< Rosario + Vampire

Rosario + Vampire/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • Actually came pretty quickly, but check out Inner Moka's explanation of "youki". Earlier, her own youki was enormous, and since she didn't appear to have any anger or murderous intent at the time, it could only be...
  • In Rosario Plus Vampire, succubus Kurumu tends to break the fourth wall from time to time. The frist time she did it was in the 3rd episode when she is treating Tsukune in the school infirmary. She suddenly steps to the front of the screen, looks straight at the audience while making a fist and complains "Hey, what the hell is this? I just debuted on the previous episode, can't you let me appear earlier?" Then she break some more walls after that. This would seem to be part of the comedy, but let's think about this. Succubae are known to control reality to trap their pray, right? Maybe they can travel through other realities too. So of course Kurumu knows that she's in a harem anime!
  • Akuha can phase through walls & floors, but when she was shot by Ling-Ling's Uzi, her dress was riddled while she wasn't. I guess she has to put extra thought into making her clothes phase too.
  • Kokoa's initial belief of vampiric supremacy. At first, we think it comes from being the younger sister of Moka. And then we meet her older sisters Kahlua and Akuha and her mother, Gyokuro. OF COURSE she would believe in vampire supremacy, LOOK WHO SHE'S LIVED WITH FOR SO LONG. It would be hard not to pick up that belief.
  • Fong-Fong has become a Shipper on Deck for Tsukune/Moka, mostly because he wants a powerful Battle Couple to join his mafia. In general, it's not all that bad of an idea, but it makes even more sense that he'd latch onto that idea once we find out that his parents are also a Battle Couple!
    • And you can add to the fact that him and Yukari seem to have some Ship Tease going on...
  • If Alucard = Vampire, and Water = Weakness, then Alucard + Water = Well, you know... Just dump a swimming pool on 'im and he's useless.
  • If heartbreak can kill a succubus, what would have happened to Kurumu if she actually did have sex with him in that state? Sure, date rape would relieve her sexual frustration, but she can't keep him charmed forever. What happens when he snaps out of it and realizes what she made him do? Most likely, he flips out and Kurumu dies of the guilt induced heartbreak before she gets a chance to see Moka's reaction.
    • Though it's also hinted that Tsukune snapped out of it the moment he woke up in her room and was just playing along to ease her emotional pain.

Fridge Horror

  • In Chapter 41, it's revealed that Tsukune has transformed into something very much like Alucard. This raises the question of just where Alucard came from in the first place and what it implies for Tsukune's future.
    • Oh yes, this does raise the horrifying question if Alucard was just another Tsukune once, who fell for a vampire girl and wound up warped into that horrible demon, which wrapped itself tightly around Moka's mother and Moka herself, reaching out at them at all times. If this bit of Fridge Horror is true, Alucard and Tsukune have a future written in Tear Jerkers.
      • It might be a bit repetitious if Alucard was a former human (the last season's Big Bad was one, too), but it's entirely possible. However, the comparison is most likely due to the fact that Tsukune's vampire blood originally came from Moka, whose Shinsou blood was synchronized with Alucard's.
    • One problem with this theory is, Alucard was said to be the first vampire here. So, it begs the question of, if Alucard was originally human, where did he get monster blood from? Because it couldn't have been another vampire.
      • Not quite, that page states that Alucard is the oldest vampire, not the first. which would imply that he's just the oldest vampire still around rather then the first of them. Indeed considering that he was only sealed two centuries ago, this makes a lot of sense. Of course that he is said to be a vampire at all probably means he's not like Tsukune, or if he is, that no-one remembers that act.
  • Rosario Plus Vampire: Alucard is really damn freaky, you do not even know where it came from, nor if its even from our earthly plane. If it grabs you with those tentacles, it can pull you into itself and make you part of Alucard's whole. How many people exist in that thing?
  • I don't even want to imagine what Kuyou is like now, after he showed up again recently.
    • Indeed, come his reappearance as a member of Fairy Tale, it now appears as though his vendetta against the Newspaper Club was motivated by a complete disregard on his own part for the monster code and that he may have put the entire Security Committee at risk by trying to murder Tsukune based on his own twisted interpretation of the school's "no humans allowed" rule. In fact, had Tsukune been executed, the only thing Youkai Academy could've done would've been just hand it all over to Fairy Tail.
  • When Mizore was introduced, it was revealed that a teacher she had a crush on attempted to molest her at best and rape her at worst. Then we find out he's a kraken. That's a monster with TENTACLES.
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