Suite Pretty Cure/Variations
The website,, lists several variations of Suite Pretty Cure as normal non-crossover fanfics. Among the variations:
- Pretty Konjiki's Suite Pretty Cure - a Glee-based take on the season, with the addition of a Cure created by Pretty_Konjiki;
- Waltz of a Suite Life - a version by the author of Pretty Cure Perfume Preppy with additional plot points and a Cure created for the series;
- ryanasaurus0077's Suite Pretty Cure - a more faithful three-act movie retelling which only veers in Act 3 when two familiar faces return as teachers at Private Aria Academy;
- Several others we haven't gotten around to listing yet.
Pretty Konjiki's Suite Pretty Cure contains examples of:
- Ascended Extra - Waon and Seika. Arguably, Ouji as well, and the other Musical Princes to a lesser extent.
- Berserk Button - Rie when Ellen is nearly killed in episode 40 and at the end of Set Fire To The Rain
- Bilingual Bonus - Sang calling the Glee club a "sseulegi" [1] when she quits.
- Blow You Away - Apparently, the basis of Cure Windhawk's powers.
- Broken Bird - Rie
- Brought Down to Normal - Waon and Seika
- Control Freak - Ouji becomes a mild version of this.
- Covert Pervert - Rie again.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming -The performance of "Fix You" is supposed to be this
- Darker and Edgier - Surprisingly not as much, but it's there.
- Expy - Rie is this for Manga!Ruby Toujou, as is Michiko Namita (an Original Character) to Tina Cohen.
- Even the Guys Want Him - Shunsuke with Ouji
- Face Heel Turn - Pulled by Siren, although here she pulls it during the story rather than prior, causing the aforementioned Brought Down to Normal event.
- Fan Service - several numbers are designed to be this, in particular "Push It" and "Dirty Dancer".
- Friends with Benefits
- Hilarious in Hindsight / Harsher in Hindsight - Waon makes a remark, during Shunsuke's audition, about him saying there were monsters after his testicles. It turns out in FORTE that he's gay and in very deep denial.
- In episode 16 (15 in the canon version), Kanade becomes afraid of Ouji dating someone else. In the following season, it turns out he indeed cheated on her... Just not with a "princess".
- Ho Yay
- Hotter and Sexier - to an extent
- Teens Are Cruel - Michiko in her first appearance admits she gets tripped all the time due to how she's dressed, and she's too shy to ask for help. It only gets worse in season 2, to the point she nearly transfers.
- Les Yay - Rie with Kanade and, later on, Ellen
- My God, You Are Serious / Funny Background Event - Early on, Shunsuke sings "Russian Unicorn" as his audition song for the Glee club. Later, during a graveyard scene, he is briefly seen in the background, chasing a porcupine and shouting "Zazoom! Come back here!"
- Original Character - Loads of these.
- Ship Mates - Towards the end.
- Tear Jerker - Episode 40
- Too Dumb to Live - Mio Matsuzaka
- What Do You Mean It's for Kids? - Even more consistantly than Waltz of a Suite Life, due to Glee's mature content. Hell theres a sex riot assembly song in one episode
- Would Hit a Girl
- Whole-Plot Reference - The series, as a whole, to Glee.
Waltz of a Suite Life contains examples of:
- All Girls Want Bad Boys - Hibiki develops this as her primary fetish after becoming bisexual.
Hibiki: You know what this school needs? More men clad in leather riding motorcycles without a care in the world. Now that's my kind of men, not the girly, sparkly ones all the other girls seem to drool over.
- All Love Is Unrequited - Uta's crush on Ouji (and later Baron), Junichi's crush on Kanade.
- Audience? What Audience? - At one point Hibiki states that she'd rather be a character in the show that comes before theirs "just 'cause the main character is one sexy beast".
- Ascended Extra - The other Pastry Club members are given much more focus as well as names.
- Souta, Sakura, Seigi, Junichi and the Hitokuchi Brothers in the finale.
- Ascended Fanboy - Junichi, who is a major Pretty Cure geek and dreams of becoming one someday (the universe in which this retelling takes place in does have male Cures after all).
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance - Aside from Melody and Rhythm's clef hairdos, we also get Panthera Vivace, whose hairstyle is meant to resemble a bass clef.
- Babies Ever After - In the finale, once Hibiki arrives in Paris, Maria reveals that she's pregnant with another child.
- Becoming the Costume - Episode 37, which includes, among other things, an involuntary transformation moment for Hibiki and Kanade, zombified Tei (with one of her eyes falling off every so often), and Ako getting a Fan Service Pack, all of them for obvious reasons.
- Bi the Way - Kanade, as well as Hibiki after she and Captain Marvelous have a "private talk" in Suite Pretty Cure VS Gokaiger.
- Big Damn Heroes - The Cures in episode 33, when Honetaro is about to forcedly eat Uta.
- And again in episode 37. Due to the Becoming the Costume spell, Nagisa and Honoka temporarily regain their Pretty Cure powers and join their pupils in battle, much to everyone's surprise.
- Episode 42 has Hummy. Yes, Hummy.
- Big Good - Cure Destiny, the embodiment of all Pretty Cure leaders, as well as AkaRed's little sister.
- Biker Babe - Koto in the finale, also an example of Walking the Earth and The Atoner.
- Bloodier and Gorier - Episode 33 as a whole (it deals with freakin' cannibalism). So much, that at the end of its preview the "On the Next Episode of..." Catchphrase was interrupted by the sound of a bite and the girls screaming.
- Later on, during the finale, we get a scene where Panthera Vivace uses her claws to gouge out Bassdrum's eyes. Talk about Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass.
- Blush Sticker - Hummy in all of her forms. Yes, even Panthera Vivace.
- Body Horror - Once Koto is proclaimed Minor Land's new songstress, Mephisto places a tattoo on her forehead that resembles the ones all the Major Land animals have. Said tattoo causes her to slowly turn into a feline beast, obviously causing her irritation and pain. The transformation is completed around episodes 42-43, which leads to a climatic battle between her and Cure Beat in episode 44.
- Book Ends - The title of the last episode is just that of the first episode with "departing" instead of "birth".
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - Tei in episode 22, when she sees Hummy, once grieving about Siren's death, happily playing with the Fairy Tones as if nothing happened. "...You mean that big dramatic Ending Theme last episode was for nothing?"
- Brought Down to Badass - Hibiki, Kanade and Tei during the span of episodes 19 to 21 (in particular the last one), and again (plus Uta) in episode 29.
- Subverted in episode 42; Koto steals the Cure Modules, but it's Hummy, of all characters, who takes a stand to get them back.
- BST - Tei and Seigi
- Cat Fight - Literally between Cure Symphony (whose slow transformation into a werecat is almost complete at this point) and Panthera Vivace (a Catgirl) in episode 42.
- Catgirl - Panthera Vivace, complete with retractable claws.
- Chapstick Lesbian - Hibiki, and is she proud of it. At first.
- Crossover - Suite Pretty Cure VS Gokaiger: From Pretty Cure to Suitenger
- Cry Cute - Ako at the end of episode 36, due to her failing to purify Mephisto.
- Dark Is Not Evil - The black-clad Cure Rhapsody and her Non-Human Sidekick Cappella.
- Darker and Edgier - From a certain angle it manages to be darker than Pretty_Konjiki's version.
- Death by Adaptation - Siren, Mephisto, and Seika.
- Demoted to Extra - Waon, who in this version isn't even named until episode 28, and prior to it even Hibiki only refers to her as "Blue Sports Chick". So far the only time she was named when she was onscreen was in episode 30, but just because she was crucial to the plot of the episode.
- Disappears Into Light - Siren's fate.
- Disney Death - Trio the Minor. They're killed off in episode 10 (and not in a very pretty way) but brought back twelve episodes later.
- Distant Finale - The final episode takes place one year after the events of the final battle, showing what happened to the characters since.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty - Brunhilde from The Movie. It's said that she went to military school twice.
- Expository Hairstyle Change - Seigi returns from summer vacation with his hairdo changed from Anime Hair to a pompadour much like Gentaro Kisaragi's. Tei is not amused, let alone the other Cures.
Hibiki: Seigi, there are many people who look good with that 'do. You're not one of them.
- Eye Scream - Aside from the scene mentioned in Bloodier and Gorier, we get a humorous example in episode 37, where Tei, when affected by the Becoming the Costume spell, constantly has one of her eyes fall off its socket. Of course, she isn't amused when this happens during her post-transformation introduction.
- For Halloween I Am Going as Myself - Hibiki and Kanade dress up as their Cure forms for Halloween in episode 37.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul - Brunhilde again.
- Freaky Friday Flip - Episode 27 has Hibiki and Hummy switching bodies thanks to a rowdy Negatone.
- Freudian Trio - The Cures in the first half. Hibiki is The McCoy, Kanade is The Kirk, and Tei is The Spock.
- Genius Cripple - Junichi, who manages to be both intelligent and a huge Pretty Cure geek.
- Girlish Pigtails - Koto
- Girl Group - Suite Suite Princess, formed by the Cures and Hummy/Annie for the school festival episode. They even have their own Color-Coded for Your Convenience uniforms.
- Green-Eyed Monster - Uta and Koto towards Hibiki and Kanade. It's even the source of their powers as Cure Beat (at first) and Cure Symphony.
- Heel Face Turn - Uta, who survives, and Siren, who doesn't.
- Hell-Bent for Leather - The Hitokuchi Brothers' "feasting" attires are male dominatrix outfits entirely made of leather, attached together by strings of human bones and teeth.
- I Choose to Stay - Hummy in the finale.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming - Pretty much the same as the original, but here the "~nya" is only used when part of the episode's focus is on Hummy. In episode 38, where Cappella is in the spotlight, "~pyo" is used instead.
- Ill Girl - Seika is revealed to be this later on, mainly because of the constant hair dyeing. She doesn't survive.
- I'm a Humanitarian - The Hitokuchi Brothers.
- In the Name of the Moon - Aside from the Cures' standard post-transformation speeches, Seigi invokes this brilliantly in episode 41.
Seigi: With my flaming red soul of power and passion, I am the pompadour warrior who will pierce the stratosphere and become mightier than God! My name is... SSSEEEEEEIIIIIGIIIIIIMAAAAAANN!
- Instant Fanclub - Annie gets one the moment she walks into the classroom, the main reason being her extreme cuteness factor.
- Instrument of Murder - Cure Beat's Love Guitar Rod, Cure Symphony's Doll Harp Rod, and, arguably, Cure Muse's Holy Keytar.
- I Should Write a Book About This - In the finale, Uta starts to write a light novel based off the Cures' adventures.
- Kaleidoscope Hair: Seika, whose hair is a different color in all of her appearances (sometimes it's even more than one color at once).
- Lampshade Hanging - All over the place. There's even one to the Pretty Cure series' status as a Cash Cow Franchise.
- In episode 31, when the Cures test the Healing Chest to see what new powers it will grant them (complete with Shout Outs to the two previous seasons), Cure Rhapsody remarks that said new powers might only come if they're in a pinch, and will most likely involve a new attack or set of costumes. She ends the theory with an indifferent shrug and remark of "You all know how predictable this series can get sometimes."
- Last-Episode New Character - Cadence, a songbird fairy chosen by Aphrodite as Hummy's replacement in singing the Melody of Happiness.
- Also, not too long after arriving in France, Hibiki bumps into a sexy Badass Biker whom she instantly takes an interest in.
- Last-Minute Hookup - Kanade and Junichi, Tei and Seigi, Uta and Honetaro, Ako and Souta.
- Les Yay - Not only the Hibiki/Kanade tension is kept (even if lessened), it also adds Tei/Uta and Hummy/Siren (if the Ending Theme for episode 21 is any indication) to the mix.
- Lonely Doll Girl - During her spare time Koto likes to make voodoo dolls of people she hates (especially Kanade), and although said dolls never really work (since Koto has no idea of how voodoo actually works), they are very detailed. There's a reason why her weapon is called the Doll Harp Rod.
- Mid-Season Upgrade - Here the Belltiers are this.
- Also, throughout the entirety of episode 31 everyone thinks the Healing Chest might bring one to the Cures (most likely a group attack of some sort). While this is true in the original (with Suite Session Ensemble), here the Chest is actually Panthera Vivace's Transformation Trinket. Suite Session Ensemble doesn't show up until Cure Muse joins the team, and even then it's rarely used.
- Mood Dissonance / Soundtrack Dissonance - Averted as with Pop! Goes My Heart. Episode 21 has "Anata ga Ai wo Kuretakara" by Metis as the Ending Theme, which, although sad enough, might make one raise an eyebrow or two about Hummy and Siren's closeness...
- Moral Event Horizon - Noise crosses it by shattering the silver violin-shaped pendant that represented Siren's life force and allowed her to shapeshift, killing her rapidly.
- Multicolored Hair - Aside from Seika's aforementioned hair-dyeing, we also have Hummy's human disguise Annie, whose mostly white hair also sports pink sideburns and gains cream and yellow streaks as Panthera Vivace.
- Nosebleed - Souta, of all people, gets one when Ako is affected by the Becoming the Costume spell.
- Not So Above It All - Both AkaRed and Cure Destiny are revealed to be this due to Sibling Rivalry.
Cure Destiny: Just because you're my older brother it doesn't mean you can be better than me at everything.
- Older and Wiser - Nagisa and Honoka basically do what Tommy Oliver did in Power Rangers Dino Thunder, even though they don't exactly come out of retirement.
- Older Than They Look - Ako/Princess Harmonia
- Original Character - Tei/Cure Rhapsody, her Non-Human Sidekick Cappella, Uta Nishio/Cure Beat and Koto Toudou/Cure Symphony. And these are only the main ones.
- Playboy Bunny - Subverted with Panthera Vivace, whose outfit is modeled after the far less popular Playboy Kitty costume [dead link] .
- Polly Wants a Microphone - Cappella, and Cadence from the finale.
- Posthumous Character - Fermata, the fourth member of Trio the Minor. Aphrodite brings him Back from the Dead in the finale.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner - During the second half Tei becomes fed up with the Cures always shouting "This Is Unforgivable!!" before transforming, and tries to use other phrases such as Slip Into Something More Comfortable [2] instead, something that rarely catches on the other Cures. They eventually settle for the simple, yet bold, "Suite Rock It!"
- Although she does use This Is Unforgivable!, it's not before transforming, but as part of her reaction to Seigi's aforementioned Expository Hairstyle Change in episode 28.
- She uses it again in episode 33, claiming that Honetaro being forced by his brothers to eat Uta alive "is one of the most unforgivable things her eyes have witnessed". Again, they don't transform this time.
- Although she does use This Is Unforgivable!, it's not before transforming, but as part of her reaction to Seigi's aforementioned Expository Hairstyle Change in episode 28.
- Prince and Pauper - Kanade and a top model named Kylie Hinamibara in episode 9.
- Retired Badass - Nagisa and Honoka, so much.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge - Panthera Vivace during her fight with Cure Symphony in episode 42.
- Also, Cure Muse during the finale, when Mephisto is killed in front of her very eyes.
- Sex Dressed - In Suite Pretty Cure VS Gokaiger once Hibiki and Marvelous finish their "private talk" Hibiki comes out with just her undershirt on and Marvelous follows covered only by his Badass Longcoat; no parts are actually shown though.
- Sex God - Captain Marvelous is implied to be this in Suite Pretty Cure VS Gokaiger. How else would he be able to make Hibiki go from lesbian to bi with just a "private talk"?
- Sinister Scythe - Played with. Panthera Vivace's weapon, the Vivascythe, is a diabetes-inducingly cute scythe with a cream and pink handle and fake kitty ears.
- Sixth Ranger - In order of appearance: Tei/Cure Rhapsody, Uta/Cure Beat, Hummy/Annie/Panthera Vivace, and Ako/Cure Muse. Koto/Cure Symphony turns face in episode 44 after a heated battle against her sister.
- Ship Tease - Hibiki/Captain Marvelous in Suite Pretty Cure VS Gokaiger. They have a "private talk" which puts the "bi" in "Hibiki".
- Shout-Out - There's a lot of references to the Tokusatsu genre in here, in particular Power Rangers and Super Sentai (although Kamen Rider references become common in the second half). For one thing, not just the aforementioned Crossover movie with Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and Older and Wiser Nagisa and Honoka, but there's also Uta and Koto, who were, in a way, inspired by the Gouraigers/Thunder Rangers.
- By the second half Hummy seems to use a lot of words made by Jan Kandou ("Zowazowa Negatone ~nya!"). This is particularly so in episode 42, where she says to Koto the exact same thing Jan said before transforming into GekiRed for the first time: "You're zawazawa! Your zawazawa makes me kichikichi! Unforgivable ~nya!"
- And in episode 31, "Kaizokuki wo Agero" plays in the background when Aphrodite grants Hummy the power to transform into Panthera Vivace. It's even lampshaded by Uta.
- A double whammy in episode 28, both in and out of the Toku territory: after Seigi shows the Cures his new hairdo and runs off screaming "Uchuu kitaDai-Guard (talk)!", Tei tells Annie to get her gun.
- By the second half Hummy seems to use a lot of words made by Jan Kandou ("Zowazowa Negatone ~nya!"). This is particularly so in episode 42, where she says to Koto the exact same thing Jan said before transforming into GekiRed for the first time: "You're zawazawa! Your zawazawa makes me kichikichi! Unforgivable ~nya!"
Annie: I don't have a gun ~nya...
Tei: In times like these I wish you did.
- In episode 36, not too long before Ako and the masked Cure Muse merge into the true Cure Muse:
Masked Cure Muse: Do you have the courage... to ride with a goddess?
- Another Kamen Rider Double reference pops up in episode 40, when Ako and Annie are about to transform, just the two of them. "We're a two-in-one Major Lander ~nya!"
- Stepping out of the Toku territory, Tei's pretty much a walking bag of pop culture references. To give you an idea, as if being a Michael Jackson fangirl wasn't enough, she calls Seika "Rainbow Brite" in episode 11, and references Bruno Mars seconds earlier.
- In episode 37, she always says "Pesky eye..." whenever her eye falls off its socket. This is a reference to the "Pesky ring..." Running Gag from the rejected Nickelodeon pilot The Modifyers.
- Shown Their Work - In Greek mythology (which Suite actually takes some elements from), Harmonia was the name of the goddess of marital and civic harmony, born of the adulterous union between Ares and Aphrodite. Like in the original, Ako is revealed later on to be the mortal disguise of Mephisto and Aphrodite's daughter, but here the name "Ako" is merely an alias, and her real name is Princess Harmonia (which oddly fits with the musical thematic, as the word "harmony" is brought up back and forth both in this version and the season proper).
- Spoiled Sweet - Seika is implied to be this.
- Spoiler Ending - The "bubbly" variation of the second Ending Theme reveals Hummy's human form two episodes before its actual series debut.
- A straighter Spoiler Opening example: the second opening ends with a scene that shows Crescendo Cure Melody flying towards the sun. All the Cures, even Panthera Vivace, get Crescendo modes during the final episodes.
- Take That - Episode 37 has one at the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanbase. Namely, Ouji dressing as Pinkie Pie for Halloween and eventually turning into her thanks to the Negatone's Becoming the Costume spell. Kanade is anything but pleased.
- Took a Level in Badass - Hummy, who goes from a Tastes Like Diabetes trigger-happy ditz to Badass Adorable after obtaining her Panthera Vivace powers. This becomes evident in episode 42.
- Unusual Euphemism - In Suite Pretty Cure VS Gokaiger it becomes quite apparent that Hibiki and Marvelous' "private talk" didn't exactly involve actual talking.
- Verbal Tic - Aside from Hummy's obvious "~nya" (which she keeps as Annie but drops as Panthera Vivace), Cappella finishes his sentences with "~pyo".
- Voluntary Shapeshifting - Aside from Siren/Ellen, Hummy can also do this, by turning into a human girl named Annie Nekone and back again from episode 28. Here it's said that shapeshifting into human form is a common ability Major Land animals gain when they reach a certain age, as Cappella is too young to do this yet. As for Siren's ability to take on other appearances besides Ellen, it's due to her violin pendant, which was given by Mephisto after she went to his side.
- What Do You Mean It's for Kids? - Episode 33, full stop. It's safe to say it's damn good this isn't canon, because if it was it'd probably be Shintaro Ishihara's answer to if a younger Pretty Cure fan living in Tokyo asked him, "Why can't I watch Pretty Cure anymore until I'm older?"
- White-Haired Pretty Girl - Hummy as Annie. She also wears her hair in odangos (Actor Allusion perhaps?) with pawprint scrunchies.
- Cure Destiny too.
ryanasaurus0077's Suite Pretty Cure contains examples of:
- Batman Grabs a Gun: Cure Melody doesn't resort to Terry Tsurugi's anti-heroic tactics. Then Mephisto tries to kill Siren for betraying him...
- Berserk Button: When Siren rebels against Mephisto, what he does next (try to break the violin pendant that keeps her alive) does NOT sit well with Cure Melody, who grabs his wrist and uses her free hand to forcefully pry his fingers off the pendant (in a decidedly unheroic manner), and Cure Rhythm catches it before it hits the ground, giving Lali the time she needs to transform Siren into Cure Beat for the first time.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Cure Black's redesigned Suite-style costume, much like her original costume, is basically black and light pink.
- Disney Death: Cure Black, during the final climactic battle at the end of Act 3.
- Eyepatch After Time Skip: Nagisa. Though her eye never gets gouged out, she explains to Hummy (who had seen her eye in perfect condition after becoming a Cure for the first time in years) that the reason why she was wearing the eyepatch in the first place is because her eye had gotten damaged during a lacrosse game shortly before she joined Aria as the new PE teacher (though it'll eventually heal and she wasn't blinded by the incident).
- Family-Unfriendly Violence: Cure Melody actually breaks Mephisto's fingers (all of them, in fact) onscreen in her attempt to save Siren's life. Good thing Mephisto has his own personal doctor (who doesn't even appear onscreen) to restore his hand to the way it was before.
- Let's Get Dangerous: When Nagisa and Honoka transform for the first time in years:
Bassdrum: Stop!
Baritone: These gems belong to us!
Nagisa: There are two things we learned from Hummy about the Madrigal Gems: one, you can't choose them; they choose you.
Honoka: And the other is that they go real well with Cure Mojules. [Nagisa and Honoka hold up their Cure Mojules]
Falsetto: But aren't you two grannies a little old for this?
Nagisa: Grannies? [Nagisa chuckles] We may be a bit too old...
Honoka: ...but we can still pull it off. [Honoka turns to Nagisa] Ready?
Nagisa: I was BORN ready!
Nagisa and Honoka: Dual Aurora Wave!
[The two transform in front of the amazed combatants]
Cure Black: Emissary of Light, Cure Black!
Cure White: Emissary of Light, Cure White!
Cures Black and White: Futari wa Pretty Cure!
Cure White: Servants of the dark power...
Cure Black: Return to the darkness from whence you came!
Hummy: Holy shit... your eye!
Cure Black: Long story, I'll explain later. For now, let's get dangerous!
- Older and Wiser: Nagisa and Honoka, in a Shout-Out to Waltz of a Suite Life.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: Cure Melody breaking Mephisto's fingers onscreen by pulling them back until they snap.
- Precision F-Strike: Shockingly, Hummy is the one to say "Holy shit" when she sees Cure Black for the first time and realizes that in Cure form, her eye is in perfect condition despite it being covered by an eyepatch for the duration of her first scenes in the film.
- Retired Badass: Nagisa and Honoka. Unlike in Cure Shabon's version, though, they come out of retirement sooner, when they first see their new pupils in danger. They even get new Suite-style costumes; while Cure Black's does look girlier than her previous outfits to more closely resemble those of the Suite Cures, she does add combat boots with built-in roller skates over her new Zettai Ryouiki as well as edgier shoulder pads than her teammates have and new elbow pads and knee pads to protect her joints.
- Rollerblade Good: Part of Cure Black's upgraded outfit.
- 3D Movie
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: Cure Black's shorts are shorter on her Suite outfit than on her classic outfit!
- Zettai Ryouiki: Worn by Cure Black with her redesigned outfit. The black stockings are the same length as Cure Melody's.
- Back to Suite Pretty Cure