Lecherous Licking

When a character pervertedly licks another character on any part of their body or on some other object. Sometimes indicates that a strong and unhealthy attraction is present. Licking one's lips also counts as this.

See also You Taste Delicious and Finger-Lickin' Evil/Licking the Blade. Can also happen in an I Have You Now, My Pretty situation. See also Erotic Eating.

Examples of Lecherous Licking include:

Anime and Manga

  • Rosario + Vampire:
    • Kokoa (a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire and Yandere) licks the blood off Tsukune's face. From her point of view, she's just feeding, but from his point of view it's creepy.
    • In chapter 47 of part II, Routier licks Fong Fong's face while attacking him.
  • In episode 9 of No. 6, a top No 6 official licks a disguised Dogkeeper's neck thinking she's a prostitute much to her disgust.
  • Black Butler:
    • A disguised Alois licks Ciel's ear. Also, much focus is given to Alois' mouth and tongue, and he is constantly licking things.
    • Claude practically has an orgasm after licking Ciel's blood from his own face.
    • Earl Gray licks his lips a lot.
    • When Hannah gets ready to play the harmonica, she licks her fingers and then sticks two of her fingers in her mouth, causing Sebastian's staff to blush at the sight.
    • Sebastian licks some blood from his wrist.
  • In one of the earlier episodes of Pandora Hearts, a young Gil (who was not in his right mind) got close to Oz and licked his ear.
    • And Lotti once licked Oz's face. And generally licks her lips often. And licked the blood from her hand after Leo shot her.
    • In chapter 46, Vincent licks Ada's hand.
    • And in chapter 66, Lacie licks the blood from Jack's ear after she intentionally cuts it with scissors while cutting his hair.
    • In chapter 30, the Will of the Abyss licks blood from Break's eyeball after she pulled it out of his head.
  • In the Naruto Shippuuden filler, there was a scene where the Filler Villain Fuka licked the face of her foe, Naruto, in order to find out his type of chakra. Naruto didn't like it when she did that.
    • Fuka also licked her lips once before administering a Kiss of Death to Naruto.
    • And Anko once made a cut on Naruto's face and licked up some of the blood while blushing.
    • Orochimaru does a lot of licking with his Overly Long Tongue and sometimes licks his lips in a creepy manner.
    • Benten in a filler licked his kunai before threatening Hotaru with it.
    • Hidan gets his opponent's blood on his scythe and licks the blood.
  • In Toriko, when Sani's introduced, his Prehensile Hair's secondary function (as virtually invisible probes that he spreads a fair distance around himself) is shown visually as him doing this to Toriko.
  • D Gray Man: Road once licked the blood off a candle she used to stab Allen in the eye.
  • Deadman Wonderland has two examples. In one scene, Genkaku licked the blood from Nagi's severed arm. In a later scene, Mockingbird licked the blood from Senji's arm.
  • Gankutsuou: One scene has Andrea naked in a bathtub strewn with rose petals, drinking red wine...and then he crushes the wineglass in his hand until he bleeds, and he promptly licks the blood from his arm.
  • Evangeline of Mahou Sensei Negima licking Negi's wound.
  • Played for Laughs in Queen's Blade: Hide 'n Seek, which has Elina pin Nyx and lick her shoulder, while under the influence of catnip powder; right before raping her!
  • The Phantom licking Alviss's tears in episode 88 of MAR.
  • FLCL
    • Episode "Marquis de Carabas". Mamimi licks Naota's face in a lascivious manner while hugging him.
    • Episode "Brittle Bullet". Haruko licks Naota's face during his airsoft battle with his father.
  • Captain Continental of Legend of the Blue Wolves licks Jonathan's face and body before raping him.
  • X 1999: In chapter 83 after Fuuma kills Kotori, Fuuma pretty much ties Kamui to a cliff and puts his face really close, while murmuring seductively and licking his neck.
  • Koharu no Hibi: Koharu, Akira's stalker and Yandere, is shown that to comfort herself, she licks the picture of him she has on her phone. Then there's the infamous recorder licking scene and how she once licked her pillow with his picture on it or licked the mouth of a bottle that he had drank from.
  • End of Evangelion: One scene that comes to mind is when the mass-produced EVAs devour EVA-02. With Asuka inside it, literally feeling the pain and agony through the mind-link. Not to mention that before that, they lick her.
    • Also in End of Evangelion during the first time Shinji and Asuka (supposedly) talk in the kitchen you see a shot of Shinji (or Asuka) licking their lips lecherously.
  • Kanou does this to Ayase frequently during their sex scenes in Okane ga Nai.
  • Katou does this to Iwaki in Haru wo Daiteita when they're filming a sex scene.
  • Hellsing: Integra cuts her finger deliberately in one scene and orders Seras to lick it clean. Seras does so while blushing and panting. Cue Les Yay moment.
    • During Alucard's Fetish Fuel-tastic fight with Rip Van Winkle, he licks up some of her blood from the ground in a suggestive manner.
    • In the TV series, a Lesbian Vampire called Bubbancy, who tricks Integra into believing that she is her sister, and licks a shirtless Integra's chest before drinking her blood.
  • Hunter X Hunter: In the "Nightmare of Zaoldyck" musical, Hisoka amps the Pedobear act up by 9,000. He even compares Gon to a little green apple, then he licks it. Hisoka also licked his lips in a rather sensual manner once.
  • In the second episode of Hyper Police when Sakura is introduced to Natskui as new police recruit, Sakura gets right into Natsuki's face with a seductive gaze. She even licks Natsuki's face.
  • Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Occurs in Kira when Shion is licking cream off of Mion, who is doing Body Sushi as a punishment game.
  • A half human half spider hybrid who appears in the first OVA of Angels Feather. When he appears, he wraps Shou up in his web, caresses him, gets close to his face, sticks his finger in his mouth, and licks his face before trying to murder him.
  • Ranma ½: Happosai did this to Ranma's female form once.
  • Axis Powers Hetalia: France in the anime once mentions that he wants to lick Austria's face.
  • Inu Yasha: One Depraved Homosexual villain threatened to cut off Hojo's face, make it into a wall hanging, and kiss it every day, right before licking said face (anime only).
    • And Jakotsu, another Depraved Homosexual villain, licked his lips very sensually when he told Inuyasha that he found him cute and wanted his ears.
  • In Black Bird, female lead Misao is plagued by demons trying to kill and maim her. The lead male and local Bastard Boyfriend Kyo heals her wounds by licking them erotically.
  • Saki: Touka has a rather unhealthy obsession on Nodoka Nodocchi. "I'm going to lick you all over and savor this delectable favor" anyone?
  • Yu-Gi-Oh: Bakura licking Pegasus's Millennium Eye.
  • Vassalord features hot gay vampires licking each other. Also, during Barry's rape of Rayflo, he licks a piece of Raylfo's spine that he removed, before he puts it back by shoving it back into the gaping hole in Rayflo's chest. While still en flagrante.
  • In Fushigi Yuugi, Nakago once kissed Tamahome and licks the blood from Tamahome's cheek (from a wound he inflicted) and tells him "You excite me... not in the same way as a woman, but more like a toy."
  • Vampire Knight: At Ichijo's birthday party, Shiki "accidentally" cuts Ichijo with a knife when attempting to cut the cake. Cue Shiki, who prefers real blood over blood tablets, commenting on how they shouldn't waste it, licking Ichijo's blood off his hand.
    • In general, most of the vampires rather sensually lick their intended victims before biting them.
  • Mirage of Blaze: In the second OVA Naoe rather sensually licks Kagetora's neck when trying to rape him. Also, occurs during a flashback scene Kagetora has of being raped in the past.
  • Bleach: In Szayel's released form, he grabs an opponent with one of his "wings" and then spits them out. One of the strands of his "wings" becomes engorged and bursts with purple liquid, creating a small doll that has the victim's likeness. Szayel apparently absorbs some of the victim's spiritual power in the process. Ishida was noticeably disoriented after the process, and Szayel stated "Thanks for the feast," before licking his lips.
    • The Bount Koga's doll, Dalk, licks one of her blade-like arms when being challenged by Kira, stating that his expression makes her excited.
      • Also in the Bount arc, Utagawa (who was the most gluttonous of the Bounts) licks some of Ishida's blood off his finger, and also licks his lips sadistically at one point.
  • Lussuria from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. During his fight with Ryohei, he says that his favorite bodies are the "wasted, cold unmoving ones" (he then licks his lips).
  • Zero no Tsukaima: In the fourth season's OP, Louise gets licked and hugged by a new, purple-haired girl named Janette. And in episode 2, Janette gets close to Louise's face and licks her again.
  • In GetBackers, although not licking any other object per se, Psycho for Hire Takuma Fudou loves to constantly lick his lips. This can be seen as a trait that makes him more disturbing, or... something for Fetish Fuel. Or both.
  • In Gokujou Drops Komari often has this done to her by other girls.
  • Early in the first episode of Jigoku Shojo Mitsuganae, Ai Enma appears in front of Hone Onna, licks a moist cherry and smiles in a rather seductive manner.
  • No. 6: In chapter 11 Nezumi licks his lips while dressed as Eve.
  • Crimson-Shell: Chapter 5 has Xion (Shion? Zion?) licking Xeno's wound to infect him with poison.
  • When Kureha first meets Ranmaru on Tokko, she almost immediately licks his cheek. She does it to see if she can sense a phantom inside him.
  • In Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Elegy, a beautiful and seductive woman, keeps licking her lips while talking to Luka (who she has feelings for) during a fight.
  • Claymore: Cassandra and Roxanne have a lot of Les Yay between them. One scene shows Cassandra licking Roxanne.
  • Given the huge amount of sexual violence present in Berserk, it's unsurprising that this happens quite a lot.
    • One memorable example happens when a handcuffed Farnese is nearly raped by a demon-possessed horse (yes, you did read that correctly), and it licks her body while it prepares to lower itself down onto her.
  • In Tokyo Mew Mew, Kish licks his lips after planting a Forceful Kiss on Ichigo.
  • In Bloody Cross, Momose licks her master Satsuki's fingers after she returns from a mission.
  • In Devil May Cry: The Animated Series the Prison Warden hits on Dante in one scene and licks his lips.
  • Yashamaru of Basilisk very suggestively licked the Razor Floss he was using to pin his opponent before flexing his fingers and causing the entire rock to explode.
  • Almost every single scene with Mooks in Fist of the North Star has at least one of them licking a weapon. Spade licks Kenshiro's blood off his claw after scoring a hit on him.
  • Bakemonogatari: When the Meddlesome Cat grabs Koyomi from behind, he licks his neck in a very sensual way. The Cat's tongue is sharp enough to cause Koyomi to bleed.
  • Stallion of Words Worth does this and more, including oral, to Maria, before she gets him to stop by tearfully asking that he return her ring to her.
  • Togainu no Chi: Gunji, being extremely Ax Crazy and sadistic, often licks his metal claw like weapons. Rin also licks blood from his hand in the opening of the anime.
  • In Wolf Guy Wolfen Crest Aoshika is getting molested and gang-raped by Haguro's goons and they lick her face and boobs.
  • Hyakujitsu no Bara: Klaus licks Taki's body before their sex scene in the anime.
  • In Texhnolyze Doc goes to a guy to ask if he has Raffia and holds out money to buy some. The guy stares at her boobs, grabs the wrist of her hand holding the money, and licks her wrist.

Comic Books

Freddy Krueger: "Come to daddy, Peter... *starts licking Peter's face and rubbing it with his bleeding stump of a hand*



  • In The Big Lebowski, Jesus Quintana licks his bowling ball.
  • The male nurse who licks Sarah Connor's face in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
  • In Freddy Vs Jason, there's a scene where pre-dead Freddy licks a photo of a little girl he just murdered, proving that he was creepy even before he became extra-crispy.
  • Barty Crouch Jr. of Harry Potter definitely seems to idolise Voldemort a bit too much. It's taken to the extreme in the film adaptation of Goblet of Fire when Barty actually wipes blood off Harry's arm, saying that his blood now runs within the Dark Lord, before appearing to lick it off his finger. Plus, he licks his lips in a very manic way.
    • Bellatrix slowly running her tongue over her Dark Mark.
  • Jabba gives Leia a slimy lick in Return of the Jedi.
  • Van Helsing: A Lesbian Vampire licks Anna's face with her very long tongue.
  • In Rango, Jake creepily licks Beans' cheek when he's partially strangling her.
  • In Mirror Mirror Prince Charming licks Julia Robert's face after taking a Love Potion.
  • Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle: Kumar licks Harold's face because he "thought you'd wake up if I did some gay shit."
  • Your Highness: Villain Lazar licks the face of Damsel in Distress Belladonna when he abducts her from her wedding to the heroic Fabious. His evil plan basically involves raping her during the mystical joining of two moons in order to produce a dragon, but the heroes kill him before he can actually do the deed.
  • The Joker in The Dark Knight Saga constantly licks his lips.
  • Happens twice in Men in Black II. A mugger licks Serleena's face before she kills him, and later on Serleena sticks her tongue in Agent K's ear.
  • In Just Friends Samantha (who's in a sexually charged mood) tells Chris that she wants to lick his skin off. She later licks his cheek after squeezing a lot of toothpaste in her mouth.
  • Richie from Murder by Numbers pulls this a bit on poor Cassie, going from unwanted flirting and complimenting her wardrobe to trapping her in her car and responding when she starts beating on him that this must be how she treats all her guys. Apparently, he reminds her strongly of her abusive ex-husband, a fact that made her suspect him in the first place, which would in real life probably get her politely taken off the case. He also licks her face during their last scene together.
  • Hannibal turns the title character into a Stalker with a Crush for Clarice Starling. While in The Silence of the Lambs, he simply seems to enjoy being creepy for creepiness' sake, the sequel turns it into a kind of weird romantic love for Clarice Starling, with him sneaking into her house and watching her sleep (while touching her face and hair). In a deleted scene, he breaks into her car and licks the steering wheel to get the taste of her. Not to mention the part where she's talking to him on a cell phone trying to find him, and it turns out he was behind her touching her hair. The weird thing is that it's actually meant to be romantic.
  • In Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, The Joker creepily licks his lips before torturing Robin.
  • In The Batman vs. Dracula, Vampire Joker rather exuberantly licks up lots of blood in one scene.

Live Action TV

Niles: Take my bumbershoot.
Daphne: Oh, isn't that nice, well at least someone appreciates my mother tongue. [Leaves.]
Niles: Yes, I've always had an ear for your tongue.
Frasier: Niles!

  • Glee: In "Blame It on the Alcohol," Santana pours salt on Brittany's stomach and licks it off.
  • The Mighty Boosh: Both Alan and Kodiac Jack (both played by Rich Fulcher) greet Vince by licking his hand.
  • Degrassi: In the first Marco-heavy episode, Marco's Male Gaze is directed at Sean. It's actually a bit creepy when Marco licks his lips.
  • Victoria licked Stacy Keibler's face on an episode of WWE Raw because she could give her something no one else could—the taste of fear.
  • The picture on the main page of True Blood features a vampire licking the blood from her lips.
  • In a disturbing moment on Are You Afraid of the Dark? (in the night shift episode) the vampire tells the main character after he has caught her that "I should drop you and then lick up what's left!"


  • One of the extras in the Amanda Palmer video "Guitar Hero" licks her face at one point. Also, Amanda licks Brian Viglione's face in the video for "Girl Anachronism".
  • In her music video for "Paparazzi", Lady Gaga and the extras lick each other very sensually.
    • In the lyrics for "Monster", Lady Gaga says that the guy flirting with her licked his lips and said "Girl, you look good enough to eat."

Video Games

Web Comics

  • In Homestuck, licking is Terezi's only way of understanding color and shape. She mentions licking to Dave a few times, as well as flirted with him a bit; as well as Karkat, her (maybe) boyfriend.
  • In Ménage à 3 DiDi licks her lover Matt on his body but burns her mouth because she accidentally got tobasco sauce on him.

Western Animation

  • In one episode of The Powerpuff Girls, Him licked Professor Utonium's face.
  • On The Venture Brothers Christmas special, the demonic Krampus crashes the family party and unsettles everyone, at one point licking Triana's face with his lengthy tongue.
  • Jimmy Two-Shoes: Honorable mention goes to the scene in There Will Be Chocolate where Heloise licks chocolately Jimmy (upon whom she has a huge Yandere crush) in a very vigorous manner.
  • In the South Park episode "Scott Tenorman Must Die", after getting revenge on Scott by tricking him into eating chili made from his dead parents, Cartman licks up Scott's tears of despair, and comments on how delicious they are.
  • The Ren and Stimpy Show: In "Ren Seeks Help", before being hauled away, Ren actually bites off the hand of one of the officers and SWALLOWS IT. And his tongue comes out like a snake's and licks his lips.
  • In the Batman: The Animated Series episode "Mad Love" we see an inmate lick the glass wall of his cell.
  • Invader Zim: In the episode "Door To Door", Zim uses his long, prehensile, worm-like tongue to lick the screen.
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