Kiss of the Vampire

"And when she was doing it, I liked it, Ben. That's the hellish part. I actually had an erection. Can you believe it? If you hadn't been here to pull her off, I would have... would have let her..."
When a vampire is hungry, and isn't quite so decent or hard up as to lower himself to only buying blood at the butcher's or trapping and draining small animals instead, their dietary supplement of preference is human blood. They can survive on the blood of lesser beings, sure, but human blood is the good stuff—it's the difference between artificial processed cheese food and genuine aged cheddar as a human palate would comprehend it.
The decent sort of Friendly Neighborhood Vampires tend to feel bad about what they must do to their victims. Kiss of the Vampire is how the vampires who can make the experience of being a drink box not just enjoyable but pleasurable for the donor.
Vampires who are in love with their partner fall under this category, as do the ones who tend to regret being undead creatures of the night who must drink blood to survive, though it is not a strict limit.
The effect of the bite and draining being pleasant to the victim also may depend on the vampire's circumstances. If the undead blood drinker is injured, enraged, or starved, the effect may not be enough to counteract the pain of a crazed vampire's attack. Or the vampire may flip out completely and savage the victim. This may lead to Wangst when the vampire comes back to his senses and realizes he went outside his preferred mode of behaviour.
This is often justification for the Fridge Logic question, why do the victims always stop struggling when the vampire bites them?
Naturally, common aversions occur in family fare involving Vampires. The bite isn't painful, but it is rarely portrayed as overtly sensual or orgasmic either.
See Our Vampires Are Different. See also Vampire Bites Suck for the vampires who don't have the type of consideration shown here. For extra Squick, go for both. IE, it's bloody, messy, deadly, and you're dying...and you're enjoying every second of your death. If the vampire also gets turned on by feeding on blood, then they're Hemo-Erotic.
Not to be confused with the movie Kiss of the Vampire.
No real life examples, please; Sorry, we have to impose Wikipedia's "reliable sources" rule on this one.
Anime and Manga
- The former trope picture was Moka Akashiya of Rosario + Vampire, who gives one of these almost every chapter early on (with a distinctive "kapuchuu~" in the Animated Adaptation, personified as a kiss - actually, it's a two-part action, as "kapu" is the sound of a bite and "chu~" is that of a kiss), followed by Tsukune Aono not particularly enjoying getting his blood drained. However, he's not particularly harmed either: after the first time, he still has enough energy to run around in a panic.
- In Karin, Vampire bites suck out emotional states. Most of the Maaka/Marker family suck out things like dishonesty, stress, and unhappiness, which gives the human "victims" a healthy boost to their mental state. Of course, then it turns out Elda sucks out love, at which point things stop being so fun.
- The bite of the tiny vampire Shinobu-chan from Bakemonogatari is unusually graphic by anime standards with regards to the unhealing bloody holes she leaves in Koyomi's neck, but the way she sits on his lap while drinking and he pats her back to let her know when to stop is adorable.
- The bite of Vampire Princess Miyu is effectively a Lotus Eater Machine - those bitten are permanently captured in a delusional fantasyland of pure joy and happiness. She usually deals it out to humans who've just barely survived a traumatic encounter with the Shinma she hunts, thus making it a sort of 'mercy'. Still doesn't change the fact that they'll spend the rest of their lives staring empty-eyed into the wall, though.
- In Nightwalker,Shido gives a literal Kiss of the Vampire to Riho to keep her from dying from wounds inflicted on her by Cain. That was more of an Emergency Transformation than anything else.
- Evangeline A.K.Mcdowell of Mahou Sensei Negima, because of her small state, usually delivers more-or-less painless drinks of blood. Then other times, she really does deliver kisses, also more-or-less painless. Whether she'll admit it or not, she does care about her apprentice. Earlier in that same scene, she played this as straight as possible in what could be the most risque scene in the course of the series (NSFW, obviously).
- Note: the thing in front of him is Weasel Mascot Chamo. It's not that NSFW.
- Although it's entirely possible that Ken Akamatsu placed Chamo there intentionally.
- Note: the thing in front of him is Weasel Mascot Chamo. It's not that NSFW.
- In Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, this is Lady Bat's power, which he uses to put his opponents into a daze before singing. He even refers to biting people as "kissing".
- Though it is only mentioned once, Nathan from Blood Plus points out that it is "pure bliss" to have Diva drinking his blood.
- Genesis of Aquarion does a variant of this trope- Hot-Blooded protagonist Apollo at one point offers to feed the crippled vampire gothic lolita Heroic Albino who is apparently Really Seven Hundred Years Old and notes that it has a rather relaxing effect. Love Interest Sylvia is not pleased, but tries to hide it (poorly).
- Inverted by Ageha of Omamori Himari. Sucking Yuuto's blood gets her aroused (or more precisely, the demon slayer power in it does). Also subverted in that she made him unconscious first.
- Vampire bites in Black Blood Brothers are depicted as very pleasurable, so much so that a woman will squirm and moan orgasmically as she is being fed upon. One character even goes so far as to say that sex pales in comparison to being bitten.
- Vassalord features Charley, who lives off the blood of his (similarly vampire) master Johnny. Johnny enjoys being bitten enough that he once hauls Charley into the airplane lavatory for a quickie. As if they didn't have enough UST Ho Yay already.
- Subverted in Grimms Fairy Tale Classics episode "The Crystal Ball," although it is a wicked witch, not a vampire, who routinely bites the neck of an innocent princess, in one of the most cruel and sadistic scenes ever imaginable. The princess also turns into a corpse afterwards, and somehow regenerates.
- Jean-Marais in Dance in the Vampire Bund describes sucking blood and having one's blood sucked as the ultimate pleasure, against which human intercourse "pales in comparison." As if the rape overtones of his newly turned followers "gang-draining" several unwilling schoolgirls and a nun were not blatant enough.
- In Shiki vampire bites don't seem to be particularly painful ( Masao even looked like he might have been enjoying it a bit in episode 5) and the bite marks aren't very severe (a doctor mistakes them for incect bites). Also, it's speculated by Toshio that the bites might inject a narcotic substance into the victim to keep them under control. It should be noted that while bites don't cause any immediate harm, multiple drainings can lead to death.
- There's Hazuki and Kouhei in Tsukuyomi Moon Phase with Hazuki doing all the vampire kissing. Even Elfriede does this to Kouhei, as well.
- Episode 5 of Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? starts with vampire ninja Sera literally kissing Haruna on the lips then biting her on the neck. The kiss apparently acted as an anesthetic so the bite wouldn't be painful.
- In Midnight Secretary, according to Kyouhei, blood tastes better when partner has an orgasm. Even more so if one falls in love.
Comic Books
- Screamqueen's bite in Scare Tactics seems to have this effect (at least, when she wants it to).
- Subverted in American Vampire: after fighting under the new moon, Pearl's left weak and incredibly thirsty so Henry lets her feed off of him. She does make it up to him, though. Blood must been an aphrodisiac for them.
Fan Works
- My Immortal: Enoby's a vamrpire, an she an Dracko kisx an havr sexx.
- Halloween] by "Cephy", a Kingdom Hearts fan fic, has Sora discovering his vampire "costume" acts a little differently when he visits Halloween Town with Riku and Kairi.
Kairi: You really shouldn't wear him out like that too often. If you get hungry again, you should probably switch off between the two of us.
Riku: Great, encourage him. We'll be lucky if we don't need a transfusion when we leave here.
- Tsukune in the Rosario + Vampire fic Here in My Arms has this ability when he becomes a vampire. It's so strong it is equivalent to sexual pleasure, even if the recipients can die from it. The girls don't mind, especially since it's from someone gentle like Tsukune.
- The Dracula films are practically the Trope Makers for this, as the male vampire as seducer and bringer of pleasure practically begins here (for female, see the novella Carmilla). Dracula in the films is a thinly veiled analogy for a dangerous, predatory (and - gasp! - foreign) man who ruins pure, innocent English girls, so even though he is not explicitly portrayed as "sexy," the parallel with seduction is obvious.
- In Once Bitten, the vampire's bite was accompanied by euphoria and partial amnesia. He couldn't remember much about the prior night.
- In The Movie of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, vampires were able to hypnotize their prey into either not minding or not reacting to the bite.
- In The Movie of Interview with the Vampire a prostitute is lying there contentedly enjoying Lestat's attentions to her breast until she looks down and realizes she's bleeding out from him being something of a messy eater.
- Dracula: Dead and Loving It is a PG-13 vehicle so the sexy aspect of the kiss is left out altogether.
- This is also true for My Mom is a Vampire
- And The Little Vampire
- As well as Love at First Bite.
- In fact, Love At First Bite couldn't be said to leave out said aspect, as the woman being bitten seems to be (based on the sounds she's making) in the throes of, if not an orgasm, than something just about as good. The scene just afterward builds upon the implication that it was the equivalent of good sex.
- The prostitute bitten by the Master vampire in John Carpenter's Vampires certainly seems to be enjoying herself when Vladek is between her legs.
- One of the Blade films showed a couple of vamps putting razor blades in their mouths before making out.
- The first film had Blade feeding on the female sidekick in a moment of desperation. At first she stoically endures the pain, but after a minute or two she's clinging to him, moaning while he kind of...growls.
- Subverted in Near Dark, where Mae starts out kissing Caleb in a moderately-sexy way, but he cries out in pain and pulls away from her when her teeth actually break skin.
- Queen of the Damned is an interesting example. While some of the victims in the film do not seem to struggle and are visibly enjoying their bite, others are screaming in pain and definitely NOT enjoying it. Apparently it depends on how vicious the vampire goes about his biting.
- The Hammer Horror films, especially the ones with Christopher Lee as Dracula, have the victims get all... breathless... as a vampire bites down on their exposed necks.
- Beating out Dracula by 25 years was Carmilla, whose blood-sucking scene was basically written as an orgasm.
- John Polidori's Lord Byron Expy, Lord Ruthven, also predates Dracula by quite a bit of time. He was written as a seductive rake whose attention to young women is just the pre-dinner show. (Polidori was not fond of Byron's womanizing.) So yes, the people who claim that vampires = sex is a modern invention are full of nonsense.
- The kiss/bite of the vampire is an analogy for rape in Bram Stoker's Dracula novel. Instead of trying to seduce Mina Harker like Carmilla did with Laura, Dracula tricks one of the mental patients in Dr. Seward's house into inviting him in and physically forces Mina to drink his blood against her will, leaving the traumatized girl to go through periods of denial, anger, and depression while viewing what she suffered that night as a Fate Worse Than Death than which nothing could possibly be worse. Since most Gothic literature of the 18th and 19th centuries used the word "seduce" where we would use "rape," Stoker gets major points for being possibly the first author since Edmund Spenser to recognize the difference between seduction and force. Then along came the movies that ship Mina with her metaphorical rapist with the public's approval. The adaptors apparently somehow got Stoker's novel confused with Carmilla and The Phantom of the Opera.
- The Dresden Files explicitly describes Red Court vampire saliva as a highly addictive narcotic. So addictive, in fact, that Harry, just remembering what it was like to be under the influence, starts drifting into the euphoria state on the spot. And they call it their Kiss. On the other hand, the White Court feed on emotions, not blood, and the Black Court are straight Dracula types.)
- Though the members of House Raith of the White Court has their own special Kiss—as they feed on lust, they manage to excite emotions in their victims and drive them into a state of pleasure that drowns out everything else, even death. In one book, Harry's apprentice Molly tries to get a read off of the victim of a Raith's attentions to figure out how she died... and gets something else entirely.
- Something that Waldo Butters hasn't gotten in two years and Harry Dresden hasn't gotten in four. I mean, damn.
- Though the members of House Raith of the White Court has their own special Kiss—as they feed on lust, they manage to excite emotions in their victims and drive them into a state of pleasure that drowns out everything else, even death. In one book, Harry's apprentice Molly tries to get a read off of the victim of a Raith's attentions to figure out how she died... and gets something else entirely.
- The Sookie Stackhouse Mysteries describe vampire fangs as injecting an anti-coagulant, and the saliva a coagulant and agent to assist healing in their victims. But the vampires who indulge with a victim to make it part of sex, choosing an inner thigh vein rather than, necessarily, the neck.
- Unfortunately, if a vampire is newly risen or starved for blood, he'll go into immediate attack mode. Attack mode includes raping the victim while drinking from him/her.
- The feeding-from-the-thigh thing is also mentioned in the Kitty Norville books- in the context of a young woman calling into the main character's radio show tentatively wondering how she can... wean, so to speak, her vampiric lover from said vein and more to the conventional neck-feeding. And also how she can get him to wear poet shirts more...
- P.N. Elrod's The Vampire Files series does not describe the bite as sexy/euphoric, except to say that the sex is better for Jack if he can drink at the moment of climax. But his girlfriend doesn't seem to mind, so it must feel at least painless to her.
- Actually, in book 2, Lifeblood, Bobbi explicitly states that Jack's bite is preferable to normal intercourse because "it just goes on and on...." In the same scene, Jack refers to the fact that the act of feeding from her stimulates the pleasure centers in the same way that sex previously did.
- A vampire's bite in the Anita Blake series is as painful as you might expect, unless the vampire put the victim into a trance beforehand, in which case it feels really good.
- Except for Asher. His bite is of the orgasmic variety. Victims can become addicted to Asher's bite, and can experience flashbacks of the feelings said bite causes.
- Stephen King's Dracula tribute 'Salem's Lot uses this. All the vampires put victims in trances before even the first bite.
- Well, it's implied that Straker's death was more of a gruesome one. Barlow, in his letter to Ben et al., makes oblique reference to his own appetites betraying him.
- In yet another case of Our Vampires Are Different, Octavia Butler's novel Fledgling uses this trope.
- According to reformed vampire Otto Chriek in the Discworld novel The Truth, "Let's just say they don't alvays scream."
- Anne Rice's vampire series, as well as The Film of the Book for Interview with the Vampire. That is, when a vampire doesn't simply rip off the victim's head and drink all the blood in one gulp.
- Frequently subverted and averted in Brian Lumley's Necroscope novels, where the vampires like to viciously rape women, either to death or to vampirise them. Rarely, sex with one of the vampires will be amazing until they reveal themselves and start eating their victim...
- The vampires in Larry Niven's Ringworld series use pheromones to seduce victims into a crazed sex-mood. They then take advantage of the fact that the victims are either having sex with the vampires or each other to eat to their heart's content.
- In The Hollows series by Kim Harrison, the saliva of vampires contains neurotransmitters that make the pain of a vampire's bite feel like pleasure. Vampires can also sensitize their victim's bite so that only that vampire can affect the victim, leaving the victim mentally bound to that vampire.
- Vampire bites in Moore's Bloodsucking Fiends aren't particularly painful and heal quickly, thanks to a minor healing agent in their saliva (which Tommy then attempts to convince Jody to use on his stubbed toe, with very little success). If the vampire is clever enough, they can even feed without the victim noticing at all—Tommy assumed that Jody was giving him a hickey until she pointed out the blood on her teeth and flat out told him what she was doing.
- The sexual connotations are subverted in the sequel. Because she turned Tommy, she has to find sources of blood other than her boyfriend. After reluctantly feeding on a passed-out homeless man with a huge cat, the following conversation occurs:
Tommy: How was it?
Jody: How do you think it was? It was necessary.
Tommy: Well, I mean, when you used to bite me it was kind of a sexual thing.
Jody: Oh right. I planned all this because I wanted to fuck the huge cat guy.
- In Mercedes Lackey's Children of the Night, the vampire doesn't even have to be conscious for this to kick in. The heroine suggests it's a survival mechanism, to make sure the food doesn't get away too soon.
- In fact, when the vampire is unconscious, it induces overwhelming pleasure to the point of the heroine almost passing out, whereas when the ampire is conscious, he says it's possible to tone it down.
- In the Vampire Academy series, a vampire bite from the non-immortal Moroi vampires cause euphoria and can be addictive. So addictive that there are people who are volunteer feeders for them and are addicted to it the same way drug addicts are. A Dhampir letting a Moroi suck his/her blood during sex is the kinkiest thing imaginable in their world, and such Dhampirs are stigmatized and called "blood whores". In fact, any instance of a Dhampir giving blood to a Moroi is labeled like dirty by the public regardless of how non-sexual the context is.
- Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' Nyeusigrube vampire bites are generally enjoyable, but if a bitten human struggles they have the potential to become a very strong vampire. There is a vampire bloodline that specifically only turns humans if they fight. Two of her books are narrated by vampires in that line (Risika of In the Forests of the Night and split between Aubrey and Jessica in Demon In My View).
- In the Night World series, a tranced victim will not feel anything, and an unwilling victim actually feels a pain akin to having ones soul sucked out. However, a willing victim gets a feeling of the vampire's mind, and since most of the vampire bites we see with a willing victim include the 'soulmate principle'...
- In the Night Huntress series, vampire venom spreads through the donor's blood and arouses them. Vampires often use this as foreplay with their human lovers, although it can also be used to make rape victims less aggressive.
- They actually have three sorts of venom they can choose to use. The type detailed above, one that makes the victim more susceptible to suggestion, and one that is exceedingly painful.
- In the Ravenloft novel Vampire of the Mists, when Jander feeds from Ana for the first time, it says that she moaned, but did not pull away. Later on, when Jander is describing what feeding is like for both vampires and their victims, he compares it explicitly to sex. On the other hand, the book also uses the opposite trope, Vampire Bites Suck, for when vampires lose control during feeding.
- In Tanya Huff's Blood Books, Henry generally feeds by taking blood from his partners during sex. They usually don't even notice.
- It's also plainly erotic for the victim, even for those with Incompatible Orientation, as Vicki and a (male) friend discover when they force him to drink from them to save himself.
- In The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause, Vampire Bites Suck unless the victim has been put in a euphoric trance.
- Happens in a Sweet Valley High book when a mysterious guy shows up from out of town just as a bunch of bodies turn up drained of blood. He preys on several girls (they go along with him pretty willingly, vampire magnetism or something) who don't even realize their blood is being drained. They just describe it as really pleasurable neck sucking/biting.
- In the Richard Lee Byers book Unholy (set in Forgotten Realms) drinking someone's blood is beyond an erotic experience for the vampire, and they have the power to make the victim feel the same thing. Some victims, however, find the experience inherently erotic, whether the vampire is trying or not.
- The House of Night series, what with its heavy dosage of Our Vampires Are Different occasionally has this. Vampyre bites are extremely pleasurable to both the 'victim' and the vampyre inflicting the bite.
- In J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series, this is almost always the case. Regardless of the combo (vampire/vampire, vampire/human, vampire/sympath... you get the idea). The vampires almost always find the feeding experience pleasurable, and it's specifically described in Lover Eternal that the act of Rhage drinking from a vampire woman named Layla had "a shocking level of intimacy." This deserves special mention because he was desperately trying not to feel anything for her. He wanted to feed from the human woman he'd fallen in love with, Mary, but since she wasn't of his kind and it's impossible to "turn" a human, he would've killed her before his body regained the nourishment it needed.
- John Alfonz in Family Bites.
- Subverted in the Vampire Memories series by Barb Hendee: Wade is, at least initially, turned on by the thought of Eleisha feeding on him, but she shuts him down, saying explicitly that it would not be sexy, but that it would hurt.
Live Action TV
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer seems to have examples that fit this trope and its flipside, Vampire Bites Suck.
- For example, in season 5 Riley pays to get bitten. Vampire bites in the Buffyverse can apparently induce euphoria, addiction or both. Although Riley's addiction could be more masochistic in nature; he was clearly growing addicted to the pain of being bitten and the resulting adrenaline rush. It was related to his feelings of inferiority.
- A better example might be Buffy's reaction to being bitten by Angel in "Graduation Day". She needed to get him to bite her because the blood of the Slayer was the only thing that could cure a poison in his blood stream. It starts off with them both standing as he bites her, then they fall to the floor with him on top and though Buffy is obviously in pain at first it takes on a decidedly more sexual appearance after a second with her moving her legs up around him.
- Not to mention that at the - climax - of the experience, Buffy's body shudders and her leg kicks out violently, sending a bench and urn crashing to the floor. This was a deliberate attempt to equate the experience with sex and the violent ending spasm with orgasm in a way that would avoid the censors, according to the Word of God.
- However, Spike (or as he was at the time, William) was obviously in pain while being bitten by Drusilla on the night he was sired. He screamed out in pain the entire time.
- Though Drusilla is not only evil but completely bonkers too so it might depend on your intent. She was also quite young and inexperienced at the time...
- Look at the scene (in "Fool for Love") again. William is shouting in pain at first, then has a look of pleasure as he sinks to the ground.
- Also played up in "Buffy vs. Dracula" where Buffy hides Dracula's bite from Love Interest Riley as if it's a shameful hickey. Riley's insecurity over this and her attraction to Angel fuel his later behaviour (paying the vampire equivalent of prostitutes to bite him).
- As of Season Eight, with vampires having become a public fad, there are a lot of humans who get bitten by vampires on purpose. Our heroes see them as sad and pathetic. The vampires aren't supposed to kill, but since they are soulless and inherently evil, only a fool would trust that.
- True Blood has a slight subversion. By Sookie's reaction, the bite actually is painful. But there is an entire subculture of people who are into the being bitten experience. They're called Fangbangers, and they seek out vampires to bite them (particularly during sex), or willingly make themselves drink boxes.
- Kivala seems to give these out in Kamen Rider Decade. Though if Narutaki's reaction is any indication, he might be getting a little too much pleasure for a kids' show out of it.
- At the end, she gives one to Yuusuke's corpse, not only bringing him Back From the Dead and also making him Brainwashed and Crazy, just in time for his participation in the Bolivian Army "Ending".
- Ultraviolet. A woman comes across a vampire feeding on a security guard and faints. She's woken up by the same security guard, who's concerned for her and hasn't noticed anything unusual happen to him, implying some sort of hypnosis.
- It was said earlier in the series that vampire bites make the person bitten more 'suggestible' and can only be seen under UV light, with obvious benefits for covering the vampire's tracks.
- Scrubs has three examples of this, each part of JD's fantasies. One features him being bitten by two female vampires, quite messily, and sheepishly admitting to liking it. The other two examples are JD biting women, who both immediately have orgasms.
- Although it's not even close to a 'kiss', when the Wraith of Stargate Atlantis feed on a person, the person drifts into this expression. It's hinted that the body experiences a sensory overload so they're not killed instantly.
- Beckett explains that they inject an enzyme that acts as a steroid of sorts in order to keep the victim alive for as long as possible. Aiden Ford gets addicted to the enzyme, as it makes him incredibly strong for a human and is later seen capturing and "milking" Wraith for it, a sort-of sick reversal.
Tabletop Games
- A pleasurable, almost sexual experience is how The Kiss is described in both Vampire: The Masquerade and Vampire: The Requiem. From The Masquerade core rulebook, revised edition:
What is it like? My dear, words can not describe it. Imagine drinking the finest champagne and the sensation of the most sensual lovemaking you've ever experienced. Overlay that with the rush the opium fiend feels as he takes that first breath on the pipe, and you have some sense, some tiny, infinitesimal sense of what it feels like to drink the blood of...a human being.
- Both settings mention "Blood Dolls", humans who become addicted to the experience of being fed on. In Vampire: The Masquerade, it's actually the clan weakness of the Giovanni to have their Kiss be horribly painful.
- Also The Kiss is described to be the only real pleasure a vampire can ever feel, since every other thing they enjoyed before tastes stale and they have no real sexual desire whatsoever. But as some kind of compensation it is described to feel unbelievably good!
- Similar to the original Giovanni, the New World of Darkness has a Mekhet bloodline known as the Qedeshah who also do not receive the benefits of The Kiss as a bloodline weakness, making them major potential Masquerade breaches.
- Dungeons and Dragons, as usual, have several variations.
- In Van Richten's Guide To Vampires, Ravenloft's greatest monster hunter/expert attributes victims' compliance to a combination of vampires' charm-gaze and fast-talk, perhaps facilitated by some morbid, self-destructive subconscious impulse on the victims' part. The sex-appeal aspect isn't explicitly mentioned - Van Richten is an Expy of Van Helsing, a Victorian-era scholar, after all - but it's implied.
- With vampyres, living monstrous humanoids from Ravenloft who share real vampires' feeding habits, it's their narcotic saliva that dominates and pacifies their victims.
- Werebats may also drink the blood of their prey, but they evidently don't have any means of subduing their victims other than brute force, so their attacks are unpleasant.
- "Romanticize it, glamorize it, call it what you will. To me, it will always be carnal, bloody murder."
Video Games
- There are plenty of enslaved humans in Lunar Knights who completely enjoy the sensation of their regimental vampire bites. Since the humans are fed on pretty much everyday, the bite is completely subverted altogether—the humans get bottle caps on their necks.
Web Comics
- Last Res0rt has Jigsaw unwilling to feed on her (sleeping) lieutenant Daisy until she remembers that it's supposed to be harmless, "like bloodwork". After some initial hesitation, both Jigsaw AND Daisy are starting to enjoy it a bit too much, at least until Jigsaw freaks out and bites a little TOO hard, going from Subversion to Kiss of the Vampire to Vampire Bites Suck in only a few panels.
- Eerie Cuties often has people bewildered the first time, but when not, they visibly enjoy the process and get hearts in speech bubbles. Those who stay conscious in the first place, anyway. Of course, it's used for comedy purpose a lot.
- Note that when Layla bites Tiffany, the latter blushes both as a ghost and body, and this instantly terminates her out-of-body session even though the original reason for it is still present. Later, she looks disappointed when Layla does not drink her, and the next time also spaced out under a thought bubble with over the top flowery account of her sensations.
- In "The Kissing Booth" mini-arc Tiffany ended up seeing Bishie Sparkles and jumping into arms of the first vampire boy she meets (who was somewhat shocked by this).
- Later it turns out that Chloe is very much into Cute Little Fangs, though as a drunk Succubus she may find everything kinky at the moment.
- Brooke seems to enjoy it too. It leads to an actual kiss, though under the pretense of practicing.
- Later while Layla was rumored to be a lesbian (and became even more popular), she misunderstood an offer of a drink from someone who knew what she is, and a nearby curious catgirl called this "got to first base with Layla", while the "donor" was stoned giggling.
- Note that when Layla bites Tiffany, the latter blushes both as a ghost and body, and this instantly terminates her out-of-body session even though the original reason for it is still present. Later, she looks disappointed when Layla does not drink her, and the next time also spaced out under a thought bubble with over the top flowery account of her sensations.
Web Original
- Vamp You, the vampire porn site, relies on this trope a ton, especially when it combines turning scenes, and sex scenes.
- Gaia Online pulls this off in the Halloween 2008 event comics. A vampire caught "attacking" a human and his supposed victim are both blushing, sweaty, and quick to insist that "It's consensual! Yeah!"
- Averted hard in Blood Light, when Alex bites Connor out of annoyance and just lets him bleed.