Atomic F-Bomb

Spoony: Oh, we're winding up to a big ol' "Nooooo!"
Spoony: ... Or that works too, I guess.
Quinlan: FUUUCK!
The Precision F-Strike relies on timing. The Cluster F-Bomb relies on frequency and multitude.
The Atomic F-Bomb relies on volume. Sometimes this trope is self-censoring, and cuts to some other scene (like birds flying away) to imply the volume.
A Sub-Trope of Big Word Shout.
Compare Big No, Big "What?".
Anime & Manga
- Goldfish Warning. The only swear in the series, and it's in English. The students pop in a tape sent from an American school, which at some point makes a dramatic zoom-in with flashing lights to an Ox that slowly yells "Son of a bitch!" for no reason at all.
Comic Books
- I'm the GOD DAMNED Batman!
- Brian Azzarello's run on Hellblazer produced an issue that had the "F-word" appearing 51 and a half times. The one-half was someone screaming, across the top of a panel, "FUUUUUUUUU".
- We don't see Taiko Sorano of Pretty Cure Heavy Metal the one time she swears because we're focusing on Sakura Cobain, who's inside the building and hears her drop the F bomb from outside the school. She runs toward the source of the atomic F bomb immediately.
- Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami gives us this from its "hero":
"F-CK!" he screamed so loud that a church blew up
- Yet again, with a little extra help, a Naruto fanfic of EPIC proportions has Naruto drop one that continues until he passes out from lack of air. Another conversation takes place over it, since he has a privacy/silence seal on at the time. Otherwise it might've attracted unwanted attention.
For the reader's convenience, the next part of the conversation is done while Naruto is silently screaming the longest and largest swear that will ever come out of his mouth. It begins with a VERY big F.
- The Battle Cry of the fan-made Warhammer 40,000 army, the Angry Marines, is to simply shout FUCK YOU! at the top of their lungs. They are sometimes described as holding the U for the entire duration of the battle. (Which is never very long, thanks to their incredible firepower and incredible lack of tactics.)
- "This, was the biggest, most absurd CLUSTERFUCK I've seen in twenty years." Nanoha suppressed a wince as he elevated his voice to emphasize... That word.
- My Immortal: After Dumbledore catches Draco and Ebony having sex in the Forbidden Forest, he drops his famous line, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUKERS!"
- Little Miss Sunshine: Dwayne hates his family so much that he's refused to speak for almost a year. He plans to enroll in the Air Force Academy as soon as he finishes school. When he discovers that he's color-blind and thus unable to become a pilot, this is the first word he says. And boy, does he make the most of it.
- Amazingly, this scene manages to combine a Precision F-Strike (since it's the first word he says), an Atomic F-Bomb (since he screams it), and a Cluster F-Bomb (immediately after the first shout).
- Black Hawk Down: A Ranger nearly gets wasted by enemy fire, as he's running for cover he screams, "FUUUUCK THIIIIIS!!!"
- The movie Running Scared has a glorious one from Paul Walker. After entering an apartment full of Latino gangsters who he believes have a dirty gun "belonging" to him, and finding out that they, in fact, did not take the gun, he runs out and roars "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" at the top of his lungs. This comes as no surprise since half of the dialogue consisted of "fuck" beforehand.
- Alien3. Just as he's explaining that there is no such thing as a man-eating alien prowling the air ducts, said alien drops from the ceiling and executes a Vertical Kidnapping on the warden of the prison planet. Panic ensues. When it's over, the warden is gone and it's clear that there really IS an unstoppable man-eating monster on the loose. One of the inmates does the only thing left to do...drop the bomb.
- From Wet Hot American Summer: "The phone! The phone! Where's the FUCKING PHONE?!?!"
- Kevin Bacon delivers one that goes three full beats in Tremors, after the first Graboid smashes into the concrete wall. Cold my ass...he's dead. We killed it. FUUUUU-UUUU-UUUUUCK! YOUUUU!"
- The Team America theme song: America! FUCK YEAH!
- Nicolas Cage delivers an epic "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" in Deadfall.
- Imagine Me and You: YOU'RE A WANKER, NUMBER NIIIIIIIIINEEEE!! Wanker being a pretty strong cussword in the UK, and it comes back in the end as an Anguished Declaration of Love.
- Biff Tannen and his goons in Back to The Future, when they realise they're about to crash into the manure truck: "SHIIIIIIIITTTTTT!"
- In the movie Screwed, the greedy character Miss Crock was forced to make a decision to either pay the $1 million ransom for her servant, or lose her largest client. Her response? "FUUUUUUUUUUCK!"
- When Butch and Sundance jump off the cliff into the river, Sundance lets of an epic "AHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT!"
- Only I didn't say "Fudge." I said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the "F-dash-dash-dash" word!
- The opening of Four Weddings and a Funeral is more or less exclusively this, for about the first couple of minutes.
- During the "Crimson Permanent Assurance" short at the beginning of Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, the last survivor of the Really Big Corporation of America yells "SHIT!" before jumping to his death.
- In Buddenbrooks, when Tony catches her second husband in the act with their cook, a row ensues, which culminates in Permaneder insulting her, "Go to hell, you dirty swinish slut!" Divorce ensues.
- In Jimmy Buffett's autobiography/travelogue A Pirate Looks At Fifty, Buffett gives an extended one after he's unable to use a cellphone to contact a government official in Columbia.
- Incidentally, Buffett was later kicked out of an NBA game for swearing too much.
Live-Action TV
- In the episode of That '70s Show where the Foremans adopt Hyde, Red lets off a series of beeped out Cluster F Bombs, then finally one big bomb.
- A few seasons later, Kitty of all people does one toward the end of the Eric/Donna wedding arc, smoothly combining the Atomic, Precision, and Cluster F-Bombs all at once.
- Similarly, Jon Stewart had an entire segment devoted to telling Fox News to 'go fuck yourself' due to its lack of journalistic integrity. He carefully dissected their argument, broke out some polite F-bombs, then brought out a gospel choir to join him in the encouragement that Fox News fuck itself, ending in a finale chorus of 'Gooooooooooo. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Yourseeeeeeeeeeeelf!' The bleep on the final 'fuck' lasted for several seconds.
- Later that week, after a radical Islamic group based out of New York called for the death of the South Park creators for attempting to portray the prophet Muhammad, Jon Stewart pointed out the hypocrisy of calling for the silencing two individuals using their freedom of speech, by hiding behind freedom of speech laws to avoid an investigation into the threat. He then said that the Fox News bit was low, he didn't truly mean it. He did however fully back every word when he used the same bit but directed it at the new group.
- Don't you hate the smug beautiful people in aspirational TV shows? Not as much as Charlie Brooker, you don't.
- Chris Hardwick does this on an episode of Web Soup. When announcing the next segment of "WTF?" he yells out what the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...! It then cuts to the segment intro, and after, he finishes with the CK! Then you hear the laughter. Oh, the laughter...
- Conan now has the "F-bomb hall of fame", featuring busts for Oscar-winning actors (which they bear little resemblance to) who drop an F-bomb while on the show. Now, they're giving out literal F-bomb trophies to these people as well.
- Malcolm Tucker from The Thick of It. It's more like a Cluster Atomic F Bomb when he swears. Two shining examples would be screaming "YOU FUCKING PRICK!" to Minister Hugh Abbott which can be heard through a glass door, and the quality "FUCKING RETARDED!" rant to Minister Nicola Murray over an unwise press leak.
- In Hells Kitchen September 5th's episode. It happens with Will and his anger just explodes on Elise's face like a volcano when the Black team discusses who should cook what
- "Rockin' the Suburbs" by Ben Folds.
It gets me real pissed off, it makes me wanna say
It gets me real pissed off, it makes me wanna say
It gets me real pissed off, it makes me wanna say
- Ben Folds does this in most of his songs, not just "Rockin the Suburbs". Good examples are "Army" (Ooooooh shit!!!) and "Song for the Dumped" (FUCK YOU TOO!!)
- Also at the very end of the album Whatever And Ever Amen: "I've got your Hidden Track right here - Ben Folds is a FUCKING ASSHOLE!"
- Tenacious D has two in the song "Beelzeboss"; at the beginning Jack and Kyle wail an F bomb as Satan is summoned (which doesn't have the "atomic" charge, it must be said - rather, they sing it like a two-piece choir). When they challenge Lucifer to a rock off, his initial response is "FUCK! FUCK!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" because the demon code doesn't let him decline.
- Quite notable in that Dave Grohl has No Indoor Voice when voicing Satan here.
- Dos Gringos gets a good one in "2's Blind":
We got spiked, and Lead went to the notch / When he did I had my eyes down in my crotch ('CAUSE I HAD AN ITCH!) / When I looked up only jack shit did I find / GOD DAMMIT! "2's Blind!"
- Strapping Young Lad starts off the Cluster F-Bomb song "Fucker" with a hearty FUCK YOU!!!!!!!
- How about the climax of "All Hail The New Flesh"? Devin makes the word "mothefucker" last about sixteen seconds.
- Slipknot, particularly with the second album.
- The somewhat obscure UK Noise Rock band Ramleh use this trope fairly often in their (often minimal or incomprehensible) lyrics, most notably either in "Eight Ball Corner Pocket" (Get out of my fucking way!!!) or, surprisingly, "Say Fuck". Considering their musical inclinations, however, the effect is less "insufferably hammy" than "strangely effective."
- Modest Mouse's "Tundra/Desert." If any one song showcases Isaac Brock's vocal ability, it's this one.
- Believe it or not, Jennifer Lopez in the song "Play".
All right Mr. DJ. I've asked you three times. Play my MO-THER-FU-CKIN SONG!
- "Americana" by The Offspring:
I'm a product
Of my environment
So don't blame me, I just
Work here but I wanna FUCK YOUUU!!!
- Also "Bad Habit," especially during concerts (with the last line getting increasingly loud)
Drivers are rude, such attitude
But when I show my piece, complaints cease
Something's odd, I feel like I'm God
You stupid dumbshit goddamn MOTHERFUCKER!
- From Guns N' Roses' "Right Next Door to Hell":
But I'm right next door to hell
- At the end of the Cluster F-Bomb that concludes "Killing in the Name".
New Media
- FFFFFFUUUUUUU-- a.k.a. The Rage Guy, who is arguably the father of all face memes.
- Sometimes just FFFFFFFFFFFF.
- VideoCompiler's videos and similar Ventrillo Harrassment videos.
"So are we just going to sit here qu-""WHATTHEFUCK*BOOOOOOM* MUHAHAHAHA"
Video Games
- In BlazBlue, after Ragna loses his arm, his home, and his sister, and everything hits him at once, he very appropriately shouts: "Shit... Shit... SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT!"
- The beginning of No More Heroes: "FUCKHEAD!"
- In Call of Duty Black Ops, Woods does this in the mission 'Payback', when participating in a game of Russian Roulette.
- Muv Luv Alternative: "CHIKUSHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" (Literally means something along the lines of "Godammit", but in this context, it's more of a large "Fuck".)
- Nie R: Beginning of the intro (or whenever Kaine get's really pissed).
- Dopelives4605's playthrough of Steamshovel Harry (a Deconstruction Game of Forced Tutorials) features a rather loud one at a critical moment. You can watch the full playthrough, or jump straight to the moment in question.
- Sengoku Basara has Ishida Mitsunari and his rage fits, which cross into this territory when not solidly sitting on I'll Kill You!, This Is Unforgivable! or Say My Name. He can start at a slow, almost monotonous whisper, before bursting out into one or more profanities.
Mitsunari: Hideaki... you BASTAAAARRRRD!
- Cid from Final Fantasy VII, when trying to stop a moving train. He's already Sir Swearsalot, but his "Shiiiiitt" is way over hilarious.
- Jack from the Mass Effect series is more a fan of the Cluster F-Bomb, but in Mass Effect 3 she takes on a job working as an academy teacher and has to maintain at least a pretense of professionalism. Until Joker ribs her about it one too many times, causing her to reply with a (cut-away-from) salvo of cursing. Mind you, she probably didn't stop at just one, but the volume was clearly there.
Web Comics
- From Questionable Content - The card tower never had a chance.
- Eight Bit Theater: Black Mage does this every once in a while. most notably when he lost his demonic powers over hell and all its minions
- Pretty sure Drip drops one in one of the Jack shorts.
- Xkcd strip 137.
- This Ctrl+Alt+Del strip.
- VG Cats uses this when a pirated copy of Advent Children is cut off by overzealous digital police, prompting the response pictured above.
- Intended by El Goonish Shive's Catalina when she reacts negatively to people leaving Susan behind.
- This strip of The Last Days of Foxhound, when Ocelot realises he can't manipulate his way into killing Pyscho Mantis. Though it throws other, more creative curses in as well.
- PvP gives us a truly epic one with its Watchmen spoof. It's in parts 4 and 5, but you should really see them all. Starts here.
- The Sufferer's Vast Expletive in Homestuck.
- In 2009 this Housepets strip, King's exclamation itself is censored, but it's very clearly not said at a normal conversational volume.
- This Men in Hats strip has Aram use it to drown out other people until Sam starts using it on him.
- Sabrina Online. After getting tackled by Sabrina [dead link]
for shooting her in Quake 3 repetitively, and getting a subconjunctival hemorrhage on her left eyeball [dead link]
, ZigZag says this accordingly. [dead link]
- Tabitha attempts this, but is stopped by Sabrina.
Web Original
- In Dragon Ball Abridged, Vegeta goes from Oh Crap to Atomic F-Bomb when Goku goes Kaioken x4 and launched him into the sky, the scene changes, and when we cut back to Vegeta he finally stops moving and swearing.
- And again when he's hit with the Spirit Bomb. He also stops swearing when he hits the ground.
- And again in episode 21, when Goku mentions he'd been training at 100 times normal gravity.
- This trope went meta after Team Four Star's account was suspended. It's amazing that Lanipator's voice still works.
- Put it this way: They used his reaction video to make this.
- And then in Episode 24, Vegeta realizes that Gohan and Krillin took the Dragonballs and were in the process of summoning Porunga while he was off napping. (Beat) "OH YOU MOTHERFUUUUUUCKEEEEEEERRRRRS!" It is audible by Krillin and Gohan outside the ship and several miles away, and audible by the newly resurrected Piccolo, who is basically on the other side of the planet. (Keep in mind that Namek, given its gravity, is probably, much, MUCH larger than earth.)
- Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series had a very memorable one from Kaiba:
Ishizu: Exchange of Spirit!
Kaiba: Exchange of what now?
Ishizu: Now we must swap the cards in our deck with the cards in our graveyard, leaving me with all the cards I need, and you Kaiba, with only six.
* cuts to Mokuba watching the video from episode 28*
Video: You my Wang G? Yes, I am Colonel Wang. Can I touch you?
Mokuba: Hahaha. It's funny because wang means penis.
* Checks the duel data screen. Kaiba's F-Bomb is heard through the audio feed*
Mokuba: * Talks while Kaiba's F-Bomb continues* Uh oh, Seto's in trouble; I must save him! To the Mokubamobile!
* 60's Batman-esque scene transition*
Yami: (I wonder how that milkshake's doing...)
Mokuba: Mokubamobile away!
Yami: There isn't a Mokubamobile!
Mokuba: * Kaiba's F-bomb is audible again* Big brother, are you okay?!
- Also from Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series: "I'm the god damn Kaibaman!"
- In the seventh season of Red vs. Blue, Simmons drops one when he realizes that the Meta, the Big Bad of the previous season, has found their new base.
- In his review of the Godzilla games, The Angry Video Game Nerd says that all he ever wanted as a child was a decent Godzilla game, but he never got it. But upon playing the 6th generation console Godzilla games, and discovering that they were brawler-type games to boot... the mighty "FUUUUUUUCCCKKK!!!" that came from the bottom of his heart is terrifying.
- 5-Second Films: "Late for Work". A particularly impressive example, as it appears to last for a whole day.
- Linkara, disgusted beyond comprehension by JLA: Act of God, asks the Continuity Alarm for permission to criticize its portrayal of Superman and Lois. The alarm agrees.
- Misty lets one loose in the Pokémon Emerald Let's Play that can be heard at Rustboro City, in the middle of the ocean, in some undisclosed location, in space. and as we find out in the FireRed Lets Play, in Kanto.
- The Fire-Human from Water Human in episode four, when he realizes he forgot to save his game before it crashed.
- Yu Gi Oh GX Abridged, Jaden does a literal version of this when chumley speaks for the first time.
- Green Goblin delivers a pretty epic one during Zero Hour #5 when Future!Lex reveals that the Big Bad is Darkseid.
- SuperJeenius lets off several over the course of the Battletoads 4-player race. (The other three players were Pcull44444, Nintendo Capri Sun and Proton Jon.)
- In Hewys Animated Movie Reviews, after Hewy reviews Cars 2, Count Sigeeyai watches the trailer for Brave. in frustration, Count Sigeeyai yells "FUUUU-" and cuts to footage of an actual atomic explosion
- Muschio of Dive Quest once blew off the ceiling of his base after a particularly awesome Precision F-Strike.
- Let's Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 is far and away the record holder for most numerous and frequent use of the AFB. See/hear for yourself.
Western Animation
- An episode of The Simpsons had Homer using a Curse Cut Short variant.
Ned Flanders: "That's the loudest profanity I've ever heard!"
- This scene is parroted word-for-word in Sabrina Online, complete with Flanders lookalike.
- In the Season 2 finale of The Venture Bros, Hank subverts this with a long "FUUUUUUUUUUUUU- that is cut off for a commercial. . . only to be completed afterward: "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE!
- Which is an homage to A Christmas Story.