Main Characters
Inuyasha is the son of a dog Youkai and a human woman. Persecuted throughout his childhood due to his halfbreed nature, he sought to use the Shikon Jewel to become a full youkai, but fell in love with the Jewel's human guardian, the Miko Kikyo. Fifty years prior to the start of the series, Kikyo sealed Inuyasha to a tree with a magical arrow; when Kagome releases him, he resumes his mission to obtain the Shikon Jewel, which requires him to team up with Kagome to track down the broken Jewel's many shards.
Voiced by: Kappei Yamaguchi (JP), Richard Ian Cox (EN), Enzo Fortuny (LA SP), Francesco Pezzuli (IT), Jerome Wiggins (FR)
- All Genes Are Codominant: He's half dog-demon and half human, so he usually looks like a human with pointy dog ears and dog claws. His abilities are somewhere between that of a demon and that of a human, with an odd twist on the transformation ability.
- Animal Motifs / Animal Stereotypes: The dog
- Anti-Hero: Type V ---> Type II
- Attack! Attack! Attack!
- Ax Crazy: His Super-Powered Evil Side.
- Badass
- BFS: The transformed Tessaiga.
- Big Eater
- Bishounen
- Bloody Murder: Hijinkessou / Blades of Blood, one of his earliest and least-used attacks, involves slinging his own blood at his enemy.
- Blow You Away
- Bring My Red Jacket
- Brought Down to Normal: Once a month.
- Lunacy: Inverted
- Brutal Honesty
- Byronic Hero: At the beginning of the series
- Calling Your Attacks: Almost everyone does at least a little of this, but Inuyasha does it nearly every time.
- Cock Fight: Inuyasha + Kouga = this, especially if Kagome is present.
- Counter Attack: Bakuryuuha / Backlash Wave.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker
- Determinator: He just keeps going, no matter how bad the odds are or how injured he is, even when he's human.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Has never worn shoes a day of his life, nor has he really needed them (unless in human form). No one seems to care, not even in the modern era.
- Empathic Weapon: Tessaiga.
- Expy: Ranma ½.
- Eyes of Gold: Reflecting his dog-based Youkai nature.
- Face Fault: When Kagome says "Sit!" / “Sit, boy!” (Japanese = “Osuwari!” a sit command for dogs)
- Good Is Not Nice
- Green-Eyed Epiphany: Even though he made it clear through his acts that he cares for Kagome but never said it out of pride, whenever Kouga shows up or if Kagome just as much as talks about him in a non-derogatory way, Inuyasha will become fiercely possessive and jealous.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Healing Factor
- The Hero: His name would suggest this, and he is usually the one to finish off enemies, but he actually fits the Lancer trope better. His Jerkassery contrasts Kagome's Nice Girl to people other than him and he fights upclose with a sword instead at a distance with a bow.
- Heroic BSOD: One time when Kagome told him he was "exhausting". To which he replied "What? Do you mean you're tired of being with me?" Cue the signature sitting position and a (very) blank stare.
- Holding Your Shoulder Means Injury: Whenever he's injured, he holds his shoulder. In fact, the only time he doesn't hold his shoulder is when he is literally too injured to move.
- Honor Before Reason: Initially wants to use the jewel to become a full-blooded demon so that he can gain respect and fear from the other demons, but this involves attacking humans just to get his clutches on the Sacred Jewel... which Kaede promptly resolves by collaring him with a restraining spiritual necklace.
- Hot-Blooded
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: His mom Izayoi was The Ojou, his dad the Inu-No-Taishou (Dog General) is... well, a demon.
- Indy Ploy: Despite his reputation as the Idiot Hero, he's probably the character most likely to think outside of the box in a pinch, such as the time he was told of there being an Achilles' Heel somewhere on his youki-absorbing opponent with the intent that he would find it and attack there instead. His reaction was basically, "That'll take too long, so I'll just use my Beam Spam to blow up the ground underneath him and smack him while he's off balance." And that's not even counting Tessaiga's tendency to prompt him to use specific abilities for no apparent reason in the middle of a fight.
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: Into both full human and full youkai.
- It's Personal: Naraku killed Kikyo and tricked Inuyasha into thinking she had betrayed him.
- I Will Protect Her
- Jerkass ---> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Ki Attacks: Pretty much all of his attacks depend on the power of his ki. His Counter Attack, Bakuryuuha, turns his enemy's ki against them and consequently can only be used against enemies with strong ki.
- Kubrick Stare: He sometimes does this when he's in his full youkai form.
- The Lancer: Although he could be seen as The Hero or The Big Guy (because of how how important he is to the show or because he does most of the fighting), he is the Lancer to Kagome. Inuyasha is constantly trying to be a loner and go against what the group wants to do. The fact that Kagome 'makes him sit' when he is bad or the fact that whenever Kagome leaves, Inuyasha is helpless in his quest to find the jewel shards, is proof that Kagome is the Leader of the group.
- Could be argued both ways. He is the one who decides the path they're taking next and of course does everything and drives much of the plot. She has the "sit" ability (mostly comic relief) but it may be best to make them both the heroes and have Sango and Miroku be the Lancers. Kagome can't do it by herself either, without his aid.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Meaningful Name: Inuyasha
- Megaton Punch: Justified by his considerable half-demon strength.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Named Weapons: Tessaiga ("Steel-Cleaving Fang")
- No Social Skills: Being ostracized and living alone for most of your life can mess up the way you approach other people.
- The Nose Knows: Can smell on par with a dog... which can really help or suck depending on the situation.
- Out, Damned Spot!: After slaughtering a bunch of bandits while in his youkai form, he tries to wash his hands but he's still able to smell the blood.
- Parental Abandonment
- Perpetual Frowner: Has a lot to be pissed about, and manages to be pissed at everything.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Inuyasha's exact age and whether or not the fifty years he spent asleep count toward it is the subject of considerable debate in the fandom, due to the fact that Takahashi prefers not to provide exact ages for youkai and hanyou characters. It is, however, established in the series that youkai live longer and age more slowly than humans, so while official materials only state that he's effectively a teenager, it's generally accepted that this trope is in effect. Swords of an Honorable Ruler sets his actual age at about two hundred and fifty (including the time spent in stasis) but is not considered canon.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: His eyes are gold, but the scleras turn red when his youkai blood drives him berserk.
- Restraining Bolt: Tessaiga prevents his Super-Powered Evil Side from taking over. And the necklace he sports was unwillingly placed on him by Kaede to stop him from attacking humans, which Kagome has the power to activate... and activate... aaand activate... much to his dismay.
- Roof Hopping
- Sibling Rivalry: It's a ding-dong battle with his older brother who has daddy issues. It eventually gets resolved but not before it descends into a temporary period of Cain and Abel. Lampshaded in the manga itself when Inuyasha complains about two fighting brothers causing trouble for everyone and realises his True Companions are thinking he's talking about himself and Sesshoumaru. When he claims it's all Sesshoumaru's fault, Miroku observes that's exactly what a troublemaker would say.
- Sir Swearsalot: Especially in the Japanese, in which his language is pretty crude.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Kikyou.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: He inherited more power from his youkai side than his half-human body can handle. If it's not sealed, it drives him into fits of feral Unstoppable Rage.
- Super Strength
- Suspended Animation: Sealed to a tree for fifty years by Kikyo's arrow.
- Sword Beam: The Kaze no Kizu / Wind Scar.
- Tame His Anger: At first he restrains himself somewhat in response to having a necklace placed on his neck that can put him in line whether he wants to be or not. Later, Character Development also contributes to this, but it really becomes crucial to him when he assumes Youkai form and unintentionally threatens the ones he cares about.
- Team Dad: He's an unorthodox example, but he tries to give the Team Mom emotional support, physically prevents the Action Girl from giving up on her brother and the Smart Guy from throwing his life away, and is an example for both the Tagalong Kid and Kagome's little brother.
- Token Evil Teammate: At the beginning of the series.
- Tragic Mulatto
- Troubled but Cute: Considering that he is a White-Haired Pretty Boy Jerk with a Heart of Gold complete with a Dark and Troubled Past.
- Tsundere: A male version of the Type A. Very tsuntsun, but when he wants to he can be very sweet and generous.
- Unusual Ears: Dog ears, of course. (Don’t mistake them for cat ears, or Inu will go all youkai on you!)
- Villain Protagonist: Subverted.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With everyone.
- Weapon Across the Shoulder
- When All You Have Is a Hammer: His solution to any problem eventually works out to some form of "I hit it with my BFS." Admittedly said BFS was apparently made for the Swiss Army's Magical WMD Division.
- When He Smiles: Hold it dear, it's a rare sight to behold...
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: See Super-Powered Evil Side above.
- The Worf Barrage: The Kaze no Kizu / Wind Scar eventually turns into this.
Kagome Higurashi
Kagome is a girl from the present era who finds herself in Japan's Sengoku era after falling down an old well in her family's Shinto shrine. She proves to be Kikyo's reincarnation, and discovers that she possesses strong spiritual powers resembling that of a Miko. After she accidentally shatters the Shikon Jewel, she joins up with Inuyasha to find and reassemble the broken pieces.
Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (JP), Moneca Stori (EN), Anna Lobo/Leyla Rangel (LA SP), Letizia Scifoni (IT), Maelys Ricordeau (FR)
- Action Girl: Eventually.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Brown eyes in the anime, blue eyes in the manga.
- The Archer: Her skills increases with her character development: at the start when she's at her most immature, it sucks. Near the end when she's grown into The Messiah, its great.
- Audience Surrogate
- Bathe Her and Bring Her to Me: Sort of happens to her in one episode, though the villain intends to feed her to some immortality-fruit-bearing-tree rather than... what you'd normally expect.
- Bathing Beauty
- Berserk Button: Cause anyone in her circle of friends pain. Before you do, though, make sure you've made peace with any higher being you may worship.
- Betty and Veronica: She's the Betty to Kikyo's Veronica.
- Changed My Jumper: In the second episode a bandit remarks that her skirt is shorter than their kimono but after that no one seems to notice. Of course, regarding the way other demons and the poor dress, her garb's not the most striking thing people are used to seeing.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Clingy Jealous Girl: To some degree, but not as bad as other examples in the page.
- Disappeared Dad: The novels explain that he died in an accident when Kagome was little, therefore her family had to move into the Shinto temple owned by Grandpa Higurashi.
- Damsel in Distress: Quite a few times, especially early in the series. She gradually grows out of it, though.
- Badass Damsel: And she wasn't exactly super helpless and docile, either.
- Eek! A Mouse!: She can handle Youkai, blood, guts, wounds, man-eating rats, two-timing boyfriends, time-travel, saving the world while trying to pass exams, lifting the spirits of the depressed, downtrodden and bullied and can even befriend the reclusive, the painfully shy, and aggressively hostile, but ask her to help a giant beast-faced hanyou in his herb garden when there's an earthworm in plain sight and she'll fall to pieces.
- Expy: Akane.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water
- Five-Man Band: Fulfills a number of roles as the story goes.
- The Chick: Before Sango came she was the only girl in a group of three guys, often kidnapped, and did more bickering with Inuyasha than shard detecting.
- The Heart: She's a Parental Substitute for Shippo, emotional support for Sango, and steers Inuyasha to the path of herosim instead of jerkism.
- The Hero: Although it could be argued that Inuyasha is The Hero, Kagome is the Leader of the group and the Narrator of the show. The fact that Kagome 'makes Inuyasha sit' when he is bad or the fact that whenever Kagome leaves, Inuyasha is helpless in his quest to find the jewel shards, is proof that Kagome is the dominant one in the relationship.
- Genki Girl: Down played. She's more plucky than genki but can get really excited.
- Holy Hand Grenade: The bulk of her powers are holy spiritual powers.
- I Choose to Stay
- I Feel Angry: "Please let me tell you, Naraku... YOU'RE DESPICABLE!"
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Sometimes, especially later in the story, but by then, her abilities as a priestess have matured to the point when she can automatially nock an arrow and guide it to its target through sheer willpower.
- Joshikousei
- Light'Em Up
- Limited Wardrobe: She actually does change outfits from time to time, but spends by far most of her time in her school uniform. Some attempt at justification is made when Kagome mentions that her uniform is easier to clean.
- Magic Skirt: In the second episode, a dirty thug became an Accidental Pervert when he decided to lift up Kagome's skirt in wonder of how small it was, thinking it was a badly undersized kimono. Of course, her panties get exposed to everyone in the room but never to the audience.
- The Medic: She takes this role in the team, helped by the medicines from her time.
- The Messiah
- Miko: She has miko powers.
- Ordinary Junior High Student: Until she fell into that well...
- Playing Sick: Her cover for being in the feudal era all the time. Up to Eleven when she's gone for months at a time. In the real world, somebody would've got suspicious by then, even with her family covering for her.
- Plucky Girl: Are demons and roughing it in Feudal Japan going to stop her? No, not at all. She's more worried about her grades and boyfriend issues.
- Power Glows: In her case, a pinkish purple.
- Reincarnation: Of Priestess Kikyo.
- School Uniforms Are the New Black: Kagome takes a liking to wearing her uniform into the feudal era because it's easily cleaned (although it has a downside- a lecherous man once thought her skirt was a super-short kimono). Once, she did wear casual clothes... which coincided with the debut of Sesshoumaru.
- She's Got Legs
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Shipper on Deck: She's a Sango/Miroku fangirl, specially in the anime.
- Stepford Smiler: Slightly, as she learns to keep her feelings in regards to Inuyasha and Kikyo to herself. Very obvious when Kikyo almost dies for the second time and disappears: Kagome ignores her own distress and tells Inuyasha to go search for her... and her inner jealousy makes her an easy prey for The Baby's Hannibal Lectures.
- Every one of her friends -- ordinary high school girls and super-powered youkai hunters alike—are terrified of her smile when she's pretending that she's not upset.
- Sometimes, it happens if Inuyasha suffers the misfortune of setting Kagome off with snide comments. Kagome will crack a dangerous smile... then batter him into the ground with "Sit" commands.
- Supporting Protagonist: Kagome is the view point character of the series, but a good deal of the plot (and fights) tend to focus on her other companions. As the series continues though, Kagome plays more and more of an active role.
- Team Mom: Keeps The Hero and Team Dad on check, counsels The Big Girl and encourages her relationship with The Smart Guy, and is a mother figure to the Tagalong Kid.
- This Is Unforgivable!: And then she blows up Naraku and purifies all his miasma saving everyone.
- Took a Level in Badass: Slowly but surely it sets in, eventually turning Kagome from doddering school girl in a world she doesn't understand, to a Lady of War with mastery archery skills.
- True Sight
- Tsundere: Type B; sweet and nice, unless someone - most often Inuyasha - pisses her off.
- White Magician Girl
- Zettai Ryouki: Her schoolgirl outfit.
Aside from his considerable spiritual power as a Buddhist monk, Miroku possesses a "wind tunnel" or "air void" in his hand, a miniature black hole which sucks in anything if it's not kept magically sealed. The wind tunnel is the product of a family curse originally put on Miroku's grandfather by Naraku, and it dooms Miroku to an early death unless it can be removed by killing Naraku first. To that end, Miroku joins forces with Kagome and Inuyasha.
Miroku is a rather unusual monk, since he is a skilled con artist and a Handsome Lech who habitually asks any pretty girl he meets to bear his children - to carry on the mission to kill Naraku if he doesn't succeed, he claims.
Voiced by: Kouji Tsujitani (JP), Kirby Morrow (EN), Gabriel Gama (LA SP), Fabio Boccanera (IT), Benoit Marchand (FR)
- Anti-Hero (Type III)
- Bad Powers, Good People: He has the power to make anything disappear into oblivion. He only uses it against violent and hostile youkai.
- Badass: Yeah. He just can't use his strongest attack most of the time, but he is very badass when it comes down to business.
- The Barnum
- Barrier Warrior: He can create small barriers.
- Berserk Button: Don't hit on Sango. (Because that’s his job!)
- Big Brother Mentor: To Inuyasha.
- Broken Hero: He's easygoing, carefree and cheerful, even when he'll die very young being swallowed by his own hand.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: He flirts, cons, and generally comes across as a terrible Buddhist, but he wields a substantial amount of holy power and proves to have a deep core of spirituality when it really counts.
- Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest: Averted and played straight. He flirts, gropes and peeks on Sango every chance he gets, but he never asked her to bear his child. At least not until he was serious about their Relationship Upgrade.
- Catch Phrase: "Will you bear my children?"
- The Charmer
- Chivalrous Pervert: He is capable of being noble and a gentleman, to the incredulity of both Inuyasha and Sango.
- Combat Commentator
- Con Man: His favorite trick is to, upon arriving in a town, single out a particularly large and wealthy-looking house and announce that it is "threatened by evil spirits," which he then generously offers to exorcize in return for a meal and a place to stay for the night.
- Cursed with Awesome: His curse really is a curse, but in an admirable example of making the best out of a bad situation, he uses it as a very powerful weapon as well.
- Awesome but Impractical: It quickly becomes this once Naraku starts using insects that, if they get sucked in, will poison him. Because they're present in almost every battle, Miroku rarely has a chance to use it.
- Dark and Troubled Past: He watched his father die being sucked into his Wind Tunnel when he was a little boy.
- Dirty Old Monk
- Expy: Ataru, sort of, but he is nicer and more mature.
- Feel No Pain: After taking Yakurou Dokusen's "medicine", so he's able to suck any poison into his Wind Tunnel and keep fighting even though it's still killing him.
- Fuel Meter of Power: The Wind Tunnel will kill him eventually.
- Handsome Lech
- Happily Married
- Hereditary Curse
- Holy Hand Grenade: As a monk that is to be expected.
- Hot Dad
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: When Sango is courted by a nice rich guy, he seriously thinks he should let go of her so she can have the nice life she needs so badly.
- It's Personal: Naraku cursed his family.
- Kryptonite Is Everywhere: The Saimyoshou are always around preventing him from using his curse.
- Ladykiller in Love: He's an unrepentant womanizer who falls in love with Sango, not that it stops his flirting. Cue Hiraikotsu.
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Loveable Rogue: He'll do anything to have a comfortable and enjoyable life, whether it's conning, lying or even stealing to get food, lodgings, money and women.
- Lust: Runs in his family, and one of the reasons his grandfather ended up with the Wind Tunnel.
- Magical Gesture
- Master of the Mixed Message: Even his proposal had this.
- Moment Killer: Tender moments between Miroku and Sango are most often ruined by Miroku's wandering hands.
- On one hilarious occasion, when he managed to keep his hands to himself, she reached around to touch his rump—checking for a tail, to make sure he wasn't Shippo in disguise.
- On another rare moment, Miroku tries to comfort her which he usually would've ruined with his wandering hands, however Miroku remains perfectly chivalrous and prepares to walk away. Sango's lampshading of the usual routine, arguably, it's the starting cause of the moment killer.
Sango: "That's it?"
Miroku: "Hm?"
Sango: "Well it's just that usually after the encouragement you try to do something lecherous."
Miroku: [smiles, sighing] "Sango..." [places his hand on her breast] "If that's all you wanted you should have said so."
[cue slap]
- Mr. Exposition
- Mr. Vice Guy
- Nun-Too-Holy: Well, more like Monk Too Holy, but the motif applies. Inuyasha draws on lots of stories from Japan's Feudal Era and stories about Buddhist monks acting in a very unmonkly fashion date back at least that far.
- Paper Talisman
- Parental Abandonment
- Power Incontinence: As a direct result of the "power" being the product of a curse.
- Power of the Void
- Power Palms: The Wind Tunnel lies in the palm of his right hand.
- Sexy Priest
- Simple Staff: He's a very capable fighter using his shakujo.
- Sins of Our Fathers: The Wind Tunnel is a curse passed down to him from his father and grandfather.
- The Smart Guy: He's a pretty decent spiritualist and has a good bit of knowledge of the supernatural... and a mind made for Vegas.
- Stepford Smiler: Looks and act carefree and dirty-minded, but deep down he's very troubled because he knows he's getting closer and closer to death.
- Superpower Meltdown
- Urban Legend Love Life
- Weapons That Suck: The Wind Tunnel as his family uses it.
- Your Days Are Numbered: Particularly towards the end of the series.
Sango comes from a village of professional demon slayers. After the deaths of the other hunters, including Sango's father and little brother Kohaku, she first mistakenly pursues Inuyasha intending to kill him, but later joins forces with him and the others. Sango's primary weapon is Hiraikotsu, an enormous boomerang made from demon bones, but she's also skilled with a variety of other weapons and tricks, and has a broad array of knowledge about youkai and how to fight them.
Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima (JP), Kelly Sheridan (EN), Liliana Barba (LA SP), Emmanuela D'Amico (IT), Yael Elhadad (FR)
- Action Girl
- Always Save The Guy
- Armor-Piercing Slap: Usually used on Miroku.
- Bad with the Bone: Hiraikotsu is made of purified youkai bones.
- Badass: Very much. As stated below, she was stabbed with a scythe, shot with multiple arrows, buried alive, and she did not let that hold her back and dug herself out of her own grave.
- Battle Aura: When Sango is pissed off she can manifest a Battle Aura that can send even Inuyasha ducking for cover. This even though Sango is the only member of the Five-Man Band with no supernatural powers whatsoever.
- Battle Boomerang: Her weapon of choice.
- Berserk Button: Miroku being a lecher. She later calms down as long as he's only a lecher with her.
- The Big Girl: She fills the role in the Five-Man Band, despite being neither big nor a guy, by being the hardest hitter short of Inuyasha himself. She's also the only one that's been formally trained to fight.
- Big Sister Instinct
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Has a hidden retractable blade in her right sleeve.
- Brown Eyes: She’s the more down-to-earth of the main characters.
- Buried Alive
- Chain Pain
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute Bruiser
- Deceased Parents Are the Best
- Demon Slaying: The protagonists do a lot of this in general, but for Sango it's both her profession and a family tradition.
- Determinator: She was stabbed with a scythe in her back, got hit with several arrows and was buried alive. But instead of dying she just got pissed off, dug herself out and later proceeded to hike for miles and fight Inuyasha who she thought had destroyed her village, all this while bleeding to death.
- Doomed Hometown
- Dual-Wielding
- Dude, He's Like, In A Coma!: She kissed Miroku while he was unconscious and in the brink of death before leaving to fight Naraku.
- Empathic Weapon: Her giant boomerang, Hiraikotsu.
- Expy: Ukyo.
- She also has quite a few similarities to Rin.
- Guilt Complex: She tends to blame herself a lot, it doesn't matter if it really is her fault or not.
- Happily Married
- Hidden Weapons: Where to begin…
- Hime Cut
- Hot Amazon: Miroku and Kuranosuke want to marry her, and even though she's a demon slayer that didn't stop some youkai from trying to kidnap/grope her.
- Hot for Preacher: Her and Miroku.
- Hot Mom
- Absurdly Youthful Mother: By the end of the story she's about 19/20 years-old and already has three kids. This is Feudal Japan after all and she married Miroku.
- It's Personal: Naraku murdered her family and destroyed her village, tricked her into thinking Inuyasha was responsible and brainwashed her brother.
- Jack of All Stats
- Lady of War
- Last Of Her Kind: She's the last taijiya. For a while.
- Luminescent Blush
- Master Poisoner: She has extensive knowledge in the preparation of different kinds of poisons and how they affect youkai.
- Multi Melee Master: Her weapons include the Hiraikotsu, a wakizashi (small sword), a chain and a hidden blade.
- Named Weapons: Hiraikotsu ("Bone that flies back")
- Parental Abandonment: We never see her mother, and her father is killed by her brother when he's under Naraku's control.
- Please Kill Me If It Satisfies You: Naraku gives her the choice between killing Rin to kill Naraku in order to save Miroku's life, or staying her hand to save Rin and therefore letting Miroku die. She chooses to save Miroku but Kagome manages to save Rin just in time. Sango promptly offers her life to Sesshoumaru as payment for her attempt on Rin's life. Sesshoumaru lets her live.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: And it's bigger than she is.
- Scars Are Forever: "Kohaku's scar" on her back.
- Sensual Spandex
- Sole Survivor: Of the Taijiya massacre.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: "It's not like I'm jealous or anything."
- "It's not really like I expected you'd be in love with me or anything."
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Team Normal
- Tomboyish Ponytail
- Tsundere: Even though she's more of a Yamato Nadeshiko, Miroku is a genius bringing out the Tsundere in her.
- Undead Little Brother
- Yamato Nadeshiko: She's actually quite the spin on the trope: she's tall, willowy, dark-haired, gentle and follows the family tradition... which just happens to be demon slaying. Slightly based on how several Yamato Nadeshikos were trained in weapon use so they could defend their households when in a pinch.
- You Are Worth Hell: She prefers to die with Miroku than live without him.
Kirara is a nekomata - a two-tailed youkai cat - who is also Sango's companion. She can change from a tiny feline to a huge fanged one for Sango to ride on, and has the ability to fly in her larger form.
Voiced by: Tarako (JP)
- Action Pet
- Cool Pet: Admit it, you wish your pet could change shapes and fly.
- Cute Kitten: A mild subversion because of Kirara's large form.
- Mega Neko: When she uses said form.
- Flight
- Horse of a Different Color: She normally carries Sango and Miroku on her back.
- Incendiary Exponent
- Killer Rabbit
- Loyal Animal Companion
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Panthera Awesome
- Parrot Pet Position
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Being a nekomata, this is obligatory. In the anime it's implied she was Midoriko's companion.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted. When she's first introduced to Inuyasha's group, she's a snarling beast with glowing red eyes. Then it's revealed she's a friend of Myouga's and was just trying to protect the dead villagers of the place she calls home. She's a friend and ally after that.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: In her small form. Awwwwwwww.
- Sizeshifter
- Spell My Name with an "S": In the English dub, her name is pronounced as 'Kilala', but still spelled 'Kirara'.
- Team Pet
- Youkai
Shippo / Shippou
Shippo is a young fox youkai who joins Kagome and Inuyasha following the death of his father. Since he is still a child, he is not very strong in battle, but can change his shape and has a repertoire of trickery that occasionally comes in handy. His youth and immaturity bring him into frequent conflict with Inuyasha; it is not clear exactly how old he really is, given that youkai age more slowly than humans.
Voiced by: Kumiko Watanabe (JP), Jillian Michaels (EN), Laura Torres (LA SP), Laura Cenciarelli (IT), Audrey Lebihan (FR)
- Animal Motifs: Fox
- Battle Tops
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Captain Obvious
- Cold Flames: His Fox Fire (Kitsune-Bi).
- Deadpan Snarker
- Disappeared Dad: We meet him right after his dad, a powerful fox youkai, was murdered and skinned by Hiten and Manten. And That's Terrible.
- Expy: Jariten.
- Green Eyes: Despite his young age, he has immense magical talent for his species, lampshaded when he's accidentally dragged into a kitsune examination session he didn't even know existed. Despite having no time to prepare for his exams and being the youngest examinee present, he wipes the floor with his fellow examinees, earning their absolute awe as he breaks records in the speed at which he climbs the Kitsune rankings. It's confirmed in-universe that one day he'll grow up to be a TaiYoukai.
- I Am Not a Tanuki: "I'm a Kitsune!"
- Kidanova: Has a lot of conquests for someone so young.
- Kid Sidekick
- Kitsune
- The Load
- Master of Illusion: Most of his tricks fall under this branch of magic including Me's a Crowd
- Morphic Resonance: Can't hide his tail most of the time.
- Mouthy Kid
- Parental Abandonment
- Parrot Pet Position
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Pointy Ears
- Tagalong Kid
- The Trickster
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Youkai
Supporting Characters
Myoga / Myouga
Myoga the flea was once a servant of Inuyasha's father, and tries to help Inuyasha and his friends by providing useful information, although he is a coward and a bit of a lecher. He claims Inuyasha's blood is delicious, and often appears by biting Inuyasha to drink some of his blood, usually resulting in getting squashed by Inuyasha.
Voiced by: Kenichi Ogata (JP), Paul Dobson (EN), Daniel Abundis (LA SP), Mino Caprio (IT), Hughes Boucher (FR)
- Animal Motifs: The flea.
- Arranged Marriage: Kind of in the anime. He got roped into a wedding with an energetic lover, but seems none too happy about it and escapes.
- Butt Monkey
- Deadpan Snarker
- Genre Savvy: Knows he's screwed if he sticks around for too long in a big battle.
- Lovable Coward: Will no doubt run when the going gets especially tough, but only because he's a puny flea with barely any combat potential other than sucking a demon's blood dry over the course of several hours.
- The Mentor
- Mr. Exposition
- Old Retainer
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Running Gag: Usually, when Myoga shows up, he tries to nibble on Inuyasha's blood, to which Inuyasha retaliates with a firm swat to the flea, which sends him sailing to the ground like a flattened sheet of paper. A few times, it clues the gang in to his sudden, unseen arrival.
- Sweet Tooth: For Inuyasha's blood.
- Third Person Person: He does sometimes speak in terms of "This Myouga" in the Japanese.
- Youkai
Kikyo / Kikyou
As a Miko and the Shikon Jewel's guardian, Kikyo's responsibility was to purify the Shikon Jewel and keep it out of anyone else's hands. Falling in love with Inuyasha, however, led to her death, and she had the Jewel burned with her body in order to protect it, causing it to reappear within the body of her reincarnation, Kagome. However, this is not the last we see of her...
Voiced by: Noriko Hidaka (JP), Willow Johnson (EN), Georgina Sánchez (LA SP), Francesca Guadagno (IT), Claire Beaudoin (FR)
- Action Girl
- Aloof Big Sister: Towards Kaede, and to Kagome to a degree.
- Always Someone Better: Kikyo fills this role for Kagome and Tsubaki.
- Anti Heroine (Type III): While a good person at heart, she's too manipulative and aloof to be a 100% traditional hero.
- The Archer
- Artificial Human: After revival.
- Back from the Dead
- Badass
- Betty and Veronica: She's the Veronica to Kagome's Betty.
- Broken Bird
- Came Back Wrong
- Casting Gag: She voiced Akane in the Ranma 1/2 anime.
- Cooldown Hug: On Saint Hakushin.
- Damaged Soul
- Dark Magical Girl
- Death of the Hypotenuse
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: In Inuyasha's if you were wondering.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Evil Counterpart: In the start, she looks this to Kagome. Ends turning into the Anti Heroine counterpart
- First Law of Resurrection
- Florence Nightingale Effect: On Naraku - or more accurately, his original self, Onigumo.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Hime Cut
- Holy Hand Grenade: Her holy power is rivaled only by her Reincarnation Kagome and Saint Hakushin.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Before her death, she told Inuyasha more than once that she wanted to live as a normal girl instead of as a priestess and guardian of the Shikon Jewel.
- Ill Girl: Took this role more than once, despite being undead. Namely, more than once she either was weakened by poison or suffered the physical downsides of having a clay body.
- Inhuman Human
- It's Personal: Naraku tricked her into thinking Inuyasha had betrayed her and killed her.
- Lady of War
- Last Kiss
- Magical Gesture
- Manipulative Bitch: When she took the Jewel from Kagome and gave it to Naraku... but only to lull him into a fake sense of security rather than help him.
- Technically, that's how Kagome killed Naraku. However, Kikyo wasn't as ruthless as she thought she was and was unwilling to let Kohaku get killed by Naraku in exchange for purifying the Shikon no Tama, since she was a bit more Ax Crazy when she came up with that plan. Also, no one planned for the Shikon no Tama trying to grant Naraku's wish by trying to pull Kagome into itself with his soul.
- The Messiah: She was an unadultered version of this, until she died. She still retained some of the traits after being forcibly revived and becoming a Dark Magical Girl, helping the poor and disinherited whenever she could and helping Saint Hakushin to finally let go of his hate and despair..
- Miko: And quite powerful.
- Never Found the Body: After her confrontation with Naraku in Mt. Hakurei.
- Out-Gambitted: She tried to lull Naraku into a false sense of security by giving him the portion of the Sacred Jewel Kagome had been previously holding onto in order to destroy both him and the jewel was it was completed. This scheme ultimately works out about as well as Vizzini's drinking contest against Wesley...with her being Vizzini.
- See Manipulative Bitch. Her plan worked, she just wasn't as ruthless as she thought she was.
- Power Glows
- Rapunzel Hair
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Inuyasha.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tranquil Fury: Slays youkai and kicks Naraku's ass, all with a cool glare.
- The Undead
- Unwanted Revival
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Prior to her death. Eventually, as she calms down and loses her rage with the world she develops back into a mix of YN and Dark Magical Girl in the later parts of the series.
- Yandere: Arguably, right after being revived. As said above, she got better.
Sesshomaru / Sesshoumaru
Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's half-brother, and unlike Inuyasha is a very powerful full-blooded youkai. He initially appears in pursuit of the sword Tessaiga, which their father had created from his own fang and left for Inuyasha to inherit; although Sesshoumaru also inherited a sword, Tenseiga, he feels he has no use for it since it is a healing sword which cannot wound anyone.
Voiced by: Ken Narita (JP), David Kaye (EN), Alfredo Basurto (LA SP), Niseem Onorato (IT), Phillpe Leroy (FR)
- Aloof Big Brother
- Animal Motifs: The Dog
- Anti-Villain: Type I: Pre- Character Development
- Anti-Hero: Type V --> Type IV: Adopting Rin touches off a period in which he is portrayed increasingly sympathetically, though he remains an antagonist until later in the series, with his compassion for Kagura completing his development out of being a villain.
- Badass: HELL. YES.
- Badass and Child Duo: He's the badass, Rin is the child.
- Badass in Distress: Chapters 512-518 sees this happen. Inuyasha initially has to rescue him.
- Badass Long Hair
- Handicapped Badass: He only has one arm.[1] For most of the series anyway. It doesn't slow him down at all. In fact, he once admits he doesn't hate Inuyasha for what happened because it's actually made him even stronger than he was before he lost it.
- Bishounen
- Break the Haughty: An integral part of his Character Development.
- Byronic Hero
- Came Back Strong: Thanks to Magatsuhi.
- Canis Major: His true form.
- Chain-Reaction Destruction: Bakusaiga
- Character Development: From villain to Anti-Villain to, arguably, Anti-Hero.
- Clipped-Wing Angel
- The Comically Serious: Sometimes.
- Defrosting Ice King
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: He gets pissed off when Inuyasha feels sorry for him.
- Empathic Weapon: Both Tenseiga and Tokijin.
- Evil Counterpart: To Inu-Yasha
- Evil Plan: Back when he was the first major villain, it was to find his father's grave and steal Tessaiga. When he mellowed into an Anti-Villain he focused less on stealing a sword and more on making one.
- Evil Weapon: Tokijin.
- Expy: Herb.
- Eyes of Gold: Reflecting his nature as a dog-Youkai.
- Facial Markings: A crescent moon on his forehead and two pairs of stripes. (Also, his “eyeshadow” isn’t makeup - they’re part of the markings around his eyes.)
- Fan Nickname: "Fluffy," "Fluffy-sama," Sesshy.
- Fantastic Racism: Like many fully-fledged Youkai in the series, Sesshomaru looks down upon any Hanyo/Half-Demon he meets. Inuyasha particularly gets this from his elder brother.
- Flash Step
- Flight: Like many of the stronger Youkai, he has his own methods of flight.
- Good Powers, Bad People: At first after getting Tenseiga, a sword that can heal instead of kill, and he's dismayed he got it while Inuyasha got Tessaiga. After Character Development, it gradually becomes Good Powers Good People.
- Healing Factor
- Healing Shiv: Tenseiga.
- I Was Just Passing Through: Repeatedly.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: By Magatsuhi. One of his opening moves was to pierce Sesshoumaru's only arm in three places. He eventually stabbed Sesshoumaru through the chest twice, including once through the heart.
- Implied Love Interest: To Kagura. Rin comments on it at one point.
- Inferiority Superiority Complex
- It's Personal: Naraku used him several times to kill Inuyasha, tried to absorb him and kidnapped Rin. Kagura's death is the last straw and he starts going after Naraku to avenge her.
- Jerkass-> Jerk with a Heart of Gold: It starts with Rin, encompasses Kagura, then Inuyasha and his entire group. The manga eventually ends with the implication that his compassion is still growing - he still doesn't like it being pointed out though.
- Karma Houdini
- Licked by the Dog: Rin's hero-worship of Sesshoumaru is the first indication of his well-buried better nature.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: So very much.
- Master Swordsman: Except in the case of Tenseiga, he's able to use any weapon to its full potential the moment he gets his hands on it. This is most evident in the few occasions when he uses Tessaiga - Inuyasha, for whom the sword was made, has to be actively thinking about protecting a human before it will change from a rusty piece of junk to a usable blade, and it takes him at least a season to master the Wind Scar to the point that he can use it at will. Sesshoumaru is able to fire off Wind Scars immediately. He gets similar results with Tokijin, Bakusaiga, and even Sango's Hiraikotsu.
- More Than Infinite: Bakusaiga
- The Mourning After: Kagura's death filled an empty hole in his heart for the first time and he risks his life to defend her and vows to avenge her death.
- Mr. Fanservice: Even moreso than his brother.
- Named Weapons: Tenseiga ("Heavenly Birth Fang"), Tokijin ("Demon-Fighting God") and Bakusaiga ("Explosive Crushing Fang").
- Narcissist
- Neck Lift: Does it several times.
- No One Could Survive That: He got stabbed through the heart. It made him angry.
- Noble Demon: Eventually, and still in denial about it.
- The Nose Knows
- Papa Wolf: Threaten Rin. You'll be dead soon. And if you're the King of Hell, you'll be destroyed...unless you're Kagura, who has gotten away with it.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Pet the Dog: His informal adoption of Rin and his attitude toward Kagura.
- Pointy Ears
- Poisonous Person: Able to channel poison through his claws; he used this power quite often during his first appearances, but not so much in his later ones.
- Pretty in Mink: The mass of fur hanging over his shoulder, referred to as “mokomoko-sama” or “Fluffy” by fans. It seems to be a holdover from his true form, as it is still visible as a fringe of fur across his shoulder when he's in his dog form.
- Pride
- Rapunzel Hair
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Like Inuyasha, his eyes are golden, but the sclera turn red when he's about to transform. This is never a good thing.
- Revive Kills Zombie: Tenseiga's healing powers can be used to slay the undead and creatures native to the netherworld.
- The Snark Knight
- The Stoic: He's also an example of Not So Stoic as his temper is almost as short as Inuyasha's, something that was once lampshaded by Toutousai as marking them as brothers.
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Super Strength
- Tall, White-haired, and Snarky.
- Tame His Anger
- Third Person Person: In the Japanese. "This Sesshoumaru".
- 24-Hour Armor
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: A major element of his characterization revolves around his dissatisfaction with the thought that their father favored Inuyasha over himself. It's only after he moves beyond his daddy issues that he's finally able to obtain his own sword Bakusaiga.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Youkai: Taiyoukai in fact.
Rin was a young orphan child who encounters Sesshomaru while he is recovering from being beaten by Inuyasha. In spite of Sesshomaru's coldness, she shows no fear of him and instead develops a case of hero worship. For his own reasons, Sesshomaru allows her to accompany him and Jaken thereafter.
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP), Brenna O'Brien (EN), Mariana Ortiz (LA SP), Letizia Ciampa (IT)
- Badass and Child Duo: The Child to Sesshoumaru's Badass.
- Back from the Dead: Twice.
- Bird Run: Occasionally, including in at least one of the opening sequences.
- Cheerful Child
- Cute Mute: In her first appearance. She gets over it after joining Sesshoumaru.
- Damsel in Distress
- Does Not Like Shoes
- Expy: Natsume
- Girlish Pigtails: Or better said, her single one
- Morality Pet: To Sesshoumaru, in an oddly inverted case of dog petting human.
- Shipper on Deck: She becomes very excited when she thinks Kagura might like Sesshomaru, tries to convince Jaken that she's right, and says they should trust her more after she comes to this conclusion-seemingly trying to get them closer together.
- Third Person Person: In the Japanese.
Kohaku is Sango's younger brother. Apparently killed along with the rest of the youkai hunters, he reappears not long afterwards under the control of Naraku, who uses him in frequent efforts to manipulate Sango.
Voiced by: Akiko Yajima (JP), Alex Doduk/Danny McKinnon (EN), Eduardo Garza (LA SP), Fabrizio de Flaviis (IT)
- Back from the Dead
- Badass Normal: He's quite skilled and a very efficient involuntary assassin.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Brainwashed Counterpart: To Sango.
- Break the Cutie: He was a shy, gentle and somewhat frightened 11 year-old boy who was going to take part in his first demon extermination. And then he was forced to kill a lot of people (including his father), work for the one who destroyed his life and was constantly hunted for the Shikon shard in his back. After all this, he only wishes to die taking Naraku with him.
- Cute Bruiser
- Dying as Yourself: When he died, he had come to his senses after being possessed, both times. Specially jarring the second time since he had just accepted to live and fight. Fortunately he got better thanks to...
- First Law of Resurrection
- Identity Amnesia
- Magic Skirt
- Mind Control Eyes
- Morality Pet: To Kagura.
- Multi Melee Master
- Redemption Earns Life
- Self-Made Orphan: He killed his father while possessed.
- Shrinking Violet: Before It Got Worse.
- Sinister Scythe/Chain Pain: His kusarigama.
- Trauma Guided Amnesia: He was so badly traumatised by his murder of the youkai hunters under Naraku's brainwashing that he refuses to remember it. Naraku uses this to his advantage, as he does with everything; offering to use his powers to ensure that Kohaku can't remember anything about it, no matter how forcibly reminded, is why Kohaku agreed to serve him in the first place.
- The Undead: The only thing that keeps him "alive" is the Shikon shard on his back.
- Unwanted Revival
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
- Youthful Freckles
This goblin-like youkai is Sesshomaru's longsuffering and loyal retainer. He is not a very powerful fighter, but can wield the Staff of Two Heads in order to assist Sesshoumaru when needed.
Voiced by: Yuichi Nagashima (JP), Don Brown (EN), Carlos Iñigo/Alfredo Basurto (LA SP), Fabrizio Mazzotta (IT), Christophe Giordano (FR)
- Affably Evil
- Anti-Villain / Anti-Hero (Type V)
- Battle Butler: To Sesshoumaru.
- Butt Monkey / The Chew Toy: Jaken's role in the series boils down quite effectively to "show up, highlight how annoying he is by being a jerk and/or kissing Sesshomaru's ass, then get abused by Sesshomaru for being such a lickspittle".
- Diagonal Cut: Kaijinbo kills him this way. He recovers, thanks to Tenseiga.
- Fantastic Racism: Jaken hates humans and half-demons, and routinely insults and mocks them. Then again, this might be a way of singing the praises of the similarly disdainful Sesshomaru, given his jeers often revolve around how worthless such beings are compared to him.
- He Will Not Cry, So I Cry for Him: Jaken both sneezes and cries on Sesshoumaru's behalf, both times explaining that Sesshoumaru would never do something so undignified himself.
- I Owe You My Life: His reason for following Sesshoumaru so loyally.
- Playing with Fire: His only attack is to fire gouts of flame from the ever-present Staff of Two Heads.
- Old Retainer: To Sesshoumaru.
- The Renfield
- Third Person Person: He has been known to say "This Jaken" in the Japanese.
- Youkai
Kaede is Kikyo's younger sister and assistant. Following her loss of an eye and Kikyo's death, she became a miko herself, and is an old woman when Kagome arrives in the past and unseals Inuyasha. She recognizes Kagome as Kikyo's reincarnation, and assists Kagome and Inuyasha by providing advice and information.
Voiced by: Hisako Kyoda (JP), Pam Hyatt (EN), Ángela Villanueva (LA SP), Cristina Grado (IT), Frederique Cantrel (FR)
- The Archer
- Badass Gramma: Not many people can stand up to demons. Few will go headlong into fights against them.
- The Comically Serious
- Cool Old Lady
- Demoted to Extra
- Eyepatch of Power: A very spiffy one.
- Eye Scream: Lost her left eye as a little girl, some time before Kikyo's death. In the anime the culprit is Kikyo's old rival, the Evil Miko Tsubaki
- Force Field: Can make minor barriers and joins with Miroku to make one to protect Inuyasha as he heals from his wound fighting Sesshomaru.
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Magical Gesture: Does the full blown Asian Rune Chant in The Movie.
- The Medic
- Miko
- Mission Control: Her village often becomes the headquarters of Kagome's team.
- Never Mess with Granny: Any old woman capable of more or less keeping up with all of this qualifies.
- Ye Olde Butchered English: In the dub.
Totosai is a youkai blacksmith, the one responsible of forging Tessaiga and Tenseiga from the fang of Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru's father.
Voiced by: Jouji Yanami (JP), Richard Newman (EN), Paco Mauri (LA SP), Giancarlo Padoan (IT), Yann Guillemot (FR)
- Big Eater
- Breath Weapon: Fire.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Combat Commentator
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Everything's Better with Cows: His perpetually dazed, three-eyed cow.
- Mr. Exposition
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Playing with Fire: Not only he can spit fire, but his hammer can create lava pits when used.
- Pointy Ears
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Secret Keeper: He knew the truth about Tenseiga and Bakusaiga all along.
- Trickster Mentor
- Ultimate Blacksmith
- Youkai
Koga / Kouga
Kouga is the leader of a tribe of wolf youkai. He has collected several Shikon Jewel shards, which enable him to run incredibly fast and to execute powerful kicks. He kidnaps Kagome due to her ability to sense Jewel shards, and soon develops a crush on her, much to Inuyasha's annoyance.
Voiced by: Taiki Matsuno (JP), Scott McNeil (EN), Irwin Daayán (LA SP), Corrado Conforti (IT), David Maisse (FR)
- Affably Evil
- Animal Motifs: Wolf.
- Anti-Villain -> Anti-Hero (Type V)
- Badass Long Hair
- Does Not Like Shoes
- Easily Forgiven: After his initial appearance, none of the main cast members seem to remember the large number of villagers that he and his wolves killed, and aside from Inuyasha they don't seem to hold it against him that he kidnapped Kagome with plans to make her marry him and would have fed Shippo to his wolves if Kagome hadn't stopped him. Even Inuyasha's issues with him seem mostly rooted in jealousy over his romantic pursuit of Kagome, and the two of them end up as Vitriolic Best Buds.
- Expy: In theory Ryouga, but appearance and name only, as he is enormously nastier.
- Fantastic Racism: Constantly mocks and insults Inuyasha either because he's a half-demon or because his demon lineage is that of a dog, while Koga is a wolf demon.
- Handsome In Mink
- Healing Factor
- Hopeless Suitor
- I'm a Humanitarian
- It's Personal: Naraku killed his pack and tricked him into thinking Inuyasha had done it.
- Jerkass-> Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Towards Kagome at least.
- Karma Houdini: Seesaws between subverting this and playing it straight. As mentioned above, nobody ever brings up his less than noble deeds, which includes butchering innocent people to feed his wolves. This becomes a Double Standard when Princess Abi is treated like a monster for siccing her bats on a village; a reaction never had to Kouga doing the same thing but with wolves. On the other hand, his greed for power got his whole tribe slaughtered, and his arrogance in both continuing to pursue Naraku and insisting on keeping two shikon shards for himself has gotten him brutalized on several occasions.
- Magic Skirt
- The Nose Knows
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Insists that he alone will be able/allowed to defeat Naraku.
- Ornamental Weapon: His sword.
- Pointy Ears
- Put on a Bus
- Long Bus Trip: In the manga he's never seen again.
- Back For The Epilogue: In the anime.
- The Rival: To Inuyasha.
- Super Speed: Helped by the Shikon shards in his legs.
- Super Strength
- Tame His Anger
- Throwaway Country: A rare example of a "heroic" character actually being a cause of this trope. Koga slaughtered the populace of two villages, on screen, and not a word is ever said about them—or the others he may well have destroyed before he met Kagome.
- 24-Hour Armor
- Wolverine Claws: His Ancestral Weapon the Goraishi.
- Would Hit a Girl: "Hey Kagura! Wanna know how the Wolf Youkais deal with evil bitches?" *punch*
- Youkai
Ayame is a wolf youkai princess, grandaughter of the well-respected leader of a tribe allied with Kouga's. She claims to be Kouga's fiancee, though he says he doesn't remember any such thing.
Voiced by: Yumi Kakazu (JP), Natalie Walters (EN), Patricia Acevedo (LA SP), Eleonora Leti (IT)
- Action Girl: Of the Cute Bruiser variety
- Blow You Away and Petal Power: Her powers.
- Animal Motifs: The Wolf
- Ascended Extra: Only mentioned in the manga, got a mini-arc to herself in the anime.
- Childhood Marriage Promise: One that Kouga gave to her when she was a little girl, but he came to pretty much forget. It's hinted that he did remember later, but chose to not aknowledge it to not have her tag along for danger.
- Ultimately in the anime, Kouga and she do get married when he takes full leadership of the wolf youkai.
- Fiery Redhead
- Flower in Her Hair: Kouga gives her one of her namesake flowers as a child when he promised to marry her, and she's worn one in her hair ever since.
- Flower Motifs: "Ayame" means "iris," and she wears an iris in her hair. Koga gave her one of these in their first encounter.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Plucky Girl
- Rescue Romance: Kouga saved her life when she was young.
- She's All Grown Up: Kouga met Ayame as an adorable little youkai girl. When she shows up again, she's a total Cute Bruiser babe.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Kouga.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: In the anime.
- Youkai
A huge half-human, half-demon character who owns a field of healing herbs along with his old, human mother. Despite his large, intimidating appearence he's a gentle and shy creature.
Voiced by: Hisao Egawa (JP), Michael Dobson (EN), Jorge Ornelas (LA SP), Saverio Indrio (IT)
- All of the Other Reindeer
- Badass: When provoked into a fight, he can kill demons with his bare hands. In the anime he beheads a giant insect demon by hugging it.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Covered with Scars
- Cowardly Lion: Normally shy and cowardly, he turns into a demon-smashing machine when Kagome is threatened.
- Gentle Giant
- The Grotesque
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Odd Friendship: With Kagome, who's the first person (outside of his mother) to not be afraid of him.
- Super Strength: Capable of tearing giant demons to pieces with his very hands. Luckily he's also very peaceful.
- Top-Heavy Guy: His upper body is larger than his lower one.
- The Un-Reveal: In the anime, Rin meets Jinenji in his "full human" period, but we don't get to see how he looks like, as he's covered by a giant blanket.
Naraku and his incarnations
The main villain of the series, a youkai of strange and mysterious origins. He seeks to obtain and corrupt the Shikon Jewel, and uses extremely manipulative tactics in order to pursue that goal, proving to have a hand in nearly everything bad that happens over the course of the series.
Voiced by: Toshiyuki Morikawa (JP), Paul Dobson (EN), Luis Alfonso Padilla (LA SP), Andrea Ward (IT), Emmanuel Lemire (FR)
- 0% Approval Rating: He doesn’t even try to get people to like him.
- And Your Little Dog, Too: LOVES taunting his victims/enemies about what he'll do to them
- Animal Motifs: Spiders
- The Assimilator
- Attack Reflector: His barriers develop this ability in Mt. Hakurei.
- Badass
- Barbie Doll Anatomy
- Big Bad
- Biological Mashup
- Black Magic
- Body Horror
- The Chessmaster
- Combat Tentacles
- The Corrupter
- Divide and Conquer
- Evil Counterpart: To Inu-Yasha
- Evil Evolves: Each apperance shows a new form all the way to the climax. Its part of his Evil Plan
- Evil Plan: He wants Kikyo but he also wants too taint the shikon Jewel with malice. So he does both at once.
- Extra Eyes: After his upgrade in Mt. Hakurei, he has one eye on his chest and one eye on each hand.
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: See above.
- Fan Service
- Flight
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Initially, a crippled bandit, who's lust for Kikyo led him to form a contract with demons and become the Complete Monster Naraku.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a burn scar in his back in the form of a spider, part of the human Onigumo.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Hannibal Lecture: He loves to give this to whoever is listening. They normally end with a Shut UP, Hannibal though.
- I Am Your Opponent: He prefers to reverse it into "He is your opponent."
- I Have Your Little Brother
- Jekyll and Hyde
- Let's You and Him Fight: Always trying to make everyone kill each other.
- Love Makes You Evil: He once was a human thief (Onigumo) who fell obsessively in love with Kikyo when she took care of him after he was burned to almost death, and when she rejected him, sold himself to demons to get her. Muso, one of his deattatchments, is his "human" heart and keeps the remnants of Onigumo's seriously twisted love for Kikyo.
- Lovecraftian Superpower
- The Man Behind the Man: Pretty much any antagonist the heroes ever run into can be traced back to Naraku somehow. And he has one... the demon inside the Shikon No Tama.
- Manipulative Bastard: Emphasis on the "manipulative." And the "bastard."
- Master of Illusion
- Meaningful Name: His original name, "Onigumo," means "demon-spider."
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast:"Naraku" refers to the Buddhist version of hell
- Nigh Invulnerability: Almost every possible variation depending on which form his body has currently taken.
- Offing the Offspring
- One-Winged Angel
- Poisonous Person
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: He's the Big Bad and when his eyes glow, true nastiness is about to be unleashed.
- Shapeshifter Default Form: Kagewaki's appearance.
- The Sociopath
- Super Smoke: Normally flees in a cloud of miasma.
- The Trickster
- Truly Single Parent: Of all his detachments.
- Villain Exit Stage Left
- Villainous Crush: On Kikyo, thanks to his human heart. He tries to get rid of it.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Yandere: His Onigumo side loves Kikyou. His Naraku side wants to kill her. Both sides want to kill Inuyasha.
Kanna is a "detachment" of Naraku, a creature created from his body. She appears to be an emotionless young girl with white hair, and uses a mirror which can monitor distant events, trap souls, and reflect energy back onto attackers.
Voiced by: Yukana (JP), Janyse Jaud (EN), Lupita Leal (LA SP), Gemma Donati (IT)
- Adaptation Distillation: The anime build up her emotion more steadly than the manga up to point that she has extra part of episode in the Final Act for herself.
- Attack Reflector: Her mirror.
- Battle Butler: To Naraku. Inuyasha's group is shocked by the realisation that her loyalty to Naraku is so extreme she'll die for him. and then Kagome learns Kanna used her death to cover a last minute betrayal to reveal to Kagome what Naraku's Achilles' Heel is.
- Black Eyes: As black as the void her demonic nature represents. It also serves to emphasise her (mostly) emotionless state.
- Creepy Child
- Emotionless Girl
- Subversion in the Anime: She feels sad about Kagura's death and it's implied to be the reason for her post-mortem betrayal.
- Not really since in the manga before she faces Inuyasha and his Nakama for the last time she feels the wind and believes that it was Kagura. Also when Naraku tells Inuyasha and the others that Kanna had no feelings, Kagome says he is wrong and that Kanna didn't want to die and that she wanted to be free and also her betrayal were signs that she did have emotions.
- Subversion in the Anime: She feels sad about Kagura's death and it's implied to be the reason for her post-mortem betrayal.
- Flower in Her Hair: She keep two white lilies in her hair.
- Flower Motifs: In the anime, a reference to her freedom.
- Hime Cut
- Magic Mirror. Her Weapon of Choice, which she uses to steal souls. It also turns into a monstrous demon that she is linked too.
- The Stoic: Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh!
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in White
- Your Soul Is Mine: Her mirror again.
Kagura, like Kanna, is a detachment of Naraku. She has power over wind, and unlike Kanna is more rebellious, with a will of her own. She serves Naraku only because he can kill her at any time, and hopes to be free of him someday.
Voiced by: Izumi Oogami (JP), Janyse Jaud (EN), Diana Pérez (LA SP), Cinzia De Carolis (IT), Isabelle Bouchemaa (FR)
- Animal Motifs: The Spider
- Animate Dead
- Anti-Hero: Type IV by the end of her Character Development.
- Anti-Villain
- Badass
- Big Sister Instinct: Before her death, she became very protective towards Kohaku; the same way that his real sister Sango is. She also gets along fairly well with Kanna, though the same can't be said for any of her other "siblings".
- Black Mage
- Blow You Away
- Broken Bird
- Clothing Damage: A lot.
- Dark Action Girl
- Does Not Like Shoes: Kagura is always barefoot...
- Foot Focus: ...and there are plenty of closeups of her bare feet.
- Famous Last Words: "I am the Wind. The Free Wind"
- Femme Fatale: Of the morally conflicted type.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: She has Naraku's trademark spider mark on her back.
- Hot Witch
- I Die Free
- I Just Want to Be Free
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Naraku was careful enough not to hurt her recently returned heart though.
- Implied Love Interest: While it isn't blatant enough to be Official Couple since there was no kissing or marriage, there's plenty of implication with Sesshomaru.
- Lady of War: A powerful and graceful fighter, up to how her attacks are named after dances.
- Paper Fan of Doom
- Pet the Dog: Her later attitude towards Kohaku.
- Plucky Girl: Very grim version
- Pointy Ears
- Razor Wind
- Redemption Equals Death: A more tragic example.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted. Although introduced as a villain, Character Development makes her an Anti-Villain who tries to help Inuyasha's group, supports Sesshoumaru, and who ends up having an Heroic Sacrifice to save Kohaku's life.
- Star-Making Role: For Izumi Oogami who isn't known much aside from this role.
The third of Naraku's detachments, is a beastly-looking ogre with powerful fangs and the ability of reading minds. He destroy's Tessaiga with his fangs, but is slaughtered by Demon!Inuyasha. Later Sesshomaru revive his head so that his teeth can be used to forge Tokijin.
Voiced by: Masaharu Satoh (JP), Michael Kopsa (EN), Roberto Mendiola (LA SP), Mario Bombardieri (IT)
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Has large, curved bones coming out of his arms.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Inflicts one to Inu Yasha's group thanks to his superior mind-reading powers.
- Evil Sounds Deep: At least in the Italian dub.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Destroying Tessaiga allowed him to severely injure Inu Yasha, but also awoken his Super-Powered Evil Side.
- Horned Humanoid
- Knight of Cerebus
- Lightning Bruiser: Despite being quite big, he's very fast.
- Mind Reading
- Meaningful Name: His name can be read as "Mind-Reading Ogre".
- Now That's Using Your Teeth: Manages to destroy Tessaiga's blade by biting it. Later his fangs are used by Kaijinbo to forge Sesshomaru's blade Tokijin.
- Telepathy: And he loves to use his powers to sadistically torture his victims and opponents.
- Villainous Glutton: One who's favorite food happens to be people.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Sesshomaru used Tenseiga to revive his head, but what happened to him next is unclear.
Juromaru and Kageromaru
The fourth and fifth detachment of Naraku. Juromaru is a pretty looking boy with white hair who behave like a beast. Kageromaru is a worm-like creature with scythes for arms who lives inside Juromaru's body and can talk. They're defeated by Inu Yasha and Koga's combined efforts.
Voiced by: Takumi Yamazaki (JP), Brian Drummond (EN), Giuliano Bonetto (IT)
- The Brute: Juromaru.
- Dual Boss: Essentially what they are to Inu Yasha.
- Flat Character: The only reason of their existence is to offer some challenge to Inu Yasha.
- Fragile Speedster/Glass Cannon: Kageromaru is absurdly fast, but lacks stamina and is not very strong.
- Hit and Run Tactics: Kageromaru.
- Meaningful Name: Juromaru roughly means "Beast Boy", Kageromaru "Shadow Boy".
- No Body Left Behind: They're both turned into dust by the Wind Scar.
- The Speechless: Juromaru.
- The Starscream: The first thing Juromaru does after being fred by the chains and mask is to behead Naraku's Kugustu.
- Sinister Scythe: Kageromaru's arms.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Technically both, though in Kageromaru's case is only the face.
The sixth detachment of Naraku, appears as a faceless man born from a blob of flesh. He's actually the true Onigumo and Naraku's human heart. After a fierce struggle with Inu Yasha he's re-assimilated in Naraku.
Voiced by: Hiroshi Yanaka (JP), Brian Dobson (EN), Luis Daniel Ramírez (LA SP), Vittorio Guerrieri (IT)
- The Blank: There's a grisly spot where his face should be. That's because Onigumo had his face burned.
- Blood Knight
- Fate Worse Than Death: Is eventually re-absorbed by Naraku when he finds out that he can't exist without him.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: He remember nothing about his past, not even his name. That's why he calls himself "Musou".
- Scary Scorpions: His battle form.
- Spikes of Villainy
- Stupid Evil: He's extremely selfish and edonist and just wander around killing and pillaging without a cause.
The Infant
Another detachment of Naraku, created in the depths of Mt. Hakurei. The infant is in fact Naraku's human heart, removed in order to free Naraku from his remaining feelings for Kikyou. Removing his heart also means that Naraku cannot be killed unless the heart is destroyed or returned to his body.
Voiced by: Ai Kobayashi (JP), Chiara Zanni (EN), Héctor Emmanuel Gómez (LA SP), Stefano Mondini (IT)
- Creepy Child: *shudder*
- Enfant Terrible
- Idiot Ball: Absorbing Naraku into Moryomaru. BEST.IDEA.EVER.
- Manipulative Bastard: Holy shit, he's INSANELY good at Hannibal Lectures, showing this when he almost drives an emotionally exhausted Kagome to a Face Heel Turn by repeatedly giving her those.
- The Starscream
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
After the Infant is split in half, one of the halves becomes Hakudoshi, a white-haired young boy with powers very much like Naraku's but had an agenda of his own.
Voiced by: Ai Kobayashi (JP), Chiara Zanni (EN), Héctor Emmanuel Gómez (LA SP), Stefano De Filippis (IT)
- Badass: Very much.
- The Beast Master: Command over the monstrous Monryomaru.
- Blade on a Stick: Wields a Naginata.
- The Chessmaster: Like father, like son.
- Creepy Child
- Deceptive Disciple
- Enfant Terrible
- Lack of Empathy
- Like Father, Like Son: Naraku made many incarnations as servants, but Hakudoshi is much more of a son than any of the other creatures that emerged from his body, because Hakudoshi and Naraku share the same core. Naturally loyalty isn't a trait he inherited, since Naraku doesn't possess it either.
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Sociopath
- The Starscream: To Naraku, but he'll troll the other detachments as necessary to achieve it (especially Kagura).
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Naraku's final detachment, he appears to be a beautiful young man with a playful disposition. He is purely loyal to Naraku and has a wide variety of powers.
Voiced by: Mitsuaki Madono (JP), Andrea Lavagnino (IT)
- Battle Butler: And loyal to Naraku to the death as well.
- Bishonen
- Dull Surprise: Inuyasha's group react intensely as they realise Kanna's literally tearing herself to shreds to carry out the last order Naraku gives her. Byakuya's reaction is clinical. He simply assesses the situation as evidence of the lengths to which Naraku will make his detachments go and contemplates the likelihood that something like this will happen to him. It does.
- Eye Scream: He can detach his eye to spy others.
- Fantastically Indifferent: Like Kanna, his main purpose is to performa a specific duty for Naraku that will result in his death. Unlike Kanna, he remains loyal to the end and barely bats an eyelid over having to sacrifice himself.
- Foreshadowing: As he watches the manner in which Kanna dies, he contemplates that's his likely fate as well. He was right.
- Just Following Orders: He tries to interfere with Sesshoumaru's pursuit of Mouryoumaru. When Sesshoumaru turns on him, he asks Sesshoumaru not to hate him because he's just doing his job, and then beats a hasty a retreat.
- Master of Illusion
- Mega Manning: The true purpose of his sword.
- Ornamental Weapon: Subverted. It's seemingly purely decorative, but turns out to have quite specific abilities.
- Paper Master
- Teleporters and Transporters
Other Villains
Mistress Centipede (Mukade Jōrō)
The very first hostile demon in the series, is the one who kidnaps Kagome and drag her beyond the well. She's killed pretty quickly by Inu Yasha.
Voiced by: Rei Igarashi (JP), Pauline Newstone (EN)
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Anime only.
- Bowdlerise: Her breast size is reduced in the Viz dub.
- Creepy Centipedes and Snake People: She has the lower body of a centipede.
- Cute Monster Girl: Her human part is actually pretty attractive... until she opens her mouth and reveals her fangs.
- Dark Action Girl
- Fan Disservice: Her monstrous form.
- Full-Frontal Assault
- Half The Demoness She Used To Be: Episode 147, set sometime before Kikyo's death, shows her being cut in half by Hiraikotsu - wielded at that time by Sango's grandfather, Shako - in a battle for the Shikon no Tama.
- Immortality Inducer: Via Shikon no Tama. Unlike other villains, she's rejuvenated just by being near it.
- Implacable Man
- Made of Plasticine: She gets splattered all over the place by Inuyasha.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Has six arms, and thats without counting the huge number of insectile legs all over her body.
- Non-Mammal Mammaries: Sport breasts in her human form. Said breasts were apparently reduced in size in the English dub.
- Older Than They Look: Inuyasha calls her an old hag (although this may not have had anything to do with her age, and may instead have been a shot against her vanity, with Inuyasha's typical rudeness).
- One-Winged Angel: Sheds her human skin and transforms into a grotesque monster after eating the Shikon Jewel. Still useless against Inuyasha.
- Overly Long Tongue: Seen when she licks Kagome's face.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Again, her monstrous form.
- Starter Villain
- Youkai: Centipede Mononoke/Omukade
Yura of the Hair
One of the first dangerous villains seen in the series, she appears as a skimpy dressed ninja girl who can manipulate hair like wires. Her true form is a cursed haircomb.
Voiced by: Akiko Yajima (JP), Chiara Zanni (EN), Liliana Barba (LA SP), Perla Liberatori (IT)
- Affably Evil
- Cool Sword: Benigasumi (Crinsom Mist), a short sword which can cut flesh but not the hair.
- Knight of Cerebus: After the Mistress Centipede and the Shibugarasu, she's a huge step up.
- No Body Left Behind: Turns to dust after death.
- Playing with Fire: Her comb, Onibigushi (Demon's fire comb) can spit flames.
- Prehensile Hair
- Razor Floss: How her hair works.
- Soul Jar: As long as her real body (the comb) is intact she's save.
- Starter Villain
- Stripperiffic
- Torso with a View: Inuyasha opens a gaping hole right between her breasts. She simply scolds him for trying to cop a feel.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Where she keeps the Shikon shards.
- Youkai
The Raiju Brothers
A pair of Raiju looking for the Jewel, they murdered and skinned Shippo's father. The younger brother, Manten is big and beastly and obsessed with his lack of hair. The eldest brother Hiten is more human looking and wields a lightning pike.
Voiced by: Nobutoshi Canna (Hiten) and Tetsu Inada (Manten) (JP), Andrew Francis (Hiten) and Alvin Sanders (Manten) (EN), Gabriel Ortiz (Hiten) and Jorge Ornelas (Manten) (LA SP), Stefano Crescentini (Hiten) and Nanni Baldini (Manten) (IT), Remi Caillebot (Hiten) and Pierre-Stefan Montagnier (Manten) (FR)
- Berserk Button: DO NOT do anything to Manten's hair.
- Blade on a Stick: Hiten's weapon, the Raigekijin.
- Breath Weapon: Manten's power.
- Flight: Manten use a dark thundercloud, Hiten has two wheel thingies hovering next to his feet.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Hiten's fate.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Manten's fate.
- Shock and Awe: Their powers.
- Villainous Valor: Hiten really loves his brother, to the point that he cries when Manten is killed. The anime made it into a real Tear Jerker.
- Youkai
An old oni witch known for creating living clay puppets. She's the one who resurrects Kikyo in a body of bone dust and dirt in order to have a powerful servant, but is eventually destroyed by her.
Voiced by: Yoshiko Ohta (JP), Cathy Weseluck (EN), Magda Giner (LA SP), Alina Moradei (IT)
- Evil Old Folks: Damn...
- Flight
- Hoist by His Own Petard: As soon as Kikyo get's a soul, she blast her torso into ashes.
- I Am a Humanitarian: Plans to devour Kagome's soulless body with Miso.
- The Necromancer/Golem: She can create both puppets and undeads with burial dirt and bone's ash.
- No Body Left Behind: Pulverize after death, but not before a last Kick the Dog moment.
- Sinister Scythe: Which she can use to cast a Sword Beam.
- Youkai
An old evil demon who used to be Totosai's disciple, before being rejected for his brutal and inhuman ways. He forges the Tokijin sword for Sesshomaru but is possessed by the blade and eventually destroyed by it.
Voiced by: Takeshi Aono (JP), Robert O. Smith (EN), Carlos del Campo (LA SP), Saverio Moriones (IT)
- Demonic Possession: Ends up being possessed by Tokijin, which is filled by Goshinki's hate towards Inu Yasha.
- Evil Counterpart: To Totosai.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Get possessed by the sword he forged and then killed by it.
- Kick the Dog: Bisects Jaken just for the lulz.
- Razor Wind: While wielding Tokijin.
- Ultimate Blacksmith: Not only he built Tokijin, but also the Naginata of Kenkon in a filler saga.
- Would Hurt a Child: Why Totosai disowned him? Because he murdered ten children in order to use their flesh and blood to forge an Evil Weapon filled with their hate. Oh, and he didn't regret that.
- Youkai
An elder Dragon Youkai who fought with Inu Yasha's father in the past and was sealed in a cliff, not before inflicting a fatal wound to the dog demon. He's fred from his seal by Naraku in order to kill Inu Yasha.
Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (JP), Trevor Devall (EN), Martín Soto (LA SP), Stefano Mondini (IT)
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Breath Weapon: Spits lightning bolts from his dragon mouth.
- Defeating the Undefeatable: Inu Yasha's purpose was to pierce his heart with Tessaiga to make it more powerful.
- Facial Markings: His human face.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Killed by the Bakuryuha attack, that uses his own energy against him.
- Made of Iron: Claims that his body is invincible and survived when his heart was impaled.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Is gigantic and has a smaller human face on his forehead. Said face speaks too.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Naraku destroyed the seal.
- Shock and Awe: Pink lightning.
- Youkai
A Miko and a contemporary of Kikyo. Tsubaki felt that she, not Kikyo, should be entrusted with the Shikon Jewel; when that didn't happen, her jealousy drove her to become a black miko.
Voiced by: Miho Satou (JP), Sharon Alexander (EN), Mónica Manjarrez (LA SP), Laura Lenghi (IT)
- Always Someone Better: Kikyo was this for her, too.
- Curse: Her specialty.
- Dark Chick: Even though she is pretty powerful, she never fights directly or physically.
- Driven by Envy: Envied Kikyou because she was chosen over her to keep the Shikon no Tama.
- Evil Counterpart: To Kikyou
- Evil Witch
- Eye Scream
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: Has her snake familiar redirected against her. Twice.
- Manipulative Bitch
- Miko
- Paper Master: Used shikigami in the form of paper animals to cast spells.
- The Rival: To Kikyou.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: When young. Rare villainous example
- Vain Sorceress: And how
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In the manga after she defeated, one of Naraku's wasps takes back the jewel shard he loaned her and she never heard from again The anime fixes this by adding a filler in which she hangs onto the jewel a little longer and uses it to merge into a powerful orge demon to defeat the heroes. She fails once again and rapidly ages to dust due to using up all her power.
- Though it doesn't show it, the manga heavily implies she dies right after Naraku's saimyosho robs her of the Shikon jewel shard since all the demons to whom she sold her soul in exchange for youth died in the battle against Inuyasha. And since she doesn't show up ever again after that...
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in Black
An old, giant Bat demon. He's currently using his granddaughter Shiori to keep up a powerful barrier on his lands.
Voiced by: Ryuuji Saikachi (JP), Gerardo Vásquez (LA SP), Vittorio Di Prima (IT)
- Barrier Warrior: Used to be one, like all the leaders of the Bat Demons tribe.
- Evil Old Folks
- Giant Flyer
- I Lied: Said that in return for Shiori, he'll spare the nearby village of fishermen. Which is promptly attacked the next night.
- Kick the Dog: Boasts about how he killed his own son for bonding with humans right in front of his grand daughter. Who expels him from her barrier and leave him to die at Inu Yasha's Sword Beam.
- Large and In Charge: He's surprisingly big.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: His Breath Weapon.
- Offing the Offspring: Murdered his own son for bonding with humans.
- Youkai
Leader of the Band of Seven, a powerful group of Psychos For Hire that roamed through Japan and was slaughtered ten years before the story sets. Naraku revives them with Shikon shards to have them as his bodyguards while his body evolves inside Mt. Hakurei.
Voiced by: Takeshi Kusao (JP), Matt Hill (EN), Gerardo García (LA SP), Giorgio Borghetti (IT)
- Anti-Villain: He was a bloodthirsty fighter, but he truly cared for his teammates. In fact, he snapped when Renkotsu killed Jakotsu, killing him in punishment for his treason
- Back from the Dead
- Badass
- BFS: Banryuu (“Barbarian Dragon”) his halberd (not THAT kind, stupid!) is even bigger even than Inuyasha's. And he can wield it single-handedly with such ease!
- Blade on a Stick: His "halberd" is somewhere between the genuine article and a really big sword.
- Blood Knight
- The Captain: He is the leader of the Band of Seven / Shichinin-tai.
- Cool Sword: Like Inuyasha, Bankotsu can use his sword to channel magical attacks, up to and including a lightning storm. (anime only)
- Even Evil Has Standards: What sets him apart from Renkotsu? He won't betray his friends. Of course, Jakotsu did mean a lot to him.
- Facial Markings
- Malaproper: Hilariously done in his first scene
- The Napoleon: A badass shorty.
- Noble Demon
- Off with His Head: his first death. He's pretty obsessed with it, too.
- Psycho for Hire: "We'll become mercenaries and slaughter everybody!"
- Rapunzel Hair: Kept in a long braid
- Shirtless Scene: Naraku revived the whole Band naked, so...
- The Undead
- Weapon Across the Shoulder
One of the Band of Seven, Bankotsu's best friend and most loyal follower.
Voiced by: Ai Orikasa (JP), Jenn Forgie (EN), Rocío Prado (LA SP), Monica Bertolotti (IT)
- Ax Crazy
- Back from the Dead
- Blood Knight
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Both in the original and in the dubs.
- Depraved Homosexual: Though he develops, thanks to his Hidden Depths.
- The Dragon: To Bankotsu.
- Effeminate Misogynistic Guy: Jakotsu dresses like a woman, has a female voice actor on both sides of the Pacific, is Camp Gay, and is contemptuous of his female opponents.
- Evil Laugh
- Face Death with Dignity
- Facial Markings: He’s got facepaint AND actual women’s makeup!
- Go Out with a Smile
- He-Man Woman Hater
- Hidden Depths
- In Love with Your Carnage
- Interplay of Sex and Violence: God yes.
- Pet the Dog: His sincere and even sweet friendship with Bankotsu is his main humanising trait
- Psycho for Hire
- Sissy Villain
- The Undead
- Villainous Crossdresser
- What Could Have Been: Was originally supposed to be female, but the author decided she didn't want Inu Yasha hitting a human female so she made him a Villainous Crossdresser instead.
- Whip Sword
- Yandere And holy shit, HOW.
One of the Band of Seven, the strategist and fire arms expert of the group.
Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (JP), Brian Drummond (EN), Jorge Ornelas (LA SP), Maurizio Fiorentini (IT)
- Back from the Dead
- Bald of Evil
- Dirty Coward
- Evil Genius
- Facial Markings: What’s with these guys and makeup?
- Gadgeteer Genius: Managing to create a cyborg and a tank in Feudal Japan.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Not So Different: Tries to pull this on Bankotsu.
- Playing with Fire: HELL yes.
- Smug Snake
- The Starscream
- The Strategist
- The Undead
Another member of the Band of Seven, and even more bloodthirsty than Jakotsu... when he's dominated by his Super-Powered Evil Side, that is.
Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata (JP), Michael Donovan (EN), José Luis Orozco (LA SP), Mirko Mazzanti (IT)
- Anti-Villain: It's complicated: his evil personality is Ax Crazy, but his regular personality is a kind doctor who isn't evil at all, who was traumatized after a soldier brutally killed one of his patients and laughed about it.
- Ax Crazy
- Back from the Dead
- Blood Knight
- The Call Knows Where You Live
- The Dark Chick: He's definitely the odd one out in the Five-Bad Band that the Seven eventually become.
- Facial Markings: Only appears when he gets mean (at first).
- Go Mad from the Revelation: He was a normal medic, but watching a soldier kill one of his patients in the war and then laugh about it made him snap and become the evil Suikotsu from the Band of Seven.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Asks Kikyou to kill him. When she can't bring herself to do so, Jakotsu does so.
- Jekyll and Hyde
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: When revived, Suikotsu couldn't remember his past and retook his life as The Medic.
- Out, Damned Spot!: His good personality doesn't like blood.
- Even Kikyo was weirded out when he kept washing his hands after they already looked clean.
- Psycho for Hire: He really, really likes to kill people when his evil personality is in control.
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- The Undead
- Wolverine Claws
A robotic man who serves as the primary muscle of the Band of Seven.
Voiced by: Hisao Egawa (JP), Mark Gibbon (EN), Alessandro Pala (IT)
- Anatomy Arsenal
- Artificial Limbs
- Back from the Dead
- Brains and Brawn: With Renkotsu.
- The Brute
- Determinator: A great villainous example. Nothing you do to Ginkotsu will put him down permanently.
- Even when he becomes more machine than man, he’s still up and running!
- He can live that way because of Renkotsu’s genius skills in mechanics and metalwork.
- Even when he becomes more machine than man, he’s still up and running!
- Evil Redhead: His hair is red. He is evil. Kind of self-explanatory.
- Evil Laugh
- Heroic Sacrifice: Manages one, despite his villainy. He blows himself up so that Renkotsu can escape from Koga.
- Hollywood Cyborg: “Run awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!”
- Mid-Season Upgrade: After his battle with Inu Yasha. Renkostu turns him into a tank.
- Schizo-Tech: How did they manage this in Feudal Japan?
- That technology became possible in China way over a thousand years ago. They were the first to use coal to power mechanical devices and even use gunpowder. Technology changes, but the principals of mechanics don’t.
- Shoulder Cannon
- Shoulders of Doom
- Tank Goodness: Post-upgrade.
- This Is a Drill: Amongst thousands of weapons, he uses a giant drill coming out of his chest to skewer Inu Yasha.
- The Undead
- We Can Rebuild Him
Member of the Band of Seven, is an ugly, short man and poison user, who's obsessed over girls. Get's killed pretty soon by Sesshomaru.
Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (JP), Trevor Devall (EN), Orlando Rivas (LA SP), Danilo De Girolamo (IT)
- Abhorrent Admirer: To Kagome
- Acquired Poison Immunity: Working with various poisonous substances made him immune to toxins.
- Attempted Rape: On Kagome.
- Berserk Button: Really hates to be mocked or rejected because of his ugly face, to the point that he starts crying when Kagome stab his neck as he tries to embrace her.
- Bullying a Dragon: Tries to kill Sesshomaru twice with poison clouds. It goes as well as you can imagine.
- Depraved Dwarf
- The Evil Genius: Could share this role with Renkotsu, but was killed before the main ones appeared.
- Gonk: An obession for him.
- Half the Man He Used To Be
- I Have You Now, My Pretty
- Master Poisoner
- Oh Crap: When he realize that his poisons don't work on a powerful demon like Sesshomaru.
- Technicolor Toxin
- The Undead
- Universal Poison: Subverted, he fights with several kinds of poisons, including an acidic cloud, a paralyzing toxin and a poison that affects the victim throught the eyes and skin.
- Would Hit a Girl: He punched Kagome in the face when she tried to defend herself.
The first member of the Band of Seven, is a colossal brute of a man that feeds on demons to restore his power. Easily dispatched by Kouga.
Voiced by: Daisuke Gouri (JP), Mark Gibbon (EN), Carlos del Campo (LA SP), Massimo Bitossi (IT)
- Ambiguously Human: He claims to be a human, but is hard to swallow.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Seriously, how could he be that large!!??
- The Brute
- Epic Flail: Anime only.
- I Am a Humanitarian: Goes around devouring humans and demons alike to replenish his strength. Oddly enough, the other undead mercenaries don't show such need.
- Neck Snap: Subverted in that isn't enough to stop him.
- Odd Name Out: It's later stated that the seven mercenaries were decapitated, and their Shikon shards are hidden in their neck wounds, yet Kyokotu's shard is located in his forehead.
- The Undead
- Was Once a Man: His monstrous size is implied to be from devouring demon flesh.
- The Worf Effect: Koga manages to kill him without help.
Saint Hakushin
A Buddhist priest who agreed to sacrifice his life to save his people, but as he waited to die he succumbed to despair. He's responsible for the powerful barrier surrounding Mount Hakurei.
Voiced by: Fumio Matsuoka (JP), Hiro Kanagawa (EN), Gonzalo Curiel (LA SP)
- Anti-Villain
- Badass Grandpa
- Barrier Warrior: One with Anti-Magic and Power Nullifier skills so great, that he was able to create an enormous barrier which either greatly weakened or killed demons and suppressed all kinds of spiritual powers while also reversing Inuyasha to his human form.
- Buried Alive
- Despair Event Horizon: He was a human monk who offered himself to be Buried Alive for the well-being of his village. As his death neared, he got more and more scared and despaired, and Naraku used this to make him his servant.
- Evil Counterpart: To Kikyou
- Evil Old Folks: Subverted, he was more of a a very embittered Anti-Villain.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Holy Hand Grenade
- I Don't Want to Die
Princess Abi (Abi-hime)
A woman who commands a vast army of demonic birds. Naraku offers her a chance to join him in his quest to defeat Inuyasha, in exchange for a cure for Abi's beloved mother Queen Tekkei—who is actually a massive bird demon that lives in a cave.
Voiced by: Saeko Shimazu (JP), Teryl Rothery (EN), Maru Guerrero (LA SP), Laura Latini (IT)
- Animal Motifs: Bird
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Tekkei decides to betray Naraku, and in turn she is killed by him. Abi herself is then also killed by Naraku.
- Dark Action Girl: She leads a whole army of blood-drinking birds.
- Devour the Dragon
- Does Not Like Shoes: Its hard to tell due to her dress but yeah shes barefoot.
- The Dragon
- Even Bad Women Love Their Mamas
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Subverted. She's anything but a Princess Classic and even less of a Naive Everygirl. No, she's an evil, bloodthirsty bitch.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- In the Back
- Mama Bear: Her mother is fiercely protective of her. And vice versa.
- Playing with Fire: For God's sake, she rides on a freaking fire cloud!
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When she really gets serious, he eyes change to a blood red color and her fangs become more visible.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Against Abi, Inuyasha remarks that he doesn't like fighting women, but she's so evil he'll make an exception. However, Naraku "gave" Abi a trident (made from his bones) that creates a defensive barrier. Eventually, it is Naraku who kills both Abi and her mother.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: This bites Abi and her mother hard in the end.
- Youkai
Shikon Jewel
The Shikon no Tama or Jewel of the Four Souls is a powerful jewel the size of a marble that grants whoever possesses it great power. It was created when the powerful Miko Midoriko was fighting Magatsuhi, a composite Youkai, for seven days and seven nights and by the end of the battle Midoriko ripped her own soul from her body and combined it with that of the youkai, killing both of them. Their souls merged and were placed within the Shikon Jewel, where they keep fighting for eternity.
- Amplifier Artifact
- Applied Phlebotinum: It makes youki stronger, revives, grants wishes, serves as painkiller, gives supernatural abilities to common objects...
- Artifact of Doom
- Bigger Bad: The real evil Kagome had to destroy.
- Happy Fun Ball
- Jackass Genie: It's supposed to grant any wish but at best it just won't grant it and at worst will twist it to its own benefit.
- The Man Behind the Man: It had been manipulating Naraku the whole time.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mineral MacGuffin
- Nigh Invulnerability: Is basically indestructible. Burning it with Kikyo didn't work, neither did hitting it with Meidou Zangetsuha or Bakusaiga, and Kagome's power at most only managed to break it which proved to be way more troublesome. In the end the only way to destroy it was to wish for it to cease existing.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Along with Midoriko, the Shikon no Tama contains the soul of Magatsuhi, a monster composed of thousands of fused youkai. It used Naraku to temporarily manifest a body and almost killed Sesshomaru before its body was destroyed by Bakusaiga and it returned to the the jewel.
- Unholy Holy Sword
- ↑ Thanks to Inuyasha cutting it off