Persona Rebirth/Characters
This is a list of all the (active) characters on Rebirth. Most of them are completely insane.
This is a work in progress, so bear with us while we try to get everything set up! Please move all character related tropes to this page instead of putting them on the Main page.
As you may expect, there are Loads and Loads of Characters. Try not to drown in them.
Year 1 Students
Tsukasa Sato
Tsukasa is violent. Like really, really violent. Fighting is her favorite pastime, and she will get mad at anyone that doesn't agree with her point of view, which tends to change from time to time. There aren't that many people that can bare her because of this. Due to the fact that she cares almost nothing of others' opinions, Tsukasa often finds herself in rather awkward situations that confuse everyone around her except herself. For example, it made perfect sense to her to grope Kaede to determine her gender. Everyone else didn't think so.
She's the daughter of a famous Kendoka and as such has taken the sport up herself. Amongst the few girls in the Kendo club, Tsukasa is one of the strongest, and frequently makes it a point through her words and in combat. Her Persona had been encouraging her to fight more and more, leading the already violent girl into more fighting situations than ever before. After her accidental murder of two thugs, Tsukasa decides to start fighting to defeat bad guys, and resolves into Ashling the Pilgrim.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!
- Ax Crazy
- Blood Knight- Tsukasa seems to enjoy fighting a little too much.
- Berserk Button - Katsurou in particular tends to push this button a lot.
- Fiery Redhead
- Skinship Grope - Mostly to figure out Kaede's true gender. Needless to say, the Gropee did not like that.
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better
Miyuki Fusoku
Miyuki didn't really have a fantastic childhood. She was left alone with her mom and brother after her father died in a car crash, and had a really close relationship with her brother, (hahahahahahahano.) who then disappeared. Since then, Miyuki has been attempting to regain that close relationship with someone else, but hasn't found anyone yet. She operated as a normal high school student for a while, a girl that seemed a bit too nice to hang out with the ditzy crowds she usually hung out with.
Eventually, she arrived in the ruins along with Akiko, Kaede, and Manabu. After finding out that she could summon a giant castle from her head that was apparently her, Miyuki was almost raped by Manabu, and then attempted to kill him in response when her persona took over her mind and body. She's been somewhat reluctant to go back to the ruins since then.
- Apologizes a Lot: Yes, of course you should apologize to Manabu after he tried to rape you.
- Attempted Rape: This happened to her. Via Manabu. The results haven't been good.
- Big Brother Worship
- Break the Cutie: Blame Manabu.
- Disappeared Dad: Her dad was offed in a car crash when she was young.
- Hard Work Hardly Works: She barely upholds her grades through large amounts of studying.
- Hates Being Touched: Possibly as a result of the attempted rape.
- Mighty Glacier: Oddly enough, her skillset makes her out to be this. She nulls physical attacks and knows a whole lot of them, along with skills to raise attack power.
- Ominous Floating Castle: Her persona is a castle.
- Ordinary High School Student: For a while. And then stuff happened.
- Refusal of the Call: Hey, if you had been almost raped in the ruins, you wouldn't be exactly eager to go back, either.
- Siege Engines: Her persona's "attack animation" is it firing the catapults and ballistae planted on its walls.
Manabu Kaerunuma
Manabu is the one and only member of the Occult Club at Taiyoutono, a club dedicated to seeking out strange, mystical things in everyday life. However, he's also well known as a stalker and all around creepy guy, often following girls home from school and watching their every movements. Though lately he's tried justifying it by saying he follows them in case the Butterfly tries to abduct them, he can't deny that he has feelings toward Miyuki, who he stalked for a brief time before they were both whisked off by the Butterfly. Underneath his creepy exterior, one finds impressive self-esteem issues, many brought on by both the abuse in his life and how he was treated when he was younger. Because of this, he has come to hate himself and everything he does. His Persona is Cyeggha of the Moon Arcana.
When he and the other three people he entered the ruins with awakened to their Personas, Manabu was the only one to try to deny his power. His Persona, not approving of this, possessed Manabu and forced him to try to rape Miyuki. Though Miyuki managed to force him off, the psychological effects on both individuals caused further ramifications. As time passed, Manabu's sanity continued to slip due to constant psychological assault from his Persona. After trying to rape Miyuki once more and being stabbed by his girlfriend, Haruka, Manabu ran off to the ruins to try to escape the outside world.
After a week inside the ruins without any food, water, or sleep, Manabu begins to completely shut down both physically and mentally. Eventually, Cyeggha prompts him to "mirror" the Persona by making Manabu tear out one of his own eyeballs. During a battle with Ayane, Kumori, and Ryouta in which Manabu refuses to summon his Persona, Cyeggha forces Manabu to put on his mask, causing Manabu to be taken over by the Persona and be turned into a monster. Ryouta manages to defeat Manabu, turning him back to his normal self, and Manabu is then taken to the hospital to recover.
Lately Manabu has been teetering between sanity and insanity after a few encounters with Kogane (who attempted to help his mental issues) and Sora (who reinforced some of the darker thoughts of Manabu's mind). Due to his wishes to fully understand the ruins, he's begun trying to seek out Miss Yellow... though what that will result in, no one's quite sure.
With some help from Kira, Manabu manages to work up the courage to apologize to Miyuki. Though she doesn't accept his apology, the action allows Manabu's persona to ascend to Kuranes. He now works with Kumori and Treo in making a comprehensive compendium of Shadows, Personae, and the Ruins.
- Attempted Rapist: Tried it twice on the same girl. The first time he was possessed by his Persona. The second time... not so much.
- Beam Me Up, Scotty: Manabu never actually says "kero" (the Japanese onomatopoeia for a frog's croak) at any point. Cyeggha was actually the one to say that, and it was in a long stream of taunts forcued on Manabu.
- Blind Seer: Believes himself to be this after ascending to Nyarlathotep in an Alternate Universe thread.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Manabu has blond hair, though it's acknowledged it's dyed. He actually becomes more evil as his hair starts returning back to its natural black. The fact that he's stopped dying his hair is one of the first signs of his Sanity Slippage.
- Cheshire Cat Grin
- Despair Event Horizon: Hits his after Haruka stabs him, which causes him to run off to the ruins.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Manabu's roleplayer usually draws him with these. He was only drawn without them once.
- Freudian Excuse: Manabu was constantly abused by his parents (and still is abused by his father, now that his parents have divorced) as a child, and frequently bullied in grade school for his froglike appearance, leading to his extreme self-esteem issues and cowardice, which in turn have led to all of his problems with his Persona.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Attempts to eat Ayane during one topic after living in the ruins. In an Alternate Universe topic, he eats Miyuki alive as he rapes her after going completely insane.
- In-Series Nickname: If someone doesn't know Manabu's name, then they certainly know his nickname, Frogface. He actually hates the name so much that it was enough to send him into a rage in Frogface In Repose.
- Kill the God: Recently announced his intention to do this to the Butterfly.
- Laughing Mad: It says a lot about your sanity levels when you've spent almost an entire thread laughing, Manabu...
- Love Makes You Crazy: Part of the reason Manabu completely lost it was his crush on Miyuki. His Persona forced him to try to reciprocate his feelings... by trying to rape her.
- Meaningful Name: Manabu means "study; learn", which is certainly something he spends a lot of time doing, particularly in regards to other people in his school. Kaerunuma means "frog pond", alluding to his froglike appearance.
- Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: Played with. While he does turn out to be a nice enough guy if you can befriend him, he did blackmail Haruka into dating him and attempted to rape Miyuki.
- Power Born of Madness/With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Manabu has the potential to ascend to Nyarlathotep, but the only way for him to do so is to lose his mind completely. It happened in an Alternate Universe thread after he ate Miyuki alive.
- Sanity Slippage
- Stalker with a Crush: Is this toward Miyuki, though he doesn't quite realize it himself either.
- Troubled Fetal Position: Does this at one point after Cyeggha starts talking to him.
Michi Hargrave
Michi is your average (for Nagashima) insane child. She talks to her three dolls, a teddy bear, a bunny rabbit, and a Shisa doll, and thinks that they talk to her. The Shisa doll is the only doll that "talks" to her; it is actually her Persona speaking to her, rather than the doll actually doing the talking. She's not mentally unstable, but she's mentally damamged enough to be unable to recognize the difference between reality and her own little world. She's extremely nice, but frequently freaks other students out.
- I Reject Your Reality: The girl doesn't like society and its reality at all.
- Pyromaniac: She likes fire. A lot. To the point of having a homemade flamethrower.
Naoya Imoto
The socially awkward nephew of Shin Imoto, and a former friend of Toru Watanabe. Naoya has difficulty communicating, and tends to feel out of place. At least part of this is due to his recent stay in a hospital, which lasted almost a year. While he wants to help people, and his persona, Krishna of the Judgment Arcanum, wants him to act more heroically, he's having difficulty.
- Batter Up: Formerly.
- The Blacksmith: Has started producing weaponry for other persona users.
- Cain and Abel: The Abel to Toru's Cain.
- Chaotic Good: Though generally well-meaning, he is something of a deviant and sees no problem with selling weaponry.
- Covered with Scars: His scalp. He always keeps it covered, and his hair is taking a long time to grow in.
- Dude in Distress: Has a habit of ending up in unpleasant situations.
- Fleeting Passionate Hobbies: Has been shown starting a rooftop garden, forging weaponry, cooking, and making video-journals; allusions have been made to journaling, cryptography (for said journals; he lost the key,) playing bass, and aikido.
- Hindu Mythology: His persona is Krishna of the Judgment Arcanum.
- Incendiary Exponent: His anti-tentacle tactic in a battle against Takumi
- Guy With A Psycho Weapon: Recently made an Urumi.
- Jumped At the Call: Found information Shin was given on the ruins and proceeded to "jump." Apparently the only example of this in Rebirth.
- Leave the Camera Running: Commonly carries a small flip camera which he uses to record everything.
- Lotus Position: a meditation enthusiast.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: His persona, Krishna.
- Nephewism: lives with his uncle, Shin Imoto.
- Never Bareheaded
- Playing with Fire
- Realistic Diction Is Unrealistic: Taken past realistic and into incomprehensible circuitousness sometimes.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to Charlie's Red, the Red to Shin's Blue.
- The Quiet One: Effectively—he is the opposite of eloquent.
- Speech Impediment: As a result of the brain damage he suffered in his past.
- Those Two Guys: With Charlie
- The Unintelligible: Sometimes descends into this.
- Warrior Prince: Krishna is this, as well as...
- The Wise Prince
Charles "Charlie" Oliviera
A young man who loves a fight, and cooking a good meal even more, he transferred from Canada after his mother got a job as a foreign idol, after living a strange childhood full of fights, traveling, and fluency in 6 languages. A former delinquent, he tries to change his ways, but trouble always seems to find a way to follow him. His persona, Sun Wukong, is a monkey who ran around beating up and stealing from as many people as he could, until he had been imprisoned and sent to work as a heavenly stable worker, until he was recruited to escort a monk to India. He may be one of the more normal characters, at least, if a little quirky...
- Ambiguously Brown: He's been mistaken for Japanese, Latino, American, all sorts of things. He speaks Japanese, Korean, Filipino, and Spanish, on top of that. All that's really known is that he's not white.
- Blow You Away: His starting spells were Garu and Bufu, but out of the two, Charles tends to use Garu the most, either making himself run faster, throwing knives hard enough to stick into walls without breaking, cutting things, throwing bears off of his face, or just plain knocking down innocent bystanders with it.
- Bruce Lee: Not only does he paraphrase the water quote, but he also gets a pair of nunchucks, too.
- Chef of Iron: The ability to cook came to Charles as his mother was burning some pasties, and he decided to take over right before the house set on fire, surprising his mother, who immidiately told him to take up cooking instead of being a delinquent. The Iron part, comes from his fighting nature
- Japanese Delinquents: Yes and no. Not actually Japanese, but more or less acts like one. He even does the trademark squat sometimes. However, he's far from anti-social
- Gratuitous Spanish: Used to always be in his speech, but he dropped it with time.
- Groin Attack: Toru's counter after Charles powerbombed him.
- Improbable Weapon User: His character profile even states that he played too much Yakuza and Dead Rising.
- Jerkass Gods: His persona, Sun Wukong, was more or less a delinquent. Complete with the youthful brashness and rowdiness, until someone in a postion of power told him to knock it the hell off. For Wukong, it was a council of gods. For Charles, it was his mother.
- Knife Nut: Even if he has one of his combo weapons, or whatever else, he never leaves home without a balisong.
- Le Parkour: Charles' first appearance; he vaults over another boy, spins around in the air, and punches him right in the face. Not to mention that he tends to make entrances by jumping off of nearby rooftops.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to pretty everyone's Blue. He's not exactly the chill type. And his favorite color is red, too.
- Trickster Archetype: Both Charles and his persona. Wukong in his story pretty much existed only to harass people and escort a monk to India. Charles pretty much exists to fight and break things, and subtly troll others.
- This now has a double meaning, as Charles earned the ability to do the Dash from the Trickster style.
- Wrestler in All of Us: In one of his earlier threads, he vertical suplexed Toru into a fountain, followed by a powerbomb, after Toru had attempted to put him into a guard. Later after that, he missile dropkicks a dog off of Eiji.
Sakura Kureno
- Mismatched Eyes
- Ms. Fanservice: A lesbian tsundere with a great body. She once got turned to a Catgirl, which had pink hair and a sailor suit. There have been various other occurrences, and more to come.
- Tsundere: Type A[context?]
Kyomu Monto
"I am a monster, Hikaru! A filthy, hateful creature! I want nothing but your death, our sister's death, our father's and our mother's! The whole would will be torn apart by these hands!"
Kyomu Monto is a year one girl, who throughout most of her life was fairly ignored next to her overactive younger brother and overacheiving older sister. As such, she was very lonely. Not that she cared. In fact she spent most of her time actively avoiding attention, not having many friends and spending her time reading or watching anime or playing videogames. Throughout her time she decided that life had no meaning, so there wasn't any point trying.
Then she got her Persona, Exdea- Exodus.
She decided that she would use this power and the shadows to destroy the world, and set out to manipulate others into helping her do so. She has so far managed to only be able to fully manipulate one person, Isoroku, but has since been feeling rather guilty about some of the stuff she did to the other girl...
After certain events where she was (temporarily any way) put in a wheelchair she was given Artificial Limbs by a certain Russain. She used these to try and kill Isoroku's boyfriend (Kakeru), who put her in the wheelchair, but ended up making Isoroku do it with one of her Persona's skills. When Isoroku went monster form she let her almost kill her, till Kakeru calmed the other girl down. She believes Isoroku hates her since then, and doesn't speak to her at all (though still likes to watch over her secretly)
Soon after she brought a boy named Kouji to the ruins, and made a bet with him over whether or not her nihilism was well placed. If Kouji could stick by his beliefs then she would admit she was wrong, but if Kouji lost them he would beg for forgiveness for his lies. Soon after they hooked up, though Kyomu hasn't admitted she was wrong yet.
Things were getting better, with Kouji's help. She went to go live with him for a while, though still Exodus said he did not like how things were turning out. Though other then one 'nightmare' where he attacked her, nothing happened. Kyomu decided that she was going to apologise to Isoroku, with Kouji there. The meeting together went well, and Kyomu was happy to find that Isoroku truly didn't hate her. And then Exodus took over, and attempted to kill both Kouji and Isoroku. Kouji was forced to initiate command Alpha Beta, and Kyomu's cyborg limbs fell off. She then went monster form, and attacked everyone in the park. Kouji and Isoroku both went Monster, causing chaos. Kyomu started killing everyone in the park, ignoring Isoroku and Kouji, till other persona users came and stopped her. Aleksandria then came in a helicopter and took her away.
During the trip in the helicopter Kyomu expressed her pure hatred for Exodus, and how she realized that she was an monster. Exodus disappeared and was replaced by AM, representing how she views herself. She now has new, better, cybernetic limbs and intends to use them and her new persona to kill everyone, deciding to start with those who were close to her...
- Complete Monster: How she views herself, and acts like. She still finds herself unable to actually kill anyone when not under complete control of her persona. Though, consider the shit she's endured, she may be more Jerkass Woobie.
- Character Development: Definetely showing the starting signs of it, starting to think of Isoroku to be more of a friend then a tool at least. And then she Descended.
- Creepy Monotone: Sometimes speaks in a monotone, but she usually isn't malicious when doing so. You should be more worried when she she stops... Unless you're Kouji. It has completely gone now due to her Descension.
- Cyborg: Of the Artificial Limbs variety, given to her by a Russian she met in the ruins for free. After losing her first set she got new, better ones. In return for this she is working with Aleksandria
- Determinator: Strangely for someone like her, she shows this trait at times. She even says she believes strength to be "... The will to push on forwards, always standing by the view that you think is right.". It just so happens that right to her is that the world is pointless, and should be destroyed for it.
- Large Ham: What do you expect, with Exdea- I MEAN EXODUS as her Persona?. And then AM.
- Lonely Rich Kid: Her family is fairly wealthy, and she was rather lonely as a child. She never really cared.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Her main goal is destroy the world, as life is pointless.
- Ice Queen->Defrosting Ice Queen: She is one, or at least wants to become one. Despite how much she wants to rid of them, emotions exist inside her. She sees them as her flaws. Acts less icy to Kouji and Isoroku, who seem to be the only people she cares about. Now she is no Ice Queen, but she wants to kill everyone close to her. Including Kouji and Isoroku.
- Yandere: To Isoroku at one point. Word of God states that she was confusing platonic love and lust love, as opposed to actually being in love with her. Becomes less so after Isoroku went monster form because of Kyomu, though there's still some traces. And now She wants to kill Isoroku AND Kouji because she wants to cut all ties to her past life, but is finding it incredibly hard to do so.
- Tsundere: Unwittingly acts like this to Kouji, until she realized she was being one to him and asked him to be her boyfriend.
- Opposites Attract: Her and Kouji.
Kouji Sakuma
A sixteen-year old boy in his first year of high school who had a very happy childhood and grew up more or less on fairy tales. His most defining characteristic is that he loves everyone. Everyone.
His Persona is Cupid, represented here by a cute, winged boy, who is a little snarky for some reason.
- The Archer: Wields a bow and arrow, but does not come with the personality archetype by an, uhm, longshot.
- Cuddle Bug: He just wants to hug everyone.
- Emotions vs. Stoicism: More or less started a bet with Kyomu about who could prove their philosophy to the other.
- Innocent Blue Eyes: Shares the trait with his Persona.
- Kissing Under the Influence: Kissed Kyomu for the first time when affected by her Marin Karin.
- Light'Em Up: His only offensive spell at the moment is light-based.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Kind of.
- Love God: His Persona, Cupid.
- Love Freak
- Nice Guy: But a bit of an idiot.
- For Happiness: He loves everyone, thus he wants everyone to be happy.
- Opposites Attract: The chemistry between him and Kyomu.
- The Power of Love / The Power of Friendship: Believes in it. Hard.
- Red Mage: Currently has as many offensive skills as support skills.
- Stupid Good: Wants to do what he believes to be the right thing, but makes some really dumb decisions along the way.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Truly believes love will solve everything and that everyone is really a good person on the inside.
Kinzaki 'Charlotte' Kirihara
Gentle, polite and calm, Kinzaki is an epitome of ideal Japanese lady despite being half-French. It's a pity that she doesn't like being touched by men.
- The Berserker: Surprisingly, she is one. After her awakening, she proceeded on beating the crap out of more than a dozen of Shadows. She ended up being severely injured, however.
- But Not Too Foreign: Half-French, half-Japanese.
- Enemy Scan
- Grumpy Bear: If she is hungry or sleepy, she'll get grumpy and more sarcastic. This grumpy side is nicknamed Black Kin-chan.
- Hates Being Touched: At least by men (including her father).
- Hot-Blooded: Surprisingly again, despite her usually gentle nature.
- Joan of Arc: Her Persona.
- Kimono Is Traditional: She likes wearing kimono wherever she goes, even school.
- Kimono Fanservice: Yay.
- Playing with Fire
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Year 2 Students
Kaede Susaki
Leader of the "good guy" group, Kaede Susaki is a sailor-mouthed, asocial artist who is best known for causing problems among the student populace and being an all around Jerkass. One thing most of the student populace doesn't know is that Kaede is actually a girl, due to her boyish appearance and general unpleasant attitude. Her Persona is Skuld of the Fortune Arcana, and she uses knives as weapons.
Though Kaede initially scoffed at the Butterfly rumors, she found herself caught up in them when a Butterfly appeared to her and Akiko and pulled them to the Ruins along with Manabu and Miyuki, which caused her to get directly involved in the incidents revolving around Manabu's awakening. Though she initially had no plans of returning to the ruins after awakening, she ended up becoming the unofficial leader of the "good guy" group after Sora stood up and announced his idea of what they should use their Personas for.
As the initial teams have begun to collapse, Kaede has been concerning herself more and more with helping protect the mental health of her teammates and even that of her enemies. Her attempts to help Sora led to her encountering him in the ruins after his ascension, leading to a fight between them. The mental strain caused by the fight caused Kaede to awaken to an ability of her Persona's she'd previously been ignorant to: the ability to see the future. She hasn't been dealing with the revelation well.
- Berserk Button: Kaede has a whole keyboard's worth, but the two big ones tend to be taking her beret and revealing her gender to other people.
- Bifauxnen
- Bokukko
- Dropped A Bridget On A Group of First Year Girls, Plus One Lesbian: Yeeeep.
- Expy: of Naoto in appearance only.
- Knife Nut: Uses a knife hidden in a fan as a weapon. Isn't very good with it.
- Mad Oracle: Implied to have become this in at least one alternate universe.
- Mismatched Eyes: Kaede has complete heterochromia, so one eye is brown while the other is blue.
- Nice Hat: Her beret. Sora even prefers to call her Beret instead of her actual name.
- Refusal of the Call: Like Kaji, Kaede didn't really plan on returning to the ruins. It was only when she realized Sora was going to abuse his powers that she decided to make her own faction of Persona users.
- Samus Is a Girl: It wasn't until about halfway through "Butterflies are jackasses" that she was outed as a girl.
- Seer
Kaji Okawa
Kaji is the local teenage vigilante. Those are in every fictional Japanese town, right? He's cool and collected, but has an undeniable thirst to punish criminals and an odd hero complex. The only person to, so far, find out about his vigilante antics is Kaede Susaki, and she's not telling anyone, so it's possible it'll remain a secret forever. His persona is Bucephalus of the Tower arcana.
He started his life in another town, that was filled with Yakuza. He and his friend, Ryoma, were sick of all the violence happening all around them, and decided to dress up in ridiculous costumes and fight crime. Initially, they were rather successful. And then they were actually recognized as a minor threat, and were nearly silenced. One night, they were ambushed by a ridiculous number of men. Kaji let his friend escape and took most of the beating himself. His mom found out the next morning when he was hanging, half dead, from a light post by his cape. She was not really pleased, and sent him to Nagashima to live with his relative.
After an uneventful period of time, going around beating up criminals, Kaji found himself, along with three others, in the ruins. He awakened his persona, and has currently resolved to join Kaede's team, condemning the member of Sora's team as criminals.
- Badass Normal: Even before he got his persona powers, Kaji was beating criminals up and down the streets of Nagashima.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: When he isn't using his staff, Kaji is rather proficient and beating up people with his bare hands.
- Cool Train: His persona is a dinosaur train that shoots lightning.
- Expy: Kaji would like you to return that life to god.
- Fallen Hero: Succumbs to his Shadow's hannibal lecturing, essentially "ascending" the wrong way and becoming a Knight Templar.
- Form-Fitting Wardrobe: "Kaji Okawa runs around in spandex and beats up people."
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: It's a bat that transforms into a staff that transforms into a spear thing. Goddamn.
- Improbable Weapon User: Would you like to see his staff?
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue oni. The red oni's somewhere in his backstory.
- Shock and Awe
- Refusal of the Call: Kaji really did not want to return to the ruins. Circumstances changed his mind.
- Simple Staff: His weapon. At least, when it isn't a spear or a bat.
- Superhero: Well, at least he tries to be.
- Vigilante Man
Satosu Hasha
One of the school's resident playboys, Satosu Hasha is a suave, charming young man who happens to have the attention of damn near every girl in the school. Including those who already have boyfriends. And some of the guys. His charming face is just a facade, however: he enjoys stringing people around as though they were his playthings, never really intending to get into a relationship with them. He constantly teases girls, while never actually getting into a relationship. That would just hurt their feelings when they realized he was just screwing with them all along. And that could hurt his reputation. His persona is Narcissus of the Judgement Arcana.
He awakened to his persona along with a few others, going ahead and fighting some bird monsters with sword hands while he was at it. He didn't really do much with his powers until Kaede's group was formed, which he joined if only to keep up his reputation. Nowadays, he's mostly checking up on Sora's team, to see if any of them are as evil as they seem. He's also been busy helping out Miyuki get over here fear of close contact after Manabu attempted to park his car in her garage.
- Character Tic: Pushing up his glasses and holding one of his hands up near his face as though he were holding something.
- Chivalrous Pervert: To the point of asking Kira if he was free to oogle her.
- Consummate Liar
- Expy: Satosu would like to know if you'd mind if he reeled you in.
- Elemental Powers: Satosu will, eventually, be able to use fire, ice, lightning, and wind spells.
- Really Gets Around: Subverted. Satosu enjoys leading girls along, sure, but he'd never sleep with them. It's against his principles.
- Stoic Spectacles: They are pushed up. Constantly.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Sure, he resists all four base elements, but he's crippling weak to both of the instant death spells AND physical spells!
Ryouta Endo
Ryouta is rather infamously known as the unluckiest boy at Taiyoutono high. His track record of unlucky escapades range from simply tripping over his shoelaces, to making anvils fall from the sky when there was no clear high point nearby for them to be dropped off of.
Still, despite all of his life's shortcomings, Ryouta generally retains an attitude of relentless optimism, holding out for the day when his luck finally turns around. At this point, it still seems to be a long ways away. His Persona, Guan Ping, is currently on a mission to make Ryouta stronger and more self sufficient.
- Born Unlucky: And how.
- The Pollyana: Despite all the awful stuff he goes through, Ryouta almost always tries to keep a positive attitude, though there have been occasions where he's had small breakdowns.
- Yank the Dog's Chain
Ryoichi Shimizu
Ryoichi is one of the more normal students at the school, despite being a member of the infamous "Ryotrio". He's ridiculously forgetful, but manages to ace tests due to his ridiculous luck. When he was younger, his cousin Yuzuki lived with him, and they were both friends with Ayane. His Persona is Ebisu of the Sun Arcana, which manifests itself as a leech-bodied fisherman.
[[spoiler:When he was younger, he watched Ayane's family be murdered from his bedroom window. The shock of the incident caused him to violently repress his memories of it, leading to his present memory issues. His memories become unrepressed during an encounter with Yuzuki, causing him to take his monster form and nearly kill Yuzuki. Though she lived, he's convinced himself that he actually killed her, and thanks to Sora, has begun a policy of killing new Persona users before they can become involved to save them.
Later, he's one of the many Persona users to catch Hoculus. After Sora visits him, he has an epiphany and decides that he wants to dedicate himself to protecting his friends, prompting his Persona's ascension into Okuninushi.]]
- Blade on a Stick: Uses a collapsible spear for a weapon.
- Driven to Suicide: Came very close to this, but thanks to his friends, he was able to reconsider.
- Forgetful Jones
- Hearing Personae: Ryoichi can hear Personae, though it's not always voices he hears so much as sounds.
- Mercy Kill: Believes that his purpose is to give these out to anyone suffering in the world. Gets over it.
- Nice Guy
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia
Sora Mori
Sora is one of Taiyoutono's many attractive males. Unfortunately for the entire student body however, he is also a complete douche bag. Sora makes it seem like he almost goes out of his way to be a terrible person. He's been caught selling drugs, stealing, and is most infamous for leaving a trail of broken hearts throughout the school.
There is little justification that he gives for his actions other than the standard "The world is a terrible place", and that he's just playing his part. A look into his history reveals he's from a very long line of criminals, traceable back to the feudal era. His parents, being a part of this bloodline, were less than stellar role models. Due to the events of his childhood and the genetic code he carries, Sora believes that he literally has no other choice than to be evil. It's been implied that that may not be entirely true.
He's one of the wild cards on the forum, and as such, has more than one Persona. He has a strange Egyptian like reptile named Nu, and what is essentially a European sex fairy named Gancanagh. He also has Amatsu-Mikaboshi, a persona with powerful almighty skills, and resolved into Lucifer.
As of now,[when?] after a brief period of flirting with insanity and succumbing to his evil side, even resolving to Lucifer, Sora's decided to try being nice for a change after some people try to talk sense into him.
- An Axe to Grind: An Axe is his weapon of choice. The weapon in question just so happens to be the same axe his uncle murdered a bunch of people with.
- Bishonen: Sora uses this to his advantage to manipulate women.
- Friends with Benefits: It would seem that Sora often had a relationship like this with his past girlfriends. Chances are likely that he's never been in a real romantic relationship before.
- In the Blood: One of the reasons Sora is (or pretends to be) evil.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: It's either that or he's secretly a nice guy. This issue hasn't been resolved yet.
Kumori Yatsu
Most of Kumori's classmates don't realize that he exists, and they do, then they probably only remember him by face or by rumours. After all, it's rather hard to get to know someone who sleeps through nearly all of his classes. Though completely unmotivated, he is at the top of his class on account of his sheer intelligence alone. Behind his facade, he is a kind and considerate individual and overall one of the more normal students, almost to an unnatural degree. His Persona is the mythological hero Achilles, who he gets along fairly well with. He tends to explore the ruins on his own, not choosing to take a side in the Sora versus Kaede conflict due to his unwillingness to get into direct conflict with his fellow classmates. In fact, when he does bump into people in the ruins, he tends to help them as best he can regardless of faction.
- Apologetic Attacker
- Blow You Away: Technically, since he utilizes Force magic.
- Body Horror: His shadow form is this.
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Comically Missing the Point: Being half-asleep for most of their waking hours day tends to do this to a person.
- Dance Battler
- Enemy Scan
- Gravity Master: Gains this power after he grows out of his previous elemental affinity.
- Heavy Sleeper: He starts out in most thread sleeping and has been labeled Sleepyhead as a result. The only reasons that he hasn't had any punishment for sleeping through practically all of his classes is due to his own intellect and the fact that most of his teachers are always asleep.
- Heroic Neutral
- Intelligence Equals Isolation
- Nice Guy: Provided that he's awake.
- Only Sane Dungeon Crawler: Spends most of his time in the ruins healing everyone who's getting beaten up on.
- Ordinary High School Student: In comparison to the rest of the students.
- Parental Abandonment: Like so many of his classmates.
- The Archer
- The Quiet One
- The Stoic: Kumori is generally able to keep his cool throughout the strange things that happen at his school. It also helps that he is half-asleep for most of his time at school, leading to some quirky behaviour at times.
Haruka Rin
Haruka Rin would seem to be the example of the perfect student. Her grades are excellent, her parents are both wealthy lawyers, she takes care of her appearance, and she often excels in the activities she participates in. The problem? Haruka is a schizophrenic. As a result the girl has little sense of identity left, only grasping onto fragments of her old self. It's unclear whether or not her voices reflect what she is personally feeling, or if they are independent of her real thoughts.
She currently has not aligned herself with either faction, though she tends to explore more with members of Kaede's team. Haruka finds the whole situation to be rather foolish. A certain awkward care has been shown for Manabu, whom she now has shown a desire to protect. This is likely due to the incident that happened between the two earlier.
Her Persona is a rather literal interpretation of her schizophrenia, taking the form of a group of corpse like humans.
- The Archer: Haruka uses a bow for a weapon.
- Driven to Suicide: It's heavily implied, if not outright stated, that Haruka has tried to kill herself before. Likely a result of her voices twisting her perception on reality.
- Hearing Voices: Quite often really. Represented by smaller, colored text interspersed between the actual narration.
- Ice Queen: She often can act rather coldly to people, which can likely be blamed on her fragmented personality. It also helps that she is predominately aligned with Ice type spells.
- Murder Is the Best Solution: It's been implied that her voices have compelled her to attack people before, though the most recent example came when she tried to kill Manabu with a broken beer bottle. The ringer? She did it because they convinced her it was helping him.
- The Schizophrenia Conspiracy: Mostly averted. The Role Player is doing her best to portray Haruka as a realistic Schizophrenic. Of course, not being a doctor or expert on the disease, some slips are bound to be made.
Yuuki Mikawa
- Third Person Person
- Wholesome Crossdresser: He has long hair, wears very pretty dresses, and acts and looks generally very girly... but also happens to be quite male. Not that you would know unless you happened to catch the odd Panty Shot.
Toru Watanabe
Seemingly a straight-laced young man who doesn't have a family, doesn't bother anyone, and participates in a variety of school activities. He also happens to be living on autopilot until he gets irritated, or notices that he has feelings of any variety—at which point, he tends to become rather violent.
- Ax Crazy
- Aztec Mythology: His persona is Tezcatlipoca, the Smoking Mirror.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: practices Xingyiquan.
- Blow You Away
- Brown Note: The Voice of Tezcatlipoca, which only Toru can hear.
- Body Horror: His monster form, Toru-Tezcatlipoca, emerged when the shards of his broken mask flayed the flesh from his skull.
- Cain and Abel: Towards Naoya; not actually brothers, but the two were once very close.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Eldritch Abomination: Toru-Tezcatlipoca comes close.
- Enemy to All Living Things
- Enemy Within: Zig-Zagged. Was not outright malicious, though maybe a bit of a Jerkass before Awakening, but has insisted that he is not under anything's control.
- Evil Smells Bad: Has moved into the ruins, where there are no showers or working bathrooms.
- Evil Mentor: Is trading information for provisions with a newer persona user.
- Expy: A villainous version of Meursault, from The Stranger.
- Fallen Hero: Originally protected Naoya from a group of bullies. Then something went wrong.
- I'm Having Soul Pains: Almost all the characters hear their personae speaking at some point. Toru's persona causes him immense pain when it speaks.
- Life Drain
- Man Bites Man
- Mind Rape
- Obviously Evil
- The Resenter: towards Naoya.
- Shout-Out: Named for the main character of Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood.
- The Soulless: Essentially Empty Shell with an extra helping of violence.
- The Unfettered
- Verbal Tic: Has a habit of appending "I'd even say" on to the end of any statement.
- Would Hurt a Child
Yuuto "Yuu" Hayashi
A half-Japanese, half-British boy with eccentric habits, Yuuto was raised by his parents in a rather unconventional manner, encouraging him to just be himself. This ended up making him a social pariah when he entered school, giving him a desire for friendship and approval even as he became an introvert. When Yuuto's father was offered a higher-paying job at Roketto University in Nagashima, his family moved there and enrolled him in Taiyoutono High, where he became the only male member of Taiyoutono's Cooking Club. His Persona is Eros, of the Lovers Arcana.
Yuuto's initial experience with Personae has not been very positive. He nearly got mauled by a Shadow in the Ruins, and saw the aftermath of the violent altercation in the park.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Only when he's not focused on cooking or art.
- Bi the Way: Implied in his profile. (Another equally plausible answer to the implications is that Yuu is a Hermaphrodite, but the former is a far more likely and obvious explanation.)
- Blow You Away
- Break the Cutie: Yuuto's experiences from the time after he got his Persona have not been very fun for him.
- But Not Too Foreign: Yuuto is half-Japanese, half-British. This made him the target of discrimination in primary school.
- Classical Mythology: His Persona is Eros, god of love and desire.
- Cloudcuckoolander: His profile describes him as having his head eternally in the clouds and the subtitle for his profile outright calls him one by name.
- Combat Medic: Eros has both healing spells and damaging spells in his arsenal.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: To the degree that he's inflicted Stupid Sexy Flanders syndrome upon four people at once.
- Expy: Of Severin from Fragile.
- Glass Cannon: Eros has good attack skills, magic and debuffs, nullifies Water and resists Wind. However, he is weak to three elements at once, including Darkness.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: But his fear of rejection makes it hard for him.
- Keet
- The Klutz
- Making a Splash: His main elemental specialization is Water, which gives him an extra-strong spell in this element: Blue Impact.
- Squishy Wizard: Has no actual combat skill, forcing him to rely on his Persona for offense. This comes back to bite him in the ass when he gets attacked by a zombie-like Shadow: he is unable to fend it off until he hits it with magic, and it nearly ends up strangling him.
- Supreme Chef
- Thinking Out Loud: Common for him.
Rio Matsushita
The only introduced member of Taiyoutono's school newspaper, Rio has a penchant for drug use, zero tact, and more money than she should.
- Amoral Attorney: Her former persona was Doctor Gonzo of the Hierophant Arcanum.
- Animal Motifs: Her Shadow has spider traits.
- Badass Pacifist: Has yet to make an offensive move.
- Enemy Scan: Half of her power package.
- Erudite Stoner: Does drugs, but has a well-developed sense of self-preservation and a love of uncovering the truth.
- Expy: She is a Japanese Schoolgirl who acts like Hunter S. Thompson.
- Forum Pecking Order: The creator of the meta-forum, Bedlam.
- Gonk: Her Persona is a toad-like man in a crumpled suit.
- Gonzo Journalism: Presumably writes her articles in this style.
- Hunter S. Thompson: Her current persona, Uncle Lono, is essentially a shark man that acts like the father of gonzo journalism.
- Ill Girl: During the Hoculus outbreak, though not played for Moe. The bucket hat and aviators see to that.
- Lonely Rich Kid: Has some shades of this.
- Mission Control: What her powers make her out to be.
- Ms. Exposition: for Elizabeth.
- Nixon Mask: Everyone gains their powers through a mask. Rio gets hers through a supernatural Richard Nixon mask.
- Rule of Funny: Did you notice the part where she's a Japanese School Girl who acts like Hunter S. Thompson and gets her powers through a Richard Nixon mask?
- Selfish Good: Created Bedlam, a legitimately useful way to share information, primarily so that she would have access to what was going on.
- Sensor Character: Has zero offensive capability.
- Serious Business: Her persona's Briefcase of Infinite Knowledge.
- Teleporters and Transporters: The other half of her power package.
- Throwing Down the Gauntlet: Shortly after recovering from Hoculus, she began to recruit more staff for Bedlam. When two users entered into a Flame War, Rio shut it down by delivering a "The Reason You Suck" Speech in full Gonzo style.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Loves her grapefruit. Never seen without them.
Takahata Eiji
Just a simple country boy. Eiji lived an uneventful life with his extended family out in the country, but eventually grew weary of it, wanting to experience the excitement that is going to school in the city. Naturally, the closest city was Nagashima.
- Bi the Way
- Country Mouse: Actually sort of a touchy subject for him.
- Knife Nut
- Oh Me Accents Slipping: Suspect to this at times. When he realized that he hit Oliver's Berserk Button, he started to lapse into a loose country dialect. He doesn't exactly take well to having it criticized.
- Ordinary High School Student
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Has this reaction to almost any effeminate male.
- The Rival: With Kaburagi Joe, almost to Sitcom Arch Nemesis levels.
Tomatsu Kenta
Toma is a relatively normal 17 year old who lives with his mother after she and his father broke up. When he was younger Toma was violent boy who often got into trouble because of it, but later became less so when his teacher taught him to calm himself via the chewing of toothpicks. He vowed not to fight another person again to his teacher when he left for High School, a vow he has kept so far. He still, however, can be easily angered by most things, an anger which he sometimes struggles to contain.
His Persona is Daigoro, a dog-like creature who is seemingly incapable of talking. It constantly growls at him, except when he is fighting or in the ruins, and is the personification of his supressed violent tendencies. It is starting to drive him crazy, causing him to become even more angrier then before, and he wishes to find a way that he could get rid of it and all the Personae forever.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: His tone and the things that he say make him seem like a jerk sometimes, but he means well.
- Katanas Are Just Better: His weapon of choice is a 5 foot long katana.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: The above mentioned chewing of toothpicks.
- Playing with Fire
- Berserk Button: People suggesting that Personae can be good or Personae taking over people.
Matro Ora
- Badass Bookworm: There's not much a guy with one arm can do, but his books have never failed him in the past.
- Brutal Honesty: Even if it comes out wrong, Matro will never hide the truth.
Itsuki Kondo
One of the local delinquents at Taiyoutono, Itsuki is rude, loudmouthed and loves to fight. However, beneath the asshole exterior lies a man with a troubled past and a heap of issues. His persona is Garm, of the Chariot Arcana.
- An Ice Person
- Armored Closet Gay
- Big Badass Wolf: Garm.
- Blood Knight: Fighting makes him feel more alive.
- But Not Too Foreign: Itsuki is part-Russian, part-Japanese.
- Casanova Wannabe: He hits on girls to prove he's straight.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Cutlass Between the Teeth: Garm fights with a sword between his teeth.
- Dark and Troubled Past: He lost his mother to childbirth, and when word of his sexuality got out he was beaten up for being gay.
- Expy: Itsuki is an expy of Kanji, while Garm is an expy of Great Gray Wolf Sif.
- Gayngster
- Glass Ninja: Garm is great on the offensive and is very fast, but his defense is a bit lacking.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?
- Japanese Delinquents
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being a quarrelsome delinquent, he is capable of being a decent person, such as when he offers to help Kaya and her mother with the motorcycle they were fixing before delinquents smashed it up.
- Sir Swearsalot: He says "fuck" and "shit" quite often.
- Shout-Out: Garm has an ultimate attack called "Howling Hazard", the name of an attack used by Valkyrie Profile boss Fenrir.
- Invisible to Gaydar
S. Harkens
An exchange student of questionable history, Harkens is not known to be a paragon of either normality or morality. Enjoys keeping himself busy with various random hobbies and weirding out his peers. His persona is Gaius Caligula of the Justice Arcana.
- Catch Phrase: "You get to call me Harkens"
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Dark and Troubled Past: Makes a few references to it, but only some details.
- The Sociopath: While not bloodthirsty, he is fairly amoral and has some problem understanding right and wrong.
Aleksandrina Fyodor
Tamago Hayase
Isoroku Mayoi
A painfully shy bespectacled girl who loves to read and has a Photographic Memory. Now in a relationship with Kakeru.
- Blow You Away
- Break the Cutie: From the park incident onward, she experienced a steady process of this. Being cruelly tortured by Aleksandria is the last straw.
- Covert Pervert: Secretly likes being groped by Nanae, but often denies it.
- Cute Clumsy Girl
- Damsel in Distress: And really hates herself for it.
- Lady and Knight: Her relationship with Kakeru.
- Meganekko: And always ends up breaking her glasses in inappropriate moment.
- Nice Girl: Probably one of the nicest ones in Nagashima.
- Photographic Memory
- Shrinking Violet
- The Woobie: Her life sucks.
Takashi Kurotobi
- Blow You Away: Most of his persona's skills are wind based.
- Friendless Background
- Green Eyed Red Head
- Not Good with People: A partial type one, while he can talk to people, he's not very good at it.
- One Takashi Limit: Breaks it,he shares a name with Takashi Kouno
- Perky Goth: Dresses like one just because he likes the look.
- Standard Status Effects: Has charm and confusion spells.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Zig-Zagged, it's Justified in that his "anime red" comes from hair dye, but without it he's still a natural redhead.
Nana Samurakami
Nana is an infamous former sukeban, and student of Taiyoutono. Once one of the most feared delinquents in the school, she went straight after her father was killed in a car accident. After receiving her Persona, she starts acting the mentor to Ryuunosuke and helps him both rescue Hotaru and gain a new confidence in himself.
After the incident in the park, she's taken control of her old gang once more and begun attacking stray Persona users in hope of gaining information. Her death has recently been predicted by the Oracle and it's unknown if she'll survive.
Her Persona is Izanami of the Death Arcana.
- Big Brother Mentor: Takes it upon herself to be this for Ryuunosuke.
- Japanese Delinquents: Formerly, anyways. She's still known as both "Wooden Sword" Nana and Lady Banchou among delinquent circles.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Sincerely believes this, but lacks the funds to actually buy one, which leads to...
- Kansai Regional Accent
- Otaku: Self admitted Samurai Otaku, though it may be more accurate to describe her as a samurai wannabe.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- The Idiot From Osaka: Tends to come off as this to her classmates, due to her insistence on using a Kansai dialect despite living in Nagashima.
- The Ladette
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Though it's easy to believe her green hair is dyed due to her delinquent nature, it's actually completely natural.
Year 3 Students
Kira Kameko
Probably one of the least insane characters in the city. Beyond a strange preference for wearing boxers, she's got very normal hobbies and reasons for having those hobbies. The strangeness around her HAS played its part in her development as a person, and she's a bit of a coward, but she is definitely one of the more stable personalities and friendly when not going through a rough patch.
She was one of the first few Persona users that discovered groups of users other then their own existed. Her attempts to put out a fire and break up a fight by using her control of water was caught by several others, including Kaji and Manabu, and she later confessed and apologized (she unintentionally burned Tsukasa's hand with her water magic, unaware of the redhead's vulnerability). Recently, she learned of a 'Miss Yellow' from Kyousuke, and intends on informing the rest of the "good guy" group.
Her Persona is Otohime of the Strength Arcana, a goddess from Japanese folklore. She fights using a sword, but is also prone to breaking out a fire ax when the fight gets too heated.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Normally calm, friendly, and the sanest of the bunch. She also has problems caused by repressing her anger, which really shows when hit with a Charm spell or other mental status ailment. Just ask Sora. It got worse when she thought Chouko killed Tsukasa, causing her to transform into her monster form and rampage after her. It was only Ryouta's attempts to talk her down and the discovery Tsukasa was going to be alright that she finally cooled down.
- But Not Too Foreign: She's the daughter of an American couple, but otherwise is a Japanese native. She's spent every summer in the north west with her grandparents, and considers it her second home.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: The reason she got into this mess, and likely why she'll stay.
- Combat Medic: Her Skill set makes her an excellent healer/buffer, but she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty.
- Cowardly Lion: First person to want to run, but always last to leave the fight.
- Cute Monster Girl/Half-Human Hybrid: Her attempt to forcibly regain control of herself during her monster transformation left her with a pair of wings and a tail, along with long, wire-like black hair. Until she accepts her shadow, she won't be able to get rid of them, either.
- Deadpan Snarker: Though she's usually polite enough to keep it to herself, she has little tolerance for idiocy or craziness.
- Even the Girls Want Her: For no immediately apparent reason, she gets more female valentines then male. Girls seem to have trouble telling she's not a boy, despite her appearance not being remotely masculine outside her state of dress and demeanor/height. It's to the point she genuinely worries she looks like a dude.
- Expy: Kira herself is not one, but her monster form is blatantly based on the Wild Force Batalizer and Grieger Mode Megaman in appearance, and the Raincoat Killer in personality.
- Fragile Speedster: Lacks physical strength, but is noted as being one of the fastest members of the Track and Field club.
- Knight in Sour Armor: Secretly resents the people she helps for getting in trouble in the first place, forcing her to risk her neck or put up with a snowball of wacky hijinks by pulling them out. Hates herself for feeling this way.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Subverted. She's not very good with a sword, and doesn't even like it. She only sticks with swords because it's easier to carry a kendo stick in public than concealing her preferred weapon.
- Meaningful Name/Punny Name: Kira means light, sun, and glittering depending on language, but also bares a resemblance to the Gaelic name for 'Lady of Dark Beauty', hinting at her conflicting personality traits. More directly, Kameko is the Japanese word for tortoise, a symbol for long life ("He who fights and runs away...").
- Memetic Sex Goddess: Her popularity in the shipping summary topic has earned her the nickname 'Kargo' amongst the forum goers.
- Naughty Tentacles: As a result of finding a certain 'comic' under her sister's mattress at a young age, she has a long standing fear of these.
- Ordinary High School Student: One of the few non-crazies/weirdos in Taiyoutono High. If you don't count her occasional preference for Boxers over panties.
- Parental Abandonment: Not as bad as most cases. Her parents are workaholics with long hours to support their lifestyles, so she doesn't see them often. Her older sister tried to step in to fulfill that role, with mixed results, and her 'family' in the US helped substitute. She still spends time with them, and doesn't entirely mind the gap.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Straddles the line. She's normally Blue Oni, thinking logically and letting people who say "it's not what it looks like" try to explain. When it comes to helping people or something sets off her fight/flight response, however, she acts distinctly Red Oni.
- Technical Pacifist: She won't start a fight, but she'll sure as hell end one. More directly, she has a strong aversion to killing someone, but not beating them up.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Her life was getting pretty crappy when Chouko started stalking her, but even with all that she was able to start a steady relationship with Ryouta. The fact he has a girlfriend who is willing to go through all his bad luck to be with him means this can apply to him too.
Akiko Hideyoshi
The town's local cowboy, as if Nagashima wasn't odd enough. Has a habit of calling people nicknames they don't want, has a ton of guns, and is fucking his cousin.
- Embarrassing First Name: Akiko is actually male, despite his girly name. However, he doesn't seem to mind being called by it.
Yuzuki Shimizu
The current President of Taiyoutono High's Student Council.
- All the Myriad Ways: Prior to the events of You Don't Want to End Up That Way, Yuzuki was able to see alternate realities. This did not have positive effects on her mental health
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Yuzuki acts childish but seems to be quite willing to listen to what her subordinates have to say, indicating that she actually takes her job seriously.
- Cicadian Rhythm: Now weaponized by her.
- Expy: Of Rika. Originally only in personality, but after she succumbed to her shadow once, she now matches her in physical appearance as well.
- Evil Costume Switch: Her Shadow forme is this as well as Body Horror.
- Fingore: Invoked when she scared the wits out of some delinquents. Has this done to her in a hallucination.
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: Has explosives, chainsaws and a machete in her repertoire of weapons of choice.
- I Love Nuclear Power
- Let's Get Dangerous: Have fun dealing with Yuzuki dropping her facade if you piss her off.
- Student Council President
Sotare Shalon
A wallflower by habit, Sotare is an intelligent, sarcastic student who would sooner have everyone run from him like the plague then carry an hour-long conversation.
- Bookworm: The walls of his room might as well just be bookshelves.
- Creature of Habit: Although new developments are giving him reason to change that.
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: To the point that he doesn't even bother to remember other people's names unless he's aware that he'll have to use it later.
- Refusal of the Call: When he first gained his powers, his new magical side conflicted so much with his scientific norms that his mind locked up for three days.
- Surrounded by Idiots: At the moment, he firmly believes this. Some characters aren't making it any better. Subverted in him not being an antagonist.
- The Grim Reaper: Yep, Sotare's persona is in fact, Death.
- The Quiet One
Kyousuke Fuben
"I... I don't want anyone else to die because of me. I killed mommy... And daddy... I don't want to kill you too, Kira. You're like my sister... I love you. So p-please... run..."
Kyousuke is not exactly the sanest person in Nagashima. Spoiled from a young age by rich parents, they didn't notice that their child appeared to have some severe mental problems. Once they hit hard times, they began to notice, but have only been passing it off as a phase. Kyousuke does everything and anything he thinks is fun, and barely even achknowledges the fact that other things exist if something's grabbed his attention. He's almost childlike, and has been described as a hyperactive puppy. A hyperactive puppy that happens to be able to control monsters and has nuclear powers.
After awakening to his persona, Kyousuke was contacted by Ms. Yellow, along with Sora, and ordered to keep people out of the ruins. Kyousuke didn't really know what to make of it, other than that he got to fight people, which was always fun. He's been hanging around with Sora's group and fighting people in the ruins, along with random shadows. He also has his own pet shadow, an enormous snake that he calls Niggles. Niggles can shoot eye lasers.
It is eventually revealed that his persona, Gilgamesh, is prompting him to play a "game" in which he kills people he finds in the ruins. Kyousuke does not truly know what it means to die or kill someone, so he goes ahead with it, not knowing the consequences of his actions. Eventually, his persona tells him to play this game with his parents, which he does. Kyousuke is then on the run from the police, confused and scared as to what is going on. During all this, Ms. Yellow gives him strange new abilities that are immensely powerful, but hurt horribly to use. Soon enough, he goes back to her, and she seemingly fixes the problem. Eventually, it gets through to him that he has killed his own parents and they are never coming back. He goes monster form, but is restrained.
That's when Ms. Yellow walks in. She reveals that Kyousuke is not fully fixed, and that the damage done to him from his spells is now internal. The effect is now even worse, because energy is building up in his body that will eventually cause him to explode. Kyousuke goes into hiding, but comes back when Kira is about to be killed by the Gunman. He ascends and kills the Gunman, but pleads with Kira to flee before he explodes so she won't die in the crossfire. Kyousuke dies, and leaves all his possessions in Kira's hands.
However, later Kyousuke reappears in the ruins, having been revived by Ms. Yellow for reasons unknown.
- Ax Crazy
- Back from the Dead
- Big Eater: Not Kyousuke himself, but his persona is shown eating a whole pineapple.
- Blood Knight
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cool Bike: Its first appearance was Kyousuke crashing it through a window... and then falling off it.
- Duct Tape for Everything: He attempted to reattach his hand with the stuff. Also, he tried to tie up Kira with it.
- I Love Nuclear Power: Kyousuke's main weapon of choice, when he's not using his BFS, are nuclear spells.
- Killed Off for Real
- Laughing Mad
- Parental Abandonment: Subverted, Kyousuke's parents coddled him way too much, which somehow helped him go crazy.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Redemption Equals Death
- Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense: Kyousuke's family was rich, and tended to spoil him like crazy. That was one of the factors, along with his already in place mental problems, that turned him into who he is today.
- Snakes Are Evil: Kyousuke acquired a giant snake Shadow for a pet, giving it the name of Niggles.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Well he has white hair, but is he pretty? Uh....
Chouko Yaguruma
Chouko is a third year student at Taiyoutono. Though she appears normal, she has experienced a fair amount of trauma over her life, culminating in a rather obsessive personality, in which she has a tendency to attach herself to others in order to "protect" them. Her Persona is Arachne of the Devil Arcana.
When Chouko was younger, she had a haughtier personality, which led to her and her sister being attacked over some comments she made. Though her attackers hadn't meant to hurt them as badly as they did, the end result of the fight led to Chouko's sister dying, and Chouko having to go through therapy in order to regain use of her legs. A few years later, she entered a relationship with a boy from school. A few months after they'd been dating, the boyfriend was stabbed to death in front of Chouko's eyes in a mugging. This caused her to undergo a complete psychotic break, causing her to gain her new obsessive personality.
She recently began dating Sora Mori after they awakened to their Personas together in the ruins. She seems oblivious to the fact that she obviously terrifies him, despite the fact that she dismembered a woman Sora had been ogling so that he would know not to cheat on her. She views anyone who acts too familiar with Sora a threat, man or woman, and would gladly give her life to protect him... or give his life so that he would be "protected" as well.
After Sora breaks up with her to protect her, Chouko follows him to the ruins and gets involved in a fight between Sora and Ryouta. During the fight, Ryouta stabs Chouko and accidentally kills her.
- Break the Haughty: Occurred in her backstory, turning her into the Chouko we know and love today.
- Died in Your Arms Tonight
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: Uses one of the meat cleavers from Cooking Club as a weapon.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Killed Off for Real
- Lethal Chef: Despite being in the Cooking Club, she's completely incapable of cooking anything edible.
- Meganekko
- Speech Impediment: Chouko speaks with a rather noticeable (and grating) stutter. Sometimes it gets so bad she can't even finish her sentences. It disappears when she goes into full-on Yandere mode.
- Stepford Smiler: Hides her mental issues under a stutter and a smile.
- Trauma Conga Line: Sister and her get beaten nearly to death, escape, get hit by a car, Chouko goes into therapy, sister becomes a vegetable and later dies, Chouko recovers, Chouko dates boy, boy gets mugged to death...
- Yandere: Acts crazy-possessive towards Sora to the point of dismembering a woman Sora had his eyes on.
Katsurou Yamato
Katsurou is the school's Mad Scientist. He may not act like a mad scientist, but he certainly has no problem blowing the crap out of the school's science lab...repeatedly. As such with the intelligence that he carries in his brain, Katsurou finds everyone around him to be a band of idiots that are beneath him and are not worth his time. The arrogance that he graces with everyone he meets, stems from his 'I'm better than you' attitude that has gotten him into many situations that involved violence. That violence spurred him into learning martial arts, though only recently he's begun to use it against threats other than the monsters that tries to kill him underneath the city.
His Persona is the sadistic Yoshitsugu Otani of the Hermit Arcana, whom constantly whispers actions of malice to the scientist that occasionally get through to him, but mostly is ignored. Yoshitsugu is a Dark-aligned Persona that allows Katsurou to create purple auras around his fists to allow him to rot anything he touches. His has yet to test this power on humans however.
- Actual Pacifist: Before his curb stomp battle (see below), Katsurou would never raise a finger to protect himself. His reason? He figured that the idiots that he beat would only come back to avenge their humiliation or more idiots would come because they've heard about his fights and that he would waste less energy if he let them beat him up. He realized how stupid that was.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Badass Labcoat
- Berserk Button: Although he maintains a normally disinterested out look on life, he has several confrontations with Tsukasa in which he lets his anger get the better of him.
- Curb Stomp Battle: After a heated argument with Tsukasa about his pacifistic approach to his bullying, Katsurou decided that indeed was a bunch of bull crap and proceed to beat the living hell out of his tormentors in a complete one-sided fight.
- Mad Scientist: Katsurou has blown up the science lab on more than one occasion, almost getting sued one time, during experiments that no one even knows what they are about. He is also a little too interested in his Persona abilities and the mysteries that surrounds the Mysterious Ruins
- Surrounded by Idiots: Katsurou firmly believes that everyone around him is an idiot one way or another.
- Walking Wasteland: His Persona ability allows him to rot anything he touches with his black aura fists.
Kuzuki Harada
A young man who strives to be the best at whatever he sets his mind to, Kuzuki transferred to Taiyoutono a year after his father's death. Two years later, he's part of the kendo team and is vice-president of the Student Council. There's a reason why he's an overachiever: it's all a way of earning his father's love and approval by trying to live up to the expectations he thinks his father had for him. His Persona is Grani, of the Emperor Arcana.
- The Ace: He is a member of the kendo team, vice-president of the Student Council, and a volunteer worker at a local hospital.
- Broken Ace/He Who Fights Monsters: Qualifies for the former given his very real risk of burning himself out. Outright stated to break down and become the latter in a speculative AU.
- Aloof Big Brother: To his sister Kyoko.
- Brutal Honesty: He'll still try to be polite about telling you the awful truth though.
- Grani plays it straighter.
Grani: "Listen to me. That thing out there is not your friend. It does not want to help you, it will not listen to you, and nobody is coming to save you. If you do not take action now, you will die."
- Disappeared Dad: His father, a policeman, died while trying to arrest a Serial Killer.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Played as a destructive character trait, as Kuzuki's Pride drives him to refuse help even when he needs it the most. For example, against a powerful Shadow, he refuses to let the more durable members of his party take the hit, even though those party members completely nullify that Shadow's element. Maria calls him out on this physically.
- Education Mama: Inverted—Kuzuki's mother is the one trying to persuade him to slow down and stop being such a workaholic. Kuzuki doesn't heed her advice.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Since he knows Kendo, it's justified.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: To Yuzuki, although she isn't so much incompetent as really easy-going.
- Jack of All Stats: Grani has physical attack skills, magic spells and buffs, allowing him to have a skill for any situation. He also has only two weaknesses, invulnerablity to Thunder, and decent (but not good) stats in all categories.
- Knight Templar: He has started to show hints of this ever since becoming part of the war against Shadows and rogue Persona users.
Kuzuki: Mercy is wasted on those who threaten people's lives.
- Light'Em Up: Grani's second elemental specialty.
- Norse Mythology: His Persona is Grani, scion of Odin's horse Sleipnir and steed of Siegfried the hero.
- Only Sane Man: The only one in Taiyoutono High—and that's saying something. He's becoming less of this after getting his Persona, as hes starting to get used to the weirdness of Nagashima.
- Ordinary High School Student: One of the few in Taiyoutono before he, too, got sucked into the Ruins.
- Our Centaurs Are Different: Grani is a armored robotic centaur spirit.
- Responsible Sibling: As The Ace, this is only expected.
- Shock and Awe: Grani has all the spells in the Zio (electric) branch of magic, right up to Thunder Reign.
- Status Buff: Grani's specialty.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Kuzuki feels this way about his position as Vice President of the Student Council because he feels he has to pick up after everyone else.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Deconstructed in that Kuzuki's relentless drive to please his father is his most obvious motivation for becoming The Ace: the only problem with this is that his father is dead.
Oliver (Olivia?) Garland
An extremely effeminate New Transfer Student, Oliver is unique among "his" demographic in two ways. For one, "he" identifies as a she. For two, her Japanese sucks. Horribly. She used to live in an abusive household, but has seemingly become quite well adjusted in her uncle's family. Sort of. Her Persona is Pang Tong, the brilliant strategist who was shunned for his looks and attitude.
- Abusive Dad: In her backstory, played straight at first only to get denied later on.
- Badass Adorable: Awoke and proceeded to absolutely destroy an example of the resident Savage variety of Shadow for the upper levels. In one blow. Which was simultaneously a Barrier-Busting Blow. This was all done while wearing silky pink girl pajamas.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Berserk Button: Sabotage her cooking at your own peril.
- Blow You Away: Her Persona appearantly learns every single offensive wind element spell. Including Panta Rhei.
- Chef of Iron: Established as a black belt that managed to break the arm of a certain attacker that was undoubtedly much, much bigger than her. Her very first appearance, however, involved some excellent Food Porn.
- Contractual Genre Blindness: See Unusually Uninteresting Sight below.
- Did Not Do the Research: Delibrately invoked in regards to her knowledge about the Japanese language and Japanese Honorifics. Even Japan in general stumps her. (She thinks Shibuya is a TV show, for crying out loud!) She generally just takes Maria's (delibrately wrong) explanations of them at face value.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Described by Charles as looking like "a little Shibuya idol" when in her (female) uniform.
- The Dandy
- Agent Peacock: Promoted to this upon awakening. See Badass Adorable above.
- Eloquent in My Native Tongue
- Engrish: Inverted. Oliver can speak English just fine. Her Japanese, on the other hand takes constant forays into Intentional Engrish for Funny, Department of Redundancy Department and even My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels territory.
- Every Male To Female Transsexual Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Seemingly favours barrettes.
- Everyone Can See It: Oliver started crushing on Yuuto almost immediately. Both other RPers and characters picked up on it just as quickly.
- Frying Pan of Doom: Her weapon of choice.
- Informed Ability: Described in her profile as being able to dart about in conversation and essentially trick people into not learning a single thing about her. However, in her second thread she wound up being rather panicky and unintentionally blurted out more about herself than she'd ever care to reveal. In her defense...
- Nephewism/Self-Made Orphan: Considerably Lighter and Softer than most cases. Oliver just broke her father's arm. The end result, however, is largely the same.
- New Transfer Student: Simultaneously parodied and deconstructed.
- Playing with Fire: Oliver is capable of using fire magic, but not as extensively as wind magic.
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Her Persona is Pang Tong, the Fledgeling Pheonix.
- Shout-Out: Oliver's mask is a direct copy of Jagi's helmet from Fist of the North Star. (May even be a Mythology Gag, as both Jagi and Pang Tong have been characters in Koei's various hack and slash game series. On a more subtle scale, Oliver's RPer named all of Oliver's attacks after songs on the Dynasty Warriors 7 soundtrack when describing what she'd be like in a fighting game.)
- Stealth Pun: She's Cousin Oliver!
- Squishy Wizard: Learns no attack skills whatsoever, clearly is focused on magic power, and is weak against physical attacks.
- Kung Fu Wizard: If fighting normal human beings rather than shadows or fellow persona users. It's entirely possible that this aspect will actually overtake the Squishy Wizard one with time.
- Supreme Chef: Everything she's made (and tried to keep wholly to herself) has been very promptly devoured. Ironically shares this title with fellow androgynite Yuuto Hayashi, who she totally doesn't have a crush on.
- Throw It In: While trying to come up with a legitimate reason for why a girl would be named Oliver, one of her "speculated" answers was "Did I say Oliver? I meant Olivia.". Despite the idea's dismissal (Oliver thought the concept of just trading out Oliver for its female equivalent was overdone and corny), the name has nonetheless been picked up to refer to her both in and out of character at times. This is partly because - as Oliver has pointed out herself - she really ought to have a female name by now, and also partly because the statement - as well as a confession to her crossdressing and transsexuality - weren't quite as "speculated" as she thought.
- Transsexualism
- Underestimating Badassery: You're not really taken all that seriously when you're a teeny tiny girly-looking boy that can't even speak the language that you're using to make threats of violence.
- Unlimited Wardrobe: Has had a different outfit on in every single thread she's appeared in. She's even been described in her profile as always changing her style and hair on a whim.
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Doesn't actually realise that as a Wholesome Crossdresser, she is one. They're fairly common at Taiyoutono. Really, Oliver could probably save herself a lot of trouble and stress if she just realised that, even if she fully embraced her Transsexuality AND ran around dressed like Lady Gaga while juggling chocolate bowling pins, she'd still be one.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Reacts to a souffle imploding as if somebody just ate her pet bunny alive in front of her and then ran around wearing its head like a hat.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Of course, it doesn't necessarily come with the transsexual territory... it just does this time.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Has purportedly dyed her hair many different colours on a whim. Thus far she's been seen with blue, green and blonde hair.
Maria Garland
Oliver's high class cousin. She had the misfortune of defending her father's less than savoury practices at an earlier age, with her final retort against a protestor reaching a viral state. The whole affair eventually led to her closing herself off from the world, reserving her true nature for close friends, family, and the ever wonderful Internet. Her persona is Spartacus.
- Animal Wrongs Group: Much of her reputation and her world view comes from her family pissing off one (that appears to be an Expy of PETA, given their methods).
- Anything That Moves: A lot of the narration and inner monologues about Maria hint that she has some... interesting tastes.
- Bi the Way
"My rich girl senses are tingling, and not like when I see Lili Rochefort."
- Closet Geek
- Cool Big Sis: Tries to act like and think of herself as one to Oliver, which sort of makes her implied perverseness towards her even Squick-ier.
- Covert Pervert: Her train of thought about a joke she made eventually leaped to "Khal Drogo is hot..." once. And if we're going to take some of the implications placed about how she feels about Oliver, then it seems nobody is safe from her.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Damsel in Distress: Nah. While her general appearance and mannerisms ought to give off this vibe, Maria actually puts effort into getting herself out of trouble when she finds herself in it. This is established in her awakening thread, where her immediate reaction to a perceived kidnapping attempt is to grab whatever closest resembles a weapon and start kicking down doors in search of an escape.
- Gamer Girl: Something that she's managed to apply to dungeon crawling, as shown in her use of the "always go left" philosophy of dungeon crawling and her immediate acceptance that while physical damage does nothing to her, elemental magic might. (Bear in mind she had no genuine proof that elemental magic even existed at this point.) It actually makes her something of an effective strategist when fighting Shadows with others.
- Genre Savvy: To an extent. She's familiar enough with RPG tropes that, when she's suddenly dumped into the ruins and awakens to her persona, she adapts rather quickly for a sheltered Ojou. Not to mention, she picks up on the possibility of having elemental weaknesses immediately. Of course...
- Wrong Genre Savvy: She runs the very real risk of delving into this instead.
- Glass Cannon: Of a sort. She's actually completely immune to physical attacks, so her staying power is impressive in that respect. However, her persona currently only has one skill: Kill Rush. It's a far greater power than most beginning techniques, but its cost is also higher as well. Being a physical technique, Casting From Hit Points is required. Big stamina cost + low threshhold due to inexperience = one short-lived Disc One Nuke.
- Lady of War
- Motor Mouth: She has the habit of letting herself ramble at times, often changing subjects multiple times before letting anyone get a word in edgewise. Presumably only an aspect of her Sugar side.
- Ojou
- Or So I Heard: Used (poorly) to try and cover up her RPG genre savvy.
- Precision F-Strike: Used aloud after she catches a screaming hot bullet and held in any sort of reaction until the shooter was gone.
- Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense: Definitely a milder case than most, but Maria has appearantly never seen the inside of a supermarket before. She just speculates about what they might be like.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Sibling Rivalry: One sided with her cousin Oliver (No, not that one. The character directly above this one.). Maria adores Oliver, but Oliver hates Maria's guts.
- Spoiled Sweet
- Sugar and Ice Girl: Curiously, despite the Ice part being her everyday mask, many of the earlier threads she was in involed her Sugar side instead. However, this can be justified in the fact that she's only seen talking to Oliver (her cousin who is now technically her sibling) and Conan (who she was stuck in the ruins with. As she points out to herself, this is not exactly a good time to act icy and bitchy.)
- Take That: She's not the least bit fond of the Resident Evil movies or their protagonist.
- Ultimate Gamer 386
Kaburagi "Joe" Jounichi
Kaburagi Jounichi lived as a quiet boy who sat in the back of class for the first couple years of his life. Then, he found the music of a certain rock legend and his personality completely changed. His full attention became devoted to The Metal that he loved so much and the attitude that went along with it. He is a raucous, headstrong, and determined individual. He will also do anything for someone he considers a friend. He'll also monologue a lot. He is Joe, the self-styled greatest rocker in the world.
- Casanova Wannabe: Has allegedly professed his undying love to at least half of the Cooking Club.
- Education Mama: Has a whole family of them, particularily his father.
- Fearless Fool: Almost to a "T." He doesn't seem to have many things that can really shake him except for his father for some indeterminable reason.
- First-Name Basis: Or so he thinks. Calls everyone by their given name, or by a nickname if he likes them.
- Hot-Blooded
- Large Ham: The fact that he monologues (in public) on a day-to-day basis should be enough, but he also has a personal philosophy of heading into anything worth doing with all of your passion. This leads to a lot of shouting and inspiring speeches from him, regardless of whether or not they are wanted.
- No Indoor Voice: Naturally.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: The only person to call him "Jounichi" so far, both in and out of character, has been his father.
- The Power of Rock: Joe is the personification of this trope. He walks around with his guitar almost everywhere and will usually end his monologues with a solo. When fighting shadows, he uses his guitar as a weapon and will often cast his spells (all lightning-based, of course) via a quick riff. One could even make the argument that his persona might have something to do with rock.
- Shock and Awe: his main skills are all electricity (and sound) based.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Considers himself to be the absolute greatest guitar player in the world... He isn't.
- Unconventional Formatting: His persona's name is kind of hard to pronounce. (Whenever he is mentioned in threads, his name is written in a different font and with a link to the song responsible for its creation.)
- Waxing Lyrical: Joe's monologues, and even his casual conversation frequently break out into song accompanied by guitar riffs.
- Most prevalent when he's speaking English, the language that most of the music he listens to is written in.
Kakeru Kagami
Calm, usually quiet and polite, Kakeru is quite a functional member of society. He will gladly help those who are in need and always keeps a nice front. In reality, Kakeru is a boy who believes that he can't feel anything like sadness and happiness. He doesn't feel joy while helping others, but he doesn't feel grief while doing something bad either. The only thing that keeps him from doing bad things is his conscience and his surrogate father's last words.
Currently a third-year student of Taiyoutono High School, Kakeru obtained his Persona, Tsukuyomi shortly after being transferred into the school. Somehow one of the normal people that can be found in Nagashima.
- Ambiguously Brown: Due to his Vietnamese heritage.
- An Ice Person
- Badass
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Charles, shortly after he awakened his Persona.
- Badass Normal: A Master Swordsman and a former professional assassin before getting his Persona.
- Blood Knight: Despite his inability to feel emotions, he can be quite enthusiastic during a battle.
- Celibate Hero: Knows that Isoroku has a crush on him, but always thinks of himself unworthy to be loved due to his inability to feel and love.
- Cool Sword: Wields a nodachi, Hanamatsuri. Also an Ancestral Weapon.
- Dual-Wielding: Now wields a unique sword, Rekka as his second sword.
- Deadpan Snarker: At times.
- Disappeared Dad: Lost his father figures twice. First when his biological father was assassinated by his future surrogate father, Takeru Kagami and second when his surrogate father was killed during a mob war. Both happened in front of his eyes.
- Doesn't Like Guns: He considers them to be cowardly weapons.
- He is proficient in using firearms, though, due to him being a former hitman. He occasionally brings a revolver with him (he still hates using it, though).
- Expy: Of Vergil.
- Guile Hero
- Happily Adopted
- Hero with Bad Publicity: Others are quite wary towards him.
- Iaijutsu Practitioner
- Japanese Mythology: His Persona is Tsukuyomi, the Shinto God of the Moon. Wields a pair of katanas which are made of ice and wears a samurai armor, also made of ice.
- Lightning Bruiser: Manages to be this, despite having no buff spells.
- Magic Knight
- Mind Rape: His signature move.
- Evil Eye: Can Mind Rape someone by looking into their eyes.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Nerves of Steel
- Nice Guy: Can be blunt at times, but is always kind to others.
- No Sense of Direction: Is completely helpless without a map.
- Professional Killer: Was one as a child. After his surrogate father's death, he managed to live a normal life with his surrogate grandmother.
- Protectorate: For Isoroku.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Declares himself to be Isoroku's knight in shining armor in order to protect her from a rogue Persona-user, Fredrick.
- The Quiet One: He doesn't talk much.
- The Rival: Edward is this to him.
- Arch Enemy: Will try to kill each other every time they meet.
- Stepford Smiler: He smiles so he can be accepted by society. He believes himself to be empty and unable to feel, or so he thought.
- Tin Man: He claims that he's incapable of emotions and love, doesn't feel grief, anger, happiness and fear. And yet he's one of the nicest guys you can find in Nagashima.
- Tranquil Fury
- Yin-Yang Bomb: Can use both Hama and Mudo spells.
Shinta Watanabe
A delinquent who was once a polite and kind child until he got bullied in junior high to the point where he snapped and beat the ever-lovin' crap out of three bullies at once. He now has a single goal in life: to be the ultimate banchou in Nagashima.
- Bully Hunter
- Delinquents
- Cool Shades: Not as cool as Kamina's, though.
- Expy: Originally intended to be one of Kittan but comes across as an Expy of Kamina.
- Hot-Blooded: YES.
- Idiot Hero
- Large Ham: In spades.
- Sarashi: Sports one while not in class.
- Suplex Finisher: His favored method.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Yup.
Rokketto University Staff and Students
Natsuki Hayashi
The only college faculty member we've seen so far, Natsuki teaches History at Roketto University and is known for her ice-cold demeanor. She also happens to be Yuuto Hayashi's aunt—although she dislikes the young man's family because of an old grudge.
- Blade on a Stick
- Christmas Cake: She's 27 and still a bachelorette.
- Closet Geek: Loves history, mythology, fantasy, drama, and Josei manga. Few people know this.
- Evil Aunt: To Yuuto, although how evil she is has yet to be seen. She does hate Yuuto's mother though.
- Fragile Speedster: Hannya is extremely fast, but lacks the defense and firepower to be a Glass Cannon or Lightning Bruiser.
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Deconstructed, as this becomes the cause of a lifelong enmity between Natsuki and her sister Saya. Neither of the two is purely innocent: Saya hated Natsuki for being a burden and acted like an ass towards her; Natsuki was jealous of Saya's popularity and tried to be better than her, but always failed.
- Gravity Master
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Ice Queen
- Ill Girl: When younger. She grew out of it.
- Lady of Black Magic: Specializing in Standard Status Effects.
- Only Sane Woman
- The Resenter: See The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry above.
- Stern Teacher
- Yaoi Fangirl: Her Establishing Character Moment has her picking up a comic book that is a thinly-veiled Expy of A Song of Ice and Fire and noting that she reads it for the homosexual affair between a pretty-boy knight and his equally pretty liege lord. She accidentally ends up introducing Kinzaki to yaoi later on.
- Youkai: Her Persona is Hannya, a jealous woman turned demon.
Mai Inami
Sorry, thought we were in a different game for a moment there. Mai Inami's a student at Rokketto University, one of the first two to appear in the RP. A passionate law student seeking to make a difference in the world, she more often encounters the poverty that plagues single university students and assignment deadlines rather than Amoral Attorneys and criminals for now. She shares a powerful rapport with her dormmate Nezumi. Her persona is Athena.
- Badass Longcoat
- Bottle Fairy: Happens to be a bit of a drinker despite her disciplined nature.
- Bunny Ears Law Student
- Ethical Slut: See Good Bad Girl below.
- Expy: Of Phoenix Wright. In fact, the character is practically one giant love letter to the series, with Shout Outs to several characters as well as the Phoenix Wright Musical Project.
- Hot-Blooded: This was a given, of course.
- Good Bad Girl: Serveral mentions have been given to her promiscuity and party girl lifestyle. This doesn't change the fact that she's one of the most stable and morally grounded characters present.
- Large Ham: "A scene is nothing in the face of JUSTICE!"
- Les Yay: She's so close to Nezumi that her persona actually shares her voice. This is just the first of many things.
- Nice Hat: Her fedora.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Always has a lollipop or some other kind of sweet in her mouth.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Nezumi, although not in their choice of wardrobe colour. Mai serves as the red Oni of the two. Nezumi generally has to rope Mai in when she gets too heated.
- Revolvers Are Just Better
- Sweet Tooth
- Those Two Girls: Also with Nezumi.
- Waxing Lyrical: Starts singing Reawakening during her Her Codename Was Mary Sue Imagine Spot. Apparently this is not uncommon.
Nezumi Tachibana
The second of the first two Rokketto University students in the RP. A rather quiet, stubbornly optimistic girl that's seemingly searching for a purpose in life. Tries to support herself and her dormmate Mai using her experience as a health spa assistant. Unfortunately, most of her pay goes towards potato chips. Contrasting Mai's penchant for men's suits, Nezumi dolls herself up into a pretty little lolita with a pretty parasol. For some reason this scares RPers. Her Persona is definitely an example of how a pretty face can hide some real darn scary thoughts, even though we're not told what they are. Specifically, her persona is Jubilex, a bloated, slimy, many-eyed, many-tentacled spider... thing.
...Did we mention Nezumi's kinda scary?
- Big Brother Worship: Or, well, until he died.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Jubilex
- Big Eater
- Cain: If one is to take her Kamen Rider AU (which feels much much more like Silent Hill with sentai in it than anything else) into account... yes, it's quite likely.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Dissonant Serenity: Arguably the most off-putting feature about Nezumi is her complete and utter relaxation in the face of whatever is thrown her way. The only time she's broken her demeanour is when she first saw Jubilex.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Eldritch Abomination: Jubilex is considered one of the most powerful demon lords in Dungeons & Dragons. In it, it appears as a ginormous slime ridden with assorted body parts. Here however, he looks like Cthulhu got a fifty foot spider pregnant.
- Expy: At first, she doesn't readily appear to be one. But then upon closer inspection, you realise that, if Mai is Pheonix Wright, then Nezumi is Dahlia Hawthorne.
- Fridge Horror: Her Expy status could count as this.
- Hypocrite: Assured a rather Cool and Unusual Punishment upon Mai if she stole her potato chips again. The next post she appears in has her stealing a high school student's steamed bun. While he watched.
- Les Yay: Word of God seems to like pointing out that Nezumi's attraction to Mai is stronger than Mai's attraction to Nezumi.
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Shaping up to be one.
- Parasol of Prettiness
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Mai's red.
- The Unintelligible: Jubilex speaks in a cipher that makes him sound suitably lovecraftian.
- Trademark Favourite Food: Fried octopus flavoured potato chips. However, it seems clear that she'll grab just about anything. Even if it doesn't belong to her.
Karin Suzaki
Karin is a student of science at Rokketto university. She is actually a little younger than her classmates, owed in part to her brilliant mind and dogged determination to prove herself as better than everyone else. In fact, it's incredibly seldom that Karin ever stops telling people how much better she is than them. Her superiority complex and unhealthy obsession with proving herself is owed in no small part to the systematic neglect and abandonment of her stage parents, who constantly ignored her in favour of her twin sister because they figured they could make more money off of her charm than Karin's mind. Her persona is the murderer and rapist Ixion of Classical Mythology.
- Ambition Is Evil: Or at the very least, ambition makes you a Jerkass.
- Casting a Shadow: One of Ixion's elemental specialties.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: Not necessarily a full transition from heel to face (as while she's certainly a Jerkass, she's not really a villain yet), but when she tried to set her insufferable arrogance aside and contribute to the greater good by investigating the rumours of Persona User's being kidnapped, she wound up making herself a target for abduction herself.
- She Knows Too Much: See Deadly Change-of-Heart above.
- Insufferable Genius
- Improvised Weapon User/Improbable Weapon User/MacGyvering: Stated to be how she plans to survive in combat.
- Limited Wardrobe: Subverted in that Karin actually has a great variety of clothes, but she chooses to wear the same thing anyways.
- Nuke'Em: Ixion's other elemental specialty.
- Obviously Evil: Maybe not Karin herself, but Ixion couldn't look more like bad news if he tried.
- Parental Abandonment/Parental Neglect: They always favoured Karin's sister, and eventually they just scooped her up and left Karin in the dust.
- Stage Parents: Played for Drama
- Teen Genius: Not as flagrant of an example as it normally is, but Karin is stated to be an expert at MacGyvering and is a bit younger than her classmates.
- The Resenter: Of her family.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Deconstructed. Karin's desire was originally to gain her parents' approval, but it has since warped and twisted so much that she instead has an unshakable need to prove that she's better than them. Or anyone else, for that matter...
Taiyoutono Teachers and Staff
Albert Raleigh
- Badass Teacher: Carries a concealed sword in his cane, and fights by mixing chemicals to create explosives and acids.
- Cool Old Guy: Though he'll object to the old, he spent a lot of his life traveling the world over and loves to share his findings.
- Cool Teacher: In contrast to many of the school's NPC staff, the Player Characters on the staff tend to fall under this. Albert is no exception, being one of the few that can hold the attention of his students.
- Karmic Trickster: One of his main inspirations, other than the 7th Doctor (who he is an expy of in appearance only), is Bugs Bunny. It hasn't been shown yet, but pity the poor sod that first gets targeted by this side of him.
- Papa Wolf: Try and attack one of his students. Watch how well that works out for you.
- Rambling Old Man Monologue: His major flaw as a speaker is his tendency to go overboard. He will often mix up his stories when trying to speak socially (I.E. not giving a lecture), which sometimes falls under this. He finds it rather embarrassing, since he's not too old.
Takayuki "Taka" Yasuri
Takashi Kouno
Takashi is a teacher at Taiyoutono High and one of the damn best teachers there are at the school. Which is not saying much since all of them are asleep, stoned out of their brains on coffee or both. He is a reformed yakuza, so he tends to be grumpy and isn't necessarily the best role model out there. The teacher was pretty content with his life until shit happened. He gathered the adult persona users and is occasionally in correspondence with the WMG squad. His persona is Hephaestus the talking, flaming, seven-armed urn.
- Atomic F-Bomb
- Badass Teacher
- Cool Teacher
- Cynical Mentor: When he actually gets around to mentoring anyone.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Gangsta Style: Subverted. He thinks that it is immensely stupid and has enough common sense to avoid senseless self-injury.
- Gentleman Snarker: Not entirely apparent due to his rather direct nature with speaking, though he tends to be this when there is someone who manages his salary within earshot.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: All the time.
- Large Ham
- Parenthetical Swearing: It helps him keep his job
- Precision F-Strike
- Retired Badass: He was once part of the local yakuza, but now lives rather peacefully, save the occasional scuffle. But based on recent events, he could very well be coming out of retirement very soon.
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Shut UP, Hannibal: His response to Yuuki's Darwinistic lecturing.
- Sir Swearsalot
- Sophisticated As Hell: He's a very knowledgeable individual and has some rather sophisticated hobbies, but his choice of words is far from refined.
- White Mask of Doom: Subversion. His mask is generally too ridiculous to take seriously.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Conan Wells
Conan's a pitiable man. Nearly two metres tall and with a build to reflect that, he's quite used to being perceived as dumb muscle. His lethargy and clumsiness certainly doesn't help with that. However, he's actually very well read and nobody's fool. Conan has been drifting from job to job aimlessly for years after the death of his fiance, trying to put the pieces of his life back together. His Persona is Goliath of the Chariot arcana.
- And I Must Scream: Conan is immune to physical damage, but is afraid of cave-ins in the ruins. He figures that he would either suffocate or be stuck forever.
- Badass Bookworm
- Barrier-Busting Blow: Has been called upon to do this.
- The Berserker: By virtue of his brute strength, Conan doesn't NEED a weapon to fight. He also becomes rather violent when drunk, which isn't exactly a trait that one would like to see paired with someone of his size. Goliath also reeks of this trope.
- Blood Knight: Shows signs of developing into this.
- Crusading Widower: Failed.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Has taken to drink on occasion to deal with his depression.
- Everything Breaks: Has a habit of twisting doorknobs off because he thinks they're stuck. Given his immunity to physical damage and innate strength, he can destroy most physical barriers in the ruins.
- Fish Out of Water: Generally how Conan feels wherever he is. It's especially true now.
- Genius Bruiser: Has a university degree and is a qualified librarian. The bruiser part goes without saying.
- Gentle Giant: When he's sober, at least. He's really just a nice, quiet guy...
- Groin Attack: On a shadow that resembles Wexter.
- Mighty Glacier
- My Greatest Failure: Both the death of his fiance and the failure to find her killer in time.
- Never Heard That One Before: No, he really hasn't been compared to a certain Cimmerian before. But thanks for asking.
- The Power of Blood: Goliath appears to be made entirely out of the stuff.
- Scary Librarian: He's a giant of a man with anger management problems and immunity to the most common sources of damage.
- Stone Wall: He is immune to damage caused by most non-magical attacks.
- The Unintelligible: Goliath doesn't speak to Conan at all. He described it best by saying that "he points, he laughs, but no words".
- Unskilled but Strong: Conan and Goliath don't need fancy things like finesse or weapons. Not when you can just reduce a shadow to fine paste with a single swat.
- Wandering the Earth
- Wooden Ships and Iron Men: In his backstory, Conan was a sailor for a time.
Soichiro Sugawara (alias Masahiro Tatsumi)
Soichiro — or Masahiro as he calls himself — is the teacher of philosophy at Taiyoutono. Behind his genial attitude, however, hides a wanted criminal with a taste for illegal fighting and Social Darwinist ideals.
- Abusive Parents: Soichiro's father frequently fought with his wife, with Soichiro often caught in the crossfire. Eventually, though, Soichiro snapped and beat his father to a pulp.
- Cult: Used to be in one. When he saw that the higher-ups were charlatans, he took over and turned it into something out of Fight Club.
- Genius Bruiser: He has extensive knowledge of philosophy and the occult, and is also a proficient fighter.
- Mighty Glacier
- The Social Darwinist
- Took a Level in Badass: His backstory is basically him becoming a badass through force of will.
Other Adults and Muggles
Shin Imoto
A detective that floats through various departments in the Nagashima Police Department, Shin had struck a fine balance in his life between his Burakumin heritage and his life as an officer of the law. Then he became a persona user, and now his life is composed of three half-lives—as a Burakumin subject to the system, as a police officer who is part of the system, and a persona user who is outside of society—and he is slowly succumbing to the stress. He dedicates much of his free time to taking care of his nephew and trying to ensure the ruins are safe, but there is a part of him that simply wants to run away, and this part has given rise to his persona, Orestes of the Temperance Arcanum.
- Agent Mulder: Evolving into this.
- Badass Crew: Was attempting to build one to fight the Gunman, though since the Gunman's apparent demise, this has fallen by the wayside.
- Berserk Button: Call him "Eta," and find out.
- Beleaguered Bureaucrat: He is a the missing person capital of the prefecture.
- Blindfolded Vision: His mask.
- By-The-Book Cop
- Clothing Damage: His suits get ruined every time he enters combat.
- Expy: of Richard Fell.
- For Great Justice
- I'll Pretend I Didn't Hear That: His response to high school students possessing firearms—but only as long as they're in the ruins.
- Internal Affairs: Implied to have had a few run-ins with them.
- Lawful Good: Tries to uphold the law and do the right thing. This has only been a minor inconvenience, thus far.
- Long-Range Fighter: Knows hand-to-hand maneuvers to subdue someone, but obviously prefers to fight from a distance.
- No Punctuation Period: How Orestes, his persona usually speaks, with the exception of the occasional comma or question mark.
- Nuke'Em: His persona uses nuclear attacks.
- Officer and a Gentleman: Reading "Officer" as "police officer" instead of "military officer." Shin is usually very polite.
- The Oresteia: His persona is Orestes.
- Prepare to Die: His (unheard) threat to Toru, after one of Toru's attempts to kill Naoya.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Will tolerate less-egregious breaches of the law.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: Justified, as he's a police officer, and revolvers are standard issue for Japanese police.
- Sharp-Dressed Man: Has appeared in two threads in which he isn't wearing a suit.
- Sink-or-Swim Fatherhood: Takes care of his nephew, Naoya, who promptly dove into the ruins and became a persona user. Shin is not happy about this.
- Stoic Spectacles
- The Summation: Loves to give dramatic speeches.
- Training from Hell: His attempt to build the aforementioned Badass Crew consisted largely of this.
- Unknown Rival: To the Wandering Gunman, a former police officer.
- Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma: When intoxicated, he does not capitalize (despite Japanese not having capitalization to begin with.)
Kyoko Harada
Younger sister of Kuzuki Harada, and one of the few completely normal characters in the RP.
- Foolish Sibling
- Muggle
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Where Kuzuki is serious and formal, Kyoko is flighty and highly social.
Midori Kitaki
- Cold Sniper: Not really, but aside from Michi everyone else thinks that she is.
Zenshiro Murakami
Zenshiro Murakami is one of the local Yakuza leaders that are trying to take over Nagashima's underworld. One problem though. Zenshiro has no interest in the goal and much rather surf rather than extended his clan's territory of influence. Despite being a Yakuza leader, Zenshiro has a laid back personality that really just wants to live a normal life, however it is an impossible wish as his father was assassinated, leaving Zenshiro to take control of the clan despite his disdain of the title. This usually prevents him from surfing on the beach. However that does not mean he is a push over, Zenshiro wields a gargantuan anchor spear that is not easy to wield with one arm. He does though.
Zenshiro has not yet attained a Persona.
- Anchor Across The Shoulder
- Berserk Button: Accuse him of things that his father or his clan did that he had nothing apart of or get in the way of his surfing, and find out what happens.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Improbable Weapon User: Zenshiro wields an anchor attached to a pole and has two thick chains attached too it. Oh, and he holds it with one arm.
- One-Handed Zweihander: Zenshiro usually holds his anchor spear with his right hand, while his left hand remains in his pocket most of the time.
- Surfer Dude: He would much rather surf at the beach all day rather than deal with his clan's business.
Muramasa Mori
Descendant of the Samurai, one would think that Muramasa would hold the same values as his ancestors. He doesn't. Muramasa has absolutely no care in the world other than himself, in fact, he tries to make everyone else's life as horrible as he can allow just for laughs. The Evil Albino has two different eye colors one being red while the other being gold, which he keeps hidden under his eye patch. A skilled swordsman who cares not for mock battles and craves to test his blade, the only thing saving the people around him from getting craved by his blade is the law. If only there was a place that he could kill freely without the law to get in his way... does such a place exist?
- Ax Crazy: Although he keeps a calm, collected image in public, Muramasa enjoys cleaving bodies with his katana.
- Evil Albino
- Eyepatch of Power
- Eyes of Gold
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Might Makes Right: Muramasa believes that if you don't have power, you don't have the right to decide your fate.
- Mismatched Eyes: One red eye and one gold eye that he keeps hidden under his eyepatch.
Aimi Yamikoto
- Blade Below the Shoulder
- Impossibly Cool Weapon
- Improbable Weapon User
- Rapunzel Hair
- Retractable Weapon
- Rose-Haired Girl: Subverted in that she dyes it.
- Coupled with the Fiery Redhead personality
- Shameless Fanservice Girl: Although she doesn't really ignore the taboo, she just forgets it.
Elizabeth Tyler
Carter Grace
- Good Old Fisticuffs: His preferred method of pain distribution.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the red to Elizabeth's blue.
- Scary Black Man
- Token Evil Teammate: Though he's not technically evil. He's just a bit hard to understand.
Elizabeth Hargrave
An Ax Crazy Proper Lady that killed her own mother. She is searching for her father, who she believes is ruling his own kingdom and waiting for her. She does not react well when people tell her otherwise. Her persona is Titania of the Empress Arcana.
- Ax Crazy:
- Berserk Button: Her father's death or anyone trying to snap her out of her fantasy world.
- Blatant Lies: Anything she says about her father, mother, past, etc. Ironically, she believes herself to be honest.
- Daddy's Girl
- Dissonant Serenity
- Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy: Goes along with her Proper Lady image.
- Feminine Women Can Cook:
- I Reject Your Reality: Caused by her father's death.
- Parasol of Prettiness
- Pimped-Out Dress: Always wears these.
- Proper Lady: Believes she's this. She's wrong.
- Self-Made Orphan: Killed her mother because she was trying to convince her that her father was dead.
- Stepford Smiler:See Proper Lady and Ax Crazy above.
- Wicked Stepmother: Believes her actual mother to be one.
Edward Keller
- Anti-Hero: Alternates between Pay Evil Unto Evil and Villain Protagonist.
- Anti-Villain
- Black Knight: His Persona, Mordred is this.
- Butt Monkey: Always ends up in unfortunate situations.
- Byronic Hero
- The Comically Serious: At times.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Enemy Mine: Reluctantly team up with Kakeru in order to take down Fredrick.
- Fur and Loathing: Is always seen with his fur-trimmed trench-coat, in which he keeps many kinds of weapons.
- Hidden Depths: Would rather become a chef instead of an assassin, but still cannot find peace as long as Kakeru still lives.
- The Gunslinger
- Incurable Cough of Death
- Jerkass
- Pet the Dog: Is doing this if not trying to kill Kakeru.
- Sociopathic Hero: Very ruthless during battle, and is a professional hitman.
- You Killed My Father: His motivation for hunting down Kakeru.
Jessica Goodwill
- Badass Preacher
- Boobs of Steel: Well-endowed and a very seasoned fighter (she's a battle nun).
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Let's just say she's quite strange.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Has 25 katanas in the coffin that she brings everywhere.
- The Messiah: Will forgive anyone and everyone.
- Nun-Too-Holy: Willing to commit vices like gambling, drinking, fighting and generally doing something un-religious-like.
Sanjuro Itoi
A laid back stoner who wants to enjoy life.
- Erudite Stoner: Shows shades of this
- Improbable Weapon User: Uses a Skateboard
- Subverted, he now wields a hammer
- Plant Person: His Persona, Green Man
- Combat Medic: Green Man's skillset allows him to do this.
- Berserk Button: His older brother. Just him showing up causes Sanjuro to drop Cluster F Bombs and go into a generally foul mood.
- Also,try to hurt his buddies.HE.WILL.END.YOU
- Dishing Out Dirt: Has Magna skills
Parental Abandonment Got shipped off to live with his uncle after getting caught smoking a joint in school, never heard from his family until his dad fell gravely ill.
- The Unfavourite
- {When Trees Attack} Mixed with plenty of Body Horror, Sanjuro's monster form is a type 1 version of this.
Atsushi Itoi
Sanjuro's older brother.
- Aloof Big Brother
- Parental Favouritism: The favorite son of the Itoi family.
- Making a Splash: Uses Aqua skills.
Etsuko Murakami
Mysterious Beings
Miss Yellow
A humanoid shadow. Sponsors Sora's team, but other than that nothing much is known about her. Supposedly was the lead scientist for the lab before it became a Shadow nest.
- Big Bad: For now, at least.
Miss Gold
A humanoid Shadow. Sponsors Kaede's team through Treo. A former test subject. She has the ability to control fire.
- Big Good
- Curb Stomp Battle: Both of her fights with Takumi can be classified as such.
- Kill It with Fire
Wandering Gunman/Eiji Hachirou
A humanoid Shadow. A rather skilled marksman, his Shadow form allows him to shoot bullets from his fingers. Later revealed to be a former police officer who quit to work security for the lab before it was put into its current condition. Killed by Kyousuke.
Enigmatic Clown/Takumi Kageyama
A teacher at Taiyoutono who was well known for giving out sexual favors to students. Shortly after awakening to his Persona, he was kidnapped by Miss Yellow and the Gunman and transformed into a clown-like Shadow through some unknown process. He uses his new abilities to attack lone female students in the ruins and to force them to have sex with him. Later disintegrated by Miss Gold.
- And I Must Scream: The students that he immobilizes in order to rape are still fully aware of what's going on around them.
- Attempted Rape
- Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: You'd think he'd learn after getting curb stomped by Miss Gold the FIRST time.
- Killed Off for Real
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil
Earnest Swordsman
A strange young man wearing a big coat, holding a sword. Like the other humanoid shadows, he appears to have golden eyes, but has not actually shown the ability to turn into a shadow. He hasn't attacked anyone who didn't want him to, as of yet, and appears to be hostile against those working for Ms. Yellow.
The Reaper
An especially powerful Shadow. Little else is known about it other than that it is nearly invincible.
The Golden Butterfly
The being that led every Persona user to the ruins to awaken to their Persona.
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