
Dofus is a MMOSRPG, with the S standing for strategic. Unlike most MMORPGs, battle takes place in separate screens, and uses a grid while each player takes their own turn to move about the grid and use their attacks. Each player controls only a single character which is customized in a fashion not dissimilar to a Diablo character, with spells to be improved with spell points and stats which determine the effectiveness of certain spells and other secondary abilities (Critical Hit Rate, Dodge ability, healing, etc...). There are 12 classes, who each have 21 unique spells, as well as a slight preference to certain weapon types. There are also a few universal spells, but these are generally less powerful, and have somewhat situational use. Still, they can be useful in the right circumstances.
Dofus is overall a silly game. Whereas World of Warcraft has a lot of silly things happening in it, the World of Twelve pretty much runs on Rule of Silly. For example, a popular early equipment set is the Gobbal set, made from what is essentially sheep leather. Amongst other things, the ring is called the |Bouze Lite Yeah Ring, and the head piece is little more than a hollowed-out severed head with tongue sticking out. Other nifty discoveries include the Used Bwork Protection. And pretty much every quest or item description is hardly serious, and half the NPCs have Punny Names. It's not a laugh-out-loud kind of funny, but rather presents a setting that just plain doesn't take itself seriously.
An animated series is expected to come out in 2012 (after the completion of the series for its sequel Wakfu), followed by a movie in 2013.
- Allegedly Free Game: Free to Play players, usually abbreviated as F2P, are allowed to go anywhere, but can only get in fights or do quests that occur in the newbie zone and the immediate area around the starting area proper (which includes a single dungeon).
- An Adventurer Is You: Much less defined than in some other games, with fourteen classes that can be turned into different roles. Here's a list:
- The Tank: Fecas and Sacriers. Whereas Fecas just don't take damage, Sacriers revel in it. They have A LOT more HP than anyone else, and every time they are hit with an attack, they only become more powerful.
- The Healer: Eniripsa. Less necessary than in most MMORPGs, however, since some other classes have obtained minor heal spells, and tactical abilities can be cleverly used to keep players safe from harm.
- The Nuker: Xelors and Sadidas have both area of effect damaging spells, but most classes can do middle to long-ranged damages as well (especially Cras, the archer specialist). Rogues plant bombs which, with time and preparation, can do massive damage, but only if they can keep them safe before it's time to push the plunger.
- The DPSer: Iops and Cras, although almost any class can be turned into a good DPSer with little effort.
- The Debuffer: Enutrofs and Sadidas plead guilty. Eniripsas and Ecaflips deserve an honorable mention. Cras are also very good with Frozen Arrow And Lashing Arrow
- The Mezzer: Xelors and Enutrof. These guys specialize in reducing enemy AP/MP (respectively), and can with good luck, prevent their opponent from doing anything at all. However, most classes have some minor disabling ability.
- The Petmaster: Osamodas. While there are some builds reliant on just using their support abilities, they are most famous for their monster summoning. Other classes (like Enutrofs, Pandawas and Sadidas) also have supporting summonings, but Osamodas has by far the widest variety of damaging summons.
- Ecaflip's Kitten and Sacrier's Flying Sword are attacking summons, not to mention every class's dopple summon at level 200 has a damaging spell, and every class can learn to summon skeletons and spiders.
- The Trapper: Srams, full stop.
- The Jack: Ecaflips possess a wide range of buffs and debuffs, mostly random, and can be turned into pretty much anything. Luck is always a prerequisite for playing such a class. Masqueraiders also have a wide variety of options, from high damage, to tanking, to keeping their distance and helping their allies do the same.
- It should be clarified that some classes can be turned into a wide variety of builds. Ecaflips can be good Buffers or Debuffers, Sadidas can throw away their supporting role to become a real DPSer, and Pandawas might be a great supporting warrior or a an efficient solo gamer. That makes classification hard in some cases. Some classes are more narrow-minded than others (Iop, Eniripsa, Cra, Sram), but with enough time/money/dedication, you can turn pretty much everything into anything else.
- Recently added to the game, the Rogue class , and the Masqueraider class have shown a number of new features. The Rogues wield bombs which can be thrown directly onto an opponent, or next to them and detonated, along with a number of devastating rifle-wielding techniques, but are near-useless at close-range. The Masqueraiders are a variety of Dance Battler and fight best at close range, with a few weaker ranged attacks, but possess a huge array of methods for getting themselves to their target.
- Barrier Warrior: Fecas. They have limited offensive abilities, but can make themselves Nigh Invulnerable, and proffer pretty heavy resistance to their allies as well. Given their (usually) high intelligence, they're not half bad healers. Consequently, a lot of complaints are received on the matter. The complainers often do not use the class. This particular class has been dubbed the weakest class only in 1vs1 PvP, which is because of the lack of spellpoints required to level the appropriate spells that are necessary for them to do well in PvP, not to mention the fairly expensive investments in comparison to that required by the other classes.
- Bragging Rights Reward: Some of the Dofus are very powerful and very hard to get a hold of like the Ochre Dofus mentioned above, then theres Kins Relic, which you get by doing a line of quests that make you kill every boss in the game in order.
- Bounty Hunter: Some of the quests that you can take are Bounties where you must look for certain unique monsters kill them and turn them in for a cash reward.
- Bribing Your Way to Victory: A fairly tame example. Anyone subscribing to the game gets a reward (the most popular being pets, which function like equipment, and the livitinems which disguise what equipment you're wearing, making them useful for PvP), and nothing prevents the players from buying 3 one year subscriptions to grab three subscriber gifts. However, such items cannot be traded for 3 months after they are obtained, and the items are only marginally better than similar ones present in the game.
- Cast from Hit Points
- Sacriers Punishment Spell to some extent, it works on a bell curve, it supposed to deal damage equal to 30% of the casters total life but only if the caster is close to or at 50% hp, it does less damage the farther you are away from 50% and none when your at full hp or 1 hp.
- When a enripsa uses Its class spell Mot Olov on someone it turns them into a walking bomb.
- Dance Battler: The Masqueraiders use a variety of breakdancing moves and somersaults in their main attacks.
- Drunken Master: Pandawa are an entire class built around this.
- Elemental Embodiment: The Elemental Spark monsters found in some areas function as this, being small blobs of elemental power which explode in proximity to player characters. There's also an enhanced version, the Elemental Spirits, which can be summoned by one particular Incarnation form and, rather than exploding, provide support to their master.
- Elemental Powers: Each attribute (except Vitality and Wisdom) is linked to an element. Strength = Earth, Intelligence = Fire, Agility = Wind, Chance = Water. Most builds will only focus on one of these, although a few builds make use of two, and some characters can even manage to be omni-elemental.
- Empathic Healer
- Enripsas that use "Word of Altruism" can heal all allies to full health at the cost of disabling all of their healing spells for a set duration, pretty much making them a prime target.
- To some extent, Sacriers: when using "Life Transfer" ("Gift of Life" in Wakfu) they give 10% of their life (which usually numbers in the thousands) to allies around them.
- Enemy Summoner: Most bosses can pull this off, with the Soft Oak possessing a branch independant of its body specifically for the purpose. The most noticeable was a (mercifully Nerfed) fight against two Arachnids and one Arachnee. Killing the three on the first turn isn't difficult, but if you fail, the Arachnids summoned more Arachnids. Which summoned more arachnids.
- Fan Nickname: Beside a lot of abbreviations, some builds get nicknames.
- Fan Service: Like with Wakfu, pick your poison.
- Geometric Magic: Fecas, although the symbols aren't visible. Several of their best spells use this -- Burning Glyph is their most potent fire attack spell, and their level 100 spell Glyph of Silence is one of the best Action Point (read: used to actually do anything) nerfs in the game.
- Grim Up North: The latest expansion takes place on a large continent to the north called "Frigost". An once Beautiful Area that was covered in Frost and ice after Count Harebourg tried to create an eternal summer and pissed of the demon Djaul, though Herbourg took all the blame and has a Bounty on him that the players can collect when that part of the expansion is released. Most of the creatures there are geared towards characters between level 100-200 and best taken care of by groups of players.
- Healing Shiv: Some weapons can heal targets as well as hurting them, often factors in to some builds. These are very important as most classes don't have any way to heal normally. But stick a healing weapon on an intelligence character, and you suddenly have a good source of HP.
- Idiot Crows
- Infinity+1 Sword
- The Dofus. Each character has space for 6 Dofus that will spend a very long time unused. However, they provide an effectively free boost to stats. In particular, the Ochre Dofus requires a character to capture the soul of every monster, every boss, and every incredibly rare spawning named monster. (There exists one for each regular monster type.) This takes a while.
- Cursed Sword of the Blord Warrior is one to some extent, it hits five times in one attack and with the right equipment can be use twice per turn though it will fail half of the time making you end up skipping your turn. This can be averted though by doing a quest where an NPC turns it into a a scythe though its effectiveness is defeated again since all classes have a -10% damage when using scythes. In the hands of a Build that relies on Static +damages (like some Iops and Sacriers) It becomes a very powerful weapon, moreso in the hands of a Omni/Damage Sacrier fully buffed, good luck setting this up though.
- Class Sets, there are 12 four piece sets devoted to each class in the game what the stats you get from them are lackluster but each piece changes the way certain class spells work, like adding range to certain spells, deceasing their ap cost or cool down allowing you to use them more often to disabling the need to have Line of sight to use certain skills, and the colors of the hat and cloak change to match your characters colors.
- Magic Wand: One of the ranged weapon types.
- Mass Monster Slaughter Sidequest: Several, including one requiring you to defeat and capture the soul of every non-boss monster in the game. And the bosses. And a second copy of every monster which spawns randomly, has a unique name and increased power.
- Meaningful Name: most classes names are meaningful (in french) when read backward:
- Cra: arc means bow
- Enutrof: fortune
- Osamodas: sado-maso(chist)
- Sram: Mars
- Ecaflip: pil(e)face means head/tails
- Eniripsa: aspirine
- Sadida: Adidas (the sportwear brand)
- Xelor: Rolex (the watch brand)
- Mighty Glacier: Most Classes that have the ability to tank can become this but Sacriers are this full stop due to their lack of ranged attacks (they make up for it by having the some of the best map manipulation spells in the game), unless they use a bow or wand as a weapon.
- Morph Weapon: Inverted by Incarnation weapons - they remain the same and the wielder is changed to the same form as the original owner. Results in a Swiss Army Hero for anyone carrying more than one of them.
- Nigh Invulnerability: Speciality of the Feca class, of the Divine Protection type (although they have to actively cast the shields, the deity Feca provides the power). One of their spells, Immunity, grants outright invulnerability to the target for one turn unless dispelled.
- No Arc in Archery: Cras, and anyone using a bow. At least, prior to the migration of all servers to version 2.0. Most archery-based spells now show a realistic trajectory.
- No Points for Neutrality: Aligned characters get cheaper access to Zaap transport, can headhunt other aligned players for money and experience, can transport themselves between Prisms which allow teleportation to areas that normally have to be walked to and can use multi-target healing potions or invisibility potions. Neutral players? Get a knight to defend them if an aligned player attacks them in a non-aligned area and have no conventional access to multiple villages across the game.
However, getting an alignment still comes at a heavy price. In order to get any of the perks of an alignment you have to put your wings up which automatically puts you on the list of players of the headhunters quest which means having someone hunt you down and kill you for a few strokens and some xp, often times people will wait until you are out of a fight and ambush you or attack you while your in the middle of something usually making sure that you cant fight back too well. also of the alignment areas neutral players can, with the help of a player of the opposite alignment of who own the area, sneak into the area. Neutral players can also pretty much go anywhere (only two areas actually require an alignment) and monster that have alignment wont bother them but usually attack players of the opposite alignment on sight. and finally if a aligned player aggros a neutral player they get a disgrace point, the more disgrace points you have the more tattered thier wings look and the less you are able to do like having too many makes it so that player cant open their bank or use zaapis or prisms. to add insult on the heroic server (it has double xp gain but death is mostly permanent) if a aligned player has too many disgrace points it makes it so that their movement via zaaps and potions has a cool down timer and if they attack neutral players too much it allows neutrals player to aggro them.
With the next big update neutral players on all servers will be able to aggro any aligned player with disgrace points. - Only a Flesh Wound: The Sacrier school of tanking results in this. A lot. The class gains 15HP per level, and at the level cap can easily have over six thousand HP with equipment bonuses, allowing them to shrug off attacks that would have killed anyone else.
- Power-Up Food
- Five star fish and meat and some bread can permanently increase certain characteristics if they are below a certain threshold.
- Certain Candies that can be acquired both in game in though the lottery system can temporarily increase certain stats or characteristics for a set amount of fights.
- Characteristic scrolls are very common, they can be used to boost every stat to 101 if used right.
- Puzzle Boss: Most of the bosses towards the end of the game don't go down just because you hit them enough. Many are capable of generating perfect defenses until you perform some trick to make them lose it. Considering that these tricks often require support or tactical abilities that are not available to all classes, it's possible to go into a boss fight with no chance of winning.
- Running Gag
- The Dev team have repeatedly made jokes about how Feca players complain of the nerfs they have received. The players usually find it considerably less amusing, especially since this means they're acknowledging the players don't like it....
- Iops are repeatedly insulted for their intelligence in various places in the game. It's not just that they're slow, but they are usually treated as though they had sub-inanimate object intelligence.
- Sdrawkcab Name / Punny Name: Sadida, Sram, Ecaflip, Enutrof, Osamodas, Eniripsa... try to reverse the letters. These are most obvious examples, but almost every character or piece of stuff has a Punny Name. In French.
- Set Bonus: Every equipment set has a bonus for wearing multiple pieces of it. At higher levels, this can extend to hundreds of HP, or extra action or movement points.
- Shovel Strike: The Enutrofs' weapon of choice.
- Summon Magic: Western Variant, the Osamodas can summon all sorts of monsters to fight for him (the Osamodas itself is very support oriented), and the Sadida can summon dolls to provide support (the Sadida itself being very damage oriented). Eastern variant has Sacrificial Doll (Sadida) and Homing Hand (Xelor), which make a kamikaze attack.
- Swiss Army Hero: Most characters over level 30 have at least one Incarnation weapon, which turns the wielder into a clone of its original owner. It's not hard to get four or five, and some players carry around several just for the versatility of the extra classes—being able to unbewitch or dispel invisibility aren't otherwise available to most classes.
- Time Master: Xelors, though their particular brand of time magic just has to do with giving and taking Action Points, with a decent mix of support and attack abilities.
- Villainous Harlequin: The new Masqueraider class looks like one.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?
- Eniripsa are the healing class of the game, but healers are generally not needed in a group, as there exist enough defensive powers and other healing methods that many bosses can be defeated just by outlasting them. They also have the poorest attack abilities in the game. This is not to say healing isn't useful, but it's not necessary like it is in most RPGs, especially as any intelligence build can heal thanks to Healing Shivs. It doesn't help this trope that their spells now take on the appearance of big pink hearts.
- Bloodthirsty Madness: it drain 300 hp but only from allies for only 2 ap; it's great to use on summons but some players turn on you pretty quick when you start using it on them, though on a crit it steals their life and heals them.
- Bear in mind that just because they're not neccesary does not mean they aren't good, especially if the team also has a dedicated tank. Sacrier and Eniripsa teams are deadly to just about any enemy that doesn't require special tricks to beat.