Beware of spoilers, especially those of the season 1 finale!
The Heroes
- Fake Ultimate Heroes: They're all credited with stopping Nox in the first season finale, when in fact Nox had actually won, and had brought about his own downfall.
- Fire-Forged Friends
- Five-Man Band
- Guys Smash, Girls Shoot
- Tagalong Kid: With the exception of Yugo and Ruel, the rest of the Brotherhood joined the quest for various, but undeniably petty reasons.
- True Companions
- Two Girls to a Team

The hero of the series. Yugo is an Eliatrope, from a people capable of creating portals they can use to transport themselves or other objects across short distances, and who seem to be intimately connected to the world's history. Adventurous and kind-hearted almost to a fault, Yugo's quest to find out what happened to his people starts off the plot.
- Adorably Precocious Child
- Attack Reflector: A useful tactic with his portals.
- Aura Vision
- Badass Adorable
- Berserk Button: Don't hurt his friends, and don't mess with his hat. Nox does both. It goes badly for him.
- Berserker Tears: At the end of season 1 episode 25 and a bit during 26. Sensing your friend's death does that to a guy.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Blindfolded Vision: Temporarily in episode 21.
- Break the Cutie: The season 1 finale.
- Catch Phrase: "Cool!"
- Cheerful Child: Oh my God. You just want to hug him every time he's on camera.
- Chef of Iron: He apparently got his agility from his unusual method of preparing meals at the inn.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Acknowledged and lampshaded by his less charitable companions.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Deadly Dodging: Another use of his portals.
- Door Step Baby
- Dying Alone: Played straight, and then subverted in the same episode.
- Farm Boy
- Frickin' Laser Beams
- Friend to All Living Things: An odd subversion. He believes that "You should care for all creatures with love"; however, many of the creatures he encounters on his journey try to kill him more often than not.
- Gene Hunting
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Generally uses his portals to get close enough to do these.
- Goofy Print Underwear
- Growling Gut
- Hand Behind Head
- Happily Adopted
- The Hero
- I Am Who?: Finding out he is the last of the Eliatropes.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Shadofang claims Yugo is so morally pure as to give him immunity from her shadow-stealing powers.
- Inertia Is a Cruel Mistress
- Infant Immortality: Horribly averted in the season 1 finale.
- Keet
- Kiai
- Kid Hero: A shockingly mature and responsible, yet still fun, example.
- Let's Get Dangerous: He's usually around as fire support for the rest of his team where combat is concerned, but the art briefly shifts to portray him in a sketchy, heavy-lined style whenever he really freaks out. When it happens against Qilby, he erupts with Wakfu energy.
- Martial Arts and Crafts: Yugo's cooking and serving style.
- Moses in the Bulrushes: Like you wouldn't believe
- Nice Hat
- The Power of Friendship
- Powers in the First Episode
- Real Men Eat Meat
- Reincarnation
- Save the Villain: Attempted to do so with Remington. It didn't work out, but not for the reasons you'd expect.
- Also done earlier with Nox, though that also ended...oddly.
- Separated at Birth: From Adamaï.
- Sympathy for the Devil: He frequently finds himself sympathizing and sometimes forgiving villains when they show themselves to possess redeeming qualities. Tragically, he's sometimes the only one who does.
- Team Chef
- Teleport Spam
- The Un-Reveal: What's under his hat? Your bet is as good as anyone...
- The Reveal: Episode 26 of season 2 revealed there are Wakfu wings under all the Eliatropes' hats.
- Upbringing Makes the Hero: His sincere goodness, impressive fighting abilities, and his skills in the kitchen can all be attributed to the fact that he had a wonderful father.
- Wonder Child
Yugo's pet Tofu and oftentimes comic relief. His feathers were enchanted by Grougaloragran to deliver some messages to Alibert and Yugo.
- Flight
- Head Pet: Sometimes.
- Intelligible Unintelligible: Yugo and Adamaï understand him.
- Mascot: "The Brotherhood of the Tofu"
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Squeaky Eyes
- Team Pet
Ruel Stroud

Ruel Stroud
An Enutrof and old friend of Yugo's adoptive father, Ruel was told to set off with Yugo and keep him safe. Like most Enutrofs, getting Ruel to do anything that's not in his own interest is an uphill battle, and his selfishness and greed often get him distracted. However, he's a seasoned fighter, and his knowledge of the world and its history is considerable.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Grandpa
- Bag of Holding: The Havresac.
- Berserk Button: Anyone who steals a single Kama off him had better get ready for war.
- Big Damn Heroes: Yes and no. Made an awesome comeback to save Eva and Amalia, but unfortunately was too late to save Sadlygrove.
- Bounty Hunter
- Children Raise You
- Cool Old Guy
- Covert Pervert
- Deadpan Snarker
- Drill Tank: Has one in the season 1 finale.
- Expansion Pack Past
- Fainting: Can happens to him if he's cornered into giving money.
- Faking the Dead: Has suffered a number of inexplicably major but ultimately harmless "heart attacks" during convenient moments, like when it's time to pay for a meal. The only one who still falls for it is Yugo.
- Greed
- Hidden Depths: Nasty old miser. Ex-bounty hunter. Very skilled fighter. Mayor of a dead city. Renowned Gobball champion? Heavy metal singer?
- Improbable Weapon User: A shovel.
- Jerkass: Starts out as this, but traveling and befriending Yugo ultimately results in...
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's grumpy skinflint that values friendship...
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: ...at a lower priority than money.
- Kick the Dog: Frequently. In fact, his first appearance in the series has him nearly send a man to jail for stealing an apple.
- Licked by the Dog: By Yugo, Alibert, the Réal Boitard and Nausea, all of whom he takes advantage of in various ways, but ultimately think of him as a good person.
- Lightning Bruiser: Agile and strong despite his old age.
- Loners Are Freaks: An affable and sociable example, but a life of loss and loneliness has turned him into an amoral, selfish miser.
- Miser Advisor
- Money Fetish
- Morality Pet: When he's separated from Yugo later in the first season, his morals and scruples take a significant nosedive.
- Mr. Exposition
- Mr. Vice Guy: Ruel is a ferocious fighter, and probably the most talented of the gang, but his greed usually distracts him at crucial moments.
- Old Master: Possesses far more issues than the usual sort.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: His shovel when thrown.
- Shaggy Dog Story: After digging under the Sadida Kingdom for a long time, he doesn't get to keep any of the gold he finds.
- Shovel Strike
- The Smart Guy
- Spin to Deflect Stuff: With his shovel.
- Toilet Humor: Sometimes the subject of this.
- Tricked-Out Shoes
Sadlygrove Percidal

Sir Tristepin (Pinpin) / Sadlygrove Percidal (officially Dally, Grovy in the fansubs)
A Iop and Shushu Guardian, Sadlygrove first encountered Yugo while being possessed by the Shushu he was supposed to guard; after Yugo smacked him out of it, Sadlygrove swore a debt to him. He's a talented swordsman and a loyal ally, but he's also impulsive and sometimes arrogant, which often gets him into trouble.
- Adorkable: "You're beautiful in your new outfit, Evangelyne. You look more and more like a girl."
- The Berserker
- The Big Guy
- Blank White Eyes: When in Unstoppable Rage.
- Blood Knight: Don't be misled, if there isn't a fight to be had, he isn't interested in helping out in the slightest. Which may not be such a bad thing if you think about it.
- Book Dumb: He can barely read, often mispronounces words, and can't count very high.
- Broken Pedestal: When some of his fans actually meet him, they aren't very impressed.
- Butt Monkey: Deconstructed.
- Captain Obvious
- Cassandra Truth: The one time he's actually savvy in the correct genre (namely, a bit of Dungeon Crawling), no-one else believes him and quickly get taken out by the traps. He just grits his teeth and powers through the rest of the dungeon by himself to save the others.
- Character Development: He's grown from a poor fighter who was...really stupid to a great fighter who can see what happens to others.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: He's hopeless in any sort of intellectual field and usually gets blown away in the first five seconds of a fight due to rushing in prematurely, but put Sadlygrove in a dungeon and he's downright unstoppable, figuring out and surmounting every challenge near-instantly.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead: As of season 1 episode 22.
- Defeat Means Friendship: He's the first opponent Yugo defeats in the series.
- Determinator: When the stakes are high enough, hardly anything can keep him down. Crush him under tons of weight? He'll shake it off. Smack him across half a desert? Back on his feet in seconds. Dislocate his arms? He'll kick you to death.
- Dumb Muscle
- Embarrassing Nickname
- Facial Markings: Also as of Episode 22.
- Failed Attempt At Drama: He's a repeat offender.
- Fatal Flaw: Sadlygrove is an inveterate show-off when he's not getting smacked around thanks to his Leeroy Jenkins tendencies. Though he's an enormously skilled fighter, his lack of concentration does him in more than not.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Likes to put aside Rubilax in favor of this for sparring or serious duels. Surprisingly, he's a fantastic hand-to-hand fighter, so it usually goes well for him.
- Green Around the Gills: Whenever he's aboard a boat.
- Growling Gut
- Hard Head
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Honor Before Reason: His "warrior's pride" means that he's hesitant to use ranged weapons or stealth, and he hates fleeing from a fight even if the odds are insurmountable.
- Idiot Hero: Deconstructed. Sadlygrove's mental pratfalls often fail to be inspiring or even endearing, and he becomes increasingly sensitive about cracks to his intelligence as the series goes on.
- I Just Want to Be Special: Is desperate to escape his humble origins and become a hero.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Brash, bullheaded, unrepentantly stupid, and somewhat conceited, but altogether a nice guy.
- Leeroy Jenkins: Might be one of the most brazen examples of these in history, as suicidal odds are considered a positive for him. Peaks when he joyfully attacks Rushu head-on, after recognizing he's unbeatable.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Goofy Sadlygrove is dangerous, but far less than not-goofy Sadlygrove.
- Love Martyr: To Rubilax, so much so that he values him over his friends.
- Meaningful Name: Tristepin translates to "sad pine-tree". Really, we should have seen it coming...
- My God, What Have I Done?: His reaction to breaking Eva's bow.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: A frequent offender.
- The Noseless
- Not Quite Dead
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Pointy Ears
- Porky Pig Pronunciation
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Redheaded Hero
- Sealed Good in a Can: While in Rubilaxia.
- Shonen Hair
- Snot Bubble
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: With Eva in Season 2.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: When merged with Rubilax.
- Super Strength
- Took a Level in Badass: Season 1 episode 22. Consistently in Season 2.
- Use Your Head
- Walking Shirtless Scene: As of season 1 episode 22.
- The Worf Effect: He and Rubilax get beaten up a lot... for a while.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: At times.
- You Shall Not Pass

Evangelyne (Eva)
Amalia's long-suffering Crâ bodyguard and best friend, Evangelyne initially follows Yugo out of concern for Amalia, but soon becomes attached to the others as well. By far the most level-headed of the group, Eva helps keep her somewhat flighty compatriots grounded, and her archery is a force to be reckoned with.
- Abnormal Ammo
- Action Girl
- The Archer
- Armor-Piercing Slap
- Break the Cutie: Episode 19 of season 1 was bad enough, but that's nothing compared to the finale.
- Conflict Ball: Her being a huge stick-in-the-mud throughout the whole Bontarian Gobbowl arc, and even telling Amalia that her childhood victories in the sport were fixed.
- Cool Big Sis
- Deadpan Snarker
- Damsel in Distress: Amusingly enough, she gets captured just as much as Amalia does, if not more. May actually be a more justified example, since she's the bodyguard of the typical candidate for a damsel in distress.
- Dragoturkey Archer
- Fingerless Gloves: In season 2.
- Gender Bender: During the Brâkmarian Gobbowl match.
- Go-Go Enslavement: Season 1 episode 6.
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Hartman Hips
- Her Heart Will Go On
- Hot Mom: She'll be, according to Goultard during the season 2 finale.
- Important Haircut: In the first episode of season 2.
- The Lancer
- Love Martyr: Claims that Rubilax is a "good guy pretending to be a bad guy" despite witnessing first-hand all the death and destruction he caused in his idiotic pursuit of power.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Le Parkour
- Pointy Ears
- Rebel Relaxation
- Sensual Spandex: Her outfit in season 2.
- Servile Snarker
- She Cleans Up Nicely
- Season 1 episode 4. Oddly played with though, as she's trying to make herself look ugly by Letting Her Hair Down and putting on a "horrible" dress and high heels and thinks she looks ridiculous, even though it makes her gorgeous.
- Played rather straighter in Sadleygrove's Dream Sequence from episode 22 where she wears a slinky red dress and could give Jessica Rabbit a run for her money!
- Shorttank
- Super Senses
- Thigh-High Boots
- Trick Arrow
- Tsundere
- With Due Respect
- Youthful Freckles
- Zettai Ryouiki: Her outfit in season 1.
Amalia Sheran Sharm

Amalia Sheran Sharm (Ami)
Amalia is the princess of the Sadidas, but isn't terribly fond of her royal duties and would much rather go out adventuring, often dragging a bemused Evangelyne in tow. Tagging along with Yugo mostly on a whim, she sometimes comes off as sheltered and immature, but won't hesitate to take responsibility when necessary.
- Action Girl
- Ambiguously Brown
- Badass Princess
- Bare Your Midriff
- Busman's Vocabulary
- Butt Monkey: Especially in the Gobbowl Arc.
- Can't Live Without You: Like the rest of the Sadida, with the Tree of Life. This becomes a very bad weakness in the season 1 finale.
- The Chick
- Does Not Like Shoes: As with all Sadidas.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Flower in Her Hair: Has two of them most of the time, and sometimes pick another.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Gender Bender: During the Brâkmarian Gobbowl match.
- Green Thumb
- Hartman Hips
- Improbable Weapon User: A vegetal doll (standard for Sadidas).
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: She acts like a complete Fan Girl around the Justice Knight or the Masked Gobbowler.
- Overshadowed by the Sexy: Despite not lacking in the beauty department, she's frequently overlooked by male admirers in favor of Evangelyne, her bodyguard.
- Plant Person
- Rebellious Princess
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Slapstick Knows No Gender
- Spoiled Sweet: In particular, she usually winds up dipping into her royal allowance to pay for the group's expenses when Ruel invariably can't be bothered.
- Stripperiffic
- Synchronization: With her doll.
- Tentacle Rope: Her primary mode of attack.
- The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter
- Waif Prophet: Played with; we never get a clear indication whether or not Sadida told her to go to Emelka.
- Willing Channeler: With the Tree of Life in season 1 episode 25. For once, possession is a good thing.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- Younger Than She Looks: She's actually 13. Sadidas in general are taller than most of the other races.
One of the world's last surviving Dragons and Yugo's brother, Adamaï formally joins the group halfway through the first season. As a Dragon, his powers are underdeveloped, but he's still a fairly skilled shapeshifter and manipulator of wakfu. Probably the most grounded member of the team besides Eva, and gets especially serious whenever the history of Dragons or Eliatropes is involved.
- Big No / Skyward Scream: To mark Grougaloragran's passing at the end of episode 16.
- Breath Weapon
- Energy Ball
- Flight
- Fighting From the Inside: Adamaï, possessed by Anathar in the season 2 finale arc, begins to resist when Yugo is put in danger by Qilby in episode 25, and finally throw off the control altogether.
- Four-Fingered Hands: In humanoid form.
- Improvised Golems: He can summon a stone golem to fight.
- Mentor Mascot: To Yugo, somewhat.
- Morphic Resonance
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Out of Focus: In season 2.
- Power Floats
- Rhymes on a Dime
- Separated at Birth: From Yugo.
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: He's stuck in Tofu form between episodes 21 and 23 of season 1.
- The Sixth Ranger: Until season 2, when the rest of the five-man band go questing while he stays in the Sadida Kingdom to help keep an eye on the newly-hatched Grougaloragran and the Eliacube.
- Threshold Guardians: To Yugo for their first encounter.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- When You Snatch the Pebble
- Your Eyes Can Deceive You
Kamasu-Tar Junior
Kamasu-Tar Junior
A young dhreller who becomes Ruel's Familiar over the course of season 1. Despite the Enutrof's initial reluctance to adopt one again, after the loss of the first Kamasu-Tar, Ruel did eventually warm up to the tenacious little critter.
- Dead Guy, Junior
- Familiar
- Intelligible Unintelligible: Ruel understands him.
- Loyal Animal Companion
- The Nose Knows: He can analyse ore veins by smell.
- Punny Name / Significant Anagram: Kamasu-Tar / Kama Sutra
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Team Pet
- Tunnel King
Evangelyne's rebellious younger sister, who defected from the Crâ ranks and took up wrestling. She joins the team after Eva is sent to find her. Contrary to other Crâs seen on the show, she prefers hand-to-hand combat, though she also uses a crossbow. Described as a troublemaker by both Eva and Amalia.
- Action Girl
- Arm Cannon: Instead of a bow, she uses a wrist-mounted crossbow.
- Big Eater: Able to swallow a whole pot of disgusting food that would make hardened pirates puke.
- Braids of Action
- Birds of a Feather: With Sadlygrove, to Eva's frustration.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Female example.
- Chekhov's Archer: Her younger self is seen very briefly during Eva's dream in episode 20 of season 1.
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Pointy Ears
- Sensual Spandex: Her wrestling outfit (her usual pants are more on the baggy side).
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Is an excited hand-to-hand fighter, in contrast with her sister's cool, collected archer.
- Sixth Ranger: For season 2, replacing Adamaï.
- Wrestler in All of Us
- Youthful Freckles
Allies & Friendly Enemies
Another of the world's last surviving Dragons, Grougaloragran arranged an adoptive home for baby Yugo. He's probably one of the most powerful individuals on the planet, which unfortunately gets the attention of Nox.
- Aura Vision
- Badass Beard
- Badass Grandpa
- Back from the Dead
- Barehanded Blade Block
- Breath Weapon
- Clothing Damage: During the fight against Nox on Oma Island.
- Combat Tentacles
- Cool Old Guy
- Detect Evil
- Deflector Shields
- Fireballs
- Flight: Through magic in humanoid form, and giant wings in Dragon form.
- Giant Squid: His chosen form to restrict the access to Oma Island.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Kill It with Fire
- Milky White Eyes
- Morphic Resonance: That beard looks mighty fine, be it in human or dragon form.
- The Obi-Wan: For Adamaï.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious: To Nox, Grougaloragran is the biggest source of wakfu imaginable.
- Third Person Person
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Yugo's adoptive father. An Enutrof and old adventuring companion of Ruel, although less greedy than his friend. Formerly a Bounty Hunter, but he found out he was too soft-hearted for the job when he refused to send a man to jail for stealing an apple -- which made Grougaloran choose him for taking care of baby Yugo. So he settled in Emelka, founding an inn and becoming mayor of the town.
- Badass Mustache
- The Bartender
- Bounty Hunter: Previously, along with Ruel.
- Chef of Iron
- Cool Old Guy
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: In an incredible moment of willpower and fighting prowess, he managed to overpower Big Bad Nox and send the time mage running, though not without cost.
- Muggle Foster Parents
- Nice Hat: An enormous toque blanche.
- Not Quite Dead: In episode 2 he's is changed into a plant by the Polters, but by the end of the episode he gets better.
- Papa Wolf
- Rapid Aging: He suffers this from fighting Nox. The Xelor does correct the situation afterward, though, to Alibert's astonishment.
- Retired Badass
- Shovel Strike

Sadlygrove's Shushu ward, Rubilax is the Shushu of Carnage, trapped inside a sword. When he actually contributes to a conversation, it's usually to tempt Sadlygrove into unleashing him so he can run amok; when sealed, he's just sort of a jerk.
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg: After Goultard mortally wounded him, he begged the Iop to take him as his servant instead.
- Aw, Look, He Really Does Care: Seriously, who would have thought that Rubilax would be sad when Sadlygrove died? OUCH.
- BFS: In full combat mode (otherwise he's not much bigger than a dagger).
- Butt Monkey: A bit, when sealed, and in general among other Shushus, who consider him too soft-hearted and incompetent.
- Cool Sword: He doesn't own one, he IS one.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Demonic Possession
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Literally every other Shushu looks down on him, regardless of his accomplishments. He eventually gets so fed up with it that he does an official Heel Face Turn.
- Easily Forgiven
- Egopolis: Rubilaxia. Though it isn't so much a town or a city as it is an enormous ball made of them.
- Elemental Powers: He's a four-element Shushu.
- Enemy Mine: With Sadlygrove by letting him control the Super Mode in season 1 episode 25, and side-by-side in season 2 episode 9, "Rushu's World".
- Evil Counterpart: He's basically all of Sadlygrove's bad traits concentrated and stuffed into a sword, right down to the self-conceit used to conceal hidden insecurities and lack of focus that ultimately leads to his many downfalls.
- Evil Weapon
- Faceless Eye
- Faux Affably Evil: As long as he's sealed, sure. Now, if freed of his prison...
- Grand Theft Me: Aims to achieve this, and he succeeds, though never for very long.
- Heel Face Turn
- Hoist by His Own Petard / Phlebotinum Overload: Unfortunately for Rubilax, real-world physics are quite present in Wakfu.
- Ignored Enemy: In his first appearance of season 2.
- Improvised Golems: He can create stone clones to fight for him when free from the sword.
- Informed Ability: We only ever see two of his elemental powers.
- Jerkass
- Karma Houdini: In the end, he practically gets away with destroying dozens of villages and killing hundreds of people with his Rubilaxia scheme.
- Miles Gloriosus: He'll gloat and sneer to the moon, but when up against enemies he's not totally sure he can beat, he's quick to back off.
- The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: In season 2 episode 2, although fully possessing Sadlygrove's body, Rubilax cannot bring it to hit Evangelyne despite all his efforts.
- Miracle-Gro Monster: In his true form. See sizeshifter.
- Off with His Head: How Goultard defeated him.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Him not saying a word for three episodes straight can get Sadlygrove really worried.
- Sand Worm: A possessed form, shortly, in the desert.
- Sdrawkcab Name: (Exc)alibur
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Situational Sword
- Sizeshifter: Can change the size of his blade as a sword. And in his true form, the harder he's hit, the bigger he grows.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Likes to think of himself as a powerful demon, but is soundly defeated nearly every time he is released (once, by a medic!).
- Snarky Non-Human Sidekick
- Talking Weapon
- Threshold Guardians: Not on his own volition, but he falls into the role for Sadlygrove in episode 22.
- Token Evil Teammate
- Ungrateful Bastard: His first act as the sawtoothed Mashwar? Bite the fingers off of the Blacksmith that saved his life.
- Voices Are Mental: He keeps his voice whatever the body he inhabits.
- Volcanic Veins
Kriss Krass
Kriss Krass
A Sacrier Gobbowl champion and the main antagonist during the "Gobbowl Hell" arc. Kriss Krass isn't necessarily a bad guy, but he's a hopeless show-off, doing whatever he can to drag out a match and wring the last drops of admiration from his audience.
- Alliterative Name
- Angrish: Toward Jay the Iop at the end of the Bontarian match.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Attention Whore
- Blood Knight: Comes with being a Sacrier. Played with in that he applies it to his Gobbowl matches instead of actual fights, doing whatever he can to complicate and draw out the game.
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Defeat Means Friendship: With Yugo and co. in the second season.
- Famed in Story: Fans love his over-the-top Gobbowl style.
- Kamehame Hadoken: He masters this move with a gobball in season 2.
- Milky White Eyes
- The Noseless
- Pointy Ears
- Power Tattoo
- Shonen Hair
- Sixth Ranger: Temporarily, for Yugo's gang in the second season's Gobbowl arc.
- Unnecessary Roughness: Not like his fans don't like it, though.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Though white hair aside, he looks like a zombie crossed with 2D from Gorillaz.
Armand Sheran Sharm
Armand Sheran Sharm
The prince of the Sadidas, Amalia's brother, and a royal ass. Suffers from a terrible case of halitosis.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass Beard
- Berserk Button: Don't mention Armand's bad breath to his face.
- Busman's Vocabulary
- Can't Live Without You: Like the rest of the Sadida, with the Tree of Life.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Sadlygrove tells Armand he has pig breath. Armand's response is to try and kill him with a giant man-eating plant.
- Foil: To Sadlygrove. Both are after Evangelyne, both are full of themselves and enjoy showing off and both are skilled warriors. But while Sadlygrove tries to fight with honor, Armand is more than willing to humiliate his opponents, or even go for the killing stroke, Sadlygrove prefers swords and melee attacks while Armand uses ranged combat with his plants, and finally while Grovy is fairly socially awkward, Armand is fully composed.
- Green Thumb
- Hopeless Suitor: Toward Evangelyne.
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: The King revealed that Armand was the most torn up about Amalia leaving and was overjoyed when they got a snowglobe from Bonta showing she was safe.
- Man-Eating Plant: He controls a giant one in battle.
- Plant Person
- Prince Charmless
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Tentacle Rope
- Warrior Prince
- Whip It Good
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Sadlygrove's Iop master, and Badass extraordinaire.
- The Ageless
- Badass
- Badass Beard
- Badass Long Hair
- Barbarian Hero
- Big Damn Heroes: In season 2, he shows up just in time to battle Rushu, saving Sadlygrove and Rubilax from a hopeless fight.
- Cartwright Curse: His lovers, and his loved ones, don't last very long.
- The Casanova: His Vald persona, though his polygamy is borne out of his inability to say "No." to a woman's amorous advances.
- Demonic Possession
- Does Not Like Shoes
- Face Heel Turn: Spent a good teal of time rampaging around the World of Twelve before he got hold of his senses.
- Faking the Dead
- Freudian Trio: His three personalities, Dark Vlad (id), Vald (ego), and Goultard himself (superego).
- Heel Face Turn: After years of living the life of a barbarian vagabond, he lent his strength to the Shushu Knight cause, though this is only a fairly recent turn of events.
- Horrifying the Horror: Even a major Shushu like Rubilax is scared of him.
- Improbable Weapon User: See Weapon of Choice.
- Invincible Hero: As the son of Iop, he's nigh indestructible, has absurd amounts of natural strength, and is even capable of coming back from the dead. That said, the interest in his adventures stem more from how his life is going to screw him over rather than whether or not it will end.
- I Shall Taunt You: He's not afraid to mock even a Physical God:
Rushu: You think you can upset me your insults?
Goultard: By Iop, no! I know you're way too stupid to understand even half of it.
- Knight in Sour Armor: His primary personality, though he seems to have lightened up a bit by the time Wakfu starts.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: Was booted out of the Hours Demon Arena for beating up too many of the fighters and rendering the fights boring for the entities ruling that dimension.
- Master Swordsman
- The Mentor
- Milky White Eyes: In Goultard the Barbarian -- but not in Wakfu.
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling
- The Noseless
- Odd Couple: With his half Feca/half Dragon companion Arty in the Dofus Manga.
- Old Master: See Really Seven Hundred Years Old.
- One-Iop Army
- Paint It Black: After being possessed by the emotion-eating demon, his hair turn white and his skin black.
- Physical God: If you take him at his word in the Season 2 finale.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: As a kid. Even then, he had ridiculous levels of strength.
- Pointy Ears
- Precursor Heroes
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Possesses Immortality by means of a curse/DemonicPossession from the time of Dofus, 1000 years before the setting of Wakfu. He seems to have gotten rid of the demon during that time, but retained the immortality.
- Redheaded Hero
- Retired Badass
- Semi-Divine: He's the son of Iop.
- Super Strength: Even greater than most other Iops. And he already had it as a kid.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Subverted with Dark Vlad, as he's not Goultard at his strongest, and while dangerous, he's also an "illiterate weirdo" who's too stupid to navigate his way out of a forest despite having dozens of maps of the area, which he is also incapable of reading.
- Too Happy to Live: He originally retired while relatively young and started a family. They were then killed by a guy possessed by an emotion-eating demon, in order to draw him out and feed on his resultant rage. Then he beat the killer, and the demon switched bodies....
- Unexplained Recovery
- Unstoppable Rage: When finding out that Katar has killed his family.
- Variable-Length Chain
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Warrior Poet: Views Iop bullheadedness as an all-encompassing life philosophy in itself, and talks about it with an eloquence that's unusual for his kind.
- Weapon of Choice: A BFS with a broken blade attached to a chain.
Remington Smisse
Remington Smisse (Remi)
A Roublard fixated on collecting Shushus, Remington is the second season's first primary antagonist, along with his brother, Grany. Remington is a charmer and a vicious fighter besides, but his recklessness, total lack of interest in anything but theft or Grany's safety, and constant double-crosses make him as dangerous an ally as an enemy.
- Aerith and Bob: His parents named him Remington and his brother Grany.
- Affably Evil: Charming, flappable, deadly.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: With their father having been the "King of the Roublards" at one point, Remington and Grany are technically royalty.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Eva in Rubilaxia. They get captured anyway.
- Badass Cape: More of a cloak, but it has the same impact.
- Beard of Evil
- BFS: His Shushu sword.
- Big Brother Instinct: This used to be Grany's thing, until circumstances led to Remington taking it upon himself to protect his brother.
- Big "Shut Up!": Whenever his half-dozen Shushus get REALLY chatty.
- Bolivian Army Ending: His last scene in "Rushu's World".
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Tries to double-cross Eva twice within the same five minutes, the second time for practically no reason other than stone-headed bravado.
- Death Seeker: Grany seems to think he's one, and Remington can't find it in himself to fully disagree.
- Determinator: Given his overarching mission and his never-say-die attitude, this is a given. He also gives this piece of advice to Yugo when the latter claims he can't use his portals to get them out of Rushu's realm:
Remington: Such defeatism. There's always a solution, kiddo.
- Disney Villain Death: Survives it, though.
- The Easy Way or the Hard Way: With rhyming to boot.
- Enemy Mine: With Maskemane in Maxi-Mini and Evangelyne in "Rubilaxia".
- Evil Counterpart: The basic premise of his character is to parallel that of the protagonists'.
- Along with a noseless face and boneheaded tendencies, Remington shares the same desire for thrills and flashy gestures as Grovy, which gets both into trouble just as often as the sun sets, but their differences are aplenty -- their Shushu weaponry contrasts (Grovy prefers swords; Remington's better with guns), their colorscheme is reversed (white for Grovy; black for Remington), their amount of clothing is inverted (Grovy is a Walking Shirtless Scene; Remington only reveals his lower chin), their combat styles reflect their mindsets (Grovy is impulsive and reckless; Remington is agile and precise), their heritages outline their goals (Grovy came from a humble village; Remington hails from a long line of thieves), and their skin tones are polar opposites (Grovy is a Dark-Skinned Redhead; Remington is closest to an Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette).
- For everything contrasting Grovy, Remington successfully parallels with Evangelyne. Both are pointy-eared, long-ranged fighters (she's an archer; he's a gunner), remain in good posture when there isn't much action, calmly yet irritably put up with their comrades' antics, and contain a softer inner demeanor (she's a Tsundere; he's a Loveable Rogue that cares for his family). They differ largely in that Remington steals authentic weapons and backstabs nearly everyone For the Evulz, whereas Evangelyne was assigned to protect a princess and only ever snarks her way through her friends' antics.
- In a rare three-fold counterpart, Remington is basically a younger and more charming Ruel. Both are criminals (Ruel's a Bounty Hunter; Remington's a thief), who place a high value on materials (money for Ruel; weapons for Remington) and screw over their compatriots on a whim (Ruel swindles his teammates for money; Remington backstabs Evangelyne after their Enemy Mine), but genuinely care for the well-being of their comrades, and look after a Morality Pet that keeps them from committing truly bad deeds (Grany for Remington; Yugo for Ruel).
- Expressive Mask
- Family Values Villain: Along with the Roublards in general, as family is the only thing they value over wealth.
- For the Evulz: He sure likes to be a backstabbing dick for the sake of being a backstabbing dick, even though his every act of pointless villainy ends poorly for him.
- Guns Akimbo: His Shushu pistols.
- Heroic Sacrifice: He opts to stay behind in Rushu's World to try and save his brother Grany.
- Hidden Depths: A conniving thief and sneak, who is nonetheless quite talented at sewing and carpentry. That's not even going into how far he'll go for his family.
- The Highwayman
- Indy Ploy: Deconstructed; they tend to go badly for him.
- Kick the Dog: When he threw Evangelyne off a ledge, right after she released him from prison.
- Kill the God: Is aiming to become powerful enough to challenge and defeat Ush Galesh, an Ecaflip demigod to remove his brother's curse.
- Loveable Rogue: "Roublard" is the French word for rogue.
- Meaningful Name: Remington and Smith & Wesson are both popular brands of firearms, which fits with his fetish for weapons.
- The Musketeer
- The Noseless: Only in the cartoon.
- Le Parkour
- Pet the Dog: Genuinely cares for the safety of his brother.
- Pointy Ears
- Power Fist: His Shushu gauntlet.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: His Shushu dagger/scimitar, though he's missed most of the times he's thrown it.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: A notable subversion of the Blue Oni to Grany's Red, as while more calm and collected, Remington is prone to reckless, grandiose action.
- Samus Is a Girl: Remington's deep-voiced Shushu sword is actually female.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With his brother Grany.
- Sticks to the Back: His Shushu sword.
- Talking Weapons: He carries half a dozen of them.
- Ungrateful Bastard
- Unorthodox Sheathing
- Unskilled but Strong: Wields several Shushu weapons in tandem; not very skilled with any (well, at least with his giant greatsword [originally his brother's weapon] or a giant hammer, but he's at the level of accuracy of Evangelyne with his guns), but utilizes each when the situation best requires it.
- Victory Is Boring: He accepted a job to rob one of Bonta's wealthiest merchants of an enchanted mask, a job that would have required the use of several enchanted weapons to pull off. Grany advises against it, Remington decides to go for it anyway. He loves challenges.
- Villain Protagonist: He got his own comic!
- Walking Armory: Possesses and uses several Shushu weapons at once.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Played with, he used this tactic by pretending to stab himself in the stomach as a child to steal his father's purse. When it looks like he's about to use the same trick in adulthood after apparently getting his torso ripped open, it's ultimately revealed that he really was critically injured and was muscling his way through the "Gambit" part of the trope.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: A Badass girl wants a dagger placed in the middle of a throne room? Certainly the most powerful item of all!
Grany Smisse
Grany Smisse
Remington's younger brother. Formerly The Big Guy of the duo, he's now stuck in a bow-meow body. However, he's still not totally harmless, and just as ruthless as Remington.
- Baleful Polymorph: He's apparently cursed by being permanently a bow-meow (think of a housecat).
- Bash Brothers: Formerly with his brother Remington, until he underwent a... change.
- The Big Guy: In the comic, because it's a case of Villain Protagonist.
- The Brute: Formerly.
- Butt Monkey: Suffers the most when Remington's ambitious plans go south.
- Determinator: Tied to a chair? Blocked by a demonic door? He'll find a way to muscle through it, or die trying.
- Dull Surprise: He took being turned into a bow-meow rather well, all things considered.
- Cute Kitten
- Highly-Visible Ninja
- Lethal Joke Character: When he was human, he was a Roublard (think D&D Rogue) redhead who measured almost 7 feet and was built like a bodybuilder. The thing no-one noticed, he was still a Roublard who managed to survive of a life of robberies, burglaries and thefts.
- Love Martyr: Remains loyal to Remington despite all the condescension and massive misfortune his brother heaps upon him.
- Non-Action Guy: After the... bow-meow thing.
- Mighty Glacier: Only compared with his brother. The Jack of All Stats with a lot of stamina for the others.
- Parrot Pet Position
- Punny Name: The "Granny Smith" is a kind of apple.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: A notable subersion of the Red Oni to Remington's Blue, as while loud and violent, he's the more cautious and prudent of the two.
- Right-Hand-Cat
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With his brother Remington.
The Justice Knight

The Justice Knight
He is a KNIGHT of JUSTICE. Clad in blinding golden armor and hammier than a pig farm, he and his father were in charge of keeping Anathar sealed.
- Bling of War
- The Cape (trope): OF JUSTICE.
- Chest Insignia: "J" for Justice.
- Clasp Your Hands If You Deceive
- Cool Train / Thememobile: The Justice Train.
- Department of Redundancy Department: "Justice calls for... Justice!"
- Detect Evil: His Justice Train has a Shushu-locating device.
- Dual-Wielding: Two swords, he wields.
- Everybody Calls Him Barkeep: Played with. His real name is unknown, but he calls himself the Justice Knight, even though he's actually a jailer.
- Expressive Mask
- Fake Ultimate Hero: Played with. He certainly likes to view himself as a hero, but he's courteous enough to give credit where it is due (i.e. complimenting Yugo's gang for helping out against Anathar).
- For Great Justice: Very, very much so.
- Gold Makes Everything Shiny
- Hero Antagonist: Only temporarily, though.
- I Am the Noun:
"I AM the good guy! Have you seen the size of my armor?"
- It's Personal: Though he'd chase any Shushu for Justice!, it's personal with Anathar since he's possessing his father's body. Also why he considers Sadlygrove responsible for letting Rubilax rampage.
- The Jailer: He and his family seem to make a living out of this profession.
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Lantern Jaw of Justice
- Large Ham: To say that he really enjoys his job is putting it mildly.
- Squeaky Eyes: The eyebrows of his golden mask make a rusty squeaking sound.
- Stab the Sky
- Superhero: Spoof of the whole concept.
- Supporting Leader: Took it upon himself to lead the gang (and Remington) in the counterattack against Anathar.
- Twinkle Smile: Just as shiny as the rest of him.
The Masked Gobbowler
The Masked Gobbowler / Maude
A champion gobbowler, the captain of the Brâkmarian team Brak'n'Black, whose name and face are kept hidden for the simple reason that she's a woman, whom are not allowed to play Gobbowl in Brâkmar. Her real name is Maude, and she's an old acquaintance, trainer and love interest of Kriss Krass.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: Played with. Maude's a very powerful Gobbowler, and she was the leader of both teams that she played alongside. In Brâkmar, said position of champion even gives the Masked Gobbowler some power over justice decisions, like when given the choice to accept or refuse Kriss' challenge.
- Badass Nickname
- Cool Mask: Justified; that mask is to hide that she's a girl, since Brâkmarian Gobbowl doesn't allow female members to play in the game.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Half of her outfit is black, and while she is brutal, she's far from a villain.
- Dramatic Unmask: In season 2 episode 11, the Masked Gobbowler takes off the mask.
- Facial Markings: Underneath the mask, she has large cheek tattoos descending from her eyes down to the length of her chin, and one on her nose.
- Famed in Story: Apparently quite well-known amongst Gobbowl fans and players.
- Fanservice Extra: Her off-duty outfit in the flashback.
- Kamehame Hadoken
- Kuudere: To an extent.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Usual strategy when playing Gobbowl.
- Number of the Beast: Close enough; the Masked Gobbowler's player number is 665.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: As long as her true identity is secret.
- Opera Gloves: Part of her off-duty outfit; elbow-length gloves that reveal the top half of her hands.
- Panty Shot: Though it almost functions like smaller-scale shorts, she still gets one when she uses her Kamehame Hadoken onto a wall.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: The Masked Gobbowler has a very complex and precise control of gobballs.
- Samus Is a Girl: Justified, for the same reason that she wears a mask.
- Sexy Mentor: One thing's for sure; Kriss has great taste in women.
- Ship Tease: With Kriss.
- Stripperific: Elbow-length gloves, thigh-highs, a bra, panty-shorts, and a very short pocket-thing with a long loincloth.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Rival: To Kriss, ironically.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Doesn't wear a skirt, but it still counts.
Prince Adale
Prince Adale
The prissy, effeminate, tea-sipping prince of the lost kingdom of New Sufokia. He shows up at the Crimson Claws Archipelago with an army of militarized submarines, aiming to subdue Phaeris the Powerful and strip the islands of the ore that fuels his machines. He and his forces inadvertently become key players in the series' final battle.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Averted, assuming he was being honest when he claimed Sufokia was a "peaceful nation."
- Beauty Mark
- Foreshadowing: The series is technically over at this point, but the ending credits show him constructing some kind of fortress over the archipelago. New Sufokia is on the rise.
- Hidden Depths: Initially comes off as just another pompous, corrupt monarch, but shows glimpses of a steely will against his opponents.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Nay Theist: He doesn't consider that real gods exist -- only some beings with abnormal powers.
- Not So Stoic: He loses his mind when his personal vessel is damaged, pitching a red-faced tantrum all over the helm.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He doesn't particularly care if Yugo and co. get caught up in his salvo of energy weapons, but he refrains from going after them personally and quickly backs down in the face of Amalia's counsel.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Spearheaded the Crimson Claws voyage specifically because he didn't want to be seen as an idle monarch.
- Spanner in the Works: The presence of his navy completely scuttles Qilby's plan to sic an army of Shushus on Yugo and Phaeris, since they immediately begin bombarding Rushu's army and tip him off that Qilby wasn't being honest.
- Spot of Tea
- The Stoic: Faces down a charging dragon and the entire population of the Shukrute with nothing more than mild annoyance.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: His strategy for anything hostile on Crimson Claws is to bombard it with Frickin' Laser Beams until it stops twitching.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: He even wears eyeshadow!
Phaeris the Powerful
Phaeris the Powerful
The third Dragon to be properly introduced in the series, Phaeris makes his roost on the Crimson Claws Archipelago, and ferociously guards it against invaders. He's stationed there to prevent Qilby from reuniting with his dragon sister, Shinonome, and was responsible, along with Yugo, for defeating and sealing Qilby many years ago.
- Arch Enemy: To Qilby. Phaeris personally views him with nothing but contempt, but Qilby is livid with Phaeris for taking his arm.
- Breath Weapon
- Deflector Shields
- Determinator: Even for a Dragon, Phaeris can take a ridiculous amount of punishment. Stoically fends off an entire army, Anathar, and Qilby's barrage of energy projectiles before finally losing steam.
- Flight
- Glowing Eyes
- Kill It with Fire
- Magic Pants
- Mr. Exposition: For Yugo, though with very limited time. He reveals Yugo's true heritage and unlocks some of his latent abilities.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Dragons take monikers like "the Powerful" really seriously.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Even in comparison to Grougaloragran or Adamaï. Phaeris looks distinctly less humanoid in his smaller form.
- Third Person Person
- Tron Lines: When surging with wakfu.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
The Villains

Nox / Noximilien Coxen
A Xelor who serves as the first season's primary antagonist, Nox is both incredibly powerful and quite insane. He travels the world and drains wakfu from everything he finds, reducing whole regions to barren wastelands. The series begins with him encountering Grougaloragran, and his obsession with the Dragon and his enormous supply of wakfu eventually sets him in opposition to Yugo.
- Anti-Villain (Type 2)
- The Atoner: At least from his point of view.
Nox: If you could redeem yourself for a terrible mistake for the price of some lives, would you do it?
- Awesome but Impractical: His time-stop ability is broken each time he uses it. Perhaps a subversion, as all those who have successfully broken out of the spell have suffered long term effects. His Sword Beam also counts.
- Ax Crazy: His obsession with the Eliacube and bringing back his family really took its toll on his sanity.
- Bad Boss: Towards his minions.
- Badass Bookworm
- Battle Aura: He surges with wakfu when he pulls out all the stops.
- Big Bad: For the first season, though he's more hands-on (and sympathetic) than most examples.
- Busman's Vocabulary
- Clothing Damage: In his fight against Grougaloragran. We still don't see any of his skin, though.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Living for so long with only an ancient relic for a companion has made him go a little crazy.
- Cool Sword: One shaped like a giant clock hand.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: His tactics in season 1 episode 25 show him to be pretty intimidating. Final battles against entire armies are for suckers.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Back when he actually had skin and hair to show.
- Deflector Shields: Still with a clockwork theme. Notably to stop Grougal's fire breath.
- Determinator: He's been collecting wakfu to bring his family back for 200 years.
- Dying Alone: His final fate, as revealed in the credits.
- Expressive Mask
- Evil Laugh: His frequent bouts of completely psychotic laughter are the first indication that he has a few screws loose behind his façade of calm and smug superiority.
- The Faceless: To the point where it's easy to think that his mask is his face.
- Faux Affably Evil: Wavers between this and outright patronizing.
- Flanderization: In-universe example; by season 2, the entire world, having no way of knowing of his sympathetic aims, have cast him in the role of a generic, power-hungry villain.
- Flight
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Gadgeteer Genius: In the beginning, 200 years ago.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Goal in Life: Set Right What Once Went Wrong by going back in time to save his family, and coincidentally reverse every atrocity he's committed along the way. He fails.
- Horror Hunger: Claims to have this in the beginning of the series, but it's ultimately subverted as he's not using the wakfu to feed himself, but his plans.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: He almost never goes full out due to his frugal nature, but his fight with Grougaloragran reveals just how powerful he can be.
- Knight of Cerebus: While he's present since the beginning, we don't really see how serious he gets until season 1 episode 13. If you want to see just how serious things get with him... had he won, the first season would've had a happier ending.
- Laughing Mad: He giggles to himself with every other line, and that's on a good day.
- Leitmotif: A few, all of which feature the ticking or chiming of clocks. Used for sinister foreshadowing in the Start of Darkness episode, when the beginning of Noximilien's descent into madness is accompanied by his villainous leitmotif from the beginning of the series.
- Mad Scientist: What he developped into during the last 200 years.
- Meaningful Name
- One-Winged Angel: It doesn't last very long, though.
- Power Floats
- Power Glows
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Exact age is unknown, but as mentioned above, he's been stealing wakfu for 200 years.
- Sphere of Power: His time-stops.
- Sword Beam
- This Cannot Be!: Has so many variations of of this that it's practically a catchphrase, especially in the season 1 finale.
- Teleport Spam: Uses it a lot, either to get away from someone, to dodge an attack, or to taunt them.
- Time Master: Not as much as he would like to be.
- Time Stands Still: In a notable example, he uses it during his fight against Grougaloragran, right as he was about to punch a battered Nox in the face.
- Tron Lines
- The Unfettered
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Wants his family back, after severely neglecting them over an object and indirectly causing their deaths, so he's stealing the wakfu (life energy) from plants, animals and people to use it to travel back in time to change the past, thereby indirectly reverting all of his atrocities along the way.
- Wind Up Key: The hole in his chest is there for a reason.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
- Wrong Time Travel Savvy: First subverted, then played straight. Grougaloragran believed that Nox's plan will most likely destroy the universe, if Nox actually manages to put the magic in motion, and Nox recognized the possibility, but managed to perform the time rewind without disastrous consequences. But, of course extreme danger associated with reversing time meant that Nox had only one attempt to do so, and therefore couldn't confirm how catastrophically he underestimated wakfu requirements for time reversal.

Nox's pet. Igôle's collar has been tinkered with by his master, making him incredibly fast.
- Amplifier Artifact: His collar, infused with Xelor magic.
- Fluffy the Terrible
- Just Eat Him
- Mad Eye
- Mix-and-Match Critter
- Precious Puppy: Shown as one in flashbacks.
- Right-Hand Attack Dog
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: Induce one for Adamaï.
- Super Breath: Inverted.
- Super Speed
- Walking on Water
The feared king of the Shushus, Rushu is a Card-Carrying Villain and proud of it. Though he's confined to the razed Shushu realm, he still delights in causing destruction wherever he can, and seeks to escape to Yugo's world so he and the other Shushus can start ruining things in earnest.
- Art Evolution: His initial design for the show was of a buff, sculpted, masked demon.
- Bad Boss: Rushu terrifies even the major Shushus. He's seen using minor ones as projectiles, incinerates a bunch of others just because they were in the way, and continues to demean Rubilax even after the guy accomplished something pretty profound for the time. To exemplify how bad of a boss he is, most of Xelor's demonic lieutenants used to work for Rushu until they defected due to his insufferable behavior.
- Big Bad: The second season seems to be setting him up as the main antagonist at the start, although after Qilby's reveal, he's part of the Big Bad Duumvirate at best.
- Big "Shut Up!": Rushu is fond of doing this to assert his authority.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: Wanting to play games with the heroes gives them a chance to escape, although two of them don't quite make it.
- Card-Carrying Villain: And how.
- Combat Tentacles: In his true form.
- Creepy Monotone: It doesn't last, but he becomes much more low-key once he assumes his true form. After all his previous bombast, it's a little unsettling.
- Cyclops: In his true form.
- Demon Lords and Archdevils: He's the king of the fairly demonic-looking Shushus.
- Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: If you're facing Rushu, lacking respect for him is downright suicidal -- unless your name is Goultard....
- Drop the Hammer: A hammer the size of a building, mind you.
- Evil Is Burning Hot
- Evil Overlord: He's the ruler of the Shushu in their own dimension.
- Face Palm: Performs one when he thought Anathar accidentally crushed his precious Eliatrope prisoner.
- Finger-Poke of Doom: He can send Sadlygrove and Rubilax flying with the poke of a finger.
- Fire Feet
- Flight
- Horned Humanoid
- A Glass in the Hand: He crushes his cup at the beginning of the "Rush".
- God of Evil: To the Shushus as he is their creator, and the fact that he is highly abusive toward all of them, not to mention his Card-Carrying Villain tendencies.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Longs to be acknowledged as a god and gain worshippers, even going so far as to commission one of his minions to create Brâkmar to that end.
- Hijacked by Ganon: Rather than introduce a new antagonist from the get-go, Season 2 has opted to use Rushu, a longstanding malevolent character in Dofus and Wakfu lore, as its initial Big Bad.
- Instant Armor: In season 2 episode 24, he carves himself a giant armor out of a few submarines.
- Jerkass: So far that we've seen, he's more of a straight-up bully than a Complete Monster. He uses his minions as projectiles, incinerates several more because they were in the way, drinks through a straw made out of someone's spine, destroyed everything else in his world (apart from the Shushu) and wants to invade the human world out of boredom.
- Large and In Charge
- Lovecraftian Superpower
- Magic Mirror: Communication with Rushu is allowed through Igor the Shushu mirror.
- Number of the Beast: The Zerg Rush in Rushu's World consists of fighting 666 minor demons.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Rushu wants to invade the human world. Why? Because there's nothing left to destroy in the Shushu world.
- Orcus on His Throne: Averted; as soon as it looks like the heroes are about to escape, Rushu charges after them.
- Our Giants Are Bigger
- Nigh Invulnerable: Qilby decks him right between the eyes with a fully-charged punch from his Wakfu arm. He doesn't even react.
- Throat Light
- Umbrella Drink: Rushu enjoys searing lava drinks in a skull cup, complete with a boney drinking straw and umbrella.
- Volcanic Veins
- Weaksauce Weakness: Rushu pitches a fit whenever he sees a bow-meow. It is implied he would react this way to anything cute and fluffy.
- Wreathed in Flames: And his lower body can becomes fire.
Rushu's right hand, Anathar resembles a giant humanoid jackal with the ability to copy the powers of whoever strikes him. He's cruel even by Shushu standards, and anyone who knows of him dreads the possibility of him becoming unsealed. Confined to a cape.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He's Rushu's top general, and he's one of the strongest fighters here.
- Bad Boss: Like Rushu, he has absolutely no problem with crushing minor Shushus who just happens to be in the way.
- Beat Them At Their Own Game: Anathar with his red/black shukrute portals instead of Yugo's blue/white wakfu portals. He is even able to surpass the two-simultaneous-portal limitation.
- Belly Mouth
- Card-Carrying Villain: Whenever he compliments his boss, he replaces the positive pronouns with negative ones, like "my despicable king".
- Chained by Fashion: After escaping from the Justice Knight's prison, Anathar keeps the enormous manacles and chains around his huge wrists.
- Combat Tentacles: Anathar can conjure pitch-black tentacles directly from Rushu's dimension through portals. They're agressive enough that they even seize their summoner if he gets too close.
- Demonic Possession
- Anathar was the Shushu possessing the Justice Knight's father.
- And from episode 24 of season 2, he's taken possession of Adamaï's body.
- The Dragon: To Rushu, being his top general. He later becomes a LITERAL dragon after possessing Adamaï.
- Mega Manning: He can copy any power if he has contact with its user.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: His head nearly doubles in size when he bares his fangs.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: He was imprisoned in a cape guarded by the Justice Knight Senior.
- Sizeshifter: Becomes one when he steals Rubilax's power in season 2 episode 9.
- Unwitting Pawn: Qilby baits him into entering the fray immediately, just so he'll keep fighting even after Rushu learns of Qilby's treachery. Anathar goes on to be the only reason Qilby isn't immediately splattered by Phaeris.
Ombrage / Shadofang
A major Shushu who's confined to a ring, Shadofang is an exemplary member of her kind -- ruthless, cruel, manipulative, and an insufferable gossip. Her primary ability is to steal the shadows of others, increasing her power and turning her victims into mindless ghouls under her command.
- Casting a Shadow
- The Corrupter / The Vamp: Toward Ragnar.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: She can't steal shadows from someone that's pure.
- Evil Is Petty: Enslaved an entire town so she could force its denizens to comb her long hair for all eternity.
- Faux Affably Evil
- The Hypnotoad
- Jerkass
- Meaningful Name
- Mind Control Device
- Ring of Power: She's sealed in it.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
An elderly Eliatrope who emerges from the Eliacube when Yugo and Adamaï finally use it in the second season. Qilby tells the story of the Eliatropes and their ultimate fate, and his request to the group kicks off the bulk of the second season's plot. He's a kind, grandfatherly type who possesses considerable knowledge of wakfu, but seems troubled about something in his past. He is, in fact, a unique Eliatrope capable of remembering all his past lives, which eventually turned him into a nihilistic lunatic who destroyed the Eliatrope homeworld because he was fed up with their idleness. Now proclaiming himself the "true ruler" of his people, he's been using the Zinit to travel from world to world, sucking each one dry of its Wakfu, and endlessly striking down Yugo and Adamaï whenever they try to stop him.
- An Arm and a Leg: He lost his left arm.
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad Duumvirate: Forms one with Rushu as of Episode 20.
- Big "Shut Up!": Gives one when Yugo correctly pinpoints his crippling loneliness, and triggers the start of his Villainous Breakdown.
Yugo: If you want to leave, go ahead. Don't mind us.
Qilby: Shut up!
Yugo: But no matter what you say, you'll be leaving alone!
Qilby: (attacks) Shut! UUUUUUUUUP!
- Blessed with Suck: And how! As one of the original six Eliatropes and their dragon siblings, Qilby is immortal. Unlike the other five, Qilby remembers all his past lives. This might seem pretty useful, and probably was for a while, but after thousands of years, being unable to forget (or die to escape it) has driven him well and truly insane.
- The Chessmaster
- Cool Airship: The Zinit
- Cool Old Guy
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Something definitely bad happened to Qilby before he met Yugo.
- Energy Ball
- Foreshadowing: Qilby says that he was the king of the Eliatropes, but supplemental materials reveal that the true ruler was Yugo, making his whole story suspect. Also, baby Grougal hates him.
- Evil Cripple: Although after he revealed himself to be evil, he got rid of the cripple part. He's back to cripple status by the season 2 finale.
- Eyes of Gold
- The Glasses Come Off
- Genius Cripple: He's missing an arm, lost it in a battle with Phaeris. Despite this, he's still good enough at manipulating wakfu to pull Yugo and co. out from the Shushu Realm.
- Giggling Villain
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: After merging with the Eliacube.
- Hand Blast
- Hoist by His Own Petard: After acting like the rightful king of the Eliatropes, he's finally attacked by the entire enraged Eliatrope race. And after scheming the whole season to reclaim his sister Shinonome, she delivers the final blow.
- It's All About Me: Boy Howdy! Especially apparent when he starts explaining his motives. Basically, he destroyed the Eliatrope civilization and wants to do worse to the World of Twelve because he doesn't want to be "confined" to one planet. When called out on the destruction and death he's caused, he accuses them of not taking his feelings into account.
- Limp and Livid
- Mad Scientist
- Mr. Exposition: His episode consists of a long tale of the Eliatropes, their history, and their leaders. But it contains at least one huge lie.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Pointedly averted. Even when he's been totally beaten and his own sister says that he went too far, he refuses to feel remorse for any of his actions.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Supplemental materials suggest that the Eliatropes were by and large a cultured, peaceful race, despite their immense power. Qilby is proof that it takes just one madman with that kind of power to ruin everything for everyone else.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Believes that his unique memory has given him insight into the unimportance of individual lives, leaving him to focus on more important matters like freely roaming and observing the universe, collateral damage be damned.
- Old Master: Probably knows more about wakfu than anyone else living.
- One-Winged Angel: After merging with the Eliacube.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Powerup Full-Color Change
- Rightful King Returns: He claims to be the former ruler of the Eliatropes, which helps explain why he's so depressed over their passing.
- The Sociopath
- The Starscream: A dangerously successful example.
- Stoic Spectacles
- Talkative Loon: Good grief, does Qilby love to monologue mid-battle.
- There Is Another
- Unreliable Expositor
- Villain Teleportation: With his portals.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Averted, in comparison to Nox. Qilby says he's ravaging planets in an effort to find a perfect home for his people, but he really just wants to cruise the Crosmose, regardless of whatever happens to others because of it.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: The only one of the immortal Eliatropes to remember all his past incarnations, making him far older mentally than his kin, he does not enjoy it at all and it estranges him from the others. He says he wanted to leave his Eliatrope homeworld because it became too small for him after living in it for so long in the season 2 finale.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Okay, so Qilby's completely nuts without any redeeming motivation, unlike Nox. But when you imagine that he's been living his every past lives, remembering every moment, never forgetting while his friends would forget him eventually and he had to constantly remind them of their relationship... Not even dying would let him forget to start anew. Qilby's virtually stuck in a reincarnative version of And I Must Scream.
On the other hand, his dragon sister Shinonome seemed to understand what's been happening and begged him to stop despite still in her egg; implying that she shared the same memory-retaining ability as Qilby. The fact that she remained to be on the side of good means that Qilby isn't fully excused from his mass genocides and selfish motives. - With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: He goes completely nuts the moment he and the Eliacube reunite.
- Would Be Rude to Say Genocide: "Annihilate is much too harsh. [The world] will just be a bit... eh... ravaged?"
Wakfu: Les Gardiens / The Guardians

- Bookworm: He owns the library of Emrub
- Brown Eyes
- Mismatched Eyes: His left, red eye in contrast to the normal brown one.
- Red Eye, Take Warning
- White-Haired Pretty Boy

- Animal Motifs: Penguin
- Triang Relations: Type 5: She has a crush on Cyd and Lëon secretly has a crush on her.

- Ambiguously Brown
- Badass Longcoat
- Black Eyes
- The Cavalry: He and Lock saving you from getting crushed by N and Lou.
- Ki Attacks: He is the master of Wakfung.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Power Tattoo
- Walking Shirtless Scene: He states himself being quite proud about his muscles.

- Animal Motifs: Frog
- The Engineer
- Triang Relations: Type 5: Blinie has a crush on him but he has no real interest in her.



- Berserk Button: Do not hurt Lock.
- The Cavalry: Her aiding Lock and Boa against N.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fingerless Gloves
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Lock and her
- Soul Power: Her skills of manipulating wakfu are unsurpassed.


- Animal Motifs: Bear
- Gentle Giant
- Triang Relations: Type 5: He has a crush on Blinie but she has only eyes for Cyd.

- The Cavalry: He and Boa saving you from getting crushed by N and Lou.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He and Kouett
- Spam Attack: He is the best brawler without using wakfu as part of his fighting style.

- Animal Motifs: Wolf
- Facial Markings
- Heel Face Turn
- Loners Are Freaks
- The Quiet One
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Wild Child
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair

- An Ice Person
- The Cavalry: She manages just in time to reflect N's attack and save everyones lives.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Prophet Eyes
- Woman in White


- BFS: Her needle, as big as herself surely qualifies.
- Improbable Weapon User: Her preferred weapon is her sewing needle.
- Pink Haired Girl

- Animal Motifs: Tofu
- Detached Sleeves
- Friend to All Living Things: She and her Tofus.
- Purple Eyes

- Apocalyptic Log: His journal about creating and discovering the arcanes and runes.
- Artifact of Doom: The "Rune Aine" he created.
- The Faceless

N (full name: N a ï l)
- Advancing Boss of Doom: Don't even think about fighting him.
- Alternate Self: N of Emrub, N of Sakaï and N the exiled.
- Ambition Is Evil
- Awful Truth
- Blindfolded Vision
- Blue Eyes
- Chained by Fashion
- Clothing Damage
- Dark and Troubled Past: Taken to its literal extreme.
- Don't Ask, Just Run: If Lock and Boa try to get out of his range, you should do so too.
- Enemy Summoner
- Evil Is Deathly Cold: His very presence manages to freeze lava...
- Expy: Of Uchicha.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water
- Freak-Out
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Go Mad from the Revelation: After returning from Sakaï, he wasn't very happy having found out about the world behind Emrub's mists...
- Grey and Gray Morality
- Guyliner
- Hero-Killer
- An Ice Person
- Implacable Man: Even missing his heart does not stop him.
- Insane Equals Violent
- Literally Shattered Lives
- Not Quite Dead
- Ominous Latin Chanting: His themesongs have it.
- One-Letter Name: The rest of his name has been forgotten through time.
- One-Winged Angel
- Person of Mass Destruction: He destroyed half of Emrub and surpasses anyone in terms of power.
- Power Floats
- The Power of Hate
- Power Tattoo
- Shonen Hair
- Superpower Meltdown
- Trapped in the Past
- Unstoppable Rage
- Variable-Length Chain
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- What Have I Become?
- Wound That Will Not Heal: After Lune stopped him and accidently stabbed his heart out, he is still alive with an ice rose in his heart.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair

- Breath Weapon
- City in a Bottle: After the goddess and most of the eliatropes disappeared, he took the remaining ones to Emrub, where they should be safe and unaware of the world outside.
- Floating Continent: He literally tore Emrub out of the ground and his breath is said to be the mists surrounding it.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Grey and Gray Morality
- Horned Humanoid
- Improbable Weapon User: His giant pipe.
- Morphic Resonance: Like Grougaloragran and Adamaï he keeps his color theme.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Imprisoning N only made things worse.
- The Older Immortal: Grougaloragran has been said to live since the beginning of time. Baltazar is older.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: As a dragon and shapheshifter, his humanoid form looks barely aged.
- Villain Teleportation
- Voluntary Shapeshifting