< Persona Rebirth
Persona Rebirth/Nightmare Fuel
- Chouko's first date with Sora definitely qualifies. It starts off innocent enough, with Chouko and Sora going to a coffee shop for a date. While there, Sora makes the mistake of ogling an older woman there. Eventually, Chouko asks if she and Sora can meet up later, and they leave. Chouko then brutally murders the woman with a meat cleaver and dismembers her, stuffing the boy parts into a trash bag. She then takes the trash bag to Sora's apartment and dumps them on the floor in front of Sora. She then embraces a horrified Sora and tells him she did this to protect him. Sora's thoughts summed it up pretty well.
There was a complete sociopath in front of him, and she was in love with him.
- Manabu wants to become more like his Persona. How does he go about doing this? By ripping out his eye with his bare hands. It's not described to vividly, but it was certainly disturbing enough to make most of the RPers shiver a little. The fact that he tries to eat two of the characters immediately afterward certainly didn't help.
- The caterpillar shadow introduced in the RP doesn't just dip into Uncanny Valley territory with its Slasher Smile and overall Eldritch Abomination anatomy. It attacks by vomiting plasma and when the characters manage to begin to injure it, its exoskeleton begins to melt off and form miniatures of itself, which overwhelm the players until Sora's downward spiral into insanity prompts him to summon another Persona.
- The designs players come up with in the Random Shadow Ideas thread, when they're not being ludicrously goofy, are horrifying. Particular examples are Bonus Boss Noest, a screaming skeleton in a coffin controlled by two statues made of chains and bone; the Vile Gargant, a WarMECH-esque monster made from decaying corpses fused together into a vaguely animal-like form; and the Vile Unbound, a corrupted Persona that parasitically implants itself in a Persona user.
- Toru goes monster and... just... just read it. In fact, go read that topic. Thing is freaky. It has a jaguar skull.
- You don't want to end up that way. was a whole lot of things, but High Octane Nightmare Fuel? Definitely one of them.
- Yuzuki before she turned nice in general was fairly creepy. Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.
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