< Inuyasha


  • "InuYasha, I love you. I love you as a half-demon."
  • Another one occurs when Miroku and Sango encounter Kagura inside Mt. Hakurei and Sango is knocked unconscious. In order to protect Sango, Miroku baffles Kagura by using his kazaana in spite of the multitudes of poisonous insects which were supposed to prevent him from doing so, severely poisoning himself before escaping carrying Sango over his shoulder, and shielding her with his own body when he collapses.

Miroku: "Heh, who do you think I am!? If in exchange, this beloved girl can live longer, then I don't need my life!"

    • This is followed soon after by a scene in which Miroku, having collapsed from all the poison he took in while protecting Sango, asks her to continue without him and survive. Sango vehemently refuses, throwing herself over his body and declaring tearfully that she'd rather stay and die with him.
  • This troper always teared up during the end of the first season opening of Inuyasha (shown on youtube) when Inuyasha is walking all alone in the forest, lonely, and he then sees the full-grown Kirara coming toward him with all his friends on her back. Kagome reaches down and picks him up. They all smile down at him, saying 'You'll never be alone anymore!' and he smiles back, realizing this. Aww!
  • Sesshomaru's remorse over getting Rin killed when traveling to Hell and his inability to save her. This is basically the pinnacle of human emotion from the most stoic character in the series. It's not so bad that he cries, because he never would, but seeing him get even this remorseful is nothing short of amazing. It gets even better when she's brought back.
  • Bankotsu and Jakotsu drinking sake on the porch as the sun sets. Jakotsu hands over the sacred jewel shards he's collected, never even considering the possibility of keeping them for himself as the rest of the Shichinintai seems to be doing, and Bankotsu is visibly touched, embracing him and declaring him "the only one in the world I can really rely on." It's the last time they ever see one another.
    • Awwww. I just teared up.
  • Kikyo giving up on the easy way to defeat Naraku to save Kohaku's life permanently.
  • During the "demon rats" storyline, when Sango is tearing herself apart blaming herself for not being able to kill Kohaku while Naraku is using him as a puppet, Miroku places his hand over hers and gently reassures her:

Miroku: It's all right. That's what it means to have a human heart.

  • The whole last episode.
  • Sesshomaru's Pet the Dog episode with Rin. Very early in the series, Sesshomaru is recovering from his fight with Inuyasha and is surprised a little girl is bringing him food and is smiling to see him. We're shown that she's an orphan and is abused by the villagers for stealing food to give to Sesshomaru. She's eventually killed when Koga's wolves wipe the village out. When Sesshomaru goes on his way, he finds Rin's lifeless body on the ground and while saying that it was a test for Tensaiga, obviously was repaying her kindness to him. Rin became his Morality Pet afterwords.
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