Suite Pretty Cure/Characters
This is the character sheet for Suite Pretty Cure.
Pretty Cure
The Original Duo (Melody & Rhythm)
Hibiki Houjou (Cure Melody)
Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu
An energetic jock who loves eating sweets and playing sports. She tends to be bullheaded and act before she thinks, but her heart is generally in the right place. As the series progresses, she rediscovers her love of the piano.
- Alliterative Name
- Bare Your Midriff: When transformed
- Big Eater
- Blue Eyes
- Catch Phrase: "I'm betting my woman's pride on this!" [1]
- Fiery Redhead
- Girlish Pigtails: When transformed
- Meaningful Name: Her name translates to "echo".
- Modesty Shorts: She may be wearing them with her school uniform and/or her Cure outfit, but the laws of physics tend to be violated regularly, preventing successful confirmation thus far.
- Redheaded Hero --> Rose-Haired Girl
- Sweet Tooth
- Tomboy: To Kanade's girly girl
- Tsurime Eyes
- When You Coming Home, Dad?: Hibiki spends a lot of time alone, due to her dad's busy teaching schedule and her mother being on tour most of the time.
- Zettai Ryouiki: As Cure Melody.
Kanade Minamino (Cure Rhythm)
Voiced by: Fumiko Orikasa
An intelligent and cool-headed patissier who works at her family's pastery shop. She becomes incredibly flustered and dreamy when romance is involved, and is short-tempered when dealing with Hibiki.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Towards Ouji.
- Big Sister Instinct: Although her little brother Souta doesn't do anything but fool around, she was willing to save him from a Negatone attack in episode 6.
- Catch Phrase: "I'll show you the recipe of motivation!" [2]
- Cuteness Proximity: With cats... or rather cat's paws. No, really, her bedroom is even decorated with them!
- Dumb Blonde: Inverted, and hard.
- Feminine Women Can Cook: Not to mention bake.
- Green Eyes
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Well, cat paws, but still.
- Leotard of Power: She may be wearing this as Cure Rhythm, but again, the laws of physics do not apply in this continuity.
- Meaningful Name: "Kanade" translates to "play on" as in with an instrument.
- Supreme Chef: Regarding sweets.
- Tareme Eyes
- Tsundere: A more friendship-oriented version towards Kanade. We think.
- Girly Girl: To Hibiki's tomboy
- Zettai Ryouiki
The Second Duo (Spoilers)
Siren/Ellen Kurokawa (Cure Beat)
Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi
Siren, post-Heel Face Turn. Free from her jealousy and the influence of the Noise of Evil, her true personality shines through as a headstrong yet socially-awkward girl whose only wish is to make friends. Her ability to shapeshift has been lost, trapping her in human form under the alias of "Ellen Kurokawa". She loves to read books on how to act in certain situations, being unfamiliar with human social conventions.
- Adorkable
- Ahoge: As Cure Beat. She can play a power chord on it.
- Anti-Hero: Type I, at first.
- The Atoner
- Badass Boast: "The beat of my heart can't be stopped!"
- Barrier Warrior: The only member of Team Suite to have Deflector Shields or defensive magic of any sort.
- Berserk Button: Post-Heel Face Turn, she is one; harm her in front of Hibiki and/or Kanade, and your life is forfeit.
- Dark Magical Girl: Starts this way, but becomes progressively less dark as she becomes more accustomed to having friends.
- Deflector Shields: Beat Barrier
- Eyes of Gold
- Face Heel Revolving Door: She switches to the side of Minor Land before the story begins. Her first Heel Face Turn is denied after Mephisto steps in and re-brainwashes her. But later she gets a true Heel Face Turn as Cure Beat.
- Genre Savvy: Has a surprising amount of genre-vision for someone so clueless about how the world works.
- Good Costume Switch
- Hair Decorations: Prior to her Heel Face Turn, her human form was distinguished by a clef-shaped hair pin. Since becoming Cure Beat, she's apparently replaced it with a yellow scrunchy.
- I Have Many Names: She's Siren in her cat form, Ellen in her human form. Yet even after she permanently becomes human, Hummy, Trio the Minor, and Mephisto still call her Siren (and she doesn't seem to mind).
- Instrument of Murder: The Love Guitar Rod, which not only has a trigger (which was probably pulled straight off of Raising Heart) for shooting Tone Rings but is also distinctly shaped like a battle-axe in its transformed state.
- It Amused Me: Her reaction to the Plot-Mandated Friendship Failure in episode 25. Ellen immediately sees through Trio the Minor's attempts to make the situation worse and plays along with them just for the hell of it.
- Leotard of Power: It's assumed that she's wearing one, as with Kanade/Cure Rhythm, but really, have the laws of physics ever been obeyed in-series?
- Musical Assassin: Where Rhythm and Melody get magic rods that they wave around like conductor's batons, Beat gets the Love Guitar Rod, a magical axe that turns into an ax and shoots exploding Tone Rings of death and destruction.
- Naive Newcomer: Since adjusting to living life as a human, she's been rather impressionable and clueless about everyday life. Examples include believing she needs to prepare for a mountain expedition to go hiking, and how she intends to introduce herself once she starts attending school...
- Plot-Mandated Friendship Failure: In episode 25, after Hibiki and Kanade's prank scares the shit out of her. It appears to get worse when Trio the Minor use the same prank to further deepen the already-healing rift between her and her two friends. It turns out Ellen knew what was going on and played along in order to troll the Trio.
- Redemption Equals Death: Surprisingly averted. The real price of Siren's change of heart is being put in a Shapeshifter Mode Lock.
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: She lost the ability to shapeshift after her pendant broke, trapping her in human form.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Seiren is Greek for "siren" and is the standard term for that creature in Japan, but since many English-speaking fans only know the word "siren" her name is usually rendered as "Siren" by the English fanbase.
- Almost everyone assumed that her human alter-ego's name was "Ellen", but all official sources (including merchandise and the show itself) romanise her name as "Eren", which is a normal Japanese name, but the katakana spelling made it plausible that "Ellen" was the intended spelling. Never the less, "Ellen" is too well-established amongst the English fanbase for it to change.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Has indigo hair as Ellen.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Featured in her first outfit as Ellen, which she retains after her Good Costume Switch. She also has this in Cure form, albeit with thigh-high boots rather than stockings.
Ako Shirabe (Cure Muse)
Voiced by: Rumi Oukubo
The princess of Major Land, after revealing herself as the masked Cure Muse. By far the most serious and pragmatic of the four Pretty Cures, her outward determination hides her emotional fragility in the face of the threat against her family. She can be incredibly blunt when criticising others.
- Clark Kenting: Wore glasses on Earth to conceal her identity. Between that and her personality switch to Deadpan Snarker, it proved surprisingly effective.
- Curtains Match the Window: As Ako. Her eyes turn pink as Muse, which was one way Toei tried to throw us off her scent.
- Dark Magical Girl: Isolated herself from the other Pretty Cure and tried to find a way to help Mephisto on her own. Even after she loses the mask, she's constantly the pragmatic Grumpy Bear of the group.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Doppelganger Spin: "Pretty Cure Shining Circle".
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- The Glasses Come Off: Post-transformation.
- Little Miss Snarker
- Macross Missile Massacre: Her finisher, "Pretty Cure Sparkling Shower" does this with note-shaped bubbles.
- Meganekko
- Musical Assassin: Can attack and create barriers with a piano of energy. It's later revealed to be an ability of Major Land's royal family.
- Power Makes Your Hair Grow: Applies to all the Cures, of course -- but whereas the others just get longer, curlier hair, Ako's goes from extremely short to extremely long.
- Rapunzel Hair: When transformed.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Ship Tease: Quite a bit with Souta, Kanade's brother.
- The Stoic
- Token Mini-Moe: She's the youngest Cure not only in the Suite Pretty Cure team, but also in the entire franchise (beating out Hikari, Urara, and Erika)!
- Tsundere: Textbook example.
- When She Smiles: At the end of Ouji's birthday episode.
Cure Muse
Cure Muse
Voiced by: Mayu Kudou (as Dodory)
A mysterious masked warrior. She shows up on occasion to aid the Pretty Cure in protecting the innocent, but claims neutrality in the battle between them and Minor Land. She does not speak, instead allowing her Fairy Tone Dodory to speak on her behalf. She is later revealed to be Ako Shirabe, having taken up the disguise because she could not bear to fight her father- the Brainwashed and Crazy Mephisto- directly.
- Aloof Ally
- Badass Cape
- Cat Suit
- Cool Mask
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Dark Magical Girl
- I Have the High Ground
- I Was Just Passing Through
- Mask Power
- Musical Assassin: Can attack and create barriers with a piano of energy.
- Mysterious Protector
- Older Alter Ego: Cure Muse may seem to be this to the significantly-shorter Ako... but as it turns out, Ako was just wearing platform boots.
- Roof Hopping
- The Stoic
- The Voiceless
- You Shall Not Pass: Pulls this when the Pretty Cure attempt to attack Mephisto directly. Unfortunately, it backfires after Mephisto uses the distraction to flee with all of the Notes.
Voiced by: Kotono Mitsuishi
A Songstress of Major Land. Hummy is sincere, simple-minded, and relentlessly optimistic.
- Dumb Is Good
- Cute Kitten
- The Fool
- Kindhearted Simpleton: She might be rather dense, but she has a great capacity for kindness and forgiveness, especially where Siren is concerned.
- Mentor Mascot
- Non-Human Sidekick
- The Pollyanna: Says thank you to insults and cannot remember depressing events for long.
- Stupid Good
- Verbal Tic: "~nya", obviously enough.
Voiced by: Noriko Hidaka
The Queen of Major Land. Wife of Mephisto, mother of Ako, and daughter of Otokichi.
Fairy Tones
Voiced by: Mayu Kudou
The Precures' partners and the key to their transformation. Dori, Reri, and Lary are used for transformation into Cure Melody, Rhythm, and Beat respectively, while Miri, Fary, and Solry are used along with them for special attacks. Tiry serves as leader, and Dodori, the previously missing Fairy Tone, serves as the "voice" of Cure Muse.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Dori, Reri, and Lary all match their respective Precures' color-schemes when transformed.
- The Leader: Tiri
- Musical Theme Naming: Named after the "musical syllables" used in the modern solfège. Dodori is named as such because she's the higher "do", and not the first, like Dori is.
- Ridiculously Cute Critters
- Transformation Trinkets
Crescendo Tone
Voiced by: Kumiko Nishihara
The Fairy of Sound who gave birth to all the sounds in this world. The other Fairy Tones were born from her. She usually resides inside the Healing Chest that was found in the dark forest.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Team Mom: Literally, for the Fairy Tones. She's where they all came from.
- Upgrade Artifact: Allows cure Melody to transform into Crescendo Cure Melody.
Otokichi Shirabe
Voiced by: Keiichi Sonobe
The mysterious tuner of Kanon Town, who is working on a large organ. The previous King of Major Land, father of Aphrodite, and grandfather of Ako. Long ago fought and sealed away Noise.
Minor Land
Voiced by: Kenyuu Horiuchi
The King of Minor Land, a dark opposite to Major Land. His goal is to create the Melody of Sorrow, which would plunge the world into an endless despair. He is actually the missing king of Major Land, who was brainwashed by the evil power of Noise. He is later cured by the Pretty Cures and returns to Major Land.
- Adult Child: As if his general demeanor wasn't evidence enough, it's driven home at one point when he's sitting on his throne with an enormous lollipop.
- Ako, I Am Your Father
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad: Or is he?
- Brainwashed and Crazy: If those "earplugs" of his are any indicator...
- Bumbling Dad: After his Heel Face Turn.
- The Dark Side Will Make You Forget: It's all but stated that he became Brainwashed by the Noise of Evil after a failed attempt to retrieve the Healing Chest from the Evil Forest. While Mephisto remembers how frightening his expedition was, he can't remember the exact events that transpired due to the influence of the Noise of Evil.
- Disc One Final Boss
- Evil Redhead
- Heroic Sacrifice: Executes one of these to free Bassdrum and Baritone from Noise's control.
- Kick The Cat: In episode 13, he renders Siren brainwashed, rinsed, and dried.
- Large Ham: Very, very much so.
- Laughably Evil: Honestly, with his hammy manners and Card-Carrying Villain style, he's hard to take seriously after the succession of Eldritch Abominations, Omnicidal Maniacs, or, in the best case world-conquering tyrants that served as Big Bads of the previous series. Even actual characters in the show do not see his grand entrance in Episode 1 as something particularly threatening, at least until he shows that he is Not So Harmless.
- Mook Maker: His beard, apparently.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Seemingly named for the demon Mephistopheles.
- Spikes of Villainy
Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi
Mephisto's second-in-command. A former Songstress of Major Land, she defected to Minor Land after Hummy was chosen over her to sing the Melody of Happiness. She is incredibly vain and prissy, and possesses the ability to shapeshift at will, often taking the form of a human girl called "Ellen". She later pulls a Heel Face Turn and becomes Cure Beat, who is covered in the Pretty Cure section.
- Always Someone Better: The reason for her Face Heel Turn before the series.
- Badass Longcoat
- Becoming the Mask: Face-plants into this trope hard when disguising herself as Sakura, Hibiki's ideal "best friend".
- Broken Pedestal: To Hummy; however, Hummy subverts the usual way this trope works by never giving up on her.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Thanks to the Noise of Evil.
- Cats Are Mean
- Enigmatic Minion: Strays into this territory after she starts to fall out of favour with Mephisto, right around the time that Cure Muse first shows up. It's a Red Herring, and the "Siren is Cure Muse" theory is quickly investigated and disproved by the other characters.
- Evil Former Friend: She and Hummy used to be the best of friends before her envy overcame her and she switched sides.
- Eyes of Gold
- Meganekko: As Youko in episode 4 and Sakura in episode 8.
- Morphic Resonance: Whenever she shape-shifts, she's always wearing a very unique-looking charm around her neck. By the time Hibiki and Kanade notice this, it's too late to be of any use: she pulls a Heel Face Turn and loses her shapeshifting ability shortly thereafter.
- More Than Mind Control: The Noise of Evil amplified her own insecurities and jealousy towards Hummy.
- Musical Assassin: She can create Negatones with her voice, and generate explosive projectiles shaped like musical notes.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: And a pretty impressive one, as far as cats go.
- Not So Above It All: Wears an utterly ridiculous outfit in an early episode, which was pretty counter-intuitive to her mannerisms beforehand. (She claims that it was a special case because the plan was for her to get onto television.)
- Rose-Haired Girl: When disguised as Sakura, her hair is a dark pink with matching eyes.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- You Gotta Have Indigo Hair: As Ellen.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Featured as Ellen.
Trio The Minor
Voiced by: Atsushi Ono
- Ambiguously Brown
- Baleful Polymorph: After his second upgrade, he takes on a form he doesn't care for.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Was once one of the heroic "Three Musketeers of Major Land" before being corrupted by the Noise of Evil.
- Beard of Evil: And he doesn't like having it messed up.
- Frogs and Toads: This is what his second "upgrade" resembles.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- The Starscream: Not to Mephisto, but to Siren. Before long, he doesn't waste any time in trying to undermine her and become the group's leader.
- Super Senses: After the Trio gets their power-up, Bassdrum gets the ability to smell notes like a bloodhound.
- Top-Heavy Guy
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Voiced by: Tooru Nara
- Adult Child: Acts the most outright childish of the Trio.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Was once one of the heroic "Three Musketeers of Major Land" before being corrupted by the Noise of Evil. That said, he's far more monstrous once he shows his true colors.
- Butt Monkey: Before her Heel Face Turn, Siren would take her frustrations out on Falsetto by clawing out his hair.
- The Dog Bites Back: Starts beating up Ellen, the other Cures, AND the rest of the Trio with shocking regularity.
- Cute but Cacophonic: Well, he's not exactly cute, but he's fairly mundane compared to Bassdrum and Baritone... and his voice is the most high pitched and shrill out of the entire trio.
- Malevolent Masked Men: Gets a mask that is basically half a bird's black skull after his true form is revealed.
- The Mole: Among the bad guys, to Noise, the series' actual Big Bad.
- Not So Harmless: The most dimwitted and overall nicest member of Trio de Minor was in fact the Dragon to Noise, the series Big Bad.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Rose Haired Man
- Super Senses: After the Trio gets their power up, Falsetto gets the ability to hear Notes from great distances.
- Vile Villain Saccharine Show: Once Falsetto takes over the bad guys, he means business. Not only is he more effective than Mephisto ever was, but he does things like order Bassdrum and Baritone to kill Aphrodite when they are holding her hostage. That's not to mention how he repeatedly abuses them, and though that's often played for laughs, the final time[3] most certainly isn't.
- Whip It Good: Gains the ability to create a purple energy whip from his palm.
- Then he wields a real one in the form of a cat-o-nine-tails later on.
Voiced by: Youhei Oobayashi
- Baleful Polymorph: Just as with Bassdrum, though with Baritone being a narcissist, it affects him much more badly.
- Bishonen
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Was once one of the heroic "Three Musketeers of Major Land" before being corrupted by the Noise of Evil.
- Evil Genius: In sharp contrast to his comrades, Baritone prides himself on his intelligence. He finally gets to show it after the trio's upgrade, using his smarts to trap the Fairy Tones and become the new leader.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Mind Over Matter: Post upgrade.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: His third "upgrade" turns him into a vaguely reptilian form.
- Super Senses: Gains super eyesight after the Trio gets their upgrade.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Voiced by: Ryusei Nakao
- And Then What?: Subverted. Noise is fully aware that his "utopia" will cause him to disappear, and is quite fine with that. See "Death Seeker" below.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: Of humanity's sorrow.
- Big Bad: The one pulling all the strings.
- Bishonen Line: Goes from a tiny bird to a gigantic bird monster to a birdlike humanoid.
- Chekhov's Gunman: That skeletal bird thing that's seen when Negatones transform? That's the first hint of Noise's existence.
- Death Seeker: The utopia he seeks to create will ultimately lead to him disappearing as well, allowing him to finally escape his own sorrow.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Emotion Eater: Feeds off of sadness to grow even more powerful. That's because he is sadness.
- Evil Laugh
- Feathered Fiend
- Go Out with a Smile
- The Man Behind the Man
- The Mole: Posed as "Pii-chan" to get close to the Precure so he could steal the notes they collected.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: In episode 39, "Pii-chan's" eyes glow red as his connection to Noise is revealed.
- Sad Clown: Not really a clown, per se, but it's revealed that Noise, the so-called over the top villain and source of sorrow and despair, is actually quite sorrowful himself, and believes he's creating a utopia by removing music, and thus the feeling it creates, from the world.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Sleep Mode Size: The form of a tiny bird named Pii-chan, who tried to get close to Ako by pretending to be hurt.
- Utopia Justifies the Means: Believes that removing sound and feeling from the world will create a utopia.
Other Characters
Souta Minamino
Voiced by: Yumiko Kobayashi
- Annoying Younger Sibling
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dude in Distress: Several times.
- Hidden Depths: Though he appears to be nothing more than Kanade's annoying little brother, he's shown to actually care a lot about his sister and Ako.
- Ship Tease: Has a fair bit of it with Ako.
Waon Nishijima
Voiced by: Yuuko Gibu
- Curtains Match the Window
- Epic Hail: She promises to be there for Hibiki wherever she is needed, and boy does she mean it. It takes two seconds after Hibiki's Epic Hail for Waon to get there.
- Genki Girl: Ridiculously so.
- Red Herring: Suspected to be Cure Muse in-universe.
- Shonen Hair: A rare female example.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Seika Higashiyama
Voiced by: Youko Ninshino
- Club President
- Curtains Match the Window
- Everyone Loves Blondes
- Eyes of Gold
- Off-Model: Unexplainedly gains light brown hair in episode 4. It is fixed in the DVD and Blu-ray releases.
- Red Herring: Suspected to be Cure Muse in-universe.
Masamune Ouji
Voiced by: Hisafumi Oda
- Bishonen: Sparkles and all.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Everyone Loves Blondes
- Expy: Considered by the fans to be a pseudo-Tamaki Suou.
- Eyes of Gold
- Princely Young Man: It's right there in his last name.
- Satellite Character: He's probably just there to be lusted after. He is shown to have a more rounded personality later on, helping Ellen come to terms with some of her doubts on friendship and revealing that he's somewhat of a Fan Boy of Hibiki's mom... and then he fades into the background again.