Rosario + Vampire

Tsukune Aono's an Ordinary High School Student, as they all are. Then, completely by accident, he gets accepted to a school where Youkai attend and are taught how to be human. Before he gets to school, he has a run-in with Moka Akashiya, who sucks his blood. Other than being a little light-headed, Tsukune now finds out he has a girlfriend. Thing is, every guy on campus is also after her. Fortunately, he's the only one who can remove Moka's rosary around her neck, turning her into a powerful, super-vampire, albeit changing Moka into an utter ice queen. As a member of the school's newspaper club, he's also surrounded by a harem of cute monster girls; life just got a lot more interesting.
While the manga starts off as a harmless Monster of the Week, it slowly becomes Darker and Edgier. One of the two major recurring issues is humans are forbidden in the monster realm. This is originally more of a precaution, though the Public Safety Commission has reinterpreted the mandate to be an instant death sentence for any "filthy human spies" they find. The second is something very serious that happens to Tsukune, which to go more into detail about it would spoil a major plot point. The anime, on the other hand, is a Lighter and Softer romantic comedy with Panty Shots Up to Eleven. Sure, it borrows some of the plot from the manga, but that pretty much stays on the background (entire arcs are reduced to single episodes, just to give an idea).
The first season of manga ran for 10 volumes in Japan, with the second underway. The series is also being published in America. An anime adaptation aired in early 2008, and a second season titled Rosario + Vampire Capu2 aired later that year. Both seasons have been licensed by Funimation.
Feel free to check out and contribute to the character page as well.
- Above the Influence: First and foremost, Tsukune. No matter how many times girls have propositioned him (sometimes when half-naked), he will turn them down. Kurumu has propositioned him a lot, both naked and clothed; then in the Flower Offering arc Mizore (trying to avoid a Arranged Marriage) drugged him with a powerful aphrodisiac made from a local flower known to the yuki-onna. One that is famous in the monster world for being among the best. She pretty much threw herself at him, literally begging him to knock her up. Furthermore, Yukari propositions threesomes all the time. He refuses to take advantage of this, despite knowing the girls mean every word of what they say when it comes to sex.
- Kurumu accidentally charms Tsukune in Rosario + Vampire II when showing a nagging Kokoa that she is indeed a powerful succubus: She charms a gym class of boys at once, making him her slave until it wears off. She's gotten strong enough that it's not a 5-minute spell that goes haywire whenever he thinks of Moka anymore. Despite the ability to abuse his new-found willingness to do anything she desires, she just takes him to her room, cooks him food and plays video games with him; she panicked and couldn't think of anywhere else to hide. The only really selfish thing she had him do was say that he liked her; and she had to EARN that: Apparently it was hard for him to force the words out, even hypnotized. The poor girl broke then down crying and, in the end, got beat up because the other girls walked in while she was taking off his shirt she had just soaked with her tears. Mind you, she could have just layered on the Charm until it worked and he literally did everything she wanted, but she likes to play fair.
- Absurdly Powerful Student Council: The "Public Safety Commission" was originally a good, necessary institution that suffered heavily from Motive Decay. Now they're comparable to the Yakuza who abuse their literal license to kill, and none of the faculty does anything about them.
- Later it was revealed that group's leader Kuyou was in fact a member of Fairy Tale spying on the academy, which might explain some of why it got so evil.
- Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male: Tsukune gets beaten up a lot by the girls, usually out of jealousy.
- Probably the most extremes cases of Inner-Moka's are an instance where because the other girls suggested he join the mafia so they could all have polygamy marriage, and Kurumu teased her of getting jealous when the idea was suggested, Inner-Moka beats up all the girls, and for no good reason also beats Tsukune, and of course denying that she was jealous (she lied of course). The other is when after a set of hijinks with the other girls getting jealous and trying to separate them, and because Tsukune picked up her up at one point, which she didn't give him permission to do, she beats after everything is done.
- A-Cup Angst: Kurumu teases Yukari about her breast size in episode 5 of the first season. Yukari, after the initial shock, counters by saying that Kurumu's breasts will sag. Then it devolves into a Rubber Face Cat Fight.
- Adaptation Distillation: The first season anime only adapted about half of the first season manga's material, and skipped a lot of important details. The second season skipped directly to year two, and proceeded to turn it into an original alternate continuity without much of an underlying plot, filled to the brim with Fan Service.
- Adaptation Dye Job: In chapter 2, Kurumu mentions that Outer-Moka's hair was actually light brown. You certainly wouldn't know that from looking at the colored manga volume covers, the anime, or any other official full-color depictions of Outer-Moka.
- A Day in The Life: Episode 8 of Season 2, which shows what various characters do throughout the day. Ruby gets the two long parts, which gives her more screentime that episode.
- A Day in the Limelight: In the anime, Inner Moka gets to spend the day as a High School student. Well, a bit longer than that.
- A later chapter in the manga has done the same but this time it looks like it's gonna take a story arc before we see Outer Moka again.
- Mizore and Yukari get episodes that focus largely on them in Season 2. Kurumu even lampshades this trope during the school trip, mentioning that its her turn since the other two girls had one already. Ruby's is covered partly in the A Day in The Life episode.
- Adult Child: Shizuka Nekonome-sensei
- Adults Are Useless: With wide inroads into Police Are Useless territory. There are students and teachers who attempt to rape, murder, mind-control, or otherwise commit felony-grade crimes against our protagonists on what seems like a weekly basis; our protagonists, in turn, defend themselves, often with near-lethal force. In the rare event that authority figures appear or that punitive measures are taken against the offenders, it's almost laughably minimal. The teacher who turned students to stone as "art" and the math instructor who mind-controlled students to force them to study were put on suspension, nothing more. Meanwhile, our protagonists are practically knee-deep in the casualties they turn out from these often-brutal fights, and there appears to be little or no action taken against them, either. (Perhaps monsters just have a much more casual view of rape and murder, seeing as how many of them can apparently survive anything short of actual decapitation.)
- All Men Are Perverts
- All Women Are Lustful
- Almost Kiss: An Overused Running Gag.
- Interestingly enough, it's usually Moka (one of the participants of the kiss) who makes it so.
- Aloof Big Sister: Moka's eldest sister, Akuha.
- Angels Pose: During the second season, one is performed by Moka, Kokoa Shuzen and Ruby here
- An Ice Person: Mizore
- A Nazi by Any Other Name: Fairy Tale. The uniforms really drive it home (though they do look good on the main cast).
- Anime Hair: Several examples, but the best is probably Mizore's hairstyle in her introductory arc.
- Moka lampshades the situation at once point by describing her sister Kokoa as having an "anime-like hairdo."
- Another Dimension: Where the Youkai Academy's located. It takes any tunnel and the Creepy Monotone-spouting non-human bus driver to bridge our world and theirs
- Anti-Human Alliance
- Armor-Piercing Slap: Moka gives a couple to Tsukune.
- Arranged Marriage: Played for drama here, in the Flower Offering arc Mizore gets forced into one against her will due to a law/custom that requires Yuki-onna to have one if they haven't gotten a guy by around their 16th Birthday to ensure the preservation of the Yuki-onna race but also because a member of Fairy Tale had threatened the village with total destruction if they didn't give him a a girl for a wife/sex slave Mizore got unlucky she was the one that got picked for that. Mizore proceeds to do her most serious attempt at getting Tsukune to have sex with her to avoid it, fails due to Tsukune being so Above the Influence that not even a powerful aphrodisiac and Mizore pretty much throwing her almost naked body at him works.
- Art Evolution: Early and later issues of the manga might as well have been drawn by different people; compare this with this.
- Art Shift: Ruby suddenly takes on an 80s-ish appearance here, as a Shout-Out to older Shoujo Manga.
- Aside Glance: Kurumu appears to have gained awareness of the fourth wall in the anime; everyone else is oblivious.
- She goes so far as to express her complaints for being Out of Focus in the second season. To quote her in episode 6 of Capu2:
Last week it was the yuki-onna... The week before, Yukari-chan... This time the episode should be centered on me! Yahoo-hoo! I'll make the most of this field trip... And, together with Tsukune, I'll... Huh? (she then notices that everyone's already left the bus) Hey! Don't leave me here!!!
- Note that Yukari was watching her rant before she left halfway into it. Her dismissive look at Kurumu is further proof that only the succubus is aware of the fourth wall.
- Ax Crazy: The Monster of the Week; after all, they are monsters, and are neither known for civility nor self-control.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Fairy Tale District 7 versus Ginei Morioka and Haiji Miyamoto. Guess who wins?
- Moka (outer) and Kurumu in chapter 26.
- Badass: Gin's not called 'The Most Reliable Man' for no reason.
- Inner Moka is also an example. Early in the series, every appearance she had would always be a Curb Stomp Battle.
- Tsukune himself has become one of these recently. In chapter 40 of season 2, he willingly sits through Touhou Fuhai's acupuncture of death. Here's the first needle. 108 to go.
- Badass Crew: The Newspaper Club.
- Badass Family: Moka's superpowerful family of vampires includes her Kick Chick self, her Cute Bruiser Blood Knight younger sister Kokoa, her cheerfully frightening Implacable Woman ditz of a middle sister Kahlua, the reigning queen of evil Badass, Akuha, the eldest sister, and Akasha, Moka's mother, who, if it ever came to that, could probably beat every girl in the above list. Simultaneously.
- The Huang family combine this and The Triads and the Tongs.
- And now we can add Kahlua and Kokoa's mother Gyokuro to the list, as she's season 2's Big Bad.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: Season 2, Chapter 43, everyone gets a badass new outfit.
- In episode 8 of Capu2, the girls dress like this when they go to rescue Tsukune.
- Badass Longcoat: Moka's father and eldest sister as well as Kiria, though his is slightly shorter than average.
- Barehanded Blade Block: Fujisaki Miyabi pulls one on his right-hand man, Kiria.
- Bash Brothers: Gin and Haiji.
- Batman Gambit: Though Hokuto. says "it's all gone according to plan! its still a Batman Gambit since his plan involved Tsukune reacting in the way he predicted
- Battle Couple: "Mama" and "Papa" Huang—she's a fighter, he's a sorcerer, and together they're unbeatable until they meet Akuha.
- Moka and Tsukune as well later on.
- Battle Harem: All the harem members are capable of holding their own in battle and spend much of the first season defending Tsukune. Justified in that while Tsukune is human, the girls are all CuteMonsterGirls - the possible exception is Moka, who needs Tsukune to take off her rosario in order to fight at full strength but even without that she is pretty strong. The show, while very fanservice-y, does also have a strong focus on romance especially in later arcs
- Beach Episode: In the manga's second season. Somewhat spoiled by the fact that the vampires can't swim and it's too hot for the ice girl.
- Becoming the Mask: Akuha, Moka's eldest sister, intentionally angled herself to go live with the Shuzen family so she could get close to Moka's mother and kill her as part of her attempts to become a Shinso. However, over time she found herself genuinely starting to care for her little sister Moka and admits that she held off on the attempt far longer than she meant to as a result of these feelings. Subverted in the end, unfortunately, as the mask proves not quite enough to overcome her drive for power...
- Berserk Button: You wouldn't want to wound Tsukune in front of the girls. Seriously. It can even make Inner Moka bypass the control of her rosary in the anime.
- Inner Moka also hates to be touched, even by Tsukune.
- If you mess with San-senpai, Gin will destroy you.
- Harming any of Tsukune's True Companions will result in a unmerciful beatdown.
- Berserker Tears: Kahlua Shuzen. She doesn't cry because she's sad, but to "atone for" her opponent's impending death.
- And, in flashback, Child Moka
- Beware the Nice Ones: San-senpai.
- We also have Moka's mother—nice, gentle, looks like outer Moka and is a uber-powerful Shinso and the leader of the three great dark lords.
- The Beautiful Elite: Thanks to MASSIVE Art Evolution, now everyone who has slightest bit of plot relevance is gorgeous looking, and there are considerably less number of Gonks. You think that dirty old man is just an ugly pervert? Think again.
- Betty and Veronica: Outer Moka is the Betty to Kurumu,Mizore and Inner Moka's Veronica.
- Big Ball of Violence: Fang-Fang and Tsukune make their own here.
- Big Damn Heroes: Pretty much anytime Inner Moka shows up, although the other girls and Tsukune have their share of them as well from time to time.
- Hiliariously subverted in episode 2 of Season 2. After Kokoa beats up Mizore, Kurumu, and Yukari, Gin and Ruby show up, as if to kick some butt. Tsukune even mentions that if those two are working together, even Kokoa won't stand a chance. They get a big dramatic reveal, then instead Gin just takes pictures of Ruby as she poses, which confuses Kokoa for a few seconds, then she gets right back to Moka. However, they do use the distraction to escape from Kokoa.
- Big Good: The Three Dark Lords.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: Moka's family seems so in particular given their secrets.
- Bishie Sparkle: Ginei "Gin" Morioka
- Bishonen Line: Kuyou's final hybrid form.
- Subverted to Hell and back by most other villains. The king would have to be Hokuto Kaneshiro, who starts off the bishonen, but his final form can only be described as "a big, horrible thing"
- Bi the Way: Yukari is the only one in the harem who's actually rooting for Tsukune and Moka to get together... because she feels this will make it easier for her to get with both of them.
- Blood From the Mouth:
- Boarding School of Horrors: Literally.
- Body Horror: Tsukune's afraid he might turn into a vampire by taking Moka's blood; likewise, her true self informs him it won't happen. Turns out she was wrong. Oops!
- He didn't turn into a vampire. He turned into something else entirely.
- After Moka is taken away by Akuha, Tsukune seeks training from Touhou Fuhai, in order to save her. Touhou Fuhai decides to introduce Tsukune to his Human Modification Technique, which involves remolding Tsukune's body to use Yokai powers. The process of this technique involves inserting needles into Tsukune's body the first of which does this!. Then, Touhou Fuhai reveals that this is just the first of 109 needles, and each successive one is going to be even more horrifically painful than the last. You do the math.
- What the hell is THAT?
- Body Snatcher: When Ijuuin Kotaro charms the girls in the second season of the animé, they are trapped in their own bodies, fully conscious but forced to love and obey him against their will.
- Boy Meets Ghoul: Vampire, actually.
- Brass Balls: The English Dub plays this nearly word for word when Kou accidentally looks up Inner Moka's and Kokoa's skirts.
Inner Moka: Well, you've got some big, brass ones, I'll give ya that much.
- Break the Cutie: Kurumu has come to the conclusion that, no matter what she does, Tsukune is going to try and make Moka his girlfriend and not them. Mizore states she won;t give up or change in her feelings, Rubi seems to be of a similar mindset, but it has serious adverse effects on Kurumu. She's a succubus so she runs on love and when she is forced to acknowledge that Tsukune isn't going to love her, she breaks down and reveals that for a Succubi unrequited love is fatal, in chapter 40 of Rosario Vampire II. Though after they kissed it seems Kurumu has gained some insight and is no longer in danger of dying.
- The Flower Offering arc included a very serious intent of doing this to Mizore.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: A very humorous example. In chapter 23 of the second manga series, when Tsukune gets a very homoerotic request from a very androgynous young man, Tsukune grabs Moka's arm, pulls her along with him, and mutters to himself "I think I'm in the wrong manga..."
- From episode 3 of the Anime:
Kurumu: Hey, what the hell is this? I just debuted on the previous episode, can't you let me appear earlier?
- Once Season 2 starts, the bat narrator turns out to be more than just Mr. Exposition when Kokoa shows up. Kurumu and the others immediately point that out.
- Said Bat Narrator also asks who Kurumu is talking to when she rants in episode 3. The narrator isn't aware of who he's talking to, this means he just flies around spouting information for no reason.
- Breast Expansion: Animated Moka's breasts go up a couple of cup sizes whenever she transforms into a super-vampire.
- Brown Note: The "Melody of Death".
- Butt Monkey: At first, it was Tsukune for Rosario+Vampire because the series was a simple harem comedy, as of Rosario+Vampire II, and the subsequent Genreshift to action adventure, now Kurumu is the one having jokes made at her expense.
- Came Back Strong: Tsukune Aono combines this trope with Came Back Wrong via liberal use of vampire blood to fix his wounds after ever near death experience. Later it's just this trope when he seals his Super-Powered Evil Side, but keeps the power.
- In season 2, his Super-Powered Evil Side comes back with a vengeance, but this is a temporary thing and now he's even stronger.
- Catch Phrase: "Inner" Moka's "Know your place!" ("Mi ni hodo o shire!"), guaranteed to be delivered with every kick.
- This proves to be an inherited catch phrase, as Moka's sweet Yamato Nadeshiko mother delivers it against Alucard in the manner "Inner" Moka has made her own.
- In Capu2, even Ruby gets one: "A lot of things happened" as an explanation of her ever-changing jobs. She becomes sad when Moka beats her to it in episode nine.
- In the manga, the new character Ling-Ling Huang (Sister of Fang-Fang) is a zombie, and uses "Because I am dead" (which is not saying much in a school of monsters) to excuse herself for any troubles she causes. Doubles almost as a Shout-Out if she says "Because I am already dead." She uses "Because I am already dead" when she uses a suicide attack to justify traumatizing her brother.
- Catgirl: Nekonome-sensei
- Cat Smile: Nekonome-sensei usually has one, the bat narrator, and Kokoa is seen with one sometimes, usually when Inner Moka shows up.
- Censor Box: The Mysterious Bat doubles as a censor when he needs to be.
- There seems to be very little rhyme or reason to his usage, however. In one scene there could be fully-visible Panty Shots, and in the next scene Kou will block our view at every turn.
- Some episodes of Capu2 have teddy bear heads covering many panties.
- Cerebus Syndrome: The manga plays this HARD: it begins almost completely comedy-driven, with Tsukune the gag-hero in a typical harem-style setup. Then Mizore comes along as the first character with a serious, non-gag-driven plot arc comprising her introduction. Ruby's introduction during the Witch War arc doesn't pull any of the punches either. Now that we've hit the second manga serialization, we're getting really serious with the whole Fairy Tale organization.
- Charm Person: Kotaro Ijuuin, an anime-only mysterious Bishounen transfer student whose voice can captivate any woman...and some men.
- Also Kurumu and Kokoa.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Gin. Also Haiji.
- Chick Magnet: Tsukune, since female monsters are attracted to him for both his compassion and sweet, sweet human scent.
- Gin hangs a lampshade in ep. 8 of the second anime season pondering on what Aono's secret is, Gin decides is his's hair style and we see him copying it. It fools Moka for a moment... Until he turns around and she makes a comment on Gin's hair maybe being messed up when he woke up.
- Class Is in Room X-01: The entire main cast gets moved to class 1 in season 2. In season 1, only Yukari was in class 1.
- Clear My Name: The end result of Tsukune being hazed in chapter 4 of the first serialization. Luckily for him, Kurumu had witnessed the hazing from a distance.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Several, but most notably Yukari and Kurumu
- Kokoa may count here too.
- Moka isn't too fond of Tsukune paying attention to other girls, even if they forced themselves onto him. Also, at the end of the last episode of Season 2, after Outer Moka comes back, she gives Tsukune a really big squeeze (to the point he was hurting), then mentions being jealous of her inner self getting close to him.
- Cold Sniper: Mizore's mother
- Combination Attack: The "Black and White Duet".
- Coming of Age Story: Tsukune. Over the course of the manga he has changed a lot. From a nervous but brave teenager that freaks out at anything, to a young man willing partaking in assault missions at a moments notice, while still retaining his positive outlook on life and his exasperation to the absurd. Its done so gradually that he remains completely believable while Taking Levels In Badass.
- Completely Missing the Point: Ruby and Yukari's reaction to Inner-Moka talking down on the idea of polygamy.
Inner-Moka: "Claiming women like some daily bento. I won't allow it."
Ruby: [Blushing, eyes a bit glazed] "Daily bento..."
Yukari: "That seems like a wonderful idea."
- This one too could qualify. Dude, we know you're not so keen on her, but did you need to put it like that?
- Cool Airship: The Fairy Tale dirigibles.
- The Corruption: Vampire blood.
- Monster blood in general.
- Crash Into Hello: How Tsukune and Moka first met.
- Crazy Prepared: Mizore's mother Tsurara had a store of close-combat weapons and ammunition, detailed plans of the area Mizore is being held captive in, as well as a plan of action to offer Tsukune's True Companions when they decided to go after Mizore.
- Creepy Cool Crosses: The rosaries.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Kurumu, although completely overshadowed by Inner Moka is surprisingly formidable if you threaten someone she cares about. Certainly Kokoa seems impressed as indeed does Inner Moka
- Both Gin and Haji qualify. While they're both shameless perverts, and Moka and Company wiped the floor with them during their first meeting (because in this series, having a destructive battle is like shaking hands), readers are rather abruptly reminded that Gin is a werewolf (a class S monster like a vampire, albeit with more strings attached) and Haji is an insanely skilled martial artist when both of them tear apart the Fairy Tale HQ. They don't even appear to be working all that hard, either, and Gin certainly doesn't have the full moon going for him at the time. They didn't bother to change into their monster forms and even throw some snarking in while wiping the floor with mooks.
- He might be the Butt Monkey to every member of the class (including enemies), but Wong Fong-Fong actually has it in him to kick serious ass.
- Crucified Hero Shot: Tsukune, in the last two episodes of the first season of the anime.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The manga is littered with them, with the justification that just because they're all monsters doesn't mean they're properly trained to fight. Logically, this leads to weak monsters beaten on by stronger monsters, stronger and weaker monsters beaten on by trained fighters (who are usually strong anyway) and finally, really strong and trained monsters getting taken down by Inner Moka. She's never been at the receiving end of one, but she's been at a disadvantage.
- Cute Monster Girl: The whole school's littered with them...well, the female half, anyway.
- Cute Mute: San Otonashi. Uses a sketchbook to communicate... until she closes it and starts to talk.
- Also Yukari's mother. She has a wide array of expressions to communicate in the anime, but that's only because she has yet to speak in the manga.
- Cute Witch: Yukari
- Dancing Theme: Capu2 opening "DISCOTHEQUE"; it's Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: Apparently, it's the dress code for Action Girls here.
- Dark Magical Girl: Ruby.
- Dead All Along: Huang Ling-Ling is a Chinese zombie/"hopping ghost". Her catchphrase is "Because I am dead".
- Ruby's master in the anime.
- Deadly Prank: Mizore tricking Kurumu into thinking Gin took her virginity. It fits the bill because the prank had the potential to kill her, as hurting a succubus's heart too much can be fatal.
- Death From Above: Yukari's mother in the Anime. How does she help her daughter fight? BY SUMMONING A METEOR SHOWER OF GOLDEN WASHTUBS FROM OUTER SPACE.
- Debut Queue: Moka, Kurumu, Gin and Yukari each get a chapter/episode dedicated to their introduction, plus a chapter dedicated to them deciding which club to join. That's a five chapter/episode Debut Que (plus one filler episode in the anime. Ruby and Mizore followed a bit later, after which the story finally seemed to have some real direction. It's notable that Ling-Ling was introduced the chapter after Fang-Fang.
- Deconstruction: Of numerous genre-related tropes. Tsukune being a Non-Action Guy with a Badass Abnormal Unwanted Harem nearly gets him killed on multiple occasions early on, and we even get a somber look at what being runner-up in the Unwanted Harem actually does to a girl. The anime, however, plays all of the above painfully, obliviously straight.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Notice how every girl in the harem after Moka wanted to kill Tsukune before she literally kicks the living daylights out of them? And Gin too?
- You could also say this is why Gin cares about San so much, and why messing with her is a gigantic Berserk Button.
- Averted with Hokuto Kaneshiro who makes it clear that even after his defeat, he is definitely not Tsukune's friend.
- Despite having come to Tsukune's aid twice after his defeat, the first of those times to help stop his own scheme.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Inner Moka, not that she's willing to admit warming up to Tsukune. She insists she only tolerates him for Outer Moka's sake ... but when somebody hurts him ... while he was defending her....
- Played with in an episode of the anime where, to help the girls rescue Tsukune (who has been abducted by a youkai gang during a field trip to the human world), Ruby has them dress up in sukeban uniforms (which are Sailor Fuku with long skirts, typically associated to female juvenile delinquents) and wield various gangster-like weapons.
- Demoted to Extra: First season manga-only; Gin gets severely shafted in screen-time in the later volumes. The end-of-volume omake in the 10th volume lampshades this.
- Department of Redundancy Department: In his own words;
Tsukune: "Hiii, scary Yukari-chan is the scariest!"
- Determinator: Tsukune; long before he gets his Power-Up, after ridiculously severe beatings, he absolutely refuses to lay down and die like anyone can reasonably be expected to. Of course, then, there's his chance to get Moka's rosary off...
- Akasha. The only way to seal the Big Bad Alucard is to allow yourself to be torn to shreds and then somehow seal his power from inside him. Which, by the very nature of the attempt, means regenerating From a Single Cell and then clawing your way out without using your powers, since Alucard awakens if you use them. Something Akasha did the first time. And the only reason she didn't succeed the second time she'd just created Moka's rosario seal and also had to regenerate a few times already... And the only thing she failed to do the second time was actually get out.
- For a few issues after his introduction, Gin. No matter how many times the girls beat him down, he gets back up and keeps flirting. After a few more issues he gets a Badass Upgrade if his friends are threatened, which he still uses as an excuse to try to grope the girls...
- Disproportionate Retribution: Several times during the series, but one particular instance:
Inner-Moka: You know, I... I... I also took part in making that lunchbox {{[[[Tsundere]] for Tsukune}}]! I'll have you face death for trampling it!
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: Nana Mizuki (Moka's voice actor) sang all the opening and ending themes.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Moka's sucking of Tsukune's blood. Sometimes accompanied by the line "Let me suck."
- The Driver: Bus Driver.
- Dysfunction Junction: Pretty much everyone has a seriously troublesome life:
- Tsukune gets a Deadly Upgrade and some Body Horror.
- Moka was shunned during her childhood and her mother was eaten by an Eldritch Abomination.
- Worse the revelation that not only is Omote actually some kind of accidentally created artifact spirit, most likely Akasha has as little idea about Omote's existence as Omote does of her true nature. Heroic BSOD waiting to happen.
- Kurumu takes Love Hurts to a new level: unrequited love can actually kill her.
- Mizore is a biological Christmas Cake who was abandoned by her first crush due to her heritage and nearly forced into an Arranged Marriage.
- Yukari was hated for being a witch had trouble making friends, and was afraid of the human world.
- Ruby's parents were killed by a drunk human driver, and the master who took her in raised her to hate humans.
- Ginei's old Newspaper Club comrades were apparently "taught a lesson" when he was a first year. He was also a friendless loner.
- San was left behind as a child and grew up isolated and lonely due to her powers. She was also afraid to reveal her true nature to her mother-figure.
- Fang-Fang is the heir to a powerful Triad family, utterly inept and unprepared for it, and well aware of that fact.
- Xia-Long, Fang-Fang's Rival Turned Evil has to destroy the Huang family or die because Xia-Long's father signed a peace treaty with the Huang family leading to his murder by the Miao family's true head.
- Hokuto Kaneshiro was an illegitimate child who grew up abused by his father after his mother died, then when he enrolled in Youkai Academy to escape, went through hell in order to survive.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Kurumu appears in the first episode of the anime, which is lampshaded in the next episode (where she is introduced).
- Easily Forgiven: Ruby, who apparently stabbed Tsukune at the end of episode 9, pressing the Berserk Button everyone of his main harem, making Inner Moka come out despite the rosary still being on her, and a huge beam of light emanating from the area as the episode ends, is seen in the very next episode laying down in their tent, with Tsukune no worse for the wear, and no one apparently upset at what happened a few moments earlier.
- Eldritch Abomination: This is the only way to desribe the... thing that is Alucard.
- Emergency Transformation: What's that Lassie? Little Tsukune fell in a well? *bite* Ghoul Tsukune saves the day!
- Erotic Dream: Tsukune gets one (of Inner Moka, to the delight of many fans) prior to his Training from Hell, but Kurumu fantasizes on seducing him during class.
- The Everyman: Tsukune starts off as this before he Took a Level in Badass
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The Bus Driver.
- Expy: While his goal and background are quite different, Hokuto definitely brings to mind Light Yagami. There's some visual resemblance, his plan is built around and he even uses a couple of Light's better-known lines.
- The visual resemblance is particularly noticeable here.
- Not to mention that he looks just like Aizen and is a complete mastermind/nigh invincible dude wearing glasses who managed to infiltrate an organization, rise to the top, with everybody loving and trusting him. Only to turn around, kill a bunch of dudes, and become the Big Bad. He also turns bishounen when he takes off his glasses by the way.
- The monster in the very last panel on this page looks just like a Saibamen from Dragonball Z.
- Haiji Miyamoto's appearance and devotion to karate make him a Lolicon version of Ryo Sakazaki.
- Extranormal Institute: The academy.
- Eyes Always Shut: Nekonome-sensei, except when the Lilith Mirror turns her into her native catwoman monster form. Tsukune's mom too.
- The Family for the Whole Family: The Huang family are some of the nicest, goofiest, most helpful people the cast have encountered in the whole series. They are also the Chinese mafia.
- Fan Nickname: "Daddy Starbucks" for Moka and her sisters' unseen (except in the anime) and unnamed father, given the family Theme Naming
- His name was later revealed to be Issa.
- Fan Service: To a minor degree in the manga version, but goes to considerabe lengths in the anime. It is completely overused and abused in the anime, to the extent that the writers sacrificed the entire Plot and Character Development of the original manga in favour of breast and panty shots. Cue cries of outrage from fans of the manga.
- Fantastic Nature Reserve
- Fantastic Racism: The Security Committee, upon finding out that Tsukune is a human, sets out to execute him. To be fair, monsters aren't exactly well received by humans either, and have been reduced to small numbers thanks to expanding human control and population, so their hatred of humans isn't entirely unjustified. However, some random characters do mention that not all Humans Are Bastards, but are promptly knocked out by the Security Committee. The rest of the students seem to call for his blood.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: What else would you expect in a school for monsters?
- Femme Fatale: Kurumu, before joining the harem.
- Finger-Poke of Doom: Inner-Moka does this to Tsukune during a 'date'.
- First Girl Wins: Moka's the only girl who Tsukune actively demonstrates any desire for. Technically, this could be a case of Last Girl Wins at the same time, given the fact Tsukune doesn't meet "Inner" Moka long enough to talk with her until much later, especially with the growing hints that eventually it's going to be "Inner" Moka all the time. But since technically both Mokas are the same person...
- Becoming a plot point as the manga progresses—Tsukune has expressed a wish for for both Mokas to become one—and both Inner and Outer Moka have begun to work together (shown during the flight to Fang-Fang's home) The distinction between them is starting to blur, to say the least.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Heroes: Tsukune and Inner Moka, the most powerful members. Tsukune is also The Heart, as the rest would never have become friends without him.
- The Lancer: Kurumu, who is 2nd in the harem and the second strongest girl next to Inner Moka.
- The Big Guys: Mizore and Kokoa, who are both extremely powerful, though Kokoa is more untrained.
- The Smart Guy: Ruby, who is very knowledgeable about enchantments and curses.
- The Chicks: Yukari and Outer Moka, the least powerful members.
- The Sixth Ranger: Ginei, who doesn't hang out with the others very often, but is very powerful. Huang Fang-Fang seems to be replacing him as this though, since Gin has been appearing less often.
- Five Rounds Rapid: When her Absurdly Sharp Blade proves ineffective against Akuha's Absurdly Sharp Blade, Ling-Ling unloads an Uzi on her, only for the bullets to pass right through. You'd think she'd know better, since they use the exact same power. Too Dumb to Live, which is probably why she's already dead.
- Ling-Ling's version of their shared power can only be used for offense. The stronger and more skilled Akuha can use it both offensively and defensively.
- Flanderization: Kurumu's character is much more noble in the manga: in spite of her love for Tsukune, she also loves her rivals in the harem like sisters and staunchly supports them with warm kindness in their hours of need. Her kind-hearted character is replaced by the bitchiness stereotypical "flirty" character in the anime, making her far less sympathetic.
- There's an inversion with some serious character development in the second manga:
- Kurumu develops from Gag Boobs girl to someone who's tortured inside by the love she has for Tsukune but hides it with her external cheerfulness and who deeply cares about her friends. She is further torn by the love she has for Tsukune and the love she has for her friends when she knows she will never "win" him from Moka.
- Mizore goes from Yandere stalker to Sugar and Ice Personality with an absolutely tragic back-story, unwanted arranged marriage, attempted rape and attempted suicide from the shame of thinking she's betrayed her friends by being violated and some seriously repressed emotional baggage.
- Token loli Yukari frets over being the Token loli and wants to grow up like everyone else, to the point that she tries to develop a "grow older" potion.
- Moka is losing control to "Inner" Moka, who doesn't seem to be so ready to give up control as often.
- Even Gin, the Handsome Lech gets his by taking the fall for an ex-girlfriend who's suspected of causing damaging "pranks" to other students for reasons he doesn't seem willing to admit even to himself. Then he plays a Batman Gambit, pretending to get captured so he could find out more information about the "Fairy Tale" group that's threatening the Newspaper Club. He proceeds to beat the crap out of his "captor" and make a threat of his own if they ever mess with his friends again. Then decides to take down all of "Fairy Tale" for the simple reason that they threatened San, who he considers the most important person to him. Whoo! Talk about an inversion...
- Kokoa as well. In the manga, she treats everyone in a much friendlier way than in the anime, where she's tsuntsun from the very start. While she's still a Blood Knight (for instance, enjoying creating mayhem as a distraction at the Flower Offering arc) and obsessed with Inner Moka, she is more willing to join whatever the core group of friends want to do, instead of an out-and-out problem child who simply wants to beat them all up just because they're close to Moka like in the anime.
- Tsukune is Flanderized over time in the manga, bit by bit turning more from a Harem Hero into a shounen protagonist. Early on he's pretty clearly aware that the other girls like him (it would be hard for him not to, since they stated it outright back then), but as is typical of the genre he just preferred the Yamato Nadeshiko type of Outer Moka to their more extroverted behavior. He's obviously aware they care about him and that they're very pretty girls. This is all completely forgotten later on when, to facilitate his change into the big strong hero who only has eyes for one girl in the world, Tsukune apparently not only forgets that the other girls like him, but seems to forget that they're girls, at least in any other fashion than that they need saving occasionally. He goes from seeing them as admirers and close friends he often doesn't quite know how to deal with to treating them like a bunch of friendly acquaintances that happen to follow him around.
- There's an inversion with some serious character development in the second manga:
- Foreign Queasine: The monsters consider the monster durian to be a mouth-watering delicacy. Tsukune describes it as smelling like blood and dirty socks. In fact, he goes to the hospital for trying to eat it.
- Four Is Death: In episode 4 of the anime, Tsukune arrives at the bus stop at 4:44 pm and is attacked by rivals for Moka's love. Later, 4:44 pm is the scheduled time for his execution after he's discovered for being human. There's also something to be said for Moka having three sisters, meaning four kids in the family.
- The Fairy Tale Agent's .mp3 file with "God's" death song on it is listed as track 4.
- Freaky Friday Flip: Happens with Yukari and Fang-Fang. Hilarity Ensues.
- Fang-Fang trys to do some of the stereotypical things to do when in a woman/girl's body only to get his head bashed by Yukari while she's in his body.
- Freudian Excuse: Hokuto has one of these: My father beats me and monsters at school beat me as well, so I must destroy the world and recreate it in my image!
- Friendless Background: Most of the girls, it seems.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampires: Moka. Inner Moka and Kokoa, not so much... at least at first. Kahlua, being quite insane, is a mixed bag in this regard.
- Gag Boobs: Kurumu. Even when turned into a child, she's still not flat.
- Gainaxing: Kurumu; my, do they jiggle.
- Gecko Ending: A lot of things were changed around in the anime, particularly in Season 2. Its also a lot Lighter and Softer compared to the manga, such as Tsukune's ghoul transformation getting completely ignored.
- Generation Xerox: In Capu2, Kurumu and Mizore's rivalry over Tsukune echoes that of their mothers' over a male student during their time at the academy. Neither won and the guy (who is Saizou's dad) turns out as a Gonk over the years.
- Genre Shift: The manga started out as a comedy harem series, but the current presence of the Fairy Tail organization has shifted it over to a more traditional Shonen series.
- The Glomp: Tsukune is an all-too-frequent victim of this.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Akasha, full stop.
- Gorgeous Gorgon
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Tsukune does this here.
- Guns Akimbo: Right here. Why? Why not.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: What Akuha does to apparently dispatch Moka's mom in Chapter 32 which triggered Moka to gain the power she has today in her inner self. Later, she does it to Fang-Fang's older sister. Conveniently, they're the two characters who absolutely cannot be killed by such an injury.
- Handsome Lech: Gin. He's just so charming that even attacking Moka in an early chapter couldn't get rid of him. Getting his ass kicked just made him try harder.
- Harsh Word Impact: In one chapter, Tsurara hits Tsukune very hard with the word "chicken", which doubles as a Stealth Pun, since Tsukune when written with different kanji can refer to a type of Japanese chicken dish.
- Heroic Albino: Inner Moka is more of an Anti-Hero, although her shift from a Type IV to a Type II is pretty significant.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Akasha gave her life to protect her precious daughters, Moka and Akuha.
- Heroic BSOD: Hey, turns out Outer Moka is just a fake personality, and in chapter 34 of season 2 Tsukune finds out and he loses all hope he had with her. Poor guy.
- High-Pressure Blood: Used most often in a gags, usually one where Kurumu hits Tsukune with a Marshmallow Hell, only for Mizore to hit Kurumu in the head with a kunai formed of ice. The next panel shows the kunai popping free, complete with lots of blood. Appears in other gags, as well
- Ho Yay: Enough examples to fill a sub-page.
- Honor Before Reason: Kurumu when competing for Tsukune's affections. She absolutely will not exploit anything that would give her a chance to win viewing it as unfair - one of her most endearing and, sadly, tragic traits. Especially since unrequited love can be fatal to a succubus.
- Hopeless Suitor: None of the girls aside from Moka has any real shot with Tsukune. It doesn't stop them from trying however, even if they realize it.
- Horny Devils: Kurumu and her mother Ageha.
- Hot Shounen Mom: Kurumu and Mizore's mothers; the anime also reveals Mizore has a Hot Shoujo least once he takes off the Yeti mask. Don't ask.
- Moka's mother looks exactly like outer Moka.
- And Fangfang Huang's mother looks more like she should be his (slightly) older sister. If anything, she looks younger than his actual older sister.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Poor Tsukune has to listen to this a LOT from the Monsters he encounters. No matter how hard he tries to show by example that his kind are at the least redeemable to any Big Bads, their views seldom, if not never, change.
- This is the only motive Fairy Tale needs.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: "[insert episode theme here] + Vampire"
- Idiot Ball: Tsukune's inability to realize the other girls want him just as badly as (if not more than) Moka does. He will always, by default, try and save Moka first, then the others, and then will apologize for doing so. This goes hand in hand with his Chaste Hero status because, if he wasn't so intent on being with Moka, he'd have probably spend more time with the other girls a bit more when there isn't a crisis happening. He will ALWAYS default to being in Moka's company first, even if the girls are doing him a favor.
- I Just Want to Be Loved: Double subverted with Kokoa in her introductory arc. Tsukune guesses that her desire to fight Moka stems from missing her sister and just wanting to spend time with her. Nope, seems she doesn't care for her after all. Then the rosario comes off and Kokoa launches herself at inner-Moka, who she really does love and is overjoyed to see.
- Ill Girl: Moka as a baby. It also explains why she knew that injecting monster blood into someone could save them.
- Image Song: A good portion of episode 5 is devoted to showing off Kurumu and Yukari's. The other girls have their songs inserted in, too.
- Episode 3 of Capu2 also. Kurumu gets another, but this time her competitor is Mizore.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: Inner Moka, after being (inadvertently) smooth-talked by Tsukune. Goes hand-in-hand with her current Tsundere status.
- Instant Fanclub: Moka, Kurumu and Yukari have three rather lame fanboys in the first season, but by the second season, they've developed large, screaming, mostly female fanclubs. ESPECIALLY Moka.
- Then again, it's perhaps due to them having made a name for themselves after the end of first year.
- Instant Runes: Mikogami, and recently Tsukune have used these.
- Averted in the case of Touhou Fuhai, who drew his runes by hand (midair, very quickly), but as he is Tsukune's mentor, he's most likely capable of this to some degree.
- Justified in Tsukune's case as Touhou Fuhai basically reformatted his body to be able to use magic, thus meaning that the spells are essentially inscribed into Tsukune's flesh, allowing him to produce spells on command without having to use the more complex steps in the casting process that others need.
- Interspecies Romance: Tsukune is human, sort of. The girls pining for him... not so much.
- Technically, almost any romance at Youkai Academy qualifies. Season one's antagonists were an organization of hybrids. While everybody there is a monster except Tsukune and Hokuto (and in both cases it's relative), very few characters are the same type of monster.
- Ironic Echo: Moka apparently was a ill girl and near death at birth and her mom had to inject her with her blood to save her which eventually led to Moka getting her powers...guess who had to inject her blood to save Tsukune which eventually led to him taking a level in badass by becoming a ghoul.
- If Shinso Blood is needed to awaken Alucard, and Moka transferred it to Tsukune through the blood transfer...Oh dear, Akuha won't like this! Touhou Fuhai already said that Tsukune's new Ghoul form smells like Alucard...
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: While they know Tsukune won't be able to have feelings of love for them, the girls in his Unwanted Harem still help him out, in both the anime the manga. Both Kurumu and Mizore seem resigned to the fact that they'll be happy so long as they can spend time with him at least, even if he's not romantically interested in them.
- Japanese Delinquents: Almost all hybrid youkai (localized as "Monstrels") are practically the resident delinquents, but Moka and Kokoa send just as much terror down the spines of the most troublesome gang leaders, more specifically, the "inner" Moka.
- Journey to the Center of the Mind: Kurumu with added levels of You Never Asked.
- Kiss of the Vampire: "Kapuchuu~"
- Hilariously, the manga as translated for dead-tree gives the sound effect as a loud "Chomp!"
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: At least, but possibly outright breaking it, Yukari-chan in the last panel.
- Lecherous Licking: Kokoa licks the blood off Tsukune's face. From her point of view, she's just feeding, but from his point of view it's creepy.
- Also done by Routier to Fang-Fang.
- Lethal Chef: Inner Moka, of all people. Her first attempt to make pumpkin pie somehow creates a gigantic slimy thing that destroys the Home Ec room and traumatizes poor Yukari (Inner Moka's quite careless with knives, and accidentally sliced Yukari's clothing badly). That "Thing" she creates turns out to be edible, however it manages to knock out Kokoa of all people. She was taken away on a gurney while hooked up to an IV. There was a puddle of... Something, oozing out of her mouth. This is beyond Lethal Chef. Nobody has ever made poison strong enough to make a vampire keel over and barf before, out of simple dough and pumpkin.
- Her second attempt looked more like someone had detonated an explosive device in the kitchen than anything that could be called 'cooking'. Later it turns out to be a cake, more burned than charcoal, and pretty hard as well.
- Lightning Glare: Kurumu and Moka often do it to each other in the anime when fighting over Tsukune.
- Limited Wardrobe / School Uniforms Are the New Black: Especially in the manga. With a few exceptions, everyone keeps wearing their school uniforms anywhere they go (the most ridiculous example being the trip to Mizore's hometown - before the Flower Offering day, everyone else is still in uniform, with only a scarf added "because they are somewhere cold"; seriously, this begets some levels of Fridge Logic), in spite of how different they dress from one another (Mizore only uses the skirt on her standard outfit, for example).
- Literal Split Personality: The Lilith Mirror splits Moka into two separate beings, yet to Kokoa's disappointment, they must rejoin.
- Load-Bearing Boss: At least in the last episode of Capu2; every time Moka's father leaves the castle, it collapses (also mentioned offhand)
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Seems to be heading this way. Counting Moka's two personalities as two separate characters, the series currently has at least nine main characters (more if you include Gin and Lingling). Add their families to the mix and that figure more than doubles. Then there's the Youkai Academy staff, Sun and Marin, Anti-Thesis, Fairy Tale... even if we only count characters who "appear in multiple chapters as more than a cameo", the character count is well into the forties. Add the various monsters of the week, and the figure gets even bigger.
- Lolicon: In one episode of Capu2, Yukari is magically given an older body on par with the other heroines, and immediately becomes the school idol. Just about every male vies for her attention (even Tsukune himself is flustered), except for one: A guy who watches from afar whilst sobbing and holding a picture of Yukari's younger self.
- Earlier, in the manga, a bunch of guys noticed how cute she is and crowded around her; flustered, she ran away, yelling, "Lolita complexes on the rampage!"
- Haiji, who is obsessed with Yukari, Kokoa, and San. Note how he treats Kokoa right after introducing himself.
- Loophole Abuse: In a contest where using superpowers is not allowed, everyone starts using weapons and outside interference.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Gin, who wants to grope one of the girls at any chance he gets and Yukari (her stated plans involve her, Moka, Tsukune and a bed).
- Ruby, especially during Tsukune's training with Belmont...
- Heavily subverted with Kurumu; despite her pretenses of sexual confidence and aggressiveness (coupled with Horny Devils), she's very chaste and pure-hearted with endearingly innocent views on love.
- Love Bubbles
- Lovely Angels: Kurumu and Mizore in Season II. They started training together off-page with Gin in order to compete with Inner Moka. It paid off when they were able to use Combination Attacks against their enemies.
- Lover Tug of War: How Tsukune is not literally snapped in half by now seems like a mystery—but then even before his Power-Up, he was Made of Iron: smashed into the ground hard enough to break rock, thrown onto vending machines...he just keeps getting up.
- Luminescent Blush: Akuha breaks out in one of these after seeing her sister Moka for the first time in years. The other characters see this as a sign Akuha is completely insane since she's out to kill Moka.
- Mad Artist: Hitomi Ishigami. She was already mad in her first appearance, but is mad with revenge when she returns.
- Magical Girlfriend
- Magic Pants: Lampshaded in an Omake (seen in the trope's own page)
- Magic Skirt: Word of God specifically stated in spite of the "other Moka's" penchant for high kicks, her panties will not be shown, ever. (Yukari specifically laments this fact in one of the omakes.) Apparently, this doesn't extend to the anime one bit.
- Male Gaze: Default of the anime.
- Mama Bear: Akasha Bloodriver. Come on, she gave birth to Moka, it can't be that much of a surprise!
- Man-Eating Plant: The Witch War arc contains an entire army of these. In another chapter, it introduces the Dorian, a monster plant filled with Naughty Tentacles and a taste for humans and monsters alike.
- Man, I Feel Like a Woman: The evil Doppleganger in the second part transforms into Kurumu. You can guess what happens next. Similar thing happens later on when Fang-Fang and Yukari switch bodies, but Yukari stops Fang-Fang before he can have any fun.
- Marshmallow Hell: Kurumu's favorite form of greeting to Tsukune, but only so it annoys the competition; Tsukune's usually too busy suffocating to protest much.
- Masquerade: The whole of point of Youkai Academy is to teach monsters how to blend into the human society. Hence, as a lucky break for Tsukune, their curriculum is directly based on the leading human (Japanese) schools.
- Master of the Mixed Message: Inner Moka here succesfully confusing not only Tsukune but the rest of the Unwanted Harem as well.
- Mayfly-December Romance: It's not really brought up, but it's mentioned several times in-series that vampires, at least, are immortal, later proven by Moka's mother, who's definitely over 200, possibly much older, but looks like she's in her twenties or thirties. We've also seen a witch and a yuki-onna who are both over 100, (though the witch, at least, actually looked the part). Succubi probably have a different growth rate as well. And they're all after Tsukune.
- But then, recent chapters make it look as though Tsukune is becoming something other than human , so that problem might end up sorting itself out.
- Meaningful Name
- Megaton Punch: Tsukune accidentally receives one from Moka in the first episode. She also gives one to Kurumu in episode 2, which knocks her outside of the school.
- The Messiah: The Bus Driver seems to think Tsukune is one.
- Monster of the Week: Mostly students, but there have been teachers who're Ax Crazy sociopaths with hair triggers.
- Mood Whiplash: Upon finding out Tsukune has attracted boys now, Mizore is impressed... Then threatens to stab him if he continues being unfaithful... Then Yukari mentions that boy's love is now considered 'wholesome' in the human world... While she's reading an example with a heavy blush on her face.
- Kokoa's reading a boy's love book on the next page, while she and Ruby explain that the boy in question doesn't have that idea in mind... And Kokoa's Nosebleeding all over her uniform.
- The chapters after the Snow Village arc have gone back to light-hearted comedy harem humor, adding a guy to the mix, right after a ton of Character Development and an awesome fight with a Complete Monster (plus the new guy is kinda pointless and annoying due to being a flat character among fleshed out ones)
- The new guy just started! Give him time to grow!
- During the depressing Snow Village arc Mizore jumps out of a window, cue a heroic save, an epic kiss, a comic reaction, than Crowning Moment of Heartwarming IN FIVE PAGES! Now excuse me while I go to a chiropractor.
- As dark as the current arc is, you can always continue to expect at least one silly, random or just plain goofy moment thrown in to lighten the mood, if only for a moment. Whether it be Akua fangirling over her own sister, the hilarious training methods of the rest of the cast or something else entirely, the manga hardly goes one chapter without getting a good laugh in. If there's no humor at all...then something horrible is nigh. You have been warned.
- Monsters Anonymous: Yokai Academy.
- Moral Dissonance: Snow maidens need to reproduce young due to their short period of fertility, which ends in their mid-twenties. To ensure population growth, a law is enforced that requires arranged marriages at age seventeen. The snow maiden Mizore, one of the romantic interests for the hero Tsukune, to avoid an arranged marriage, uses a powerful aphrodisiac in an attempt to bewitch Tsukune into making love to her. In other words, Mizore's solution to a marriage without consent is to force herself on Tsukune without consent, the very definition of rape. To compound matters, Mizore herself was the victim of a rape attempt at the hands of a teacher. At no point does anyone call out Mizore for her actions. Yes, they were originally upset that Mizore betrayed their trust and tried to "snatch away" Tsukune, but they completely forgive upon learning of the arranged marriage. Nobody points out that when her "fiancé" forces a kiss on her (an act that drives her to attempt suicide), she behaved in a similar manner. A worse manner actually. A complete scumbag the fiancé might have been, but even he drew the line at having sex with her. So essentially the message is, rape is okay, provided you're really, really desperate and are in a bad situation.
- The Humans Are the Real Monsters message is heavily harped on, especially in the witch storyarc. The fact that most humans are completely unaware of monsters' existence (including those witches) and are thus unaware that they are harming anyone is completely unmentioned. It doesn't help that humans are often victims of monsters as well, who often see humans are inferior, suitable only for food, playthings to be killed, or objects to rape (the first villain monster to appear in the manga is notorious for this, suggesting that monsters should forget about the Masquerade and just eat all the humans, except for the cute ones who would be raped instead). While humans are not blameless, in particular when it came to witch hunts, most anti-monster behavior from humans occurs out of ignorance or from having been victimized by monsters, like Hokuto.
- In Mizore's introduction, Mizore attempts to kill Moka to steal Tsukune away. The next chapter features Tsukune apologizing for hurting her feelings by rejecting her. Because clearly its wrong to harshly reject a girl that attempts to kidnap you and kill your crush. That same chapter, Mizore is upset that Tsukune would think she was capable of hurting an innocent person. Apparently, her interpretation of innocent is a bystander who in no way impedes her desire and her wants, and thus excludes Moka, who is an obstacle in her way to romancing Tsukune.
- Mr. Exposition: The bat gives out info on types of monsters and gives the exact number of seconds it takes to defeat an opponent. The manga (and second season of the anime) reveals he's also a Morph Weapon.
- In the manga, though, Kou-chan is mute.
- Ms. Fanservice: In the manga, Kurumu provides more panty shots and ends up in states of undress more times than all the other characters combined (It certainly seems that way, at any rate).
- Under another viewpoint, Ruby and her self-made uniforms.
- Muscles Are Meaningless: The very first opponent Inner Moka faces is a huge monster almost three times her size (Saizou's true form). It was quite obvious that she didn't even have to try.
- Explained how she can do so in the final chapter of the first manga season. Vampires' strength isn't based on muscles.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: Poor Ruby gets this sometimes.
- Fang-Fang gets this treatment quite a bit.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: As mentioned in the CMOA section, Hokuto does this to Tsukune, twice. Once when Tsukune gets the will to fight him when he unveils his evil plan, and again...immediately after the first, because Tsukune is a Determinator who just had to get up after the first one. Now, this isn't just one beatdown because Tsukune was able to take two really long beatings with the gap between them literally just him deciding to continue fighting, and charging at Hokuto, who had already dismissed him as defeated.
- Nosebleed: Interestingly, the victim is Kokoa, in reaction to fanservice from women.
- One noteable example in the anime is episode 11 of Capu2: Tsukune does this with High-Pressure Blood when Kurumu in a really skimpy outfit flashes him while under the effects of a magical mirror that not only reveals monsters' true forms, but also stops any resistance to their inner desires and natures.
- Also happens once in the manga, when a Doppleganger who's taken Kurumu's form briefly incapacitates Tsukune by flashing him. This is notable because Tsukune was in ghoul mode and he still got a nosebleed.
- Mizore's eyes showing through the spray of Tsukune's blood makes for a particularly funny scene in Chapter 39 of the first season.
- That same scene also happens in episode 7 of Season 2.
- Not only Kokoa but her bat nosebleeds from watching Gin apparently speed-grope Kurumu and Mizore.
- Not What It Looks Like: Bad enough from Kurumu's point of view, to wake up and find herself in bed with Gin—but when she sees a bloodstain on the sheets, it's a Berserk Button. And then Mizore slides out from under the bed and admits she put the bloodstain there as a prank.
Mizore: Surprised you, did it?
Kurumu: It didn't just surprise me!! I thought I had lost something!
- Oh Crap: Akuha isn't immune to this [dead link]
. Though she ultimately figures out a way to beat the attack that was frightening her.
- Kuyou is subject to this when he witnesses Tsukune vamp out for the first time during their rematch at the Fairy Tale headquarters.
- Ominous Floating Castle: Fairy Tale headquarters.
- Once an Episode: One can practically time when the obligatory fight and final blood-sucking "kapuchu~!!" will happen by the start of episode 4
- One-Gender Race: Both succubi and yuki onna are implied to be this; we've seen some hybrid monsters, so Only You Can Repopulate My Race only works if their racial traits are inherently dominant.
- 108: the body transformation technique of Touhou Fuhai involves 109 needles...tsukune had 108 of them put into him before he passes out and Touhou Fuhai was getting low on energy and decided to suspend the operation to recover energy..but then suddenly Tsukune's holy lock starts breaking and he gets up and transforms something seemly far more monstrous than his ghoul form
- One-Winged Angel: When the latest student causing trouble reveals their true form, it's time for Moka to go all out.
- Also Kahlua, in a more literal form. One has to wonder what will happen if she pulls her other earring off.
- recently Tsukune himself gained one. This can't be good
- The Only One: We all know Tsukune was the only one enabled to remove Moka's seal and unleash "inner" Moka, but for the most part we thought that it was because they were alike in terms of trying to protect their loved ones, but later on (chapter 34 season 2) we find out there is another purpose to it the only one who can remove the seal has to be someone who truly loves Moka and means her no harm, Tsukune fits the bill.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Kurumu has expressed (eventually, in some cases) an unwillingness to capitalize on anything that would take Moka out of the picture, leaving her free to pursue Tsukune in Moka's absence. Only winning him over in some form of woman-to-woman confrontation would satisfy her.
- Supposedly Mizore feels the same, so that makes this a sort of Defeat Triangle.
- Only You Can Repopulate My Race: Tsukune is either blessed or cursed with the fact Kurumu and Mizore are able/willing to have him father their child.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Mizore and her lollipop; justified that all snow women need to have something in their mouths to stay cool from the heat. But she continues to keep it in her mouth even when in her rather cold homeland, because she likes it.
- Not just a matter of taste: she states that the lollipop also symbolizes the good times she's been having with her friends and would-be lover, and she doesn't wanna let go of that.
- Ordinary High School Student
- OT3: In-universe. This is Yukari's plan for her, Moka, and Tsukune, and she really goes into detail.
- Our Hero Is Dead: Episode nine ends on a cliffhanger with Tsukune apparently dead. He gets better.
- Our Monsters Are Different: Most can shapeshift or approximate a human form. One student hangs a lampshade on the fact Nekonome-sensei has the most obviously non-human form. She smiles and proceeds to claw his face off before returning to the lesson.
- Our Vampires Are Different: All vampires are seemingly unaffected by sunlight and clearly aren't undead. Water will paralyzes them, though it's uncertain if it's supernatural or psychosomatic. The eponymous Power Limiter rosary's a holy item.
- Overnight Age-Up: Yukari and Kokoa in the manga, while just Yukari in the anime. The manga version backfires into a Fountain of Youth, while the anime takes place on Measuring Day.
- Panty Shot: The anime is loaded with these in just the first episode (roughly one every minute or so). Just look at how short the skirts are in the pictures. According to the official staff blog, each writer's meeting for the show involves serious discussions of character panties
- Lampshaded in episode 8, too!
- Strangely enough, the manga seems to diligently hide any panty shots from Moka and only her. Word of God says that Inner Moka's panties willneverbe shown, no matter how high she kicks. Ironically, Inner Moka eventually gives a clearly visible panty shot in chapter 38.
- One to shame all others happens 35 seconds into the first episode of Capu2. Most glorious indeed.
- This animé is basically Panty Shots: The Animated Series.
- Panty Fighter: The anime.
- Perverted Drooling: While attacking Fong Fong with a chainsaw, Routier does this.
- Playboy Bunny: Ruby dresses as one here.
- Pointy Ears: Kurumu in her true form.
- POV Boy, Poster Girl: Moka is the primary driving force behind much of the plot (not to mention The Ace in just about any desperate situation), but Tsukune is the primary viewpoint protagonist.
- Power Dyes Your Hair: Moka gains silver hair when she takes her rosary off and gains her true vampire power.
- Power Limiter: Moka's rosary necklace and Tsukune's rosary bracelet, after he becomes a ghoul. And Kahlua's rosary earrings. And San's notebook.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Inner Moka does this a lot, mostly by telling her enemies Know your place, but one of the best came from the most recent chapter and from Fong Fong no less.
Fong Fong: If it's about supremacy then I'll give it to you, but in return I will protect her until the very end!!![1]
- Punny Name: The school is called "Youkai," but uses an alternate set of kanji than expected (陽海 instead of 妖怪).
- Putting on the Reich: Fairy Tale as shown by the True Companions here
- Rape as Drama: The Monster of the Week would get his ass handed to them because of attempting this with one of the girls in early stories. As the series progresses, it gets more serious. Mizore is treated to a brutal setup in the Flower Offering arc. Not treated as a gimmick or done overly heavy-handed or melodramatic, and one of the most moving, emotionally battering and awesome arcs of the whole series.
- Bear in mind that's the second rape attempt she's faced.
- Rapunzel Hair: Moka. However, the artist can be a little inconsistent as her hair can be seen to be anywhere from the center of her back to nearly her knees!
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: 'Inner' Moka has no problems with delivering these. Most notably:
"Tsukune, I'll give you my judgement. This is no good at all. You have vampire blood, so you must have the 'aptitude' to become stronger. You were dutiful originally, so you are a fast learner. However...They're light. I'm speaking about your weakness, your fists. The things needed to win, you have no 'will', nor do you have 'killing intent'. So who on earth are you planning to defeat?
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Moka's super-vampire side has these. Tsukune too.
- Refuge in Audacity: The anime was pretty blatant with this, especially the second season, but Funimation's marketing for the series has taken it to another level.
- Relationship Voice Actor: Fans of My Bride Is a Mermaid will get deja vu listening to the leads in the dub.
- Retired Badass: Two hundred years of being an elegant Yamato Nadeshiko have done nothing to dull Akasha Bloodriver, the Greatest Lord of Darkness or her fighting prowess.
- The Reveal: If Moka's father had been an extremely powerful "Shinso" vampire, it would have been The Untwist at this point. It's her mother instead.
- Ridiculously Average Guy: Tsukune. More and more averted as the series goes on.
- Running Gag: Whenever Moka and Tsukune just say each other's names a few times in succession, complete with Bishie Sparkle. Sometimes the other girls butt in during those times.
- Ruby saying "It's a long story" anytime she's asked about a new job. She even gets distraught in one episode after Moka steals that line from her.
- The bat showing up to explain how long a battle took. Sometimes he may not mention the time however, or gets interrupted. It gets Lampshaded in the Anime by a member of the Security Commitee:
"Kuyou": What? Keito was beaten?
"School Police Member": Indeed, and in a matter of 117 seconds!
- Sacred First Kiss: Mizore's is stolen by the representative of the Fairy Tale group during their Break the Cutie semi-attempted-rape, and is incredibly devastating to her.
- Kurumu also steals Tsukune's in a very heartwarming scene.
- Say It with Hearts: Almost everyone in Tsukune's harem, but mostly Moka and Kurumu.
- Say My Name: "Moka-san!" "Tsukune!". Repeat as many times as necessary, until someone or something interrupts.
- Played with in episode 12 of Capu2, when Inner Moka asks Tsukune to do it with her. It doesn't work because 1. she does it in a very emotionless way (bordering into Narm, depending on your viewpoint) and 2. he's unable to get "the other Moka" out of his mind.
- School Festival: There was a fair amount of buildup, as Tsukune's role on the festival committee was a major plot point for the conflict with Hokuto, but the festival itself turned out to be a Breather Episode by comparison to the preceding arc.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers: Everything Ling-Ling does in the Sports Festival revolves around this. She's a shameless underhanded cheater who uses fellow hopping corpses to compete as students (by conveniently enrolling them at the Academy just one day before the Festival). She cannot afford to lose, but apparently words like "rule" and "regulation" don't exist in her vocabulary.
- Secret Keeper: The Newspaper Club, towards Tsukune (well, just Moka up 'til the end of the first season).
- Shallow Love Interest: Moka's outer personality was this at first, but she has become much less so in recent chapters.
- Ship Tease: The Bus Driver and Shizuka Nekonome-sensei.
- Chapters 39 and 40 really ramp up the implied Gin/Kurumu subtext, though it's still a little one-sided.
- And then Chapters 41 and 42 expanded on Kurumu's relationship with Tsukune quite a bit. She's actually made him blush a few times. Granted, it's still almost guaranteed he'll pick Moka.
- This seems to be happening between Yukari and Fong-Fong.
- Shout-Out: A full list is right here.
- Silent Bob: San Otonashi, who communicates by Talking with Signs.
- Turns out she's a siren and can talk, but doesn't to avoid the nasty effects of her enchanted voice
- Skewed Priorities: Outer Moka here considers relationship issues more important than the monster trying to kill them - the other characters find at this least as odd as the audience.
- Sliding Scale of Vampire Friendliness: Moka is so friendly, she suffers from anemia due to drinking only tomato juice. In the anime, her bite only causes the victim to feel faint temporarily (sometimes the animators even bother with drawing Tsukune with an emaciated face because of this). In the manga, Tsukune eventually becomes a zombie (of sorts, and not directly because of Moka drinking his blood), though his personality is not compromised.
- Something Completely Different: Episode eight of Capu2, which is a series of short stories revolving more around the side cast than the main.
- Spank the Cutie
- Spell My Name with an "S": Kurumu's family name is Kurono. Just like that other guy from that other manga. Yet, many people tend to misspell as "Kuruno". Might as well be the pronounciation.
- Stalker with a Crush: Mizore, lampshaded endlessly. She even out-and-out says at one point that stalking Tsukune is her hobby.
- Heck, the girl treats stalking professionally. She suggests stalking methods as topics for the Newspaper every once in a while, for crying out loud.
- Stalking Is Funny If It Is Female After Male: Mizore most definitely qualifies for this.
- Standard Female Grab Area: Used against Kurumu by Hokuto.
Hokuto: Although your attacks are sharp, it becomes weak once you're caught.
- Stranger in a Strange School: Though he does eventually start settling in...
- Strong Family Resemblance: The outer Moka looks (if not exactly) like her mother.
- Suggestive Collision: Ageha and Tsurara are fighting. In an attempt to break the fight up, Tsukune is thrown at the two women—and lands in a very awkward position where his face is between Tsurara's legs and his hand is grabbing Ageha's chest.
- Supernatural Sensitivity
- Superpowered Cold Ruthless Prideful Side: Moka's super-vampire abilities has to be sealed away, released only when the rosary's removed. Doing so reveals her true personality: cold, ruthless and arrogant, but less evil than traditional vampires.
- Super Mode: Whenever Moka gives some of her blood to Tsukune (think Karin), he temporarily gains vampiric powers. There's just one little problem...
- Supporting Harem: Moka is the only girl Tsukune clearly loves. The other girls try but there's nothing they can do.
- Sword and Sorcerer: Fang-Fang's parents, his mother as the fighter and his father as the mage.
- Taking the Bullet: Though it never happens with literal bullets, Tsukune has a dangerous habit of jumping in front of attacks to protect his friends. It eventually leads to his Emergency Transformation.
- Ginei once took a fireball in the fight against Kuyou.
- Taking You with Me: via Kill It with Fire Ling-Ling attempts to do this with Akuha. It doesn't work, but fortunately Ling-Ling is saved.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Thanks to Art Evolution, every other man is either this or Bishonen.
- The Tease: Inner Moka, often before kicking the teased.
- Tenchi Solution - Won Fanfan attempts to lure Tsukune into the Chinese Demon Mafia (no, seriously) by pointing out that this would make it a simple matter for him to marry his entire harem. With the exception of Moka, the girls make it clear that they like the idea... and Yukari tries to put him on a leash and force him to accept.
- And Kurumu, Ruby, and Mizore dress to fit in with the Chinese....
- Then Inner Moka reiterates Outer Moka's objection. Except with a great deal more violence.
- There's also the end of the anime, where Tsukune, faced with the question of "who will you end up with", tries using this in conjunction with Love You and Everybody so as not to let the other girls down, especially because they busted their humps to help him before. It only earns him a kick in the face from Inner Moka.
- Theme Naming: The vampire sisters (in order of appearance) Moka/Mocha, Kokoa/Cocoa, and Kahlua and probably their as-yet-unrevealed eldest sister as well. One wonders if their also-unrevealed father also has name to fit the theme...
- In addition, most major characters have a word referencing color somewhere in their names:
- Red - Moka Akashiya, Kokoa Shuzen, Ruby Tojo
- Blue - Tsukune Aono, Ruby Tojo
- Black - Kurumu Kurono
- Violet - Yukari Sendou
- White - Mizore Shirayuki
- Silver - Ginei Morioka
- Orange - Ruby Tojo
- Gold - Hokuto Kaneshiro
- Grey - Haiji Miyamoto
- Some of the characters also have names that relate to what they really are:
- "Gin" means "silver", commonly linked to Werewolves, and Gin's a Werewolf.
- "Yuki" means snow, and Mizore Shirayuki is a snow woman. And "Mizore" is the word for "sleet."
- Additionally, Shirayuki-hime is the Japanese name for Snow White.
- Their teacher's a cat girl, and she has "neko" ("cat"} as part of her last name.
- Otonashi San's family name phonetically means without sound. This is actually a subversion of the author's usual theme naming to keep her power a secret until the reveal.
- It's now been revealed that Moka's oldest sister doesn't fit the beverage theme. But she appears to have been adopted.
- In addition, most major characters have a word referencing color somewhere in their names:
- This Is Unforgivable!: Here. Also, here.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill Muggles: The reason why Tsukune, who is still genetically human, was the only one who could do anything against the Yakuza who kidnapped Moka and Sun (at least, without getting arrested).
- Which turns the fact that the Student Police have a death penalty for any human who discovers Youkai Academy into a serious case of Fridge Logic. The school itself doesn't have that severe a penalty for being human, but the Student Police, being the Knights Templar they are, interpret the rules as allowing them to kill any human that trespasses onto the school. Especially Kuyou strongly believes in that idea. It becomes a Fridge Horror when he reappears in the second serialization...
- Took a Level in Badass: Tsukune, several times.
- More recently, it seems that the entire Newspaper Club Took a Level in Badass.
- Too Hot for TV
- Too Kinky to Torture: Ruby; when Tsukune goes into training and is bound to Ruby by a chain that shocks her whenever he uses his power improperly, it seems like it's to encourage him to learn faster to spare her pain. Instead, she seems rather "disappointed" when she stops getting zapped after a day. She also ties herself up in the chain while he's unconscious, including passing it between her legs at the crotch level, excusing it as being like twisting a phone cord around one's finger when bored - an excuse Tsukune doesn't buy. She also likes the idea of him with the whip, and pleads him to order her around.
- Coupled along with the fact that while fighting, the electrical current seems to give Ruby an orgasm before Tsukune learns to control his power.
- ...and her dialogue while he's fighting: "Keep beating it.", "Harder", "Beat it", "His youkai power, it's getting larger and larger"...* ahem*
- Also the incident where she joins the Newspaper Club as an adviser, and tells Tsukune, "Order me around, I'll do anything."
- When asked what her relationship to Tsukune was, her answer was "toy".
- When a doppelganger posing as Tsukune gives her what's intended to be a rib-breaking elbow smash, her response is to hug him with a blush of pleasure and beg him to hit her again.
- Brought back to hilarious effect when the group confronts the first leader of Fairy Tale Raika, a lightning user. One good blast and Ruby dusts herself off saying not only does she not need to defend but would prefer that he keep going.
- Incidentally, the "Meaningless End-of-Volume Theater" omake for Series II Volume 4 claims that Yukari and Outer Moka enjoy getting electric shocks through that chain, too.
- Too Many Belts: Mizore has a couple of extra belts connecting her waist to her Zettai Ryouiki for no discernible reason.
- Training from Hell: In the latest arcs, Tsukune's getting trained by "Inner" Moka that pushes his limits. Blood leaks from his mouth while Moka belittles his fighting ability, in comparison to her. Tsukune's will breaks at this and he's ready to quit. It's not until later in the arc he gets into a fight and fully unleashes his ghoul-strength without becoming the slightest bit crazed. And after weeks of trying to keep pace with Inner Moka, the humans he has to fight (and even the bullets they shoot at him) seem like they're in slow motion by comparison. Though he still sucks compared to Inner-Moka, he's grown by considerable leaps and bounds.
- Transformation Sequence: It seems the production company spent so much money animating the awesome fights in the closing credits they have to use this exact stock footage every damned episode just to get the cash back.
- I don't think so; if you take a look in the second season, you'll see that the sequence changes according to whatever Moka is wearing (like the delinquent sailor fuku in episode 6) or going through (like getting yellow-skinned from so much curry in episode 5) at the moment.
- Tranquil Fury - Gin calmly and methodically disassembles the entire operation of the local Fairy Tale base because they threatened his friends, San in particular, and plans on doing the same to the rest of the organization.
- The Triads and the Tongs: Fang-Fang Huang is the only son of the boss of the biggest (Youkai) one in all of China. It's unclear whether his undead sister is part of it as well.
- Yes, and their grandfather is not just any strongest Youkai, but one of the three demonic king (making him as strong as the Headmaster) named the Invincible East, and it was he who taught the Headmaster how to make the seals and barrier.
- True Companions: Certainly by series two, no matter how much Kurumu and Inner Moka would deny it.
- Tsundere: Just THIS.
- This could arguably count.
- The Undead: Not Moka, but Tsukune following his "upgrade"
- Also, Chinese zombies.
- Unexplained Recovery: In the animé, when Moka literally runs Tsukune over on her bike, he is perfectly fine afterwards.
- Unstoppable Rage: Tsukune
- Unwanted Harem: Trope picture. Doesn't help that you want to cheer for each girl.
- Or the fact they all know only Moka has a shot with him.
- Beautifully Deconstructed, especially with Kurumu and Mizore, where we see the full effect of what they go through when they know have already lost but still try to have hope. Hilarity does not Ensue.
- Vapor Wear: Lilith.
- Verbal Tic: You could probably find a few, given how quirky everyone in the series is, but the most obvious example is Yukari's -desu. The bat adds "whee~" to his statements as well.
- Vignette Episode: Episode 8 of Capu2.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Most of the girls' relationships with each other fall under this, especially where Kurumu is concerned.
- Voluntary Shapeshifter: Every single monster that doesn't already look like a human is capable of taking on a human appearance.
- Voodoo Doll: Yukari used one to control Tsukune and make him humiliate himself.
- Waistcoat of Style: As of Season Two: Kaneshiro Hokuto
- Wall of Weapons: Mizore's mother seems to have...interesting hobbies.
- Unexplained is exactly how she managed to acquire all those guns also goes unexplained. Collecting submachine guns would be difficult enough in America, but the Yuki-Onna village is in hidden somewhere in Japan. Which has the strictest gun ban in the world.
- Abnormal Ammo: All these weapons fire snowballs. Maybe that's how Tsurara manages to collect them: this kind of ammo could make the guns pass off as highly realistic toy/prop weapons.
- The Watcher: This seems to be at least one role the bus driver plays.
- Weak but Skilled: The Doppleganger in early Season 2. He became highly proficient in martial arts to make up for a low level of natural strength/demonic power. When combined with his copying ability, it made him seriously dangerous for awhile.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Vampires can be weakened with just a splash of ordinary water, though oddly, herbal water has no effect.
- It's even pointed out vampires have far more weaknesses than any other monsters to compensate for their extreme power: silver, water, the rosaries...
- Indeed, this is one of the advantages Tsukune's ghoul form has over Moka; there are no weaknesses (except for a spell-binding crucifix and the risk of permanent insanity).
- We Are Not an Item: In one chapter, Mizore calls Kurumu and Yukari a couple, leading Yukari to object: "Hey, don't pair me up with her!" Mizore probably wasn't being serious, though.
- Wham! Episode: Episode 11, once the Security Committee gets involved in the Newspaper Club's affairs due to their attempts to expose the committee's abuse of power.
- Made even worse by the revelation in the second serialization that Kuyou was a Fairy Tale member sent to Youkai Acadamy.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: The manga set up a situation that made it seem like Mizore was about to get raped and nobody was around to help her... but the bad guy didn't go through with it because in his own words the idea of sleeping with a girl that was crying freaked him out. After setting that situation up it becomes much more difficult to find a kiss against her will as terrible as the good guys treat it. Your Mileage May Vary.
- Actually, stealing a kiss from a girl is a big deal in Japan (Especially if it's her first one).
- The difference here is that Gin has already been defined as mostly harmless, and the girls are angry at him for what he does, they're just biding their time. Fujisaki, on the other hand, is a genuine threat. Also, it wasn't just a kiss, he also molested her.
- He did point out he's going to finish the job after a few years of "training to be a wife." ** Here's the scene in question: His precise words are that a girl crying was 'a turn off' rather than him being freaked out by it. Even if he didn't go through with it, he's still kind of a creep.
- And kind of the whole point of that part of the story arc is that, whatever the reader thinks did or did not happen, as far as Mizore was concerned it was incredibly traumatic, to the point that she tries to kill herself because of it.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: Tsukune...on a giant cross. You don't get more symbolic than that.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: In a school of Badass monsters like vampires, it's got to suck to be the guy who can turn into an umbrella.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Inverted example, Tsukune is the only human amongst a school full of monsters, and humans are largely hated by them. Some of them even object to having to disguise themselves as people and learn human way of life at the school.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: In Capu2, Ruby continues to change jobs at the school frequently.
- This creates another rather Overused Running Gag, since she never elaborates on how she keeps changing jobs, instead only explaining that "So many things have happened... And then many other things happened..." and so on, all the while swooning over who knows what.
- Wolf Man: Gin.
- Wolverine Claws: Part of Kurumu's power set.
- Word Salad Title
- World of Badass
- Yandere: Mizore, at least at first, though Kokoa seems to have taken the spot ('course, not for Tsukune but for dear Moka onee-sama~!)
- Mizore's definitely yandere at her introduction, but since being admitted into the Unwanted Harem, she's more of a Sugar and Ice Personality who, as mentioned above, finds it fun to continue "stalking" Tsukune.
- Kahlua as well.
- As if the last couple of chapters weren't enough, Chapter 38 seems to firmly push Akuha into this territory, with a slight mix of Tsundere.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Outer Moka and her mother, Akasha.
- You Are Not Alone
- You Are Too Late: Hokuto explains his master plan as a distraction to keep Moka and Tsukune away from him long enough to pull it off.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Kurumu, both Mokas (pink for the outer, white for the inner) and Mizore (purple).
- You Have Failed Me...: If a Big Bad's underling has a change of heart, they're instantly a fool and a traitor. Monsters are really extremist like that.
- Youkai: Derp.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Kokoa, Mizore and Yukari. Ruby would qualify if her skirt was shorter.
- ↑ He's talking about Yukari here.