Might Makes Right
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"I am stronger than you, therefore, I make all the rules."
This very simple aphorism can be used by a character of virtually any level of intelligence. Usually they're explicitly evil. Bear in mind that anyone who espouses this belief will almost invariably be wrong- but usually the hero beats them by actually somehow being stronger than they are so, well, the Aesop is kind of broken.
Remember that physical strength is not necessarily the determinant here. Monetary wealth, political power, and just about any form of bullying can take the place of this.
Truth in Television for the vast majority of human history, including today. Fortunately for those of us living in Real Life, people who espouse this philosophy are not always explicitly evil; in fact, the whole idea of Knights In Shining Armor, True Warriors and "Comes Great Responsibility" is to espouse and encourage the virtuous use of power. The truth is that "Might" is a weapon like any other: its effects depend on s/he who wields it. It is possible to use Might for good. ...It's just not as likely. It's also the least constructive of just about any of humanity's problem-solving tools, which is why people are generally encouraged to settle conflicts with something other than their fists. This is where the "violence is evil" underlying assumption comes from: someone who resorts to violence must be too stupid to use any of the more peaceful conflict-resolution tools. Or worse, are actively looking for any Pretext for War.
Fictional characters taking this trope seriously can lead in all sorts of more specific directions:
- Asskicking Equals Authority
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Large and In Charge
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money
- Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them
- Screw the Rules, I Have a Nuke
- The Social Darwinist
Opposite hero trope:
- Right Makes Might: Good always triumphs!
See also Appeal to Force in Logical Fallacies. The Hedonist, when they are a powerful character, will usually use this logic.