugo thinks that they might be able to prevent Sadlygrove's death, only to discover that they fell a few minutes short.
  • Horned Humanoid: Osamodas
  • Horrifying the Horror
    • Rubilax in full rampage mode stops dead on his tracks at the mere sight of Goultard (and tries to inconspicuously slither away while in the body of a giant worm -- hilarious).
    • Several cases in succession with the chase from episode 21 of season 2, turning it pretty much into a Benny Hill scene.
  • Horror Hunger: Subverted with "The Thursters" as they are a race of intangible ghouls who are cut off from ever touching what they treasure, stranding them in an eternal, lonely thirst.
  • Horse Archer: Or rather, Dragoturkey Archer. Evangelyne is riding a dragoturkey the first time we see her wielding her bow. She's riding one again in episode 24 and in season 2 episode 2.
  • Horse of a Different Color: The most common steed in this world is the dragoturkey ("dragodinde" in the original French). Also, some of these large birds can fly.
  • Hot Mom
    • Amalia's mother was quite the looker, before the entire dying thing, anyway.
    • Let's not forget Helen, Xav's wife.
    • And as seen at the end of the first season credits: Miranda.
  • Improbable Species Compatibility: The backstory of the Dragon-Pig has him being the result of a romance between a dragon and a sow....
  • How Dare You Die on Me!: In episode 26:

Evangelyne: You wanted to enter the legend? Just you wait I'm gonna put you in it!

  • Hufflepuff House: Sufokia
  • Human Hummingbird
    • Done by some characters when about to fall, notably Evangelyne in episodes 4 and 20.
    • Also Yugo starting to cook under the desert sun in episode 21.
  • Hurricane Kick: Sadlygrove against the Dragon-Pig.
  • Hurricane of Puns: Some of the character entries on the Wakfu official website. The one for the Dragon-Pig is especially bad about it.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Occasionally shows up.
    • In season 1 episode 8, Evangelyne scolds Sadlygrove for his bad table manners... just before starting wolfing down herself.
    • Season 2 episode 5 has the "I Warned You" example below.
  • I Am Not Shazam: In-universe example. The names of the races and the gods that they follow are often used interchangeably. For example, an Enutrof's Fingers (a follower of the god Enutrof), is often just called "an Enutrof".
  • I Am Who?: Yugo finding out he is the last of the Eliatropes until Qilby appears. Also him being their reborn former king.
  • The Igor: Igor, who speaks with a strong Eastern-European accent, clearly evokes this. He's not a hunchback, however, but a huge Shushu mirror.
  • Ignored Enemy: Happens to the Black Raven in episode 3, while our heroes discuss how (un)intimidating his name sounds, even coming up with alternative suggestions on their own.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Happens twice to Evangelyne, first with Vampyro (who definitely wants her body, but for Shadofang to possess), and then with the pirate captain Smisse Monde.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight
    • Evangelyne tries this on a Rubilax-possessed Sadlygrove in season 1 episode 19. However, he only starts regaining his senses after crushing both Eva's arm and bow.
    • Attempted by Amalia on a monkeyfied Yugo in season 2 episode 21. Doesn't work much.
  • I Meant to Do That
    • Sadlygrove, during the duel against Prince Armand.
    • Kriss Krass, during the match against the Masked Gobbowler.
  • Immortality Inducer: The Eliacube to Nox.
  • I'm Okay
    • Given by Yugo several times in season 1 episode 21 after he constantly falls or runs into things.
    • Amalia protests this in season 2 episode 12, after she's been put in a full-body cast and the two commentators basically start her obituary.
  • The Imp: Grufon qualifies as the harmless kind while sealed in the map... but in episode 13 he becomes the Not So Harmless kind when he gets free and possesses an arachne.
  • Important Haircut
    • Kriss at the end of episode 12.
    • Evangelyne at the end of season 2's first episode.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Almost every character has his own improbable weapon.
    • Ruel uses a shovel (and fake gold pieces) to fight.
    • Amalia, like many Sadida, uses a veggie doll.
    • The Black Raven uses a spear/sword which is twice as big as him.
    • Xav the baker use a wooden baker plate.
    • Goultard uses a broken sword tied to a chain.
    • In "Vampyro", even the Tofu is used as a weapon!
    • That's how it works in the original game, too. There's only a few exceptions, like swords and unarmed combat. There's even a class which is designed to fight with giant clockwork needles!
    • Nox's Clockwork Mecha of Doom is at its simplest a giant ambulatory pocket watch.
  • Improvised Golems
    • Rubilax's stone clones fit in this category.
    • Adamaï summons a stone golem to fight in both episode 15 of the first season, and episode 1 of the second season.
  • In a Single Bound
    • Sadlygrove possessed by Rubilax.
    • Goultard
  • Indy Escape: In the Dragon-Pig's lair, as a staple of any Temple of Doom. You can tell it's going to be this from a glance at the map before it's even shown on screen.
  • Inertia Is a Cruel Mistress: Yugo's portals work this way, but given his ability to orient them any way he wishes, it's quite effective.
  • Innocuously Important Episode: Episode 6 of season 1, "Vampyro", looks similar to any other Wacky Wayside Tribe Filler, but it introduces several elements that will prove important by season 2, especially Shadofang.
  • Instant Ice, Just Add Cold
    • Whenever Evangelyne uses an ice arrow, lots of ice form around the point of impact.
    • Nausea encases Rubilax in ice with a magic potion in episode 7.
    • McDeek's freezing ray in episode 9.
    • The classic comic-relief-encased-in-a-square-block-of-ice happens to Sadlygrove (and Rubilax) in episode 17 after falling in a frozen lake. Adamaï melts the ice with his fire breath.
  • Insult Backfire: The Iop King uses the ongoing insult of his race being Dumb Muscle to his favor towards helping Quilby, claiming that the Iops' brains are too small to consider treachery.
  • Interspecies Adoption: Elaine
  • In the End You Are on Your Own: Yugo against Nox in the season finale with Adamaï knocked out and the rest of the Five-Man Band otherwise distracted, mostly because of Razortime.
  • I Shall Taunt You: Goultard is not afraid to mock even a Physical God:

Rushu: You think you can upset me your insults?
Goultard: By Iop, no! I know you're way too stupid to understand even half of it.

And that's saying something when you come from a species known for being dim.
  • The Jailer: Justice Knight
  • Jaw Drop
    • Sadlygrove at the sight of his master, Goultard, vanquishing Rubilax in one blow.
    • Amalia, when Grovy gets himself into a duel by defying her brother Armand.
    • Ruel in season 2 episode 8, after learning that Sadlygrove had seen Evangelyne naked, and not in a dream.
  • Jerkass Gods: The Twelve in spades. Iop's carelessness resulted in the destruction of the last world he presided over; Xelor does nothing to stop his lieutenants from abusing their powers via tormenting mortals; Sadida fathered a child with one of his Dolls and proceeded to butcher his deformed offspring; Ecaflip's kid turned out completely rotten and corrupt; Osamodas has been known to curse anyone that insults him; and Pandawa became a goddess by intoxicating people into worshipping her. It says something when the Blood Goddess (Sacrier), God of Greed (Enutrof), and God of Thieves are the least malevolent and destructive of a pantheon.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Many of the points the Prince of Brâkmar makes during the Council of the Twelve, as the Eliacube and the Eliatropes are in fact quite dangerous and have destroyed entire worlds before.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
    • Ruel, though he's more of a skinflint with a heart of gold.
    • Amalia may be a little spoiled choleric princess, but she has moments when she is really concerned by the fate of her companions (like in "Vampyro" or "Gobbowl Hell III"), so she may qualify, too.
    • Remington nearly qualifies; he's an unforgivable douchebag to the heroes every single time he appears, but he's quite honorable if Grany's safety is involved.
  • "Join the Army," They Said: A Sufokian mook yells this during the battle in season 2 episode 25.
  • The Juggernaut: Razortime
  • Juggle Fu: Grougaloragran with Yugo's baby carriage in episode 1.
  • Just Eat Him: This happens twice in episode 21, with Igôle swallowing whole first Az and then Adamaï, and being forced to regurgitate them both later. (Adamaï can even be seen pounding the beast's distended belly from the inside.) And again with Adamaï in Tofu form in episode 23 -- this time, Igôle willingly spits him out.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: Introduced as a special Gobbowl move in season 2 episode 12.
  • Kangaroo Court: The trials in Brâkmar.
  • Kawaiiko: Lady Glagla, one of the contestants of the singing competition in season 2 episode 15. To a very large degree.
  • Kiai:

Fanny Bloc [Yugo's voiceactress]: I actually practice Kendo -- for those who know -- and I used the famous Kiai yell when Yugo uses a portal.

  • Kick the Dog: Remington is pointlessly evil to Evangelyne, case in point being during season 2 episode 3 when he steals Evangelyne's Shushu and drops Sadlygrove's sword down a hole, when they had already agreed to trade. It was useless to him and Eva clearly had a reason to want it, but he just felt the need to spite her. In the same episode, he attacks her right after commending her for rescuing him. He later tries to sic Rushu's Dragon on her, because it "seemed like a good idea".
  • Kiss of Life
    • Sadlygrove attempts to revive Evangelyne this way in episode 15, but she wakes up in time to thrust a kralamour (think jellyfish) in his face instead.
    • Played straighter in season 2 episode 4, where Sadlygrove loses no time giving mouth-to-mouth to Evangelyne -- it's rather un-romantic this time, since Eva's life is truly at stake.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Nox
  • Knife Nut: Felinor's second-in-command.
  • Knockout Gas: The gas used by the Justice Knight inside his Justice Train, in episode 8 of season 2.
  • Kuudere: Maude to some extent.
  • Lampshade Hanging:

Nox: Maybe at last we'll see what is hiding under your hat!

  • Lantern Jaw of Justice
    • The Justice Knight, fittingly.
    • The Mmmmmmmmmporpg has a monumental chin.
  • Large Ham: The Justice Knight
  • Laser Blade
    • Qilby can create a Sinister Scythe made of wakfu once he's absorbed the Eliacube.
    • Then, Yugo gets a sword and shield of wakfu for the final fight of season 2.
  • Last of His Kind: Mid-season 1 we discover that Yugo is the last Eliatrope alive. Subverted in season 2 episode 6 when Grougal's Dofus hatches with his partner Eliatrope and we learn that this wasn't actually the case to begin with.
  • Last Second Chance: Unusually, Nox takes his and retreats. The finality with which he delivers his parting line indicates that he does not intend to return. The credits for episode 26 demonstrate this.
  • Leave No Survivors: Implied as the reason why no-one has heard about Nox.
  • Legacy Character
    • The Black Raven
    • The Justice Knight
  • Lethal Lava Land: Brâkmar
  • Let's Fight Like Gentlemen: The Dragon-Pig and Sadlygrove. Even though the fight is technically a draw, the Dragon-Pig accepts to let Ruel go and to remove the Baleful Polymorph on Yugo, Amalia and Eva, because it was a damn good tussle.
  • Let's Split Up, Gang!: Yugo and Adamaï decide to go their own way for some time, in episode 18. They return to the others by the end of episode 24.
  • Letting the Air Out of the Band: Used regularly, with some backround music suddenly puttering out along any Mood Whiplash. For example:
    • In season 1 episode 9, when McDeek finds out that he's shooting chocolate instead of energy.
    • The heavenly music during Enutrof's "Divine Intervention" in season 1 episode 16 derails when the god shoots down Ruel's expectations.
    • At the start of season 2 episode 5, the idyllic BGM is interrupted by the heroes' Stomach Groans.
    • One of the Justice Knight's rants has his leitmotif weakening when he stumbles on a word, to triumphantly resume afterward.
    • An in-universe example with the saxophone player in the bar who suddenly stops at the mention of Kriss' name in episode 10 of season 2.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again: The whole transformation into pigs incident in "The Dragon-Pig" for the Five-Man Band (especially Amalia).
  • Life Drinker: Nox, the "Devourer of Wakfu".
  • Life Energy: The eponymous wakfu, natch.
  • The Lifestream: The flow of wakfu, and also the reason why dragons and Eliatropes are technically immortal.
  • Lightning Glare: Shortly, between Sadlygrove and Evangelyne in episode 5.
  • Limited Wardrobe
    • Yugo, Amalia and Evangelyne wear the same clothes most of the time, with exceptions made for the plot-related changing (like the princess dresses in episode 4 or the cheerleader outfits in the Bontarian Gobbowl arc).
    • However, Grovy gets a whole new look in episode 22, and Ruel gets a new outfit in the last two episodes of season 1, which he keeps for season 2.
    • Nox bears four different looks through season 1.
    • Evangelyne dons a new outfit for season 2, and while Amalia continues to wear her season 1 clothes, she's briefly shown in full princess garb (including in the opening sequence).
  • Literal Cliff Hanger
    • Yugo and Ruel in episode 9.
    • A few for Eva, Remington, and Grany in Rubilaxia.
  • Literal Surveillance Bug: Nox uses robotic insects both to gather wakfu and as surveillance.
  • Living on Borrowed Time: During season 1, Nox, who is over 200 years old and only alive because he harvests the wakfu of other living beings. After giving up the Eliacube and thus the ability to drain wakfu, only dust is left of him.
  • Living Relic: Qilby
  • Living Shadow: Willow sends his own shadow to fight Sadlygrove in season 1 episode 14.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: Not Nox himself, but the Eliacube, arguably the real villain of season 1. When Nox drains it of power, all of his minions (and Nox himself) begin to fall apart.
  • A Load of Bull: The "Bullies" ("Taures" in French).
  • Loads and Loads of Races: At first glance, though in fact it is a subversion of this trope. The "races" in Dofus (and by extension Wakfu) are more along the line of classes or religions. The characters may change in appearance to match that of their gods, but all are still basically "humans" (and there are un-classed, baseline human NPCs too). Which explains why interbreeding -- like with Kabrok (an Osamodas) and Miranda (an Ecaflip), or with Sadlygrove (a Iop) and Evangelyne (a Crâ) -- is perfectly possible.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Prince Adal
  • A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away: The origin of the Eliatropes, according to Quilby.
  • Look What I Can Do Now!: Yugo, being more versed in wakfu manipulation and Sadlygrove, having tamed Rubilax, saving Evangelyne from Deserboss in episode 24.
  • Lost Technology: The Eliatropes' magic-science, like the Zaaps and the Eliacube.
  • Lotus Eater Machine: The Tree of Life in episode 20.
  • Love At First Sight: Jay, from his first glance at Evangelyne during the Bontarian Gobbowl match. Sadlygrove too, in fact. What's with Eva and Iops?
  • Lovecraftian Superpower: Rushu in his true form can morph his limbs and torso into Combat Tentacles and extra mouths.
  • Love Hurts
    • Just ask Sadlygrove and Evangelyne.
    • Nox also has shades of this -- and by shades, we mean his grief has driven him to commit omnicide. Animals, plants, entire countries, and he even attempted to take out an entire race.
  • Love Makes You Crazy: Nox
  • Love Makes You Evil: Nox again.
  • Loyal Animal Companion
    • Az for Yugo.
    • Junior for Ruel.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Yugo in episode 25 of season 2.
  • Luminescent Blush
    • Used frequently. Sadlygrove and Eva in particular do this a lot near the end of season 1.
    • Yugo when Lady Glagla flirts with him in episode 14 of season 2.
    • Amalia has one in Season 2 of Episode 17, when Ruel tells her she should find love. Oddly just as Yugo appears next to them.
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