< Wakfu

Wakfu/Tropes M-Z

Tropes A-L | Tropes M-Z

Tropes used in Wakfu include:
  • MacGuffin Guardian
    • The Golem in episode 23, guarding Grougaloragran's dofus.
    • Phaeris the Powerful is guarding Shinonome's dofus, thus forbidding any access to the Crimson Claws.
  • Mad Eye: Igôle. That's even its nickname given by Lotie.
  • Mad Scientist
    • Nox, of the Magitek (and watchmaker) variant.
    • Qilby
  • Magical Security Cam: Nox's use of these is justified as being integrated into his swarm of wakfu harvesters, the Noxines, in his first onscreen appearance.
  • Magic Antidote: The glowing sap from the legendary tree in episode 7.
  • Magic Mirror: Igor the Shushu mirror allows communication with Rushu.
  • Magic Pants: Phaeris
  • The Magnificent Seven Samurai: "The Magnificent Five"
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: The Bellaphones' main mode of attack.
  • Man-Eating Plant
    • Two big ones in episode 7, following orders from Sybannak (the crazy old Sadida).
    • A huge one under Armand's control during the fight in episode 19.
  • Marked Change
    • Qilby
    • Yugo
  • Martial Arts and Crafts
    • Yugo's cooking and serving style.
    • Episode 8 treats baking like a difficult martial art. And it's Serious Business.
  • Mascot Mook: The Gobballs
  • Mating Dance: Sadlygrove's dream sequence in episode 22. Provides the page image.
  • Mayor of a Ghost Town: Ruel
  • Meaningful Name
    • Perhaps unintentionally, Evangelyne—or rather, Evangeline. Evangelyne was never sent away from her homeland and forcibly separated from her Love Interest, but the two Evas do share in common obsessively searching for said Love Interest, only to have him die in their arms soon after they are reunited by the end of the first season.
    • Also can be unintentional, but Yugo is Japanese for "bravery".
    • Nox is Latin for "night" (fitting his time-theme), but it is also similar to "Noxa" (which means damage towards organisms), fitting with his plan on harvesting wakfu.
    • Chouquette, duh.
    • Brâkmar is phonetically the same as a French slang word designing a... hu... part of the male anatomy when oversized. Fitting for a town that's a bastion of machismo.
    • Jactance the Gobbowl commentator. "Jactance" is slang for talking too much and conceitedly.
    • Slo-Mo the Xelor referee. He can slow down time to allow the spectators to better see the best Gobbowl actions.
  • Meanwhile Scene: In episode 12, which also doubles as Smite Me Oh Mighty Smiter.
  • Meat Puppet
    • It's hard to say if they're still alive, but Nox uses three "warrior mummy puppets" in episode 17, each one clearly using the powers of a different class. Information is lacking whether they were real people before. While their official profiles on the French Wakfu page are hardly informative and consist of scarcely anything but nonsensical jokes, at least one of them heavily implies that they were indeed born as regular people.
    • Nox outdoes himself in episode 24 by controlling the Sadidas via their Synchronization with their Sadida dolls. Considering how violating that must be, it's more than certainly a Fate Worse Than Death for the puppets.
  • Mechanical Monster: Razortime
  • Mega Manning: Shushu General Anathar can copy any power if he has contact with its user.
  • Melee a Trois
    • Evangelyne vs. Remington & Grany vs. Rubilax in Sadlygrove's body and his ghouls.
    • The finale of season 2 features a huge battle involving simultaneously the Sufokian Navy, Phaeris the Powerful, the Brotherhood of the Tofu, Rushu and his Shushu horde (including Anathar possessing Adamaï), Goultard, and finally Qilby. It's hard to get more tangled than that.
  • Memetic Outfit: The Eliatrope hat which there are a lot of variations upon, but it always has the "ears" and very often the "tail" with the tuft at the end.
  • The Merch: An in-universe example in episode 12, when everyone sells stuff with Yugo's face on it and in Real Boitar's colors.
  • Merchant City: Bonta
  • Messy Pig: About all of season 2 episode 5.
  • Metronomic Man-Mashing: This happens to Sadlygrove during his fight against the Dragon-Pig.
  • Mid-Air Bobbing: Vampyro
  • Mid-Battle Tea Break: When Adamai and Grougaloragran are fighting Qilby in Season 2 Episode 20. They stop in the middle of it to laugh at the reaction Qilby made when Grougal surprised him.
  • Milky White Eyes: Lots of monsters in the series seem to have white eyes with black borders.
    • This is a trait of Iops in the video games, and for a time in episode 22 this happens to Sadlygrove.
    • Also can be seen with Sacriers like Kriss Krass.
    • Grougaloragran in humanoid form. Close-ups show very pale pupils.
    • Vampyro's ghouls have those.
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: Rubilax in the first few episodes of season 2, who although fully possessing Sadlygrove's body, cannot bring it to hit Evangelyne despite all his efforts.
  • Mind Screw: The end of season 1 episode 20. It was even worse for English-speaking fans, eager for the next episode, watching it sans subs. It turned out to be All Just a Dream.
  • Miniature Senior Citizens
    • Sybannak the old Sadida, from season 1 episode 7.
    • Ratafouine and his assistant Chouquette, from season 1 episodes 8-9.
    • Nanda, from season 2 episode 2.
    • Ruel's grandmother, from season 2 episode 7.
  • Mini-Mecha: Several of them used by the Sufokian Navy.
  • Minion Maracas: Amalia does this to Yugo in episode 13.
  • A Minor Kidroduction: Yugo is already a Kid Hero, but the first episode introduces him as a baby.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Sadlygrove and "Evangelion" hugging during the Brâkmarian Gobbowl arc.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Many creatures of the world of Wakfu are this.
    • A telling example with Igôle, the beast Nox sends after Yugo and Adamaï. It looks like a mix of wolf or dog, hyena or panther, with the body shape of a lizard.
  • Money Fetish: Ruel and his entire race.
  • Modesty Towel: In episode 4, though not just to keep modesty but also to hide the "ugly princesses" disguises. Unfortunately, the only towel to fall is Ruel's.
  • Monowheel Mayhem: Nox's Mooks ride such monowheeled vehicles to battle, looking like giant cogwheels.
  • Monster Clown: Qilby
  • Monster Is a Mommy: In the first episode of season 2.
  • Monster of the Week: The villain even shows up at the end of the opening credits throughout season 1, though as the season progresses and into season 2 the show begins to turn away from this format.
  • Mood Whiplash: So after season 1 episode 25 and 26, which include a main character heartwrenchingly sacrificing himself and the mother of all Bittersweet Endings respectively, what was the viewer treated to? Why, a charming episode of Mini-Wakfu of course! Although originally episode 26 had a more fitting post-credits segment that shows Nox after the finale.
  • Mooks: Nox's Grouilleux (Crawlies). Also Faceless Goons due to their hoods and scarfs.
  • Morphic Resonance
    • Grougaloragran retains his bushy eyebrows and beard, as well as a general dark color, when he transforms.
    • This is also true for Adamaï, who can take many shapes but keeps his white-and-blue color scheme and peculiar eyes.
    • Same goes for anyone possessed by a Shushu, as they ressemble something that is half themselves and half evil monster. They tend to get much bigger, though.
    • In season 2 episode 5, Yugo, Amalia, and Evangelyne are turned into piglets, but retain some recognizeable traits, like Eva's Green Eyes and freckles, or dark skin and tufts of green hair for Amalia.
    • Also happens with the heroes changed into Thursters in season 2 episode 13. You can still recognize them, which make the scene where Evangelyne and Sadlygrove try to touch each other that more pathetic.
    • And again in season 2 episode 21, when the Bellaphones turns the male members of the party into apes or monkeys.
  • Mr. Vice Guy: Ruel Stroud, who as an Enutrof pretty much has to be obsessed with wealth.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Evangelyne, especially in episode 4 or during the beginning of episode 22.
  • Muggle Foster Parents: Alibert, Yugo's adoptive father. Apparently, as of episode 6 of season 2, he's one for Chibi too.
  • Multiple Demographic Appeal
  • Mundane Utility: A Xelor referee uses his time-manipulation abilities to display the actions in slow motion, during the Brâkmarian Gobbowl arc.
  • Musical Assassin: The Voice Thief
  • The Musketeer: Remington Smisse
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: In season 2 episode 23, when a portal opens from Rushu's World and an army of Shushus swarms the Crimson Claws, Master Goultard immediately feels it although he's in another part of the world.
  • Mythology Gag: The female Iop carrying a basket in episode 3 uses the same (only recoloured) animation as Goultard's mother from a previous short film made by Ankama, Goultard the Barbarian.
  • The Name Is Bond, James Bond: Parodied by the pirate captain in episode 18. "My name is Monde... Smisse Monde."
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast
    • Nox specifically intended for his name to have this effect.
    • Bourlof the Butcher ("Bourlof le Dépeceur")
  • The Napoleon
    • Riglesse, the leader of the air pirates, in season 2 episode 7.
    • Cassis, the dictator of Breta, in season 2 episode 22.
  • Nature Spirit: The Polters.
  • Eucatastrophe: At the end of season 1, Nox succeeds in draining the Sadidas' Tree of Life, wiping out their entire race, drains The Hero, Yugo, of his wakfu, and successfully becomes the first Xelor to travel backwards in time. However, the process drains all the wakfu he spent 200 years collecting and only sends him back 20 minutes.
  • Nemean Skinning: In season 1 episode 17, Sadlygrove shears a pack of arctic dog-like beasts with one slash of his sword—without even killing them—to provide wool for his companions.
  • Never Mess with Granny: Don't mess with Ruel's grandmother. No, really, just don't.
  • Never Trust a Trailer: Ankama seems to enjoy taking all of the most epic scenes out of an episode and throwing them into a trailer without context. It's perhaps justified, since the erratic airing schedule means that they need as much hype as possible behind each new episode.
    • Episode 16 was especially bad for this, coming after a several month hiatus. The trailer showed Sadlygrove screaming and surrounded by flames, wielding Rubilax with dark tendrils growing up his arms, which led to a lot of speculation about him gaining some sort of demonic power or finally having Rubilax completely take him over. In the episode itself, it was nothing but a visual cue that Sadlygrove was at his limit and that Rubilax was working with him and not against him.
    • The trailer for the three-episode season 1 finale was met with skepticism for this very reason. The trailer made it suspiciously obvious that Evangelyne and Sadlygrove would die together, but as it turns out, the trailer was pretty trustworthy this time around. Sadlygrove does indeed die in Eva's arms, though Eva herself is saved by the timely arrival of Ruel and his Drill Tank.
  • New Super Power: Yugo's wakfu training and experimentation with his portal power in episode 21 result in gaining a friggin' laser beam, which certainly made battles easier afterward.
  • Nice Hat
    • Yugo has a blue hat with ear-shaped protrusions, and has worn it since birth. Throughout the entire series Yugo takes off his hat only twice, and even his friends have never seen what's under it.
    • Alibert wears an enormous toque blanche.
    • The huge hat of Xav the baker may qualify too.
    • Qilby's.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain
    • Kriss Krass during the Bontarian Gobbowl match. His team could have very easily beaten Ruel and Co., but he didn't want of a too-easy victory, since it wouldn't give a good enough show to the crowd. So, Kriss pretends to be hurt for a part of the match, and even at the end he takes his sweet time scoring the final goal, giving Sadlygrove the opportunity to best him.
    • Played with in the season 1 finale. Nox drains the Sadida's Tree of Life and Yugo of their wakfu. However, he then uses that wakfu to travel back in time, undoing both of those things. Interesting in that this was what he intended from the start, and in fact the main reason he was willing to do such horrible things was his belief that they would all be undone upon his success. Ultimately averted. Nox is unable to travel back in time far enough to undo anything more than Yugo's death and the destruction of the Tree of Life, meaning that everyone else that he's killed (stated to be entire countries worth of people) stays dead. His failure to invoke this trope is one of several factors contributing to the Downer Ending.
    • Once again in season 2 episode 4. In hindsight, being total dicks towards Rubilax, when he still was in control of the situation, wasn't the smartest thing Shadofang and Rushu could have done. As a result, Rubilax finally decided that playing a Card-Carrying Villain sucks.
  • No Body Left Behind
    • From the season 1 finale, Sadlygrove, though his body does resurface in season 2 episode 2.
    • Also Nox, shown in the final season 1 credits, whose only remains are his old gear and some dust.
  • No Immortal Inertia: Nox
  • Nonchalant Dodge: In the season 2 finale, Sadlygrove dodge Remington's first shot with a minimal twist of the head, and deflect the second with Rubilax before punching the Roublard.
  • Non-Human Sidekick
    • Yugo has Az;
    • Sadlygrove has Rubilax;
    • Ruel has Junior;
    • Amalia has her Sadida doll.
  • The Noseless
    • Sadlygrove and other Iops;
    • Kriss Krass and other Sacriers;
    • Remington Smisse (but only in the cartoon).
  • Not Quite Dead
    • In episode 2, Alibert, the adoptive father of Yugo, is changed into a plant, but by the end of the episode he is cured.
    • Goultard, too, proves to be alive in episode 22. Though various other Ankama media claim that he is immortal.
  • Not-So-Innocent Whistle
  • Number of the Beast
    • See Take a Number.
    • The "Rush" in Rushu's World consists of fighting 666 minor demons.
    • Close enough: the player number of the Masked Gobbowler is 665.
  • Ocular Gushers
    • Tolot (Ruel's friend from his Gobbowl time) indulges in this in episode 10 of season 1.
    • Also Lady Glagla in episode 14 of season 2.
  • Odango Hair: Princesses Lela and Erpel are prominent examples.
  • Offhand Backhand
    • Sadlygrove does it to his imaginary, Fun-Sized "Conscience" in episode 22.
    • Nox does this towards Adamaï in episode 26.
  • Official Couple: Sadlygrove & Evangelyne
  • Oh Crap
    • Adamaï in season 1 episode 26 being greeted by Nox.
    • Remington and Grany witnessing Rubilaxia.
    • Rubilax in season 2 episode 23 when he feels the portal to Rushu's World opening. Even though he's just an eye, he's still very expressive.
  • Oh My Gods
    • The characters use quite often the name of their titular gods within common expressions.
      • "For the love of Crâ..."
      • "Sadida help us!"
      • "Enutrof, give me strength!"
    • Ogrest's name is used with more negative connotations: "Chaos of Ogrest!", "Thunder of Ogrest!"
    • Also, the Shushus frequently swear by Rushu.
  • Oh, No, Not Again
    • Season 2 episode 4:

Evangelyne: Amalia and Ruel have gotten themselves turned into ghouls!
Sadlygrove: Again? Ruel will end up getting a taste for it...

    • A much less comedic instance at the end of season 2 episode 8, when Eva watches Sadlygrove being dragged into Rushu's dimension by Anathar.
    • Sadlygrove says this when he sees the Magic-Nullifying Device the second time.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Rushu wants to invade the human world. Why? Because there's nothing left to destroy in the Shushu world. Destroying things for Shushus seems to be like enjoying a fine wine or a particularly nice cake for rational people. In one Creative Closing Credits, a Shushu comes upon a single untouched flower and begins excitedly contemplating exactly how he plans to destroy it, or even if he should put off destroying it so he'll have something to destroy tomorrow. Another Shushu comes along and steps on it while he's planning.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: Rubilax not saying a word for three episodes straight can get Sadlygrove really worried.
  • Opera Gloves
    • Evangelyne wears white ones (with a princess gown) in episode 4, and red ones (with a translucent dress of the same color) in episode 22. Then black fingerless long gloves are part of her standard season 2 outfit.
    • Miranda wears them, too.
  • Opposing Sports Team
    • The Red Gobballs in Bonta.
    • The Brak'n'Black in Brâkmar.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Wakfu and Stasis. Creation versus destruction. Neither one is inherently bad or good, though.
  • Orphaned Punchline: Amalia tells such a joke at the beginning of season 2 episode 8.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: To be specific, Grougaloragran is a shape-changing, fire-breathing old brown dragon, while Adamaï is a shape-changing, energetic, rhyming young blue-and-white dragon. He's also Yugo's brother, hatched from the same Dofus, or egg.
  • Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Subverted a bit with the Enutrofs. Their body isn't exactly dwarvish, and in fact they look like normal humans. But they have a love for anything glittery, adept at digging tunnels, and Season 2 Episode 17 mentions "the Enutrof mines" as a potential refugee camp for the Eliatrope people.
  • Our Orcs Are Different: Bworks
  • Our Time Travel Is Different: "Videocassette Time Travel" in episode 26, but only for 20 miserable minutes. Nox realizes quickly that something is wrong because the travel time was "too short" to have been 200 years backward -- whatever that could mean.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Vampyro. He doesn't suck blood, but can steal your shadow and make you one of his ghouls. He isn't a true vampire, though, just a guy possessed by a demon which he has fallen in love with.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: They are people turned into bamboo creatures called Thursters who constantly search to quench their thirst. They've changed into these creatures from drinking bamboo milk polluted by the salt water that got into the fields. Also, they are unable to physically touch anything that isn't made out of pure bamboo, and simply phase through anything or anyone else. However, when they phase through a person, they too become Thursters. Not to mention, if you know a Pandawa song, they can't help but dance to it when you sing.
  • Overly Long Gag: In episode 4 of season 1, Eva twisting her ankle and falling over when trying to walk in heels has already become a Running Gag, but then she does so while climbing the stairs of the tower. Predictably she goes over backwards and starts to roll down the stairs to a litany of pained shrieks, crashing sounds and distubed animals. Except it goes on... and on... and on... and on. It ends up taking her a full fifteen seconds to reach the bottom!

Princess Erpel: Wow! That's not some cheap two-kama curse!

Sadlygrove: Eva, that's the nicest thing ever written about me!
Evangelyne: That's the only thing ever written about you, big dummy.

Evangelyne: Aaah! My head! AaahaaA! Aaah! My back!

  • Papa Wolf
    • Alibert manages to break Nox's time-stop and even strikes the Xelor when he's threatening Yugo in episode 2 -- though Alibert pays dearly for this.
    • Ruel becomes one when Yugo is knocked out and his treasure eaten by McDeek in episode 9.
    • Nox counts as well, the entire first season. He'll do anything to retroactively save his kids. Anything.
    • In the season 2 finale, Baltazar the extremely ancient dragon is ready to give his life for the Eliatrope children, despite being quite clearly too old to face off against Qilby.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: The "ugly princess" disguises in episode 4. Good enough to fool the cursed princesses... and Sadlygrove, of course.
  • Parent Service: In season 2 episode 8, Sadlygrove not only blurts out that he'd already seen Evangelyne naked, but helpfully specifies that it wasn't in a dream, thus excluding the mirage from episode 22. Eva's flushed reaction only makes it worse. By this point everything related to the relationship between Grovy and Eva has officially migrated from Getting Crap Past the Radar into Parent Service, as even kids need to be unusually dense to not realize that they are lovers.
  • Le Parkour: Evangelyne and Remington perform a quite impressive chase all over the chaotic, unstable, ever-shifting "cityscape" of Rubilaxia.
  • Parrot Pet Position: Grany spends a lot of time on Remington's shoulders.
  • Pastel-Chalked Freeze-Frame: Used at the end of every Gobbowl-themed episode. As mentionned in Shout-Out, Word of God is that those are references to Space Adventure Cobra.
  • Past Life Memories: Qilby. He remembers absolutely everything of the several thousand years of his former lifes and will continue to do so in each next reincarnation.
  • Patchwork Map: The world. (No, we're not talking about Grufon getting stitched back together...)
  • Peek-a-Bangs
    • "Amalius"
    • Shanon Stone
    • Cléophée
  • Perfectly Cromulent Word: Jactance and his brother Tendinite are doing this all the time when commenting a Gobbowl match. Notably with an overuse of Portmanteau.
  • Perfect Poison: The bite from the devil roses in episode 7.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: The Mmmmmmmmmporpg
  • Pet the Dog: Nox healing Alibert of his premature aging in episode 13.
    • Also the Brakmarian delegate in the Council of Twelve meeting in season 2. Brakmar may be a Wretched Hive and they believe that everything has to be paid for; the delegate tipped the Sadida servant, and she's visibly joyed over it.
  • Phlebotinum Overload: Rubilax's power of growing more and more with each hit is turned against him in episode 22. Something similar happens to him in season 2 episode 9.
  • Phlegmings
    • The Dragon-Pig
    • Anathar-possessed Adamaï
  • Phrase Catcher
    • Sadlygrove the Iop brain.
    • Ruel the Skinflint.
  • Pig Man: The Dragon-Pig
  • Pillar of Light: Let's just say Ankama loves this trope.
    • Willow in episode 14, after getting Moon's hammer.
    • Another one in episode 17, when Grougaloragran is defeated by Nox and he explodes, his wakfu soaring in the sky. This pillar could be seen all over the world.
    • Again in episode 22, when a defeated Rubilax reintegrates his sword prison.
    • And again in episode 25, when the huge teleportation portal is activated. And when Amalia is possessed by the Tree of Life. And when Razortime's Energy Ball hits Sadlygrove.
    • Still another one in season 2 episode 6, when Yugo and Adamaï activate the Eliacube.
    • Rushu fusioning with his army of Shushus is the excuse for yet another one in the season 2 finale.
  • Pilot: Episode 5 was the original series' pilot, hence the overall lack of quality.
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy: This world has a species of birds with quite clearly blue males and pink females.
    • And green males. And red males. And purple males. But only pink females.
  • Pinocchio Syndrome: Dathura, which was the incitement for Ogrest to collect the Dofuses.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse
    • Master Joris;
    • Yugo to some degree.
  • Pirate Girl: Elaine.
  • Planet of Hats: Taken to it's literal extreme with the Eliatropes.
  • Pointy Ears: More common than not in the Wakfu universe. Also comes in different versions.
    • Crâs and Sacriers have rather long pointy elf ears. Also Grougaloragran's in humanoid form.
    • Osamodas, Eliatropes, Iops, Roublards and Eniripsas have shorter pointy ears.
    • Enutrofs, Fecas and Srams, on the other hand, have normal round ears.
  • Politically-Incorrect Villain: The Brâkmarians, besides being your typical Wretched Hive denizens, are adamant about not letting women play Gobbowl or even watch the matches.
  • Possession Implies Mastery: While Nox managed to work out some of the Eliacube's functionings (over a few hundred years) and use them to astonishing extent, only a Eliatrope could truly master it.
  • Porky Pig Pronunciation: Sadlygrove sometimes, when he tries using complex words.
  • Portal Cut: The large horizontal portal build by Nox's minions cut down everything it intersect, and then destroy all that fall into it—mostly the upper parts of trees—to make place for the giant clockwork mecha.
  • Portal Network: A series of portals, called the Zaaps, links different locations in the world. Since the world of Wakfu is basically a huge archipelago, it makes sense.
  • Power Floats: Nox, and Adamaï in his humanoid form. Apparently devoid of any Mid-Air Bobbing for both.
  • Power Glows
    • Amalia when using her Green Thumb powers.
    • Yugo's hands also glow each time he creates a portal.
    • And all the wakfu Nox is gathering has a perpetual blue glow, as seen with the Noxines and Nox's own glowing eyes and spots on his armor.
    • The Eliacube, of course, is the most glowy thing around.
  • The Power of Friendship: Yugo in episode 26 breaking Nox's most powerful timestop.

Yugo: My friends... you can... always... count... on... ME!

  • Powers in the First Episode: Yugo discovers his Eliatrope abilities to open portals, and a few minutes later use them to help defeating a Rubilax-possessed Sadlygrove. This starts the main plot, as 10 years before Grougaloragran "programmed" one of Az's feathers to deliver a message to Yugo when this would happen.
  • Power Tattoo: Sacriers gets their powers from their tattoos. This is a Lighter and Softer change from the time of Dofus, where Sacriers instead used Bloody Murder.
  • Power Walk: Ruel's team does one in episode 11, at the start of the second quarter-time of the Gobbowl match.
  • Precision-Guided Boomerang
  • Precursors: The civilization of the Eliatropes, whom lived thousands of years before the settings of Wakfu and Dofus, before they vanished one day without any trace.
  • Prehensile Hair: Princess Ydalipe
  • Pregnant Badass: Heavily implied Eva is one in the last episode of Season 2.
  • Pressure Plate
    • Found in Ruel's home...

Sadlygrove: I don't like clicks...

  • "Previously On...": Used in some of the later episodes. Justified through a mid-season break and a general habit of changing airing dates.
  • Product Placement: In episode 24, two guards are playing the Trading Card Game of the series. No actual cards of the game were shown, though, so it's not that blatant.
  • Psychic Link: Between a dragon and his/her Eliatrope sibling.
  • Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh
    • In episode 22, at the start of the fight against Rubilax, it seems at first that Sadlygrove has the upper hand, raining blows on the Shushu. But Rubilax just laughs it off, complains that it tickles... before starting to grow and revealing that the harder he's hit, the bigger he gets.
    • Also happens shortly in season 2 episode 5 at the start of the fight against the Dragon-Pig.
  • Pure Energy: Razortime fires "Pure Stasis"—concentrated negative wakfu. According to Adamaï, nothing is more dangerous.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: Nox's puppets (Marama, Frisco, Tartufo, and later Deserboss) are this to some extent.
  • Quivering Eyes
  • Quizzical Tilt
  • Radio Voice: Prince Alane's conversation with Phaeris in episode 23 of season 2.
  • Rapid Aging: Alibert in episode 2, although Nox reverses the spell in episode 13.
  • Ray Gun: Remington's pistol Shushus.
  • Reaction Shot: The pirates disgusted and disbelieving looks on Cléophée swallowing several platters full of... something in episode 19 of season 2.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old
    • Nox who claims that he's been holding the cube for 200 years, which makes him at least this old. However, it's hard to tell if he looks old or not, since he's covered with mummy-like bandages.
    • Qilby and most of the dragons.
    • Moon, a cute little monkey who is several centuries old because of his magic hammer. He might be older than that, given that he's a boss in Dofus.
    • Goultard, too, was originally from Dofus.
  • Real Men Eat Meat: Yugo, Ruel and Sadlygrove tend to think that. They have a hard time with the vegetarian diet of the Sadidas. Especially noticeable in season 2 episode 5.
  • Rebel Relaxation: Evangelyne in the Justice Knight's cell.
  • Recursive Adaptation: The Dofus MMORPG was the basis for the Wakfu MMORPG on which the Wakfu series is based on, and in the near future we will get a Dofus series which is technically based on the Wakfu series.
  • Red Alert: During the Sufokian ships emergency submersion in episode 25 of season 2.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
    • Amalia's doll gets red eyes when it goes crazy in episode 7.
    • The puppets in episode 17 have scary red eyes.
    • Grany in episode 3 of season 2 when he's possessed by a Shushu.
    • The Mmmmmmmmmporpg in episode 12 of season 2 when entering his Unstoppable Rage.
  • Red Light District: Besides the fact that most of Brâkmar is lit in red light anyway, one is seen in episode 10 of season 2.
  • Reincarnation: The events in Islands of Wakfu imply that Yugo is the reincarnation of the former King of Eliatropes who died 10 000 years ago.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Evangelyne and Sadlygrove in season 2.
  • Repetitive Name: In the first Wakfu Heroes graphic novel, Korvus Korbiau. Corvus is the genus to which ravens belong, and Korbiau is one vowel away from corbeau, which is the French word for raven. As you've probably guessed, he's the original Black Raven.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated
    • Master Goultard in season 1.
    • Ruel's grandmother in season 2.
  • Retcon: Episodes 4, 5 and 7 were produced first, with a bit of Executive Meddling. As such, they are rather outside the overall plot of season 1, containing very little mentions of Nox or Oma Island. The only reference to an overarching menace is Eva talking about "Ogrest's Chaos" in episode 5, which was then retconned to have happened 200 years before.
  • Retired Badass
    • Alibert
    • Kabrok to some extent.
  • The Reveal: Episode 26 of season 2 finally reveals that under an Eliatrope's hat is a pair of dragon-like wings made of wakfu protruding from his/her head, which also seems to give them the ability to fly.
  • Revive Kills Zombie: After being flooded in pure bamboo milk, the zombified village of Pandalusia returns to normal.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: Adamaï delivers a hurricane of rhymes in his introduction to Yugo, and given that French has fewer suffixes than English, the viewer gets the sinking feeling that he could keep it up forever. And then Yugo starts doing it. Luckily, they both drop it after about ten minutes.
  • Ribcage Ridge: Yugo stumbles onto the skeleton of a dragon in the desert during episode 21.
  • Riding Into the Sunset: Well, flying into the sunset for Phaeris and the heroes at the end of season 2. And for Remington and Grany too, though it's doubtful their leaking sub will get them very far.
  • Right-Hand Attack Dog: Igôle
  • Right-Hand-Cat: Grany Smisse
  • Ring of Power: The one imprisoning Shadofang.
  • Rip Tailoring: In episode 22, Sadlygrove rips off his tabard and leaves behind his shoes, as they sport the symbol of the Shushu Guardians Order, which he no longer deems himself worthy of. At the end of the episode, he gets them back, turning the tunic into a Badass Cape.
  • Rollercoaster Mine: The Brâkmarian transport system.
  • Rolling Pin of Doom: Chouqette's Weapon of Choice.
  • Roof Hopping: "Rubilaxia"
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Chochanna
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Prince Armand, princess Amalia, and their father the Sadida king all fit this trope. These three are also probably the most powerful Sadidas in the series, which may have to do with their special link to the Tree of Life.
    • Spoiler to the max: Yugo.
  • Samus Is a Girl: The Masked Gobbowler during the Brâkmarian gobbowl arc.
  • Sand Worm: Rubilax's possessed body, shortly, in episode 22.
  • Sanity Slippage: Qilby during "Le Mont Zinit". It is quite obvious something is not right at the beginning, where his kind and sensible demeanor is slowly replaced with a more jaded outlook, combined with some dark humor... which all leads up to his complete transformation to Slasher Smile Giggling Villain.
  • Save the Villain: Evangelyne to Remington.
  • The Scapegoat: While there are a lot of people who believe that Ogrest is responsible for the so-called Ogrest's Chaos, there are also quite some who dismiss this explanation plus other opinions of varying degrees between those two. Ogrest is responsible for Ogrest's Chaos, but he just gets blamed for all other natural disasters on top of this.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Sadlygrove's level in badass includes one of these.
  • Scenery Censor: A lot during the bathing scene of episode 14 of season 2. Most notably the rather smug rubber duck conveniently drifting by.
  • Screaming Woman: Eva and Amalia in episode 13, mostly for parody.
  • Screen Shake: During episode 26, while Nox's lair is slowly falling apart.
  • Sdrawkcab Name
    • Like in the game, almost every class' (and therefore god's) name is a joke based on a backwards word or term in French.
      • For some tongue-in-cheek Product Placement, Sadida (nature people) is "Adidas" (the full class name in Dofus is "Sadida's Shoe"), Xelor (time mage) is "Rolex", and Sram (assassin) is Mars (the candy bar, or the Roman god)...
      • Crâ (ranger) is "Arc" (French for "bow");
      • Ecaflip (gambler) becomes Pilface, or "Pile ou face" (the French expression for "Heads or tails");
      • Éliatrope (teleporter) is "Portail" ("portal") with an "e" on either side;
      • Eniripsa (healer) is "Aspirine" ("aspirin");
      • Enutrof (treasure-hunter) is "Fortune";
      • Osamodas (beast-master) is "Sado-maso" (French slang for S&M);
      • Iop (dumb muscle) is "Pois" ("pea" -- "avoir un petit pois dans la tête" [litterally, having nothing but a pea in your head] is slang for being stupid);
      • "Yop" is also the name of a brand of tubed yogurt that the developers had frequently while designing the original premise of Dofus, just like how "Sram" backwards is also the name of a snack the developers liked;
    • Rubilax (Sadlygrove's sword) is an approximate backwards spelling of "Excalibur";
    • Kabrok (the merchant and "villain" of episode 3) reverts to Korbak/Corbac which is slang for "raven";
    • Sybannak (the Sadida from episode 7) is an alternate backwards spelling of "Cannabis";
    • The ugly princesses from episode 4 all have names relating to their maladies:
      • Eenca is "Acnée" ("acne");
      • Ydalipe is "Épilady" (the verb "épiler" means "to remove unwanted hair");
      • Erpel is "Lèpre" ("leprosy").
    • Even going so far as calling a whole continent of the world "Amakna", which reverses "Ankama", the developer's studio.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Shushus are a kind of elemental demon that have been trapped within an object, entrusted to Knights of the Order of the Guardians of the Shushus.
    • Rubilax is the sword guarded by Sadlygrove.
    • Shadofang is a ring, guarded by Wagnar, a.k.a. Vampyro.
    • There's also Grufon, who is sealed in an enchanted map, but since he's only a minor Shushu he has no guardian -- until Yugo volunteers, but solely to trick the naïve Imp back into its map prison.
    • Naturally, all of Remington's Shushus count.
    • Anathar was imprisoned in a cloak guarded by the Justice Knight Senior.
    • Qilby is a rare non-Shushu example. When Phaeris and Yugo's past adult self defeated him long ago, Yugo sent Qilby into an empty void. After his defeat at the end of season 2, Yugo traps Qilby in that void again.
  • Sealed Evil in a Duel: What seems to be the fate of Goultard and Rushu at the end of season 2. Indeed, the Where Are They Now? Epilogue shows them still facing off through Igor the Shushu mirror.
  • Sean Connery Is About to Shoot You: Remington
  • Selective Gravity: Yugo's hat defies the laws of gravity on several occasions.
  • Semi-Divine
    • Goultard, son of Iop.
    • Ush Galesh, son of Ecaflip.
  • Sensual Spandex: Evangelyne's season 2 outfit.
  • Separated at Birth: Yugo and Adamaï.
  • Media Franchise
  • Serious Business
    • Gobbowl! Each season has an entire arc dedicated to the sport.
    • Baking in season 1 episode 8. The winner gets to present his fare to the King of Bonta. (Note that baking contests do exist in France—and the best baker becomes the provider for the Élysée Palace.)
  • Servile Snarker: Evangelyne is technically Amalia's bodyguard, but she's hardly all-respectful toward the princess. Really, she's more of an older sister to Amalia.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Nox's desire to save the family that he lost 200 years before the show has driven him to go from a simple watchmaker to arguably one of the most powerful (and insane) magic-users of all time. Unfortunately, while he is a skilled enough time mage to slow time to a standstill, he is unable to actually travel backwards in time. He believes that this is a power requirement issue, and now seeks to drain enough wakfu from the plants, animals, and people of the world to achieve his goal. It is mentioned that he has drained entire countries dry over the years, and his plan during season 1 involves exterminating an entire race of people to gain the wakfu he needs.
    Of course, Grougaloragran also mentions that it won't actually work, as time travel is simply impossible no matter how much wakfu he collects, and he'll probably just end up breaking the universe if he tries. Nox, however, is long past caring. As it turns out, Grougaloragran was partially right. Rewinding time was not impossible, but it did create time rifts that caused a Wakfu: The Guardians villain to travel back to the Dofus era. Had Nox been able to rewind 200 years as intended instead of 20 minutes, it's entirely possible that the universe would indeed have been destroyed.
  • Sexy Mentor: Maude
  • Shaped Like Itself: During the Mmmmmmmmmporpg's first move.

Jactance: I have never seen a speed so... speedy!

  • Shapeshifter Mode Lock: Adamaï, between episodes 21 and 23, is stuck in Tofu form after being swallowed whole by Igôle, because of Nox's Xelor magic interfering with his own.
  • Share the Male Pain: The ghouls after Evangelyne kicks Rubilax below the belt in season 2 episode 3.
  • Shared Universe: Dofus
  • Ship Tease: Yugo and Amalia; they have a lot of subtle suggestions throughout the series.
    • She also makes the same Green-Eyed Monster look Eva was doing towards Salygrove when Yugo was being flirted with by other women.
    • The last episode of season 2 definitely adding to it, where Amalia's attention aside from that battle was focused entirely on Yugo. And after angrily confronting him about an early incident, she just drops to her knees and hugs him.
  • Shirtless Scene
    • Yugo in episode 6;
    • Sadlygrove starting episode 22;
    • In season 2 episode 8, the male heroes undress in an attempt to escape the Justice Knight's prison.
    • In the Brâkmarian gobbowl arc, Amalia.
  • Shock and Awe: The giant gerbil can shoot lightning from two organs above its eyes. The beast is also immune to electricity, making an Attack Reflector useless.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns
    • Grufon the map Shushu is unaccounted for in season 1 after episode 18, though he's back in season 2.
    • Az the Tofu is entrusted to Canar's care before Yugo joins back his friends for the finale battle of season 1 in episode 24.
    • The same could be argued for Sadlygrove's death in episode 25, though things were already quite serious by then. He's Back by season 2 episode 2.
    • Possibly the case for Ruel as well, considering that he was separated from and hardly even mentioned by the other heroes for several episodes, only to have a bit part in the season 1 finale.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Nox's entire life.
  • Shout-Out
    • Zaaps are a reference to ZAP Tickets, half-price subway tickets. (Ankama's offices and studios are located less than a block from a subway station, and many of the employees take the subway to and from work.)
    • Yugo has the ability to create portals, and what is the most powerful item in the world? The Eliacube, duh...
      • Not to mention the fact that his clothes are orange and blue.
    • Season 1 episode 1: The villager in the loo reading a "Plébowl" magazine (also seen in episode 12).
    • Season 1 episode 3: One of the items mentioned in the store is Captain Amakna's Shield.
    • Season 1 episode 4: The Rapunzel Fairy Tale, of course, with princess Ydalipe.
    • Season 1 episode 6: See Sistine Steal below.
    • Season 1 episode 11: Ruel's Pastel-Chalked Freeze-Frame is inspired from Space Adventure Cobra, where this trope is frequent. The 3-episode Gobbowl arc is in fact similar to the 4-episode "Rug Ball" arc from this same anime.
    • Season 1 episode 12: "Those Bontarians are crazy!" This episode also features an incident similar to one in Astérix in Britain, where the ball from a sport match flies far away over the sea to hit someone on the head.
    • Season 1 episode 13: There is an eighth passenger aboard...
    • Season 1 episode 14: Willow uses a line from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe in the original French, only using a hammer instead of a sword.
    • Season 1 episode 16:
      • Enutrof speaking to Ruel through a ray of light is reminiscent of a very well-known series of French ads, themselves spoofing the Don Camillo movies.
      • Sadlygrove isn't able to pronounce Grougaloragran correctly; he even call him... "Gurren Lagann"!
    • Season 1 episode 18:

Evangelyne: And what about "the Fellowship of the Ring"?
Ruel: Too obvious. It's surely chosen already...

  • Shovel Strike: The weapon of choice of Enutrofs, like Ruel and Alibert.
  • Sick Episode: Amalia in season 1 episode 7.
  • Single Tear
    • Nox, in the final episode of season 1.
    • Qilby in episode 20 of season 2.
  • Sinister Scythe: Qilby's weapon of choice.
  • Sistine Steal
    • The ceiling of the throne room in Vampyro's castle features a parody of the Sistine Chapel fresco Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, with Vampyro in Adam's spot.
    • Another one with The Mmmmmmmmmporpg and Maude during episode 12 of season 2, plus Lampshade Hanging by Ruel.
  • Situational Sword: Rubilax, being a four-element Shushu, has a number of different forms.
  • The Sixth Ranger
    • Adamaï in season 1.
    • Cléophée in season 2.
  • Sizeshifter
    • Rubilax as a sword—and also when freed from it.
    • Ruel's guard dog.
    • Anathar when he steals Rubilax's power in season 2 episode 9.
  • Sky Pirate: The air pirates in season 2 episode 7.
  • Skyward Scream: Along with Adamaï's Big No in episode 16.
  • Slapstick Knows No Gender: While they are not targeted as much as resident Plucky Comic Relief Sadlygrove, the girls get their fair share of comedic scrapes. Amalia is the most common victim; the two Gobbowl arcs in particular are especially harsh for her. Evangelyne less often, although she's hardly immune, notably in season 1 episode 4.
  • Slasher Smile: Qilby
  • Sleep Cute
  • Slippery Skid: Sadlygrove stepping on a squid in episode 15.
  • Smashing Hallway Traps of Doom: Another Death Trap in the Dragon-Pig's lair.
  • Smoke Out: Chouquette, with a cloud of flour.
  • Smurfing: Usually, any word that means stupid can be replaced with "Iop". In a way could be seen as Fantastic Racism.
  • Snake People: The Bellaphones' true form.
  • Snap to the Side
  • Snarky Non-Human Sidekick
    • Rubilax provides cutting remarks whenever Sadlygrove fails a task (which is often).
    • About all imprisoned Shushus fall into this role. This is lampshaded by Bourlof, who mentions that being stuck in an item, they don't have much else left to do.
  • Snot Bubble
    • By Sadlygrove in episode 8 of season 2.
    • And Kriss Krass's "lawyer" in episode 10 of season 2.
  • Something Else Also Rises: In episode 12, Jay the Iop has his hair standing straight up when around Evangelyne. Twice.
  • Sophisticated As Hell: Sort of, in episode 10. Ruel's "Seeing how popular I was with the ladies at the time, are you sure I'm not your father?" is a comparatively polite way of saying, "I Banged Your Mom."
  • Sphere of Power
    • Nox' timestops.
    • Grougaloragran's teleport.
  • Spider Tank
    • Nox's Giant Clock of Doom is closer to this trope, though it has shades of Base on Wheels or Humongous Mecha too.
    • Smaller spider-tanks are also used by Nox's mooks during the attack of the Sadida kingdom.
  • Spin-Off: We start with the setting of the MMORPG Dofus. 1000 years later starts the setting of Wakfu, on which the TV series is based. Based on the TV series (and the provided background of the Eliatropes) is Wakfu: Les Gardiens, plus the Wakfu Heroes graphic novels and the Mini-Wakfu shorts. The Big Bad of Les Gardiens travels back in time caused by Nox interfering with the space-time continuum and serves as an important character of Dofus first Add-On "Frigost". Ankama sure loves the idea of Cross-Media...
  • Spin to Deflect Stuff: Ruel with his shovel.
  • Spit Take
    • Ruel in episode 10, all over his friend Calben, from Amalia's yell surprising him.
    • Evangelyne in season 2 episode 2, toward the "camera", when she hears Grovy's voice in the forest.
  • Split-Screen Reaction: Rather common, and overused during the Bontarian Gobbowl arc.
  • Spoiler Opening
    • Very minor, but Adamaï in humanoid form can be seen in the background of the first season opening, when he doesn't actually appear until episode 15.
    • Averted with the second season opening, however, which is different for the first four episodes as to not spoil Sadlygrove's return.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad
    • Kriss and eventually Maude in the Brâkmarian Gobbowl arc, to the point that Yugo and the Brotherhood have very little to do with the story itself.
    • To a lesser extent, Grovy in Season 2, as most of the episodes of Season 2 so far have been about him (1-5) or the mythos surrounding him (7-8), so much so that the main plot of Season 2 doesn't start until Episode 6!
  • Spot of Tea: Prince Adale
  • Squeaky Eyes
    • Az the Tofu has a variety of sounds associated with almost every action, including a blinking sound effect.
    • The Justice Knight's eyes don't squeak, but his golden mask has eyebrows that make a rusty squeaking sound whenever he moves them.
  • Stab the Sky: The Justice Knight routinely does this, and his father too.
  • Staircase Tumble: Evangelyne gets an epic one in the castle of the Cursed Princesses.
  • Stealth Pun: Ruel's Havresac. A haversack is just a type of bag, but Ruel's specifically is a "bag" (sac) which provides a "haven" (havre) for the heroes, making it a literal "haven-bag".
    • Not so punny in English—the game translates it literally as "haven bag". You can store all sorts of cool stuff in it, like trophies you get for completing dungeons.
  • Stepping Stones in the Sky
    • Nox does this, but it's while time is stopped.
    • Sadlygrove also does it, but in Eva's dream in episode 20.
    • Ruel shortly jumps atop the rocks thrown around by the emergence of the monster chasing him in season 2 episode 1.
  • Stepping Stone Sword: Eva uses Bourlof to this end. The Shushu isn't pleased about it.
  • Sticks to the Back
    • Remington's Shushu sword.
    • Bourlof while carried by Eva.
  • Stock Scream
    • The Wilhelm Scream is heard during episode 12 of season 2.
    • And in episode 18 of season 2 (when the ride stops while upside down).
    • And once again during episode 22 of season 2.
    • And yet again in episode 24 of season 2.
  • The Stoic: Prince Adale. While they are witnessing technically the gates of Hell opening, thousands of demons raining down and a physical quasi-god blowing their ships up left and right and his crew appropiately flipping out more and more he remains calm and just drinks his tea.
  • Stoic Spectacles: Qilby
  • Sunglasses at Night: During the funeral in episode 22 of season 2.
  • Super Breath: Igôle inverts this trope with a powerful "inspiration", which it uses to swallow its preys.
  • Super-Deformed: Besides Mini-Wakfu, appears in the series proper for Flashbacks or Imagine Spots. Notably Sadlygrove's sunstroke-induced "conscience" in season 1 episode 22, as well as the lengthy video-game sequence in season 2 episode 15.
  • Super Mode
  • Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious: An ancient dragon like Grougaloragran is the biggest source of wakfu Nox can dream of, and thus he stays on the lookout for him—for 10 years.
  • Superpower Lottery
    • Followers of Xelor, notably Nox, have the ability to alter time.
    • Likewise, Yugo can bend space and fire super-lasers by creating portals.
  • Super Senses: Evangelyne, as a Crâ, have above-average senses when focusing. Notably telescopic vision in season 1 episode 25 and season 2 episode 4 -- quite handy for an archer. Also hearing (implied) in season 1 episode 24.
  • Super Speed
    • Igôle. This even allows it to run over water.
    • The boots gobbowlers wear also grant this power, temporarily.
    • The Mmmmmmmmmporpg. His speed is even beyond the one granted by Gobbowl boots, he can use it at will, and it leaves a trail of fire behind him.
    • Possessed Bordegann.
  • Super Strength: Iops in general. Sadlygrove might not be as strong as his master, Goultard, and it mostly depends on the adrenaline rush, but he can still crush rocks with his bare hands. And he gets even stronger when Rubilax possesses him.
  • Suplex Finisher: Sadlygrove to one of Rubilax's stone clones in episode 22.
  • Surveillance Drone: The Noxines
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial
    • In season 1 episode 24, Eva is quick to claim that she doesn't remember any of her dream from episode 20, that there was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary about it, and it definitely did not contain a certain stupid Iop. Amalia coyly points out that she's turned as red as a tomato.
    • In season 2 episode 25, Prince Adale's speech sounds as such:

Prince Adale: Thanks to this mineral, [Sufokia] could dominate the world. (beat) But, that's not what we're going to do, of course. We are a peaceful nation.

  • Sword Drag
    • The Black Raven, while flying, drags the tip of his huge sword/lance on the ground, leaving a long trail of dust.
    • Qilby does this with his scythe in episode 25 of season 2.
  • Synchronization: Sadidas and their dolls. It turns out to be a bad thing in episode 7. And a very, very bad thing in episode 24.
  • Take a Number: In the flashback showing the backstory of the Ugly Princesses, there is such a long line of princes waiting to woo them that they use a "Take a Number" device. Then comes the god Osamodas, who picks number 666 before laying a curse on the disrespectful princesses.
  • Take Off Your Clothes: In the Justice Knight's prison, the guys are failing to neutralize the Anti-Magic device with their own clothes... and thus they suggest next that Amalia and Eva contribute. The girls don't take it well.
  • Take Our Word for It: The dress Amalia tries out at the clothes shop in episode 10 is "a bit skimpy". No, really?
  • Taking the Bullet
    • Sadlygrove, for Eva, in season 1 episode 25.
    • Phaeris takes several energy discharges from Qilby to protect Yugo in season 2 episode 25. And then Yugo protect a fallen Phaeris from Qilby's Hand Blasts with his wakfu shield. The whole thing is even lampshaded:

Qilby: That's how you recognize true heroes, my dear Anathar. They spend their time taking hits that aren't meant for them!

    • And in season 2 episode 26, Evangelyne takes a hit from Remington's ray gun aimed at Cléophée. She's only wounded, though.
  • Talking Is a Free Action: Sadlygrove and Eva's discussion during the assault in episode 18. Borders on Ignored Enemy as it gets more heated, to Smisse Monde's annoyance.
  • Talking Weapon: Rubilax; Remington's many weapon Shushus; Bourlof the Butcher
  • Tasty Gold
    • Ruel biting into a coin is his default pose in the recap at the start of the latter episodes of season 1. He also does this in episode 13 after "saving" a kama from sinking in the sea.
    • McDeek eats gold to make himself more powerful in episode 9.
  • Tattooed Crook: Quite a few of the pirates in episode 19 of season 2.
  • Team Pet
    • Az the Tofu
    • Kamasu-Tar Junior the Dhreller
  • Tentacle Rope
    • A common Sadida tactic when fighting with vines.
    • Also used by Deserboss, Nox's puppet from episode 24.
  • Teleporters and Transporters: Exist under many form, besides the Zaap Portal Network.
    • You have Yugo's power, Qilby's power, Nox's Teleport Spam, Vampyro's Villain Teleportation...
    • The Noxines can also create medium-sized portals which Nox's Mooks then use, before building a much bigger, horizontal portal through which the whole Giant Clock Spider Tank can fit.
    • You can also use teleportation by drinking potions, like in the game, although the potions can only transport you back to one location.
    • Grougaloragran can also performs teleportation, even on entire areas rather than on just people. When he sends the Five-Man Band plus Adamaï to safety at the end of episode 16, it takes away a good chunk of the island.
    • Evangelyne uses a "recall arrow" in season 2 episode 2, which can bring back the people touching it to the spot from where the arrow was fired.
  • Teleport Spam: Yugo; Nox; Qilby
  • Temple of Doom: The Dragon-Pig's lair.
  • Testosterone Poisoning: The effect of the potion during the Brâkmarian Gobbowl arc—it is in fact advertized as such. It doesn't just gender-bend the females drinking it; it can turn anybody into a tall, hunky, hairy, overly-muscular specimen of manliness. Quite noticeable with Eva and Amalia, especially when they suddenly turn back female and you realize how petite they are compared to the male forms.
  • That's No Moon: Mount Zinit is actually the Eliatropes' ancient spaceship.
  • Thememobile: The Justice Train.
  • Thematic Theme Tune
  • Theme Tune Cameo: Characters sometimes whistle the opening theme song.
    • Ruel even hums it and references some of the lyrics. A big example of this trope is when Ruel uses a remix of the theme song as the sequence to a dance-pad activated lock to his house right afterwards.
    • Evangelyne's mirage also hums this while showering in episode 22.
  • There Is Another: Qilby the Eliatrope, who appears in season 2 episode 6.
  • Thinking Up Portals: Eliatropes' trademark power.
  • Third Person Person
    • Grougaloragran
    • Sybannak
    • Phaeris
  • This Cannot Be!: Even so far as Nox saying "This is impossible!" multiple times in episode 26.
    • First while Adamaï breaks his timestop in order to stop him from killing Yugo.
    • Next after Yugo accidently transports Nox's whole Clock-mecha to the end of the world.
    • And then when Yugo manages to move and finally break Nox's most powerful timestop, which even Grougaloragran couldn't.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Nox has such a moment during the fight in episode 17, just before Grougaloragran uses his Breath Weapon on him at point-blank... with enough power to wake up all the volcanoes of the island.

Nox: Ehehe... well, at least it won't hurt much. (closes eyes)

  • This Is No Time to Panic: In season 2 episode 24, after sneaking a ride to escape Rushu's world, Remington says to Grany: "Don't make a meow...", as they are surrounded by Shushus. Then, a few minutes later, the island is bombarded by the Sufokian navy, and...

Grany: Can I meow now, Remy?

  • Thong of Shielding: Canar wears one.
  • Threshold Guardians
    • Yugo meets such a guardian in the person of Adamaï, his dragon brother, and the Improvised Golems he conjures, who are putting the hero's Eliatrope powers to the test.
    • Later, Rubilax himself officies as a Threshold Guardian to Sadlygrove, when his master, Goultard, frees the Shushu from the sword. Sadlygrove has to fight and beat Rubilax to earn his respect, as he can't hope staying a Shushu guardian otherwise.
  • Throwing Your Shield Always Works: Yugo in episode 25 of season 2.
  • Time Crash: It is stated that, if Nox would have managed to travel back 200 years instead of 20 minutes, this would have broken the universe's space-time-continuum.
  • To Be Continued
    • Used as cliffhangers during the mini-arcs of season 1 (Gobbowl Tournament, Oma Island, Assault on the Sadida Kingdom).
    • Also with the episodes of the season 2 Gobbowl arc, over a Pastel-Chalked Freeze-Frame.
    • And for the Denouement of season 2, starting with episode 23.
  • Toilet Humour: Ruel is sometimes the subject of this. Most prominently in season 2 episode 5.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl
    • Evangelyne and Amalia, respectively.
    • Cléophée, by contrast, could easily put back her sister into the Girly Girl spot.
  • Tonight Someone Dies / Trailers Always Spoil: Long before the episodes were even completed, Ankama was promising fans that the season 1 finale would be a Tear Jerker, causing a lot of fans to debate over which character would end up dying. When they were finally ready, the trailer for the three-episode season 1 finale included a scene of Evangelyne vowing to die alongside Sadlygrove as they're about to be hit by Razortime's powerful attack, which generated even more hype for those episodes.
  • Took a Level in Badass: At different times throughout the series, most of the characters take a few levels. The best example would be Sadlygrove, whose Training from Hell in episode 22 makes him a real Badass. He even changes clothes to look more awesome.
  • Training the Peaceful Villagers: Episode 5.
  • Tranquil Fury: In the last episode of season 2, after Remington shoots Eva, Sadlygrove looses his usually battle-happy personality and calmly walks over to Remington with a Death Glare in his eyes, effortlessly blocks his second shot and gives him the Megaton Punch he has so justly deserved. And his cat too.
  • Traveling Landmass: Rubilaxia
  • Tree Cover
  • Tree-Top Town: The Kaniboule's village in episode 14.
  • Triang Relations
    • Season 1: Type 4 -- a) Armand; b) Evangelyne; c) Sadlygrove
    • Season 2: A new triangle seems to be shaping up with Eva's sister Cléophée showing interest in Sadlygrove.
  • Tribal Carry: Happens to Yugo, Amalia, and Evangelyne in episode 15.
  • Trick Arrow: About all of Evangelyne's arrows are this. They can explode, encase the target in ice, or even teleport people back to the firing spot.
  • Tricked-Out Shoes: Ruel has tricked-out sandals.
  • Troperiffic: Just take a quick scroll through these pages...
  • Troubled Fetal Position: Amalia in episode 25, while feeling the destruction of every tree in the forest.
  • Tsundere
    • Evangelyne. This is a bit of a unique case in that her feelings towards Sadlygrove fit the original definition of a Tsundere, in which a girl warms up to a guy over time. This first starts being evident in episode 18, where she's noticably flustered by his comments. Episode 20 is about 22 minutes of showing her deredere side: considering that her and Amalia are essentially stuck in a Lotus Eater Machine, her fantasies show that she actually likes Sadlygrove's over-the-top displays of affection.
    • Amalia's and Eva's relationship fits this in a non-romantic sense sometimes (especially in "Vampyro").
    • Rubilax arguably is Tsundere towards Sadlygrove. Not romantically, but more with regards to liking him as a friend at all. After season one, his behavior in the second season after reviving Sadlygrove largely seems like a Tsun-Tsun response to Sadlygrove calling out the fact that Rubilax saved his life.
  • Tunnel King
    • Kamasu-Tar Junior, and drhellers in general.
    • As well as Ruel if there's gold on the tab.
  • A Twinkle in the Sky
    • The Gobbowl ball in season 1 episode 12, which gets shot all the way to Moon's island.
    • In season 2 episode 23: Frida Mofette's Mini-Mecha, when Sadlygrove in Super Mode sends it flying. Shortly thereafter, she returns the compliment.
  • Twitchy Eye: The Mmmmmmmmmporpg upon hearing his real name.
  • Two Out of Three Ain't Bad: Yugo says something to this effect in the first episode after he serves two dishes kung-fu-style with expert precision, but splatters Ruel in the face with the third.
  • Überwald: Katrepat Town
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Kabrok and Miranda.
  • The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter: Arguably, Amalia to her dad.
  • Umbrella Drink
    • Goultard manages to have such a drink, with umbrella and straw, in the desert while watching Sadlygrove duelling with Rubilax.
    • Rushu himself enjoys searing lava drinks fittingly in a skull, cup complete with drinking straw (made of someone's spine) and umbrella.
  • Uncanny Valley: Very deliberately invoked with Nox's mechanical puppets. Their crude looks and jerky movements contribute to make the scene as creepy as possible. Also, Nox himself, once you realize that his body is not another clockwork automaton.
  • Uncomfortable Elevator Moment: In season 2 episode 4, complete with an elevator music remix of the opening theme.
  • Underwater City: Sufokia
  • Unexplained Recovery: Goultard is introduced when Sadlygrove visits his tomb. Because he's dead, see. Except he climbs out, alive and kicking, and doesn't give Sadlygrove any explanation deeper than "I was tired of being dead so I stopped".
  • The Unfettered: Nox, who will pursue his plan to no end, even when he is told that turning back time is impossible, and the only thing he will achieve by trying is destroying the universe.
  • Unorthodox Sheathing: Remington with his Shushu dagger.
  • The Unpronounceable: The Mmmmmmmmmporpg (Meuporg)
  • Unreliable Narrator: The Justice Knight always seems to retail his stories more heroically than what actually happened.
  • The Un-Reveal
    • Nox removing his helmet in episode 13. We only see him from behind.
    • Yugo taking his hat off in episode 8 of season 2. We still don't see his head, though.
  • Unstoppable Rage
    • Sadlygrove enters a berserker state in episode 22 after Rubilax gloats about his plan of freeing an army of Shushus -- and of turning Evangelyne into a ghoul. He gains Blank White Eyes, and then proceeds to kick the asses of dozens of Rubilax's stone clones.
    • The Mmmmmmmmmporpg's Unstoppable Rage in episode 12 of season 2 is especially impressive, resulting in a good part of Brâkmar getting leveled.
  • Use Your Head
    • How Sadlygrove defeats Rubilax in episode 22, following his mentor's advice.
    • Rubilax's head is the one used in season 2 episode 9, to escape Rushu.
    • Goultard does this to Rushu during their battle.
  • Variable-Length Chain: Goultard's favored weapon.
  • Variable Terminal Velocity
    • In season 2 episode 3, Evangelyne jumps after Sadlygrove imprisoned in Rubilax's sword that Remington simply dropped, and catches up to it.
    • In season 2 episode 7, Sadlygrove has his turn saving her by jumping on an air pirate and seizing his steed before catching up to Evangelyne who was falling into the sea.
  • Vaudeville Hook: Happens to one of the contestants in episode 14 of season 2.
  • Verbal Tic: Wabbits pronounce all "r"s like "w"s. Similarly, Lenalds replace all "r"s with "l"s (renard is French for fox, and they are fox-like creatures).
  • Vile Villain Saccharine Show: Both ends of scale aren't very extreme, thanks to people often being more selfish and mean-spirited than is typical in a Sugar Bowl setting, and the Big Bad being a Well-Intentioned Extremist. However, it is undeniable, that in a show where most villains weren't taken seriously, or allowed to do real harm, Nox certainly was.
  • Villainous Breakdown
    • Nox was never particularly stable, but after Grougaloragran blows himself up in order to prevent Nox from draining his wakfu, (temporarily) thwarting his plans to travel back in time to save his family in episode 17, he really loses it.
    • He has an even bigger one when the Eliacube drains all the wakfu he has collected over the last 200 years just to travel back 20 minutes during the season 1 finale.
    • Qilby, too, during the season 2 finale, gets more and more unhinged following Yugo's Kirk Summation.
  • Villain Teleportation: Nox, and to a lesser extent Vampyro. Subverted, since Yugo also uses a form of teleportation (however, it's of a different nature than Nox's).
  • The Voiceless: The Masked Gobbowler until the Dramatic Unmask.
  • Voices Are Mental: Anyone possessed speaks with the Shushu's voice. That's how Eva can tell something is wrong with Grovy's body in season 2 episode 2 as soon as he talks, recognizing Rubilax's voice.
  • Volcanic Veins
    • Rubilax, when he turns into a BFS as well as in his true demonic form.
    • Rushu, lord of the Shushus.
  • Vomit Discretion Shot
    • Happens to both Sadlygrove and Ruel after they went through Yugo's portals.
    • And to the male judge of the baking contest at the sight of the Ecaflip contestant's methods.
    • Also repeatedly to Sadlygrove during any boat trip.
    • Several spectators do barf while watching Cléophée taking up Ruel's challenge to eat some disgusting cooking.
  • Wacky Wayside Tribe
    • About all of the first half of season 1, from leaving Emelka to reaching Oma Island. Largely Justified Trope since most of the Side Quests result from Grufon (the magical map) leading them astray out of spite.
    • Then a good part of season 2, too, before reaching the Crimson Claws Island.
  • Walkie-Talkie Static: In episode 23 of season 2.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene
    • Kriss Krass
    • Master Goultard
    • Sadlygrove too, starting episode 22.
    • "Amalius" during the Brâkmarian gobbowl arc.
    • Qilby after his power-up.
  • Walking on Water
    • Igôle can run over water thanks to the Xelor magic of his collar.
    • Goultard, too, moves fast enough to be able to do this.
  • Warrior Prince: Prince Armand, Amalia's brother.
  • Was Once a Man: Grany Smisse
  • Watch Out for That Tree
    • Armand conjures a tree right into Grovy's path in episode 19.
    • In episode 21, Yugo runs straight into rock walls a few times, as he's trying to master Aura Vision with his eyes sealed shut.
    • Baby Grougal chasing after Az in season 2 episode 6.
    • And then, Adamaï chasing after Baby Grougal in season 2 episode 9.
  • Wave Motion Gun
    • A really big version of the Stasis cannons used by the Sufokian capital ship.
    • And then... Rushu equips himself with one through tearing apart a few ships, and use it to lay waste on the rest of the navy. Oh Crap!
  • Weaksauce Weakness
    • Vampyro seems to have an allergy to Tofu. Any contact with Az turns him into a Grotesque Cute midget.
    • Rushu, the king of the Shushus, pitches a fit whenever he sees a bow-meow. They're just too cute and fluffy.
  • We Would Have Told You But: Ruel, Salygrove, and Rubilax's reason for not telling Yugo that they managed to sneak Cléophée with them, as he was too pure to lie and would have told Amalia and Eva.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: The Gobbowl arc, both times.
  • What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Evangelyne has a very trippy experience in episode 20.
  • What Measure Is a Mook?: Deserboss using the corrupted Sadidas to build the teleporter.
  • When You Snatch the Pebble:

Adamaï: If you can take my hand I will tell you what you want to know.

Qilby: Annihilate? That word is a bit strong.

  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: In season 2 episode 12, The Mmmmmmmmmporpg apologizes for hurting Eva because, you know, women are weak.
  • Wreathed in Flames: Rushu. And if he desires so, his lower body becomes fire.
  • Wrecked Weapon: Eva's bow in episode 19.
  • Wretched Hive: Brâkmar. Unusual, though, in that it is a Capital City on par with Bonta.
  • Written by the Winners: Qilby states that he himself was the king of the Eliatropes in season 2 episode 6, contradicting the events of Islands of Wakfu.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Sadlygrove, at times, thinking he's The Hero while he's at best The Big Guy (and Plucky Comic Relief), or believing himself to be the most powerful member of the team (whom Grougaloragran more correctly identifies as Old Master Ruel). Being a knight, he is thoroughly convinced that it's his duty to protect beautiful princesses. (Well, the last part turns out to be straight Genre Savvy in the hindsight.)
  • X-Ray Sparks
    • Vampyro does this to Sadlygrove with a mere touch in episode 6.
    • Posho at the beginning of episode 12... from the Eniripsa's vigorous "healing".
    • Adamaï gets his turn when struck by the giant gerbil's lightning in season 2 episode 1.
    • Sadlygrove's Rubilax-possessed form, while shocked by the Mini-Mecha in season 2 episode 23.
  • You Are What You Hate: Nox' whole plan and goal in life is to defy and "beat" the god Xelor. To achieve this he technically becomes one himself. Although Nox doesn't quite "hate" Xelor; he was just willing to go to any lengths (such as reversing time, something Xelor is unable to do) to save his family.
  • You Didn't Ask: Remington's Shushus, about Sword!Sadlygrove's true nature.
  • You Fool!: Given to Yugo by Nox.

Nox: You fool! No-one except me can touch the Cube!

Grouilleux: It's no use, they're too strong!

Red Berserker: Those who flee will have to stand before the master! Those who are scared will have to face the great Nox!

  • You're Insane!: During his fight against Nox in episode 17, Grougaloragran repeatedly calls him a madman, but Nox pays this no heed. Later, both Yugo and Adamaï give him a "You're insane!" speech at the end of the final fight in episode 26. However, since it is after Nox's whole plan is crumbling around him -- with, literally, his giant clock mecha -- this time the Xelor may actually be listening.
    • Yugo to Qilby.
  • Your Eyes Can Deceive You: Yugo has his eyes temporarily shut in episode 21 while training his wakfu-sensing abilities with Adamaï.
  • Zerg Rush: The aptly-named "Rush" in Rushu's world consist of being attacked by 666 minor Shushus.
  • Zettai Ryouiki
    • Evangelyne's outfit in season 1, with the thigh-high boots variant.
    • Shanon Stone
    • Alia from episode 16 of season 2.
    • The standard uniform for the Bridge Bunnies of the Sufokian Navy.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: What happened to the Pandalusia village in season 2 episode 13.

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