Cute Witch

The original Magical Girl archetype. Sometimes she's from Another Dimension or otherwise Magical Land unless the whole show is in a magical setting. Magic study is often equated with school, and many characters are out getting their licenses. The origin of magic is implied to be genetic with training required to hone it. She may be a princess, who may or may not be visiting Earth as part of training to become queen—if so she may have to compete with rivals to the throne.
She may or may not be actively fighting monsters. Usually it's a hard enough life just trying to get through the day, and she'll use her magic (often a non-flashy variety) to make things easier. Theoretically.
Cute Witches are sometimes thought to have influenced the rather benevolent image of witches in Japan; even the standard Strange Girl or Goth Girl. tends to be somewhat cute. Will almost always wear a Robe and Wizard Hat, and may or may not use a Magic Wand. If she's has a pet, it will likely be a cat.
The original Cute Witch, Sally the Witch, was directly inspired by the American TV series Bewitched.
If and when the Cute Witch grows up, if she doesn't lose her powers, she usually becomes the Hot Witch.
Contrast the Wicked Witch, who is evil, old and ugly.
Anime and Manga
- Sally the Witch is the Trope Maker and Trope Codifier.
- Majokko Meg-chan is what happens when this trope collides with Fan Service.
- Mahou Tsukaitai (Magic Users' Club) was the first to have a group of Cute Witches (and Wizards) working as a team.
- Ojamajo Doremi. Unlike most examples, these witches start out as ordinary girls who happen to figure out the identity of an older witch, who is then obligated to train them.
- Magical Princess Minky Momo
- Floral Magician Mary Bell
- Ultra Maniac - though here she shares the lead role with her Muggle Best Friend, Ayu.
- Akazukin Chacha, who also invokes the image of Little Red Riding Hood.
- Mahou Shoujo Tai Arusu (aka Tweeny Witches)
- The title character Majokko Tickle, despite being more mischievous than most on this list.
- Mahou Shojo Lalabel, complete with a feline sidekick. In the first episode, she even lampshades the fact that she subverts the negative witch stereotype.
- Mahou Tsukai Chappy, a close emulator of Sally.
- Despite looking a bit Sailor Moon-ish, Magical Angel Sweet Mint is of the Cute Witch variety.
- Chikage in Sister Princess
- Negi Springfield of Mahou Sensei Negima starts off as a Spear Counterpart to the Cute Witch, but as the series progressed, evolved into a Kung Fu Wizard.
- The gender standard examples being: Anya, Yue, Evangeline, Takane and Mei, Yue's Ariadne Classmates, and Fate's Ministrae Magi.
- Cardcaptor Sakura was originally envisioned as a witch, but CLAMP decided that they needed something more original, and looked to tarot cards for their inspiration. She still shares a lot in common with witch Magical Girls like those above.
- Vanilla and Chocolat from Sugar Sugar Rune (pictured above)
- Oddly enough, ChibiUsa in Sailor Moon is more like one than the standard Magical Girl Warrior the show features. She's time-traveled from the future for unspecified training, and her powers are mostly trickery than being useful for fighting.
- Yuuma from Magical Pokaan.
- Yukari Sendou from Rosario + Vampire.
- Honami from Rental Magica.
- Schierke from Berserk.
- Angela from Soul Eater.
- Later, Kim is revealed to be a good witch, attending Shibusen because she doesn't want to join the other witches.
- Eruka too, even with her likening for bombing buildings and people. The youngest combined form of the Mizune (Baba Yaga arc) is also rather cute.
- Letty from The Mikos Words and The Witches Incantations.
- Dai Mahou Touge is a brutal parody of cute witch series.
- Majokko Tsukune-chan is another parody, albeit a somewhat gentler one.
- Maple, in the manga based on The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
- Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service. Interesting in that she's a relatively mild version of the folklore witch rather than the overly cute magical girl type.
- Kuesu from Omamori Himari.
- Subverted mercilessly in Umineko no Naku Koro ni. Even the cute-looking ones are mad, bad, and dangerous to know.
- Maburaho is this trope to a T, with most of the female characters qualifying as this. Yuna even more so, because she practices Western magic, and when dressed up in the proper attire, she looks like the standard stereotypical witch.
- The Gedou Otome Tai half of Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge revolves around five sisters (the daughters of masked villains) who are given magical powers and black witch outfits by an imp so that they can be great villains. Except that they're so damn nice, they just can't help but use their powers to do good.
- The characters of Shamanic Princess come from another world where magic is a way of life, and most of them are very cute.
- The entire female cast of Strike Witches, though the oldest few of them (meaning 20 at the oldest) drift into Hot Witch territory.
- Although she is a Magical Girl Warrior, the design of the title character of Kazumi Magica is based on this trope. Given that this is a Spin-Off of Madoka Magica, we can probably assume that this will be horribly torn apart.
- The design of one of the villians of Kazumi Magica is also based on this trope. It's blatantly obvious Foreshadowing
- Dark Magician Girl of Yu-Gi-Oh!, also the trope namer for Black Magician Girl
- Fabia Crozelg of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid, who's described not as a standard mage like most of the cast, but as a True Witch, complete with magic broom and adorable imp familiars.
- Lime from Jewel BEM Hunter Lime is a hybrid of this and Magical Girl Warrior — she's tasked with saving the world from evil Monsters Of The Week and has transforming powers, but she's also a natural-born magical user and a clueless newcomer to the human world.
- Fushigiboshi no Futagohime starts of as this before becoming a Magical Girl Warrior series.
- Jewelpet
- Hime-chan no Ribon
- Persia the Magic Fairy
- Magical Idol Pastel Yumi
- Himitsu no Akko-chan
- The Familiar of Zero: Louise, if you only go by physical appearance. Her personality doesn't fit the trope.
- Mahou Shojo Lalabel
- Hana no Ko Lunlun
- Unlike their Pretty Sammy counterparts, Sasami and Misao (along with their original castmates) of Sasami: Magical Girls Club play the Cute Witch card instead of the Magical Girl Warrior card.
- Since Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo draws a lot from the original Magical Girl series, the girls are generally of this flavour, riding on brooms and similar objects.
- Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou
Comic Books
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
- Wendy The Good Little Witch, Casper's friend.
- Cyclone of the Justice Society of America. She's not an actual witch, but she has the costume and is obsessed with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz book, its sequels, the movie, and Wicked.
- The French-Belgian comic Melusine is about a Cute Witch.
- Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose includes cute witches in some of the unrelated stories also included. The witches in the story proper are somewhere between Fetish Fuel and Fan Disservice.
- Mimi of Ninja High School.
- Louise, the titular character in Teen Witch
- Hermione, Luna and Ginny in the films of Harry Potter before they get old enough to qualify as Hot Witches round about film six.
- The Worst Witch book series naturally features one of these as a heroine—an extremely clumsy heroine to boot.
- Tiffany Aching from her series of Discworld books is an aversion. Just because you're 11 years old doesn't mean you can't be angry, defiantly plain, and wearing shitkicker boots.
- Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Cho Chang, Fleur Delacour, etc. (really, any first- to fourth-year witches) from the Harry Potter series. The Patil twins are pretty cute, too. Did you see their saris at the Yule Ball?! Granted, some of them did get a little Adaptational Attractiveness in the films.
- Sephrenia from the Elenium trilogy by David Eddings. Though she was not, technically speaking, a witch, she was often called that by those who opposed the use of magic for religious reasons—and, despite being a few hundred years old, was said to be extremely lovely.
- The Dorrie The Good Little Witch series by Patricia Coombs.
- Boobela the giant from the Boobela And Worm series.
- Rachel and her sister Miri of the Bras and Broomsticks series
Live Action TV
- As mentioned, Bewitched.
- Willow in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Amy too, up until she becomes a rat for a few years...
- Firefly's River Tam is perhaps a sci-fi version of this concept. She has supernatural powers in the form of psychic abilities, she did attend a "school" to get her powers, and she even fights monsters. She's also called a witch repeatedly in the setting, by both superstitious villagers and Jayne.
- The Charmed sisters. Well, when they were younger, of course. They're Hot Witches now. Baby Wyatt is quite adorable, though.
- The titular character of the 90's children's show Eureeka's Castle was both a Cute Witch and a Cute Monster Girl. (She had horns.)
- Alex from Wizards of Waverly Place.
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch - Live TV Version.
- Urara and Houka of Mahou Sentai Magiranger: Urara of the Shy Blue-Haired Girl variety with Oracular Urchin powers of divinity, and Houka the Manic Pixie Dream Girl type with the Mundane Utility power of Shapeshifting.
Music Videos
- One of these meets a particularly gruesome fate at the hands of the Titular witch hunters in Rob Zombie 's "Lords of Salem" music video. Link Here
Tabletop Games
Video Games
- Merrill from Dragon Age II
- The [dead link]
Witch princess from most of the first DS Harvest Moon games. Even though she's pretty mean at start, she becomes a lot nicer when you talk to her a lot (and give her gifts, trigger heart events etc.), and you can even marry her eventually. Even if you are a girl... in the Japanese versions.
- Another Witch Princess, Vivi, appears in Animal Parade.
- "Natta de" Cotton from the Cotton series of Shoot Em Ups.
- Ripple from the Turbo-Grafx/PC-Engine game Magical Chase.
- Marisa Kirisame, one of the protagonists of the Touhou series. And her sidekick/rival/love interest, Alice. And the enigmatic Patchouli Knowledge. Let's just say all of the witches are cute. Everyone in Touhou is cute, even the ones the would normally be creepy.
- Ptolemy from The Fairyland Story.
- Arche Klein in Tales of Phantasia.
- Lillet Blan from Grim Grimoire.
- Deneb from Ogre Battle. She's proven so popular that she's one of the only characters to have shown up in every game in the series, despite her tendency to slaughter entire villages in pursuit of her twisted experiments.
- Ran and Dark Ran in Twinkle Star Sprites.
- Mizuno from Tomba is actually called "The Cute Witch". She's also intensely sarcastic, and prone to losing her magic mirror.
- Ashley from the Wario Ware games.
- Yoriko from Arcana Heart. She's a lot more withdrawn than other examples on this page, and prefers to let her giant staff (a demon named "Mike") do the talking for her.
- Absolutely everywhere in Luminous Arc and its sequels.
- Lilka from Wild ARMs 2.
- Marion from the Gunbird series.
- Melody from Rune Factory. She runs the bathhouse and doesn't quite know why. In the original game, she only dresses the part, but in Rune Factory: Frontier, it's possible for her to actually learn magic from Cinnamon.
- Marion from Rune Factory 3.
- Maple from The Legend of Zelda Oracle Games is a Cute Witch apprentice who constantly chases Link around, bumping into him. She eventually starts riding a flying saucer.
- Cierra from Riviera: The Promised Land, who nicknamed herself the "Scarlet Witch" due to her color scheme and her tendency to favor fire magic.
- Pamela from Yggdra Union. Rosary might count, too, if you're into that sort of thing...
- Laharl's mother in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness was supposed to be one of these.
- Arguably the generic 'mage' class fit this description (all female; males are called 'skulls').
- Keke, a recurring enemy in the Kirby series.
- Any Magician class female character from Flyff.
- Kyon Feulion from Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier. Her broom has a Booster attached to it and has an attack that is a Shout-Out to Shoot'Em Up games.
- Doki Doki Majo Shinpan is a game based entirely around identifying Cute Witches by groping them.
- Annoying Dojikko Mignon Heart from The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact. Her sister Ninon is the polar opposite.
- Doropie/Francesca, the protagonist of the Mega Man ripoff Magical Doropie (released as The Krion Conquest internationally).
- Wendalyn from My Sims.
- Witch, a reoccurring opponent from the Puyo Puyo series.
- The Student Witch enemies from various Castlevania games.
- Twinkle Star Sprites has the protagonist Load Ran fulfill this role.
- Lymle from Star Ocean 4 is 15 years old by her race's standards, but mentally acts and speaks like a 6 year old girl. If there's anything she knows complete mastery over though, it's using Symbology Magic and summoning Cerberus from a pocket dimension akin to Hell itself.
- You run into a small cult of witches in the Neverwinter Nights mod The Bastard of Kosigan (the first one, Exile of the West). Greta is rather plain, Willie is rather disturbing, and Karen is dead, but Laura and Yannia definitely qualify (and they are the two you can have sex with).
- Tyurru of Ninety-Nine Nights.
- Yuria the Witch of Demon's Souls.
- Sharlie Lunoille and the Merville, which is a FemBot with cat ears riding a mechanical broom that can be used as a Wave Motion Gun
- In Yume Nikki, Madotsuki can become one herself through the aptly titled Witch effect. Doing this enables her to fly a broom, which serves no real purpose (as most things in the game). One can trigger an event on the roof this way, though.
- Evie from Vindictus, particularly if you deck her out in the Scarlet Witch set.
- The Mage from Dungeon Fighter Online.
- And to a greater extent, the Mage's Witch subclass.
- Lux from League of Legends is a holy warrior mage, but one of her alternate skins is blatantly inspired by the archetype. No surprise, considering Shurelia of Riot Games is a fan.
- Melody from Nostalgia.
- Witchina (yes, really) from the obscure arcade and PSX game Ghoul Panic.
- Witch Beatrice from Dark Souls is a cute witch in a world where cute doesn't show up much at all.
Web Comics
- Anne Onymous from The Wotch (who started as an Expy of Willow).
- Gwynn from Sluggy Freelance (at least when she's not being possessed or influenced by demons).
- Mye, the zombie witch from Charby the Vampirate.
- Sal, the self-declared "alternative witch" from Emergency Exit.
- Hester from Blip.
- The Hellrune Coven of Eerie Cuties and Magick Chicks are three cute little ladies. Not all sweetness and nice, but quite cute.
- Angelika and Emily from Our Little Adventure.
- Notle, from Pet Projects.
- Peridot from Cucumber Quest.
- Pepper, Saffron, Shichimi and Coriander from Pepper & Carrot.
Web Original
- The 'three little witches' from the story of the same name in the Whateley Universe. Clover even has a witch's hat.
Western Animation
- Wendy the Cute Witch of Casper the Friendly Ghost.
- Obscure 1960s character Honey Halfwitch (actually half-wizard/half-girl, according to the theme song).
- Mirta is the exception to the evil witch rule in Winx Club and is really the only cute witch. She also subverts the trope, though, because in season three, she becomes a fairy.
- Rupert has two examples: A young witch who's upset because "witches aren't supposed to be cute," and Tiger Lily, who's learned a few things from her father, the Conjuror.
- Filmation's adaptation of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (which had a shared universe with The Archie Show)
- Sabrina again, this time as a junior high schooler in Sabrina the Animated Series (no relation to the above) and a high schooler in Sabrina's Secret Life.
- Hanna-Barbera's Winsome ("Winnie") Witch sometimes fancies herself as one (she's more a subversion of the Wicked Witch trope).
- The main girls in Trollz are like this.
- Miss Tickle from Mission: Magic! certainly qualifies, although she's somewhat older than the other examples on this page.
- The Great and Powerful Trixie from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. Sure, she's an arrogant Jerkass, but she also looks like this.
- Twilight Sparkle, the protagonist of the same show, is if anything even more adorable, in addition to being a much more powerful witch.
- Sadira from the Aladdin TV series. Saleen counts as one, too, although she's more of an Evil Witch.
- Raven from the Teen Titans.
- Zatanna from Young Justice. DC likes these.
- Tiny Witches Sketchbook from Shouri. If you have seen Springiette, you already have expected a starry-eyed Chibi witch right on the cover, and if not, at least now you are warned about incoming "kawaii fugue".