Balloon Belly

"Hey! Look! My stomach's distended! How great is that?"—Mittens, Bolt
A man's stomach knows no limits! Keep it coming!
There often are times when people eat. For most a few times a day.
There are other times when people absolutely stuff themselves. This hopefully doesn't happen as often. But when animated characters do it, it goes right to their tummy and increases their size and figure in a similar manner to filling a balloon. This new-found girth usually goes away pretty easily, but can stay around for a while. A usually-minor form of this is Truth in Television.
Also, there are times when people don't have anything to eat for a long time, and then they play the trope exceptionally straight. They get kwashiorkor.
The girth can also come from water, or even air or helium. In the case of the latter, one also receives other qualities of a balloon. Characters filled with liquids will often very audibly and visibly slosh.
There is a fetish for this out there.
This trope is especially popular in the more slapstick forms of Western Animation, to the point where attempting to list every example would probably end up with its subpage being longer than all the other subpages together. A Gigantic Gulp drink is often a cause of Balloon Belly. May lead to Temporary Bulk Change. Its logical conclusion is Pop Goes the Human. Compare Dinner Deformation, Traveling Pipe Bulge.
No real life examples, please; All The Tropes does not care to squick its readers.
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