< Rosario + Vampire

Rosario + Vampire/YMMV

  • Ass Pull—Part of the Gecko Ending of the second season anime. Tsukune somehow manages to call upon vampire powers he's only used once before, when he was injected with Moka's blood last season, with pretty much no foreshadowing. Whether or not you've read the manga, it just seems absurd.
  • Betty and Veronica—Outer Moka (Betty) has to deal with a couple of Veronicas, namely Kurumu and Mizore. Then there's Inner Moka.
  • Combat Sadomasochist: Routier. Although she doesn't like being hurt herself, she adores cutting others up.
  • Complete Monster: Gyokuro reveals herself to be one as the manga progresses.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome -- See the page.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny -- See the page.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming -- See the page.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome—Season 1 ending theme Dancing in the Velvet Moon
  • Ensemble Darkhorse—The bus driver; for some reason, lots of fans think he's really cool.
    • He has glowing eyes, always has his cigar and can drive his bus anywhere. How is that not really cool?
    • Gin has been involved in a lot more action recently. Probably because Tsukune's recent upgrade to Bishie status didn't quite fill the Bishounen quota for the female readers.
    • Kokoa is a generally well-liked addition to the main cast for her tough but ultimately endearing nature, and for notably breaking the mold by (*gasp) not falling for Tsukune!
  • Evil Is Sexy: Gyokuro Shuzen. To be fair, pretty much every plot-significant character is bishie these days.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple - Mizore/Kurumu ever since their on screen kiss.
    • Tsukune/Inner Moka is also the most popular pairing of the Harem.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment - The joke in chapter 1 season 2 where Mizore wants to have babies with Tsukune becomes a lot less funny in the Snow Fairy arc when we find out there was a reason for her wanting a baby with him.
    • Remember when the Security Committee under Kuyou interpreted Youkai's "no humans" rule as an instant death penalty, to be carried out at 4:00 following the discovery, of "filthy human spies"? Aside from the Harsher in Hindsight example below, when you learn in Season II during San's arc that killing humans is strictly forbidden to monsters on pain of death, you realize that Kuyou may have actually put the entire Security Committee at risk!
  • Gecko Ending—That's probably the kindest way to refer to the second season anime's ending. However, so little of the plot was intact to begin with that it hardly even counts. Season II of the anime could essentially be considered a gecko season.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff—While far from obscure in Japan, it should be noted that in North America it consistently debuts in the top 5 on the New York Times Best Seller Manga list, sometimes even reaching #1.
  • Harsher in Hindsight—That arc from the first serialization where the Newspaper Club and Student Police crossed swords at an even higher intensity than ever before, thus kicking off Cerebus Syndrome for the manga? Turns out it's Fairy Tale's fault.
  • Idiot Plot—Too often, Tsukune and/or his harem have a moment where they go off and do something plain dumb, only to get into loads of trouble. This is followed by an apology...until it happens again, in the next chapter. It seems to be fading as the story goes on, however. Mostly because trouble is following them now.
  • Kick the Dog: Miyabi tries to rape Mizore, nearly pushing her over the Despair Event Horizon in the process.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Hokuto
  • Moe—Inner Moka can pull this off at times.
    • Yukari is an 11-year-old witch. Nobody should look that cheery and adorable when threatening people with magical warfare. (The magic wand with the heart-shaped topper just makes it cuter.)
  • Moral Event Horizon—The series has a few so far, and many, many attempts to hop, skip and flat-out run over the line, but so far the crown has to go to Akuha ("Aqua"), Moka's eldest sister, and (possibly) her mother's murderer.
    • In fairness to Akuha, Akasha gets back up and is neither worse for the wear nor particularly pissed about it...So she hasn't crossed it yet.
      • Don't think it counts. she was pretty much thought to be dead, even Akuha thought so. So in essence she had killed her. It's Moka's mom is made of sterner stuff and forgives easily...
    • Another instance is Hitomi Ishigami virtually blowing up the whole school with a magic mirror toward the end of the first serialization. She gets her comeuppance yet again when she's arrested for the crime. Her motive for doing this was a revenge scheme against the Newspaper Club for exposing her plot to turn the most beautiful female students into stone and use of modeling sessions as a pretense and getting her fired for it. So in other words, she wrecked Yokai Academy out of spite toward just a few of the students. It's also arguable that she may have crossed it earlier when she schemed with the Security Committee and Kuyou to murder Tsukune for the same reason.
      • Kuyou himself crosses it with his interpretation of the school rule "No humans allowed" as "Death to all filthy human spies!". Not only is he willing to commit murder based on his own twisted interpretation of a school rule, he's also completely willing to risk the lives of the existing members of the Security Committee by having Tsukune murdered. To make his mindset much worse, if Tsukune died and the Security Committee was eventually caught, Fairy Tail would've won.
    • Kanade Kamiya tap-dances over the MEH four times each day before breakfast. However, only one of his acts can count as his personal MEH, like, say, forcing prejudicial thoughts into Marin Kawamoto by killing her husband in front of her, for instance.
  • Nightmare Fuel --
    • Kahlua. Oh. God. Just. Kahlua.
    • Alucard is really damn freaky, you do not even know where it came from, nor if its even from our earthly plane. If it grabs you with those tentacles, it can pull you into itself and make you part of Alucard's whole. HOW MANY PEOPLE EXIST IN THAT THING!!! Adding to this, the thing is gigantic, barely describable in terms of appearance, and nearly impossible to kill.
    • Chapter 49. HOLY FUCKING SHIT
  • Periphery Demographic: Perhaps owing to the increasingly Bishonen male cast and school life elements, this series has a surprisingly faithful female fandom.
  • Squick
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Vampires have become this in later in the manga.
  • Tear Jerker—The second manga's starting to throw around some much heavier story arcs, some of which have some very emotional moments:
    • The "Flower Offering" arc, which involves Mizore's attempt to seduce Tsukune so she won't be forced into an unwanted arranged marriage, her subsequent not-quite-rape and attempted suicide, and Tear Jerker Crowning Moment of Heartwarming rescue by Kurumu.
    • Kurumu accidentally hitting Tsukune with her "succubus charm". She knows it's the wrong thing to do, but can't bring herself to un-charm him. All she wants is to know what it would be like for him to want her, just for a little while, even if it's not real. Even charmed, she can't get him to even say "I like you" to her, and as she tries, she slowly breaks down into tears over the fact that she can't hear him say it. Finally, knowing he won't remember when she breaks the charm, she tearfully tells him "I love you" over and over anyway.
      • There are hints that Tsukune actually broke her charm spell on his own and was able to see her Anguished Declaration of Love. He just acts dumb afterwards for her sake.
      • Reading the chapter with that in mind it seems like he actually was free of it directly when he woke up in her room and played along just to cheer her up (he comments on how depressed she seemed when he met her earlier)
    • Akasha's Heroic Sacrifice. That is all.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks—The anime adaptation lacked much of the original manga's plot, character depth, and atmosphere, and unapologetically bombarded the viewers with panty shots at the most inappropriate moments (read: all the freaking time). The second season was an In Name Only adaptation, being completely original and almost indisputably inferior.
    • although one can argue it was a Pragmatic Adaptation since the manga was just barely into it's second serialization at the time of the Anime's second season and any loyal to the manga anime adaptation for the second serialization would had quickly Overtook the Manga.
    • There are also those who prefer the Lighter and Softer anime, feeling that the manga was Flanderized into a bog standard shounen fighting series, losing almost all of the humor and charm the series had early on in the process.
  • Unfortunate Implications—Mizore's arc in the manga creates some drama out of Mandatory Motherhood and Defiled Forever, because it just so happens Mizore's race can only bear children between the teen years and mid-twenties. They absolutely must be married off or placed in an arranged marriage to produce children before their premature menopause. It Gets Worse. Mizore tries to escape this fate by stripping and begging Tsukune to have sex with her.
  • The Woobie - All the girls have their own woobie moments, but the one that takes the cake would be Mizore. Spurned by her childhood love because she's not human; assaulted by the teacher she had a crush on, only to get the reputation of being violent from defending herself and became anti-social; forced into a loveless marriage because her race is unable to bear children when they're not young anymore, with her fiancé from an organization that would destroy her entire race if they don't agree; and to top it off, no matter how much she loves Tsukune, he will most likely never return her feelings.
    • She cements this position in the second manga after her near-rape by aforementioned fiance, attempted suicide because of it, Kurumu saving her and Mizore breaking down into hysterics in Kurumu's arms. The whole event showing that she has very, very deep emotions behind her Kuudere exterior, and making anyone want to hug her and tell her "it's all ok" like Kurumu was able to.
      • She gets an in-universe woobie moment when, in the events leading up to the rape, she tries to seduce Tsukune into making love with her so she wouldn't be forced into an arranged marriage she doesn't want -- he sees how scared she is about whatever is going to happen and tries to hold and comfort her, despite her being naked and lying on top of him.
    • Kurumu gets her own woobie story when she accidentally charms Tsukune but can't bring herself to un-charm him, just so she can know what it would be like if he wanted her. Even when charmed, she's unable get him to say to her a simple "I like you". She is - understandably - emotionally devastated.
      • Even more heart-wrenching is that this comes after the arc with Mizore. Kurumu puts up a front that she and Mizori are nothing but adversaries for Tsukune's love, but she unhesitatingly leaps out the window to save Mizore when she tries to kill herself. Kurumu has so much love in her heart for her friends, and she keeps it bottled up so it won't hurt her even more when it isn't returned.
    • Moka certainly qualifies. At the beginning of the manga we're told that Moka was picked on and ostracized by her peers and never had any real friends. Later on we find out that Moka's mother was eaten alive right in front of her. To make things worse, the rosario around her neck seals off her memories surrounding the event. What's left is a Moka who spent her childhood terrified of the gap in her memory and with no idea who she really is. Also, she doesn't know that her mother is dead, so she's left wondering why her mother disappeared.
      • Even worse, Omote Moka being a more-or-less golem created along with Ura's seal, means that Akasha never knew her to begin with. Meaning that Omote herself has never technically even had a mother, the woman she's searching for so desperately has never met her. Meanwhile Omote is left to face the realisation that she's a magical entity that has to possess Ura's body to have physical form. Oh and she's really only five years old.
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